:,)'ii,-e, £1 £53 r'""""""""""""---""--", IIIIII “All“!!! Mlllllalllluu """'""""""""""""""""-"-l - ___'- - x _ --- - . - I amflflllllumlljllllllllllllllllllIllIn!IllIIll"In"IIllllllllIl"IIllIIlllllullllIllII“)!lMy;lI_lll._llull}IL"I‘lj‘lllillrug[lulllllllflllllllll EHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllllulllllullIn":lulu“nullIInIIIIIIIIIIInunuluuuulnIIIn!llIIIIInunnulnlmuInlnllllmnn-E aimllllllmmmnunnuulullnullluulllllllluluuInIn"unlit-lulluni-InnIlllluuumiulumuuumuulIIIIIINIIE ltllllllllllllllluuunuluuuluun"In:nuuuluulluullluInuuuuuuIulIIIIIIIuIInnuuuuuuuunulunllllllnlllllllulnun. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllIllIllIlIII-IIIIIIIIIIIICIIIIllllIlllIlllllllllllIllljllllllllllllllllIIIIIII"Illlllll"llllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllll‘ WEDNESDAY, ,AUGUSI‘ 1 0TH, 1 ' 2 1 165 MAIN STREET C.P.R. Tracks PREVENT ACCIDENTS -- _ [MK AFTER YOUR EAR _ Why risk your iife and. the life of your car when a few ddllars and hours spent in having your car overhauled will take away that risk. , _ NO LONG WAITS OR TAKING YOUR PARTS TO THE l CITY. TRY US. Main Street West THE GARAGE MAN MAIN ST. NORTH, WESTON PHONES: 427 GARAGE, 361 HOUSE John Chapman PHONE 170 Are You Looking For a Real Truck? Repairing is our business and we are always doing it. See us for real work. i THE ONLY CHEVROLET GARAGE This is the place where you can got all the necessary parts and sure of your repairs being made right. We can do it for' you, without fail. OUR MECHANICS ARE WE CARRY A FULL ALL EXPERIENCED LINE OF-. AND WILL GIVE YOUR ACCESSORIES _ CAR THE NEEDED GASOLINE, OIL, TIRES, ATTENTION TUBES AND PARTS Acetylene Welding done Get your Coal Bin Filled NOW Bring it here and have it done before you get into trouble. You can get the best make, that you can depend upon to serve you every day. It will pay to look if over. It is the famous . and carries a BRING YOUR CAR TO US. We will take the rattle out of it. A WORD TO THE WISE IS SUFFICIENT G. Marriott CHEVROLET SERVICE STATION THE BARKER GARAGE Phone 254 - Main Street, Weston BEST SCRANTON HARD COAL AGENTS FOR TRAFFIC TRUCK RUSSELL IA ROSE E il flljTGlllGi)ll wishes to announce that he is now _ located at THE MAXWELL 165 MAIN STREET SOUTH THIS B THE CAR HARRY G. HELL THE WESTON GARAGE a full line of Groceries and Provisions. Prompt Service NEILSON’S ICE CREAM k T. CORBETT Sheds and Office Phone 72 ISLINGTON SOLD BY here. Phone: Gagage 382, House 433 WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF- ACCESSORIES A GASOLINE, OIL, TIRES, TUBES AND PARTS MAIN STREET, WESTON PHONE 226 Tourists may escape the unpleasant- ness of sdeh a journey by placing their cars abroad C. & B. Tine Steamers, leaving Cleveland and Buffalo daily at 9.00 p.m., enjoy a. night of refresh- ing sleep on the Great Ship "Seeand- bee" or sister ship, Steamer "City of Buffalo," and arrive at destination in time to make an early start the follow- ing morning. \ A special car-by-steamer service for. automobile tourists is maintained by the C. & B. Line, and the novelty of the idea, excellence of accomm0C1a- tions and low rates charged for this service have been highly appreciated by motorists. ' "paradoxical as it may sound, the water route is the best one to take when motoring between Cleveland and Buffalo,†is the advice of ever) well imformed touring bureau. There are three serious detours on the route between Cleveland and Buffalo; one of sixteen miles between East Springfield and Girard, Pa., one between North- wi/sit Pa. and the New York line and the other in the vicinity of Fredonia, Your On July 13 last the Labor Depart- ment communicated with all the Pro- vincial Governments, emphasizing the importance and necessity ot all con- cerned, giving attention to this prob- lem in advance of next winter. It was suggested that an investigation and survey by Provinces be made co-opera- tively by the Provincial Government, municipal authorities, employes, labor, returned soldiers and other organiza- tions to intelligently determine the prospeptive requirements in each Province and to devise suitable means ot meeting the emergency. After this was done, it was pointed out, the Federal Government would be glad to meet Prbvincial delegations and de- ttrmine up'on a course of joint action. _ Provinces have already held con- ferences, while the others have replied indicating their support of this plan. Responsibility of Each Canadian "Every Canadian citizen," said Senator Robertson to-day, "has an individual responsibility and can aid in minimizing unemployment in Cana- da by purchasing only Canadian-made goods. Approximately 70 per cent. ot the cost of manufactured goods repre- sents the cost of labor in the various stages of production. $100,000,0A0 worth of Canadian-made goods pur- chased means $70,000.000 distributed to Canadian workmen, which would be spent tor the maintenance of them- selves, their homes and dependents, and which would also circulate through many hands and remain in cy Ctt9 EyzRemedy. No Smarting, just Eye Comfort. At Your Drug-gist: or by mail 60c Per Bottle. For Dock ol She Eye free write tera Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. DRIVE BETWEEN CLEVLAND AND BUFFALO BY WATER Canada. The purchase of the same amount ot imported goods which could have been produced at home contrib- utes to the unemployment of scores of thousands of Canadian workmen; to want and suffering for their families; to industrial unrest and to the neces- sity of unemployment relief. "Our factories running to 100 per cent. capacity means lower unit costs, hence lower production costs and better wages with our labor employed and contented," iluickV rem Yeti' EyzRemedy. just Eye l Probably little over half of the firms engaged in those industries have reported to the Department of Labor, it is stated, but those who have show a total decrease of over 90,000 em- ployes now, as compared with mid- winter a year ago. Iron and steel alone show a drop of 41,314, or 30 per cent. Ottawa, Aug. l-Canada is facing a serious unemployment situation and the rank and file ot Canadian people can help in a great measure to al- leviate it by buying only goods made in Canada Wherever they are available. This point is stressed in a statement made yesterday by Hon. G. D. Robert- son, Minister of Labor. "Since January 1, 192.0, Federal, Provincial and municipal governments have dis- bursed approximately $3,500,000 in unemployment relief to needy people. Greater need and greater demands are in sight,' said the Minister of Labor. "It every Canadian would buy only Canadian goods where available the volume produced would be greatly increased, which should tend to re- dupe both productive and selling prices, absorb labor and eliminate or reduce to a minimum both the cost and necessity of relief measures. Neither Federal, Provincial nor mu- nicipal authorities can hope to solve the problem except with the T-opera- tion of the people." Number of Employed Decreasing Canadian industries, records show, continued to show substantial de- creases in the number of men employ- ed. As compared with mid-winter of 1920, the situation is such as to de- mand attention and action. Normally there are slack periods due to many seasonal occupations, the minimum number of people being em- ployed during mid-winter. A true idea of the existing situation may be drawn from the fact that in January, 1920, 3,242 firms engaged in 14 dif- ferent lines of manufacture employed 395,290 workmen, while in July, 1921, these same firms had only 319,710 on their payrolls, a decrease of 75,580, or 19 per cent., at a season when normal- ly their staffs are substantially in- creased over' winter levels. Ninety lumbering firms reported 18,802 men employed January, 1920, with but 6,656 in July, 1921, a decrease of 65 per cent., notwithstanding the fact that British Columbia logging opera- tions are carried on during the sum- mer months and normally about offset the decrease in employes in Eastern Canada. 168 mining concerns show a decrease of 3,019 men, or 8 per cent. below mid-Winter level. The manufacture, mining and lumbering industries fairly' reflect the true situation, it iswtated. Advice Given Canadians by Hon. G. D. Robertson, Minister of Labor. Canadian Press, ?llfilllllSf llllilf NATIVE (lllfllls 'eople Must Buy Products of Dominion if Unemploy- ment is to Cease. WOULD BAN IMPORTS Granulated Eyelids, Eyes inflamed by expo- sure to Sun. Dual and Wind guicldy relieved by Marine TIMES & GUIDE. WESTON New Chevrolet Prices PHONE 292 Main Street at low cost through special manufacturing methods Quality For August Cash Sales we will deliver all models at above prices, complete, including government tax, delivery and license. Get your order in early and enjoy the nicest part of the motoring season. - tata W0? lrg dll Btllai8l . - Me, . 5.5-9? sf: . Ical, " ll' . ~33- rr - l, " 1,33%.» , " " - - -* " " lIt ttlk MI I l , a . , I The Chevrolet Motor a, Ltd, starts its new year with another reduction , In prices. ' , ( ' ' Prices Reduced and . Improvements J!giade (' , Model 490 Touring and Roadster ............ .....$ 860 ‘ Model490 Coupeand Sedan ........ .....ttem .....$1395 Model F. B. (Baby Grand) Touring and Roadster . . . . . .$1445 Model F. B. (Baby Grand) Sedan and Coupe .. .......$2295 I Model F. B. (Baby Grand) Special Touring and Roadster $1570 ModelG a Ton Thick endow... ....o ......$1180 Model (l 3-4 Ton Truck with a, Body and 8 post top. .$1410 rr liIoikl'l"l'0a'huhfhassis ........... ......... ..$1670 " ' (Complete with Electric Starters) -. Phone 254 C. A,, GRAHAM GARAGE FOR STORAGE AND HOME FOR ALL ACCESSORIES ON AUGUST lst ALL MOTOR DEALERS START ON THEIR NEW AUTOMOBILE YEAR The above prices are F.O.B., Oshawa. WESTON Many small-output factories farm out their gear cut- ting. Ford gears are cut by expensive automatic ma- chines in our own factory, six machines being operated by one man, resulting not only in economy of operation but in perfection of work reflected in the smooth running of your Ford car. T Ford time-saving machinery, of which those above mentioned are typical examples, enable us to produce a car of the highest quality at a low price. A giant milling machine finishes in ONE operation the sides and bottoms of ten cylinder castings, forty cyl- inders in all. The cylinder heads are machined by a simi- lar miller with one man and a helper operating it. Factories with smaller output use for each cylinder block operation a separate machine with its own mechanic, thus adding to the cost of higher priced cars. THE immense output of cars from the Canadian Ford factory permits the adoption of expensive time-saving machinery that would not be economical in factories with smaller production. This saving of time is a factor in the low price for Ford high quality. Wherever you go ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE Main St. Service " Weston PAGE SEVEN f?? Te 1 £23 pa