I l 3’32? ' _ WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 23RD, 1922 _ Moved by Mr. Thompson/seconded by Mr. O'Donnell that the ', following bills and accounts be paid: F. N. Leav- ‘ens, printing and advertising voters' lists $40.50; w'. L. Card for lumber, $41.00; N. Harrison, refund of money 'advanced to pay Treasurers bond, 86. oo,. Burlington/ Steel Company for material for Clark's bridge, $97.85; {for work, material supplied and com- mission on bridges on N o. 15 sideroad 'and 7th line.. George Wiley, $53.40; James Byrne, $39.00; Albert Wiley, $35.50; Wilfred Wiley, $15.60; George Bland, $5.253; and A. G. McVean, $2.00. _ Carried. Pursuant to notice, Mr. Gardhouse asked leave to introduce a bill to levy gates for Township, County, Police Village and Schools for the present year. The bill was passed in the usual way, fixing the rates »as follows:- County, 12 mills; Township, 5 1-2 mills; Police Village, 8 3-10; General School, 4; Sec. 2., 2 mills; See.'3., 4 .8-10 ;.Sec. 4., 4 3-10; See. 5. l 7-10; See. 6. 6 7-10; See. 7. 2 9-10; Sec. 8., 3,"See. 9., A; Sec. 10., 5 4-10; Seperate School 9 4-10. T I Owing to the misunderstanding in Union Section No. I, the Council de- eided that no rate could be levied un- til the matter in dispute was finally adjusted. _ Owing to the-extra amount of work in the treasurers office in connection with the government grants for roads and bridges, the Treasurer allowed an additional $5.00 per quarter to his present salary. N _ The reports Were receivec adopted and the, several sums o _to be paid. Thompson - O'Donnellt Tha usual grant of $20. be made County Agricultural Society ( condition of free admission school children of the township fall .fair. The Council adjourned to meet again on the 18th of September. N. Harrison, Clerk. Ah1 motion of Mr. Hostr'awser, amounts were ordered to be placed the credit of the municipality. Reports were presented from to: overseers recommending payment , work performed under their instr: tiabs as follows: Robert Shaw, $3.1 Robert Steele, $4.00; James Wats $7.00; and Charles, London, $10.00 v, The council met on Monday, Au- ;gust 7th. The members were all pre- teise The minutes of meeting of July 3rd were read and confirmed. A communication was presented and read from Mr. J. M. McKay, See- Treasurer of Union School Section No. 9, Toronto Township and No. I, To- ronto Gore, showing that through some misunderstanding the Toronto Gore portion of the union had in the past two years paid $130.00 in excess of their just proportions of the amount raised by assessment in the two town- ships for the school in the said union section. , A communication was presented from the Township Treasurer showing that he had received a cheque from the Treasurer of Etobicoke' for $23.15, bring one half of cost of grading on the Indian Line,' and also a cheque for $1085.93 from the ProvinciaLTreas- inter being government grant on roads end bridges built and improved in 1921. 1011 motion of Mr. Hostr'awser, the amnnnfg were ordered to be Dldced to Note This'? MEAT IN $lJliIliElr'flliE is most important food. lf , you’ll place an order here for Good, Fresh, Choice Meat, you’ll gef what you want and you can de- pend upon it. _ It is our desire to please you with the best Only, and good service. ' TORONTO GORE COUNCIL PHONE 340, WESTON John Shakespeare FRESH MEATS ARE GOOD ALL THE TIME RRRE sented from I' ding payment der their inst sbert Shaw, $5 0; James Wan London, $10.C recéived sums OI _ instruc- w, $3.00: Watson $10.00. rd and ordered at to ot to road- t for the the the the the 'ta-s-stared- Replay for HAY-FEVER andhsthmii. Sold by all and Druggists. For Free Trial write Temptetims, Toronw Sold by Richardson's Drug Store But in the morning laughed Echoes to the sun: "Nay, the joy of living Has just begun!" At night Sorrow whispered: "Wrong has won. All the joy of living ' Is past and done.'" WHILE acting as special investi- gator for the Canadian Gov- ernment, James Oliver Curwood be- came lenamoured of Nature's won- derland in the Canadian Rocky mountains and made it the scene of many of his stories. "The Valley of Silent Men," that little Eden of the North, over which three snow- clad sentinel mountains keep per- petual ward, was no myth. Mr. Curwood simply claimed it by ro- maneer's right, and blazed the way to it over the trail taken by his heroine, the little Canadienne, Ma- rette, and the gallant Corporal James Kent of the Royal Mounted Police. But with all his skill as a word- painter, Mr. Curwood could only in- dicate the natural beauties of this Paradise. V Even the "still" camera and the Painter's canvas can cap- ture only isolated bits of natural beauty which seem so remote that the spectator can hardly realize their truth. But now the motion pictures have followed Mr. Cur.. wood's trail, and in filming "The Valley of Silent Men" amidst the very scenes which the author des- cribed in his thrilling romance, will bring home to millions of screen de- votees the natural wonders of the Canadian Pacific Rockies. Cosmopolitan Productions on ac- quiringihe motion-picture rights to "The Valley of Silent Men", sent a company up into the mountains" early last spring. For twelve weeks they camped and took pictures about Banff and Lake Louise, and the camera caught that miracle of na- ture,-the coming of spring in the snowy wilderness. Frank Borzage, celebrated as the director of "Hu- moreisque" and other successful Cos- mopolitan productions, captained the teompany,-which was headed by Miss Alma Rubens, as the heroine, Marette, and Law Cody, as the gal- lant corporal of the Royal Mounted. Edward Fezu, the veteran guide, pi- loted the daring picture people through dangerous passes, while In- The Movie and The Rockies) Night and Morning 8 JOHN STREET special investi. Canadian Gov. MEET!“ With the rain and wind also came lightning and 'thed.." The first se- vere crash came and the proximity' of the storm was emphasized when a bolt of lightning struck the Victoria Pres- byterian Church at the corner of Med- land and Annette Sts. The slates were stripped from the roof and precipitat- ed across the street, where they were hurled through the windows of the Masonic Temple and the public libra- ry, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake. Many of the citizens were forced to take shelter, while others less fortunate were drenched. The beating of the rain and wind was so apparent on Bloor St. W. as to wet on- lydthe south side of the street, the north side being entirely dry, owing to the shelter of the many stores. After a sweltering afternoon, one of the ,worst storms that has visited West Toronto came in a wild rush on Wed- nesday afternoon last. Without the slightest. warning, other than lower- ing clouds, the wind broke over the city and came in a cloud of dust. The cloud started at Dundas Street West and kept along to Gilmore Avenue, when the rain commenced, coming down in a' regular deluge. The sand storm was so severe as to mar the vision across the street, and the ad- vent af the rain was a welcome relief., However, it heralded something akin to a cloudburst, so torrential was the downpour. A sixty-mile an hour gale also acéouspapied, and the fury of the two wade things very interesting dur- ing theshort period of the storm. Trees were swirled and many branches were broken off. Public Library and Masonic Temple Also Suffer as Result of Flying Slates Heavy Dowhpour = Many Citi- zens Caught in Storm - Sixty Mile Gale Safety First "Safety first" is a good maxim in most things, but particularly so in re- lation to the investment of money. The rich may afford to speculate and to take the risks attendant on high rates of interest. Those whoseuneans are moderate must be careful to see that there is absolute security in their investments. For such people there is no other form. of investment which takes Such a high rank, combining ab- solute security with liberal interest, as the bonds ot the Dominion of Canada. Holders of Dominion bonds bearing five and a-half per cent., maturing December 1, 1922, can re-invest then. money at the same rate of interest by exchanging the old bonds for new ones running for either five years or ten years, as the bondholder may prefer. Arrangements for carrying out this ex- change can be made through all the chartered banks. _ ‘ r ‘ " ' r ._ ptr. qMeey' WWr v- - -~-'-~~-. ' x r I .-.-.-.-.- it ~ YdltFCs"rhs'iu' y, J 'aliliMRNi% ".P,TcPi:'i; If; PP V gSWigigiNi'iiéa88a&.y..! kt ’ _ F - ‘Wto? "r.?.???,?.?.??). y%tWit'i5fti'igiWiillaim ijji'iifiii':if,,ttti'.'tf:.?s1.)5 _iitEggiWlai8tiRtgt'iff'iséitiattgW"S"k"': $04. 'ME, " ihiMlNiWrlarmt 33,9743, ".ryyyhyV. mWtob.8.f1%igiijiltaaiiitWti5iWW%it'tiii. N “"7‘3“?-“32‘3‘5RV7:1:12?:~.-:i:¢t!:I:I:I-v:-.-:.-:::‘:-:-: 'y/c::'.:'.:".'.:::: r4ilia"iittrtilM'al88lliiEjiigi EiWEig. i8NMI Egliltk atiMEMBB Ws:"?,'?.:.':).::,:.'-.?:?.;::,?. ' 's"s'ik'i"Sk: , 2%igNWigEtitMtgEk' iNNNRt9 52QiqHkl r Ti$k ' " I 39.13;; .51. . MllMliRrWtt Al$itW'ikaegi)2WR1iBiMN â€*‘Wv .i,%gg.ari' x Mth'ii' R? agmarpvfé‘mw '%WNWNRtMN? K9% MF T q _ " I - y _ e A 'r.N00e u . . ' _IM9Mr, '8hqailttti. MIN lflMt48 - 'NEiijNiW5tiiettE, 8?F?t= gixaaii'ta%Wt'i:%trg o; #ig.igi.Wg%83WEl' RlttSltiittmiiig-8t% '8i2iwtMGMtg;g?.E Kt '3:- 'Ok' v, “$9316 "eiEiW:,iiii.Ei' BM8i88i88it8hkMi8tKh" MttstgggigW't' K'aEb".ifs, Uf.:?',? 1‘. an . R'd?tWNgN MiRW.ii8F iaEEEl-EtaXiSttt)aiiiieR SW8t 'itiiifiA'9.s%t8Ug5WiB+t8 t??, .. PPPt. dians of 3the Stoney tribe under Chief, John Powderface, were en- 'listed' by the company; both as guides and elwraetyrs_ip the pietyre. One especially thrilling and dan- gerous scene was filmed when Miss Rubens slipped into a crevasse in a glaeier,-(aeeording to directions of the seenario)--but the hero's fran- tie search for her gave occasion for filming the icy depths of that vast frozen river. Dog sledges bore the lovers into a veritable "Valley of Silent Men", where their romance ended happily beneath the benedic- tion of the three white sen els of, this, snowy Eden of the Nb _ d. Ne trail was too long or ihnger- ous for Director Borzage and his courageous company, and the re- sults as seen upon the silver screen achieve not only a perfect pietariza- tion of Mr. Curwood's romance, but This upper picture is Alma Rubens, who plays the part " "MarsttP in “The Valley of Silent Mens" and a dog team in the Canadian Rockies at Banff,,Alberta, last spring. The lower picture is a glimpse of the encampmbnt of Stormy Indians near Banff; SAN DST ORM PRECEDES Alberta. NW3 STRIKES lll.illfillll STEEPLE Strikes Church THE TIMES AND GUIDE, WESTON It took a long time to find just the right place in which to film this thrilling story. In the first place the scenery had to conform to the author's description, and after that it had to be far and away out of "he run of ordinary mountain scen- ery. It had to be on a scale of grand- veur and interest that would help make the film remarkable. Then too. it had to be accessible. The Canah dian Pacific Rockies in the vicinEi of Banff and Lake Louise filled "rt,' these requirements, and further provided the very best possible ae.. commodation for the members of the company at the Banff Springs . Hotel, and the Lake Louise f1ipiiiiil both in very easy distance o the] wonderful scenes phdtographed it the making of this film. C an excellent moving-picture of ‘tha Canadian Rockies. Prior ta the downpour of rain a sand storm which blew in all directions and left the whole section hazy and dark, and the clouds of sand gave it an appearance of a cyclone. The Victoria Presbyterian Church was again struck by lightning and for a short time the tower was in flame, but not much damage was done. The slates off the roof of the church were driven for 100 ft. across the road, through the windows of the public lib- Wary. Allison's grocery store, on the corner of C,leudarurar1 Ave. and An- nette St. was another spot of destruc- tion when the wind blew its plate glass windows in. "Knoclcer" and the "Booster." "When the Creator had made, all the good things, there was still some dirty work to do, so he made the beasts, reptiles and poisonous insects, and when He had finished He had some scraps that were too bad to put into the rattle- snake, the, hyena, the scorpion and the skunk, so He put all these together, and called them suspicion, wrapped it in jealousy, marked it with a yellow streak and called it a KNOCKER. The great wind storm was accom- panied by the heaviest downpour of rain that has fallen this season. ‘On High Park, Willard Ave. and Pine Crest Road, trees were uproot- ed and the telephone wires unstrupg and formed a network over the streets. On Oakmount Rd. the Hydrodamps were forced out of place on the poles and fell to the pavement. A clever peppery fellow is Paul H. Fieberg,.a, Chicago printer. He is the author of this reumrkably well-worded and truthful description of the Ea'Wi'aKr.'e?:.'?.":i??::.f.iif:'::":':iii'yfa& 2w- ifsiigEgiggig3355:;ig3353?.E:5:£;:'=E=E:E:§$§:3€gigg§ B1WWi8ii' * _ y'pyyyyy'.Coy". 4t ' o; :35. , 25'JyT: yy', ff.::.:'::'::'::'::':."::':::'::;':'.:'.:"?.:".'.'.:'; MiiatMtE y2l:klt'c:228 _ "~-.-’.-:-'-:-'.~:-:-:-:‘-:;:-:A:-:-z»:A:A:<-:e~'-:~:.;-:«:-:-:-:4.» INiiii5iMiEi'.iiiiP: P, . MW. .-:‘:-:;‘.;§:;:::;;:;.;:;;-:;‘:;:;:‘:$:.z.;§;.-\.:(.;.;.;.;.-.; aNiee IR' :-:‘3-.-. uv. I984 :tt::ry':Tc:AW".C:,",'il::yRt,':e:rCi:". / 'e,'iiu'e , Xi2M3ilW:'; -. Mai 3.3.3.; 'A.443.;.-,::;.:.-.\;:;.~:»;<-:-:$..A§‘.;.1 948 Suva-I291; '25lrtEsy'. ", o%Nt$'cc::::2'.f; ltr,?.?.?,?.?.:;;::::;;'.:"?.'..?.?:?'::) y0% an t Mgt aw? . fy . . .Nu' IEMrr .'ci:?i:?i:1' 'iy:tei:':r::i:i:rget"i:yf::1t1'r 19 .3 " riiNgmlag "fy.iWt:iifyfs.'s.?.iii:. t:l:iiiiii'f,ri,:iii.i:'isjjij ttRr: 'S ‘1:~“ IK'i'.a888c':i:i;yi?tty. NNt "i?.iy.'i?ipuiiik ,sS's?tt' with 'igs8giglill, , 'ar..::.":.';,':':..':.':::."::".:).)':):)',',':'::, ('iit?:iiiirf;. ys ' ' v'iiltt)")) 1393"“; Si)m88Bitt8?/i"o.1y.":'i"::"si:it:':: tO triiiisRW, v.1“ "cl: C',' RMiiii3iN ;:§:‘-:I:i:55§§-:<h\-..,.; OF {353: . MilgEgW5S " = .'iiii,:itt?iiiste? F2':S?iiki:.:??s; 'st' r buff-5;; *M>&>szsÂ¥a§s>z:.:s:s:s:zrzzr "i%tk,iiirs::ttfiiir:NA 1:33:53; _ MMBit Nlttt%kgi 1l2::y2y2Wy"y':'c'. . i. ' RNt y':::yk,T.stG% . :'i'c'gRt: The children attending the summer school in High Park were very fright- ened, although no damage was done to the Fewest School. The West End seemed "to be the only victim of the storm, as those working in the down- town sections of the city were amazed when they heard of it. Church Struck by Lightning--- Trees Damaged and Wires Broken HEM EYEUJNE (fffiilil3 WEST END Last Wednesday afternood a turi- ous storm hit West Toronto, and last- ed for one-half hour. "The product was so fearful to con- template that He had to make soiuie- thing to counteract it, so He took a sunbeam and put in the heart of a child, the brain of a man, wrapped these in civic pride, covered it with brotherly love, gave it a mask of velvet and a grasp of steel and called it a "BOOSi'EW'; ‘made him a lover of fields and flowers and manly sports, a believer in equality and justice and ever since these, two were mortal, man has had the privilege of choosing his associates.†Let Us Boost i933 i i8tati .- aBtt k tap92:: w F.uCss Buy your Fordson NOW, and get the full benefit of it this year. 1 Set Preserving Kettles Nlllilllill SAUCE FANS LEFFED SAUCE FANS Tlik lili'f'filjlis FNYENG FANS V - - _ a F Mrh ' . . ‘ " " 1 I MMI " l* - . $ggh , - 7 1 , - gh Mrs - " , h; _ , _ . 1 - V :14; B " Mat s y; " " "glirlBa" ma I , 1r " ‘ "' I 1 11 "q ' . . ‘ " ar. Mea, my: . Sg - - RMI, 1 _ . , - - .." Mrrg - , - . ' . , - _ , - " .11“ - ', “yin _ I . K , a l, . Iml , , tq. :1. - - . 1 - - - 11mm ,5 .1. We - 1 ' MINI 7;. . 1 ' - . " "TE ' " ,.. * " - g2%,Miih no: N . N k - . " T 'MM, f, * ., f _ - - ' > I _ ' " " : - I . " . 'i - 11~. , al I " "W. I 1 - ' - ' “u. 1 1 , . » , . " " - " ' V " r ' , 1 "ttd a». 7, ;n.- . ' . Wr QUALITY and PRICE Phones Office Mo House 257 Your service station for Ford service. It can be depended upon. Of Course you mh, yet that small sum will pay for a Ford- son in a year, and we guarantee it to do more work thanthe two best teams inthis county. _ . . A Fordson Tractor is the best investment you can make. Its speed means that you get your crops in at the right time and off at the right time--the beginning of the season when prices are at the peak. _ MAIN STREET, WESTON Dankert Iii: Skipton DHAM'S HARDWARE TRACTGR , _ you hire two teams for $1.10 a day 'l ' We have a complete line of Rough and Dressed lander, Shingles, Lath, Cedar Posts, Hardwood flooring, Ready Roofing, Etc. You will save money by letting us quote you. 17oras on, MAIN ST., WESTON F.O.B. DEARBORN, MICH. DUTY FREE. THE FORD DEALER. 11"†Well you’ll never have a better chance _ to bar. them right than new in our _ '. store. You’ll find we have all the best makes. It's the time to buy as pre are' cutting down our stock in these hks. _ pEMENT FOR BUILDERS , - v; lam ggilMt ll- - _ T " 1irail " ' ( " , ‘ a“. . V . _ 2ltMRlt, > " _ "t TRADE MARK WESTON PHONE 292 John St. and G. T. R. Tracks PHONE " PAGE SEVEN