‘5 _ _ Samples can be Seed and prices' obtained from our ii,, l . _' Agent- T _ f W., ‘C. BURRAGE, am £135: _ , . _ If . SPECIAL LOW _f'l,.ttsi,rt,ii1ii,i' qqp,ted during FEBRU-gs ARY and MARCH†W3?†. a†la . Seventy-five to"‘l‘?¥§f_»<)USE from, all NE NCaip design t and BEST Materials-3,: . "O 1: -' Our Cdimer stones and (have Markers are made in g the BEST of Materials. _ , I; . V i . _ . . ' . ' . “‘ {Spemal Dtsigns furnished tree of charge if desired. cl l NOW is the time to chooae one for early Spring erection. Our thowroom is now full ot choice Monuments ranging in prices up to $400.00. hand. W se l , T 8 a.m. ' _. ‘e _11 PEERLESS GASOuENE. You can get] 1st Burydar-Mattins at 1030 Holy more miles to the gallon than any other masolene made. Communion (Choral) at 11. _'-'", . ‘ a 1 2nd Sur1dar-Mattins at 11. _ , We repalr and store all kinds of cars. 3rh Bunday--Ho1y Communion after ‘Mattins at II. - ' N . . . , 4th Sunday-Mattias at 11. P? keep a firrst class machinist on the premlsesl 3th Suruitry--Mateir1s and Litany at all the time. Charges reasonable. "I. A f DUVLO l Emily _s1s1,ef,e,-itpi1,1sf,'.e, at 7. "V ents o un ay Schoo at 3 p.m. g I†, P TIRES, the best made. cm Saints' Days Holy Communion . . . " ‘at 10.30. _ All Kinds of Auto Supplies, (Jil and Grease, on} J. Hughes-Jones, M.A., Rector. THE BRICK FOR _ _ 7 W COLOR,, QUALEW sh,A)'i) EWURANCE Phone 106 COLORS 1476 DUNDAS STREET, WEST TORONTO. "e, TELEPHONE JUNCTION 190 M. G. WARDELL HIE ll WHERE'S WNEJMENME WESTON GARAGE IAS. GARDHOUSE, P " NOTICE. Exact Copy of Wrapper. PLAIN-RED AND BUFF FIRE FLASHED--RE5, AND BUFF flllilfl GRADE plll%il) BRICK lJ(hlj)Nlllfill)m),:ll,ll? (t. “mm Automobiles for hire. AND REPAIR SHOP Proprietor. 'ttBritt-ttqt . 'dt ' (Opposite Central Hotel. BASTIRM WESTON. TH: cKN'rAuR COMPANY. NEW YORK CITY. t. W. WARBH L, Mothers Know That Gényine Castoria JOSEPH STREET For Infants and Children. ’roprietor. Manager . : The management :of the local Inter- nsoAPED FF€OM GERMANY. mediate O.H.A. team are mdeavoring ArrintxTesting ddrcss on the cop- to arrange a series cf exhibition ditions ruling in ermlany at the out- games with sane? good teams and break of the war was given before'a have to date almost completrd ar- [large audience in estminster Presby- rangernents to mm; on the erack To- iterian Church, by'ii Melville H. Staples ronto Rowing Cid-lb Senior O.H.A. of Knox Col,eg, who spoke of the seven. The game cby all probability diffieulis and d ngers of his escape will be staged were on Wednesday lfrom Dresden, _ ere he had gone to night of n;xt Week; February 3rd, but study music. T , the date has not asgyet been definitely Mr. Staples viewed the fist few arranged. The boys have lost con- [days of lhe wa v, stating that after siderable money duiung the season on the outcry over‘ he assassinatilon o' actooet, or their .g‘uam \i‘wvl i" 2 i'E- the Austrlan pri e the lull in affairs pfuses and are taking this means of [was devoted tc: praise tor the peace wiping out this detieit. The Toronto |mrrrLurrs cf Sir C dward Grey, but 11 Phil": Club seven; nogd no introdu- l cws (f a dip math: nature was tion here, as they? are recogniwd as g ‘vn out, and ' e patriotic spitit cf an a." the wrongcét Senior teams in th" people was _ orked up systemati the O.H.A. “Tote? Farr, the former ‘cally. In the ‘fes, false tefegrara idol of the local (tans, is captain of were :ead such agithat Japan has de the Rowing Club? this year and he clared war on Bussia and patriotic along with the rest, of the stars will manic and rtadmgs created intense en be on the job, (io that this should thusiasm., One (iptriotic spree}: by 2 prove the banners} attraction of the your� worry. gain the platform C) season in hockey circles. It would be the orchsstra atia cafe, Mr. Staples q its a boost for the homestvrs to win heard, to the age“: "We have given this game and M) they have proven our brothers, om ro~s. our lows, almost invincible .ion their home ice our husband , citrine: and now Wt thev will ceitainly make them step will rot he Weak; We win be strong. the limit. The boys Deni your support Long Jive th: REE r ., and on the season’s showing they On Sunday aiger church, a procla- richly deserve it, /scsthsatitis to be mction rn’ourwftl‘a‘ rt Fricc‘i am hoped every true sport, wlll be on tor Fal ferswr, Ccver Nuremburg and hand to enable them to show a ciean Murirh, dropping? bombs on both sheet when tht)5r wind up. Watch for towns. 'That Wis another faked tele- posters with further particulars. 'days of the wan, stating that after 7the outcry over , he assassinatilon o' the Austrian prir'e the lull in affairs Pas devoted td praise tor the peace Inn-(rams cf Sir "e dward Grey, but ll ' ews (f a dip-math: nature was g inn out, and ‘e patriotic spitit cf th" people was forked up systematj ‘cally. In the cries, false telegram were read such a, that Japan has de dared war on ~ussia. and patriotic manic and Itadxrgs created intense en thusiasm., One (iptriotic cprrth by 2 young Tcrra", item the platform 0 the orehrstrn atia cafe, Mr. Staples heard, to the egem: "We have given our brothers, 031' Col, our lovers, our brothers, L' 50‘s, our loverg our husband , a"? y?ring; and now V64 will rotte ank We win be strong Long live th: kg] r Ft . Sunday School and Bible Class at Three o’clock in the afternoon. Hold services in the Public School, Mount Dcnnis, every Sunday evening, at the hour of Seven o'e1oclr. Every S11r1day--Evemsrmg at 7. Sunday School at 3 p.m. Ca Saints' Days Holy Communion at 10.30. Services Lords Day, 11 a.m. and '7 p.m. Sunday School, 3 1rr0. Men's Bible Class, 3 p.m. Fray" Meeting Wednesday 8 p.m. Bible Study, 151- ternational B. B. Lesson. Friday " RUSSELL ROAD METHODIST CHURCH. I .' (Dowgsvigwr Ghana)“ 4 _ Services held in the', schcal house every Bur1day afternoon at 3 'o’cloek. Sunday School at '..roytoetr. ir P Rev. W. H. ADAMS/rd/ith: CHURCH OF CHRIST, DECIPLES 11 Services every Sunday at 7 I.m. Sunday School at 11 a.m. Services held in School House, B. S 31, York. 11 a.im.--Mattins and Sermon. 3 p.m.-Bunday School. 3 pcm.--Adt1lt Bible Class. 7 pprn.-Evensong and Sermon. Ce1etr,ration of Holy Communion, first Sunday of the month at 11 ann., third Sunday at 8 art). ST. JOHN'B ANGLIOAN CHURCH. ST. JOHN'S CATHOLIC CHURCH. fore th ambush .mbacspy 'i" the news T', P a d wi ' . of l" i 's dec Tati. 11 k War. “It JT 7 and ' lggg S‘E':§;§§c$$8 and Sermon. wasn't wry suit {Off nxonc not cw.. L1 1, V . . . '_ . , . ing t? a; Liam :5 ' L c awn] .~J( Fi- a €33 1g,1.a2isl1'vertst1,1.d Sermon Mr. bteples, “a d 1chere T,vasn': :1 (bani f n, f1 e . . a. . a y ',, in that crowd? cheered more loudlyélngs Cl? rt v Rev. JAS. MINEHAN’ . than m:slc' 'i' 17‘ x, l.. l, l' :special on, bu, Parish Priest. mom mixing o the British, was in just the same. ---r.- , strong contrast to the iwrrner Lruhé BT. PHILIP s. of Sir Edwar Grey, and formed a T-"--"-'-'""'-.---."-"-, Divine service next Sunday at 11 strong argumei (m. V mu, J i o:Noek a.m. not anticipate the opposition ot ' ' Rev. T. BEVERLY SMITH, Brltain. - § 7 7 I Will Yttli I Every Sunday-Holy Communion at THE CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD. WESTMINSTER PRESBYTEvRIAN CHURCH. Corner Main and Mill Streets. Morning Service at 11 a.m. Sunday School at 3 p.m. Evening Berviet at 7 p.m. Wednesday Service at 8 p.m. Rev. T. A.. SYMINGTON, M.A., Pastor MOUNT DENNIS METHODIST CHURCH.- Morning Service at 11 a.m. Sunday School at 3 pun. Adult Bible Classes at 3 pun Evening Service at 7 p.m. METHODIST CHURCH. Morning Service at 11 a.m. Sunday School at 2.45 psm. Adult Bible Classes at: 2.45 p.m Evening Service at 7 pun. OLD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Orbss Street. Morning Service at 11 mm. Sunday School at 12 noon. Evening Service at 7 p.m. Midweek Service at 8 p.111. Everybody welcome. Rev. C. R. ASHDOWN, Fhnr. ans-Sunday, Public Worship. p.m.---Sunday School and Adult Bible Classes. p.m.-FJurdoa, Public Worship. p.m.--Mon(iay, B. Y. P. U. p.ar-Wednesday, P1 ayer Service. Rev. E. D. RENAUD, B.A., Pastor. PRE SBYTERIAN CHURCH. J. Hughes-Jones, M.A., Rector GORE M. BAEtROW, Priest in charge Rev. J. A. LONG, Ph.D., Pastor J. HUGHES-JONES, M.A., Rev. J. G. ROGERS, Pastor. CHURCH SERVICES BAPTIST CHURCH J. T. STRACHAN, B.A., ", in charge BAPTIST CHURCH SAM WOOLNER, Pastor C. W. MARSH, Pastor. Pastor Rector Rector F"raeriea1ly no '(irmit1ytacturing went on in Germany, lip said, after the outs brcak of the WaIif; the men being sent out with picks land she1sirfo, dig trenches, 41.4%“ -ih-rr-riairr1r" that the" 'Whole eastern side ot Germany was dMrended by a series of trenches. In the near fixture it is expected that return games wf11;be played with Aura, Lee and East Riverdale. It is only what could biexpeetred under the circumstances that a considerable number of supporters aeeompanied the Ladies on their first trip. Keep up the good work, bqys. Arrangements are now under wag' to play the Whit- by Ladies Team, Ewho claim to hold the championship pr Ontario. It is expeeted that aiter)tlr'is Farm; is play- ed that Ontario will have New Chan:- pions and that :Woston will be the home of the best! lot of girls ‘in Ontario. i', At Leipsic, hovZever, he was dt'tain- ed with the agm1satior1 “You're an English spy." He was taken to head- quarcers in the) custody of two mire tary men, when be was advised to go Yank to Dresden,§Leipsic, as being the lever authority,? having no power to detain him. Neitprthelsvis he proceeded through Magdetjiirg and Hamrvegrto the border, whiévre at a turnstile his papers were rxamined by two mili- tary offieers.. Hi?; baggage was criti- cally examined, ih and under guard be was locked up with others in a room.. After two and a half hours he was again taken out funder guard and put into a train. Ttis traia he found was manned by a Hutch- crew, and in a, few moments he ngas in Holland and free. r', EUROS by Mrs. CN. J. McEwen and Mr, Davies of Tor/onto,. and th duet by Messrs. Staples 5 and Davies, were greatly apnreciated. The address wag? under the auspices or the adult BibN-class, the Rev., T. A. . Symir1gton, . M.A., occupying the chair. / Mr. Staples triéd, he said, to get at the man with theijauthority' to say go or stay, but on ’every hand was met with, "You migtt as well go home, be quiet, and 7:9 acc' yourself.!" But after two and '3, ’al': months of effort he succeeded infrec‘dving: permission to go, and gm air: usssyort in time to escape bcin $119 rd l hen the ore der for in» d, nior of unitish sub- jeets was issue/(1.3; On examining his passport, howevttr he discovered to his dismay ttraft was marked, "As far as frontier," but he determined to proceed. , gram." said Mr.fSta and the great deliJOLs Mr. otaples s 'd that three or tour days after the C) 'tbreuk ot the War he received his pa, sport, to prese.nt ar, the police he dquarters,, with his photograph. Th e ha had'to: give up getting a recei‘t, which named the waterworss staki D, a Banal, barracks and other places as not to be appr0a- ched, and remixed orders to report himself twice a , ek. t HOCKEY. [td ues, who wicLes- ruticr: maue we- £37 on the news "ll cf War. "It n_,on-:~;- not Cccer- follows:-- 6.45 a.m 8.45 a.m 11.45 an: 5.15 Fm 6.45 p.111 6.45 p.m 8.45 3.111 5.15 pan WESTON POSTAL GUIDE. Mails arrive at Weston Poe-t Office as follows:-. 8.25 ann.--From East. 9.15 a.m.-From East. 12.25 pus-From West. F 7.25 p.m.--From West. 4.15 p.m.--From East. . 5.45 p.m.--From East. 7.35 p.m.--From East. 11.00 a.m.-Frorn Mt. Denms. 6.00 p.m.---From Mt. Dennis Q Em Mails close at Weston Post 0ffyee Br Will you send a dollar, or more If you can, to Douglas Davidson, Seer.- ‘ary-Treasurer, or f P J. ROSS ROBERTSON, Chairman of the Board of Trustee; Toronto. Every dotiar may prove itself a dreadnought in the battle "’ against death, a. flagship in the fleet that fights tor the livett of little children. C Remember tbat the door ot the Hos- pital's mercy ihthe door ot hope, and your dollar, kind reader, may be the key that opens the door for some- body's child. Remember that every year is a war year with the Hospital; every day is a day of battle; every minute the Hospital needs money, not for its own sake, but for the ehildre1t'tt sake. The Hospital is the battleground where the Armies of Life have grapple& with the 'r'dosrttrorBeath," iimrtftF4ifeirrNigtttf of thousands of little children is the issue that is settled in that war. Will you let the Hospital be driven from the field of lts battle to save the lives of little children for the lack of money you can give and’ never miss? Since 2880 about 1,000 cases of club feet, bow legs and" knock knees have been treated; and of' these goo had perfect correction. Nearly all' these were from different parts of the Pro, Vince outside of the city of Toronto. It costs us $2.34 per patient per day for maintenance. The municipalities pay for patients $1 per patient per day; the Government allows 20 cents per patient per day; so, deducting. $1.20 From $2.34, it leaves the Hospital with $1.14 to pay out of subscriptions it receives trom the people of Toronto and the Province. The shortage last year ran to, $18,000, So many calls are beingma'de on the. purses of the generous people of To- nonto and Ontario, to help the soldiers of the Empire, that as I make my daily foundsr through the wards of the Hospital, and see the suffering chil- dren in. our. cots and! beds, the thought strikes me as to whether the people, will as of old, with all the diemands made upon them, answer our appeal and help to maintain the institution that. is ftghting in the never-ending battle with disease and death, in its endeavor to save the stricken little ones in the child-'life of Ontario. Last yearsthere were 394 in-patients; from 2I0 places outside or Toronto, and in the past twenty years there have been T,000 from places in the Province other than Toronto. Solicitor for the Applicant.) 1699 Dundas Street, Toronto. 10 This coming year, of all the years In the Hospital/s history, has a more serious outlook, as regards funds for maintenance, than any year that has passed its calendar. Thanks for the privilege of appeal- ing through your columns on bahaif of the Hospital for ‘Sick Children. The Hospital takes care ot sick and de- formed children, not only in Toronto, but in the Province, outside ot the city. Dear Mr. Editor:- Will You Help The Huspital far Sick 'i1'ir'/drin,ht Great Pruvinciai fi'l)iarity ? -ot- ROSEHOUNT AVENUE Funerals arranged and Embalming promptly at- tended to, . W. J. WARD, UNDERTAKER, Back of C.P.B.. Station a.m.--Going East. tr.m.-Goirtg West. a.rn.--Gohrg Fast. p.m.--Going North. p.m.-Going West. p.rrr-Going East. tcrm-Por Mt. Dennis pam-For Mt. Dennis, , PHONE 168, Hr"' new is somm'ming but there will be\s‘.‘ating Successor to A. W right, SK A. J. BARKER . BARKER $5523 tt i'-,"ifg Post Master, Cia'iltyiier'V East. East. West. West. East. East. East. Mt. Denms Mt. Dennis Nu. East. West. Fast. North. t the Rink Tue;- nings durins, me There will be no J hu rsd "E em»); l, 2.00 11.00 t.50 11.30 I 2.20 11.35 2.12 T 12.00 l 2.30 y Connect with Davenport ear at Keele [and Dundas Streets. Ware, Regular ................ 5 cents (Night Car Fare . . . . . . . . 'id," . .10 cents‘ mm tiALft2.--A Base Burner tgisit lt ii'ecder, nearly ne . Apply to Mrs. b Westphan, 'gt:, Jo ' Road. 5 Fare, Regular ................ 5 cents Night Car Fare ..............10 cents A Night Car will Jame West iiioiiiiii? for Weston every, saturday mght at 12 p.111. 1teturnirfg; leave Weston at 12.20 p.m. _ 8.10 a.m A(l,Al a.m (s.1i'tcifs 7.40 p.m WESTON LINE. Cars leave West Toronto for Weston, Mount Decnis, etc., as follows: Cars leave Keele and Cars leave Dundas Sts. Weston. A.M. RM. _ A.M. _ P.M.. 7.25 a.mu--Daily stop, except Sunday. 0.15 a.m.---Dai1y stop. 1.16 pas-taug stop, except Sunday. 4.00 p.rn.--Daily stop, except Sunday. 7.23 purr---Daity stop. .- -Going East,-- SF., 8.05 amr---Daily stop, except Sunday? 0.42 a.m--Stop Sunday only. .' $2.18 pui--Dallr, stop, exeepd; Sunday. 4.25 1p.rm--Daily stop, except Suhday. 7.40 pu-Daily stop. _ _ 6.40 7.00 7.20 7.40 8.00 8.20 8.40 9.00 9.20 9.4-9 0.00 0.20 0.40 1.00 1.20 1.40 2.00 2.20 2.40 1.00 1.20 PEARSON & MCEWEN, Dealers if! Real Estate. Village and Farm Pro- d perties for Sale or to Rent. Office, Main St., opposite the Bank of B. N. A., Weston. Long distance Telephone ' cennection. ti Call our W- E. Coleman, Westqn. and see the latest patterns/In Tweeds, Worsteds, Broadcloth, ete., and he will Show you the latest styles. Now is the time to leave your order for a new suit, OHARLES GILLIB.--Ger1ecal Team- ing, Sand, Gravel, Stone and Filling always in stock at yard. Movings promptly attended to. Phone 69. Phone hours: 6.30 aan., 12.80 noon, nd 6.30 11.111. o. J. K. MeEWEN, Licensed Auction- eer for the Counties of York, Peet and Srmeoe. Dealer in Real Egtatt.s Vil- lage and Farm Properties for 8,9315%; or Rent. Office, Main Bt., mrteom Long distance telephone Canadian Express Compauy's on all business in and out within the towq limits. Also baggage and general cartage. Phone No. 69. if 8.11 9.44 5.53 928 A. M. McEWEN. Licenced Auction- aer for the Counties of York and peel. Olfiee, Main Street, Weston. Long" distance Telephone. _ RICHARD WADE, Coulter Anni; 1elivep agent for the Dominion and L,tfHiytr1'utic, Lidr’AIRED by I, Warren, Main Street. _»,_;6 7,25 9.15 1.16 4.00 7.23; cirfllliliWi tirdt'tilit TigE TABLE. WANTED.--plain Sewing and Magd- Dg at home. Apply Mrs. Mary Ch56h, onron Place. _ _ 6 Condensed Advertisements woiopminkait DIVISION pus-r-Daily, 'Going a . m .--D aily , a.rn.-Daily, p . m.--Dai1y, pun.--Sai1y. a.i--Daily a.m.---Daily p .111 .--Dauy p.rn.--Daily purr---Daity 9.00 9.20 9.40 10.00 10.20 10.40 11.00 11.35 LOCAL TIME TABLE 5.40 6.90 6.20 6.40 7.00 7.20 7.40 8.00 8.20 LOCAL TIME TABLE 4.20 2.40 3.20 3.40 5.00 -Going South"---, .-Daily stop. - “3 .-Daily, except S: C-Daily, "ixecit g, c-Daily, except B, 'Going North.-- .---Dajly,- except S .-Daily, emeeptv3 .--Daily, except S -Goirrg West.-. If) .10" 12L30 12 '. My 1.10 A.M. P,M., 5 . 50 2 Ji% 6.10 , Jih, 6.30 3 .30r, 6. M) 3 .50.: 7.10 440-: 7 . M) 4-30! 7 . 50 4.50., 8 .10 5510 8 .30 5,34 850 5., " I) . 10 6, lfh 9 . 30 6. " 9. 50,, (1.5;; 10, .10 J 7.. lo, 1039 T 7,30 10 . M), 7,. " 11 . 10 8. 10 119301 bay ll, 50 8.50 _siindisif. Sunday; Sunday . Sunéay, sBt1rt3rtvt, S un day. 8.50 3.10 3.30 9.50- 10.10 10.30 10.50 11.30 12.00 Q. " 7.. 10, 7,30 7,.56 8.10 3,1(h, 3.30:. 3,5N &.10-= Cay, 5,10 5,394 5.50‘ 64.10; 5. _ i