ss,'r'-s'M Ea“ E33 $53; Mr fiuiltsi_, a Home crii'Jirriifri-irJ'j" Hotel, Toronto "{an, jiil. (sill,, SAVAGE fiv.s':'i"r,u','i,s' Ears Note This Locust frc.. csv-nrt,. Copper & Brass Roll- i113: §*.FE§.H is the Pioneer and Lar- :ircrri/ ail-“Bil of its Kind In Canada anci, 'ri, Located in New Toronto 36: 01.11:†@ffers or? 'il",C','k-,/tiirsr,i_mturres & Bonds 13 . szzms r,--,.'-' Every Degr'iption in Wood, Metal or Wax MACLHN ic. AND ENGIT.’E PATTERNS A SPECIALTY W. Redpath, Proprietor 10.9}; ADE] f. IDE STREET WEST flymlinégn Pattern Works C;Ciut'rpk 'ij-i/iii-hir-litmus:" ‘gfgiswzhat certainly feels, good" ll 1,C; play Sum nix-Lu of a comfortable home into a reality. l'rcpn:e to build now. For estimates see: ’ 5W ' iiEtymN "i" THEY SAY TO OUR SERVICE AND THE QUALITY or- OUR LUMBER AND WORKMANSHIP TRY IT. l il0i, thB9%.A.-6'_ 'ses) V-uvu wv AlyauLls, ycucuauug (111qu _rrjr"iri'iii) QHAMBERLAIN’S «x LINIMENT Night Address 64 Sixth Street 011 all classc: _ electrical work. Get our quotations and leave 1:.\‘ business in town. FIXTURES. VJIRING AND CONTRACTING LAKE SHORE ROAD, MIMICO New Toronto i311 Hf; ration“: Consult u: if you want good Investments Bank of E. S. WARN Write 1'; for particulars. Place your orders for The mil throbbing pain in the joints dis- appear x, the burning ache in the muscles gives way to was and eomfort-that's the finish of rheumre t am when the healing, penetrating oils in ul --,with--. Hamilton Building I?. O N T O F Builder ', licpairs a Specialty. are allowed to do then- work. There in no need u infer from intiamatory or muscular then. mailâ€, lame back or shoulder. umbagn. stiff mum. sore muscles. straws. neuralgia. etc.- us, Chamberlain‘s Liniment. For cuts. bruins, Fir .mda. frost bites, ete.. its antiseptic Ind h--:.umg properties are very valuable ss Q Company Us: a bottle today. all chuggin- 25o. MOUNT DENNIS C. G. COOK of a hberal conventiol all“; now is wlhter tnan snow, ana .lexs the elec- aors whos mould be tru. -d Well, I'll mmwer tne former in 11.. own style and gay, “Goodness knows, -u' llchd the _seustling.. I think you J, sl agree with me it was only a whit, wasn and all Jog have to do is to gmck the sur- iace to see the black hue Still below be well for your enumerators to take the names, etc., and without entering chem on the lists, transmit them to the Chief Ifmumerator tor the proper electoral division in order that they may be checked up and entered there. Yet Mr. Dewart charges partisan legi- “lemon. gruuucc to beneve tum 4m, “no ran a black; won pnor to 1m I _u um black won†pack ot the rotten s2d guvuumeni Gus r’rovmce ever Ira, a max tnat Latnered the stuffed L...:.h\_'l, pox-and um iamous trap of the “Hume sd., has own wasned by resoluu "_, II? we blood "Persons residing in summer cot-. tages ,etc., in Your electo'ral district and who have permanent residences elsewhere should not be entered on the lists for the polling subdivision in which the summer residences are situated, but where the Municipality in which the summer residences are situ- ated is the same as or adjoins that in which the permanent residence is situated, or in any other case where this can conveniently be done, it would Further, it having come to the at- tention of the Government that cer- tain residents were being omitted from the lists by reason ot absence from their homes on holidays the Govern- ment on the 28th day of July, 1919, sent the following letter ot instruc- tions to every Chief Enumerator in the Province of Ontario: The Boardcshould request every Postmaster and Division Court Clerk to whom a copy of a, part ot the list for the electoral district is sent as above suggested to have same posted up in his office. Two copiesgof the complete list as printed for each elec- toral district should be sent to the Chief Enumerator for the district and three copies of the list for each poll- ing subdivision to the Enumerator for the subdivision who should be in- structed to post up one copy in some conspicuous place in the polling sub- division and to use the other two copies in answering inquiries as to the names entered thereon." Gentlemen, there never was greater publicity given to any list of voters nor a more sincere effort made to put everybody on the list who was en- titled to vote, yet Mr. Dewart cou- demns it as partisan legislation. (b) Every candidate other than the member for whom votes were given in the last election tor the Assembly in the Electoral District. (a) The member of the Assembly tor the Electoral District. It is suggested that one copy ot the printed lists tor each Municipality should be sent to every' member of the Council of that Municipality and to the Clerk ot the Municipality, every postmaster in the Municipality and every Division Court Clerk in the Municipality and ten copies of all the lists for each electoral district to the following persons: “In order to secure due publicity for the voters' lists as prepared by the Enumerators and in pursuance of the provisions of Section 30 of the On- ta'rio Electron Act 1918, the number ot the copies of the lists to be printed should be say two hundred.' I take great pleasure in seconding the resolution just presented becéuse it gives me an opportunity of answer- ing the false unfounded charges made by Mr. Dewart and his followers against the Government and the un- Just and despicable calumny heaped on the heads of enmnerators through- out the Province and more especially in the City of Toronto by the same gentleman and his associates. In Oc- cident Hall on Monday night last, ac- cording to The Toronto World of Tuesday morning, Mr. Dewart said: A letter was sent to the Senior County Court Judge of every County, the Chairman of each respective Vot- ers' Registration Board and a non- partisan official by the Government on July 24th, 1919, in order to give the greatest publicity to the lists as compiled by the' Enumerators and printed by the Voters' Registration Board contained the following instruc, tions: EARL LA\VSON VIGOROIISLY ANSWERS DEW'ART’S CHARGES "You will bear; in mind that it is your duty to see that every person who is entitled to have his or her name entered upon the voters' list has a reasonable opportunity of having this done.†'t "f charge the Government with de- liberately putting on the statute books a law enabling them to place on the voters' lists by means ot partisan of- ficials, those whpm they want on the lists and leaving off those whom they do not happen to want." The letter of instructions sent out by the Government to every Chief Enumerator in his Province contained the following paragraph: That statement is without founda- tion and requires only to be examined, to berplaced in' the category to .which it belongs, a falsehood. Prior to the present legislation, the list bt voters was compiled by adding to' the list compiled by the Municipalities, those who had sufficient-initiative-to take the time and suffer) the'iireonvenience of attending at a registration booth to be enrolled, by virtue ot manhood franchise. The Government is desir- ous of enfranchising the' greatest number for the referendum did not leave it to the initiative of those. who would go and register but passed legi- slation making provision as it does for enumerators going from "door to door to place all qualified voters on the list and then as a safeguard.for any who might be, missed, provided the machinery ot the Voters’ Registration Board by which any who are omitted can be placed on the list by appeal and with less contribution of time and ef- fort on the part of the individual than by Manhood Registration. Yet Mr. Dewart says it is partisan legislation. in, car James Aims 01 this LC, “no ran 1 Al buts black L g‘UvULument a. para; that hut pox-and 1111116 M., has A) ug The prize lists are now being cir- culated throughout the village by the above society, and it is the Wish of the society to reach each resident. If, by any chance, you have been over- We offer a sincere apology to Mrs. Lovejoy for the mistake made in last week's issue re the "judging ot lawns." Mrs. Lovejoy won the lst prize for the best lawn, Mr. Wiggins getting 2nd prize. It was not altogether the writer’s fault. The enumerator, in his haste, making a wrong addition of his figures. We forgive him, he was a very busy man that day and we now take pleasure in handing the laurels co Mrs. Lovejoy. Dr. Allison has left New Toronto and gone to reside in Belgrave. He will be missed by quite a number of friends in the village. He was presir. dent of the local G.W.V.A. and made himself popular in many ways. We wish him 'the best of success in his new practice. Mr. and Mrs. H. Neale of Indian Grove, Toronto, were visiting Mrs. Cle- man, "Middledrift," the week end. Mrs. Harvey and two children, In- dian Grove, have been the guests of Mrs. Cleman for a week. They re- turned to the city on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew left the Un- ion Station for Montreal on Friday evening at 8.30. They, with three of their family, sailed for the "dear old Homeland" on Saturday by the Megan- tic. We wish them bon voyage and a Very happy holiday among their old friends in Scotland. Mr. and Mrs. Whitlam, our post- master, and his wife, have returned from a vacation spent at Niagara-on- the Lake. Both feel much benefit- ed and enjoyed the rest. Mrs. James Ailles, mother-in-law of our respected reeve, was visiting her niece in the States for a short stay. We an regret very much to hear of Mrs. Keesee’s continued serious ill- ness. The report from Wellesley Hos- pital yesterde was not as cheering as we had hdped for. The shock to the system has been the worst of all. We hope to have better ‘news next week. Mr. Wallace, butcher, expects to start any day now with the excavations for his buildings. Mr. Ring of Ring & Co., contractors, Toronto, has the contract from Mr. Wallace. Mc. Robins, real estate agent, has sold several lots at the foot ot Ninth St. Dr. Ingram, the dental surgeon, is one of the new owners ot property there. Our friend, Mr. Grimshaw, who re- turned from the front at the begin- ning ot the year, is certainly one of the busy men' of our village. Since his return he has been doing his ut- most in building up and renovating different houses all over our village. He built the vault in our municipal buildings and has made many other improvements to local residences. Now Mr. Grimshaw is soon beginning his own bungalow on Third Street. He has been held up through scarcity of material and labor. and I will answer the latter by asking the electors of this Province a few questions to be answered by them. Who is to be trusted? This gentle- man, who in 1917, as well as all the others on his platform the other night, fought tooth and nail terainst r'eent'orC- ing the men at the front and now cri- ticizes the Government for imposing a tax on Municipalities to enable it to send half a million bags of flour to feed our troops at the front or the Government which has loyally sup- ported., by contribution, money, goods, Britain and Canada’s ett6rt through- out the war? ' Who is to be trusted? The man who prior to 1904 ran with the pack, who supported stuffed ballot boxes, the numbered ballot and every other kind of election corruption, or that body of conservatives who have given Ontario the cleanest, most progressive Gov: ernment ever in power? Gentlemen, I ask you, as good de- cent, respectable electors of that Rid- ing, which the late, Mr. Foy so well represented; is it fair, is it right, nay more is it decent that Mr. Dewart should make that slimy insinuation? No, a thousand times no, he should say more or he should say nothing. E. LAWSON. Toronto certainly showed her best side from the standpoint of therweath- er to H.R.H. the Prince of Wales on Monday. It was an ideal day for his reception to the Queen City. We New Torontonians who are "stay-at-homes" will not have the pleasure of seeing him unless in his oft-duty time he takes a trip over Our highway to Oakville. Then'kindly notify us that we turn out en masse and give him a cheer as he passes through. V This riding of Southwest Toronto was represented ably and well for 14 years by that honorable gentleman, the late J. J. Fey, and now Mr. Dewart insinuates that that rveerend, deceas- ed gentleman called off the then Crown Attorney Mr, Curry from furh- er prosecution ot combines as a re- sult of which Mr. Curry resigned. If the utterances ot the. leader of the Opposition are indicative of the Liberal platform in Ontario, then that platform consists entirely of a series of charges against all and any in op- position to his party's views. My sweet, young experience has taught me that public men are loath to make charges, which are without foundation, because such a course reflects on their own reputation. Ot course, I suppose there are those who have not any reputation. The conduct of a, public man some- times leads one to that conclusion. Who is to be trusted? The man who, white-washed, claims to be the friend of the returned soldier And at the. same time, without foundation, character- izes him and his immediate relatives who acted as enumerators as partisan ‘officers, without principle and decen- 'cy, or that Government which has evi- denced its desire to compile a fair and extensive list of votes by the letters I read you in opening? If, by that statement, he refers to the SAV. Tbronto Bye-Election in which Mr. Dewart was elected, I can only comment in conclusion that the Conservative candidates or their tol, lowers never have been accused of promising the Jewish people Palestine. This ger1leman further says, "We fought an Election Act against all kinds of machinations that could be devised." Horticultural Society N EW TORONTO Notice is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the per- sons mentioned in Section 9 of the On- tario Voters' List Act the copies re- quired by said sections to be trans- mitted or delivered of the list made pursuant to said Act of all persons appearing by the last revised assess- ment roll of the said Municipality to be entitled to vote in the said Muni- iipality at elections for members to the Legislative Assembly and at the Municipal Elections, and that the said lists were first posted up at my office, Mimico, on the 29th day of July, 1919, and remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have errors or omissions corrected according to Notice is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in Section 9 of the Ontario Voters' List Act, the copies required by said sections to be so transmitted or delivered of the list, made pursu- ant to said Act, of all persons appear- ing by the last revised Assessment Roll of the said Municipality to be entitled to vote in the, said Municipali- ty at elections for members of the Legislative Assembly, and at Munici- pal elections; and that the said list was first posted up in my office at New Toronto on the 29th day ot July, 1919, and remains there for inspec- tion. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected ac- cording to law. Dated this 29th day of July, 1919. Municipality of the Town of Mimioo, County of York 3t Voters' Lists, 1919, Municipality of ' New Toronto, of the County of york DATED at New Toronto this 15th day of July, 1919. CHAS. LOVEJOY, Reeve. W. H. C. MILLARD, Clerk. 10 t RIUNICIPALITY OF N EW TORONTO EACH of the said wards has a. popu- lation of five hundred or more and the area. of the whole of said Municipal Corporation is Five Hundred acres (500 ac.) A Municipal census taken on the let day of May, 1919, shows a resi- dent population of 2551 persons. NUMBER THREE WARD bounded as follows: On the east by the centre line of Eighth Street, on the _south by the centre line of the Lake Shore Road, on the west by the eastern limit of the Township of Etobicoke, and on the north by the right of way of the Grand Trunk Railway. NUMBER ONE WARD being bounded as follows: On the east by the western limit of the Town of Mimi- co, on the' south by Lake Ontario, on the north by the centre of the Lake Shore Road, and on the west by 11th Street shown on plans 1101 and 1592. NUMBER TWO WARD, being bounded as follows: On the east by the western limit of the Town of Mimico, on the south by the centre line of the Lake Shore Road, on the west by the centre line of Eighth St., and on the north by the right of way of the, Grand Trunk Railway, and Remember the exhibits are open to all residents. Make your entries early and boost the exhibition. Give it a big push on its way. Date is Saturday, September 13th. NOTICE is hereby given that the Municipal Corporation of the Village of New Toronto will after three months from the date hereof, apply to the Ontario Railway and Municipal Board for an order and declaration erecting the "Municipal Corporation of the Village ot New Toronto" into the "Municipal Corporation of the Town of New Toronto," having three wards, numbered, one, two and three. THE ONTARIO RAILWAY AND MUNICIPAL BOARD In the matter of the Erection of the Village of New Toronto into a town under the name of New Toronto. looked, kindly apply to anyone of the undernoted: Messrs. T. C. Barrett, 5th St.; E. Blay, Fifth St.; E. Evans, 6th St.; J. Hutton, Lake Shore Road; L. Taylor, 22nd St.; S. Ward, 18th St.; ID. Wiggins, 3rd St.; C. W. Langley, 4th St. The Glasgow and District Associa- tion gave a reception last Friday night to Bailie Willock of Glasgow. dep- uty-lieutenant tor Lanarkshire. The reception was well attended and a most enjoyable time spent. Dancing and a good musical program filled up the evening. Baillie \Villock spoke and in his remarks said how proud he was of the Association, having grown to such a large membership. Elchgp Fiddes, the noted tenor, sang, and others well known in mu- sical circles. Mayor Church and many other well known public men were present. Engineer Frank Barber i's calling for tenders on behalf of York town- ship for the construction of five, and a quarter miles of six-inch cast iron water mains. Tenders are to be in by September 6th and the new ser- vice will be laid down on about twen- ty streets, mostly in north Oakwood, Swansea, and west of the city. Mrs. Adamson handed over $63.39 to the Memorial Fund, being the bar. anee left after all expenses had been deducted. The Highway Hardware and the new Clothier's store in the theatre block were opened on Saturday and both had excellent results. This; shows clearly the great need there has been for such stores, and it gave the house- wives who deal locally a chance to replenish the china cupboard and the men the shirt and collar drawer. Pro- gress always is our village watch- word and we wish the new comers the best ot success. _ TOWNSHIP NEEDS PIPE Dated this 29th day of July, 1919. _ J. A, TELFER. Clerk. WILLIAM H. C. MILLARD, Clerk of the Municipality of f New Toronto VOTERS’ LIST OVER FIVE MILES Prompt Service at Moderate Charge STOP 27, LAKE SHORE ROAD Sunday Morning servieesr--11 o’clock. Sunday Evening Services-? o'clock. Sunday School and Bible Study, 3 p.m. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, 8.15 p.m. B.Y.P.U. Meeting, Wed., at 7.30 p.m. E. J. Wham, Dunelle Cottage Stop 26 " Lake Shore Road Toronto - J, 3950 Holy Communion every Sunday at 9 a.m. and on second Sunday each month at 11 a.m., and on Holy Days at 7.30 a.m. Morning Prayer 11 am. Sunday School 3 p.m. Evensong 7 Dan. Epworth League meeting every Monday at 8 p.m. Sunday Services: Morning Prayer, 11 o'clock; Evening Prayer, 7 o'clock. Holy Communion every Sunday at ' a.m., except on 1st Sunday in month ‘When it is celebrated at 11 o'clock. Sunday School 10 a.m, Morning 11 mm. Evening 7 p.m. Sabbath School and Adult Bible Class 3.15 p.m. Prayer Meeting at 8 p.m. Wednesday evenings. Epworth League at 8 p.m. Monday evenings. Masses, Sunday, 9 and 11 a..m. Sunday Evenings T.30. Car Stop No. 15. Rev. G. E. Dohedy. Pastor. Young People': Society, Monday, 8 Meeting tor Prayer, Wednesday, 8 wimenrs Missionary and Ladiés' Aid 1st Tuesday ot the month at three Presbyterian Church 'Motor Truck Express to City Teaming, etc. Wm. Gait Century Methodist Church Thos. Douglas PARCEL DELIVERY Sunday School, 3 pun. Public meeting, Saturday, at 8 p.ITr CAPTAIN F. M. SIBBICK Macdonnell St., Mimieo Sunday Services, 11 a.m., 7 p.m. Soldiers' meeting, Wednesday, at 8 11.00 aan-Morning service. 2.30 p.rn.-Suaday School. 7.00 p.m.--Evening service. Dealer in Sand and Gravel. Methodist Church Cor. Mimico Ave. and Church St. Rev. G, J. Mackay, M.A., Minister A Welcome to all. Seats tree. 'S‘unday Services 11 a..m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School St. Leo's Church . MIMICO BURLINGTON ROAD MIMICO REV. J. W. MORGAN, Pastor Mimico Avenue A SITUATED IN THE CENTRE OF THE TOWN Convenient to railway. street cars, churches, school and station site for Hydro-Electric railway. Sewer, water and sidewalks. Very deep lots with beautiful shade trees. LOW PRICES - REASONABLE TERMS MIMICO CHURCHES Christ Church Call or Phone-- SALVATION ARMY Mimico Ave., Mimico Lake Shore Road and 9th St Teaming Contractor LONG BRANCH CHURCHES Baptist Church St. Margaret's Church Pastor, Rev. Harold Toye R. Winter, Choir-master. NEW TORONTO CHURCHES KENNY PARK GORMALY REALTY Stop 15, for full particulars. MlMlCO WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 27TH, 1919 shoes also. On Seventh Street, New Toronto Visit it for satisfaction. Spring Style Good, strong, well made Boots and Shoes for young and old, to satisfy all demands, in our store. And provide for good draft by use of MOTOR CAR SUPPLY Telephone Parkdale 377, 378 Ontario Sewer Pips. Co" Limited When Building Your House Formerly Chief Inspector, Canadian Elgin Watch Co. Seamless Wedding Rings i READY I.W. ROYCE N. J. WATSON REPAIRS A SPECIALTY A. E. STEPHENS, Proprietor 1521-23 QUEEN STREET W. 1506 QUEEN ST. W., PARKDALE Phone Park. 4793. Open Evenings REAL ESTATE Office, Church Street, Mimico. Phone: Local 78. f Remember we repair your old Guard against fires by lining your chimney with VITRIFIED l C CLAY FLUES OFFICIA]. WATCH INSPECTOR GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY Peter Lord (Either square or round) The choicest of Candies,) Fresh Confectionery, Soft 1 Drinks on Ice, Ice Cream. 1 Books, Periodicals, ER; " I runs the BIG THREE-CHAIRED BARBER SHOP and . BIG BILLIARD ROOMS Phone Park. 1321--47li6 Livery Cars Day and Night Shetiield's THE NEW TORONTO STATIONERY STORE Stop 21 Lake Shore Road UNDERTAKER AND l EMBALMER NORMAN A. CRAIG Park. 2950, Park. 1054 1255 QUEEN WEST (1 block from Sunnyside) . J. Chapple EXCELSIOR TOP 1500 QUEEN WEST Manufactured by J EWELER TO SERVE Phones t WITH Issuer of Marriage License. YOU Egg EP, I , l I 1