'fy/l, 33%?! tif, A Good 'Used Car PAGE SIX WEST YORK CONSERVATIVE PICNIC, SAT, AUG. :1 Speakers 'Men and Women' I In other words every buyer of one of our food tised cars has been thor. oughly satisfied with the three points in buying a Caro Tordur's Caratorium 3082 Dundas St. JUnct. 9925 The women took advantage of him. He was so easy. And then he learned that true love has no purchase price. . pf; r." A GREAT ROMANCE L With Lew Cody, Harriet Hammond, Renee Adoree . j; ,‘l'OH, BRIDGET-WALLER HEIRS , _,'" __ REVIEW-FELIX THE CAT SPECIAL-Two Big Acts r of Vaudeville From Bret Harte's "Tennessee's Pardner" MARRIAGE CIRCUS-BERT TURPIN FELIX THE CAT NEWS VAUDEVIELE (TEN SCARS MAKE A MAN-NO. 5 - SAT. MAT.) "The Flaming Forties" cor. St. Clair and Oakwood Ave. OakTsjood “Man and Maid" Ist-The Car, 2nd---The Price, and 3rd---And most im- portant, The Service; _ i : This constitutes a record to be proud of and a record that is giving us arrincreasing volume of business. Come in and see our Real Bargains. Your present car taken as part of cash payment and easy terms. Lowers the cost of transportation. _ , During the past month we have sold a considerable number of GOOD Used Cars and have NET to see a dissatisfied customer. SPECIAL MAT1NEE ON THE HOLIDAY ELINOR GLYN'S PRODUCTION OF HER l OWN NOVEL A WILLIAM DE MILLE PRODUCTION HOME OF HIGH-CLASS PHOTO PLAYS AND MUSIC. Parking for four hundred cars free. The very best to be had each night. Program changes twice each week. TWO SHOWS: 7 AND 9 RM. MATINEE SATURDAY AT 2.30 Thursday, Friday and Saturday Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Thursday, Friday, Saturday EVERY MAN, WOMAN AND CHILD IN WEST YORK AND SURROUNDING DISTRICT IS INVITED TO COME AND ENJOY THE DAY. RT. HON. ARTHUR MEI CHEN SIR HENRY DRAxTON HON DR. TOLMIE HON DR. FORBES GODFREY HON. COL. PRICE s. CHARTERS, M.P. COL. T. L. KENNEDY, my. Phone 5300 Nellie, Who fell in the water and wet her trt- feet." "Why, Johnnie, that don't rhyme." "I know it doesn't. The water wasn't deep enough." A Matter of Depth Teacher asked. her class if they could compose a rhyme using the word "Nellie." Johnny Jones, being called upon, arose much embarrassed: "There was a pretty little girl named Features in the production are Reed Howes, Evelyn Brent, Alma Bennett' and Charles Conklin. Tom Bucking- ham directed. Showing at the Maple Leaf Theatre on Monday and Tuesday next week. For the second part it allows the beautiful Lucy Fox to appear in a role which is ideal. Third, an excel- lent support cast, consisting of Maine Geary, Thomas R. Mills, Hardee Kirk- land, Marcella Daly, Lydia Yeamans, Harvey Clark and Hank Mann has been provided. _ WW. 1.-“ "__-_-' Another outstanding feature of this production is the combination of com- edy and thrills that crowd the action of the picture. The success of these two "pictures last year, Mr. Milton Bean says, is proof that the motion picture theatre goers want thrillers. He pointed out that "The Cyclone Rider" is by the same author and producer who were responsible for last season's successes. The author is none other than Lin- calm J. Carter, king of melodrama for the last two decades. Much interest attaches itself to “The Arizona Romeo,"' the William Fox star series picture which comes to the Mi- ple Leaf Theatre Friday and Satur- day. For one thing it features the ever-popular, good-looking Western star, Buck Jones, who will be remem- bered for his excellent work in "The Man Who Played Square," v. my 1,.VH___, "The Arizona Romeo" was directed by Edmund Mortimer from his '3een- ario, prepared from an original story by Charles Kenyon. "THE CYCLONE RIDER" NEW THRILL DRAMA, TO BE SHOWN SOON "The Cyclone Rider," latest William Fox melodrama of thrills, has been booked by the Maple Leaf Theatre for two days, inclusive, in response to a popular demand for this type of pic- ture created by "The Arizona Express" and "The Eleventh Hour." "Speed Wild," the latest production, featurin'g that popular actor and ath-. lete, Lefty Flynn, is a departure from the previous Wpstetns in which the former Yale star has appeared. Har- ry Garson, who produced and directed "Speed Wild," has reascin to be proud cf his offering, for it supplies Lefty with his best role. Rapid-firp comedy- melodrama, filled with thrills, and a loveable, boyish, devil-may-care char- acter for the star, ensure corking en- tertainmen: to the patrons of the Ma- ple Leaf Theatre on Wednesday and Thursday when the picture begins a two-day run. Raymond Turner agrin appears in a colored character, and comes through with his usual quota oi laughs, H. H. Van Loan wrote the story. "Man and Main,",the Elinor Glyn picture that comes to the Oakwood Theatre next Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, tells' the story of a young English nobleman, crippled in the war, who 'settles in a luxurious Paris apart- ment, where the visits of the gay wo- men of Paris merely bore him. Then he meets 'a young girl id provocative mystery. Complications, jealousy and misunderstandings "keep them apart while the Big Berthas shell Paris and the fever of war wages about them. It is Armistice night before peace is declared in their hearts. The picture is said to be somewhat similar to "Three Weeks" and "His Hour†in the beauty of sets and photography, and in the typical Elinor Glyn trept- ment of the diirine passion, Lew Cody, Harriet Hammond, Renee Adoree and Paulette Duval are in the cast: The picture was directed Joy Victor Seltert- ziner and is releasel by Metro-G/old- Wyn. THREE REASONS WHY “ARIZONA FLYNN IN DIFFEREISI Hamilton, in the production, tries to win Dix's wife, away from him by showering her with jewelry and beau- tiful gowns. Claire Adams has the role of the wife and Robert Edeson is president of the bank. All are featured in the picture. The action of "Men and Women," adapted for the screen by Clary Ber- anger, pivots on the discovery of the loss of some bonds from the bank vaults. Hamilton is blamed, but, Dix is the guilty p'arty. , “My first job was in a bank,"rsaid Dix. . _ _ 4 It was a cinch for Richard Dix and Neil Hamilton-they fell right into their characters in the new William de Mills-Paramount production, "Min and Women," due Thursday at the Oak- wood Theatre. Dix is a bank cashier in the picture and Hamilton is hit as- sistant. _ DIX AND NEIL HAMILTON BANKERS IN NEW PICTURE "tont. of my fifst was selling bonds," added Hamilton. So beautiful she seemed to me _ I wished that we might wed, Her neck a pillar of ivory-- But alas! so was her head. -Punch Bowl; Place SORT OF ROLE ROMEO" HITS - THE TIMES AND GUIDE, WESTON The Unity Fife and Drum, Baud 'of ‘West Toronto were on hand and help- ed liven things up with their music. In addition, two of their members put on an impromptu cdncert of recitations and solos, which pleased the audience very much. There was an open-air concert in the evening, in which a com- ic song contest was staged. Master Fred Saddington was given first place by the applause of the people, and Mrs. J. Best was second. Mrs. J. Best also rendered a splendid soprano solo, which wad much" apbreciated by all. Miss Ethar D. Wilson' acted as acéonl- panist in her usual capable manner. The mouth orgarwcontest was won by a member of the Unity Band. The cocoanut shy, Aunt Sally and other games were othetisual attractions, Lambt'on Park Success marked, the holding of the first picnic by the Lambton Park G. W.V.A. friends, held last week to Port Dalliousie. The program was carried through on schedule time, keen inter- est being taken in all the events, the prizes awarded making it worth while to compete. tgil, one of the races par- ticular enpiuiitiiiityptry centred owing to three ties br" C. Vaughan and E. Broughm, the fourth trial breaking the tie by a close margins/m favor of C. Vaughan. The trip across the lake also added the pleasure, and it was decided to make the event an annual one. C 'v-r' I i _ _' The 4th annual community fair of the Hardington Ratepayers' Associa- tion was lieldrgon Saturday last, July 25th, orrtht iHhitrdk of the association, Hardington Ave., Weston. The. rain put a, damper on things for a while, but when it cleared up the crowds soon gathered and the proceedings eopthr- ued. One of the, big features of the, fair was a baby show in two classes: Class One, undef 1% years, 1st prize, Irene Gertrude Powell, cor. 5th and Eagle Ave, silver cup; 2nd prize, (tie) Margaret Thompson, 21 Creswick Ave., and Eileen Laver, Maple Leaf Drive, silver cups. Class 2, over 11/2 and up to 2 years, lst prize, Jackie Watson,' Harding Ave., silver cup; 2nd prize, Gerald Arthur Evans, Harding Ave., silver cup. Dr. Cates, of Weston, and Nurse Lowe, of Mount Dennis, were the judges of the baby show and had quite a task deciding on the winners, as the babies were exceptionally good. It was originally intended to give two prizes for each event, .but when the judges could not decide as to the win- her of the second prize in Class One, there being two babies who seemed equal, the Ratepayers' Association dor1- ated an additional prize of equal val- ue to give a prize to both of. them. The prize winners of the best de- corated doll's carriage was little Miss Edna Best, who had a cream colored carriage trimmed in yellow and black, which was_a real fine and attractive display. A fine big‘doll was given as a prize for this. James Boddington was the winner of the best decorated boy's wagon con- test, with a display of home grown flowers, fruits andxvegetables. A base- ball and bat was the prize for this competition. Lainbton Mills Field Day There is to be held a community field day on the Civic Holiday, Aug. 3rd, on the Lambton Mills School grounds; planned by the residents of that district. Arrangements are being made to make this a grand success, and a large crowd is anticipated' if good weather prevails. There will be field sports, ball games, garden party, refreshments, etc. Luncheon will be served and a good band will be in at- tendance. Everybody welcome. On Tuesday, tfie 14th, 'the Womén's Institute lielpytltti.rri annual picnic to Mossom Park; :Whichm proved a most successful community outing for the large number/ht "riencls, who attend- ed Vernon t"yell iFistfe'hding three weeks' holiday at Vancouver. For the second time this year thieves have been busy Stealing plants from in front of the cbuncil chambers, Is- lington. Four large cannas were taken some few weeks ago, and then this week end six healthy geranium plants were also stolen. What's the use of trying to beautify' grounds if this kind of thing will happen? The matter has been placed in the hands of the police, who art now investigating. Did Mr", Barrett enjoy his motor trip to Niagara 1m: /sreelr? Mr. and Mrs. Wells' and family are visiting the latter's parents for Fever- al days. They will, be back for the Week end. Ir] J ' The Ladies' Aid of the Islingtoh Presbyterian Church held a 25c sup- per last WednqAa.yarpyening in the basement of tr'jiii?")))j'iiiiiii'it. It was largely attendetir'aviir about $25 was realized. The 11',itl', greatly appreciate the help they riiteisCi, _ Mr. and Mrs‘JJ A.rru, MacPherson are spending tjii),'tirrsrcation an Van- conver. iii-5134f; C - The rector' and Mrs. Holdsworth ire expected home at the latter part of the week from their: vacation. ' United tfjirch Rev. Mr. Wells Will take charge of the Services next Sunday. St. George’s Church Holy Communion will be celebrated at ll" a.m. next .Sunday. Evening prayer at 7 p.m., the, resty in charge. Long Branch Race Track mtRitrit'ra BLlfiliTa Sports The thanks of the Hardington Rate- payers' Association is hereby extended to all friends who donated towards the funds and to all the helpers who worked so hard to make this the best fair yet. The proceeds, which amount to well over one hundred dollars, are for the building fund of the Harding- ton Ratepayers' Association. Some people seem to think business has gone to the bow-wows, but many less than fifty years old say it has been worse, 'which reminds us of the following: q . The people of the Hardingtoh dis- trict all wish Mr. and Mrs. Wilkes and their daughter, Dora, long life and prosperity, and trust that they will find conditions in the Old Land as congenial is they expect them, and that they will live many years to enjoy the fruits of their hard-earned toil. which were well patronized. The ever- popular swing boats for the kiddies, run by Mr. Baker, 82 Beechwood Ave., Mt. Dennis, seemed to be the best thing for amusing the youngsters. The fish pond had a splendid lot of high grade prizes this year and everyone got their? rnoney's worth. The ice cream booth did a good day's business and proved a source of revenue. The soft drinks and hot dogs were also well in demand. After the evening concert a dance was held in the community, and through the courtesy of Mr. Baker (of swing boat fame) the Blue Bird Orchestra dispensed the music which proved the best yét in the Hardington district and made the dance a splendid success. ' Mr. and Mrs. W. Wilkes, of Hard- ing Ave., are leaving on Thursday night, July 30th, for a trip to the Old Country. Their place in the com- munity will be hard to fill, as they both have done a great deal to pro- mote the welfare of the people in the district. The Hardington Ratepayers’ Assotiation, of which Mr. Wilkes was treasurer for years, will, perhaps, miss him most of all, as he has been always on the job to lend a helping hand in everything' that was going on. Drug Bargains; 2860 DUNDAS ST. W., COR. KEELE Friday and Saturday, July 31 and Aug. The rain it poured, ' The sea it roared, . The sky was draped in black. The old ship rolled, _ She pitched and bowled, And lost her charted track! "Oh dear, oh dear! Sir, will it clear?" _ Loud wailed a dame on deck. As they heaved the lead The skipper said, "It allus has, by heck !" It Was, by Heck LACROSSE MATCH RACES LADIES' SOFTBALL 27 EVENTS IN ALL . Sanderson Comedy-"SEEING THINGS" PACEMAKERS No. 10 " Motor to Maple Leaf-Good Parking Space. , : Of all kinds fitted accurately. Bifocals a gts(tisiilttyi Prices from o......................,.....,.....'; to $25.00 Don't ruin your watch or clock by allowing it th fun until! 'fatally worn. Take it to SWiTPARD'S Specialist in Watch, Clock and Jewellery Repairing _ Canadian National Railway Watch Inspector 289WDUNDAS ST. w. _ ALL' KINDS OF NEW AND SECOND HAND LUMBER T ' DOORS, WINDOWS AND BEAVER BOARD ALWAYS IN STOCK . 2 HALLAWELL AYE. J5iet 1eettftyt -offi1tt.rthorn--off St', Chitty _ F, MOUNT DENNIS _ PHONE 196. . First Show at 7.15 p.m.---Second Show at 9 p.m. Saturdays and Holidays-Conti-sus Show commencing 1“ng Extras "The Arizone Romeo" Wednesday, Thutsday--Aug. 6, 6 YORK WRECKING COMPANY PHONE JUNCTION 5345; _ NIGHT PHONE-JUNCTION 4870-F ytyoday, Tutsday-Aug. 3, 4 Friday, Saturday-Aug. 7, 8 BUCK JONES in 2 STORES Maple Leaf LEFTY FLYNN in "Speedwild" , Spectacles AND R Eyeglasses TUG-OF-WAR FIREMEN COMPETITIONS GIRL GUIDESAND SCOUT REVIEW DANCING FROM "r-TO 12 PHOTOPLAYS WEDNESDAY, JULY 28, 1925 RIDDLE RIDER No. 5 250 ROYCE AVE. 1