'tTit' :fiEil _ ' THE JWti1TtiliN.NTt BANK 5:5 :3 Job Printing neatly~ and promptly done " . j . i by the Times & Guide Job Work Department p.“ tA" Head OfricerMontreau. OF CANADA. Establish _ Mimico and New Toronto Branches, c. w, CONN, - - .. .. .. - STOP 14 Why, you can shave yourself and save time and money i every day by using the t in the barber shop. The Rbad toIndependénce Did You, Ever Try? Stop 20 ?AGE EIGHT If there are g. Sufficient; lhumhbé‘i" "s6tiiti/sirrtis("rcziissess will be started at once.:] “W" " fp. ','-' Boys and Girls YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN OF NEW TORONTO Well, once you use it, you will never spend tone waits Auto Strap Safety Razor J. tXyUqlyl1ON'fi1 . W. H, WILSON FOR GOOD VALUES t f f-ltr, I if, 1tii'si. '.1l'i-i'r'ilax,sts,rsti_ Ce, , MEN'S, WOMENS AND CHILDREN’S , - BOOTS - . Call in at Mk. MOLE, Principal of New Toronto School Please send in your names at once to: Night School _ ' Classes V ALL THOSE INTERESTED IN DRUGGIST AND CHEMIST New Toronto WE SUPPLY EVERYTHING It is the duty of every man to lay aside something for the inevitable rainy day. Open a Savings Account aaf--and take your first step along the road to Independence. Tye man with a snug bank acébunt, is fortified against the "slings and arrows of outrageous fortune". Trouble comes to all of us at one time or another. " _ MIMICO BEACH Established 1864, tf Manager. _ Change Your Clock With Sunday morning set as the day for the changing back of the clocks to the old time by those who have been using the daylight saving, the Citizens of Mimico are pal1ed upon to do the same. The Mayor, Mr. West, asked the citizens to conform with the usages of the time when the daylight saving was put in force in this sec- tion. The great advantages were much appreciated and the town benefited by the change. The railroads and the City of Toronto are now returning to the standard time. iThey have called for the change to take place. on Sun- day morning, October 26th, at 2 a.m. It means that the clocks will stop tor the space of one hour. Churches will hold their services at standard time. on Sunday. Cars, trains and all sche- dules will be operated on standard time. On Monday all businesses will be run on standard time. this is the request of the Mayor and no doubt all the citizens will abide by the request. What of This? Will Mimico have, a rink or no? This is really a very important detail to be settled. Much time, effort and energy has been expended in trying to take away things that are hurtful. Yet nothing is done to replace them with things that will be helpful. Would it not be a fine thing to have some of this great effort expended on some- thing that would assist in giving pleas- ure, happiness and pure, ercreation to those whom we are now trying to help. Yes, this would be ideal. A rink erected in this town could be made to carry itself. What is wanted is someone or some body of men to get in behind the movement. The organizations of the town or churches might well employ some of their time in this undertaking. It would be a great benefit to the town. At the present time there is nothing to keep the young boy or girl in Mimico. Is it any wonder that they run off to the city for their night's outing." Is it any wonder that they lose their sleeping time riding in and out on the cars? Is it any wonder that mother never knows Just where he boy or her girl is? 7 All this 'could be helped by en- couraging recreation in Mimico. Think Something ought to be done at once to protect the residents ot this muni- cipality. It, has become most danger- ous to those who use the' highway. This is especially so at night. In the first place, those getting off the street cars are forced to step directly on the pavement and right in the road ot ap- proaching autos. In the second place the headlights used on the street cars are so styongrthat they blind anyone approaching in front ot the car. The drivers of autos find it impossible to see objects passing over the road. Then in the third place the lights at this point are. not enough., Just notice how dark stops 13, 14 and 15 are. These stops should all have more electric lights. In fact, _the whole highway should be better lighted than it now is. Then there 'should be a law put into force doing away with the powerful lights and reflectors that; are used on the street cars. It is im- possible to see anything on the high- way when one of .these lights ap- proaches you. It is a, wonder that there, are not more accidents from this cause than have been reported. Then ag,1aimrtheser should be a Vlawipassed that will make the company discharge their passengers .on‘the north. sideuof the tracks. This would eliminate a lot of danger to the public. It could be easily arranged by placing the door for those getting on or off the cars on the other, side. It would also be ad- visable to have all autos observe the order of stopping when the street ears stop at the crossings, These items have been brought to the ateenti9iit the railis'ay'board by, our Mayor,..Mr. 1 West. .He has formally lodged? com- plaint as1d_is asking that prdtebtion be :granted to the citizens who have to use. this :road.. Mimico is paying for the road‘and should have protection. This matter will receive the attention of the board at their next meeting. Their engineers are looking over the situation, so that some.action will be taken. The other accident occurred on Monday night about ll, o'eloclc at the same stop. In this case it was a man getting off the car, when he was hit _bsr a motor going into the city. Mr. J. McCarthy of Stop 15, Lake Shore Rd., was the victim this time, and was very badly shaken up. The car that hit him did not stop, but kept right on into the city. Efforts were made by another car that was pressed into ser- vice to catch the miscreant. It was, however, fruitless. The driver made good his escape. The constable was called, but could -do nothing, as the man was away ten minutes before he was dressed and out. Thus both driv- 1 el'S got away. During the past week there have been two serious accidents happen on the highway at stop 15. In both cases it was due to an automobile hitting a man who was crossing the road to the sidewalk on the south side. Both ac- l curred at night and both drivers got ‘away without being apprehended by the police. The first accident occur- red last Tuesday night to Mr. Ernie Johnson. He was crossing the high- way at Stop 15 about 8 o'clock in the evening. Not noticing the approach- ing car from the city he was struck. The car stopped and Ernie was car- ried into the drug store. Here it was found that he had suffered severe bruises about the body, several cuts on the head and a broken collar bone; The driver of the car did not give his name, but stated that he would be back on Wednesday. Those present were satisfied and took the number of the car. It now turns out that the man did not come back and he has a New York State license number., This is not of much use to the Cana- dian authorities for prosecution pur- poses. It leaves our men helpless. It was very strange that the accident was not reported to the officer in charge of the highway at this point. He was at home and would have known what to have done in this case. Ernie is getting well, according to the reports of the doctors. SOMETHING IS WRONG HERE MIMICO Bell Telephone Company have been busy taking care ot their poles at the mouth of the Mimico. At this point the poles are exposed to the lake. The rough waters undermined the poles. Heavy cement work has to be placed here from time to time. Yes No Question1............ 348 309 Question2............ 384 275 Question?............ 359 290 Question 4 ........j.... 397 262 A majority in favor of liquor of 352. Everything went off very quietly and The, election returns for New Tor- onto stood: Dr. Godfrey, M.P.P. . . . . . . . . 283 Simpson........ .q.t....... 210 Whether........ ........... 84 Ityding......., R........... 59 We congratulate Dr. Godfrey on his popularity in New Toronto. The Referendum returns proved New Toronto in favor ot the "Yes." Yes No Question1............ 348 309 Questionz............ 384 275 C2uestion3............ 359 290 A good live iater-church debating society would helirto boom things for the young people in Mimico and New Toronto. Why not try it? The old bridge over the Mimico has been removed and the approaches to the old bridge is closed up. A few postal boxes tar placing mail in would be a big help to Mimico at the present time. It could be arrang- ed that the mail man could clear these boxes as he goes between Mimico and New Toronto, / The new Highway Garage is now opened on the Lake Shore Road. It makes a decided improvement to this corner. What is now wanted is a sidewalk along this part of the High- way. Tu , V Work on the roadway has' been held up' during the past week on account of the rain. Fine" Weather is needed to complete tlie two main roads. A fewmore days will help,it alorfg won- dérfully. A small boy threw a stone and broke the Jarge'plate glass Window of Mr. A. D. Norris this week. It was insured, thus mo loss a; this end., v f - '.:g; ' T - , 'What about clearing out all the ditches And thuss having everything ready for the bigiall rains. This is important. . _ i-',, The Lacrosse Club will hold another dance on Friday evening the 24th, in Harrison's Hall. These dances ard be- coming most popular and a Very enr joyable evening is,nyeing held. The Ladies' Guild ot Christ Church are now arranging tor their annual bazaar. This is always one of the events of the town and is looked tor- ward to. , Election returns were received at the Connaught on Monday night. There was a large crowd present. All spent a very pleasant evening looking at the pictures, but were mostly on the fidgets about the returns. Early returns'showed how the country was making a change and not electing' along the old party lines. It was soon; evident that the two old parties were going to be left in the minority. West York, however, was true to her for- mer member and re-elected him against a big field by a large majority. Latest reports on Tuesday night places the majority for the doctor at 2200 over Simpson, who made the next best run. Sam Riding, who has been always bothering about the nomina- tion, brought up the rear, with Whet- ter, both of city council fame. The referendum vote was well received byl [those present and was much appre- ciated by all. ’ we have not been called upon. The prosperity of the country is just as great. The war is won and we no longer have our backs to the wall. We see the smile of victory on every hand. There is still a great responsibility upon ’us all. We are called upon to finish the job. We cannot lay down now. Money must be forthcoming to guarantee the continued industrial prosperity of our country. Money must be provided to pay our soldiers who have received wounds and those who have to be re-established into civil life again. Money must be paid to the dependents of those who have given up their lives. Money must be paid to keep everything going. f Who will provide it? The money loaned to the government by us all will carry the job to a successful conclusion. Let Mimico do her share by loaning all) she can. l Monday is fiche day set for the big Victory Loan†eafnpaign. Mimico is not to be left behind in this great un- dertaking. It was necessary to help while the war; was oh. V Then we were called upon to give with our backs to the wall. The response was most willing. Everyone gave and gave with a free will. During the past years the calls tor voluntary giving to the many patriotic efforts called upon all for a big sum of money. This year - Sheffield & Reddan over the question of the rink and see what you can;;do.:,r. T FOR CHOICE FRESH GROCERIES, MEAT, AND VEGETABLES this is the place. _ ICE CREAM PARLOR, LUNCHES AND DRINKS NEW TORONTO ' as, as ' Victoé; mall is Off LAKE SHORE ROAD, NEW TORONTO STOP NO. 21 with a Trial Grocery Order Well, do so at once! Have you tried Bing Phone 69 EA; Growhurst C' FLORIST C, Place yourjorders for tcup' FLOWERS l _ PLANTS WEDDING 'BOUQUETS T _ -with--. V We would like to see a big turnout of the ratepayers at the next council meeting. Will the ratepayers wake up and try. to keep the evening ot the first Monday in November free. His time the ratepayers'took more inter- est in such 'a. rising municipality and get in intimate touch with the affairs of state. Remember the council meet- ing takes place the first Monday of every month, and it is everyones duty to be present. Office open daily from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday, Wednesday & Saturday evenings from 7 p.m. to 9.30 p.m. V C Special attention given to chil- dren., v. r; c, ',2 In the interests of the referendum great credit is due to Mr. Mrhitlam, chairman of the Referendum Com- mittee, and the Rev. E. Harold Toye, B.A., for their indefatigable services. All the workers under them did splen- did work and were most faithful and untiring'in their efforts. Our returns were most creditable, considering all things, and for those returns we owe all to the work of the Referendum Committee. It was unfortunate that the canvassers were not quite thor- ough.\ A great number of people were not called upon and consequently their names were omitted on the. lists. We heard of others, who were told they were on the list and at the last mo- ment refused a vote, being informed their names were not on the list. Why should this have been and who is real- ly to blame? Dr. W. M. MacKay DENTIST Stop 14, Connaught Hall Superior Ave., MIMICO, ONT. Church St., North of Queen-St. Phone Parkdale 1947. HUMP-ER BAY attended to. Phone orders promptly Westpoint Lodge, No. 425, I.0.0.F., held a banquet last night, Tuesday ev- ening, in honor of their returned men. Thirteen members of this lodge en- listed and two of this number were killed. The others were present and were the recipients ot a beautiful gold pin with the three links. The lodge also prepared a, neat little souvenir booklet. This contains the names ot those killed, Sergt. G. McMinstry and Capt. Fred Werden. It also has the names of the other 11 men who en- listed, Pte. Jas. Cochrane, Jos. Duffy, Gnr. J. IE. Grant, Corp. A. E. Har- lock, Pte. H. Lanchbury, Pte. P. Lau- rence, Gnr. A. A. Livermore, Pte. W. Jâ€; McDonald, Corp. D. Morrison, Pte. J. H. Rose, Pte. IE. Stansfield. It was a fine piece of work extending a wel- come home to the boys on the other pages. The banquet tables were pre- sided over by the N. G., Bro. E. Rug- gles. A splendid program was given, under the direction of Bro. Spindler, Bro. Ed. Clapps being the speaker of the evening-. orderly and the returns were in in good time. I FIND THEIR MEATS I QUITE TO PW TASTE - AN caveats sexing wrm owes-r MST: OFFICIAL WELCOME HOME Toronto office: 33 RICHMON‘D sr.' W. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Office open on Monday and Thurs- day evenings, 7 p.m. to 10 p.m., in BANKING ROOM OF MERCHANTS _ _ BANK STOP 20, NEW TORONTO Law Othiet Church Street Each purchase you make between now ind eight o"dock on Hallowe'en entitles you to an estimate. VF The nuts will be counted in _theoy/tyifrw,,et eight o'clock and the five nearestetethe txict count teiitiitsid'h'retalre away one box of these luscious eating'applts, c-rrrtF _,"., . _ -.-, C _ _ 7:»: us ," 'r5,A “A? a.» ;.;-‘~,.‘-;¢4’$'14’“®"‘fw-T’thlm. _ ’tqf'ilfSQZSE' -. _ _-': s' FT‘ I I irrs, Iheseaéplesraifeefliï¬wgiidzsphymiï¬llrwmdows ' ". LAKE SHORE ROAD GASOLINE WESTON ROAD' ,x. 4‘ V _ MOUNT I CORNER EIGHTH ST. and LAKE SHORE , ", NEW TORONTO Lake Shore Road, Phone 87 Hello-- The man who neglects his car is looking for trouble and taking chances on his life and car. Employ us as your car experts and protect yourself from that trouble. . To the five nearest estimates of the number of nuts displayed in our window. t l ' i Look For Trouble ON FRIDAY NIGHT, OCTOBER 31st (HALLOWE'EN) WE WILL GIVE AWAY ABSOLUTELY APPLES REE, F REE FlALLOWE'N W. H. MALE, BA. .. The Highway Garage Phone Main T686 BEAVER GARAGE Room for Storing Cars WAN fV ER BROS. OUR NEW GARAGE IS COMPLETED 5 Boxes of Rosy Red Halltriiitieen Apples GoropARti& MARSHALL BLOCK BY DAY, WEEK OR MONTH GET OUR RATES OILS I LOUDEN maywwam answer» #9 _ MEN'S AND ' BOYS' STORE AND YOU WILL FIND IT TWO STORES "The Store that Pleases." 'sl"', "t2i: rwif_ HAY PHONE NO. 23. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22nd, 1919 Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Money to Loan Open Thursday evenings and Saturday afternoons Corner Seventh Street and Lake . Shore Rd., New Toronto 60 Victoria Street, Toronto Phones Main 4120, 4121 th F. RODNEY LAW CFFIC MOUNT DENNIS TEL. 55, MIMICO New Toronto Mimico Avenue REPAIRS f x