Ontario Community Newspapers

Times & Guide (1909), 19 Jan 1921, p. 8

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P L L a, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 19, 1921 W .» E. COLEMAN OUR WATCHES are the best values in the market. Ev- erypne is guaranteed. You can get ideas here for that wed- dirig present. 2892 DUNDAS STREET PHONE 14 TAILOR AND MENS FURNISHER MAIN STREET, WESTON I Boys -GET TIE HABIT Wardell’s Monumental Works Don't Waste Money Don't Waste Time M. G. WARDELL, Prop. -ie%et'ii"iF'i'c"i" Y I!» I f: V g}? ',t' rss"'"""-', y“: ' Crtgv _ Jill?“ A 3:23 313 i,)),,"'))"), b' - z" ‘55 w) 5 si'ikTi-.'-l.l-l.-!..?i, 'i)i_ill di; “I 'il"ft"'ll"ll , '55- F 5i"-j l' 55 _il,l,l-,,i-:liii,l'l - Bllll j,ii',t',ireii-i,i.,i,L55?.i fi] 1s,ji:)ellriii"iE_F?,,,?,' . E » "lil)iliF--s-2"-s-iti'i1, _ 1'ili'ii'=="ii'i i) 5563; Marriage Licenses issued, Wedding Rings at all prices. A. M. OLDHAM HARDWARE of All Kinds a Do everything in the most economical and up-to-date way. USE ELECTRICITY. We supply the equip- ment. WIRING a specialty. Stoves, Percolators, Hot Water Heaters, Toasters, Irons, Heaters of all kinds. W. J. SHEPPARD WE WILL GIVE YOU REAL SERVICE CALL AND SEE OUR STORE FOR YOUR FURNISHINGS Maclnnes Bros. Electrical Engineers and Contractors Main Street, Weston, Phone 271 76 MAIN STREET, WESTON- 2696 DUNDAS STREET WEST 10 WESTON ROAD I ,4] For High- "lii'iii_'ii)_'ii,,,ii , fc: 's) Class and _ili)slc,j1, ii? Artistic, De LS1 . 'itii,jitt"tti,,,i,ii':i).a slgns YOU WANT TO CALL AT L“ L, Prop. C. W. WARDELL; Mgr. Phone Junction No. 190. _ Be Seiected at 'rl here. You can secure a fine sea lection of Diamonds for Rings, etc., Ear Rings, Stick Pins, or Pennants--. TORONTO PHONE 2 WESTON _ 2. Commencing at a point in the ir the part of the members of the _ northeasterly limit of Wadsworth board of directors," says Mr, Con- " Lane distant 40 feet t) inches measur- nable V ed nmtherly thereon from the inter- Thompson, Cummings and Thomp- seetionpf the said northeasterly lim- . . . . . . , ,son, have donated the servxces of their it with the northwesterly limit of St. ti , anization Phillips Road; thence easterly on a en Ire org " . curve to the left being tangent to the - o -- northeasterly limit, of Wadsworth Lane aforesaid at the point of"corn-, GARDEN HINTS mencement and having a radius of 50 -e_----. feet, 68 feet 2 inches to a point in the Look over tubers, roots and bulbs northwesterly limit of St. Phillips stored away tor the winter. Tubers Road distant 40 feet 6 inches measur- and roots such as dahlias and cannas ed easterly thereon from the inter- should have been stored away in sand section of the said northerly limit of or light garden soil, when taken up - St. Phillips Road with the northeast-. in the fall. In a cool and fairly dry erly limit ot Wadsworth Lane; thence place, they will take no harm from southwesterly along said northwester- cold, so long as they are kept free ad 1y limit of St, Phillips Road 40 feet 6 inches to the intersection of the said northwesterly limit of St. Phillips - -. Road with the northeasterly limit or said southerly limit of St. Phillips ' Wadsworth Lane; thence northwest- Road 166 feet 3, inches to a point of erly along the northeasterly limit of curve; thence westerly and southerly Wadsworth Lane aforesaid 40 feet, 6 on a curve to the left having a radius inches to the point of commencement, of 50 feet, 80 feet 7 inches to a point which said parcel is shewn colored in a line drawn parallel to the second- yellow on the Plan deposited in the 1y herein described course and distant office of Messrs. McMaster, Mont, 66 feet southwesterly therefrom; f gomery & Company, Temple Building, thence south 58 degrees 24 minutes Toronto, and a parcel of land to be east 1017 feet 4 inches to a point of conveyed by the Weston Golf and curve; thence in an easterly direction Country Club Limited to the said Can , on a curve to the left having a radius poration for the purpose of altering iof 600 feet, 500 feet 10 inches to a and widening a part of the highway point in the northerly limit of the known as Scarlett’s Road, particular- allowance for road between lots 21 ly described as :-Commencing at a and 22 aforesaid and the end of said 'point in the northerly limit of the curve: thence westerly along the last allowance tor road between lots num- mentioniRI limit 467 feet 2 inches to bers 21 and 22 in concession "C", dis- the place of beginning, which said tant 1737 feet and 5 inches measured parcel is shown colored blue on the easterly along said limit from the i plan deposited in the office of Messrs. southwest angle ot said lot number l McMaster, Montgomery & Company, 22; thence easterly and northerly on i Temple Building, Toronto, (The a. curve to the left having a 1 northerly 74 degrees east ot the al- t radius of 50 feet, 115 feet 6 inches} 1owa-nce for road between lots 21 and i to the end of said curve; thence, 22 governs bearings herein.) ', north 58 degrees 24 minutes west) Dated at Toronto this twenty-third t 1115 feet 6 inches to a point of curve; 2 day of December, AAD. 1930 . thence in a westerly direction on a? MCMASTER, MONTGOMERY 8:- curve to the left having a radius of 50 ’; COMPANY, , feet, 76 feet 4 inches to a point in the 1 Temple Building. Toronto. i southeasterly limit of St. Phillips: Solicitors for the Township of , Road aforesaid, distant 1157 feet i Etobicoke. i measured along the said limit from its 's, G. HOWARD GRAY, , intersection with the westerly limit of i 301 Crown Office Building, Toronto, 1 lot number 22 aforesaid; thence north Solicitor for The Weston Golf and m' 34 degrees 6 minutes east along the Country Club Limited. TO CONFIRM AND DECLARE legal, valid and binding upon the said Corporation and the ratepayers there- of a By-law passed by the Municipal Council of the said Township and an agreement between the said Corpora- tion-and the Weston Golf and Coun- try Club Limited, and a, conveyance by the Corporation of the Township of Etobicoke to the Weston Golf and Country Club Limited of a portion of lhe road allowance between conces- sions "B" and "C", particularly de- scribed as:--- COMMENCING at a point-in the Easterly limit of said allowance for road where it is intersected by the Northwesterly limit of St. Phillip's Road, said point being distant 190 feet, 2 inches measured northerly along said easterly limit from the southwest angle of lot 22 in the said concession "C'.'; thence northerly along said easterly limit of allowance for Road 1330 feet and 3 inches to the intersection of a line drawn par- allel to the northeasterly limit of a travelled road known as Wadsworth Lane, and distant 66 feet sovthwes- terly therefrom; thence northwesterly along said parallel line across the said allowance for Road 81 feet and "B". Thence , northeasterly along said productiod 86 feet 4 inches to the place of beginning-which said parcel is shewn colored pink on the plan deposited in the office of Messrs. McMaster, Montgomery & Company, Temple Building, Toronto, closed by said By-law, and a portion ot the highway known as Scarlett's Road, particularly described as: That part of a travelled road (known as the Scarlett Road) passing through lot number 22 in concession "C" front- ing the Humber River, which said part of travelled road has a length ot approximately 1400 feet, and may be more particularly known and' de- scribed as being bounded on the south by the northerly limit of the allowance for road (known as the Dixon Road), adjoining the southerly limit of said lot number 22 and bounded on the north by a travelled road known as St. Phillips Road pass- ing in a northeasterly direction through the said lot number 22, which said parcel is shown colored brown on the plan deposited in the office of Messrs.. McMaster, Mont- gomery & Company, Temple Build- ing, Toronto, closed by said By-Iaw, granted in lieu of two parcels of land to be conveyed by The Weston Golf and Country Club Limited to The Corporation of the Township of Eto- bicoke for the purpose of altering and widening a part of the highway known as Mradsworth's Lane, partic- ularly described as : TAKE NOTICE that at the next ensuing Session of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, application will be made by the Corr- poration of the Township of Etobi- éoke and the Weston Golf and Coun- try. Club Limited for an Act-- 8 inches to the westerly limit thereof; thence southerly along the last men- tioned limit 1434 feet to the intersec- tion of the production southwesterly of the northwesterly limit of St. Phillips Road aforesaid, said point ot intersection being distant 134 feet 6 inches measured northerly along said westerly limit from the southeast an- gle of lot No. 22 in said concession (1). Commencing at a point in the easterly limit of the allowance for road between concessions "B" and "C" distant 1520 feet 5 inches meas- ured northerly thereon from the southwest angle of said lot number 22, said point being at the intersec- tion of the westerly limit of lot num- ber twenty-three and a, line drawn parallel to the northeasterly limit of Wadsworth Lane and distant 66 feet southwesterly therefrom; thence south 69 degrees 54 minutes east along said parallel line 985 feet 3 inches to a point of curve; thence on a curve to the right having a, radius of 50 feet, 91 feet 4 inches to a point in the northwesterly limit of St. Phil- lips Road, distant 104 feet 9 inches measured westerly thereon from its intersection with the southwesterly limit of Wadsworth Lane; thence northerly 34 degrees 48 minutes east along said northwesterly limit of St. Phillips Road 104 feet 9 inches to the southwesterly limit of Wadsworth Lane aforesaid; thence northerly 70 degrees 04 minutes west 1088 feet 1 inch to the easterly limit of allowance for road aforesaid; thence southerly along last mentioned limit 46 feet 1 inch to the place of beginning, which said parcel is shewn colored green on the Plan deposited in the office of Messrs. McMaster, Montgomery & Company, Temple Building, Toronto, (the northerly 16 degrees west of the westerly limitsud lots 22 and 28 gOV- erns bearings herein); . APPLICATION TO PARLIAMENT TIMES 1_inrIpI,mtiyroN Everyone Who So Desires May Play Golf at Lowest Pos- sible Charges #illlWll. BIN EEUHSE if E-EIJMHEH Accomodations will be provided for 500 active and 300 associate members. The membership fee, it is expected, will be 'nominal. The course comprises a tract of land about 95 acres in extent, situ- ated at the west side of the mouth of the Humber River. It is only five mi- nutes by radial from Sunnyside. But so far, in Toronto, the fees of the existing private clubs have made it a game which only those of above average wealth could afford to play. Toronto's first municipal golf course will be opened to the public next Vic- toria Day. q The idea is to organize golf in To- ronto on such a basis that the cost of play will' be so low that everybody who wishes to play the game can af- ford to play. A club charter has been obtained, the necessary property secured and work is under way laying out a nine hole course, which will be available to all citizens of Toronto who wish to play the game at a minimum cost. , The moving spirit in the project is Mr. Ralph Connable. In Europe, particularly in the Bri- tish Isles, free golf courses have been in use for many years back. Free golf courses have been made in the city parks of a number of leading United States and Canadian cities, and during the past few years the number has steadily grown. Feeling the great good which such a course would mean to the general public of Toronto, Mr. Connable took it upon himself to investigate the pos- sibilities of establishing a public course in this city. First of an he located the site for the course-a. section of the Home- Smith trust tract. Mr. Home Smith readily agreed to give a lease of the property at a very' nominal rental. In fact, according to Mr. Cbnnable, were it not tor Mr. Home Smith's generosity, the club "would not be possible. A Public Service. Mr. Connable secured associates who include men prominent in many civic activities and also prominent golfers, notable among these latter are Mr. George S. Lyon and Mr. Stan- ley Thompson. The officers elected are: Honorary president; Geo.-- S. Lyons, honorary Viet-president, Mayor Thomas L. Church; honorary treasure, Geo. K. Ross, city treasurer; president, Ralph Connable; vice-president, Wm. H. Alderson; secretary, J. C. Zeorn; treasurer, R. J. Copeland. _ The board ot directors are: 'Geo. S. Lyon,- Ralph Connéble, R. J. Cope- land, D.,. C. Haig, W. TE. Alderson, Dir. Forbes Godfrey, Norman Toven, John J. Gibbons, J. M. Godrey and Stanley Thompson. . _ . The site is said to offer an except- tionally fine natural *co'urse and it will be the most accesible golf course in the city. " ' _ Many others are acting in an ad- visory capacity, including S. B, Gun- dy, Capt. F. C. Doran, Engineer C. L. Fellows and Parks Commissioner Chambers. ' said southerly limit of St. Phillips Road 166 feet 3. inches to a point of curve; thence westerly and southerly on a curve to the left having a radius of 50 feet, 80 feet 7 inches to a. point in a line drawn parallel to the second- ly herein described course and distant 66 feet southwesterly therefrom; thence south 58 degrees 24 minutes east 1017 feet 4 inches to a point of curve; thence in an easterly direction on a curve to the left having a radius of 600 feet, 500 feet 10 inches to a point in the northerly limit of the allowance for road between lots 21 and 22 aforesaid and the end ot said curve: thence westerly along the last mentioned limit 467 feet 2 inches to the place of beginning, which said parcel is shown colored blue on the plan deposited in the office of Messrs. McMaster, Montgomery & Company, Temple Building. Toronto, (The northerly 74 degrees east ot the al- Iowa-nce for road between lots 21 and 22 governs bearings herein.) Dated at Toronto this twenty-third Look over tubers, roots and bulbs stored away for the winter. Tubers and roots such as dahlias and cannas should have been stored away in sand or light garden soil, when taken up in the fall. In a cool and fairly dry place, they will take no harm from cold, so long as they are kept free ," The property has been a pasture for thirteen years, Which accounts for the very fine condition of the sod and the duly work necessary _ is the con- struction of greens and trees. The nine holes already laid out are said to afford golf, at its best. A 'Spbrty" Course _ "The course, when compleeted, will be one of the sportiest golf links in Ontario and _ its fairways wilt be among the finest, comparing favor- ably -with those of'the private To- ronto clubs," says Mr. George Cum- mings. "By May 24 we will have the course in shape tor the opening." v. Two houses and three barns, which are oh the property, will be available club house accommodations. >- The larger of the two residences on the property will be remodelled into a, clubhouse with accomodations such as locker rooms, baths, etc. Hot and cold drinks and sandwiches will be served through out the season. Special provision will be made for members who wish to bring their lunches. The work of putting the clubhouse in shape will be under the supervi- sion of Mr. S. B. Gundy. _ "All the work in connection with the formation of the club is voluntary on the part of the members of the board of directors." says Mr, Con- nable. . COMPANY, Temple Building, Toronto, Solicitors for the Township of Etobicoke. G. HOW’ARD GRAY, 301 Crown Office Building, Toronto, Solicitor for'The Weston Golf and Country Club Limited. from frost, Gladiolus and Montbre- tias," should havebeen cleaned of dead foliagefand placed in trays or, shallow poses, these to require a cool dry place. If this has been done there will be ho need to look them over, but, we often find the tubers and roots put down in a corner where the heat of. the furnace is drying the very life out of them, and the Gladiolus tied up in a bunch and hanging on a nail in the wall. If this is the case look them over at once. Save any prunings of apple or plum trees. Pick out the straight ones froth 15 inches in length and upwards; point them and tie in bundles. Tie them tight, it will help to straighten them, and place them where they will dry. You will find them very useful for tying up plants in the spring. If you are fortunate to have a piece of bush on your land, cut out a few bundles of flower stakes of various sizes; now, if you have no bush try.and.buy a. few tsund1escfrorri those who have, don't leave it till the summer is here. Don't think that be- cause this is a mild winter, that'the covering on your borders is not need- ed, it is much moreso, than it would be during an extremely cold winter. Always remember it is not the hard frost that kills so much, as the frosts and thaws, and this is prevented by the covering. Now is a, good time to get a few stools (roots) of rhubarb up and place in the cellar or some warm place. These can be planted in deep boxes or in the corner with a board put up in front, to keep the soil together. They require very little care and it means early rhubarb. In lifting the roots, lift them just as they are with the soil on them, they can be planted opt again in the spring. Or if you have a few crowns of (Emeli- ory planted in boxes and put into the cellar, will give you an excellent early Crushed Beef q Bane for Chicken Hameat fer Dogs Slllll'llll, Swleti Rd, cellar, will g salad. 6 lbs. for Mc; 30 lbs. for $1.00 Experience not essential __ we train you. Exclusive terri- tory, liberal co-operation and excellent pay. ‘ To men of energy, ability and absolute integrity, this'positiort offers a valuable associatiomand one that is of real service to the community. Write us to-day. The Shinn Mfg. Co. of Canada REMARKABLE opportunity for one high grade dealer in each territory, preferably one who has a knowledge of farm conditions. The position is per- manent and the work pleasant and profitable. Guelph, Ontario Secretary & Manager-NV. H. DAY (Formerly Professor of Physics at the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph) WE WANT EXPERT DEALERS -___ ..:::N_ w... _V.__ _ o - m w)" A _ cr -r _ “r. _ trr-RN .es iffy. WM?“ at7 "ll vqtrr9' w - Sl , $l Bt$tAM (5-,. ----- -cf-=etrM " z: a ' " at»: lee-Cr . --" 'm n 132w»? u: T 3.. I----, - (rrfi':'iiiiijj,ic:lrrt.sjrhd 'ec- _ , T" - _ tre; g g»- "' ----=== --_ "”;\. - ~_.__._- men iiriifi r ---- .. c.rcricoE . " " a? - 'i .--- " r,“ ‘n‘rt: p, 2;.” " . rig-g: $1 =Eiei-7 m-ew-r"- V . Bt ~57: I - 2rsc' ._@: - an : iM - r iiiiii? m... m---.---'--- - - --- --i-t--------"sT wt ------eurt=.7r I- --u..uT.r' Ta",a'c-EtEsir-'iiTa, F,eryeiii:sTij? a: b? :1: 'e J-ji-C-CI'-:',;:?-?--'-- ,: Citric-le-tz,';-';",?, lee . N _ --c:ciufctar- _ WT------ 13-5521' w - "V ' t " _ ------ C-r-C-Far-tS-i-tik Et-Fi-ics '?'l’j/}T"Lâ€"'r/:,/ F-75zTvF-rru-FEEeris Trru-reee _ "ai-c-cv-_-cr--' -rrt ..--_ :ir:i:9Ji-ttggtt" " - Bt lit -Cet?'iWc- f" - Bg" I" " " i225. " . , ~\\_. ---" a, r, Rgk* 'RTR MNSe, t A" _ - ;ii;i't'ir' "tHit Cir E " timatil Ill Qlhrgt I . \‘7 ct:ht ;\\\- - -- "" C_rr-e- == ?'i_-Nbr: rr-z-r-gt-ci, jjlllliilliii3(irii 5 lbs. for 25c R. R. No. 1 More than 50am Chmalet cars giving satisfaction in daily use9 prove that the Chewalei: Building Platform meets every requirement of economical trartitpixrtatton V BARKER & C0., WESTON (We Product of Experience" 19 arm 'Mit-ttE n‘- ‘ Ԥ Ttl - - SPADE -e--- ~~~ I! I II I "II I I II " I I II I "I"! Mt " " I I I I I . I III I III I "I t I I I I I I l I I I --_, - I - _ A I I - I I _ t t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I t I I "" I I I I I I I I I I _ I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I - I _ I I I C I I I I I I _I VIIIllllIlllllllIIIlullllllllllllllllllllllllllllll‘l."lllllllllllllllllIn}!llllIIn"Ill"|llllllllllulllllllllllI’lVIAllllVlVlrlrflfllmnififlfil’D'. l _. _ . - - "'"UEIIIIEIIIUI’lrlllllIIllllllllllllllllllllllIIIlIIlllulflllulllllrllllrllIjIDIIll"XIII[I’llI{IlIIIllI}IlulllllI’I[an]!!!lllwljlllllllllllI’l‘llllllnE \IIlulu-uuuumumuuumInuuuImun-mmuInnununmumuunummummum-mmull"Iall]upi'lIillfiiiug’l’fifl’lll‘l‘llfl SAVE YOUR CAR THE GARAGE MAN MAIN ST. NORTH, WESTON PHONES: 427 GARAGE, MI HOUSE Ire he Looking For a Real Truck? Repairing is our business and us for real work. . tllttllyn Chapman PHONE 170 Every day that your car runs causes wear and tear, A seasdn's running means that you have a lot of parts on your car that need adjusting. Bearings, rings, pistons, nuts and other parts, all need to be looked over. This is the time of the year to do it. Leave your car here for real service. V You can get the best make, tharyou can depend upon to serve you every day. It will pay to look it over. It is the fa.mous TRAFFIC TRUCK RUSSELL LALOSE C. Marriott CHEVROLET SERVICE STATION , CO", ==rdr.....----%T-=r- -airc"rit'ii'aTiiGic"i'ifi i?riFeTirtti'ir AGENTS FOR TRAFFIC TRUCK THE BARKER GARAGE Phone 254 - Main Street, Weston 1lli,illlcit'illl?s THE MAXWELL THIS IS THE CAR ut-ir-r:-.----,--::, 5pra=ar'- _-.--------"----;-, a=Fr-Ter-F7crrscE-= z- y fur .. " L a ' " a} . i 'mM g m * . n --" q MINE aim 5 t M t * th .3 - yd. . . "s , ”an _ "'- <e.rcTttrl -t---- "--=------r=.---c-i-=7-ic--r=u: -.7.rg iCi,iilli'i-,ii"rii2ii' - --=--- 3..-- _-ii-iii-iii-viii-ij-ia,:)) yuillrlE (rt l‘figfliyz u--- .§\\7 iitllAllliiiii' .'i:ii-l.)ir,f:t-a + SOLD BY MAIN-STREET, WEéTON we are always doing it. See PAGE SEVEN "I

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