Ontario Community Newspapers

Times & Guide (1909), 22 Aug 1923, p. 3

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| ®2 ;{gi: :'""Th‘e estimated cost of the work is ZL750.00, of which $62.50 is to be paid D the Corporation. The estimated anâ€" nual rate per foot frontage is 17¢/2¢c. have o7 o Ni iT o ho on inooiencm on ‘ mAKE NOTICE that the Council of _the Corporation of the Town of Wesâ€" ton, in pursuance of Section 9 of ‘The Local Improvement Act," as amended, intents to construct the undermentionâ€" ed ‘work and intends to specially assess Hrpart of the cost of the same upon ane land abutting directly on the work Knd a part of the cost upon the: folâ€" lowing land immediately benefitted by the work, viz.:â€"â€" i The, Southerly half of> Lot MS8{@nd *the Southerly half of Lot 114, Plan No. 182, with total frontage of 300 feet On reserve strip, according to Plan No, 2115, and all of the Northerly: and Southerly sides of John Street as shown on‘ Plan No. 2115 (excepting Lots 42 aund 43, Plan 2115), and the Northerâ€" 4y side of the portion (being Rart Lot 112, Plan No.: 182), dedicated since the filimg of said Plan No. 2115. U Ee said work is:â€" The opening and extension of John _ Street, in the Town of Weston, from \Pine Street easterly to John Street as _ already opened. ‘‘The estimated cost of the work is ©580.00, of which $78.10 is to be paid by the Corporation. ‘The estimated anâ€" nual rate per foot frontage is 17%%%¢. 6. Holley Avenue, West side, from Rectory Road to Parke Street, an apâ€" proximate distance of 740 feet,; a 4â€"foot ‘sidewalk. . / puoinamenan en tss S ce eC i 8. Lippincott Street, South . side, from Main Street westerly to end, an approximate distance of 527 feet, a 4â€" foot ‘sidewalk. _ 4. John Street, South side, from Lot 22, Plan 264, to Elm Street, an apprOXxâ€" imate distance of 578 feet, a 4â€"foot sidewalk. i TOWN OF WESTON 16 LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NOTICE ‘The estiihated cost of the_work is $636.00, of which $71.25 is to be paid by the: Corporation. â€" The estimated annual rate per foot frontage is 17‘%c. 6. William Street, South side, from lcE le Reenen ie etoc e s medrunapsine e The estimated cost of the work is $253.00, of which $11.00 is to be paid by the Corporation. The estimated anâ€" nual rate per foot frontage is TTsse. Rosemount Avenue to Springmount Avenue, an. approximate distance of 230 feet, a 4â€"foot sidewalk. *The estimated cost of the work is $814.00, of which $133.10 is to be paid by the Corporation.‘ The estimated anâ€" nual rate per foot frontage is 17%%¢. 7. Robert Street, North side, from Gfatton® Street to end Lot 19, Plan 1331, an approximate distance of 370 feet, a 4â€"foot sidewall. Eesns nE iess nconer sA mc 6y ce _ ‘The estimated ‘eost of the work is $462.00, of which $64.70 is to be paid by the Corporation. . The estimated anâ€" nual rate per foot frontage is 17%¢. ‘ A pefition against the work will not avail to prevent its construction. f ‘ DATED this 27th day of July, 1923. 4 A. G. PEIRSON, Cletk. ; : + x=A0â€"3t S dcaeat ":=u’fl?g‘, estimated cost of the work is $2007.80, of which no part is to be paid by the Corporation: Noh N M eoene ate ied oineatneene en oo ds 1 2t i The special assessment is to be paid in twenty annual instalments. $ The estimated special rate per foot frontage on the land abutting directâ€" ly on the work is 946 per foot per year, and upon the land not abutting directâ€" ly on the work, but which is immediateâ€" ly benefitted by the work, is 9¢ per foot per year. Aiooee ns en s ie c ‘ A petition against the work will not avail to prevent its construction. " DATED this 27th day of July, 1923. ; â€" A. G. PEIRSON, Clerk, (yerar 5 xâ€"40â€"3t ~"Notice is hereby given that a byâ€"law was passed by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Etobicoke on the 23rd day of July, 1923, providing for the issue of Debenâ€" tures to the amount of $74,300.00 for‘ the purpose of paying for the owner‘s portion.of the cost of construction of, sixâ€"inch cast iron water mains in X\'aâ€"! tey| Area No. 1, (Long Branch) and that such byâ€"law was registered in the egistry Office for the Registry Divisâ€" m of the East and West Riding of the jounty of York on the 24th day of [July, 1923. ©Anyâ€"notice to quash or iset aside the same or any part thereof must be made within three months after the first pubâ€" lication of this notice and cannot be ‘made thereafter; DATE\DH({L Islington this, the 25th day of July, 1923. mig e ce c on i Notice is hereby given that a byâ€"law was passed by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Etobicoke on the 11ith day of July, 19283, providing for the issue of Debenâ€" tures to the amount of $105,000.00 for the purpose of construction of a sysâ€" tem of water maing and water works in Water Area No. 1 (Long Branch) as defined byâ€"the said Byâ€"law No. 1429, ‘and that such byâ€"law was registered in the Registry Office for the, Registry Division of the East and West Riding of the County of York on the 27th day of July, 1923. FORM 24 ~‘TOWNSHIP OF ETOBICOKE NOTICE OF REGISTRATION OF BYâ€"LAW SR OOCUIIR ENCE + Any motion to quash or set aside the same or any part thereof must be made within three months after the first pubâ€" lieation of this notice and cannot be made thereafter. Ml‘);\TF:D at Islington this the 28th day of July, 1923. â€" NESDAY, AUGUST 22, 1923 Byâ€"law No. 1427 S. BARRATT, Clerk §S. BARRATT, Cletk as defined in Byâ€"law No. 1400, and that such byâ€"law was registered in the Registry Office for the Registry Divisâ€" ion of the East and West Riding o€ the County of York on the 27th" day of July, 1923. 1 1 m Adiernopnenterdn vJLll__Y’ ARementear Any mofion to quash or set aside the same or any part thereof must be made within three months, after the first publication of this notice and canâ€" pot be made thereafter. OW n uT s Notice is hereby given that a byâ€"law was passed by the Municipal Council C mesia 9 Genilie U ht uh nds ib iB w on se 7. of the Corporation ‘of the Township of Etobicoke on the 1lith day of July, 1923, providing for the issue of Debenâ€" tures to the amount »of $6,100.00 for the purpose of constructing and exâ€" tending a system of "watermains and waterworks | in . Water . Annex. "A," Kingsberry Ave,. &c., as described by Byâ€"law No. 1483, and that such byâ€"‘lnw Kingsberry Ave,. &c., as described by Byâ€"law No. 1483, and that such byâ€"law was registered in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of the Bast and. West Ridings of the County of York on the 27th day of July, 1923. Any motion to quash or set aside the same or any part thereof must be made within three months after the first pubâ€" lication of this notice and cannot be made thereafter. & ~DATED, at Islington this the day of July, 1923. 1. The council of the Corporation ‘of the Town of Weston intends to conâ€" Sstruct as a local improvement a saniâ€" tary sewer on Wright Ave. and exâ€" tension of Wright Ave. from Main St. ‘to Jane St.; Jane St. from Wright Ave, to MacDonald Ave.; Gibson Ave. from Wright Ave. to Duafferin St., and inâ€" tends to specially assess a part of the cost upon the land abutting directly on the work, and upon the following \land which is immediately benefitted by ‘the work:â€" Sale of Lands for Arrears of Taxes. Township of North York, County of York, to wit: arrears of taxes in the Township of North York has been prepared, and is being published in an advertisement in the Ontario Gazette, on June 30, 1923, July 7, July 14 and July 21. Copies of such list or advertisement may be had upon xeceipt of postage and. application to me. Notice is hereby given that the list of lands now liable to be sold for [ oo oA sATHCATE, Township Treasurer Treasurer‘s Office, Lansing, Ont., this 26th day of June, 1923. xâ€"§1â€"12t oom id detanes revie t Nok In default of the payment ‘of taxes, as shown on the said list, before Tuesâ€" day, October 2, 1923, at 10 o‘clock in the forenoon, I shall at the said time and at the Council Chamber, Lansing, Ont., proceed to gell by public auction the, said lands, to discharge the said arrears, together with â€" the charges thereon. & '\Vock);l‘\»x;ard ‘Ave., from, Jdane St. to Elgin Ave., south side. 1 , 1 " Aia 10 000u@ 92 _ Church St., from J/ane St Ave. 6 228. , *~Boyd Ave., from Merrill Ave, to Lot (32: ? Jane St., from MceDonald St. to Woodward Ave., west side. _ Ellis Avenue, from Gibson Ave. to Jane St. s Speers Ave, from Gibson Ave. to Jane St. Jane St., from Wright Ave. to the .southerly town limits, west side. St ‘_Merrill Ave., from Dufferin St Patika Ave. 2. 4 Dufferin St, from Lot No. 365 to Jane St. wy ‘ ni‘/*vin;y”Avenue,'from Dufferin St. to McDonald Avenue. > 2. The estimated cost of the work is $33,000.00, of which $4,710.00 is to bie paid by the corporation. The estimated special rate per foot frontage on the land abutting directly on the work is 13¢ per foot per year, and upon the land not abutting directly on the work, but which is immediately benefgted by the work, is 4¢ per foot per year. The special assessment is,to be paid in 30 annual instalments. : 3. A petitions against the worls will not avail to prevent its construction. DATED August Sth, 1923. 7 xâ€"42â€"3t A. G. PEIRSON, Clerk. [i On Dufferin St., from Lot No. 365 to \Jane St., and intends to specially asâ€" '|\_sess a part of the cost upon the land {abuttmg directly on the work. 2. The estimated eost of the work is [86,500.00, of which $2,380,00 is to be [ paid by the corporation. The estimatâ€" |ed special rate per foot frontage on Nthe land abutting directly on the work [is 9e per footl per year. The special assessment is to be paid in thirty anâ€" nual instalments. 3. A petition against the work will not avail to prevent its construction. \ DATED August Sth, 10923, (Kâ€"42â€"3t A. G. PEIRSON, Clerk. I. The council of the Corporation .of the Town of Weston intends to conâ€" struct as a local improvement a sanâ€" itary sewer on the following street, namely :â€" ’ King St., from Jane St. to Pine St. Marie St., from Jane St. to Lot 122. John St., from Jane St. to Lot 78. William St., from Jane St. to \Pine t. Patika St., from Jane to College St. McDonald Ave., from Jane St. to Lot THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF WESTON â€" â€" TAXKE NOTICE THAT:â€" NORTH YORK TOWNSHIP THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF WESTON Byâ€"law. No.. 1430 S. BARRATT, Clerk. xâ€"40â€"3t to Elgin h | the Notice is hereby given that a b_vâ€"lawl waus passed by the Municipal Council of | the ‘Township of Etobicoke on the 9th. day ‘of July, 1923, providing for the issue of debentures to the. amount of $367.50 for the purpose of construction of a concrete_ sidewalk four feet. in width on the west side of Bigham Ave., Township of Etobicoke, and that such byâ€"law was registered in the registry office of the Bast and,West ridings of the County of York on the 9th day of August, 1923. _ Any motion to quash or set aside the isam‘e or any part must be made within three months after the first publica; \tim\ gt this notice and cannot be made thereafter. f l Dated at Islington this 1I4th day of to day jof July, issue of deben $367.50 for the of a conerele width on the w Townshin of F August, 1923 Notice is hereby given that a byâ€"law was passed by the Municipal Council of the Township of Etobicoke on the 9th day. of July, 1923, providing for ghe issue of debentures for the amount‘of $613.70 for the purpose of construcâ€" tion of a concrete sidewalk on the west side of Canning Ave., from the Toronâ€" to Suburban Railway tracks to Bloor Street in the Township of Etobicoke, and that such byâ€"law was registered in the registry office of the East and West ridings of the County of York on the 9th day of August, 1923. + ooo woeist hm n edore to c eaue, Any motion to quash or set aside the same or any part thereof must be made within three months after the first pubâ€" lication of this notitce and cannot be made thereafter. 3 August, 1923 j Notice is hereby given that a byâ€"law was passed by the Municipal Council of the Township of Etobicoke on the Oth day of July, 1928, providing for the issue of debentures to the amount of $1003.56 for the purpose of conâ€" struction of a concrete sidewalk on the north side of Dundas Street in the Nilâ€" lage of Islington from a point. 52 feet ecasp of, the tracks of the Toronto Suâ€" burban Railway to Bloor Street in the Township of Etobicoke, and that such byâ€"law was registered in the registry office of the East and"West ridings of the County of York on the 9th day of August, 1923. 5 1 1 \ Aeesoroanes> en en en en et is Any motion to quash or set aside the, same or any part thereof must be made within three months after t17£ first pub lieation of this notice and cannot be made thereafter. _ Dated at ! August, 1923 Notice is hereby given that a byâ€"law was passed by the Municipal Council of the Township of Etobi¢oke on the oth day of July, 1928, for the issue of debentures for the amount of $1027.â€" 94 for the purpose of construction of a concrete sidewalk on the east side of Kingsbury Ave., Long Branch, from the Lake Shore Road, to the Grand Trunk Railway tracks in the Township of, Etobicoke, and that such byâ€"law. was 1jegistered in the registry office of the East and West ridings of the County of York on the 9th day of August, 1923. mhtens o e o it se eateset Euw Any motion to quash orâ€"set aside the same or any part thereof must be made within three months after the first pubâ€" iHcation of, this notice and cannot be made thereafter. Notice is hereby given that a byâ€"law was passed by, the Municipal Council of the Township of Etobicoke on ‘the 9th day of August, 19283, for the lisgue of debentures to the amount of $283.50 for the purpose of construction of a concrete sidewalk on the southâ€"west side of Burnamthorpe Road, from Scott Ave. to a point 538 feet westerly thereâ€" from, in the Township of Etobicoke, and that suth byâ€"law was registered in the registry office of the East and West ridings of the County of York on the 9th day of August, 1923. i Any motion to quash or set aside the same or any part thereof must be made within three months after the first pubâ€" lication of this notice and cannot be made thereafter. j NOTICE OF. REGISTRATION OF BYâ€"LAW Dated utviâ€"sâ€"lifigton this 14th day of Amgust, 1928. â€" Dated at I August, 1923 Notice is hereby given that a byâ€"law was~ passed. by the Municipal Council of the Township of Etobicoke on the 9th day. of August, 1923, for the issue of debentures to the amount of $625.67 for the purpose of construction of a concrete sidewalk on the west side of Scarlett from the easterly boundary of lot 85 to the westerly boundary of lot 115, Plan No. 383, in the Township of Etobicoke, and that such byâ€"law was registered in the registry office of jthe East and West> Ridings of the county of York on the, 9th day of August, 10923. Puted n\t“‘lisii{1gt0n this 14th day of Any motion to quash or set. aside the same or any part thereof must be made within three months after the first pubâ€" lication of this notice and cannot be made thereafter. Dated is Islington this 14th d August,‘ 1023.. _ _ f Notice is hereby given that a byâ€"law was passed by. the Municipal Council of the FTownship of Etobicoke on the oth day of July, 1923, providing for the issue of debentures to the amount of ~$1650.00â€"for the purpose of gonâ€" struction of a concrete sidewallk on the cast side of Kingsbury Ave., from the Grand Trunk Railway to Horner Ave., Long Branch, Township of Etobicoke, and that such byâ€"law was registered in the registry office for the registry divâ€" ision of the East and West ridings of the County of York on the 9th day of August, 1923. Any motion to quash or set aside the same or any part thereof must be made within three months of the first publication of this notice and cannot be made thereafter. Dated at Islington this l4th day of August, 1923. By at Islington this 14th ‘day Byâ€"law No. 1441 Byâ€"law No. 1442 Byâ€"law No. 1443 Byâ€"law No. 1444 12W Byâ€"law No. 1445 Byâ€"law No. 1446 iéiifigton this 14th day of S. BARRATT, Clerk S. BARRATT, Clerk S. BARRATT, Clerk S. BARRATTE, Clerk No. 1440 8. BARRATT, Clerk §S. BARRATT, Clerk S. BARRATT, Clerk ay of TIMES AND GUIDE, WESTON Notice is â€"nereny given. tnat a byâ€"law. was passed byitixé Municipal Cguntil of the Township: of Etobicoke on the Oth day of July, 1923, providing for the issue of debentures to the amount of $750.00 for the purpose of construcâ€" tion of a concrete sidewalk on the west side of Montgomery Ave., and on the south side of Tier Ave., from Dundas Street to the westerly limit of Lot No. ©122, Plan 1602, Township of Etobicoke, and that such byâ€"law was registered in the registry office for the registry divâ€" iston of the East Aand West ridings of ‘the Countyâ€"of York on the 9th day of ‘Augu‘st, 1923. & Any motion to guash or set aside the same or any part thereof must be macde within three months after the first pubâ€" lication of this notice and cannot be made thereafter. Dated at Islington this 14th day of August, 1928. Notice is hereby given that a byâ€"law was passed by the Municipal Council of the Township of Etobicoke on the 9th day of July, 1923, providing for the issue of debentures for the amount of $1820.00 for the purpose of conâ€" struction of a ‘concrete sidewalk on the cast and west side of Douglas Ave., and on the north side of Queen Street, Plan 2308, Township of Etobicoke, and that such byâ€"law was registered in the registry office for the registry division of the East and West ridings of the CEounty of York ‘on the .I9th day of August, 1923. 1 1 I MA ar ce of EnomiP sc ns alan o Any motion to quash or set aside the same or any part thereof must be made within three months after the first pubâ€" lication of thisnotite and cannot be made thereafter. Dated ntflié]«fr;gton this 14th day of August, 1923. Notice is hereby given that a byâ€"law was passed by the Municipal Council‘ of the Township of Etobicoke on Augâ€" ust 6th, 1923, to consolidate into one issue of $5463.93 broken amounts of certain 6 per cent, ten year local imâ€" provement debentures therein registerâ€" ed and that such byâ€"law was registered in the registry office for the registry division of the East and. West ridings of the County of York on the 9th day of August, 1923. & i Homlvat ineraome o peras oo is Any motion to quash or set aside the same or any part thereof must be made within three months after the first publication of this notice and cannot be made thereafter. I‘)‘gté&v;\i”iélington this 14th day August, 1928. _ Notice is hereby given that a byâ€"law thankrully rejorce with Oharies Walter was passed by the Municipal Council| 51 Brunswick Avente, Toronto, Ontzu'i of the Township of Etobicoke on Augâ€" i0, Canada. ust 6th, 1923, to consolidate into one o amege e n issue of $2677.94 broken amounts of | 7. W. BULL ERECTING FINE certain 6 per cent. ten year local imâ€" HOMESTEA!S ON MARIA ST. provement debentures therein mentionâ€" is & ed and that such byâ€"law was rgistered . _ It has foeen noted lately that many in the registry office for the registry fine, new structnres and homesteads diviston of the East and West ridings| are being erected, in and 'xrc\’mc?i of t,i}e County of York on the 9th day| Weston.. One of the finest th£at h‘as of August, 1923. ® ever been built in this town is now unâ€" Any motion to quash or set aside the | der way on Mharia Street. 3 E comiGias aney bart thercofamust be made E. W. Bull, of Main Street, is buildâ€" h Moee t ce ies enc d Any motion to quash or set aside the same or any part thereofemust be made within three months after the first pubâ€" lLeation of this notice and cannot be made thereafter. ])flt;.iflz{tmfsiliihgtqn this 14th day: Amgust, 1023. xâ€"42â€"3t §. BARRAT T. Clerk On Vimy Ave. fronm Dufferin Street ito MeDonald Avenue, and intends to ispecially assess a part of the cost upon l the land abutting directly on the work. j 2. ‘The estimated cost of the work is $1,450.00, of, which $300.00 is to be bpaid by the corporation. ‘The estimated [special rate per foot frontage on the land ‘abutting directly on the work is 9¢ per foot per year. ‘The special asâ€" |sessment is to be paid in thirty annual instalments. 3. A petition against the work will not avail to prevent its construction. . DATED August 8th, 1923. f TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township. of Etobicoke intends to construct as a Local Improvement a six inch and four inch water mains on the following streets between the points described below, and intends to specially assess a part of the cost upon the land abutâ€" a part of the cost upon the Iand aDUWt ting directly on the work. On Lake Shore Rd. from lith St to 12th St.; length of main, 215 0° On 12th btwflr(:)m Lake Shore Rd. to Lake Promenade; length of main, 1830‘ 0" On 13th St. from 12th St. to Lake Promenade; length of main, Teoo. 0. On Lake Promenade from 12th. St. to 13th St.; Length of main, 2851 0". The estimated total cost of the work is $11,000, of which $3,200 is to be paid by the area. The estimated special rate per foot frontage is 8%c. The special assessâ€" ment is to be paid in 30 annual inâ€" stalments. xâ€"42â€"3t, A Petition against the work will not avail to ptevent its construction. _ Dated at 7Isiington this the 14th day of August, 1928. _ _ § , 1. The council of the Corporation of the Town of Weston intends to conâ€" struct as a local improvement a saniâ€" tary sewer on the following street, namely :â€" NOTICE OF APPLICATION Notice is hereby given that Isapeild FOR DIVORCE ~|Gauild, of the City jof Winnipeg, in the s es [Provinee of Manitoba, will apply to Notice is ‘hereby given that James {the Parliament of Canada at the next iKoniaris, of the City of Toronto, in the \session «thereof for a Bill of Divorce ‘County of York, in the Province of Onâ€" |{from her husband, â€" William Mitchell ‘4ario, merchant, will apply to the Parâ€" Tuild, of Dundas, in the Province of liament of Canada at the next session ‘Ontatio, on the ground of adultery and thereof for a Bill of Divoree from his Aesertion. j j wife, Georgina Koniaris, on the ground| DATED at the City of Winnipeg, in of adultery. l(tlze Province of Manitoba,‘this 8th day _ DATED at Fotouto, in the Province ‘of Ontario, this Lith day of August, 11923. 5 : xâ€"42â€"3t TAKE NOTICE THAT :â€" TOWNSHIP OF ETOBICOKE 42â€"5t THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF WESTON Byâ€"law No. 1448 yâ€"law No. 1447 Byâ€"law No. 1450 Byâ€"law No. 1457 HUGHES & AGAR, 857 Bay Street, Toronto. Solicitors for the applicant S. BARRATT, Clerk A. G. PEIRSON, Cleck 8. BARICATTI, Clerk 8. BARRATT, Clerk 8. BARRATT, Clerk of O% t c he ET Cancer can DC treated at home potassium â€" trea terrible discase adopion of a ra tention should 1 surest mecans. DJ world. egn rid itse uselessâ€"expense, t decay and death. The unpleasant that ninetyâ€"five p rampant toâ€"day a feeding and | sev such disease \are by takine drugs. nrrely TOML & uardian idequate PISEASES AND COMMON SENSE greater to mal possibl feet stz eniov. T€ The most painful causes of death are purely "disease of civilization‘" originatâ€" ing from diseasâ€"producing, palateâ€"tickâ€" ing" which destroy the healthâ€"preservâ€" ing values of food. E. W. Bull, of Main Street, is buildâ€" ing an excellent homestead on Maria Street._ It is not. only«gituated in one of the most beautifui sections of our town but it is a distinct beauty itself. It. will certainly he a very atiractive addition to the residential distlictk of this compiunity. It is built of the finest rug brick, and is &n entirely new feaâ€" ture for Weston homesteads. It is modâ€" clled after the Southern Homes, and has awonderful display .of .architectâ€" ural ability in every particle of the building. Mr. E. W. Bull has been very fortunate in securing such builders who have shown that they know their busâ€" iness, from the bottom to the top, and exert every power to bring this knowâ€" ledge out in their architecture. : Changers in the regulations: under the Migratory Birds Convention â€" Act affecting the shooting of migratory game birds in certain provinces have recently. beén authorized by order in council. (the Province 0 #f June, A.D:, . RICHARDS MORE & RIL Under! the order a further closed season throughout the Dominion has been provided for wood duck, extendâ€" ing until January 3lst, 1924. A simâ€" flar closed season has beenâ€" provided for eider ducks, except that eider may be shot in the Yukon and northwest territories during the regular open seaâ€" son provided for ducks in those localiâ€" ties. $ : ‘ The open seasons provided by. the regulations under the Migratory Birds Convention Act for the season 1923â€" 1924 for Ontario and Quebec are as follows: } Ducks, geese, brant and rails. \ In Quebecâ€"September 1 to Decemy ber 14, both dates inclusive. In Ontarioâ€"Beptember lto Decemâ€" ber 15, both dates inclusive. Shore birds or waders, including onâ€" ly the following: Woodcock, Wilson or Jackâ€"snipe, black bellied and. golden plovers and the greater and lesser yelâ€" lowlegs. In Quebec: September 1 to Decemâ€" ber 14, both dates inclusive, In Ontarioâ€"September 1 to Decemâ€" ber. 15, ‘both dates . inclusive, except that on ,Woodcock the open season shall be from September 15 to October 15, both dates inclusive. . : K. negro was. °C fractious *mule, _\ asked: "Does that you, Samt" £‘No, suh, but he where I‘se jus‘ been. CC tC NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR DBIVORCE j 0 soUTHERN OPTIMISM cpense a themsely to keep health th seventyâ€"fiv ire. render 303 Garry Building, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Solicitors for Isabella Guild ti mel PrE‘C y. which.. a {f of most of rouble and 7 n 19 nc tal es iIl lly VEATMAN, FILL given that Isabella of Winnipeg, in the coba, will apply to Canada at the next ~ q ~ BM of Divorce _ William â€" Mitchell nQ yiag to saddle a hen a â€" bystander muleâ€" everâ€" kick sively, by. the not that. this voided by the tural diet, atâ€" d towards the a_ suffering st of its pains. ind premature re established of all disceases d from wrong c ner cent of th T11 d chronic by people go to e more pains than ‘it could 8 ometimes . kicks in it COUIC in that perâ€" entitled ‘to ficiently , by the hat. this 1 by the diet. atâ€" that buildâ€" Maria taken the place she has occupied in my heart." Miss Darrell rose briskly to her feet. "I must write her the letter I promâ€" ised," she said. *Putting it down in black and white, so that se can discuss it with this precious husbhand of hers. She did suggest that she would be guidâ€" ed by him entirely in the matter, but I don‘t think she will somehow. If I am any judge, my neice is rather sick of povertyâ€"of looking at every penny. She wants to wear pretty things again â€"to be ableto go out and aboutâ€"to have something like a good time. And that is why she will accept my offer, whatever her husband may have to gay." When Arthur Leopold toolk his deâ€" parture he took the letter with him to pose. CHAPTER 3. \ Ella Makes up Her Mind. 1 Ella Eardley did not tell her husâ€" band about her aunt‘s visit that same day. She waited until she had got the letter, and then waved it triumphantly. David looked up, surprised. "Hallo," he said. "What is it?" "Read that !" She threw it across to him, and he read . it throughâ€"quickly at first and then again more slowly to take in its full import. It amounted to a contract really, seeâ€" ing that it made a definite (offer Ella watched her husband‘s face closely as he read, and it was easy enough to see that he was not very pleased, for the frown on his : forehead deepened and deepened. He looked up at last. $ | "You saw your aunt yesterday, then?"he said. "Yes; she called:" "You didwu‘t tell me." "No. I was going to wait for the letâ€" ter," Ellareplied. It‘s in black and white now, we know how we stand." And then David Eardley sprang to his feet. He came over and put his hands on his wife‘s shoulders . _ _. _ _ â€" "Ella, are you going to accept this?" he said. "You‘re not. I forbid it." _ The colour came into Ella‘s cheeks. There came a flash to her eyes that was ominous. j "David, I am sorry that you are speaking like this." she said. "Because I have fully made up my mind that I am going to accept." "Butâ€"â€"" "No; you wait a bit. Itâ€"it‘s a chanee in a . thousandâ€"one. that may never come my way again. I can‘t help thinl= ing that it was very decent of auntie to make it in the cireumstances, secing that I married against her will." a "ghe didn‘t like meâ€"she never liked me. She never thought I was good enough for you," David said. Half a minute, dear.. Pll listen to you afterâ€" wards. I want you to hear me first, if you will., I im against this for many reasons, and.two very important ones. First and foremost, I don‘t trust your aunt. I believe that once you went there â€"came under her influence againâ€"she would try to turm you against me. Olf, I don‘t say that she would sugceedâ€"I dare say you wouldn‘t have it. But she‘d tryâ€"she‘d be a kind of a snake in the grass. She did all she could in that direction in the. pastâ€"before we were married. "‘‘That‘s one thing, and the other is I don‘t want a wife going out to work. Her place is in the home. Iâ€"â€"I look forward to see you when I come from the officeâ€"to know you will be here. In a way, that‘s the right of every man, isn‘t it? He earns the money, and the wife she stops at home..I may be old Hashioned, but I‘m all for.that, and that‘s why I ean‘t consent to your goâ€" ing out, even though you would earn such a lot of money." / 3 "And that is where you are unreasâ€" onable," Ella said. "You have finished now? Well, then, you must listen, too. Dave, youâ€"you may |\be right that a wife‘s place is in the home white the husband earns the moneyâ€"if he does eatn it. Butâ€"you don‘t!" She noticed him flinch, and went on quickly. "I don‘t want to hurt your feelings. I itc eensen ns "Yon toolk (me ‘for. better or for worse." Iknow that you have tried and that you have been very unlucky. But Iâ€"I can‘t #o on like this." A "I Iknow, but you can‘t blame me that I‘m trying to make better of it. So long as you remain at Firth‘s, Dave, you stop at your present salary,. Or, if you get a rise at all, it‘ll be an Irishâ€" man‘s oneâ€"down instead â€" of up! You know that what I say is the truthâ€" you have been told so yourself. We might go along all right at five pounds a weekâ€"I dare say we could. But it‘s looking at every penny before we spend it makes me so tired." "Youâ€"â€"" "No, it‘s no good, Dave! We have got to. have a heart talk now. It‘s better to speak plain and get it overâ€"even at the risk of burting your feelings. Iâ€"I haven‘t been happy just recentlyâ€"not a bit happy." "Am I to blame for that?" I‘m not going to blame anyone for it. We‘ve been justâ€"unlucky. Let‘s leave it at that. And there‘s no chance of a turn, so far as you are concerned. We might go on, like Micawher, hoping for something to ‘turn up‘ for you. But I prefer to take what is actually offered. "Dave dear, I‘m sick of thiys\ genteel poverty «We seem all rightâ€"seem to be rctting along quite comfortably, but we‘re missing all the best things in life! We‘re just existing, that‘s all! "I have had to give up all my oneâ€" time friends because I‘m ashamed of being so shabby! I never go anywhere because by the time everything is paid there isn‘t enough left over. "And this will make all the difâ€" ference. This is a job that I can do. I shall be making ten pounds a week beâ€" fore we know where we are!" (Continued From Last Week) k rue Love T riumphed | . [p? ‘__"One of us has got earn the money, ind since youâ€"you â€" have been unâ€" luckyâ€"â€"* 3a n s Ten pounds a week. Just double his own salary! That idea showed afresh how superior she was to himself. % / "I‘m going‘to get a girl in to do that. It will be easy. Oh, Dave, don‘t you see, don‘t you umderstand? It will be the end of this terrible scrape, scrape, serape. __"And the home?" he said. "Who is going to keep that going?" _ _"Don‘t consider my feelings,‘ he in= terrupted. "Say what you meanâ€"since I have failed to do so." # "I don‘t mean that, and I want you to be reasonable," BElla said. "This ofâ€" fer is too good to turn down, and with or without your consent, I am going to start work next Monday. David Eardley did not reply for a few moments. He was looking steadily, at his wife. Ella meant what she said â€"she would follow out her own wishes. He felt convinced of that point. There had been several rifts in the lute just recently; several times they had come very near to having a quarrel. But never before had Ella adopted this atâ€" titude; never had there been such a gleam in her eyes; never had her lips been so firmly set. She had insulted him, too. Perhaps she had not meant to do so.. Perhaps it did not occur to her that she was insulting him, but she was. She was telling him face to face that he did not earn sufficient money, that as a wageâ€" winner he had been a failure. | Perhaps Ella guessed something of the thoughts that were passing in his mind just then, and was seized with compassion. He was her husbandâ€"yes, and she loved him. There was no doubt about that. She loved him! She would never love anyone but Dave. But she could not give way on this point. It was the best thing to be done; it was indeed the only thing to be done. Later on David would understand that. Just at present it was an insult to his manhood that she should. go ~out to work, but, after all, what did it matter? If she did not mind, there was no rea= son why he should. "Dave, don‘t get upset, old boy!"‘she said. "Iâ€"â€"" He Jlaughed bitterly. "Upset" ‘ he said. "When a chap hears the girl he lovesâ€"and his wifeâ€" insult him as you have just insulted me, it is enough to make him upset, I reck= "Look hear, Dave, I haven‘t insulted you, it isn‘t right of you to say I have. I‘ve told the truth, that‘s all." . » "The truth! Yes, that‘s itâ€"the truth! That I‘m a worthless nincompoop, that I can‘t earn enough to keep my wife in decent comfort, and that she has got to go out and do it for me!" He drew himself erect. "Look here, Ella! I‘m your husband, and you have proâ€" mised to obey me, amongst other things It was Ella‘s turn to laugh then, and. she did so rather sharply. . \ "Dave, for goodness‘ sake don‘t start that!‘ she said. "That word ‘obey‘ is dreadfully oldâ€"fashioned; it ought to have been left out of the Marriage Service long ago. At least, let us be modern. . I suppose you are not sugâ€" gesting that you are going to get a whip and thrash me unless I do what you want? You‘d. much , better be reasonable,dear, and see the thing in my light. Whatever happens, L shall accept Aunt Elizabeth‘s offer." j "Curse your Aunt Elizabeth!" Davia said violently, 5 "You won‘t do that one day. You‘ll bless her, perhaps. We‘ll be. able to have such a time, dear.. Just imagine the week ends! A dinner out and a theatre on Saturday, and a trip into the country, or even a day at Brighton â€"on Sunday. It will bring all the old times back, won‘t it? We‘ll really enâ€" joy ourselves.‘ "On your money! I‘d never touch a perny of it!" / "Don‘t be unreasonable" __ "I‘m not!"‘ David Eardley exclaimed. "Nio, . F‘llâ€" beâ€" hangedâ€"if; Iâ€" am! ~ Em fighting for my own happiness, and I know it will be the end of it if you do this. Iâ€"I don‘t want you to do it, Ella; I ask you to keep as you are." "And put up with this horrid ‘gen~ teel â€"poverty, â€"this scrape, scrape, serape, this looking at every farthing?" she exclaimed. "Sorry, Dave, but I can‘t do itâ€"won‘t do it! I‘mâ€" startâ€" ing next Monday." 15'17011____’) "I‘ve fixed everything upâ€"in my mind. It won‘tybe necessary for you to give up so much to meâ€"of your money, I mean. You can keep it all for yourself, Dave, after you‘ve paid the rent. ‘That will mean a good lunch outâ€"not poached eggs on toast and a bun, which isn‘t a meal for any man." "I‘ve been satisfied with it; I‘ve always looked forward to having my big meal at home with you in the evening." "And that‘s very nice of you, but it isn‘t good for your health. You‘ll have something substantial midday, and I‘ll get a woman to do the work of the house. Then, when you come in at night there‘ll be a nice little tea all ready, and you can either sit and read, or come and meet me. We ought to get time forâ€"the pictures on nights when I can finish off early. Dave dear, I‘m not reproaching you. You think I am, but I‘m not. Em Jist fighting for your happiness,, fighting to be rid of this terribly dull existâ€" ence. "I want to live. I want to wear nice things, to go about. After all, we are still young, both of us; these are the best days of our life. Dave, don‘t throw cold water on it all. Iâ€"I mean well. ) Give me a chance!" "I‘m afraid," he said hoarsely; "it‘s no good, Ella. I can‘t help being "Perhaps I can see farther than you. You will be going out into the world again, taking up a job that will put you in the limelight a good deal. You will be meeting smart peopleâ€"those old acquaintances of whom you have been speaking. And they‘ll sayâ€"oh, T know what they‘ll sayâ€"and think! ‘Her husband couldn‘t afford to keep her, my dear,‘ or ‘Poor thing, having to turn out again; always did think he was soft" " afraid." "Of what?" "Of losing you!" "Don‘t be such a goosel 39 (Continued Next Week) PAGE . THREE Md C ( Ti ty 2 ful PA EB M () Â¥1

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