Ontario Community Newspapers

Times & Guide (1909), 26 Jan 1921, p. 1

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F _ ' . J _ , mm L. . , Jiestry-F" At9. ‘ T, I waaaaaaaaaaa HA I'." " , A; A A A.A.A,A,A A A AA A St A c: F?kil v W§ek [")r-lc' ttatMt?K)teereti" v v V A . TTT" ;' ‘ ' V \ 2860 DUNDAS STREET w. (Cor. Keele) $1.00 Nuxuted Iron ........._. 60c Pape's, Diapepsin . . . . . . . . l 500 Pines .rvsr-r-s"e'e"""' $1.00 Enos Fruit Salts . . .. . . . ' 50c Peps o............"."' 75c Abbey's Salts ... . ' . . . . .. 500 Fruitatives . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . 50e Cascarets . . .'. . . . . . .. . . .,. $1.00 Kellogg's Asthma . . . . . 25c Carter's Liver Pills ..... $1.25 Glover's Mange Cure' .".'. 50e 1Villiam's Pink Pills . . . . . _$1.50 Scott's Emulsion . . . . . . tpe Mentholatum .'. .,. . . . . . . . . ‘~‘5_Qc Thermogene '" . . . . . . . / s'. '1.00. Waterbury's C.L.O. .. . . Aspirin Tablets, 25:31:: 100 for 250 Beecham's Pills .'. . . ..Cy"."c: i350 Borden's Milk . . . _ . . . . . . . _$2)50_Baby’s Own Tabs ........ {$1.00 ‘Nestle's Food . . . v _ ' . . . . "troryidk's Milk . . . . . . . Ase. Ari5, 1400‘ CastoNa .tr.stre..""R'. "0eca'epssotient ',f . . . . . . . . JC. ' ¥j1NPREFAREDN jfi1/Sifr I ( , ", e,,'caFi1dl'fLUjRjafi', I DEVELGP WEEK FEES 2 JOHN STREET THE CANADIAN BANK ’ "c, OF COMMERCE Sanderson’s Cut-Rate Drug Store FLORAL WORK ALF. M. BARTON GEORGE STREET (?, c?', _ T . " , " . " a? BE 4., - , an (4 C .", u A » - .L " "f. - l Bm _ ,2?) .. - ‘ - A' " m, te, " = IRS T. 5 y t, ; T . ' ' ’ e ' ‘ . - , * _ - tiEaE ha: t _ - "N, ' . . - - - - - "Y: a ie; W A . Bi l, , ' ‘ 1: _ ., E . "" * :_ "K; _ 4 " > set sr W, IE . . " 7 . '- All that is neededis txr/trap-Semin' as you page and call'for them the next day or mail them to . A bank account is an assistant in character building. It establishes the "iiotafideilce, independence and pride which increases effort and paves the way to success. Open an account to-day and be prepared. 74A SPECIALS NR EREBAY MI) SATURBAY, ' JANHARY 21 AM) 22 PAID-UP CAPITAL RESERVE FUND 11115110: necessary to order F loral Designs outside of yitur-to1yn. We do all kinds of floral work. dt mm mm STGRE WE SAVE my MGNEY WESTON BRANCH, HENRY BOWEN Kodaks, Films and Supplies ..........17e ..........63c 45c,85c $3.25 ..........250 TELEPHONE NO. 21 660 Mc 33c 63c 33c 500 34c 350 Ar5c ,140 .95c .330 2.7C 33c 650 29c 1 7c orw 33c c.: B,.Mi11ar, "Manager. 25e Djer Kiss Talc .............19c Pear's Unscented Soap .. . .2, for 35c Pear’s Fuller's Earth . . . . . . . . . . .18c Swansdown Powder . . . . . . . . . . . .200. 500 Pebecco Tooth Paste ... . . . . .270 Vinolia Lypsyl w.....,..........), 75c Creme Elcaya ... "T ' . . . . . . . .50C Cuticura Talcum . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . .220 Hind’s Honey & Almond Cream .44c Cutex Sets . . . . . . . .. .500, $1.00, $2.00 Mennen's Shaving Cream . . . . . . .350, \Voodbui-y's “Face Powder . . . . . . .35c Nyal's Face Cream . . . . .350 and 65e Camphor Ice . . _ . . . . . . .150 and 25q Ingram's Milkweed.- Cream . .390, 750 wlyodburv.'irshavimt' Stick . . . . . .35c Colgate's Refill Stick . . . . . . . . . . .350 Italian Balm At. .r.".. . . . ",' . . . . . ' .250 Pond's Face cream . . . . . . . . . . . . .390 Brilliantine . . . . . . . . . . , .250, Mc, 501' Djer Kiss Face Powder . . . .650, st.fo Piver’s Face ‘Powder . . . . . . . . . . .9tic Cucumber & AViteh Hazel Cream 25c $1 5,000,000 $1 5,000,000 JUNCTION 5500 WESTON I slr, '_. P _" I - ll Ill iil - _l'iJ, iy'1iii " ttt Pg ‘ . ' rr-em-ie \fAhI/h uxch/CV \A/EEZk’l V WESTON 19c 35c 18c 200. 27c 1 50 50c 756 330 35c 25c 390 HER? MW e ___',,!,],?,';'"':,",',),)";,!]?)'-;',. 'fiilfi! golfing Will Weld a Communi- _ ty Together Like Commun- _"y _ ity Enterprise ‘There has been a number of our citiiens during the past few months Working together along the communi-, to concert line. Success to a large de- gree has crowned their efforts. They have given splendid concerts and entertainment for the toin at no expense. They secured some excellent :tallent and their efforts have been enjoyed by the citizens who attended. The next effort along, this line will be early- in February’When a prominent lecturer-will come. out here for the evening. f These energetic. people however have another big project on hand. They hare realized the great develop- ment that/can be given to any com- munity by having them working ti- gether for some objective, Various lines of activity appeals to different sections. It has been found however that the musical efforts have a tend- ency to develope a social and very artistic spirit in any centre. Many places have developed their home) town by means of their oritorial clubs and choirs. Many centres have Be- come famous because of the interest that has been taken in supplying such a choir or place where music can be studied. Our tiom,rnitteerhave the right idea and are now desirous of starting a community choir in “W'eston. Will it prove the sucess that vo,thesrs have had? JVill it be .a benifit to Weston? Is it worth your going in- to? These'are the questions that will {be asked, It will havekthat amount of ' success that stu-cadre/ming-to $3,}sz to sit. It will benefit this town if s'?fifW)'e 1%ii)uih, to tuim out to the practice/s. It will R’s-pay you it you will give 'our “time to it. Every one who has {been connected with community cho _ or choral societies win recall the Sp en- did work that/has been accomplish _ by the time that you spent 'at the various practices. It was not all work but there was pleasure and education. Such a choir in our town would bring together all the ‘musieal talent. It would afford those who desire to study some of the oratorical section a splendid opportunity. "It will give some. of the townspeople something to interest themselves in our town. In short it will be a real benefit to the town to have such a society here. \Vill you, if you are interested in the formation of a community choir, come along and help organize it. The committee are calling a meeting for this purpose on Monday night the _11tst in the, town hall, .at 8 o'clock. rrcvciiyri-oige" Who 'i-s-m-tmaster-s-ive-kd-, is asked to attend this meeting and. see if it is advisable to organize a. community choir. It will help. youn it will help the town and it will be a great thing tor the whole community. ENE? SEW Elill IN fill. SWINE yighSchcy.o1 Team/and Local In- _ termediate O.H.A. Team in Games On Wédnesday afternoon the local high school‘hockey team were de- feated when they played their first game of the season with Humberside. lt was a very tight game, as is shown by 9the score, which was 8-7. The game was very fast and. exciting all the way through. In the first period the puck seemed to be fascinated around the Humberside goal, the lo- cals havmg most ot the play, and it looked in the first period as it the locals Iracra sure victory. But in the second period Humberside buckled down to work, and at the end of the second period had exened the score. The play in this period washiore even. 's he last perxod was very we- ly, each trying to secure another goal, and thereby break the tre, and there was some good hockey exhlbzl- ed in tth penoo. After praying ,I'or awhile the me was lu‘Onen Dy tturn- bexside, The locals now got aowt1 to work and soon they secured a goal which evened up the score again. Aear the end ofjthe period Huttioet'- sme scored another goal, and so won the game. ’1‘he_.g‘a;me was very Clean, ti),"i)i'/ being, only one penalty, Clause _(ji','i,tti,u,1 being. put off tor trapping. 'fl,"Nisiou,' iirie-up---Goal, Mcixxssuck; fight defence, hassard; left defence, Mathers; centre, Gritnth; Iught wmg. On Thursday night last Weston Intermediate, hockey boys journeyed to the ftavirRs and there played the first game of the season, but owing to the St. Francis boys being a little more seasoned, they dwere defeated. The local boys astarte out for their first game, a little shy on practice, and with only a limited number or then to play with, but notwithstand- Ing the odds against them, put up a good game, the St. Francis boys be-' mg hard pushed to keep ahead. In the first two, periods the teams were about evenly matched, and St. Fran- cis boys were kept busy so as not to "anga-w the locals to score. In the (last period the, page" gecam'e a little l too strong for the home team, and i iiiiinL.tp,jasr)c,er,,ttiihi,nrg they were . unable,)t_o,,holgl_ their: opponents d \"m and the score pile‘d iWutivtraotrrtwloe,-, Ing in the. la?st,rty"yy,ic, {rd-rsizy‘. - Engine; iert wmg, Lucyherson; subs. Lorne“, McDonald, Elms; c. *remeree Mike hams. .‘ teams - weston-Goal, Best; defense, Coul- ter and Bobson; centre, Bartlett; right wing, Chapman; left wing, Mdo- dy; subs, Mallaby and Smith.' St. Francis-g), Koster; defense,- FarIBW and Shaw; centre, smith; left wing, 'PLueston; right wing, Grass; subs. Mci.e and Hedges. IteNree-"ms, Hewitson. 5 ‘” "“V'x'TV‘V'uwn l, r." FoilOWing 1511,19 line-11p “bf the Our local team met St Francis on wgsmx‘g ONT. 1yrcrr-NucsDAQ JANUAR lsable to organize a. ir. It will help you, town and it will be a the whole community. i/si/Ee/i' YORKS NEWSY WEEKLY _. Wednesday, Jan, 26.- hay at Woodhill School John's A.Y.P.A. rirthe 113.111. 7 _ Friday, Jan. 28.- of Humber Lodge Church Street hall Friday, Jan, 28.---ENcl1re al in Marshall’s Hall, Mount Der der the auspices of. the ( Mothers‘ Society, ‘ofWWeston Thursday, Jain. er-i--- 'it1c-mioon (tea; 3 to 5, and'ifw“ Leu, t to 9, served by" Mrescusinster Ladies/Aid acMrs. J. C. Irvin’s, 39 Denison Aye” Weston. _ Monday, Jan. 31.-imuruuy' of LO.O.F. \Veston Lodge in Street haH. " __ _ idriday, Jan], _28c--qaoc1t_ey, Bramp- ton versus W'estpn,'§1t Weston rink 8.15 p.m. _' 4 ‘ ' Tuesday, Feb. of'W'eston Power at town hall, 8 Tuesday, Feb. L.O.L. No. 216, C 8 p.1n . Tuesday, Feb. 1.-Begular meeting of Weston branch qnv.v.A. in Me- morial Hall, Emmerge Avenue, at 8 p.111. 1. " .. ing u, 8 pm giigti'(fiiiri)"l_')'i,) _ :s;,)gret,t,',)ufjlji," BEES. February 1, 2 anaic-tx.(m.M. Min- strels'in W’eston fawn Hall, at 8 pm Fwd I " _ A C ‘iLI ' t V a“: bUIgF i§ l? Erin!” Memorial Hall Formally Opened. s.._Satatrd'iy Last-Members to be Congratulated each ev.ehirigp The building itself is aframe struc- ture with concrete basement, with iu- side measurements of 23x34. _The basement can pe utilized as a rec1'ea- tion room and the'upstairs as a lee- ture room. The building i’s__for the accommodation andkeiijoyme’ht' ot the veterans and it is hoped in time C0t11- fortable furniture will be secured/url- so suitable games, tor the enjoyment and) benefit of the returned nieIiu'The electric fixtures of, the _roon'1 ‘wer'e donated by Sergt. Mitsjyt' Cliaries Trinkwon, six chairs ali‘afour tables by J. S. Thomson, three chairs by a mother of one ot the veterans, and stove accessories by Burgess Bros., all of which have helped very materially in the'turrtishintr of the rooms. The various organizations of, the town were well represented. ’l‘he‘council, Mayor Flynn, Councillors Sainsbury, Greaves and Allen, Agricultural Board, Deputy lleeve S. Macklin, Horticultural, Mrs. G. M. Lyon; fled Cross, J, M. l’earen; Board ot Lidytca- tion, Prof. 1Vade; High School, A., Pearson; Public School, H. J. Aiexan- tier. 'rne clergy were also well Pe- presented. 'At seven o’clock the first regular meeting p9tl1e local branch was held in theircijew quarters, some seventy members were present. In- stallation of officers, initiation of new members, and an outline of a pro- gram for the year's activities, were among the principal items, of busi- ness. One feature of special interest was the presentation ot an honorary life membership of the Weston Branch G.W.V.A. to Mr. George Hutchin, a returned veteran who has of which have helped very materially who while on active service in France ‘was severely gassed and as a result is now totally blind. Following are the officers elect for 1921: President, G. w. Weller; Ist vice, C. T. Wacey; 2nd vice, A. T. Wilson; Secretary, J. P. Allan; assist- ant secretary, W. C. Brookes; treas- urer, W. S. Holden. Board of direc- tors, G. w. Weller, C. T. \Vacey, A. T. Wilson, J. P. Allan, and F. Sains- Wednesday, Feb. 'it-ttyes' meet- a CO.C.F. in Churph Street hall at bury Monday nig'ht on our own ice and went down to defeat. The locals went down playing the game. St. Francis have a strong team, but in mid. ice were not noticeably superior to the locals. They, however/were far su- perior in the goal. The score shows the difference. Most of St. Francis' shots were scored from long centre ice shots? The periods were full of interest and the locals played good hockey. Barlett, who scored the first goal, did it on the best play of the 'evening. Theplay of both teams was individual, with 'St. Francis using a three man combination at certain times. 2956 new faces were used, on the- wirt'stoh team, Art Hells ol uR1y1ny- medé and Percy Atchinson of Lamb- tqn. These boys showed speed, but jieed Seasoning. Mallaby is. tai,f,,and Will make good. The next game is in Brampten “on ‘Wednesdaxi night. The bbysr 'arecdeternsitietVtp may the sefiesrthroutth',lcdpndtwill give a good account ot themielves. ' COMING EVENTS Feb. 1.,--41onthlsr meeting ’oweru& night Commission _. 28,---ENcl1re and social Hall, Mount Dennis, 12TI- 8.--gyonthlsr meeting :9 AQF. and A.M. in til at S Ihn1.. 1.--c'yondayr meeting 'hur4h Street hall, at an; *Begular' meeting the town hall 26, 1921 Graduzt' given by Christian Church ‘ior <lt at S?'tfllilill E Annual Vestry Meeting of St. One of the largest and, most PnCour- aging vestry meetings held tor a num- ber of years in the parish was‘xheld on Monday evening in the parish hall., It was the occasion of the annual vest] try meeting for the receiving of rev ports, election of officers and plan- ning for future activities. All the reports were most gratifying and l showed that effective work is being) carried on. It is also a tribute to the l leadership that is (being developed.' The vicar, the Rev. E. Ryerson, has by his persistent and consistent "et-. forts tactfully supplied the leadership which has been so essential to the progress made. He has surrounded himself with most capable leaders who" worked faithfully as shown by their various reports. The wardens started the year' under most adverse conditions, but present- ed to the Vestry a splendid report for the year. Not only were the balances on, the credit side of the ledger, but all accounts have, been paid to date, a building“ fund started and every'- thing in perfect working order. These two men, Mr. Morris and Ms. Iohill6s, both worked hard for the fine report that they were able to present. The Sunday School is‘in a. most Nourish- ing condition, but badly cramped for room.' “The various organizations are all Working with, their' great objtc- tives ir/view. Thus the parish report this year is one of great progress. Plans for the new year are to Took forward to new buildings for‘the par- l ish hall or church, an increase in the The total receipts for the year amounted to nearly $400000, of this amount some $1900 was spent for the general work orthe parish and the balance was for] :the Forward Movement and synodical expenses. There is a balance of $19.00 in the bank and building fund of $100.00 as a start. " _ _ 7 vicai"s stipend and other activities in the various societies. All of these matters will, be talked over at the ad- journed meeting to he held on Mton, day evening, the 3lst, L :LVvluulycg ALA-0|, VrrN-""r-"'e. --"- __ _ Pitlt visited a number of the India? q schools she was able to give personal information of this responsible work of the VV.A., to which an intimate C touch: was added by the large number of photographs ot our mission schools and scholars. _ Si, $llilr(i.trlj'_'iii, l _ @st mam #iiffigl Mr. Phillips was re-appbinted vie- ar's warden. Mn Norris was re-elect- ed people’s warden. 7 Delegates ‘fpethe synod are: Messrs. Ambler, Dalton and \Vilson. Mr. Rolland was elected Vestry clerk, A strong finance corii, mittee was' appointed. The annual meeting of the VVom- en's Auxiliary of St. John's Anglican Church/wats- held Wednesday after- noon, Jan, 19th. The branchhad the pleasure of having as guests, mem- bers of St. Phillip’s and Christ Church Woodbridge W.A. The meeting was addressed by Mrs. Cuttle, Diocesan Dorcas Secretary, who gave a most interesting account of her trip to the Dominion annual meeting _held iii JW1nnipeg last October. As Mrs. Cu}: MPS. Cums spoke also of the WA; interests in thewForeig'n o'ieic.srstr"ii- tioning with especial svruryyttT?ina, in this, her bittevests-ua? of trial. Very plesrsahr--was the .tea hour, with its jrrdetTrieciiiisiuad helpful inter- ojheyatyiy bt thought concerning the w6rk devoted to missions. llEiuiltii'l2 _ ANNLEEL MEWS The following officers were elected for the year at the opening ot the meeting: President, Mrs. Barber; Vice-President, Mrs. Conner; Secre- tary, Mrs. Cook; Treasurer, Mrs. Dra- per; Dorcas secretary, Mrs. Norman; Leaflet secretary, Mrs. Reason; Liter- ature secretary, Miss Hassard. Ers. Ciattle Spoke With Mem- bert from St. Phillip's, St. John’s and Woodbridge Reports of the Year's Work Most Ehcouraging-Steady Growth in All the Departments The annual congregational meeting of the Westminster Presbyterian Church was held in the church at 8 p.m. Wednesday evening, Jan. 12th. The meeting was largely attended and the reports for the past year were such as to create considerable enthus- "Trl in, the work being carried on. he total receipts, through all branches, tor the year were $8708.17. The Sunday School report was ex- _ceedintrlor good, showing considerable improvement over any previous year. The following members of the Board of Management, whose terms had expiretA,,:wert rerelected‘: Messrs. R. J. Bull, ll. iE."R1iirdlph,"JrC.iruiin, “J r (r . ' J. A. Famewn-am. "l" /' i i, -", Mr, fl, . __ ' r",'WW,1,tt","vrCi,YttPTte'fi,ijl2re'."'- marl} in: 35%; 'ii f, .3311: It" Motrc Urarke. resigned. "d /iC'i" 'r" . _ 'tgkt tpe wpidiv',iiihen'tror ttie business meeting the ladies served refresh- ments and vocal and instrumental srNeettoas were rendered. V Work is progressing rapidly with Lhelaying of the water mains and sewer on the old Verral property. This will facilitate building prospects, and with the two houses now nearing completion. A rapid development of this delightful residenlal site may be looked for. T _ John's Anglican Church Held. _ (lf--riilfi'fi WE??? EEPQRE ililii S: The Irvin Lumber Company l, it :5 \ Branch Yard No. (? . q 1 . ' Phones: weslat 74 _ l m J. C. IRVIN, l a " Junction 237 _ Manager. WWW 35, PHONE 410 m--------.------------ 139 MAIN STREET SOUTH, WESTON MIR ‘35 THE “My? The Cruickshank Wagon Works PHONE 41 9mm vs..A’?*§F€E§SS rgsor) No. 1 10 Main Street South Chas. H. Combs 5 cans Old Dutch Cleanser . . . .. 3 cans Cahapberl's Tomato SoupL 10 bars any kind Laundry Soaps" 3 bars Carbolic Soap ; . . ' .'. . . . . . 3 cans Aylmer Peels or Tomatoes 4 lbs. Rolled Oats . . . . . . ..‘f '."'. . 3 pkgs. Ammonia Powder . . . . . . 1 lb. Shortening ......c.r...... 3 1b.‘pail Shortening ....... . P,. 3 bars Palm Olive Soap . . . . . . . 3 rolls good Toilet Paper _ ' ' . . _ . . . . ' .. 2 pkgs., Puffed' Wheat ... . . . . . . . . . . . Pr Large can Sdckeyt Salmon, Clover Leaf 2 ctrrsr"ra-H Pirrk- Salmon .". , . , Tr . -1. u. ..] 1 can Small Red Salmon r............ NiMi WEIR ()ROa'iiR ill YOU WON’T MI SORRY. In the goods we g't "(4liiiitri'krthi, thtiit, tepairing we do, we strive ever to maggéfiififithgt “qualify of material, finish, and workmanship'?,?, iich Vial please thdse who witnt the best, . "ji',",'-, _ J, ' ' _ 7 Our prices are, vefiCppoisyritt too. _ [ f GOOD'LOTS FOR sAtFtcaDiijji"tTtarcgci-'roN _ $13 iler fint f y Just the right lupme for ivorkihg/man, on. very" easy terms. CiilLanlinquire. . t 01" To be mixed with, sand od the job. Sets up quickly, is n1trc1rhardpr than lime"mptta1', just the thing for winfer Wie.. .. N _', Why wait tilt the busy season is here to make those repairs and changes on your wagon or Huck? Wily don't you bring," it in nqw: and get it ready for the busy season? -‘ _ , ksk us ai/out "it am now delivering all orders that amount to oier Three Dollars and ifo' éxtra charge/All prices are the same as in'the stores _where yaulave had such good satisfaction this past sixmonths, ’I will-not give credit, but I will give something better-C)uality Cools, at reasonable prices. MRliilhli l SEAL 8;: (li), a Main '3an Denison, Weston 1nii'ii'liiii)llJlii'r ANNEX GRAVEL FOR SALE at ak per load li) h. bagGamalated Sugar, $1.15 24 h)ng Monarch Flour, $1.49 (NEAT HAIR FIBRED) Eml WaEE Plaster OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE COTTAGES FOR ”SALE $2500 and $2600 F, "R, 'i,r'tt'rR EY PhllBTi)h'jli' ” THE wafcu smccfirasa, On Your Own Terms CASH GROCER ELL REMEMBER" Phone 354 PHONE 181 Store No MAIN ST., WESTON Xear Maersey-Harris, Near Post Office WESTON Weston LIMITED 50,c/ 450 r 89c .25c Alic .25c .25c .24c .59c .25c .25c .28c, .58c .35c .23c

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