Ontario Community Newspapers

Times & Guide (1909), 18 Mar 1925, p. 3

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t, hENfLEMEN’s 301411qu Hoys.E , Phone 346]. FQR sALE--Mumnroth bronfe turk- qyf, male and femuls. J. Ct Heslop, 5th "Concession, Rik. 2, “Eaton, WANTEDa-Boots and shoes to repair. mPrices 1repsonable. Apply T. Hatton, Main St., Weston. Phone 238. FOR SALE CHEAP-r-A Daniels Elec- FOR SALE-Made to order boots for men' and boys. Strong and durable. (t Apply T. Hatton, Main Street, Wes: tom _k'h_o_ty_e_'fy'E: x-40-1-t. 'ifyy/ihH,i,it7 robulcd Erick house,, on Ibf;"47 ft. x 113 ft., divided cellar, 3 pieetrtoihU, redhead jrice for uniyck sale. Phone 596j, Weston. .' _ . , 0-13-1t. FOR SALE-Solid' brick 'liome, 9 rooms, in excellent condition, desir- J' able locality. Hot water heating, double garage. Sacrifsice tor/quick sale. Phone Juliet. 5107 W. (V,5(r-lw “ Owner’s _Home-rSuit retired farmer or country home. 5 roomed brick Fenetr bungalow, bath room, large lot, fruit trees, large fowl pens. Opp. Humber, overlooking Fair' Grounds. Snap: for clash. Owner. leaving Coun- tryr'No agents'. Box 333, Weston. ' 0-18-4-T ItiOsTc--Mpnday, 6 pm. Getting on city.'catys at Swift's Corner, Weston Rd. Small nurse vontaining sum of Lmpney. Reward. Return to Times & Guide Office, Westori. t)-21-1-T FOR FALE---Yc?Id and barn, ,centrir Rotation in Weston, suitable for hamster or truckman. Geo. B. _§Moogk, 211 Main St. Nu, Weston. ,iANTsiry--1 good Lypex‘vriting desk, also two office chairs. _Ttlepy?.ne FOR SAVE-o roomed brick clad house. in Weston, all convenigces, "good location. Apply Geo. B. Moogk, itll, Main St. N., Phone 89. pr-ltr-e-f WIDOW Lady want Housewtyh by the iVANTEP--A young girl for light housework“ Sleep out. Apply Mrs. .. C. Echltz, 150 Moir St. S. T tttfro LIVERY with careful driver ““ Mr hire. Phone 292. Night Phone 6613J. x-8-1t __.'- S' TO RENT-s-Hops? on Church Street, “Weston close lo Main St. Hard- rovoocl"t'loorts downstairs, fireplace in fliyin'gs room, clectriv fixtures, binds, floor coverings upstairs and'somc "furniture may be bought with small cash payment. Balance monthly V with rent if so desired. Garage op- tiona'll: _Apply Box 36, Times & Guide Office, Weston. _ ()-21-1-T FOR FOR SALE-Complete set of Lincoln fr. 80tyst. Clair Ave. Toronto Large Stock of Used Cars, in good condition. Phone Hill. 7036 or Weston 276 bsr-iwack Silk Dress Girdle. Re- s,warld, Betiirn to Box 393, Weston Dn ' ()-21-1-T RADIO SETS & SUPPLIES Jn"iibifeTs,-oniy uised 3 weeks. _ibp- ply M5 John St., Weston.' Pl1611e 1m“? 0-21-1t .-trie Incubator, (in eggs size, as good Ans new. Apply 2 Vilny Ave.. off Eagle. Ave., Weston. 0-21-lt OR SALE--li13()n.0() Chevrolet Baby Grand touring, Al conditiorr. (J. Babbage, Riverside Drive, Wi/sit.. mount, Weston. - o-21-bt --Comforeable room and board, in privat't home. Convenient to rail- ..w‘ay _s'st'otiov,,ni, radial and bus lines. Apply R. F. Bailey, 39 South Station St., Weston. - Phone 189r22 (i"filitt"iitf't?tftti1i a a dayvéi‘ -s-/eri-. Apply Box (i81, Wes- ton P.O. ()-21-1-T ‘1 5' (WV 'a'eleiytone 80 J Unet 371l 1321 g," RAYBREGHT ELECTRIC IR(DWrs N Mamie fixtures Overland & Willys-Knight _ Dealers . St.clair Oakwood Motors _ 285 MAIN ST. NORTH {he _itisiph1y of Fixtures at _ "tgttractive prices WEDNESDAY, MARCH 'TStH, 1925 Mt a "' Blk" NE A; ‘ '" ' _ " R' _ ' . MF - "a: .. M . ' ‘ M%' (.1 Ab', ' , "v ‘ I 1 , . c "K“ - l - Ti - ' - "L- awe - " - . Q ' Rm K. ~, ' tt , tt I r r J " n,“ Mg I - ’ FOR SALE B. IRWlli Open Evenings N.C.-5(y-lw. x-to- 1 -t, "-2trL2-t, 0-16-1t x-16-t-f iA-ermreAritrN TO PARLIAMENT tario' at the present session thereof on behalf of the Municipal Corporation of the Town of Weston for arr act empow- ering the: Town df Westorrr ' Notice is hereby given'that an ap- plication will be made to the Legislat- ive Assembly of the Province of On- (e) To own and operate motor- buses, motor-bus lines and systems; (d) To license and prohibit the operation of motor-buses within the combined area of the City of Tbronto, the Town of Weston and the Township of York alone or together with any' one or more, other municipalities; form- iris one area when combined by agree-' ment for that purpose; . r,' (h) Toy-purchase that pot'ti'tm of the Toronto Suburban line or under- taking within tlieclitnits"of the"1’0wn of Weston and to rektmstruct the same; f (b) To enter into an agreement with the Township of York or with the Township of York and any other mun- icipality or municipalities for the eon- struction and operation of street rail-, Js/cons on the Weston Road and to enter into an agreement with the Toronto Transportation Commission for the said construction and operation; (f) To combine the offiees"of Col- lector and Treasurer; to sell the whole of any lot for arrears of taxes and to enable' the Agsessment Commissioner, or where there is no Assesment Com- missioner. the Treasurer to aifportion the taxes where lots are assessed in one block., _ _ (e) To expind monies for' travell- imp; expenses for Council Members.; and for advertising; ' . Notice is hereby given that a By-law was passed by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the 'l‘oivnship of Etobicoke on the 23rd day of Febru- ary, 1925. Providing fbt the issue of debentures to the amount M $3300.00 for the purchase of land, the erection of Fire Hall and for purchasing Fire Fighting equipment, and "that such By-law was duly registered in the Reg- istry Office of the East: and West Rid- ings of the County of York on the 27th day offFebruary, 1925. Any motion to quash or. Set aside the same or any part thereof must be made within 'three months after the first publication of this notice and cannot be made' thereafter: ' Notice is herierrir,iven that a Ay-law was passed by the Municipal Council of the Township of Etobicoke on the 9th day of March, 1925, amending By-law No. 1695, which By-law was passed on the 23rd day of February, 1925, and that sich By-law was duly regis- tered in the"Registry Office of the East and West Riding of-the County of York on the 10th day of March', 1925. DATED at thston, in the Prov- ince of Ontario, this Fourteenth day of March, A.D., 1925. CUNNINGHAM &, SMITH, Solicr. tors for the Applicapt.' x-el-in' t Dated this, the 7th day of March, 1925. _ T b ' REGISTRATION OF BY..LAW' NO. 1697 TOWNSHIP OF ETOBIeoKE Any motion to set aside or quash the same or any part thereof must be made within three months after the first publication of this notice and card not be made thereafter. I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Evelyn Laura Herlehv, of the, City of Kingston, in the County of Frontenac, in the Province of Ontario, married woman. will apply to the Parliament of Canada, at the present session there- of, for a Bill of Divorce from her husband, Franjéis James Herlehy, of the City of Toronto, in the County of York, in the Province of Ontario, Laborer, on the grounds of adultery and desertion. DATED this 10th day of March, 1925. Notide is hihieby given that 'a sale of lands in the Township of Etchi- coke in 'arrears for taxes and assess- ments will be held at Islington, in the Township Hall, on Saturday, June 20, 1925, at 2 o'cioek p.m. That a, list of such lands to be sold has been pre- pared and may be had on application at the Treasurer's Office, Islington. [ That a list of such lands to be sold is being published in the Ontario Gaz- ette on March 21 and 28, and April l and 11, 1925. And that in default of payment of the taxes and assessments due, such lands; will be sold Township'] Treasu urer's Office. " Dated Islington, March 16th, 1925. _ J. It. BERRY, x-2,1-13t Income taxes in Canada stand at the old figures, while in the United States they have been reduced material- ly on the principle that high income taxes are bad for business. Here are a few examples: On incomes of 3,000 the Canadian levy is $40, while in the United States that amount of income is taxed $7.50. Here we pay 8126 on 85,000 inéome, in, he United States the The Granite Concrete Block _ Co., Ltd. tld is $37.50; On a $10,000 income our rate is 8619.50, while in the United States it is $207.50. T M K W, V 832 Western Road Junction 3193 _ _ W, will make Pfrney, for you in your . building operations. REGISTRATION OF BY-LAW No. 1695 TOWNSHIP OF ETOBICOKE NOTICE' OF APPLICATION FOR DIVORCE _ The Economy and Quality of GRANHTE CONCRETE BLOCKS Township of Etobicoke G. HOWARD GRAY, 301' Crown Office Bldg., Toronto, Solicitor for tlie Town of Weston. x-17-6t. S. BARRATT, Clerk S. BARRATT, Clerk Township Treasurer. Weston 459.) x-2 0-3-t TAKE NOTICE THAT: I. The Council of the Corporation of the Township of Etobicoke has coo- structed as a, Local Improvement " concrete sidewalk and- curb on The west side of Aldgate Ave., from Queen St. to the north limit of Lot 3, Plan 2316, and on the east side of Aldgate Ave.rfrom Quien St. to Cots- wold Ave: _ . \IJ _ ,W, 6 iGiit 't V , ‘1 rat so e . pet f , oot fro t C 18 h"2'.'.25. - . . n El K, - , The special annual rate per foot frontage is 30 cents. -. ' t, ., c, __c.t 3. Theestimated. lifetime of the work is Iryecirg. ‘ T 4. A Court of Revision will be held on Monday, March 30th, 1925, at 1.30 o'clock trm. at the Municipal Cham- bers-Islington. for the purpose of hear- ind complaints against the proposed as- sessments.01' the accuracy of frontage measturernérrts;rartdiny other complaint which persons interested may desire to-hvalce and which is by law cognizable by the, Court. "2Tiiteost of the work is $2875.00 of which $475 is to be paid by the Corporatiol}. . The special assessment is to be paid in IQ Irnnual instarltpe1lts. I "riafrdisrmgton this the GUI day of M-rrtth, 1925.7 - - _-_- .ee.e.-eVV 1. The, Municipal' Council of the Corporation bf the Tosirnslip of Elohi- coke has constructed as " Local Im- provement a six inch cast in“) water- main, together with all valves, hy- chsantsripiTials; ete.. on McRnhcrts oii the folloviihk streets: MeRobcrts Sty ffom Mark St.' to Howard St. , '2/.'Phe cost of the work is $1125.00, Qf'wliicl‘i tti)iyi.oo'rs, t'o be borne Ivy the Corporaltiop' and 'etiarged to Water Aiccd No: 4?. (, ' l _ " x=2 b-It -iie- £1366th fafé pet foot: frontage is $'r.18' ch'-r0,cents. _ 2. The" ctrst of the of whiclv8110.00 is the Corbomtidn and ter Area' Nix W. V FifJ"rietrir! a'h'niud rate per foot frontage ist/e Gents. . [ Aluukuau a4 "Are" '__-tAmis'. _ A The Special assessment id to be paid in 20fann1ml instalments. On Grand Ave., from Oxford St. to Manitoba Si, ' TiririiUciii i,ite per foot frontage is $1118 h-IO cents. V _ x-21-lt The" special ‘a'nnlinl mite per foot fi‘tintage is 94/2 Cents. The specraf asseSSment is to be paid in 20 ‘arimml instalments. On Howard St., from, McIntosh Ave. to 400 feet east. w,' _ 2.frlye cost of the work is $875.00, of Which $55.00 is to be borne by the Corporation and charged to Water Area No. 4. _ _ 'rri1iitAiici'a,1 rite per foot frontage is $1.18 4-10 c/Pts. WA"'-' - =ur WWW The" special annual Fate per foot ftontagetis 9%) cents. The Special assessment is to be paid in 20' annual instalments. On Brussels St., from Grand Ave. to cor. Pelham St. l S: The coSt’ of the work is $122500, of which $320.00 is to be borne by the Corpotamm ahd, charged to Water Area, No. l. ' ", “WWI,” m v ,_. WWW The special assessment is to be paid in 20 annual instalments. ' A Court of Revision will be held on Monday, Matélt 30th, 1925, at 1.30 o'clock p.1n., at the Municipal Chom- bers, Islington for the purpose of hear- ing complaints against the proposed as- segsit1ents or the aee1fracy of frontage niciisurémetrts. atad ahy other complaint which persons interested may desire to make and which is by law cognizable by the Court. «v " - .. l. ,b is. All,» 11;]. .1...“ q"-".'",' ' H “W, The special annual rate per foot frontage is 9% cents. _ - ‘ I . I, c, 4~n:’1 TAKE NOTICE THAT: Tiiiie-i'ioieeiilr rate per foot frontage is $1.18 4111) ctnts. w BrABB." T-ee'--'"" Dated at Is1'miru'h this the 11th bf Maren, 1925: 4 . _ 3'".hiiiiT/ii;itrfiiied lifetime of all the above mentioned tvotlr., is 4-0 years. TAKE' NOTICE THAT: 1. The, Municipal Council of the Coriioiratr'ori of the Township of Etobi- coke has constructed as a Local Im- provement a. six inch cast iron water- main, together With all valves', hy- drants, Specials, etc., on. the following stré‘efs: _ ', -isiikissrood Rd.. from Lakeview Ave to West Boundary of Lot 5, Block C Plan ML9. , _ . 2. The cost of the work is $550.00, of which 8M0.00 is to be borne by the Corporation and charged' to Water Area No. l. The special rate per foot frontage is $1.18 I-IO cents. The special annual rate per foot frontage is 9% cents, -.____“D_ -- _ 'rv 7 , _ The special assessment is to be paid in 20 annual instalments. The special rate per foot frontage is $1.18 4t-1() cents. The special aiinual rate per foot frontage is 91/3 'cctots, On Edgewood Rd., from Greenwood Ave. to 167 ft. east. . 2.'The cdst of the work is $400000, of which $800.00 is to be borne by the Corpbration, and charged to “Pater Area' No. I. The special assessment is to be paid in 20 annual instalments. on' Greenwood Ava, from Lake Shore Road to Lake Promenade. 2. The cost of the work is $5000.00, of which $800.00 is to be borne by' the Corporation and charged to Water Area No; 1. The special rate per foot frontage is $1.18 4-10 cents. The special annual rate per foot frontage is 9%, cents. 4. A Court of Revision will be held on Monday. March 30th, 1925, at 1.30 o‘clock 1),111., at the Municipal Cham. bers, Islington, for the purpose of hear- ing complaints against the proposed as- sessments or the accuracy of frontage measurements, and any other complaint which persons interested may desire to make and which is by law cognizable by' the Court. . The' speéiul‘ assessment is to be paid in 20 annual instalments. _ 3. The eshmited lifetime of the above mentioned work is M) years. "Dates; as Isling'ton this the 11th day of March, 1925. x-2t-tt LOCAL IMPROVEMENT: COURT pri,_RriiYif_rfAtl TOWNSHIP OF ETOBICOKE TOWNSHIP OF ETOBiCOKE LOCAL IMPROVEMENT "s COURT OF REVISION LOCAL IMPROVEMENT COURT OF REVISION S. BARRATT, Clerk S. BARRATT, Clerk, S. BARRATT, Clerk work is $700.00. to be borne by charged-to Wa- V THE TIMES AND GUIDE, WESTON r .. " The spleiariute per foot frontage $1.45. . _ frpntugt is 10 cents. The special assessment is to lie paid in 30 annual instalments. 3. The estimated lifetime of the work 1. The Council of the Corporrution of the Township of Etobicoke has corl- structed as a Local Improvement a 9 inch Sanitary Sewer on Spruce Ave, from Tamarac Ave. to Gnvermncnt Road. T _ 2. The cost of the work is $875.01), of which $175;()0~is to be paid by the Corporation and charged to Sewerage Area No. 2. l 4. A' Court of Revision will be held on Monday, March 30th, 1925, at l.30 o'clock p.111. at the Municipal Cham- bers, Islington, for the purpose of hear- (mg complaints against the proposed "S- sessments or the accuracy of frontage measurements, and any other complaint which persons interested. may _desire to make and 'which' is by law cggnizable by the Court.? "Dated :léuiéliqgton this 10th day March.1025. . __. TAKE NOTICE THAT: I. The Council of the Corporation of the Township of Etobicoke has con- structed as a Local Improvement Ft Sanitary Sewer on the _/following strerir. _ _ 2. The cost of the work is ,N8,cr2o.- 00, of which $12,310.00 is to be paid by the Corporation and charged to Sewerage Area No. 2. The special rate' per foot frontage is $1.52 fi-IO cents. The special annual rate per foot frontage is 101/20. C The special assessmonl is in he paid in 30 annual instalments. 3. The estimated lifetime of the work TAKE NOTICE THAT James St., from Greenwoods Ave. to 150' cast of Eastwood Ave.., 12"; Greenwoods Ave., from Echgewond Rd. to James St., 10"; GreenwOods Ate., from James St. to Lake rPrityrneri- ade, 12"; Woodlawn Ave., Lake Shore ltd. to James fits, It.?"; Woodlawn Ave., from James St. to Lake Pro- menade, 12". V is 50 years'. l. A Court of Revision will be held on Monday, March ,30th, 1025, at 1.30 o'clock p.n1. at the Municipal Cham- bers, Islington, for the, purpose of hear- ing complaints against the proposed r"tb'- sessments or" the "acthrncy which per- sons interested may desire to make and which is by law cognizahle by the Court. _ .. . .. -qreqT J --. mm Wu“. Dated as Islington this the 10th clay tof March 1925. - --_-_ 6211.6(1 at Islington this the 10th rl of March. 1925. cc',.BARRATT, Clerk NOTICE is hereby given that a COURT OF REVISION on the 1925 Assessment Roll for the Township of Etobicoke will be held in the Municipal Chambers, Islington, on Monday, Mar. 30th, 1925, at 1.30 p.111., for the pur- pose of hearing appeals against ys said Assessment Rolls for the year 1925. All persons interested are re- quested to take notice and appear be- fore the said Court at the said time and place. _ - v ‘- . tT ", In., 1nLL AN" The undersigned has received in- structions from HORACE,LaROSE, to sell by public auction at the South Corner of Lot 19, Concession B., Etobi- coke, on po 1t CREDIT AUCTION SALE LIVE STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS The undersigned has received in- structions from DAN SYME, Torry Glen Gardens, Syme Road, to sell by Public Auction at his premises, Torry Glen Gardens on HORSES: Brown team, aged 8 years; grey teams, roadsters, aged 0 add 7 years; bay team, aged 5 and (i yeanS; grey team, G.P.. aged 7 and 8 years; bay horse, G.P., aged 7 years; bay horse, GAR, aged 9 years; brown colt, G.P., rising 3 years; team black and sorrell, G.P., aged b' and 9 years. VVAGONS AND IMPLEMENTS: 5 Hoosier wagons 3 brick wagons, complete; 3 market wagons; 1 buggy; 1 verity plow; 1; Fleury plow; 2 sets harrows; team cultivator; team seed drill; Massey-Harris mow- er; hay rake; Massey-Harris cutting box; l Mufflers. \ ifkiijiitGf,"MARcH, 28th, 1925 at one p.111. the following: ness; 3 gets of heavy single harness; 2 sets of light single harness; tt number of collars. A? I-l t "oriisEiiiiANEopjr. Steam boiler rhubarb roots; 3 do'zen hot red sash numerous other T articles. PIGS, COWS AND FOWL: I red heifer; 1 holstein cow; 6 small pigs; 8 store pigs; 4 geese; 1 turkey gobbler; 50 chickens. ' 1ERMS-P1gs and poultry and all sums of 82f and under cash. All sum; over that amount six months' credit on approved joint note. Six per cent. pe,Ir,a_nnurn pff for cash. Positively no reserve as Mr. Symes has sold, his property. . J. T. SAIGEON, Auctioneer. H. LAIGION, Clerk. '--,rs 7 - The special annual mic per 50 yea rs A. M. M’cE-WEN, Auctioneer COURT OF REVISION TOWNSHIP OF ETOBICOKE HARNESS LOCAL IMPROVEMENT COURT OF REVISION LOCAL IMPROVEMENT COURT OF REVISION CASH AUCTION ' SALE FRIDAY. MARCH 27th, I. the following: SES: 2 bay colts, rising?yrs.; S. BARRATT, Clerk s. BARRATT. Clerk sets'of (hinble hur foot d a y of is l Methodist t Rev. Dr. J. w. Grahutn, of Vivtoi:iu College, Totronto, will preach next Sunday evening. Dr. Graham is one of the lending preachers of Toronto, a main with I a message for the prople. A cordial invitation extended to every person. N C Last Sumdhy evening', Mr. Ingram, one of the delegates 'tut the World's Missionaryfonference, gave a talk on the work of the Conference, relative to the" addresses given, in which he outlined China. and Japan; "the work carried ma' in these fields to difficul- ties encourntered,and some of the won- derful results achieved by the Mis- sionaries in the 1variotis stations and outposts. ‘Speoinl music was also given by the choir, Mrs. Wynn, and Miss Macklin, beimrthe' soloists for the evening. ‘, l _ v, A high-class, concert is being plan- ned by the Young People's League for Tuesday {March Blst, to be held in the Weston Methodist Church. .Kecn the date freeiand be sure of a real treat. Full announcements later. The Men's Brotherhood will meet next Sunday morning at Ill-o’clock, in the basement ol'tthe church.' Dr. E. F. Burton will be the speaker. These meetings are an ideal place to hear good addresses and also»gct better 'dc-, quainted with the men of your town. Come out next Sunday and you will want, tdi come again. All men and boys invited. " "The Place and Power of Prayer." A cordial invitation is extended to everyone to come and enjoy these ser- vices. St. Johh's Anglican Next Sunday evening, March 22nd, Rev. Professor Kingston, M.A.. B.D.', of Trinity College, will be the special preacher. Mi rtpl _ Old Presbyterian: (bu Sunday morning. March22n'd, Rev. Mr. Cheyne will, take tor his sub- ject, "Justified Assurance," and at the evening' service his subject will be The Needlecraft Club will hold their nesti meeting at the home of Mrs. Jennctt, Queen’s Drivev, at 19 o’clock on Wednesday, March 251h. All the trlem- bers,; also all the young ladies of the church, are given a. most cordial invita- tion to attend this meeting, and enjoy the social hour with the Club mem- bers. This Wednesday evening the subject for the Lenten Service will he "St. Philip," and on the following Wednps- day, March 25th, the subject will be "St. Andrew." The Vicar will be in charge, and the choir will render Stoineir's "Story of the Cross." At the close of the service the A.Y.P.A. will hold 4a short service, illustrated with lantern views. _ Baptist Church The pastor. will continue his series of sermons next Sunday nighe;giving1 the sixth one under the heading; of It; "Cynical' Question." These _. subjects have proved most interesting and ben- eficial to the many friends who have listened to them from night to, night, dealing as they have done with many problems which (from time~to time have' been a vex"ed question and caused considerable anxiety in the minds of the younger folk especially. All are given a most cordial welcome to the services from Sunday to Sunfiéty. services from Sunday to Sunday. The Women's Missionary Circle met in the Church.on Tuesday afternoon for their regular work hour. Follow- ing this a, social hour was enjoyed with refreshments sérved. Westminster - EThe March meeting of the Fomen's Missionary Society will be held at the home of Mrs. Cameron on Thursday afternoon or" thii week at ‘3 o‘clock. All the ladies of' he Church are given a most cordial invitation to attend. Under the auspices of the choir, a delightful organ recital and musical programme was given in Wrstminster last Wednesday night, Mr. Bruce Metcalf presided at the organ and opened the programme witlra splendid rendering of "Overture to Raymond,” 1l,ulilllljf'filEllll Cash Auction Sale Tuesday, March M gdses-,,,as', Seed F"otatoes (Sebbiers) Hauseheid Furniture N 0 Reserve REG. fiiM'lrii0l QAETEE ' Islington Dundas St., Next to St.‘ George's LChurrsh. A --__---e-.- 22 Cows and Heifers, 3 Bulls ‘or Good Produce Other Stock and Implements ma, mm 25th F. ASEGANJ Auctioneer AUCTION SALE or 8, Con. 9, King N. S. GOODISON rcsers---Come to Farm Sold followed by other equally delightful organ numbers, closing with that most wonderful and awe inspiring "Over- ture-William Tell." In addition to this, Miss Cora Kay. soprano soloist, anlMr. P. G. Riggs, baritone, gave several selections, all of which were Westminster Services _ Anniversary services in connection with Westminster Church was held' on Sunday morning and evening. ' The choir under the leadership of Mr. Riggs, and with Miss Moffat at the org-an rendering special music at both services, and, in the evening,) the close giving a short recital, consisting of a. couple of organ numbers by MiSS Moffot, anthems by the choir, in which Misses Coiiiphell and Meldrum and Mr. T. Carruthers took the solo pitrts, and a soprano solo hy Miss Partridge and a vocal duet, by Messrs. Riggs and Hastings, provided an excellent pr?- gramme. t much appreciated by those present _ Rey. Kin-Back took the service in the morning, and preached a very fine sermon in which he drew comparisons as to the ability of the Church to edit ry on and progress, be a. live and vitttl part of-Community life of to-day, as against the many obstacles of the past. Conditions were changing the Church must meet, these changes if they were to fulfil their obligations and grasp the opportunities afforded the Churclufor service. Rev. George Little preached in the evening, and he also gave a most in- Spiring' sermon on the current events of the day. "Many Voices, One In-. terpreter", in which he outlined the world with its multiplicity of breeds, doctrines, social clubs and organism- tions for the uplift and benefit of man, all of which preached to the people of brotherly love, forbearance and ithe principals of the Golden Ride. Nature was a teacher, Science, Biology, As- tronomy, all of which would and could teach many lessons of the Di- vinity bf God, yet to understand these and to secure the help from these we must take God as our interpreter, so with the reading of the Bible, we must not be critical, or try and' adjust it to "suit our own moods and feelings, but'stud'y “it asea revelation of God's will for us; fashion our lives ulohrthe principals as laid down by Christ,' and ever give heed to the One (Voice _eall- hig and directing our lives in the baths of justice and brotherly love' one for the other. T In urgingtne proper packing qf parcels, the impression may have been given that qetters will go through the mails without damage even if the lightest of envelopes are used. Fre- quently, expensive enclosures; are sent jn, tenyelo,pesiaof, such poor quality that rlavorigp, is almost certain to "résult; Even; 1f the _iriireloise (lasts 'G6t . burst at the corners, the gum mayinot' hold and with the slightest handling the en- velope opens, possibly resulting in loss of the contents. It is false economy and bad business to use poor envelopes. They give a bad impression which it may be difficult to overcome. "You would not want your 1Tryrestmtativ,e to call on a prospective customer unshavu en and in roggerclothe_irhy ‘send your circular or business letter in a poor envelope., The envelope is the first thing the addressee potiees---see that the first impressions is a good one. ENVELOPES SHOULD BE OF GOOD QUALITY If the letter is worth writing it is worth a proper envelope, one that will be §trong enough to reach its destina-. tion in good condition. The'Post Office asks your co-operation on this point. Give your mail the attention you ex.- pect it to receive. l The Ladies” Society will hold a regu- lar meeting at the home of Mrs. Walter Dickin on Wednesday afternoon/Mir. 25th. All the friends are given a cordial invitation. _ This Friday evening promises to be one of unusual interest for the friends of Downsview Church. Under the auf- pices of the League, Rev. Mr. ’Ro‘ad-l house, of Toronto, will visit the League and give an address, illustrated with lantern views. The subject-will be the life and work of Charles Studd, at one time a cricket champion of old Fmghmd, but now an ardent worker on the Mission Fields of Africa. Mr. Roadhouse is a fluent speaker, his slides rim of the best, and the subject is a real live one. showing how one man with a, vision for service has cop- quercd many of ”the forces and ob- stacle's of evil: Everyone come. You will be interested. I Humble Moutth Organ is Again Step- ping Stone To Playing of More Ambitious Instruments Forty thousand boys, it is said, have contracted the mouth-organ habit in Philadelphia. t Mouth-organ playing seems to be “the vogue" around the Y.yf.CA.'s, in the navy yards, in in- stitutes for the blind, in that city, The pleasing feature about this, si- tuntioh. according to It well-known mu- sician of Philadelphia, is not only/that the boys are taking to mouth-organ playing, bot that in so doing they are also fitting themselves for the more ambitious musical instruments, such 'as' the piano, violin, comet, trombone, etc. Sir William Peterson, head of the corporation which is proposed to enter into competition with the North At- lantic shipping combine, yesterday cabled expressing; his readiness to come to Canada and be examined before the special committee of the House pro- posed to investigate the shipping scheme. DOWNSVIEW And we bring them Mr. William Thomson i, Following: a lingering illncss of some" mirnths' from rho§nmllisuy William; Tlumvsou,Hoelovecrhusbscrd of Mnrguwi et Rubella Henderson, wasmd away;', last Tuesday" all: his lu::mc,_lZ Vimy Ave., Wcstotr.; Detvesusetl, wllo'wziés (fi years of age,"tTapi slmm in Edinburgh): and is"tlie last (If Um family of thi, lute Robt. 'rhtuor,i,iut (of ihe Cooper)'; Trade) of Sassawude and t'sRrhiburto,til Micl-Loihinn, Scotland. He is survival! by his widow"and'tt1lpprctpcl daughters Beatrice. at home, and one mauled daughter, Mrs. Marshall, of West Tu- ronto; _ ' I4hineraliserviccs were. he late residence on Thursday conducted by Rev. Forbes interment taking place i Cemetery, _ , Mrs. Sarah Trina _ l The death occurljetl on Saturdays following a long and painful illness, of Mrs. Sarah Trim, one'oi’ Westoh's old; est and most respected and honored residents. The late. Mrs. Trim was born in Dorsetshire, England, in the year 18th coming to, Canrndaur51 years ago and settling on a farm‘in’ York Township. Some seventeen yearsrugd, Mrs. Trim ond' her hushamL lwho pro- deceased her a few years past, moved to Weston. rl)uring* the wan-3118 was most actively engaged in Red Cross work. making many cqnrforts" for the boys. Of a cheery brip,VdisspositYm, she made many friends, and up till the time of her accident some three months ago, took sin active part in the life of the community.» She was 'a‘ mem: ber of the Methodist Church, also a life member of the ‘Weston Red Cross Society, this honor having, been 'core ferred on her recently, as a tbken of appreciation for her service td'the Asr Soeia'tion since its inception during the war years. One daughter survives,;; Mrs. "tichard Adams, of Torontc. Funeral services were'held from, her late home. Find and William St., oh Monday afternodn, Rev. I. B. Walstyq officiating. Interment, took place at lRiverside Cemetery. J _ '. Charlotte Adeline, Cook After u prolonged illness, Mrs.. Char- lotte Adeline Cook passed away on Monday lust at the home of her eldest, daughter. Mrs. J. Beatty, (SStSt. John's, Road, where she had been visiting for, some past weeks. The: i'uneralpraryiet,t, was'hcld at the above address on Wccti. ncsduy afternoon nt'3.30 p.111.. Rev..D:, Roy Gray, of Mount Dennis Methodist Church, officiating. The, body was inn terned at Prospect Cemetery. She leaves to mourn her loss, f’dur laugh- tors, Mrs. J. Beatty, Westoh; .Mrs. C, Godsvin,, Toronto; Mrs, M, Williamson, Islington; and Mrs. Russell, it Mt. Dennis. Mrs. Emdi1a Hull, Toronto; Mrs. Richards, of Brandon, Manitoba; Miss Makinny, Toronto, and Mrs. Bean, of Mount Dennis, sisters of diss. Mrs. John Clarke _ "y". After a prolonged illness', the depth acetirred.,of Mite; Millicent Clturikmdiw' "vife-of John Glarkf 1971 Keele‘ Street, on Sunday; yprch,1st,. in gher, 1hrt1 year. She leaves ’to‘ mourn her 10535; four daughters, who also reside qil Keele Street. They are Maud (Mrs. Watts), Amanda (Mrs. Dan Wilgon), Tummy (Mrs. Frame). and Edna (Mrs. Smith). The funeral service was held, at the above address on Wednesday afternoon, March with, int 2 o'eloch, Rev. C. AfGowaiis. of 'Mmmt Dennis Presbyterian Church, officiating. The, body was interned in Proépcct Genie: tery. The pull-bearers were, as foil}- lows: H. Martin (brothcr-rn-lriwf, A. Watts, D. Wilson and S. Smithlon- irrclnws), J. Powley and John Hender- son (nephews), The. fauernl was; largely attended by many relatives turd friends of'the deceased and agree; number of wreaths were beautiful. The family, have suffered a double bereavement, the death of their erapdy, mother occurred on Fiebruary"28th. and she was buried on the Tuesduyprevi? ous to her 1utghtcr-inuhiw. s" Mrs. Waj-, lace was in her 97th year. and enjoyed fairly good" health until the last, few weeks." She is an old and nnreh..re spected resident of Thornton. . , . cgased, and M', Elmer McKinney, of Tottenham, and Jack McKinney, of Port Elgin. _ There werei mail}? Death tiful floral tributes. ‘ te ' ' DEVGRCE FGRBEQEBEN . EN ERESEE FREE STAYE Irish Times: Tribute is paid td the tone of the debate, "but its penbiftrv'art'te was {negligiblev for the simple teasqg thrcttH?rcsident Cosgrnsyt/ond.rtsrery sup- porter of his mo most pains to Shh citizen's right to scienéc which is Constitution." "Without even the formality of a' division," says the paper, “the Dail has decided.to narrow the Constitution of the Free, State, trjrnpryse on Some citizens present ant? future ”disabilitios which exist in no other Dominion of the Commonwealth. and to: raise a new and truly formilable barrier between the two. parts of Ireland. The North will sacrifice‘to no man its Imperial, privileges or its libertygof conscience,' and yesterday's decision will be, so long as it stands a stark divorce a win- culp betweén Northlvnrrsrrurh. We hope that whatever the Senate‘s judg- mentvon the Dail's resolution may he, its' dismission will grapple withthe rent issue. The host feature of y/rsperday's debate, its exhibitioh 0er zeal toy the mytion's moritls, will somekd‘riy per- haps exert itself to. removing drunken- ness and vice from the streets of Dub- lin. ,_ Following is the resolution passed-air regards the turiff by the Canadian gosw ernment' manufacturers: ‘TWhile' I;ety. ording our opinion that the, Canadian customs tariff should be based on the principle of protection' We recogrize that there are many’ "nomoties iii the present tariff. We believe that in tle interept Canada au " whole " stientifiit revision of the present schedule is noceusary and that such revisions should be made after, " ‘cqglplt‘te ia- vestiaation by an independent tariff commission, while az'ty,dcwisioiu; as to changes in the tariff must remain rihe prerogative of parliament. The evie dence taken and the conclusions rciurht, ed by such commission shouid be i. mortar ofnpuhtic regard," _-' OBI'FUA-RY motion were at the dt.. shirk the real! issue-the, to that frpeutrttr of can: is gnamnfcgd by' {ho PAGE THREE 31d from his. J, March Iff, , Robertson', in Riverside lies in the Hm? in the " wimtific module- is

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