Br":i9:?i"f t " ifi E h E [tCR"""""""""""""""""--"-""""""-""""","",, mulllflnullllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllmlllllflIllllllllll'l'lllll“ [nillulu“nilllulluyuuunnuulllluul"luluIluullululllunuuuuunull-IIIIl‘uulllCull-alumni:lulllnlfllnll lllllllllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIl-IlllllIlllllllllllllllIIllIllIllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllIllIIIllllllllllllllllllllllllIllIlllllllIllllllllllIlI Ilumll‘lllflulllllllllIIlllllllll‘lllll-IIIIINII‘MCI'IIIIII"(lull"I."Ill"I'llllllllIQIIKIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII"I“!lllllllllllllllllllllllllllll! 165 MAIN STRE C.P.R. Tracks IlllllululmuuIluuuluuulullllullluluuluullllluuuIluuuuuunluuulIuuuIIIlullunuuuuuuuflluullluuuluu-Iu PREVENT ACCIDENTS - LOOK AFTER YOUR CAR ' Why risk yourlife and the life of your car when a few dollars and hours spent in having your. car overhauled will take away that risk. Bring it here and have it done before you get into trouble. Acetylene Welding done here. _ Main Street West NO LONG WAITS OR TAKING YOUR PARTS TO THE CITY. TRY US. _ THE GARAGE MAN MAIN ST. NORTH, WESTON PHONES: 427 GARAGE, MI HOUSE PHONE 170 Repairing is our business and we are always doing it. See us for real work. Are You Looking hr a Real Truck? WEDNESDAY, N AUGUST 3rd, 1 9 2 1 This is the place where you can get all the necessary parts and sure of your /epairs being made right. We can do it for you without fail. OUR MECHANICS ARE WE CARRY A FULL ALL EXPERIENCED LINE OF-. AND WILL GIVE YOUR ACCESSORIES CAR THE NEEDED GASOLINE, OIL, TIRES, ATTENTION TUBES AND PARTS THE ONLY CHEVROLET GARAGE Get your Coal Bin Filled Mm You can get the best make, that you can depend upon to serve you every day. It will pay to look it over. It is the famous i and BRING YOUR CAR TO US. We will take the rattle out of it. A WORD TO THE WISE IS SUFFICIENT 0. Marriott carries ~21 full line of Groceries and Provisions - Prompt Service NEILSON’S ICE CREAM BEST SCRANTON HARD COAL CHEVROLET SERVICE STATION THE BARKER GARAGE Phone 254 - Main Street, Weston AGENTS FOR TRAFFIC TRUCK RUSSELL Lt ROSE W. G. 1llllj'lltllllllili()l)i wishes to annéunce that he is now T ' located at THE MAXWELL 165 MAIN STREET SOUTH HARRY G. HELL THIS G THE CAR THE WESTON GARAGE l T. CORBETT Sheds and Office Phone 72 ISLINGTON .V SOLD BY Phone: Garage 382, House 433 WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF-. ACCESSORIES GASOLINE, OIL, TIRES, TUBES AND PARTS MAIN STREET, WESTON o"""'"""""""""""""""--"" In the opinion of Magistrate Doug- las Davidson there are accidents that are unvoidable and others a result of reckless driving. In the latter class he put the case of Colin W. Campbell of Port Credit, who struck a car driven by H. Munroe just east of Oakville on July 10th. Munroe had stopped on lthe road, and he and another man [were pushing the auto off the High- way, when Campbell came along, patw- ed another autoist, and in attempting to avoid a head-on collision with an- 1 other, struck Munroe’s left wheel and tore off the tire. Magistrate Davidson---" will take a chance. $10 and costs." "This court nor any other court' should not get into the habit ot saying that imevery accident there was reck- less driving," said Mr. Godfrey. Magistrate Davidstm---'Trhe public must be protected." Mr. fyydtrey--'The law must be ad- ministered according to the act." J. M. Godfrey, appearing for Camp- bell, made the declaration that you can't stop your car on the Highivay and avoid the risk of being struck by another motorist. _ "Oh, yes you can," replied Constable Henry. " Lawyer Says Dangerous (‘0 Stop Cars God's word will not fail. He cannot lie. Believe in the Lord Jesus and thou shall be saved. God of Nature, God of love, In whom all realmns of beauty doth name, Valleys and hills proclaim his fame, The seas and roughs, the coral strands, The skies so blue and golden sand, Nature's voices in choral bands, Sing through ages, as time expands, Many wondrous beauties hidden, Mid quiet glades and spacious glens, Glories upon glories remain ungiven, Until time doth eternally end. abide, Upon the earth, in scenes above, Dpth all things sing his wondrous love; In trees and streams, they voice his Read Ezek. 29-12-15, Chap. 30 gives one a complete judgement list as it were of the cities, just read them over for yourself and s'ee by facts, it they remain, such as Memphis, No or No Amon, even Edom is taken in Ezek. 25-13. Have you heard of Petra, you can go and get a palace there to-day if you desire to do so, deserted cities seem to be the judgement given to Edom, and many others too numerous to mention. Where are the Moabites, Amnites, Philistians, we still have the Jews. God's word cannot fail, it will not alter nor will it be broken, John 3-16, “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believth in him, should not perish, but have verlasting life." Many such cases are sighted and are too lengthy to publish here, but we will next come to Egypt, one of the oldest of nations with its long list of glorious Kings, Rulers and histories truly wonderful, a country filled with scientific wonderment, art of splen- dour, known only by the most famous sculptors and architects the world has ever known. But then idolatory, diso- bedience, hardness of heart against the Lord; one sees the great judge- mentssent out to them, Ezek. 29-12- 15. Desolation, oppressed. total and partial destruction to its cities and we find that in every case where the prophets have foretold, everything has been fulfilled regarding these things One of the earliest phrophecies was made by that warrior Joshua; as he viewed the works of God destroying that famous city of Jericho, by its walls falling down by God's judge- ments upon it. What did the man of God cry, "Cursed be the man beforo the Lord, that riseth up and buildeth this city of Jericho with the loss ot his first born, shall he lay the founda- tion thereof, with the loss of his youngest son shall he set up the gates of it, Josh. 6-26. This remarkable verse remained unfilled for about 500 years, when one named Hiel. the Bethelite, attempted to lay the foun- dations with the loss of his eldest and youngest son, the hand ot death laid upon that family for daring to trifle with oracles of God. Much has been said in recent years regards prophecy, many versions have been taken, truly one has to be careful about what is said about these great words of wonderful men of God and of the Biblical truths. But it is not exactly the spiritual propthecy that will be considered here, but the actual historical facts, proven by time, his- tory, and witnesses of good authority. GENMNE CASTOR LI ALWAYS GOD’S NEVER FAILING WORDS AUTO RISKS ON HIGHWAY Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine not other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural. sleep, The Chi1dren's Comfort-The Mother‘s Friend. Fletcherts Castoria is strictly a remedy for Infants and Children. Foods are specially prepared for babies. A baby's medicine is even more essential for Baby. Remedies primarily prepared for grown-ups are not interchangeable, It was the need of a remedy for the common ailments ol Infants and Children that brought Castoria before the public after years of research, and no claim has been made for it thar its use for over 50 years' has not proven. What IS CASTO R IA? In Use For ()ver M fears Children Cry for Fletcher’s THE CENTAUR COMPANY. NEW YORK CITY l McKAY-COOPER HOLDEN-COOPER StyAnne’s Church was the scene of a, pretty double wedding, when Laura Ida, second daughter of the late Geo. and Frances Cooper, was' married to Mr. Charles H. McKay, of Wood- bride; aryd when Maude, third daugh- ter, was parried to Mr. Charles M. Holden, o? Nobleton. Rev. Mr. Lowe officiated. The brides, who were given away by their brothers, Mr. N. J. and Mr. G. A. Cooper, were gowned in white georgette over white silk with seed pearl trimming and tulle veils adorned with orange blossoms. They carried Ophelia. roses and maiden hair fern. The only attendant was little Evelyn Cooper, niece of the brides, who was frocked in white silk Brussels net, and carried a basket of sweet peas and maiden hair fern. After a recep- tion held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. McKay, Bloor Street west, the happy couples" left for a huneymoon trip to Buffalo and other points. The Old Presbyterian Church, Wes- ton, was the scene of a very quiet wedding on Monday, July 18th, when Miss Ivey La Rose, daughter of Mrs. Alex. and the late Alex. La Rose, of vEtobicoke, and Mr. Carl Munshaw. son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Munshat'v, of Weston, were Joined in the holy bonds of matrimony by the Rev. Mr. Moir, of Woodbridge. The bride, who was given away by her brother, Horace La Rose, entered the church to the strains of Lohngrein’s March, played toy Miss Evelyn Greer, ot Wes- tom and was charmingly gowned in a dress of white satin trimmed with seed pearls, silk brussels, net Veil caught with orange blossoms in Juliet cap effect, and carrying a bouquet of cream roses. Miss Langtree, of Wes- ton, who was charmingly gowned in of georgette and picture hat to match, and bouquet of pink roses assisted as bridesmaid. The groom was supported by his brother, Leonard. Following the ceremony, a. reception was held at the home of the bride's mother, only the immediate relatives of the two families being present. Later in the evening, the happy couple left amidst showers ot good wishes and confetti on a motor' trip to Carleton Place, Montreal and other points. On their return, Mr. and Mrs. Munshaw will reside in Weston. ElkNS---.KNIGHT The wedding was solemnized at the Church of the Good Shepherd by the Rev. Mr. Arthurs of Eva, second daughter of Mr. W. Knight. to Mr. Percival Leonard Evans. The bride was gowned in White crepe de chine with veil and orange blossoms, and carried white roses. She was attended by her sister, Miss Florence Knight. and Miss Lucy Manners, carrying bouquets of pink roses. Mr. Harold Evans acted as best man. After a reception at the rectory, the happy couple left for their own home. Freedom from all aches and pains assured by Keep them in your home. Take them on your vacation , For 'htustirnatitrm, Neuralgia, Headache, Train Sickness, Etc. 81.00 at your druggist's. Templeton’s Rheumatic Capsules t Holiday Time- TIMES & GUIDE, WESTON courum-u mm " a I mean†Reaching the Ptmpitt A prominent real estate dealt" In Toronto says that he gets better and quicker results from the Classified Want Ads. than from any other kind of publicity. He states that tho results are out of proportlon to_the small expense Involved, _ There Is amoral In that for you ff you want to reach the people. MUNSHAW-LA ROSE WEDDINGS r . V . _ _ _ . "' yr _, I' Ft t 1-, st v: I >0 .. ".-"c. t Trib; _jlvriv) '/, "er/hr'-, rr 'r _ Lls1rrl,r.rcTtF.0,rr'-', Ill-“IIIWIHIEIIII Prove the power of Advertising. Try it. Phone 254 g? ti'lllft,i. ‘ a Mi' '. - © NiLht a-MR. 'e- - /_. .{‘1-7-9"’\\ "BE-iii,"','.?,,','",-."',",'; 'o , 5iiEiiiiNiiiiiiiiiiE . sq'r51' Grd T "hskFiGh, ire" """e 3i, _ d Ji, Ilk; A;/¢v§;~l " ' . " . . _F"s"i' 4 l QD In, in ‘_. ial.', f? _ H " HI, EN it - r" - 'T, 'IIN a r, . [lav . -).H_, - "ra h . 1554.1.“ , ‘ ‘ " i" nite tigtlm 'ah 12:, x an, I a}. 0-0.5.- .. " - Wp, 1rmtlr - Jail-J3»; " " Trl an (I? ' ‘ - ' _ _ F, 1",�! Gi!, . 'RRI , ' m _ u - . ‘ . i, " " P... ‘ . Hg; Mill " 34 IilaMh' . I ‘ “it? I I r " I I rr " " . Brlt1 lim " I it Rt Ill ' _ " .. " - K, I?" aim NS, - Mh " L. u , I ' __rDIBl “Ad"? " - Y, r tl _ MI . . .. 3w e» ' - . " lal I _ " Main Street PHONE 292 BIG REIUICTGN EN PRICES Your nearest Fordson Dealer is C. A. GRABAN--one of the 700 in Canada-carries all Fordson parts and Fordson mechanics will keep your tractor always in order. .He is anxious to prove Ford- son superiority on your own fields. Have a chat with him right away. What handier, more efficient power plant could the most exact.. ing power farmer want-and you get it cheaper both in first cost and upkeep cost. Remember the Fordson does all. this on kerosene, the handy, cheap fuel. The Fordson is powerful enough to do your heaviest plowing, operating two plows on 1% to 2 gallons of coal oil per acre plowed. Light enough not to pack the soil (weight 2700 lbs.) Small and compactly designed, it makes short, quick turns at furrow ends. Over the autumn and winter it will pull your plows, manure spreader, etc. It will operate the straw baler, grinder, corn shredder, cream separator; it will saw the wodd and do the haul- ing, do every power job that horses can do and do it cheaper and better. Get the Fordson now. While you are becoming familiar with its fine points, it is saving you money and more than paying interest on your investment. Although the Fordson is the simplest of tractors for taking care of every imaginable kind of power farming work, there is no bet.. ter time to buy any machine than when you have time to spend in getting acquainted with it. ' ower Farming C. A,, GRAHAM " - - rt»- 'Nre' WM " " IM. - A-N' - q Q I ' " . ' Br" 6 ' r my“ , " " ‘ . " ,2.» - A; Mit a l Mii “a. . Wt." , " l " r - , " 1 , , » - EM' . , . . . 4 an ’ , V ’ "ttl ERIE , E - 53tt - q * . " ' r; ' ' up " Rttt r - e - , " . " Garage for storage and home for all accessories. Fords on; F.0.B. Hamilton TRACTOR TRADE MARK WESTON WITH THE Weston Always at Your Service Main St. PAGE Brtmltr td 'ull,'?,