E? .rE','t) 'i?,tjtr',) hh I EAGLE HOUSE BLOCK 'ihmrnimmrmmarmmnm, PAGE SDI l)iliMi)l)i's ICE CREAM Moore’s ke Cream and Lunch Parlor Drop into Moore's for your Ice Cream, Soft Drinks, Candies and Light Lunches. Insure Your Health OUR WATCHES are the best values in the market. Ev- eryone is guaranteed. You can get ideas here for that wed- ding present. 2892 DUNDAS STREET TINSMITH AND FURNACE SPECIALISTS PHONE 14 C MAIN ST., WESTON (Shop over Oldham's Store) Marriage Licenses issued, Wedding Rings at all prices. MILK IS A NECESSITY IN EVERY HOME. GOOD MILK THAT CAN BE DEPENDED UPON TO BE NOT ONLY PURE BUT CON- TAINING THE HIGHEST FOOD QUALITIES IS INDISPENSABLE. WHEN YOU USE OUR MILK YOU HAVE AN INSURANCE AGAINST F ADULTERATIONS THAT ARE INJURIOUS TO THE MILK. PHONE 126 BOYS ! W. J. SHEPPARD BURGESS BROS. THE WESTON DAIRY A. LUND, PROPRIETOR 26 MAIN ST. EVERYBODY ! GET THE HABIT- SERVED M M)i)llli's , When you get our work you can bang on to it. Ex- perience shows that you can arely upon our tinsmith work. Roofing of all kinds re- paired or put on including Tar and Gravel. Furnace and Heating sys- tems installed. _ Eavestroughing is, bur spe- cialty. lection of Diamonds for Rings, etc., Ear Rings, Stick Pins, or Pennants-- Yau can secure a fine sec here, PROMPT SERVICE MAIN ST., WESTON WESTON GIRLS ! TORONTO ---, ttres. Soak the gelatine in the cold water until soft, and then dissolve in the boiling water. Add the teaspoonful of Jemon juice and set aside to cool. Break the egg into a bowl or mayon- naise mixer, and add to it the mustard, salt, paprika,: pepper, cayenne pepper and sugar. ‘Beat well and add the oil gradually, beating constantly until the mixture is smooth and thick. Then "add gradually the vinegar and two tabiespoonfuls of lemon juice. When the gelatine mixture has begun to stiffen, whip it until light and fold up into the mayonnaise. Chill thor- oughly. By this recipe the ordinary amount of mayonnaise is stretched, and the result is a light, nutty mayon- naise which is especially delicious with fruit salads. The sum of $53,715 has been col- lected in Port Arthur in fines for in- fractions of the Temperance Act and other prohibitory measures since the closing of the, bars in 1916.' Emmanuel /B. Devlin, member of parliament for Wright, was taken ser- iously ill while on a visit to Terrebonne yesterday. He was removed to the Hotel Diet: at Montreal. His condi- tion is considered critical. Four thousand harvest workers from New Brunswick reached Winni- peg late Monday night on three Cana- dian National and three Canadian, Pa- cific trains. They are being allocated to points in the Western provinces, where men are needed to take off the ripening crop. a Fruit Salad Mayonnaise One egg, 1% teaspoonfuls mustard, 114 teaspoonfu1s salt, bk teaspoonful paprika, % teaspoonful pepper, few grains cayenne pepper, 1% teaspoon- fuls sugar, 2 tablespoonfuls Vinegar, 2 tablespoonfuls lemon juice, 1% cup- fuls salad oil, 2 teaspoonfuls granulat-- ed gelatine,. 2 tablespoonfuls cold water, 1 cupful boiling water, 1 tea- spoonful lemon juice. Delicious Pickles Select young tender carrots. Wash well and trim oft the crown, but do not scrape. It it is not possible to secure the little ones, get them as small as possible and scrape, trim and cut into quarters. Pack close in a pint jar and add one white onion the size of a walnut, sliced then, and the sliced pulp of a lemon that has been skinned. Mix 1 tablespoon of salt, the same of sugar, % tablespoon of mustard and ld tablespoon of curry powder. Stir this to a paste with cider vinegar. Turn into the jar and fill with either cider or malt vinegar or a mixture of the two, "s Seal. These are very tart and crisp arid ready to use in a week. , Mustard 'Mustard. which is one of the im- portant elements in salad dressing, although but a small proportion of it is used, was known medicinally by the most celebrated physicians of antiqui- ty. As a condiment it dates from the latter part of the sixteenth century, but it was little known until the year 1729, when an old woman of the name of Clements, residing in Durham, England, began to grind the seed in a little hand machine and mix it into a dressing for meat. Five young men shrere drowned on Sunday afternoon in Lao des Hetres, near Shawnigan Falls, Quebec. They were canoeing,on the lake with two other young men when a strong wind overturned their Pratt. The victims are three brothers Bolduc, Arthur, aged 19; Antonio, aged 18, and Ovide, aged 16; Rosaliere Hartin. aged 17; and Roland Aubert, aged 18. The Hon. W. G. Mitchell, provincial treasurer of Quebec, announced yes- terday that the ordinary receipts of the province for the fiscal year, end- ing the 30th of June, 1921, amounted to $15,91h,521.17, and the ordinary and extraordinary expenditures to $14,664,088.12. The surplus of ordin- ary receipts over ordinary and extra- ordinary expenditures is $1,230,433.05. A further reduction in the price of dining car meals on all Canadian rail- way lines in the near future Was tore- casted to-day by Grant Hall, vice- president of the Canadian Pacific Railway, at Winnipeg. Mr. Hall said the announcement of this redu'ction would be made very shortly. New price "schedules are now in course of preparation. Blackbqrry Liquid Sauce Mash and rub one basket of black- berries through a sieve to get rid of the seeds. Mix pulp with one and one-half cups of sugar and stir until sugar is dissolved; let stand thirty minutes and stir before using. Other berries may be used in the same Way. Disappointed over their failure to obtain jqbs at a timber yard in East London, which advertised for fifty men, 5,000 unemployed laborers yes- terday broke into the premises and set fire to a stock of lumber valued at f1,000,000. Considerable damage was done before 500 foot and mounted police made way for a fire brigade. Cream one-half cup of butter, gradually stir in one cup of sugar, and then drop by'drop pne-half cup ot crushed blackberry "pulp that has been rubbed through a, sieve. Rasp- berries or strawberries may be used in place of blackberries. Sinn Fein Members of Parliament. who hive been in confinement at the Ballyminlar internment camp, Ire- land, were released yesterday. It Is announced toy Desmond Fitzgerald, Sinn Fein Minister of Propag:anda, that all the "Irish Republic Parlia- ment" members will report themselves at the Mansion House upon their ar- rival in Dublin. _ Cream one-third cup of butter; gradually stir. in one-half cup of sugar; add the yokes of two eggs beaten until thick and light and one- half cup of milk. Sift together two cups of flour, four teaspoons salt; add gradually to first mixture, stirring and beating until well blended; then fold in the stiffly beaten whites of two eggs and one cup of blackberries. Turn into a well buttered mold, cover and steam one and one-half hours. Serve with blackberry hard sauce or blackberry/liquid sauce. td, _ TF-CG- C" i? bore, irritated, Ir'e E9133 'fYit; fiamed orCrarrceted, useMurine often. South; Rettxshes. Sau' 21’ C r Infant or Adr't, At ell Druggists. Cr ite fcatr.'?'see5.'areEttoLu tfatrisiRemedrCi..CYsaca Steamed Blackberry Pudding Blackberry Hard Sauce In Blackberry Time TESTED RECIPES NEWS IN BRIEF Night and Morning. Have Clean, Healthy Eyes. if they Tire; Itch, Smart 3: Burn, “as, rritzted. In; _ Pus.--Pus for examination may be forwarded in a, small bottle, pre- viously sterilized by boiling. Care shoi'ild be taken to avoid getting it on the outside of the bottle or stop- per, as this is at least unpleasant, and may be dangerous, to handle. Rabies.--The head of a dog sus- pected of rabies should be wrapped in a protective covering of cheese- cloth or oiled paper, . (packed in /,Tu..iilpy1,itl,t, 1pg,iv,tyeHyiha,t, ginseng weather), and sent as iiTthfir y as pos- sible to the nearest laboratory doing this work-inpltario the Provincial Board of Health Laboratories, at 5 Queen's Park, Toronto, or its branches at Fort William, Sault Ste. Marie, North Bay, Kingston and Lon- don. Never kill a dog suspected ot rabies, as in the early stages it may not be possible to find the Negri bodies in the brain cells; but restrain the animal and properly look after it tor ten days, before which time it rabid it will have died. Contagious Abortion. -i- The most convenient method is to s'end a blood sample from the cow for'the agglu- tination and complement fixation tests. The blood is collected trom the jugular vein by means of a ste- rile hypodermic needle, and a small sterile bottle is filled up to the cork. As soon as the blood clots it should be mailed to the laboratory, where the serum is separated and the tests carried out. Material intended tor examination must not be placed in preservative tluids, which would destroy the bac- teria. Large specimens, such as an entire organ, should be removed Jsrith sterile instruments, at once wrapped in several layers of cheesecloth mois- tened with a 10 per cent. formalde- hyde solution, then in oiled or wax paper and packed in ice and saw- dust. It is often inconvenient to use ice, in which case the organ may be liberally sprinkled with borax or boracic acid, wrapped in several folds of dry cheesecloth and packed in shavings in a wooden box. It borax is not available wrap in the formaldehyde moistened cheesecloth and pack in shavings. Material should never be placed in umsteriliz- ed packing material unless protected trom contamination by one of these methods. Small specimens should be placed in wide-mouthed bottles or fruit Jars that have been boiled and cooled before using and no preserv- ative of any kind should be used as it would penetrate small specimens and kill the bacteria. Hemorrhagic Septieeptia. - The pneumonic lung, or liver or other organs showing lesions, should be forwarded, packed in one of the ways already described. It is well to include the heart, the vessels hav- ing been tied before removal with string soaked in a disinfecting solu- tion. Wrap each organ separately before placing in the box. Anthrax.----" Anthrax is suspected never open the carcase, as this per- mits the anthrax bacilli to form spores in the presence ot the air, in which condition they will live for years, and form a centre of infec- tion. Remove an ear and send to the laboratory in a sterile container, or wrapped in disinfectant moistened cheesecloth, and packed as already described. Where the owner of animals wishes to send specimens tor examination he will find it to his advantage to con- sult Iris veterinarian, as he is in a Position to adviseras to what ma- terial should be submitted and how best to send it.--Dr. Ronald Gwat- kin, ‘Ontario Veterinary College, Toronto. . It is necessary to collect the speci- mens in a careful‘manner, using in- struments that have been sterilized by boiling; and placing the material in a container that has been simi- larly sterilized. If this is not done, the harmless bacteria which are present everywhere, will gain en- trance to the tissue, and will mul- tiply very rapidly and completely overgrow the disease producing ones, which do not as a rule multiply as readily under the same conditions, and on examination atthe laboratory nothing may be found but these harmless organisms. A complete report should always accompany any material to be exam- ined. The absence ot definite in- formation about the case causes de- lay, and makes it difficult to give reliable information, because there are a great many different kinds of disease producing bacteria, the iso- lation of which requires different teehnie, whereas speeitits information may assist the search tor the prob- able causative agents. A B1ackleg.--Ir1 a case of suspected blackleg send a small bit of the blackened and gas-filled muscle in a sterile wide-mouthed bottle. VETERINARY gEilllliElit How to Prepare for Testing When Animals Die Suspected ot Such Dangerous Disease as Babies, Anthrax, Blackleg, Contagious Abortion, Etc. (Contributed by Ontario Department of Agriculture, Toronto.) The amount of care and Judgment necessary in selecting and forward- ing specimens for bacteriological examination is not generally realis- ed, and as a result a good deal of material received is either in a state ot putrefaction, or taken trom in un- suitable part ot the animal, and is consequently useless. Take, tor ex- ample, blackleg. In this disease the bacteria producing the condition are localized in the black, gassy swell- lugs, and are not found generally throughout the body. If a blood sample, or portion of muscle other than the blackened part, is sent to the laboratory the bacilli are not found in the specimen, whereas it a small piece of the black muscle had been sent they would have been present. -_ _.. Submitting for Bacteriological Examination. PHOSPHONOL FOR MEN Dr. DeVan’s French Pills A reliable Regt $5 a. box. Sold mailed to any price The Scot, arines, Ontario. Restores Vim and Vitality; for Nerve and Brain; increases "gray matter;" a Tonic-will build you up. $3 a box, or two for $5, at drug stores, or by mail on receipt of price. The Seobru Drug Co., St. Catharistes, Ontario. TIMES AND _GCLDE, WESTON Regulating Pill tor Women. Sold at all Drug Stores, Ot any address on receipt of Scobell Drug Co., St. Cath- DATED at Toronto this 15th day or July, A.D. 1921. Full particulars may be had from Messrs. ~.Gilchrist & Walsh, .Solicitors, Manning Chambers, 72 Queen Street West, Toronto, or from Messrs. Flem- ing & Smoke, 43 Adelaide Street East, Toronto. Soft water and outdoor drying gives the family wash and chil- dren’s'clothes a finish and fresh- ness that the steam laundry can't give. Notice is hereby given pursuant to the statute in that behalf that all per- sons having any Claims or demands against the above - named Edward Eagle, deceased, who died on or about the 6th day of April, All 1921, at the said Town of Weston, in the County of York, Ontario, are required to send by post pres-paid or deliver to the under- signed Solicitors herein for the Toron- to General Trusts Corporation, Execu- tor and Trustee under the Will of the said late Edward Eagle, their names and addresses and full particulars of their claims and statement of their accounts, and the nature of the securi- ties, if any, held by them. The purchaser shall pay ten per cent. of the purchase money at the time of sale, to the Vendor, or his Solicitor, and shall pay the balance of his pur- chase money, less the amount due on said first mortgage, within thirty days after the day of sale, into Court to the credit of this action, without interest. The Vendor shall not be required to furnish a Itegisstrar's Abstract or any Abstract, or to produce any title deeds or copies thereof, or evidences of title not in his possession. In all other respects the terms and condi- tions of sale will be the standing con- ditions of sale of this Court. IN THE MATTER OF the Estate of EDWARD EAGLE, late of the Town of Weston, in thte County of York, Gentleman, deceased. And take notice that after the 31st day of August, 1921, the said Toronto General Trusts Corporation will pro- ceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which said Corporation shall then have had notice, and that the said Corporation will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person of whose claim it shall not then have received notice. Between:-: ABRAHAM TORRANCE, Plaintiff, and JOHN NOAH STONG and ALLIDA JANE STONG, Defendants. PURSUANT to the judgment and final order for sale made in this ac- tion, there will be offered for sale by public auction in one parcel, with the approbation of the Master in Ordinary, at Toronto, by J. T. Saigeon, AUC- tioneer, at the Woodbridge House, Woodbridge, Ontario, at Twelve o’Clock Noon, on Saturday, the 20th day of August, 1921, the following lands and premises, situate in the Township of Vaughan, in the County ot York, comprising one hundred and fourteen acres more or less, being composed of Lot Number 3, Concession 6, of said Township, except the wester- ly part of the said lot sold by John Noah Stung to William Henry Sutton by deed dated April lst, 1913, together with a right of way reserved to the land to be sold over the said excepted part of said lot. . The said premises are situate about three miles south-east from the Vil- lage of Woodbridge, and about ten miles north-west from the City of To- ronto, and thereon are said to be erected a. two-storey brick house, con- taining ten rooms, and a frame barn. The lands are in a fair state of culti- vation, and there is a never failing spring on the premises. The property is subject to a First Mortgage for $4,800.00 with interest at six per cent., payable half-yearly and becom- ing due on the First of April, 1923, a statement of the amount due on which will be produced. The property will be offered for sale subject to the said first mortgage and to a reserved bid, fixed by the said Master. Special attention given to fine linens, sheer blouses, etc. DATED at Toronto this 21st day of July, A.D. 1921. PROUDFOO‘T, DUNCAN, GILDAY & Judicial Sale of Farm Lands TISDALL, 12 Richmond street east, Toronto, Ont. Solicitors for the To- ronto General Trusts Corporation, Corner Bay and Melinda streets, To- ronto, Ont. ' C T MOE Ti) CREDITORS WASHING & IRONING MRS. PARKHNS R. 2, WESTON, Phone 17-12 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF ONTARIO. We Collect and Deliver Try us and see. GEO. O. ALCORN, Master-Us-Ordinary, ten per cent, If you play BILLIARDS . try our tables. CIGARS, CIGARETTES, TOBACCOS, CANDIES Special Rates for Boarders by the Week PHONE 109 A. DEVINS : MAIN PHONE 16 All aii1iiiiis iF READY ROOFING WE WEAR? MI) SOFT DRENKS in large or small quantities. Call and get our lines I and prices. I I'll Show You A Silo that wlll boost your farm earnings Gray Dart Inn My Toronto Silo will put dollars in your u ( BUY THEM NOW FULL LINE OF HARDWARE Try our Ice Cream Parlor KEPT 0N ICE WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10TH, 1921 MAIN ST., WESTON hu, KINDS OF PAINTS MAIN ST. l i q I a 'Sit H I l