NV? ii",f',iiiil: sf, - IW,'i,'i1s: "git?)", _ "i' “xxx?“ ",3; .1535, tt7/,s, $37.1. . .tt,?s:Ci'1)', 5: "rs' ari . "L LL75: cp ', Ihs4lai,',i)i,"iij(r kr r_a"r l @933 I , $1.00, Nuxated tron ....... . . ... FPrs Chase's ‘Ner‘ve Food . . . . . . . .' 90o Gin Pills..,.,.;.-,...-....... "$1.00 T Mraterbury's C.L.O. . . . . . . . $1.00 Nestles food...:........, t1.it) Scott‘s Emulsion . . . . . . . .. $1.25 Pinkhamis Compound ..1.., Burdoqk Blood iBtters '. . . . . . . f : $1.00 Enos Fruit Salts . , . . . . . . .. 35c Eagle Brank Milk . . . . . . . . . ; 50e ambuk .r...e.mr..we..e.... 500 Mentholatttn1 .............. 50c Thermogene T...B'....w.... 250 Snap irand cleaner, 2 for .... A.B.S. & C. (100 in bottle), 2 for 100 5 gr. Asparin Tablets . . . . _ . . . 50c Cascarets .........m..rr'.'_ 500 Papt's Diapepsin . . . _ . .'. . . . ' 35c Sloan's Liniment . . . . . . . . .. Cxiticura Ointment, . . . . .20c and 75C Abbey's 'saltis m.........-..', 50ccuustoline ....m..s.sn..."" 2860 DUNDAS STREET W. (Cor. Keele) N "'s " ’ o ' 'lfalalss, aF.i'iitis aril f.lsrirp'ties 1 FAR)/j'iiii,)1i.fi', SALES?, l NOTES WWW? fi)IR ENE 2 JOHN STREET $anderson's SasisRate lhug Store THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Fu)llhl, MEX AL)iiii'H/L ii,i3Aliiil]i?t)itii,l" GEORGE STREET All that is needed is,to drop them in as you pass and call for them the next Jay or mail them to _ It is not necessary to order Floral Designs outside of four town. We do all kinds of floral work. Farmers with Sales Notts will be well advised to turn them over to this Bank for collection. The Bank will relieve you of all trouble in mak- ing presentation, and payments will be credited to your account promptly. t19A Sales Notes supplied without charge. PAID-UP CAPITAL - . $15,000, RESERVE FUND - . $15,000, WESTON BRANCH, C. B. Millar, Manager. WE SAVE YOU MONEY SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY FEBRUARY 18TH AND 19TH PAEENTS I 'r0MTS, “ CUE RAE WEE SWRE HENRY BOWEN TELEPHONE NO. 21 66c Btc 33c 650 Mo 99c Mc 620 24C ggd 33c 290 Mc 25C 500 Mc, 29c 35c Mc 2Ac 500 400 50c 250 Corson's Orchid Cream 500 Pepsodent Tooth Paste . . . . . .32c 400 Italian Balm ..............250 50c Pebecco Tooth Paste . . . . . . . .290 250 Tngram's Tooth Paste . . . . . . .150 50c M.S.C. Coeoanut Oil . . . . . . . .190 50c Ponds Dan Cceam . . . . . , . ... .330 50c Orchard. White . . . . . . . . . . . .32c Cuticura Soap .................20c 500 Mennen‘s Shave Cream' . . . . . .350 Armand's Powder, 50c, 75c and $1 00 1ngram's Cream . . . _ . -. . .390 and 750 Nyal's Face Cream . . . . . .35c and 65C Ljfebuoy Soap, 3 tor Palm Olive Soap, 3 for 25c Peroxide Tooth Paste Minty’s Tooth Paste . . . . Charcoal Tooth Paste .. 1Toodbury's 'Face Powder 25c Djer iKss Talc . Ingram's Milkweed S?, $1 5,000,000 $1 5,000,000 JUNCTION 5500 Soap WESTON WESTON 500 150 19c 33c 32c 20C 15tt 35C 190 200 I!» aimzm‘ééflémihm Every business house or merchant is passing 'through an anxious time. JTe is looking tor all sorts_ot things to happen and as a result is marking time. This is the great state that we all get into in various periods ot our lives. It is just when we are think- ing of these conditions and allow our- selves to be submerged by them that conditions do become bad. Inaction will kill anything. we must, be ac- tive if we are to progress. It is the continual action that makes the con- dition, keep moving along. in \Veston there is great need for our merchants and business men to get hold of the conditions and get their share of the progress. We cannot afford to sit by and wait. We must get up and create the conditions. Many men have, stat- ed that the facts about the proposed buildings in Weston this spring was all talk. Look about you and see if it is talk. The excavation work on the new ten thousand dollar store has been started and the plans are all ready. Many new homes are under way and more under contemplation. There is business jn W'eston and there is a great future tor our town. What we want is new vision for the future, men have the abilityto go out after certain things and get them. What we need is a progressive com- munity made up of men interested in our town. Our merchants can create and hold more business in this town by a little effort and-concentration. Our man- ufacturers can assist this town by en- deavoring to secure ‘local help and making provisions to help their help to become local-citizens. Our athletic friends can help by forming a com- munity association that will look at- ter the interests of Iveston and dis- trict. Our organizations can all help by co-oiiating; to build up and beau- tify the town. Our town council can do their part by putting forth every possible effort to' head up and provide the leadership and backing for the town ventures. If we are citizens of Weston then let us become part of the town life. Let us do our part to build up and develop the whole town and bring others into our centre. What helps the other fellow will also help you. Talk up the great co-Oper- ative idea of a real community spirit for a better, Weston. on. The country in many places is rocky and barren, thus making _the task of earning a livelihood an ardu- ous one, and the people in these re- gions are naturally poverty stricken and illiterate. The Chinese as a tra- tion have emigrated to the island, and their worship has been establish- ed. Everywhere you will see shrines and; temples erected The work ot Dr. Mackay has been very fruitful and these conditions are fast disappearing, and the people are becoming educated and Christianized, a‘great many of the Chinese population helping with the work. Rice and tea plantations form the principal agricultural activi- ties. The musical program was given by 21iss Ackrow and Miss Cecila Macklin. _ Rev. IV, M.-L\Iackay was elected lst vice-president of the Ontario Horti- cultural Society at the annual meet- ing held last week at the Hart House, Nothing is Gained by Lying Down - Just Set id and Work. Can you guess who's coming? News next _weelc. Toronto The Swastika Bible Class, of ,the Jdethodist Church will hold their reg- ular, social gathering at the home 6f them leache’r, Mrs. (Rev.) J. w. Stew- art, Kilig Street, on Thursday night. A cordial invitation is extended to all the members and those interested in the class. ' _ Eli? THREE IN WE JN? b'iil WEN On Monday evening the Young People's Society of the Methodist Church listened to a very attractive address given by Mr. A. E. Mellish on Formosa. Giving first a geographical outlay ot the country, he then told of the work of Dr. Mackay, the first missionary to go to the Island, and who spent many years in the work, and whose family are new carrying On Saturday last the C. C. M. senior hockey team played at the Ravina, de- feating the Massey-Harris team 6-0. A game is being arranged between the Goodyear and the C. C. M. to be play- ed when ice conditions are favorable. This promises to be a very fast and interesting game. "Two years agO/ 1Veston Public School pupils entered a. modern, well-built school which cost the town people at the rate of $8,000 per room; in Dec- ember, 1919, excavations were begun at Fairbanks" and in _December 1920, the official opening took place. The cost was slightly over $12,000 per room. Toronto schools cost as high as $20,000 per room. A meeting of the option coxiï¬gittee of the Horticultural Society 'Wil be held on Thursday night in the town hall. Will the members please note this. T F ' _ The following clipping from a To- ronto paper is worthy of mention: At the live stock meetings held pe- cently in Toronto, Mr. J. M. Gard- house was elected Hon. President ot the Canadian Pony-Society and direc- tor of the Shire Horse Association, w. J. Gardhouse was elected director of the Shire Association and Stanley Gardhouse one of the directors of the Ontario Sheep Breeders-Association. On Friday evening, February 17th, under the auspices of the Methodist Church Chbir. a high class concert will be given in the Methodist Church. The artists secured are: Harold Jar- vis. tenor, of Detroit; w. ll. Cameron, entertainer, and Mrs. Farmer, Carla- da's greatest pianist. _ . She's coming? Who? Watch later WESTON, ONT. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1921 WEST YORKS NEWSY WEEKLY One of the most important was that from the fire brigade of the town. This was' headed by James Gardhouse, H.'Coulter, A. E. Scythes, Geo. Fisher,'Alex. Gray, Thos. Grit- fith, It. J. Bull. All who spoke and asked that the council give a cash donation to the frremen's convention to be held here next August, pointed out that this would be one of the greatest conventions that has ever been held in this town. It would be a great advertisement for the'town of \Veston and should be well _suppor't- ed by the council and citizens. It will bring' a, Sig crowd,pprerand the whole town ill be benefited. The convention will last three days. The first two are devoted to the business of the association, and the balance ot the last day will be the big day. Pars ade, athletic contests-lice reel con- tests, and firemen's contests will be the order of the day. Some five or six thousand people will be here on that day. They pointed out that it required money to put this across right and wanted the support of the council and the whole town. After the delegation had been-heard there was considerable discussion by the council. It was decided on motion that the council (would give the sum of $1000 to. the tire brigade to carry Out the work. . c, _ i The regular meeting of the Ives- ton Council held on Monday evening was full of interest and detail. All members were present, and the may- or presided. After the reading of the minutes and me correspondence, the delegations were heard. Clean Up Saturday, February 19, double header hockey game, Brampton H.S. girls vs. Weston H.S. girls; Brampton H.S. boys vs. Weston H.S. boys. A». Ken 11,ritii/8r,1rk; on behalf ot the tocat-toratrt5f T War the G.w.\r.A., asked permission ot the council tor the use of the fair grounds on the first and second of July. They pro- pose holdmg a big field day on those days. This request was granted and the necessary mot101r passed. \Mr. R. J. Bull brought up the matter regarding the 'piumbing by- laws of the town. It again brought out the bigger question of the town Ioy-laws. After pointing out the great necessity of having a by-law and. III- spectors and' that the present plans were not meeting the rec1turenaenus, it was decided that something had to be done. Aeommittee was appointed as fol- lows: the mayor, h: p. Flynn; the 'reeve, J. M. Gardhpuse; the clerk, J. H. Taylor, and the "solicitor, H. Gray. Their duties are to make a. thorough revision ot the present by-laws and have them arranged, in order for pmnting and to present the resmts of their work to the council to be dealt with. This is a Very impor- tant step and one that has+een look: ed tor by the citizens ot the town. The mayor, Dep. Reeve Macklin, and Councillors baxhspury, dams, and Wright were appointed as the court of revision to hear any appeals against the assessment on the water and sewer works. The gate set was the 28th at 8 o'clock. i A; V. Devins made application for a pooiroom hue‘mse in the tmxn, whlch was granted. _ Friday, February’ 18th. choir con- cert, Methodist Church at 8 p.m. Har- old Jarviis, J. H. Cameron, Mrs. Eva Galloway-Farmer. SEEMS Mr. Howell of the Central Hotel made appiacat1on' to hare the use Ot the Ian grounds for the season H21 and erect a retreshment booth and a nyu'ry-g'o-round. It is his purpose to make the park a centre of attraction during the season. He ls wilung‘to see that the place is kept clean enter all parties and yicnics.- The pruyrie- ges were granted to him for the sum of twenty-five dollars. Thursday, Eebruary 17th, meeting of the option committee ot the Wes- ton Horticultural Committee, town hall, at S p.m. . The library board presented their report. This showed that this bouy has done splendid work during the year for this town. . The work in the community has been ot a very high educational type that grows slowly but surely. They asked for $1500 to carry on the work. The council granted them $250 for the present to carry on their work. Mr. Harrison made his final report to the town on the taxes. ‘His report showed that out of the $37,270.59 on the roll for the year he collected the sum of $91,138.90 ,to date. There is outstanding $5,695.57 on, vacant land. The balance outstanding' is caused by failures or removals from the town that cannot be collected. This is one of the very best toudetions ever made in this town and the collector de- serves the highest commendation from the town council and officials. He accepted the position and has giv- en real results. The mayor and Councillors Sainsbury. and Harris were atmointed as delegates for the Canadian municipalities convention. The mayor was also appointed to at- tend the Ontario Municipal and Hy- dro Convention on the 25th. It was just one o'clock when the council adjourned. Miss Anna, Scott of town spent the week end with Miss Brydsen, Lake Crescent, Mimico. _ On Wednesday evening, February 23, the regular meeting of the Old Présbyter'iau Young Peoples. Society will be held under the direction of the Literary Department. All wel- come. . Up‘All Matters is tiicy of the Present Council CODIIN G EVENTS [PM _ _ WE SESSEIN the Under the auspices of the A. B. K. Club a Very enjoyabre evenmg was spdnt ’by a large number ot Weston and out ot town fuenus on TucSuay last in the school auuttoriura. Jotru- Storrs brchestxa provaued exceuent music [or the dancing, and we mum is to he congraturateu on the splen- did success of their unuertamng. Net proceeds amounped to $133, and has been torwareed to the urriveyn-. hurst Sanitarium to alleviate the sur"- rerungsland hardships caused by the recent tut. Time soon slips by, and August, while a long way off, will soon come around again. Our local fire brigade is aware of this and does not intend to be caught napping. They have been very busy making every prepar- ation for the big convention of the Ontario Firemen’s Association to be held here on the first and third of August.. It takes some working out to arrange all the details but the local brigade has called in to its assistance all the available men of the town and district. Committees are formed and the printed matter is under way. Every detail is being thoroughly gone into, so that arrangements can be made to have this the greatest con- vention held, and every person who comes here in August to go ayvay with the impression that Weston is a real town, one of the best in Ontario. If this can be accomplished then Wes- ton will be advertised in every part of Ontario'." It all depends upon the hearty co-operation that the citizens will give to the local brigade, whether their desire is gratified, If the citi- zens will only lend the willing hand as' they have done in the past, then there is no doubt but that the con- vention will surpass all previous Ed, forts. We, as citizens, owe this much to our firemen.' They have given this town a great deal, They are our safe guards against fire. They risk every- thing for the protection of the town property, of your property, and we should po-operate. ' The greatest co-operation that/can be given at the present time is to asgist them with your presence upon the various" committees that you are asked to act upon. It is also to be hoped that you will contribute to the funds generously. It takes money to put something big across. All monies subscribed will be used for the con- vention and the town arrangements. Keep the dates before you and see that all your friends know about them. A meeting of [he VVCS'Lon Lacrosse Club win be new on rudely eveumg in the townhau 101‘ the purpose Os 1'e-organtz1ng 101' the nu seasm.. All intex'espea m the assoczgm are urged to be present. Toronto, Presbytetual of the Tvom- eds Missionary tsocuet) Will hola‘ns seventh annual meetmg In Parhcuaie Presbyterian Church, Dunn Ave†on Thursday and Fnaay, bum-nary 2itn and 25th. Among tne speakers W111 Mr. Douglas, Main St., of the Mas- sey-Harr-is Co., lett last week ror' a uumncss trip wroug'h‘tne West. be Mrs. H. L. Graham, Markham; Mrs. J. It. Menzies, north 110112111. Ars. J. P. inc-hay, Inma, and Mrs. E. ts'. McL. Smith of Amstou. Nothing is Being Spared to Make the Convention Here a Big Success Mrs. McGiiL of Vaughan has been vismhg Vnth her new, Mrs. Mercer, LllLll'Ull kit, (aux-mg the yam ween; -D1'. Roberta' Southcombe, chiro- practor, a graduate or the L'a11au.an Chnopractor Louege or 'roronto, 3.110 post graduate entengam at we To- Ainto (gonege ot Lh1ropfactor, has opened up a practice ill Weston. Dr. Southcome will 1us1t \Veston three' days a week and until she has se- cuiied sultable acconuuodatlau, wui V1S1t her-patuents at tnest' homes. She has five nlonm‘s‘ cuty pract1ce exper1- ence and will be weaseu to call on anyone desirmg muormauon as to the benbtits of cmroprauhc treatment. Mall game ana auuress to INrestom Of- tice. , If weather conditions are favorablé the local ladies' hockey team will vis- it Blythwood on Friday evening, Feb- ruary 18th, and Dray Blythwood I'tt- dies' team. . A very enjoyable time is looked forward to on, Monday evening, Feb- ruary 28th, when the 1.o.o.rp.' are holding their.annua1 At Home. Last Saturday the local firemen paid a visit of inspection to the three schools and found conditions as to five pro; tection and safety very satisfactory. They are making a report to the chairman of the Board of Education, and will recommend a few slight ar- terations. The churches and some of the business-houses will Le Visual on this coming Saturday. Mr. George Cranswick of Alberta visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Dickin over the. week end. _ We are pleased to report that Miss Coulter of the Bank oi Moutrealgsbair has recovered from her recent ii'lncss. All lovers of song and music will be pleased to note the mist of Ear; old Jarvis to, Weston on Friday n gm in'th.e Methodist Church, under the auspices of the choir. Mr. Jarvis, as leading tenor of the First Presbyterg an Church, Detroit, and a world ia, iioriterneed's no introduction. I115 past record assures him an audthe as does also the merits of J. 1L_L'am I eron, bntertainer, and Mrs. Eva Cal- loway-Farrner-, One of Canada's great- est pianists. This famous trio will provide this program for Friéay even,- ing, February ISth, in the Vistas; Methodist Church at S p.121. :EEEMEN jillf IUSY glial f%olgflflEi a V ‘53: ii: The Irvin Lumber Company l, 539W {WEN jillli WU LATE The Cruickshank WagonWorks PHONE 41 10 Main Street South NOW B TIE TEMP. Branch Yard No. 2 _ Phones: Weston " ' Junction 237 139 MAIN STREET SOUTH, WESTON =====Mtg=or=====OWS0', Chas, He Combs and blame it on to your limepiccc because it is not running correctly? Do not blame the watch. Have it properly repaired by us. We give the utmost in sati,s- faction. .Our prices eife extremely moderate). " Princess Soap Chips per lb. Canned isumpkin, per can Eddy's Matclrds 2 for . . . . . . Brooms. ........1........ Snow Flake Ammonia, 3 for Why wait till the busy season is_hc1‘c to make those repairs and changes on your wagon or truck? Why don’t you bring it in now and gait rea.dy' for the busy season? To be mixed with sand on the job. quickly, is much harder than limé just the thing for winter use. Ask us about it tgs WEEKS SWIEMS Corner Main and Denison Weston 23, OVER THREE DOLLA DELIVERED 2lrttu====Wt=TtN====iatt=Mr' F. R . FREY (NEAT HAIR FIBRED) fad Rall Plaster THE \VATCH SPECIALIST PhlliNf()liili TELEPHONE 181 CASH GROCER Phone 354 ER WEEK EN. MAIN ST., WESTON , 01:: emouo J. c. IRVIN, pecialties Sets up mortar, RS WILL BE Near Post Office 3 for LIMITED Manager. 10c, 25c 23c 25c 25c 65c 25c 15c a 'w, I