q‘ __" . _ A _ Samples can be Seea and prices obtained from our .' ", . gent--- ' W. C. BURRAGE, P, Siiventy-five to CHOOSE from, all NEW in-design and BEST Materials. _ _ 7 Our Corner stones and Grave Markers are made in the BEST of Materials. Special Designs furnished free' of charge if desired. , SPECIAL LOW PRICES quoted during FEBRU. ARY and MARCH. - erection. Our showroom is now full ot ranging in prices up to $400.00. NOW is the time to choose 0 @FFICE: Weston had, Mount Dennis. WORKS: Fifth Concession, Yer ,', Phones: Weston 174; Junction 4049 JOHN A. Willghl1. llllltli ti)., ltd. We contract for Light and Power installations of all kinds. Fixtures, Lamps and Electrical Appliances sup= plied at less than city prices. Sill Fiytures installed without, extra charge. 1 PHONE WESTON 230. 1‘76 DUNDAS STREET, WEST TORONTO TELEPHONE JUNCTION mo M. G. WAROELL, _ Proprietor, THE BRICK FOR ,' -, COLOR, QUALIFY AND ENDURANCE WE NEW "WW l)l,i COLORS Phone 106 1lljilll)l1l/i MONUMENT/ll WORKS I Infants and Children-Expert) nee al ainst Experimel I ' C ' il,- _-What: as 'i:"iliiiiiii,)iie"ts:tyiiifi (IheEit1d You fllprjs Always Bought .GIENUllNE CA High Grade Red Stock Brick The Kind You Have Always ‘Bonghtf‘and which has been " use for ova-‘30 years, has born the signature of _ V and has been ade under his per- tdufairiiagir 'sonal supegvisi since its infancy. " ' f q Allow no fine t _ deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Jul, t-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and en ir nger the health of Infants and crruareu--Experiimee against Experiment. Castoria is a harmless sub itute t I? Castor Oil, Pare- goric, Drops and Soothing Syrup . It is Pleasant. " contains neithe1 Opium, o1‘phi1ge nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its garang-ée. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. [It mes Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teethin Tlfgbles, ares Constipation and Flatulency. It assin at s the E'aud, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, givif iiiiil':,,'/1'tiiie',i?ji' natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea . _ Mot g6r's f- iend. BELL, BROS. IilfllTNllil. ENGINEERS Mil commmns, Secure our prices before placing your order PLAIN-RED AND BUFF FIRE FLASHED---RED AND BUFF gllilfl GRADE P§ESSEB BRICK NOTICE. In Use For Oiiifis 30 Years THE CENTAUR COMPANY. TT MURRAY STREET, NEW YORK CITY. MANUFACTURERS OF QPREEEEPREEEEE (t. um choose one for early Spring WESTON. l C. W. WARDELL, JOSEPH STREET choice Monuments ALWAYS Manager Mr. F. N. Wallis teported to Court, cil that he had eolbeted in sub-ilivi- sion No. 8, Etobiitplre, $150.25, halt of which was handed; over to the Bel- Rev. Mr. Bamfo‘i‘d presented a peti- tion against the "A': anting ot a licence for a pool room if Lambton Village. Wright--Jackso my 'Resolved that owing to clerical: errors, the arrears of taxes against) Lot 4, Block F, Plan M. 9, and Left 4, Block K, Plan M 9, be written 3.32011? eolieetor's 1011 for the year 19125; and that Lot 5, Block K, shown onisthe collectors roll tor 1012 be ctrangR to Lot 5, Block F, Plan C. i, The By-Law gas put through its several stages an passed. Rev. C. B. ailyiyygay.1 headed a deputation from} the Village of Is- lington against, the granting of a licence for a po room. G. E. Wright fimade a petition for a licence for .a :1i'.t'l room in the Vil- lage of Lambton'.) Councillor Wrigdht asked leave to} introduce a I3rlupw to Appoint Path- masters, Poundkgepers, etc. I Jaldkson - Dant8idge - Ir That the treasurer be andiihe is hereby aubho- rized to pay it. M. Gardhouse the sum of $10.65, be g two-thirds of the value of one she. killed and one in- jured by dogs, ’nd that the corpor- ate seal be attached hereto." Wr Dandridge--Wri b-"That the in- vitation of the' Mimico Public Lib- rary Board to. a and the opening of their new Library on Tuesday, March 2nd, be and th same is hereby ac- cepted." , ETOBICOKE TOWNSHIP COUNCIL. Every Sunda'y-Ever1song at 7. Sunday School at 3 pm. . On Saints' Days Holy Communion at 10.30. The Council met] on Monday, March Ist, the Reeve C. Silverthorn in the chair, all the Com cillors present. Communications "were v. read tram Hospital for Sin? Children re Grace Hill. Grand Trunk Rlilway, re sidewalk through subway a§ Salisbury Avenue. E. F. Stall, re V water f1oosung eel- lars in Long Braggch Park. \ H. O, Tremaynt' inviting the Couh- cil to the ope ing of the Mimico Public Library. , 1st Bur1day-Mattins at 10.30 Holy Communion (Choral) at ll. 2nd Sunday-Mattias at 11. 3th Bunday--Holy Communion after Mattins at 11. 4th Sunday-Mattias at 11. 3th Buniray---Mattir1s and Litany at 11 Divine service next Sunday at ozclock a.m. Rev. T. BEVERLY SMITEI, . 11 a.m.--Mattins and Sermon. . 3 pas-Sunday School. 3 ppm.---Adtslt Bible Class. 7 tvm.--Evet1sor1g and Sermon. Celebration of Holy Communion, first Sunday of the month at 11 a.m., third Sunday at 8 a.m. 11 CHURCH OF CHRIST, DECIPLES RUSSELL ROAD METHODIST CHURQH. (Downsview Circuit.) Services held in the, Schoolhouse Every Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Sunday School at 2 o'eliaelr. Rev. W. H. ADAMS, Pastor. 10.30 3.00 7.00 8.00 ST. JOHN’S ANGLICAN CHURCH. Services every Sunday at 7 ,p.m Sunday School _at 11 a.m. Services held in School Hc S. S. 31, York. .-' WESTMINSTER “PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Corner Main and Mill Streets. Morning Service at 11 a.m. Sunday School at 3 p.m. Evening Service at 7 p.m. Wednesday Service at 8 p.m. Rev. T. A. SYMINGTON, M.A., Pastor. OLD PRESBYTERIAN CHURGH. Cross Street. Morning Service at 11 a.m. Sunday School at 12 noon. Evening Service at 7 p.m. Midweek Service at 8 p.111. Everybody welcome. Rev. C. R. ASHDOWN, PIrD., Morning Service at Sunday School at Adult Bib)? Classes Evening Service at Morning Service at 11 21.111. Sunday School at 3 pun. Adult Bible Classes at 3 p.m Evening Service at 7 p.m. Rev. J. G. ROGERS, Pastor. THE CHURCHHOF THE GOOD , SHEPHERD. , Every Buru1ay--Holy Communion at BAPTIST CHURCH. ans-Sunday, Public Worship. p.m.--Sur1day School aid Adult- Bible Classes. 1" pmr--Suroday, Public Worship. l p.m.--Mortday, B. Y. P. U. pmr--Wednesday, Prayer Service. 1 Rev. E. D. RENAUD, B.A., 1'1 Fasten, J. HUGHES-JONES, M.é., J. Hutrhes-Joties, WA., Rector GORE M. BARROW; Rev. J. A. LONG, Ph.D., Pastor JOHN'S CATHOLIC CHURCH tcm.---rafgh Mass and Sermon, p.rn.-Lateehiisrn. p.ar.--Vespers and Sermon. a.m.--Daily Mass. METHODIST CHURCH. MOUNT DENNIS METHODIST CHURCH. CHURCH SERVICES Rev. JAS. MINEHAN, ST. PHILIP' B SAM WOOLNER, Pastor ih School House, Priest in charge 11 a.m. 2.15 pm. at 2.45 p.m Parish Priest Pastor Rector Rector Il Bend all the iioolen comforts you can get together now that the Cana- dian contingent if: on the firing line. Such is the megsage which has Just been received inr Toronto by cable- gram from Sir George Perley, presi- dent of the Canadgan War Contingent Sir George Parley CaNes Canada forlggf More Woolen Comforts tor Car1ai1iaui?ir"ii Contingent. [Wr Has there beet) a lull in knitmngltlfg circles? Have sogfhe people ceased tngag click their needlest Some people seem and to think so. We heard one woman ““5 actually declare that she went to a £1, woman’s meetingithe other day and Opr there was not a isingle woman there’em who was knitting; MT 128 King or to Auctioneers, at 128 King Street East, in the City of I Toronto ‘By virtue of a'f power' oi. sale ton- itained in a certain mortgage which 'will be produced; at the sale, the tol- ' lowing property: ALL AND SINGULAR that, certain I parcel or tract {of land and premises ,situate, lying fand being in the City of Toronto in')the County of York, land being composed of parts of Lots lNumbers Eleven and Twelve accord- Iing to Plan registered in the Regis- (try Office for-the East and West Rid- lings of the County of York as Num- yber 1758, and (pore particularly des- erihed as folloWs: Commencing at a ‘point in the "Westerly limit oi said lLot Eleven where the production {Westerly of the/centre line of the Parc ty "wall between the house on the premises hereby described and the house on the premises immediately to 1 the north thereof intersects said limit ithe said poir1t)rbeiag distant fohrteen 'feet eight inches more or less South- erly from the North-Westerly angle lthereof, thence; Easterly along said 'production, airing the said centre line of party wall and along the produc- tion thereof Easterly parallel to the iNortherly limits of said Lots Eleven 'and Twelve, 1seventy-four feet six inches more or less to the Easterly limit of said) Lot Twelve, thence Southerly alolifg said Easterly limit, 1iiftd/n" feet teniiiinehes more or lees to where it is intersected by the produc- tion Easterly 1,of the centre line of the passageway) between the house on the premises hereby described and the house on the pncnnises immediately ii) {the South thereof, thence Westerly ‘along said production along said cen- 'tre line of passageway and along the, production thereof Westerly in all: iseventy-four feet six inches to the) Westerly limit a; of said . Lot Eleven,) thence Northerlt along the Westerly‘ ‘limit of said not Eleven, fifteen tty 'eleven inches mote or less to the place of beginning. ’ I TERMS 10 per cent. of the, pur- chase price to be paid down on the day of sale and the balance within 30 days. V For further particulars: apply to . F. B. EDMUan, Solicitor to; the Mortgagee. 1768 Dundas Street, Toronto SUBJECT toga Right of Way over the Eoutherly done foot three inches of the above deiteribed premises by a depth from Sl’atky Avenue ot fifty feet and together with a Right of Way over a strip of land immediate- ly south of the above describbd premi- ses one foot three inches wide by a depth from Slatky Avenue of fifty feet. In order to piifiyt'ate the handling of mail at thi front and to insure prompt delivcryf,it is requested that all mail be addrjysed as io11ows:-- (a) Rank .-ii'.'-......-.......-. (b) Name ......,2..-...i.....,........... (c) Regimental ,rNumber ....r.......... (d) Company, '§quadron,, Battery Dandridge-Wright--"That the ap- plication of Mr. G. E. Wright of Lambton Millé for a license to oper- ate a pool tab,le, be and the same is hereby refused,'" Dandridge - Jackscn -. b“ That the Reeve be and he is hervby authorized to Sign a bond gaarant-Aaing the sate, keeping of ' piles supplied by the County to the Home Guards in the Township." _", -___._ Dandridrre-Wright-"Thah the li- cense of Mr. Anderson, Islington, for a pool table be andthe same is here- by rescinded, (, and that he be given till the 15th March to c1ose the same, and that the 'heasurer be authorized to return the sum of $10.00 paid for said ltcvnse, and that the corporate seal be attached hereto." There will be dteiird for Sale by E11b1itr,Ti1etion on TUESDAY, _l",fArtcH 9, 1915 At 3.30 in the afternoon at Rooms of CHARLES M;H§,ENDERSON & CO., Jackson --.Dtu1dridge -- " That the Auditors.' Report of the Treasurer's Accounts for the year 1914, be adop- ted, and that the Clerk be instructed to call for tenders for printing the Minutes, and/that this matter be left in the hands oi the Reeve and Councillor Wright." Jaeksor1sWrikht--"That this Town- ship extend torMr. Fred. Wallis their thanks for the? able manner in which he has colfected for Belgian Relief and Red Cross; Fund.’~ ADDRESSING OF MAIL. We have reeci/bd the following from the Post Ma'seeriGenera1r PROPERTY my? THE CITY OF TORONTO, ty ng COUNTY OF ~YgRK A gian Fusurar1d Red Cross Fund Accounts amqunting to the sum of $455.95 was ordipied to be paid. The Council they adjourned. or other wait .....u....-.r....., (e) Battalion oi.-...-..,............... If) Brigade .-i--..--..... (g) First (or gecond) Canadian Contingent 'i....-..,..,.............. (h) British Eorpt5ditior1arry Force... Army Pitst Offi3e, LOEYDON, ENGLAND. Charles M. Henderson & Co., _ Auttioneers, King StHiist East, (Toronto. NEED AMTEO}N SALE SOCKS AT ONCE the other half to the "iii'ifhi"st'iiiiiTot'iliiV Grersrsi's mdney to be paid at the time if sale and the balance to be paid within thirty days thereafter. bT.P w r...“ w._______ .~__._, --.r- _-'" POR FURTHER asEPARTIOULARS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE, apply to GRAY & GRAY, 43 Imperial Site Building, Toronto. Dated at Toronto this 22nd day of Febru my, 1915. ? emu & GRAY. Solicitgrs in: Mortgagees. the County of York}; subject to a First Mort. gageregistered in fgvor oi the London Loan and Savings Compjgny, on which there is unpaid the sum of‘;Seven Hundred Dollars ($700.00) and integgst from the lst day of February, 1914, at 'i?even per cent. (7%). Upon the said propity there is said to be erected a. detached It ick dwelling house. PQOEL 4. ALL AND SINGCIULAR that certain parcel or tract of land' aid premises situate, lying and being in the Township of York, in the County of Yoik, 33mg composed of Lot thirty-two (32) orr/ithe southwesterly side of Wright Avenue, aeébrding to a Plan Number 1547, registereg in; thts.myrjstrc.0ftieh for Jto the centre oféfthe partition wall between two houses beiiig built upon said lot; THENCE northwesterly following the centre of the said partition wall thirty-eight feet (38 ft.) more of; less to the northwesterly end thereof; THENCE northwesterly eighteen feet six inches (18 ft. 6 in.) to a. point in the south limit of qhrlinton Avenue, distant twenty feet eightjinohes (20 tt. 8 in.) west- erly from the {forth angle of said lot; ’THENCE westerly? along the south limit of Eglinton Avenue gummy-one feet (21 ft.) to the place of beginning; SUBJECT to a First Mortgage registered in favor of JOHN A. MACDONALD, upon which there is unpeid One Thousand Tkip Hundred and Fifty Dol- lars ($1,250.00) ¥incipal and Nine Dollars Posts ($9.00) and l 'orty-four Dollars and Ten Cents ($44.10) interest, and interest from February 8th, 19155 Upon the said prop- erty there is said: to be erected a brickl dwelling house. 't I ALL AND SIHGULAR that certain parcel or tract of lanolilasod premises situate, lying and being in the, Township of York, in the (County of York, gin-d being composed of part lOf Lot Portymirfe (49), as shown on Plan 1547, registered in the Registry Office for the {said County 015g York, more particularly ,known and described as follows: COM- 'MENCTNG at a roint in the south limit of iEg-linton Avenue; distant westerly forty-one feet eight inches/thom the northerly angle of lsaid lot; THENQE southeasterly ninety-one feet seven inchegf (91 ft. 7 in.) to a point idistnnt at right angles thirty-two feet eleven and one-half inelWs (32 ft. 11% in.) westerly (from the westerly? side of Wright Avenue, and distant mGii%iieAy from the southeasterly limit of said htititwenty-seven feet (27 it.); THENCE Lrrthu'isdl1y and parallel with the southeasterly limit of said lot sixteen feet six linohes; ’THENCE; northwesterly and parallel (with the northeasterly limit of said Vlot [twenty-one feet gleyen inches (21 _f.t.,11, in.) .’ ALL AND SINGiULAR that certain parcel or tract of land 35nd premises situate, lying and being in the ,Township of York in the County of York, being composed of part of not 47, according 5to a Plan Number 1547 registered in the “Registry Office for the County of York, and more particularly de- scribed as followle COMMENCING at the northwest angle ofr'lot 47; THENCE easterly twtmtar-fisre feet alorig the south limit of Eglin- ton Avenue; THENCE southerly parallel to the westerly limit pt lot 47 to a point which, it' produced in a straight line a-distance ot" 'twenty-five met, Vio'uld intersect the south- ycrly boundary of the said lot; THENCE west- lerly parallel with leth‘e southerly boundary of the lot to the easterly limit of a lane. being (westerly boundaryjof the said lot; THENCE northerly along the said easterly limit 30f lane [to the place of heginning; SUBJECT to a !First Mortgage registered in favor of LON- iDON LOAN and QSAVINGS COMPANY (by assignment), on 1ti1y1il1, there is unpaid Seven Hundred and T-hisrtrthree Dollars and Seventy Cents ($3,733.70) and interest from April 11th, 19H's less $1500. Upon the ,said property there is said to be erected a {brick dwelling house. "ion which theme is unpaid One Thousand Two Hundred arid Fifty Dollars ($1,250.00) principal, Nine Dollars ($9.00) costs, Forty- four Dollars and gTen Cents ($44.10) interest, and interest from February 8th, 1915. Upon the said property) there is said to be erected a brick dwelling? house. , ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land end premises situate, lying and being in the, Township of York in the County of York, tind being composed of part of Lot forty-nine (49) as shown on Plan 1547 registered in the Registry OWrrae furttpe said County of York, more particularly known and described as‘follows: COMMENCING at a point in the southwesterly limit of Wright Avenue, distant morthwesterly twenty~seven feet (27 feet) from the southeasterly boun- dary of said [ot;d1lHENCE southwesterly and parallel to the said boundary of said lot six- teen feet five and one-half inches; THENCE northwesterly tVéntr-oue feet eleven inches to the centre of the partition wall between two houses being built upon said lot; THENCE continuing northwesterly following the centre of the said partition wall thirty- eight feet more in less to the northwesterly end thereof; THENCE continuing north- westerly eighteetr feet six inches more or less to a point on the south limit of Eglinton Avenue, distant jwesterly twenty feet eight inches from the? north angle of said lot; THENCE along the south limit of Eglinton Avenue easterly {to the northerly angle of said lot;' THENDE southeasterly along the southwesterly limit of Wright Avenue sixty: five feet more or less to the place of be- ginning; SUBJECT to a First Mortgage, registered in favqi' of JOHN A. MACQQNALDJ Aiisoeiatiot1 in Laindon. Mr. J. Col- mer, secrxtary of‘the same organiza- tiorl, al§0 sagas a similar request. It can be seen why women should not delay in getting to Work, as a coming scarcity of wool is being hinted. And right here Mrs. Wil- loughby Cummings makes a most valuable suggestion. As spring will be adVanzed on the Continent before many things now starred will reach the allied forces it might be Wise ta concentrate on socks. True, it is so easy to Knit those simple long muf- fiers, but socks are the great coming need. All who have knitted articles ready are asked to send them at once to the Woman's Patriotic League, 559 Sherbourne Street, where all To- ronto articles for overseas are packed and despatched to’the Red Cross So- ciety which forwards them at once. "But T ear1't km: or I have no time to knit†do we hear you shy? Then save your vcoppeiis. There aft: hungry women in this town with tiny child- ren whom they cannot leave to work for bread. No less than 125 are now knitting socks at home, and 225 are daily employed at the head-quarters on other work. _ All the money they can get is that the Wonwn's Patric- tie League give them for knitting solcks. And though they pay Me a pair, which makes socks sometimes cost as much a& $1.25 a pair, anyone who contributes ‘to this fund may feel doubly satisfied. They are not only giving work to Women who are some- times too proud 'to ask tor food, but these socks for which the big price of $1.25 is asked, outwear two or three pairs of the ordinary kind. UNDER AND BY,, ArfRTTJE of the-powers of sale contained in four curtain mortgages, which will be produced at the time of sale, thr'rP will be omrcrfi'ot Sale by public auction on Saturday, the 6, 1 day of March, 1915, at the hour of two 011351001: in the afternoon, at the Eagle House, In the Town of Weston, by J. Ir., MeEwen, 'Auctioneer, the following properties, namely:':- V MORTGAGE SALE" (_'7iTr"iT.rrii' l OF :gnvFe‘fueg FREEWD Filimtrr,..,lC:1.et., I’A-RCEL 3 PARCEL l PARCEL 2 Q f DATED at- Totopto, Fromm of Ontario the 27th may ot November, 1914. . , . _ CHRISTOPHER SINGLAIR ot the City of Toronto, 2 in, the County ot York, in the Province of Ontario, jRailWay Conductors will apply to the Parliament of Canada at thenext session thereof tore a Bill of Divorce. from his wife, ‘Anan'Sinclair, new re- _ siding _in' Regina in the Province oi Saskatchewan, out the grounds ot adultery and desertion. l 7 T _ I HOUSE TO RRNT.--7 rooms, all conveniences, Coulter Avenue. Apply to F. Sainsbury, Church and Main [ treetp. F .6tf. Harry gave a very interesting mi“ Tuesday night about the time he drank forty beers, and hgw he did it. Next week he will give i(iother talk about his experiences in Mexico. T Fore! Say do Tice golf? Could anyone 5,3311 us who was the first persOn to ting the Town Hall bell? it PIANO TUNER-John T. Anderson, 200 Beresford Avenue, West Toronto, will visit Weston every week. Orders for Piano Tuning to be left with Miss M. Forsythe, Music Teacher, Weston. - They do say that, some of the peo- ple that purchased tickets to help the unemployed would. like an explanaw tion from some oge. . " G Who won the fight on Saturday night? "e 3 _ -"s"'s"s--rs.rrsrse-'-s----..es.r%,i- TO RENT.-Fi roomed cottage, Oak Street. App to o. Tredgett, Church Street. T to Some say that it was to' boost that 30 per cent. '),', FOR SALE.- l Moffat Heater in good order, also chicken coup, will sell cheap. App] J. Birni-e, John Street, Weston. _ 10 CARETAKER 7 ANTED.--Epp1ica- tions Will -be r eived for the eaJre" taking of St. hillips Church‘and, Graveyard. Par tntlarss may be had trom the Chu hwardens, W._ C. Grubbe and G. M), Lyons. P r That the old reatiin-g room is hot now a shadow of its former self. Sommed , to the Firemen's Gab room. ; fdltl, O-o-o-h say! whlat would happen ii a golf ball hit 111% G.T.R. bridge? Tenders will e received up io,, March 10th, 1915,: for all teaming tit/f quired by the Togonto Free Hospital for fhPsuPptivest' from March 15th, to September 15th, 19.15. Last Mondayz evening the League spent an hour Qty, the "Life apd7nfiu-. ence of the late Fanny "hy:iiiytm" Readings were "given by the Miéses Forsyth, Bessie Macklin, BerthiRod- well, Hazel Gouldiflg, and - Wilton, a duet by Misses. C. Jackson and M. Goulding,_ solo, Miss Watt, and an instrumental solo by Miss Aelrrow, all oi which were productions of Miss Crosby's pen. "Wiss Hall 'g_ayo-ty sketch of her lite and outlined how much she had done to Mi" rm 'hrIma.rr, ity, although blind from birth. Next Monday will be Misirionarritmiug. Dr. Long will address the meeting on "Our Missionary Relations to, the Jews." A good mysieal programing, everyone invited. T Forms may be Obtained from the undersigned, to whom tenders s11o111t be addressed. " The lowest or sarily accepted. A meeting of the meers oi the Ves- ton Lawn Bowli'n Club will be held): in the Chambers', of the Bank drs' British North Arnj ma on Wednesdays 3‘ evening, Marchrltp'th, at, 8 oe'eloete1t? Matters of _rrys,orFi.y.e in connecting with the annual acting of the 911113;; will he comma??? T. _Williams, sea- . retary. i - _ t. The second. irbtalment on accounthg’~ V, ot the Weston Pitriotic Fund is nova- due and spbserihbrs are requested a? _ leave tl1eir"paym)uts with N. J. Me- I‘ Ewen, local 'rr)Usurer of thtrFand. The sum of $618vf)7, the amount s s,'s) E in a previous it'sue of this "i:tes:)lltrr haying been coil-ec’rpd has been _ - warded to Mr. IV, R. Wood, the Trea- surer of the Toronto and York Coun- ty Patriotic Fuiid Association, M. .AND'ERSON, Steward, Toyonto {Free Hospital Also Family Cow, so Laririg Hiimrit Peerless Oil Stove, 4 holes, 60 yards Oi‘lcldth, hardwood pattern, Writing Desk and Bookcase, and other furni- ture. Apply mornings, Dr: 1&5de Dufferin Street, Weston. ANDERSON a; McMAsTER,“ _ Solicitor for the "Applicant 1699 Dundas Street, Toronto. 19 PIANO FOR SALE sci;:. ynggE jg htrtby given t? Condensed Ahintiiiainti; Funerals arranged and Embalming promptly at; tended to, ROSEHOUNT AVENUE DIVORCE NOTICE W. J. WARD, UNDERTAKER, ris%riif 15mm. Buck ot C.P.R. Station 'PHONE 168. Successor to J. A. Wright, Ch:msridhptives. SUB ROSA. ariy tender not neces? a! tr.. tor