Ontario Community Newspapers

Times & Guide (1909), 9 Dec 1925, p. 4

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lik 5rsiQ 22%: Fiii 2‘9?! iii)! 13:15 I l roy PAGE FOUR 2949 DUNDAS 500 Shirts, in new designs, for A tiCiiil8hliiEW ‘Xmas trade, $1.48, $1.69,- 'iiiiiiiltili" , $1.95 and .............$2.50\ magi” B 0NBERMrEAR-A useful gift. gitiggSill%at f9Fis Shirts and Drawers or Com- tiWlllifiiih V‘sz bination, in Turhbull's, Wat- 1lrlligl ast _ == son's, Ceetee, Penman's, Stan- , . . field, Mercury, Shamrock, BOYS SUITS-sensible gift. Britannia, etc. Heaviest quality Fox serge, 5 SWEATERS - Kind the boys' to 10 years ...$7.50 to $8.50 want.' The new blouse style 12 io 18 years, $8.50 to $12.50 _ "Windbreaker," in plaids, BOYS' JERSEYS-Looks cute Prince of Wales, jazz, silk or in these. New colors, special- wool, heavy wool Jumbo. All ly made for Santa Claus. " in'White or Humberside colors. BOYS' SWEATERS __ Must s:NECKWEAR--A pretty gift. have one. School colors, fine Silk crepes, ragon, silk tartans, wool or heavy Jumbo. 1 miigkdore's, kant crease. All BOYS' GAUNTLETS, MITTS , nicely boxed. & GLOVES, SPORT BELTS, _tiCARFS----A lovely gift. Broad- WOOL TOGUES, SUSPEND- I cloth Scotch cashmere, razon ERS, TIES. 1 I t T C _ liiolllZTsstnpes, sill and wool, all ALL GOODS IN HANDSOME GLOVES-A gift ’he wants. GIFT BOXES. Gauntlets, wool or fur-lined _ kid, Pecarry' Hog, Buckskin, 8H0? EARLY I ete. nnnnv‘ TrN5rrtrNggrgthtr4Nfq BOYS" OVERSIQATS a He SHIRTS - A splendid gift, broadcloth, colors, mauve, blue, white and fancy stripes, . . . . . . .$1.95, $2.50 and $2.95 OVERCOATS - A handsome gift, in' Burberry and Bar- _ riemore Cloths, Meltons, Whit- neys, etc. Colors, fawn, grey, lovat, blue, etc. Specially priced for Xmas, $14.75 to .."..... ............ $35.00 Get Gut Prices 'on Printing needs one. Big variety, new shades. Special prices for Xmas, 7 to 12 years, $6.95, $7.95 up to $12.00; 14 to 18 years . . . . . . . .$7.50 to $18.50 aw; FOR MEN IR B0fi' GHFTS‘! Ttae ulohttston (Coy Christmas Gifts 3025 Dundas St. 2 Doors East of High Park Ave. SEE WINDOW DISPLAYS I YOUR INSPECTION INVITED I 'tIll/Sill, h Gift from SALTER’S is sure ii/gee. It iillgr a will be correct in style, in new dean merchan- W" ,,.;_i,,» dise, of guaraanteed quality, and the best value _ obtainable for the price you pay. And all Gifts are attractively boxed, A $fflflT WELL PLEASE IE WOULD Cll00sli"Sll,lf x HIM I AND WOOL” TIES (fEllfKli" REP? ceRns Th,1afyt1tLi,1: 33:2; E13315; The most popular shirt in years, because. of its smart appearance and long wear- ing qualities. They have col- lars to match, and the colors are guaranteed. Plain shades at . . . . . . . .. $2.00 and $2.75 MUFFLERS. insilk or cashmere woo?".?'.'.]. . . . . . :.$1.50 to $4.00 GLOVES; in all the new styles and leathers ........$1.50 to $5.00 PYJAMAS, in flannelctte, Ceylon flannel Ol" silk broadcloth, Fancy patterns, Checks and stripes, in heavier quality broadcloth, at $3, $3.50, $4.50 and m".'........,... $5.00 ENGLISH \BROADCLQTH " neat, attractive patterns, with collars to match. A good iooking, long wearing shirt at $2.00, and the colors are guaranteed. Our Policy is "Satisfactioh or Your Money Back" BOYS' GAUNTLETS, MITTS & GLOVES, SPORT BELTS, WOOL TOGUES, SUSPEND- ERS, TIES. ALL GOODS IN HANDSOME GIFT BOXES. Our New Store is packed full of New Goods. , Cross the Street from Beaver Theatre And You Are in It. XMAS GIFTS FOR MEN Our'Whole Stock Means AND BOYS SHOP EARLY I OPEN UMNB “W“- iney nave col- Attractive patterns, in silk and match, and the colors wool and pure wool, in the ‘anteed. Plain shades T new checks,, stripes, cross- .... $2.00 and $2.75 bars and plain shades, in a tterns, Checks and variety so large that it is a in heavier quality pleasure to make a selection. Ith, at $3, $3.50, $4.50 Prices 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.25 .'.'...t...... $5.00 and ..*...........r.. $1.50 Other Gift Suggestlons Gifts For Dad and the Boys A, Man's Store “"3"“ " - " " " , ' '" " w M? a“ BIB mu , . " b' V " , ' i ' tg " ' g3 " - IN . t . " . M% MN _ ' I , MI .71. ', lit . " Ri Nitty T . g) , ilit MI , 'ti Mt g: Rmrr a...“ . M Mr . " [ It " ' "I © NM 'tit m, 'M ' ")MlMt" "TMR ilT tit " N t " MW, ‘ "it " M MN - - e th At '2', 4;}; " . . " K " , (r SALTER WEST Toit'ONTo ""....r.................... $2.50 to $5.50 pure wool, in all the new styles, $3.00 to $7.50 2 STORES The favorite in Men's Neck- Wear, because of their smart designs and beautiful colors, and the fact that they will outwear three ordinary ties. Priced at ............$1.35 Other lines . . . . . .50c to $2.75 HORSES-Brown mare, Gd'., seven years; bay mare, G.P., seven years; reg. Clyde mare, sixteen years; roan Belgian colt by Dobbin, rising 2 yrs.; [Black Percheron colt by Madagascar, rising 2 years, , CATTj-FIolstein cow, 4 years, calf at foot; Holstein cow, 5 years, calf at foot; Holstein cow, 4 years, calf at foot; Holstein cow, 5 years, 1calf at foot; Holstein cow, 7 years, 'calf at foot; Holstein cow, 8 years, calf at foot; Holstein cow, 7 years, calf at foot; Holstein cow, 5 years, calf at foot; Holstein cow, 5 years, due at time of sale; Holstein cow, 4 years, due at time of sale; Holstein cow, 5 years, due at time of sale; Holstein cow, 4 years, due at time of sale; Hol- stein cow, 6 years, due December 28; Holstein cow, 5 years, due time of sale; Holstein cow, 5 years, due time of sale; Holstein cow, l years, ,due at time of sale; Holstein cow, 7 years, due time of sale; Holstein cow, 6 yrs., due time of sale; Holstein cow, 3 yrs., due time of sale; Holstein cow, 5 yrs., due December 20; Holstein cow, 5 yrs., due December 19; Holstein and Jer- sey, 4 years, due December 24; two roan Durham cows, 3 years close; roan Durham cow, 5 years, springing; two ted Durham cows, 3 years, springing; Jersey Durhanrcoyrs, 6 years, spring- ing; 20 Durham heifers, 'feeders, 2 years; fat cow; white Nanny goat, 2 years. This is an exceptionally fine herd of dairy cows. Don't miss it if you want quality and size, Ten acres hardwood bush to be sold in small lots to suit purchaser. I IMPLEMENTS - Double furrow Kangaroo plow , nearly new; single flat top sleigh; Bain wagon, complete with box and springs; spring tooth cul- tivator, nearly new; galvanized iron water trough; set of scales, quantity of planking and small timbers. TERMS-cash. Bush lots 10 per cent. cash; balance when starting to cut.' All trees three inches thick 12 inches above ground must be left standing. The Sale of hardwood buslt will be continued at 1 o'elock on following day, Wednesday, Dec. 16th. WM. RUSSELL, Auctioneer. JOHN SPEIRS, Clerk. l TUESDAY, DECEMBER 15th at one o'cloek sharp at lot 11, 5th line east, Chihguacousy. HE CMT HAVE TOO MANY W! The undersigned has received in- structions from Waltert Calvert to sell Joy public aucltiprr?p_, -- _ AUCTION SALE CATTLE, HORSES, IMPLEMENTS AND HARDWOOD BUSH Kitty Danedrr, J And Now She Pays She is tall and slender, with co- quettish blue eyes and hair that is very definitely auburn, bobbed, of course, for Kitty is nothing, if not up-to-date. Yet her up-to-dat-st; didn't include the ability to guard her health. Dances and parties, cold and weak spells, then more parties and more sick spells brought on what her {gather might have foreseen had she we . No. you can't blame Kitty. Her youth, her prettiness and her popt1- larity .Were false friends to her. She " only 18. Another year in the kindly care of the Muskoka Hospital tor Consumptives', where expert ‘medical attention and nursing are hers, will perhaps see her restgred to health and usefulness.9 _ . 9 Contributions may be .sent to Hon. W. A. Charlton, President, 223 Col- lege Street. Toronto 2. Ontario. For a Man's Gift 1643 DundasrSt. Few Doors West of Brock Ave. F urnisher TrrCllWEs AND GUIDE, WESTON years, years, years, years, years, years, years, years, .. U.” my .4, Bat-CT-. , _ In the Muskoka Hospital foeron- l sumptives, Herb is finding rest, care and good food beyond anything he ever experienced. The Doctors and Nurses like this quiet helpful chap, and have hopes that health and [strength will come back to-him be- l, fore long. 5 . i Contributions may be sent to Hon. W. A. Chisriton,gPFesidehi. :323 Cold lege Street, Toronto 2, Ontano. "Oroerdasr I fell off my load, and they said I had fainLed. and the doctor said my chest was weax. I had to go to work in the morning When my suit wouldn‘t be dry. A few weeks more of work and I got another spell 3.119 th‘ey csynt me up here." a, He had a job with a big Transport Company, driving a team and han- drape big cases in all kinds of weath- er. His mother was a widow and there were five to be ted. "1 made $17.50 a Week and a bonus of $5.00 a. month for extra loads. I used to get Wet through, but if I didn't stick it I Ith?.r.t't ge_t the bonus. United Chhech Rev. Mr. Stead, missionary from South Africa, will give an illustrated address Monday, Dec. 7. at 8 ])-III. in the Sunday School room. St. George's Sunday, November 20th, the Young People’s Association conducted the service. Mr. Newbolt, president of [he Association, read the przu'm's. The lessons were read by Mr. Thomas Gouge, dievotiorrareonvener, and Mr. Charles SShilliney. Canon Greene preached H, very powerful and instruc- live sermon which was tlmroughly,ap- predated by" those present. The Young People's choir rendered suit- able musim _ ," Mr. Edward Morley, of St. Paul's Church, Runnymede, addressed the Young People's meeting last Monday evening. "Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Holdsworth at- tended the funeral of the fornier's aunt at Port Hope Monday, 30th No, ‘Vember. Our sympathy is extended to the bereaved family. The annual 'aiiurrurschool Christ mas" concert is to be held Dec. 21 in the "isehdor mom- The Sunday School service, Decem- ber 13th, will be-held in the Church. The scholars will 'meet at 9.45 mm. and all are requested to bring their Sunday School bahks. The Baptist Church held their an- nual bazaar vlait' Saturday in the school room.. It was well attended and in every way a huge success. The work- ers thank tllfgse who contributed or helped in any way towards success of the some. The friicilulship of the good is the ohly friendship which slander cannot prejudice For it is a. very difficult matter to believe a man who speaks to the prejudice of him whose char- acter we have thoroughly tested for many y,ears.---Aristotle. He Earned a Bonus The Superior Store, formally under the management of Mr. Reg. Marshall, changed hands on December Lst, and will now be under. My. McCartney of Toronto. In'. McCartney has had many rearh,kaxcirerience in this line of business, therefore he is in the best position of giving efficient services to his customers. We invite you to make his acquaintance at the earliest trp- 'portunity. _ _ ._ V“, "".'" -\.. Fr'-'"'-'", L‘ll- ”Lu, 1L. Fife; Treas1., Q; Mercer; Marshal, J. Meenagh;sriiidtkfter, R. Dunslow; Dep- uty Lee., R. Gregh; Tyler, T. Bailey; (Pmrp1tttsemen, jyessrs. Hedges, Mer- Cer, We'llwood,' Hopkins and Brooks. Auditors, A. L. Pinderryr: A, Mattha ews. Wor. Bro. Sims, D.M., of West York, presided. Messrs. L. S. Bryspn, Herb. Ar- rovv'smith, Roy Barr/and Ty. Silk, of Weston lacrosse fame; during a well- earned holiday, went away for a 'Week’s "dper hunting." After several exciting adventures these happy hunt- ers came home and found that some of the boys in the factory had one of the (?) "deers" stuffed and hung up for exhibition. Someone hath said 'that Bryson's gun would not work and he killed the fine looking- "deer" (as illustrated) with :1 Phil)? Presbyterian Church The annual Christmas tree and sup- per will be held in the above Church on Friday, December 18th, for the Sunday School scholars, The prizes will be given to deserving; pupils. Every child will also be given a lyres'- ent off the Christmas trek, The sup- per will be served at: 6 o'clovk _ , """"Fe __,...,.....,. u. ficers were 'tlected for the erisuing year: Wor. ‘Master, H. G. Hill; D.M., E. Harrison; Chap-Iain, p. Greenwood; Rec. See, M. L. Jones; Fin. Sec., R. Etobicoke Conservatives met at the sehoorauditoritim, Islington, on Mon- dity night, holding a celebration in hon- or of Sir Henry Drayton, successful candidate for West York in the re- cent elections. Speeches were the or- der of the day, given by several lead- ing politicians and municpal men who were present. Ladies Gave Banquet [ Under the auspices of the Ladies bCQueetr'Stteet Community Memor- ial Hall, Etobicoke, a banquet was tendered to the winning teams of the; Etobicoke and York Junior Baseball League last night. A silver cup was presented to Capt. 'Joe Vought, for the team, by T. H. Rutledge, secre- tary of the league, and silver medals were given to each of the boys. An illustrated address on "The Army in Mesopotamia and Persia" was given by L. T. Wynne Roberts. Deputy Reeve R. Marshall, presi- dent, of the league, occupied the, chair. EMMETT - BEESLEY --' Saturday, Dec. 5th,n925, at the home of the beidtt's parents, 302 Beresford Ave., by the Rev. J. Ewing Reid, Mar- jorie Grace, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Beesley, Toronto, to Gordon Neve, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Emmett, of Ig- _ lingtdn. "DEER" SHOT BY _ Lax}. 'tbrficers Elected At the general meeting; of Parkdale O.L-, No. 24:89,}119, following of- What club? Editor of (1Gfillli But It Didn’tfay f- C. M. HUNTERS im 12860 DUNDAS MI, (Cor. Keele) crescent The above picture sirrhrir hd'w the Turkish dress styles h see the costume they, wore ifrlthe middle of the 15th Centur third is one that wa"s in vblghe‘in the 18th and 19th Cent Turkish women about tehwéars ago, and at the right is a MOIR'S CHOCOLATES .... . . . . .40c to $5.00 NEILSON'S CHOCOLATES ....30c to $3.00 RILEY'S RUM AND BUTTER, 4 1b. tin, $2.35 CHRISTMAS CRACKERS \VAHL PENS AND PENCILS, $1.00 to $6.00 PARKER DUOFOLD PENS & PENCILS 15551555 THERMOS BOTTLES .........$1.00 to $3.00 THERMOS LUNCH BOXES ..:.........s)sic VACUUM BOTTLES ...............v....5alc AUTO STRAP RAZORS ....‘....49c to :500 GILLETTE RAZORS ..........98c to $10.06 STRAIGHT BLADE RAZORS ..$2.00 to $5.00 f0lJl)lThlli BEES AND mam WATERMAN’S jtiytrAw PENS, $2.75 to BROWNIE GIFT Bod ALBUMS BEOWNIE CAME;RAS KODAKS .....r..m.... We carry a large assortment' of Kodaks and Brownies, also Albums and Supplies. l _ ler " y, , U; ' Arm F, M . - ‘ " ' _ » _ Mit " , th A 1,13; " " "rria " " r ' ‘ , V .. +on w. -"'r1“.-“ - , - - - J - ' ' .. >‘.. V p. n "il' yr” ",5: _ ‘ , " " him rMV e ‘ Mgttr, ih _ Mi q " IIN - ' J V Blriim " __ If vat-"4b? " - mm - _ " , u - .,.-, Mt " " 4‘. . " ' 'tcat, ' Mi Btii1 , . ‘ I ' _ - ‘n tttsr ”*3" MY .m-' Egie - " ”Ml. " - " :"- l ' ‘ " 'vi ii42t we ,, " 1 w I lt t A full line of English Crackers in stock Nothing ancient or t'rtdfitio'nal in the style of dress THE EVOLUTION OF STYLES IN DRESS AMONGST Tummy? WOMEN ARENCH EWRY ' _ri':i'_irs'c'ilsii.i)t to $15.00 J;hi)0 (i0eks . $450 "liii,ii Clocks ..$3.?5 ";12.ili) lamps $8.06 . ' . . 50c to $5.00 ..$2;05 to $17.60 ..$6.70 to $75.00 (3m MDNG fl0lt XMAS XMAS CANDEES Moir’s and _' Neilson’s .40c to $5.00 30c to $3.00 -. $5.06 TWO STGRES "I c progressed in the last five centuries. Léftto right; " y; the next is one worn in the .17th and 18th Century; thi my; Hue fourth one a dress ardopted ‘by a few progressive modern Turkish flapfer JressedAinrrthe latest‘Paris mode." “am by the modern woman in the land "the star an E BOXED PERFUMES ......". .....25c to $5.00 TOILET WATERS ..............,50c to $2.00 THREE FLOWER SETS... . . .$2.50 to, $10.00 _ DEAUVILLE PERFUMES ...._..3sjc"to $2.50 I THREE FLOWER viR',ituMEs, 75c fo $5.00 THREE FLOWER CONTRACTS, $1.00 to $5.00 MELBA COMPACTS I' .r,r,,r. . .l . .'.5.0;c to $230 DJER KISS SETS .."rrr,-"',,t, . . . .$4..00 to $7.00. Special Records by Shannon Quartet, Trinity Male Choir, Trinity Mixed Quartet, Victor Oratorio Chorus, Victor Salon Orchestra, Pipe Organ by Mark Andrews, new songs for Jittte people by Harold Harvey. k) ASK FOR A COPY OF THE NEW XMAS CATALOGUE JUST7SSUED. GEVE VECTOR RECORDS ' i , . FOR XMAS ' COME IN AND HEAR ALL, THE NEW XMAS RECORDS. WE HAVE . C THEM ALL. ' M f I . _ 'lt .. f i, See Window ', i . 7F I IV l I l y' _ Dnsplay! "f' LARGE OVAL MIRRORS . $7.00 HAIR BRUSHES. l.".-' .'. $8.00 HAIR BRUsHigr,,2'. .. WE ARE CLEARING OUT ALLIOF OUR MANICURE ROLLS AT COST PRICE. Jilhlil(1Jllli'r_ I ROLLS 77" $3.00 to $12.00 XMAS PERFUME: AND T0M'l'@ls FRENCH mm; ' mg XMAS Big ', "", Reéunctiqgngf' in . (yr/, wEifi"iiiiii5Ai," DEC. 3 b: Ygs-it ‘1 250 ROYCE AVE. SETS hu, PRICES illhhll@flfl . . $5.08 . . $4.00 ,'. .$5.00 l

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