w, ca " I You Know This' ! Job Printing neatly and promptly (Cj'iOli2e) 'ii, _ by the Times & Guide Job WorkDe PAGE EIGHT Lake Shore Road, Phone 87 Let's take the rattle out of your car and put the joy back into your motoring. Nothing annoys like a rattle or a feeling that something is going to give. Bring your car into - Head Office: Montreal. OF CANADA, Establish Mimico and New Toronto Branches, G. W CONN, - - .." - - . THE PASTIME THEATRE The Road to Independence _ 's u †. Open a Savings Account tbday'4and t"sA'P'" take your first step along the road to _ . Independence. THE MERCHANT,, BANK, Cannel Coal for Fire Grates {m {HE Wednesday, June 25th EDNA GOODRICH in "WHO LOVED HIM BEST" / Strand Comedy Episode 6--"FIGHT FOR MILLIONS" Summer Season-Four Nights a Week Electric Fans Make it C001 and Pleasant ‘opular Artists Produce the Latest and Best Movie Films BEAVER GARAGE ithk M; Tuesday, Wednesday, July lst and 2nd _ SESSUE HAYAKAWA in "THE TEMPLE OF DUSK" Friday, and Saturday, June 27th and 28th BILLIE RHODES in "HOOP LA" Prices: 10c and 15c. War Tax Extra J. LOUDEN BEST QUALITY HARD COAL LIMITED Church St, and G.T.R. Subway Order by Phone ' Local Phone, New Toronto 15 City Phone, Parkdale 475 It is the duty of every Jan to lay aside something for the inevitable rainy day. The man_with a snug bank account, is fortifietragainst the "slings and arrows of outrageous fortune". . " Trouble comes to all of us at one time or another. Charlie Chaplin. Comedy NEW TORONTO ' --- MIMICO BRANCH WES SIM Bl]. (All 'sizes) So Do W New Toronto Established 1864, Heating Coke Manager, A concert was given at the Salva- tion-Army Hall on Tuesday evening by the members of the Girl Guides and Boy Scouts, under the direction of Capt. R. McLean. An excellent pro- gramme of solos, choruses, etc., was rendered, the singing of Master Arnold Beswick being much appreciated. Miss Blanche Peacock, daughter of Mr. J. W. Peacock, was the accompanist. Mr. Wm. IIowland,v'one of the town's employees at the pumping' sta.. tion, is leaving for England early in July. ‘Mi's. Ormsby spoke on Sunday morning at the Presbyterian Church and also at the Methodist Church upon the action of the Senate in resfioving the restrictions upon liquor. An or- ganizing meeting to start a campaign in favor of prohibition, Mrs. Orinsby announced, would be held at the home of Mrs. Ogden, Lyndhurst, Mimico, on Tuesday. Pte. Har'old Telfer and Pte. James TTratt are amongst the latest to return to Mimico after a lengthy service at the front. Both men are looking fit and well, and received a. genuine wel- come home from their friends. Capt.. Gordon Gauld, son ot Mr. G, R. Gauld of the-Victoria Industrial School, is taking charge of the Pres- byterian Church during the vacation of the pastor, the Rev. G. J. McKay. The Captain is studying for the min- istry and his handling ot the subjects chosen on Sunday last impressed the congregation very favourably. A Mim- ico young man, the future career of Capt. Gauld in his chosen work will be watched with keen interest by Mimico people, and the young man can be assured of their heartiest support. ( The following permits to build were iapproved on the recommendation ot x the town building inspector: Mr. R. C. I Milne, solid brick dwelling to be erect- led on Mimico Ave., Value $4,000; Mr. F. Bickmore, brick and stucco dwell- ing to be erected on Warden st, value $2800; Mr. O. Garbutt, solid Briclc dwelling to be erected on Eastbourne Cres., value $4200; Mr. R. Jones,trame dwelling to be erected on Symon St., value $1400; Mt. A. Salmon,solid brick dwelling to be erected on Dartmouth Ores, Value $3500; Mr. J. s.. Harding, frame dwelling to be erected on He- man St., value $1000; Mr. D. H. Wal- lace, concrete basement under prem- iseson Macdonald St., value $350; Mr. Wm. Gaffney, frame dwelling to be erected on Simpson Ave., value $600; Mr. H. Bush, frame cottage to be erected on Melrose St., value $550; Mr. C. Coxhead, solid brick garage and dwelling to be erected on north side of Lake Shore Road, Value $6000. After some discussion on the prod posed new roads on Church Street and Mimico_Avenue, with no definite conclusion A reached, the accounts, amounting to $37390.00, were ordered to be paid on the recommendation of the Finance Committee. A firm of toy manufacturers wrote asking about the facilities for starting a plant in Mimico, and it any suitable buildings were available. The Clerk Was instruéted to reply in the nega- tive. , _ _ A complaint was read from a pro- perty owner regarding the alleged re- tusal of the town's garbage' collector to remove complainants garbage, which brought out the fact that the garbage, collectors had sent in their resignations. A resolution was car- ried authorizing the Clerk to adver- tip6 the vacancies' on the sanitary staff, the resignations of Mr. Derby- shire and Mr. Baggott being accepted. A by-law for the construction of sewers on the streets running- from Church Street to Dwight Avenue and certain streets in Crescent Point was given the first reading. A resolution that tenders for the school bonds.of $55,000.00 be adver- tised for, was carried. right. After much discussion a reso- lution was carried to the effect that the Council obtain legal information as to their powers under the by-law regarding the, matter of tents within the town's area. Mr lt. Waites want- ed to know what had been done with regard to the complaint made by Mrs. Stock re garage erected by Mr. J. W, Peacock, and the Building Inspector was asked to report on the matter. Another matter brought up was the question of cutting weeds, Mr. Small wanting to know it the town was pay- ing tor the cutting of the weeds, as a by-law was passed that called for the owners of property to cut them. The Mayor replied that the men employed on that work Were working on the town's portion' ot the streets. A reso- lution was carried authorizing the Town Clerk to instruct the Town Soli- citor to proceed against certain par- ties tor alleged breaches of the build- ing by-law. V \An application made by Mr. Pettit for a position soon to-be vacant at the pumping station was referred to the Joint Sewerage, Committee. , that tents had been erebted thereon, which he, Mr Ogden, contended was a breach of the building 'oy-law, and also that for lack of proper sanitary accommodation an offensive situation was being made possible, and urged the Mayor and Councillors to take such action as lay in their power to have these conditions remedied. Mr. I. N: Devins, the owner of the pro- perty in question, replied to Mr. Ogden and stated that he saw no objection and maintained that the people who were occupying the tents were Just as respectable citizens as any one could desire, and in reply to a question from the Mayor stated that so far as he knew the sanitary conditions were all Mr. Ogden appeared on behalf of Mr. and Mrs. 1irm. Ingles, complaining pCthe condition of the premises ad- Joining those of Mr. Ingles, alleging The regular meeting of the Town Council was held in the Library Hall on Monday evening, Mayor West pre- siding, and present also Reeve Conl- ton, Dep. Reeve Dryer, Councillors Hemlock, 1vixon and Ring, along With Clerk Telfer. Minutes of previous meeting were read and adopted. . The meeting ‘then adjourned MIMCO DR. P. J. WATSON, Dentist, office at Connaught Hall, Super- ior Avenue, Mimico. Open Tuesday, 1.30 pm. to 5.30 p.m., 7.30 to 9.00 p.m. Saturdays, 2 p.m. to 5.30 p.m. For special appointments Phone College 4536. IEfir Lordship spoke from the text c-- Hebrew 6: 12:--"That ye be not slothtul, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises," inspiring all present and especially those presented for confirmation. He pointed out that at first sight the two beautiful ser- vicesrof the evening might be con- With the closing of this service the rector, Rev. J.\A. Arthur, read the shortened evensong service and Pre- seated to the Bishop 41 candidates for the holy rites of confirmation. The rector ot Weston, Rev. Hughes- Jones, read the introduction ot the confirmation service. Mrs. Fellowsrdonated a. handsomely bound Bible for the new lectern, which was also dedicated. This was in mem- ory of her brother, James Frederick Hopper. Both of these memorials will be a. censtant inspiration to everyone who enters the church to go forward and do their' duty daily. 3 The lectern, which isra. magnificent f piece of artisric,.w9rlamansTrp, stands I about tiire feet high, It is of hammer- ‘ed brass upon a solid-round base, the top of the pedestal forming a globe 1upon which stands an eagle with out- "spread wings and head erect. It speaks to all of lite. This isthe memorial erected by the members of this congre- gation in memory of the 16 men who paid the supreme sacrifice in the great war. It stands before all as a living memorial of their noble deeds and will inspire men to greater things in life. The names of these men are all en- graved upon a brass shield that is at the base of the lectern, as follows: John Henry Banfield, Joseph Thomas, Burlington, Charles Walter/Chappell, Charles George Crisp, Arthur Cross, John Benjamin Cross, George Ray- mond Denmore, Gordon Glanfield, Ed- ward Hodges,James Frederick Hopper, Charles Edward JIoy1e,Nvilliarn Harold 1EnighCC)sear Oliver Mousley, Regin- ald Page, Henry James Williams. All of these men enlisted from this church and gave up their lives in doing their duty to country, and King. A Service of Dedicatibn T On Sunday evening there was held in, the Church of the Good Shepherd a very solemn and impressive service. As a matter of fact there were two services, the first being the dedication of a beautiful brass lectern and the second that ot confirmation. His Lord- ship the Bishop of Torontoipertormed the ceremonies. ' Mr. Samuel Wright of Long Branch met with an auto accident last Sat- urday night. The rear wheel of his car was torn oft by another auto on the Hamilton Highway,' as they were approaching the road from the Park. Mrs. Wright received severe injury to her chest and three broken ribs. The other two occupants escaped with a' bad shaking up. _ Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Horner and daughter Pearl entertained Mrs. Goul- ding's Studio Club and friends at their residence, Willow Lanes, on Saturday atterppomapt1 evening, June 21st. All spent a very enjoyable time, there be- ing about one hundred present. Carson L. o. Ja., will be opened. The following speakers will be present: Dr. Cody, Minister of Education, GLW. Bro. H. C. Hocken, G. M. British Am-. erica, G. M. Bro. J, B. Lawson, O. Y. B, County Master Bro. Elliott, of To- ronto, Col. Clark, D. S. Q., Major Gib- son, Asst. Deputy G. M. Bro. A. A. Gray and Rev. J. Morgan. Bro. W. ll. Banfield will open the door with a silver key which is presented by Dr. Cody. Delegates from the different lodges .will be present, also ailetter from Sir Edward Carson will be read. A cordial invitation is 'extended to all. The members are to be congratulated on their splendid achievement. The building costs in the neighborhood of $4,680 and when furnished will cost about $5,000 and when opened will be' practically free of debt. Miss Marshall, of West Toronto, be- came the bride of Reginald Smith, who has recently returned from over- seas, last Wednésday afternoon. After the ceremony the happy couple left on their wedding tour. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Hughes and family have returned to their spmmer home at Mimico Beach. On Saturday afternoon, June 28th, at 2 o‘clock the Mimico Memorial Hall erected by the members of Sir Edward -Mrs. Charlie Burgess is visiting Mrs Burgess, Sr., of Cavell Ave. Last Saturday afternoon Miss Clara Barnum celebrated her ninth birthday by entertaining a number of her little friends to a picnic at High Park. ‘The guests included: Miss Mary Dods, Miss Elsie. Doughty, Miss Betty Shepherd, Miss Georgina, Woods, Miss Dorothy Barnum, Miss Patty Hutchins and Miss Georgina Lailey. . ' Mr. Tozer Karrived home on Satur day after a three months' visit to Sher brooke. . The Senior Epworth League of the Methodist Church held their last meet- ing for the summer on Monday, June 23, 1919, at the home of Mr. Ferrier. Tennis was greatly enjoyed and other games. Refreshments were served. HERE WE ARE AGAIN, Mimico Methodis Church Sunday School Picnic on Tuesday, July 22nd MOUNT DENNIS WATCH FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS LONG BRANCH GRIMSIY BEACH ; Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. 1 Office open on Monday and Thurs- jday evenings, 7 p.m. to 10' p.m., in *BANKING ROOM op MERCHANTS BANK . , STOP 20, NEW TORONTO _ Toronto otiice: 33 RICHMOND'ST. W. Law Office Open Thursday evenings and V Saturday afternoons Corner Seventh Street and Lake Shore Rd., New Toronto 60 Victoria Street, Toronto Phones Main 4120, 4121 Barrister, Solicitor, Notyy, Etc. Money to Loan . o. F. EWGNEY The warden had 'to place extra chairs in the aisle and the church was so filled that some had to sit on the steps outside. There Were 352 persons crowded into the church. The church rendered a sweet musical service and was well assisted by the church or- chestra. This whole service was one of inspiration to the community. - It might be stated here that under the leadership of. the. rector the work has been very successful. He was in- ducted but a few months ago, and this is his first confirmation class. Forty- one was the number, but most of these were young men and women, not small boys and girls in their teens. There were also severalmarried people and two soldiers in uniform. This" speaks of the splendid work accomplished by the rector. This' is but a parable of the spirit- ual life. There is another honor roll that bears the names of those who have enlisted. It is the honor roll of the living God. How do we get on this roll. Our text answers this: We are not to be slothful, but followers of Christ, our Master and Leader,through faith and patience. In this book of Hebrews faith and patience is empha- sized twenty-four times. It is by ex- 'ercising these that we can get our names on this great honor roll. We are all enlisted at our baptism and the seal of the Holy Spirit is placed hpon us during our confirma- tion. IVith this power. we can go forth to do our duty day by day. God will strengthen each one of us and prepare us for the great day when we will see those glorious honor rolls. Let us do our duty and have. our names inscrib- ed thereon. His Lordship conguatuiat- ed the rector upon the large class of candidates which hd presented. Fast third, with 481, and this church was well up in the list with 133. These men all have their names upon the honor rolls in the church. They have them placed there because they did their duty. They gave up all tor the defence of the weaker nations, for the, preservation of justice, for the protec- tion of women, children and rights of freedom. They did their duty for love and freedom. Thus they have gained the right to have their names placed upon these various honor rolls. . As you pass through this diocese, some 10,000 square miles in size, you see in every church the honor rolls ot the men who have enlisted. In the records that came into the Synod ot- fice it showed that St. Anne's stood highest with 505, St. Barnabas', Chesv ter, with second, with 487; Trinity sidered as sepgmtegand distinct. Yet on a closer dbservation they were both one and similar. The first was the dedication fo the glory of God, this beautiful Bible and lectern, and the other is a service in which these young people are dedicating their lives to God's glory and service. Thus both services are of the very highest. A FAMOQE; mm FRom COWST To mag?» as EEEF InAAT Was A POT You ROAST, W. H. MALE, B.A. LAW OFFICE Phone Main 7686 g Sat,., June ttttth Stop 14 Church Street Races at seven o'clock. Handsome A Mock Trial Every Half Hour All Evening ADMISSION TO GROUNDS 10c LthlD,,,E,, Garden Party July 5th Stop 13 1-2 Men's Races Women's Races Boy's Races Girls' Races HON. DR. CODY, Minister of Education will be the speaker of the afternoon an the order. Mimico Avenue GRANDOPENING Memorial Hall Sunshine Comedy , "ARE MARRIED POLICEMEN SAFE?" Friday and Saturday, June 27th and 28th PEGGY HYLAND in "BONNIE ANNIE LAURIE†MUTT AND JEFF COMEDY-"HOTEL DE MUTT" Tuesday, Wednesday, July lst and 2nd WM. FARNUM in “TRUE BLUE" Sunshine Comedy-ia/ng Lions on the Midnight Express" Prices: 10c and 15c. War Tax Extra. [ll(Nllllf IASEBM , HAGUE - Rt " , , " Mih tiM Mr . $lFtlgt mit' - it " T"% " an": ' kit: Dig ‘1' "’1 " A? .1: INT, was " 352.5% tgre WM as" w, E . - mm W w N W" _ " RMM " v was» a; . 53.. - GOC)DYEAR'S ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION FIELD Stop 21%, Lake Shore Road _ Trucks from Sunnyside to grounds free THE CONNAUG Also Lawns‘ Prints Cottons Hosiery Laces Embroideries Overalls Working Pants Men’s Fine and Working Shirts We aim to please. . et everyone come. Silver band in attendance EVERY SATURDAY TWO BIG FAST GAMES AT 2 AND 4 RM Supply Your Needs 'in Footwear WAN NER BROS J. GOULTQN Twilight Baseball ‘every Wednesday at six-thirty sharp "Home of the Great Star Productions" Wednesday, June 25th TOM MIX in “WESTERN BLOOD" We sell Dr. Scholys Foot Ease Also Dry Goods and Smallwares ALL KINDS OF RACES will be held at the. "The Store that Pleases." PHONE NO. 23 MIMICO Baby Show --of the--- FORMAL Baby's Races Peanut Races \ Jockey Races Novelty Races afternoon and other members of Stop 15, Lake Shore Road Handsome Prizes Mimico Avenue Mimico Beach mama mu, Ts? M7 “£5: