if} v',t V I l frociet'y. The second dance of the sew sofxcwill he held on this evening, Fri, day',r'Decerirloer 18th. commencing at 8.4yjrsliavp. Jolmston's Orchestra has betiijseeured. Friends are also asked to éotue early," as the evening: will close promptly at It? p.m. Through rm oversight in the recent issuquf the new Telephone Directory, the, mime and phone number of A. L. Bu.rgsigs Wus omitted. Call 263 when enquiring- for A. J. Burgess. V / ‘Dr; Henry, 12 Church St., who has reeentty moved into town from Mark- 'dyl.e, hns extended his field of service with-$116 opening up of an office at Thigtletown. Mrs. R. Greer, Main St. N., spent a few ‘days last week the guest of her Sister, Mrs. Armstrong, Locust Hill. Ihriends are réminded' of the siodal function of December 18th, underfthc ttmspjifes of the Weston Horticultural Societ’y. The second dance of the sew sox'xfwill he held on this evening, Fri, A recital of the pupils of Weston Bram-h, Conservatory of Music, will be held on Saturday afternoon, December 19thtat 3.30 in the Recital Hall of the Toronto Conservatory of Music. A cordial invitation is extended to all the Weston friends to attend this recital. Note the warning given on the calen- dar of the near approach of Christmas, Add to thrs pleasures of the Post Of, rice staff, business men and clerks by completing! your shopping early and thus save the last minute rush, which menus so much to the man or girl Irs, hind the (‘nlini'm' or wicket, detracting: from their rmjoyment of Christmas ow- ing to physical fatigue and over-strain- ed nerves. VlCTROLAS; RECORDS, KODAKS, XMAS CARDS. Everything for Xmas at Inch's. Dr. w. J. Charlton and Dr. Howard Charlton were among the doctors at- tending: the complimentary dinner ten- de/ed by the doctors of the Western Hospital to the new fellow-staff mem- bers of Grace Hospital on Saturday PV- ening: lust Many. Xmas presents less than To- ronto prices at 1nch's great variety. irJourutube. receiver util- king the new Super- Tr‘i-rdyn o ironic. Very Serlective, and, on this Account. especially suited Io? wprk close to broad- casting stations. Cushion- qd-socueta. Rich, two-tou. Adam Brown mahogany dabinet with art satin tin- ish. Etched metal panel. Friar, complete with {on Ra dio t r0 " tubes, “Misicone " Handset, Phone Plug and Grid Leak '.....--. 3135.00 Friday evening last Bala Ave. School was the scene of a pleasing event, Reeve w. Graham presenting the York Township medals to the entrance exam- ination pupils, and Councillor Graham presenting the York Township medals to the winners of the entrance f'XFtr11- irintion awards. Harold Goodyear won first, and Richard Humphrey second. both pupils of Dennis Ave. School. and Wm. Buyers, of Rain Ave. Principal Wagp; deervnied the chair. Inspector A. l,. Campholi, W. J. Noble, of the Trus- lee Board, and C. Webster, secretary, were also among the speakers. The results of u benefit tlruw held by the citizens, of Mt. Dennis in aid of the Cross family, who suffered the bereavement of their little daughter in the tragic accident of parade day, No- vember 28th, netted the sum of 8158. Thirwas handed over.to the Cross fam- ily by Mr. Daper, treasurer of the fund., An additional cheque of 825.00 was also forwarded to the stricken fam- ily from the Bell Telephone staff at Wecton, through the local manager. S. J Totten. FEE TWELVE - Beginning Jan. 3rd, a course in the preparation of desserts will be given at the Vocational School. This will continue for five weeks, to be followed by a course on hot supper dishes. Time, 2 p.m., Monday and Friday., A five- weets' course on the cooking of meats wilt be given on Mondays and Wednes- days at 9 mm. Those interested kindly register early. Inch, Registered Optometrist, twenty) Rev. George Christie, of Alberton, years’ experience, tests your eyes anl Prince Edward Island, a member of curately. All work guaranteed. _the Commission on Permanent Organ- _ ----.-_--_-_ ization of the United Church in Can- Beginning- Jan. 3rd, a course in thelada, which met in Toronto last week, preparation of desserts will be givenrwas a visitor at the. home of Rer. G. at the Vocational School. This Willi E. and Mrs. Forbes, William St. Model R.4' Phone 33011 T. C. VAN ALSTYNE Ir.?.??,?,??.', a: CROSLEY engineers haire produced Radio as you have always expected it! _ They have-brought clear, ehioyablc tone', Simplicity that makes it as e to tune in a concert as turning on an electric light; 'sadUfiv'i't"y1 and fisusatss of control that enables you to tune om.unwanted stations with ease; Refinement, neatness and completeness that make Radio befitting of the prominent place it deserves in your home. Six models to choose' from. Any model demonstrated in your home without obligation. Only a small cash payment necessary-balance on any monthly terms. 26 Campaign 'rreasurer, C. L. Fraser: Re, lief Committee Treasurer, Mrs. HfA Coon; Chairman of Relief Committee. Miss E. Savage; Committee, Mesdame‘s G." w. Coulter, J.. M,. Pearen, C. f, Moffat; O.~Master, H. A. Coon ind MissfMuriel Dalton: Messrs. C. L.. Fra- ser,.E."C.' Roy and A. W. Pritchard. Balance .... ......$ 10139 Reports were also received from Miss Savage and H. A. Coon, of the Relief Committee, details of which will be given in next week’s issue of this pa- per.. ' _ _ ' t I It was deg-Egg owing to, the. increas- ing" 'nirriih'ei' of needy casgs, to put on the annual carripaign for'funds in the near future.; (rammencinm next" week, and thc'peo‘glegafe asked to kindly to- o,peiiattrwltN)the exeeutive'in this fund in .the- Same 1gemérous manner» as they have=respondeir to the call in former years).', .' Officers elécfed for the coming: year are: - , ' v Presi,(ent, J.,' M. Pearenrviee pressi- dent. Miss E. Savage; hon. vice presi dents, J,/J. Walton and N. J. MeEWen; secretary'rtrqastlrer, N lil. Mellish: Campaign Treasurer, C. L. Fraser: Re, Reports were? received from the see- retary-treasurer and adopted,,showing the following': T Total Rebeipts .. . . . . 3,3 1057 01 Disbursements . . . . . . 955 71 All my theology is reduced to this narrow eompsissr-9esus Christ came intq Itherworld to save siriners.--Areh- The annual meeting oCthe Weston Red Cross Society was held in the Town Hall Lon Monday night, with a {road attendance of the i'xeur,utfrsr and limrnbm's Jarcsent. , WEST!!!“ HEI EHBSS MUM MEETINB Officers Elected-Committee De- cide to Open Annual Relief Campaign Next Week f Weston Boys" Band nnnoimce their ;intentlon of again furnishing Christ- imas carols for the citizehs of Weston. ‘We are sure the friends will be de- lllg‘hted to welcome the boys when they lcall, and will enjoy the many old fa- lvoritcs given by tlie,banrl, l , For a Christmas gift of special menu it for your family or any friend to whom you wish to convey prolonged good cheer, secure for $2.00 a year's subscription; foe the New Outlook, the Weekly page!" publiéhed by the United Church pf Canada, deemed equal to the best publication on this continent. Apply immediately to Rev. D. Wil. liams, 19 George Street, Weston, by Phone 386W, or otherwise. He will be glad, as agent for the paper. to give your desires prompt attention. ibald Alexander. Denisbn Ave Xmas Books, Toys, Dolls, Ivory, Ebony goods, Papetries, Xmas Candy, and special Boxed Chocolates at Inch's. Work is being; rushed on the large storage arurreptrir shops' which C. Gra- ham, of the local Ford Sales and Ser- vice Station, is erecting at the rear of hisuttrrage. _ C.N.H. workmen have eompleted the installing of a switch into Moody's warehouse, which will facilitate the handling of carload shipments of pro- duce handled by Moody Brothers from time to time. x41t i iris'"",") 2 fa TiT C2 tr/i', 1 _sid'il ‘ s [SiWWIiii 3 = MENSWEAR F- PHSGOMAINS _ l " "e, " f i ' We WISH nus ao,, "MERRY CHRISTMAS WAS A HAND - SHAKE- THAT wouw REACH "AROUND THE WORLD! l Shirts, Neckties, Silk and Wool Scarfs, Gloves, Hosiery, Pyjamas, Sweat- er Coats, Combination Suspenders and Ann.. bands, Belts, Kum-a- part Links, Handker- chiefs, Underwear. Xmas b5xes. THE, Christmas giving hand" sehds cheer around the world. From among our stylish, select stock of' men's weai'ables you will be able to pick a gift for him that will, help to make his Christmas Mer- ry. Here are a few Sug- gestions-- l ' 7 ATIVERY LOWEST PRICES Public‘school Téxfand Blank‘Books, Christmas Cards, Seals, ". rt Mr, Books-andNoveltiess‘lin Wire Goods. ", . PHONE' 623J ‘ T 141 KING ST., COR. OF ELM sr. Hardware, Paints,' Beam Libs; etc. PHONE 655] Christmas SuoN'ies--r-Fruits, Peer, Spices, etc. Bidier'i Grpceit, Store PHONE 315 is enhanced bythc choosing and presenting of tokens to those. we love. The pleasure is increased when the gift we chooscis exactly the right: thing. Let us help you select a nice Dress, a Brushed Wool Chappie Coat, a Silk Scarf or a pair pf Stockings for Mother; a Bathrobe, Sweater Coit or a Tie for Dad; a Scarf, Handkerchiefs. Silk Stockings or an Underarm Bag for Sister; a Collar Case, Gloves, Ties, or Sox for Brother: Bonnet, Dress, Booties, Rattle or a Doll for Baby. V A ' 'The hy Goods Store Where Year Mlar Buys More†PHONE 30 31 MAIN ST. N. CE, Grosskurth All _giftss packed in _ , maynun-minIn:mmm-tmumlu-uImumnmnmlinImmumIumlululmuIIIIllIlllfli'lll'fllmllilfllw F. P. Partridge And Other Makes 655] SCARLETT ROAD C v Why not invest in aiadio Set this winter? THE CHRISTMAS Shim' Radio Repairs aSpecialty ' ‘Work Promptly Done-Linus Moderate Agent for GRIMES INVERSE DUPLEX ge,' y sl?iy,ate.i): 'i(it-",j,it; a; a. 's) 'kiss': A/g’k' Ig-q-Orr-gt-r""-"--""---, r _ - v ,4 PUBLIC TELEPHONE BOOTH IN s-i'ORE MAIN $11.3; DENISON AVE ORDER NOW FRED FifisyCi)tC)tiN " This 4 Tuhed tl; " "WE STRIVE TO PLEASE." "_'r_'pjp1_pprEs AND GUIDE, WESTON -'e WESTON She is tall and slender, with em quettish Nue' eyes and hair that is very 'def1nitNar auburn, bobbed. of course. for Kltty_is nothing, if not up-to-date. Yet her up-to-dates didn't include the ability to guard her health. Dances and parties, cold and weak spells,,'then more parties and more sick spells brought on what her {notger might have foreseen had she we . No, you can't blame Kitty. Her Youth. her prrttirtess and her popu- larity were false friends to her. She is only 18. Another year in the kindly care of the Muskoka. Hospital tor Consurnntivei where expert medical attention. gm; purging are.hers. will perhaos see,Vistrrestoretl to health and usefuiness.‘ _ eN Contrihuimna may he sent to Hon. W. A. (“harlmm President, 223 Col- em CotntriN,vi.rryis, maxi be sent to W. A. Chm-Von. President. 222 1esre Street. Toronto 3. Ontario. Lowest possible prices con/tis- Main St. Weston Phone 466 Nat Naso DELIGHTF UL FRESH FRUITS tent with quality VEGETABLES IN SEASON And Now She Pay: ‘Juskdk where nut-5m; WESTON WESTON Warning to Users of Radio Penalty on summary conviction is a fine not exceeding $50.00 Licenses, valid to gist March, 1926, may be obtained from: 513% Post Offices, Radio Dealers, Radio Inspectors, or from Radio Branch, Department of Marine and Fisheries, Ottawa. A. JOHNSTON, Deputy Minister of Marine and Fisheries Denison Ave University of Toronto, Tammie) Causewamry ()f Music Weston Branch Six Tube Sci, complete Two Tube Set ..._... The proceeds from ticens'e fees are used to control broadcasting and to improve broadcast reception conditions. Fifi ty Dollars a hfarithi, Age gb-Fifty DQllars a month ib-not enough. Age 60--He finds Fifty Dollars a month pension, added to what income is left, brings happiness. T Age 26--Happy on Fifty Dollars I Month. Age 35--Thinks he can éasiily afford to "spend" Fifty Dollars a month Age 50--Thirtgs are not going as well a; they were. , Age 55--Strange how these assets have de- preciated! Fifty Dollars a month is good interest on $10,000, and not to be despised. How Fifty Dollars a Month looks to the Avaage Mari ' w. J. INCH APTS.. MAIN & JOHN STS. Telephone 68tW PIANO-VIOLIN-VOCAL ' FREE THEORY CLASSES 'principal-MRS. M. R. DEMOREST, L.T.CM License Fee, $1.00 per annum Both having a good range and volume W. F. ROTH ERA Radio Special All Radio Receiving Sets MUST be Licensed oe 'iii),?), 'yi)) b Tigrifta (ie.p%. J: , a, (Guatanteed to you by the Canada Life) are of C. Denison WESTON CANADA 'irg' Suppose some day before you reach age sixty you meet with a" mishap and become totally and permanently disabled through accident, illness or any cause. (Such a thing has happened soon after men have secured this new policy of the Canada Life.) Immediately, the payment of further premiums would be can,- celled. : The Canada Life would become responsible for sends ing you-$50.00, $100, $200, $250, a month, as arranged, for the rest of your life. ( _ There are many other benefits. A An average deposit of only a few dollars a month will return you $50.00 a month later on. , _ When they were younger' they did not have the chance now offered you, It was not then possible to secure such a convenient and certain provision as this Monthly Pension Plan. guarantees that upon reaching a certain age in life yd, will receive a monthly cheque for $5AOP, $l 00, $200, $250---as you may now decide-and this monthly pay- ment cannot cease as long as you live. You know of men well up in years who are still "drudging' along." They cannot stop if they Would, but must go on to the endrof their days working for a living. You can avoid. that. _ Think what it may mean to you to be certain ofan ineome right up to the end of life, when you consider that 97% of people in their later years are partially or wholly dependent upon others for support. F V " " ' ‘7 ' Why not take stock of your present {Manual} positi4n-to size up your personal affairs and decide "ua a plan fior the future? Our New Pension Plan A. T. TERRILL y,PAspqranqe, t1:snqtaJ,ty po' Seventy Seven Yiutrs 01d ’ of Emda Life Why Not Pension Yourself ? A" WESTON Phone 769 Phone 319 2 Fern Ave $130.00 $25.00 And This is Not All An Income' for Life Do Not Pass This By or 1 SK 9% nys" 1 At a popular seaside resort one of a iparty of holiday-makers agidressed an, j,slaborately-attired attendant outside af lcinemo. "Wcll, old bean, have you been ito the cin‘us lately?" l l "No." 13,. , "Why, man. I should have thought T you'd be among,' the freaks." j. Salesmans‘who r, S-elline's not just Lamina; V A-nd getting folks tn buy: , l L-mding them to wnnt grlnethlng. E-xplaining how and why. _ S-nlesmanship is more thon that. M-ore work and mow-v fun too',' ,, A-dvaneine Modern meHanrlt;-- ' ', N-ew ways, but tried and true-m l, S-ervice given, willinssly 7’“ TA-ard work-n cheerful r,-rr,.Lt. ' If; making friends, for that " what P-uts you in line to win! " ' Stunning Blacksmith-vw-si-ttrote Huthe s-s-shoe." Nervous /Nitc"rctonr,--- "W-w-w-where abort?" s. 'jr-is-trf/hr' 'tf"r"be m-m-mind, j-i-il's o-e-Fold."--'-??. A. Dunfermline. , l "I say, barber, how long will I have to wait?" _ The barber surveyed the smooth and tender chin, thought carefully, and than blurted out- , Suspicious. _ A very p,hudily atiirw! tennis “layer flood upon the pavement nuiside his. club. glancing anxiously at his Wrist- wuLch and scanning tlu, mad for " sign of n taxi, when an urchin. pushino: â€a. dilapidated wheelbarrow, pnsrwd "lorig' the street. b In Time. _ _ The very young aristocrat had wand- ered hug the working-class quarter, and then went in and sat on a bench in r barber's shop. He did not liké having; to wait while others were attended to before him, and at Mst-gasped out- _ new" _ Fd" "I say, my b'oy, just run up to the, top of the street and tetch me or tati; will you?" ' Z ," / The youth winked sh rcwdly. "No four." he said, "I know ymn- -ort. Whim 171." hpok WSW turned you’d Mn off "svsil.Y my barrow." ( 4 The attendant gazed stolidly T at his would-be torrnentor for n moment, then crbserved-"l am" _ " Landlady-Help' Wiml'll rat‘s run into the pantry. Riggs: "Gonna make any New Year’s? resolutions?" Jiggs: "Don't need any." Biggs: "How come?" Jiggs: "Havett't used the ones I made back in 1920 yqt.'% Long-suffering Bourcler---Oh' jdet, shut the door and let it starve. ' "Snippets " ,stu" 00‘ ttWt5MtTt5M'r m. ‘55. TE? Ill!) tbout three years I think." a“ (By T. W.) tp" a. soe sin?