L Grimm mm mm we L3 . D. 5‘“: was: co." a: 3 ‘SCRANWN COAL ‘ F é" f .', “Being some reasons why 1/ olicit and n (f,iiijritti,isiit pt your Drug and ij; Sundries pat s,,,iri,,,,"ii'riirNrafs-r J., _ / f -r, T, . qua: _ " A; Lyï¬fï¬rmmnlscHocomms, the ssweodirt(lstary ever midi“; _ 1iii,-They are the only Fork Dippe ,E‘Choclates made in Canada l Dipped we mean that each piece . dipped by a fork and is not C human hand, Clean, Hygienic, /' They are made from the odst iehly-pyre ingredients possib; in a clean, sanitary factoryyr" if . 1 _ The exquisite fiavi)rfriri t ir grainy delicious blends, arrangement of each piece in thé pa age,£he cleanliness and 4; makes itself manifest the instant the c q er ' removed, these are . things identified with every packegweVan‘f ery piece of Willard VOL. XXVI 'iii _ A London scho class had been accustomed to sin each afternoon a short hymn one line of which ran, “Weak and sinful ough we be." on a new teacher ta ng charge she was puzzled at the c 1dren’s Very indefi- mite articulation of this line, and on investigating fo d that nearly half the class had bcen rendering it, "We can sing, ‘full tliough we be!" /,#,__2_",â€"_/1 - --r"-" ,, Lumber, Sash, Doors, and OPPOSITE BANK WA SCOTIA BUILDINGS --AGENT FOR-- Massey=Harris Implements Baynes and Gray. Carriages Rudd Harness _ Orders for Stlo's Promptly Attenoeo w. Dance and PLANING MILL PHONE NO 27. DijFFERlN STREET, near G.T.R. Tracks ' WESTON Prices 500. to $1.50 per pound, LIVERY IN CONNECTION The Standard Anthrao DEALER IN . COUSENS Lath , Shingles , The aesssilly. Stare siws Promptly Attended to. I . Fir & any d pat age,# l‘e ever ig In dhe an - '_; Builders' Supplies iehly-Utre intredients possible to obtain and Cedar Posts Bag Five Page fiour, $4.10, Moody Bros. g Cream of West, Monarch, Queen City flour, gways on hand, Moody Bros. T in. Halt Bag 'ttive Rose flour, $2.10, Moody Bros. _ Quarter Ba Five Rose flour, $1.13, Moody Bros. [any trislieious blends, the dainty age, phe cleanliness and purity that Br i removed, these are some of the wy piece of Willard's choclates. felicit and merit a Sundries patronage. tSth - liirai'i'rtirksli'i'irr Azria i, 'WY t ‘ M V _ . _ WV - i a». L, " -_,.hr_smr-tsms 'r' ite F. (ihlli(Blllllf, and STEAMFITTER Jobbing promptly attended to. in Canada. By Fork and is not touched by Church and Main Streets WESTON. Phone 59 -_ PLUMBER Phone 272 WESTON é;%-----~---~-%< a? NOTES and COMMENTS ( WESTON. “mu. FqtfDAS. MARCH 1gf1915. l The four thousand men of the, lsecond Canadian†contingent have‘ Esafely reached ti sir destination, the {German blocks. e of the British iwaters notwithst nding. This Icoelr- gade may be regaided as a negligible [quantity as far as the British Empire 'is concerned. Wh n Great BILmiu tn- dertakes fro do 1 thing she, does it. I vThe transportsco'hvoying this dare,h-) (ment of the segzond expeditionary force sailed froth Halifax Februmy iZan, and have (iocked Without mis- hats in Liverpool and Queenstown. (As was to be exgected great secrecy ‘was observed in pnnection with the sailing and every irecautiort taken to pr/event the enemy from learn'g 0f the movements of the transports. The first intimation of their (1-1 br- ture was the announcement from ihe steamship companies that the vessels had arrived safely at their destraa- [ tion. The men are quartered at i shorne1iff which is, said IC Me n vast f improvement on Salisha y Plain. . J-------"' Hon. T. Crawford has introdueed a Bill asking the Legislature to de- clare the true meaning of the agree- ment hem-cm the (Township of York and the Toronto Suburban Railway with special retereitce to the up-keep of the roadbed on Bathurst Street and Davenport Road. It asks that the duties of the Company with res- pect to the section of the road Ire- ‘twéen their tracks and eighteen In- ‘ches on 'eaeh side of the rails, be made clear; and togive the Guy the power, if the Company will not do 1 so, to pave the Sections under dig- ( cussion, and charge the cost to the iCom-pany. It also asks that the / city . 1333:3321: Lhrghttovxvmpgategh PIANO CONTEST Having completed his term oi im- prisonment in the Washington jail on account of damage to property, Wer- ner.Horn, the German resurvist, who attempted to blow up the C.P.B. Ill- ternational bridge early last month, 1asserting that he did so as "an act ‘of war" against Great Britain, has 'been again incarcerated as a Federal prisorrsr charged with illegal trans- ‘portation of explosives. As soon as this indictment is disposed of, pro- lceedings will be instituted by the (Canadian Government for Horn’s ex- ltradition on a charge of attempting [to blow up the International bridge across the St. Croix River. The way lot the transgressor is hard. sectioiii' limits . Notice has been serVed on the De- partment of Agriculture, Ottawa, that powdery scale has been dis- covered in a shipment of potatoes from New Brunswick to Boston. No potatoes from Canada will now be permitted to enter the United States till further notice. Last December the two Goyern'men’os made arrange- meets by which permits were to be granted to shippers of 'Canadian potatoes allowing potatoes to enter the United States. (rhis arrangement was to continue as long as there was no powdery scale found in the ship- ments. The potatoes complained of in Boston were puréhased for immediate transportation, and it is claimed that no irrmeutty Arose with the country to whieh, they were to be ex- ported concerning the quality of the potatoes. The {Department however is inVesbigating to ascertain if there ‘is any foundation. in tha statements teff by the United States Iruapee- /tors. See Advertisement on Page According to ‘a return brought down in the Commons last week, the shooting of the American duck hun- ters at Fort Eric while hunting in Canadian wabrrs,seost the Canadian Governmeed the sum of $17,250, being $15,000 tor compensation and $2,250 for legal expenses. The report of the military investigation was that the soldiers had acted under instructions of the police officer, that they did not know what the men were arrest- ed tor and they shot to frighten only. The lawyers for the victims should be satisfied with their share of the spoil. _ 66 y4lFevtrstrttru'r21eaCr7e:rrSrrekt'r $4.5? .7 I -2 of the lite with-in 1'i'i'Fiifii'a Fiat Justina, Hugh 1 The monthly seabement ot the Finance Department, Ottawa, shows the total revenue jiiuring the month of February to be. t10,523,3M, ‘v-ing an increase ot $325,224 as compared with tis corresponding month of last year, "expenditures tor the month shows 'ia considerable drop as dom- pared'iwith February of last year. The inerease in the main is made up of eustoms, and excise revenues and railway receipts. This seems to mark a turbing of ther, tide following the war iiiereases in tlie tariff. The net publicfdebt however increased during Februéry by $6,513,392, and is now for the first time over the four hun- dred million dollar, mark. The Inspector of Prisons and’Ohari-k ties for the Province of Ontario has sent out a warning that explains. itself â€do all institutions under his! control. It says, '? am instructed to! advise you that mjliiication has been‘ receivéd from high authority that agents have been instructed to call on engimfers and plumbers at different institlitions and factories throughout the Dominion of Canada, asking the institution or firm to try a lubricant of which they will leave a' sample in a boi. It is reported that this box wh"t1iormerted will explode with great force jiml do damiasre to persons and buildings, as instead of a lubricant it coiltains a very high and powerful explosive. You will inform your oi- tieers) engineers and staff of this fast ( and "riot such an agent should call at rrtjinstiti1uon offering such samples, _ you'zijvill endeavour to have him de- t'aintiii and at once notify the police depsitment and this oftioe by tele- gram or telephone." Affairs in Mexico are admittedly "very bad." For some time, Mexi- can 'ttairs have been lost sight of in the great European struggle for: liber- ty. 'Mexino city is reported to be on the Verge of starvation. The Presi- dent’s commanding officer refusesrto perrnit 2a ‘relief committee, composed‘ upt "gr-k-y-tcss/tvm-os, the {weigh comma l to "lti,Tiy any help to those who are in 1reed."IrrMesicry needs no foreign help'" he says. The situation has become so Serious indeed, that President Wir, son is said to have definitely aban- doned his proposed trip to the Pana- ma Exposition. It is intimated that some light vessels of the American Atlantic fleet may be ordered to Eas- tern Mexican Waters. Eviietctlxr u if government exists there, the iood situation is alarming. 14mm in the midst of plenty is ithreatening. The report of H. W. Stark, Com- missioner, appointed to investigate the)paymea1ts,' etc. to the eontrae- tors has submitted his report which is too long to (be published in this weeks issue, but will be published in full later. We herewith publish a Summary of the amounts which should have been disallowed. Item 41, extra work under Railway tracks, part ...8 Item 40, work abandoned on Main Street, near Shod- dy Row '...u..,................. Item Iii, work abandoned on Main Street, between _Meyers Ave. and Sykes Over-payment on Sanitary Sewers ........-.....i.4..)..... Over-payment on manholes on Sanitary Sewers ..ur.. Charge against Contractors for defect in 12 manholes Over-paymcnt on 36-inch con- crete sewer u..t.........i....- Over-payment on manholes on 30-inch concrete sewer Over-charge for catch pit on Elm Street o-....-"- Over-payment to contractor .on Main Street Storm Sewers ...t...._rr....s....h.'.r.... Over-payment on Manholos on Main Street Storm Sewers ..,....i-p...u........- Over-payment to contractor on sewage disposal workg $10,500.67 Mr. Murray's acéount should he re-' awed by the _ sum of five "er cent upon all deductions made from the cost) oi the works. The following require further in- vestigation: Item No. 34, allowance to contractor tor 106,780, B.M. timber loft in tren- ches rs.....,..,.:.,..,............' 2,569.50 A charge should be made against contractor, for all manholes which upon examination are found to be de- fective or, incomglefge Eyes tii"iW" irrour Hon. Graduate Optician. When he tests your eyes it is done accurately. Inch, Weston. Try a box of 'Holeproof Hosiery,' each pair guaranteed for six months, for sale at Co1ernan's, Weston. SEWER INVE STIGATION oetum S 1,149.70 1,434.40 1,300.00 1,542.31} 2,484.30 616.14 830.18 633.55 35 43,00 75.00 30,05 Pary)yly; attention leeH to, T11" e Setting aha: Wheelr '-'. .rr_---e i - Repairing. -e"c, t _ _s' _------'-"-' Jlire afe also agents for NEPONSET WALL BOARD, the substitute for lath ‘plaster or sheathing. This is' the (most practical wall board made. unmitygggggonvnm Experience and specialization., . That’s what most of them lack: Thpt's why some of these roof, ings; which are guaranteed ten' years longer than the maker has been in business soon go to pieces' Talk over this question of root, ing With us and hear more about w" our G"rii"i'G"F2:Ti:':i:LrsEy:i=reEyeir, I l'EZEEEEEEEEEEE v 232:1“? ' 5:353:3- ' iEstl a l :=:=:3:=:?:=:= _‘ .rfMEiUa".dL'.tiiiiii.iiiiiii to ‘ ‘ ' . n’ a... _ - .1 . _ I CI Cal I. '55 D -'a =3 -1...-.. . Mg sfstrkstiii, “a 5,an - :1 - H Tii, EW7 ammwmvgmng‘n'aum‘ctzwmmnwzamtzal M ‘va 2.11.: a t=pagt-;=iCPdC2sN. mm C: =rar= Cl :75 I READY FOR DELIVERY Market Gprdeners WAGONS _, er,c,-Y'x Nailing Beaver Board to new walls Weston 175 Ianction 2921 Will ImprovevAny Building Gibson. Mermaid. his (0.1M. MAIN YARD,---Weston, Ont. CITY SALES OFFICE, 106 McKinnen P H CD N E S : . _GRUIGKSHANK t SON REPAIRING IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. COLLENGE AXLE OR SCOTCH‘ BOX BEAUTIFUL walls and ceilings add 100% to the effectiveness of your home. To that advantage you add many others by using It is made in large panels of pure-wood- fibre. It is quickly and easily put up. It can be painted in beautiful and durable colors-iss-covered NEPONSET ROOFING. 'D BAVBR‘ ELIE-1L1) , A, mm mm 4'? _ t 1 with unsanitary :wall- paper. 1 . _ L L It needs no repalr- Ing as 1t does not crack. - Let us show you just what it looks like, and tell you its 41 great advantages. smisieri_imtzzraramtat=rga- J. (l. Illlllli, Manager Weston Branch Putting Beaver Board over old Walls Toronto Office Adelaide 194 131w: