Sets “Service Supplies R A 'iiii"ij) ',i,'t,t _,"', o A x . SLAWSON X Manufacturers of High Grade Face Brick, in Pressed and Rug; also our Itew Maple Bark Brick. All of these in several colors and shades, For prices or samples apply to Milton Brick Ltd. The ilranite Commie Block _ th, Ltd. 106 Rosemount Ave. Phone 106 SHEET METAL WORKERS GENERAL TINSMITHING 209 Main St. N. Weston Shop 766 FOR SALEw‘S’VGSOOO Unintznum my» rt right-piano. practicvly new. Wil] so}! at {I saerifice for quick sale. Ap- ply' 36 Church St., Weston. tmA5---0n Monday, December 28th. 1925, Hi, RHHIIIHHW Road Hoqpital, to I Mr. aha Mrs. Charles Gray, of Wal- las Ave., Toronto (nee Ivy Sadding- tops Weston), a daughter. HILL-vert Private Pavilion, Toronto General, Hospital, on December 26, ' 1925, to Mr. and Mrs. Clarke R. Hill Fee E. Eileen Moffat, 20 King Cres- cunt, Weston, a son. To RENT - 3-roolhed cottage on Harding Ave. Apply L. Laidler, _ Vimy Ave., Weston. FOR SALE-yard and barn, .centrax location in Weston, suitable for I hamster or truckman. Geo. B. Maogk, 211 Main St. N., Weston; FOR SALE-m roamed brick clad house. in Weston, all convenieces, good location. Apply Geo. B. Moogk, 211 Main St. N., Phone 89. x-16-t-f WANTED-Boots and shoes to repair. Prices reasonable. Apply T. Hatton, Main St, Weston. Phone 238., -ee FOR SALE-g-roamed brick bunga- EOR SALE-Made to order boots for _ men and boys. Strong and durable Apply T. Hatton, Main Street, Wesu _ tom Phone 238. x-M-lt IBF. (THURSDAY, DEC. 31, 1925 Shams JUnct. 3193 and 1354 832 Weston Road Telephone 89 low, With cellar, three-wire electric service, pump water in. qellar, lot 30 x 100, at 3rd Ave., Wesemount, Weston. 'Phone 6020, Weston. F,.ihfi"-jifi'Ml'f ELECTRIC PRODUCTS Roofing & Furnace Work 'h, l BURAESS 285 Main Street North Phone 346] PHONE WESTON 268 General Tinsmithing By the hour or day, E. LaRose AUTO LIVERY Willys-Knight Sedan W. C. BURRAGE We}: Evenings PHGNE 263 BROS, Phones : -and- BIRTHS Res x-8-13-T x-r-l" Weston x-16-t-f x-M-lt 573] x-9-At fITAKE NOTICE THAT..- '" The Municipal Council of the Cor- ‘poration of the Township of Etobieoko - ( intend to take a vote of the duly quar, ified Electors of the said Township of ;Et0bicoke, on the follbwing question, tTum.'---- J NOTICE is hereby given prrsuanf to (Statute that all creditors and others 1 having claims against the estate of the :said Milford Cleary Moffatt‘ deceawi, 'who died on or about the 4th day of 'November, A.D, 19251 are required in isend by registered mist prepaid or to {deliver to John H. MrWott, RE. No. 1. ,Caledon East, Ontarid, one of the New ‘cutors of the said est)te, on or before ‘the 20th day of Jammy. AD. 192r5), ,their names, addresses' and dosmintinm ‘and a full statemeni of the purity“- ‘lars of their claimq a d NW liniurc " the agony-Hy (if oyir)i'held l†Hum-u I INT) FCaR"l'rlr'yR Cl'AKiv, Nt)"/lt i', ihu' after the wid MM munimxnl (5 ire ‘the assets of the said, druvc:r,v,vd mill ';,i" _distributed among the parties cnUHml ‘thereto, haviva regard only to thy claims of which notide shall then han- I been received. I Mrs. Bert Ella, Main St. N., wishes to thank the many friends and neigh- bors, also the members of the XL. Br (ble Class of Central United Church, for ltheir kind remembrances, flowers and Christmas messages sent to her during the past week, all of which helped to brighten her days of pain and weari- ness. Wishing for all a Bright, Pros- perous New Year, CURSE, U1 aunuc luvilluvl u; u“, mun Council appointed for that purpose by resolution, shall attend at the Council Chambers, Islington, for the purpose of appointing (if requested so to do) two persons to attendpt the final sum- ming up of the votes by the Clerk, and one person to attend at each polling place on behalf of the persons interest- ed in and desirous o promoting or voting in the affirmative on the question, and l a like num- ber on behalf of the persons interested in or desirous of opposing or voting in the negative on thtrquestion. On Saturday, the second day of Jan- uary, ND. One Thousand, Nine Hun- dred and Twenty-six) the hour of Twelve o'clock noon, the Clerk shall attend at the Municipal Chambers, Is- lington. and sum UD the votes given for and against the question. The vote of the duly qualified Elec- tors of the Township of Etobicoke shall be taken upon the said question at the same time and at the same place as the annual election for the Munici- pal Council, and the Députy Returning: Officers appointed to hold the annual election shall take the iota. "Are you in favor 10f the Council granting the sum of Three Thousand, Four Hundred and Forty-three Dollars and Ninety-one Cents ($3,443.91), as a donation to the-Adah Beck Memor- ial Fund?" ( On Tuesday, the fifteenth day of December, A.D. 1925,' at the hour of three o'elock in the afternoon, the Reeve of the said Township of Etobi- coke, or some member of the said Take notice further that a, tenant who desires to vote upon said ques- tin'n must deliver to the Clerk not Fntey than the tenfh ddv hpfore the doy appointed for faking the vote a, declaration under The Canndw Evir deree Act that he ie a fennn’r whose lease extends for the tinro for whivh the debt or Unhilify is f0 be Mord-Pd. or in which the monny to ho mind bv the proposed By-Inw is pnywhk’. ctr for at lvnwf twenty-one years. and that he has by the lease covenar1ted to pay all municipal fixes in respect of the t9ro- perty of which he is tenant other than 1otal improvement ratet. HARRY G. MUSSON. -Da"tid a; Islington, EMS the 8th day of December, A.D. 1925. S. BARRATT, Clerk. 3t DATED at of December, In the Matter of the I Cleary Moffatt, late of King, in the ( Farmer Deceased. Take notice that the foregoing is a correct statement of the question to be submitted to the votes of the elec- tors at the same time and at the same place as the election for the Munici- pal Council, and the Deputy Return- ing Officers reappointed to hold the said. election shall take the vote. And that the Twenty-eizhth day of December, ND. 1925, at Eight o'elock in the afternoon at the Council Cham- ber in the Town Hall, in the Town of Weston, has been fixed for the appointment of persons to attend at the polling plates at' the final sum- mine up of the‘votes by the Clerk. Are you in favor of the Council of the Town of Weston granting the ap- plication of the Board of Education for the Town of Weston for Sixty- five Hundred Dollars (86500.00),to be raised by the issue and sale of thirty- ;rear debentures for the purpose of purchasing land for the enlargement of the present site of the High School in the Town of Weston y' Pearle Clark Pearcy, of the City of Toronto, in the County of Cork, in the Province of Ontario, Married Woman, will apply to the Parliarm nt of Can- ada, at the next session ‘hereof, for a‘BILL OF DIVORCE fr m her hus- band, Gordon Montgomery H'earey, of the said City of Toronto, Insurance Broker, on the ground " dultery. DATED at Toronto, in the Province of Ontario, this 17th dayiof Novem- ber, 1925. l' CAMPBELL & CIDMPANY, 509 Excelsior Life 131dg., Toronto), Canada, Solicitors for thi? Applicant. x-5-5t NOTICE is hereby given TOWNSHIP OF ETOBICOKE Solicitor for John H. Moffatt and Robert Matson Executors. NOTICE OF APPLIC2 FOR DIVORCE NOTICE TO CREDXTORS CARD OF THANKS TOWN OF wEs'proN NOTICE _ Brampjton this 14th day A.D. 1925. W. s. MORPHY, iiven pmsuant to titers and others {the estate of the (oftatt, deceaqod, t the 4th day of I are required in ’st prepaid or M Hath RE. No. 1. ‘L one of the Pse- hte, on or before nary. AD. IQQG‘ and descriptinm of the prortir'ri- nd Hm nuiuw at lstate of Milford of the Township iourxty of York, Brampton, "e nah-re of _ iry them. I E NOTR‘WI liinned Jite nsvd will he , I ties etrritled ' only to the that Hazel he City of fork, in the red Woman, kTIGN Clerk Powers of Sale contained in it Certain mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale; there will be offered for sale by Public Auction at the Eagle Hotel, in the Town of Weston, on Sat... urday, the 16th ot"Jahuiyry/1t21i"at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the follow- ing property, that. is‘"to say: Being composed of pafts fifflots thirty-fixie and thirty-six on plan "183,5 fbr the Township of York, having a frontage of thirty-two feet throughout from front to rear by a depth of one hun- Of valuable property in the "Fowl-lip of York, adjacent to the Town _of Weston. AND TAKE NOTICE that I will proceed forthwith to exercise the pow- ers of entering upon and leasing or selling the said Lots 56, 57 and Js. " TO-EMILY FRANCES MOFFAT, AND TO-ALFRED BRYCE MOF- FAT. TAKE NOTICE that default has been made in payment of the prinei- pal money, interest and taxes secured by a certain Charge or Mortgage, dat- ed the 19th day of May, 1913, made by the said Emily Frances Moffat, the Mortgagor of the first part, to myself, the Mortgagee of the second part, up- on that part of Lot Eight in the Fifth Concession west of Yonge Street of the Township of York shown as Lots Fifty- six, Fifty-seven and Fifty-eight on the south-westerly side of Weston Road in the Village of Weston, according to Plan 1320 filed in the Registry Office for the County of York, (and on Lot Fifty-five on said Plan , tinee disehar'g- ed); and that there is now overdue $6,945.9l and interest thereon from lst December, 1925, at 6 per cent. per an- num. "iia"t"eia"rrtlronto tiis 9th day of December, 1925. l UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the WILLIAM REIN WADSWORTH, MORTGAGE SALE NOTICE OF SALE Mortgagee. "2. To authorize the Council of the sitid Corporation of the Township of North York, to negotiate and enter in- to agreements with adjoining muni- cipalities for the admission of sewage from the said Township of North York _ l. Authorizing the Council of the Corporation of the Township of North York to pass by-laws for the construe- tion, Operation and maintenance of sewers, sewage disposal works, and pumping stations, outfall sewers and storm sewers in any defined area or areas of. the Township, and to pro- vide that the cost of the construction of such works shall be specially as- sessed as local improvements under the provisions of the Local Improvement het, and that that part of the cost which would otherwise be paid by the Cdrporation as a whole shall be levied on all the rateable property in such de- fined, area or areas of the Township. an application will be made by the Corporation of the Township of North York to the Legislature of the Province of Ontario at the next session thereof for an Act.. Terms: _ The said property will be offered for sale subject to a reserved bid; 10 per cent. of the purchase money to be paid at the time of sale and the balance within thirty days thereafter. For further particulars of conditions of sale, apply to Messrs. Graham, Gra- ham & Bowyer, Solicitors for the mort- gagec, Brampton, Ont. - _ dred feet on- the northerly limit of Wardlaw Avenue, in the said Township of York. TIMES AND GUIDE, WESTON There is said to be erected upon this property a one-storey cement block residence in an unfinished condition. 7 DATED tliis 2ist day of December, 1925. GRAHAM, GRAHAM & BOWYER, TOWNSHIP OF NORTH YORK NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO PARLIAMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that MAYOR R. J. FLYNN, Chairman of the Commission. A, G. PEIRSON, Superintendent. The Commissioners on their own behalf, anti on behalf of the staff, ex" tad the kasoii's Greetings to all the citizens of Weston and the adjoining Munici- pality of North York Township served liy the System. hs the System’s growth in the past has been dependent upon the confidence and cooperation of its cus- tomers, so it will be in the future, mat this cooperation continue, that the benefits of electric service, the greatest been of modern civilization may he more and more freely brought tp the Manufacturer in his factory, the Merchant in his place of business, the Housewife in her home, and to all activities of our modern life wherein its use is helpful. s T the close of the System's fifteenth year of successful operation, the ' , i l Weston Hydro Commissioners thank the sixteen hundred customers . V of the Weston Hydro System for their continued cooperation and support, which has made possible the remarkable growth of the enterprise. ' While its operations have been successful in a material sense, the Sys- tem, in common with all the other Municipal Systems, has suffered an irrepar- able loss in the death of Sir Min Beck, the leader and central figure of the great Hydro movement, which remains as, the monument of his patriotic and un- selfish endeavors. ht this ai, we wish also tothanh our many customers for the splendid way in which they responded to the appeal for the Beck Memorial Fund, and made it possible for Weston to more than reach its objective of he thousand dollars, to add to the General Fund, as a fitting memorial to immortal. ize the name of this great benefactor. it is for those who are left to carry on the work in the Spirit of public service which brought success to his efforts. ' 'ra , ! , a. t It . . Solicitors for Mortga gee. 4t iGsrrG%aiirG'iraira%r;'G'raGFiGa _ __ n," - - * ' w mnmlmmm unnnmum.m-umm.~ 4 iam-r-mm-urs-sms-r-rut-uma-n""" Weston Water, Poster and Light Ganissim, r-,,'-,-,,--- _ -srstWrstrs-ar-itie A I i A Scotsman entered a mile race in E which there were eight contestants, and I much to the chagrin of his friends, who {had wagered small amounts on him, i came in eighth, "McGregor," one lfriend cried, "why didn't you run fast- i' er?" “Run faster!†the laggard scorn- l fully replied. "Run faster, indeed. And imp veservin' masel' for the bagpipes i i'ompe?ition." x-9-6t said Corporation of the Township of North York to negotiate agreements with any adjoining municipality for the construction, operation and main- tenance of the said incinerator. 5. To confirm By-law Number 311 of the said Township of, North York, authorizing the borrowing of #"y15,000.- 00 upon debentures to pay for the con- struction of a chlorinator, engineer's residence, pole line to pump house and fence around the waterworks proper- ty in Water Area Number One of the said Township of North York ds or- dered by the Provincial Board of Health. The amount of the existing deben- ture debt of the Township of North York, exclusive of local improvement rates or assessments, is $441,791.38 and no part of the principal or interest is in arrears into the sewers and works of such ad- joiping municipalities. F 3. To authorize the Council of the said Corporation of the Township of North York to pass by-laws for the construction, operation and mainten- ance of an incinerator, together with plant and equipment, for the disposal of garbage, ashes and other refuse, and to charge the cost thereof to any de- fined area or areas of the said Town, ship. DATED at Toronto this seventeenth day of December, 1925. URQUHART, URQUHART & SMITH, 4. To authorize the Council of the Solicitors for the Applicants Why He Was Late. DR. E. F. IRWTN, Chairman Electric Utility. COMING or going-can you figure itiout? The photographer oouldn't/ So instead of taking a front view of the contraption, he snapped a side view and decided‘ to_ieaye it_topou readers to cipher it. This Ford-called "the latest" of its kind-is a novel rigup on the part" of an enterprising garage at Cicero, lil., It’s one car but his two steering wheels and motors to drive it in opposite directibns. There is no reverse as none is needed. (How's that for trdrzzy description?) ' i The men driving it are "Ike" and aMike"la soifriquet they got through the claim that their Ford "looks alike," Chairman Waterworks Utility. H. COUSINS! iEir,, TWO THOUGHTS WITH BUT A SINGLE FORD I PAGE THREE l l I?!) , i , Q, "l