- r s -N V, . f Wlis ION 3 :3; L rryrur,rO, - - - â€nu“... "g. p --"""'".yr L'CU. "'st'tgu, . The army of T erlane is said {a Royal Black Perceptory have amounted to-l 00,000 and that of fellows’ Hall, Church Stu hit ahtagonist,_Ba zet,-tou 1.000.000. at 8 o’clock mm. . V V ,5, - -_V__P The army ot Ar erxes, before the!0f High yilftool 303111,; 111 Gouneil battle ot Conoxa gained to 1,200,000 Chamber, TOWn A311, alt-.38 putt. Ten thousand 331363 and 1000,00b Friday, ietr53saygiLr' Meeting tuot fell in tire tat field ontss-ns, Poard ot Trade, in Council Chamber, When Jerusalem as taken by Titus Town Hall, Weston, at 8 p.m. 1,000,000 men peris in various ways Friday, Feb. 5.-Regular Meeting _ The hrmv nf rp tgtv.Tsr.si,., d., .._:.1 ¢, nnwnu n1.__y_ n - ' V, - ‘4'» v ;pov4 VLA A'LVLI- LT.LI o. lr. M. Hunter, oirfi2irutii; was the pianist. f, ' H'7)ARN.--ou Moziday, January 18th, 1915, to Mr, aid Mrs. Richard T. Hearn, 110 Wright Avenue, Toronto, e a. daughter, (Olivia Jean.) At. a Burns gnniversary Concer held by White He ther Lodge, Daugh- tem of Scothrnd,?iin St. James Hall, Toronto, on (rl/rl/ui')?, 25th, Mrs. R. M Jones, Scotch gocalist of Weston. made herself a prime favorite wit the audience; caltm,g forth a hearty encore" to her 'its,):.?? rendering of "Scotland for _ vel'," and " The March of the Cgmeron Men." Mrs. T " 1-12,";7 .. -- ' _ Weston Women' Institute will hold a Red Cross Con rt in the Town Hall on- Tuesday eveni g, February 9th, at , p.m. A good! programme and re -flreshrr1m1ts Will . provided. All are welcome. Tickets 5 cents. The Corn- mittee will be pl sed to receive the assistance at t 5 meeting of any ladies interested 11 Red Cross work. Kindly communic e with Mrs. J. H. Taylox, Lgonvener, ‘f the committee. I] niversary Tea 0 Tuesday evening, 10. When youve algl-op March 9th, in t e Church parlors. from home .'s',.,v,;:'l.1,i,'i'. An excellent Su er and Programme ll. Wham you dreamixof Will be provided Admission Adults 12. Congratulations 1:53†40 cents, Childre 25.cents. . ( Concluding with ogc; Tar ' "CLrrcy,- 1 A , ....' Sweet Home, and Au d /Westminstrer P esbyterian Church will hold their niversary Services on Sunday, .Mar 7th: and the La- dies Aid Society 11 provide the An-, -piversary Tea 0 Tuesday evening. -Messts. Jackmag "a new Butcher S, 'lyoet, on or ah Tith a full 1jrl,iy o is their ' intentio Cash business 01 Bible margin of secure 'a share 'ronage. - ‘Burity Flour tror'saie, Moody Bros Wigtoti. -- _ Special Sale’of Ladies Evening-and T)gssss Shoes at Lott's Shoe Store. Don't forget sodr Piano Votes -at Inch’s Cut Rate Drug, Store. Someone must get that beautiful piano. The Choir ot Good Shepherd w; Concert in the ba on Monday (Ni A good time is LOST.-Gold a l Masonic Ring, a fered fin: return ot' Lemaire. The following O) stalled at Count _ 190:w--C. R., 0}:an Milton Holley; Fig R. S. ,J, Robinsoq B. W., A. LithgoV field; Beadles, "Br liam Pope; Orato isieian, Dr. Cha the I. O. F. Elm C 4 .Fo; Infants and Children. The Kind You Fl,rycri, Aways Emmi _ C _ f Bears th -. T , sit;::;,:;,',,,,)?:,",)).),; 2tta2 The Services i 01d Presbyterian Church on Sund morning will be conducted by Rev. L J. A. Long-of the Methodist C urch, and in the evening theme =wi be "i-Bertrietr,ot Praise. Read. 1pregary's' advertisement-sit will interést you. VAST 'iVurmss AND THEIR gIOVEMELNTS The Church of e Good Shepherd/win speak Mount Dennis, will e oftieially open- ed by His Lordshi Bishop Sweeney, HOD of Toronto, on Mo aye, February let, . at Eight o'tioek. " â€95113146119 w 1:51 UN 1httid _M. Rose, Ge f / Anglican Laymen’ g.“ UFEaCh next Sun ay, WWW "s aardrevtsn,ing, _ Mrs. Arthur G avers will mot Ile- At three o'eloelrFiin ceive again this <98 n. 'meehitrrtor: Men 'if,11y St. John's Chur ' Telephone No, 26 s ubseription Price. trs T SL106 'StoPe 1for bargains Lin “War.- en'ts-s-airv,etrtisprner1t, exjcan ar ofr18i1-e5, in TI arm l there, took the ltr." the were killed in J; thet died of wounds, died {Fora disease 149,240. Bmtas Weston, Ont, Friday, d he C t be Wt i _ ', we! ch?','; 0. , (l ar O', _'m l th, ihé _ Wt ti2w Gama atttit Why ADVERWSING R’AWS cN APPL‘lONTION ‘l Institute Will hold m: in the Town Halt ' February 9th, at iprogramme and riy. , provided. All are, [15 cents. The Com: 'ased to receive the yret,-tou1,0p0,0o0. arts o'eloek pm. the Crimea, with 7%“ we were killed in SKA k. Wounds: 66,000; A'T‘he: Wand “4H 1. _ --_ ; Thursday, Feb; 4.---Regtflar Meeting 1'de,ee,5,1?: Jof High Scuool" B_oardd in Council xerxes, betorty the Chamber, Tiiwet gall, atrf8 putt. muted to 1,200,000 . m, if " Friday, Ats. 5'issttsgihar Meeting CSes and 1000,00b d d . C ilCh her field otasst1s, Boar 291'†e, In om1e am F but February 4th, choice Meats. It to run a strictly the smallest pos- profit, and hope to t the citizens pat- & Taylor Will open 161) in the Eagle the Church orthe to 1 hold a Character thee â€Ami of the church the ting, February 8th. N, ttieipateg. A s L Blue Enammelled ‘suitable reward of- same. Apply L. A. icers have been HI- srievue, I:O..F. for T Wacey; V.. C. It,., . Sec., A. Malilawby; Twas, W. Smith; ; J. W., C. Shana s. Harry and Wil- t C. Cutbush; Phy- Ion, Look out for e and Dame. g. E. WHENTON, Ptopgiettir PUBLISHED {VERY FRIDNY ADDRESS AIRL COMMUNICATIONS 'ro s'rlle Band will be at the Rink Tues- day and Saturday evenings during the rest ot the season. There will be no Band'iat the, Rink on Thursday eTrr'rr- itpgs except When-there is something 'ihiivis ca1rtryt were will be skating G,A-g. 11., -- - special cal," 131 just "the -Bartle, slIlhe Band will be day and Saturdav I Thursday, Fe " 4,--Begluar Meeting of the Weston Tr, lunteer Fire Brigade, to be held in/ he Town {Hall, at 8 o’clock um. l _ =" Wednesday, 1NL ing Canadian Old in Oddtenows' if Weston, at 8 lr, . Monday, Feb. V-n gular Meeting Separate School " d, in Separate School, George sl.?),, Weston, Tuesday, Feb. P" egular Meeting L. o, L., No. 316 in Od6teuows Hall, Church Sign†Weston. Monday, _,',1iter1idiiiis,i'rs,i; Meeting ot the Public Btho Board, in Public SChooI, at g o’glook p.m. Monday, Feb. 1 Separate School , Sehoa, George 5 Tuesday, Feb. JR Monday, Fcb. 1-meilisr of Weston Town Coupbil, in Chambers, Town Hall) 4t 8 J Church stre"et,Twisss%rf A Good Resolution-muy your etc. at Gregmy's. ' '__-___ n.†W var/Ll to the N.C.O. alas? on Tuesday even: ings from 7 to 8 om. and on Thurs- daywervenings from;, to 9 p.m_ in the ibasement of the Pt ?lie School during the 'next . three eeks beginning on Tuesday evening, {,bruary 2nd. All who have attended #the classes in the Fa]1 are 'requessireit' to be present on Tnecday evenings atid bring their note books for use at tlie lecture. At the end of the cows] an examination will be held on in subject matter of the lessons and lee res on Thursday, February 25th. _ MEETINGS NEXT WEEK Monday, Feb, 1.-Reaalar, M, Target psuyetieei will be held on Saturday at 2.30;p.m. in the Fair grounds. Reguia ion Ross Cadet Rifles and tree manition will be supplied and a re 0rd of all scores will be kept. Af. r this! week the Company will beg divided into halt “companies for the,': purpose of target practice. one halfE company meeting in the evening and,8 the other on Bat- urday afternoon. 5.3 _Roll call will 3913 marked at the Tuesday evening 'yct11res and failing to attend a 'trw? percentage, of these lectures will liar a member from the target Dreaming, 'Nor1-Commi,rsrion Ottieerg Class.- A series of six Ieksons Will be given to the N.C.O. alas? on Tuesday awn- ings from 7 ta 8 Dim. and on Thurs- A-, __- . _ ' in-Chief con ol. IV. Operation and march orders. V. Marches. V _ As these lecturesgare of general in- berest to everyone. the publit, includ- ing the ladies, ar cordially invited to attend. ' Captain Jesse Wight will deliver a '(mmrsevof lectures in the Town Hall every Tuesday ev ing at 8 o’clock, until further not . The first five hectures will ée-al ith the followihg sriilyieets:--- L Protection of pimps while on the march. II, Ammunition sjtpply. III. Information 'grrd Com,maruoi?, TH Voo per Annum An advance. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH WESTON. Tome, and Au}d Lang'Syne God Save tht King. HOME GUAI Ff"! ‘dmamééoif old Erik , F66. M. m ohd r va’ 11, 8 lr, . Fe 4,-, 11 1mm :7 he T (U A.-- ' min_odditsn-ows' Han; _ SE SKATING Rose, , Gggeral Secretary 3'--Regu1ar Meet- r Chosen Friends, ll, Church Street, /---Rtygi)1ar Meeting ttie-Eu/iris'"",')";,; men' Movement will Sun ay, both morning Y a long w g, op mg] cteit'.1.ije 11eeting Regular I Band, undel- the f. A. Smith, will g Programme at next Thursday Canada', Home .D ORDERS. ght will deliver a not. possibly ha In} the Town Hall Iheir earaings) . 1915. w ESTON , ONT To the afternoon a will be held in when Mr. Rose q __-__ “mum "an, gmc'ub LU support, Juli: Council the prognostieationst of His Honbr .m. the Lieuir-Governor ‘7 nd Mr. R. H. 011 Meeting Campheil, Dominion ‘Sirector of For P Jhamber, estry, who asserted it1at there was ia ant I. 111736 area of forest tihieh would may}. I Meeting uce in the futureg wealth whiohéls a in Odd- would make ?-'anitohii, and the othggever Weston, Western Provinces rtihlr very big-pl . . among the wood Te-itil),"'-;-:,":",:?:,';?) of the Dominion. The triseussiori, I Agen were not confined, 1iibwever, to the West, and in the Re*ort are to ill,') Ill? Tues- found Win43 of vital terest to hug-{p 31111:: the est C'cryrrvrrrrtiornists tl _ country oven, i iM I m . l The ,addresses delosipred at) the 'Join-. Meeting inion Forestry Convéntjon in Winni- Ia11, on peg, on July 7,-9, 1irw1s Honor D. C. Cameron, Lieutenant Governor ‘of Meeting Manitoba; Hon. W. 3 Charlton, Pre- Council sident of the Assoc'gwsion; Hon. Geo. In. Lawrence, Minister!) of Agriéulture, hers..),'-- 1Mrs,,,ybms.s,, nt- N v':'- --. ' Drugs , Tneh's Lung i; trough and Cure- cbld. Double fr for the next two lock, the call of their eggmtry in her dire tive distue‘ss. There are iitso many of their wtrig more fortunate brothers too who are waing to stand aldi)t and watch from 1 the the distance, the annihilation of their Motherr-ckomitr'y if itfeomes, forgetting that they too will share in that doom 9 as sure as ever theiia1lies fail. And :rdet'- Why is it? So often; I hear "Oh, We shall need our youixg men here very soon and what's t1; use of sending them all out of the ominion, where shall we be then." Ewell}? if it were l in- necessary to send thetkosponsib1e heads olud- of the English Govérnment all over: Vited the British Isles to isusulaee recruit-l ing, it is six times as nevessary to do on it here. It is right NW that the men Fair are needed, so that at speedy termina- adet tion may be brought about of this 1 be terrible scourge, aid if every male, ores here were doing his) utmost duty,[ the there would be little gear of invasionl halt from over the border gr anywhere else, rget but While this sleepy'ijapathy is going]! ting on, our enemies are faking advantage gat- of it possibly to 011:: detriment. ( In any case, that; is nothing like‘ the being prepared for any and all emer l ling gcncies and while thei%ajority of Our; l ot Townsmen are. ineligible for active com service, there is mulch they can be doing at home, bttides. joining the s.- Home Guard. May le sh some of them J lven to seriously considet) the Boy-Scout iron- question. Now is the time to get it ', urs- going, 50 that whcnl'ithe weather gets; the warmer. the boys will be si1fficienirly ( ting advanced in their teaching to be able {on to avail themselves) of out-doo? in- , All struction. They hath been of untold " the value, both at the Front and in the i on British Isles, and have done excellent tote service ever since the wer, began. If I the war come here we shall need our Boy f'. ion Scouts and an adjnirab1ftrigade of q _ of strong. Willing and" eager bo'ys could f', ay, be formed in Weston; Several othour I young Lacrosse players could be made, officers under older/vane wiser heads, The Conuention Wés of exception‘al interest to all whe, attended, and the discussions, eoitpred with some notable exhlbits of goads grown in Manitoba; Mr. Geo/'i)Burr Viee-Pre'isi- dew; of the Grpadiai' Paeitie Railw is, Mr, J. S. Dennis, §Chief of the 12 tural Resourch Dem†(J.r_'.R.;rMay'tor Deacon, of Winnipeg, and prominept officials connected i, ith the deveWp- ment of the forestlgi policy in Cah- ada, are included in')the report of the meeting, which hasgjust been issupd from the office of thgi Secretary or the Canadian Forestry association, Canla- dian Bldg.. Ottasilh, from whom copies. may he had, frt)ye, upon applier- tion. L' _ l I know the Town', Improvement go-. ciety Wil/l do all in gh‘eir power to pid any such scheme, as 'they believe it will be fulfiliing their title, but they also realize that it muést be handled by "Good mm and true? Apologising for taking up so much of your space, if _ s", Yours faithfdll‘y, GERTRIEDE IT MORRIS. I as in "Unity is sfgength’f and njtftf more apparent has (it been shown tititu1 in this War, Ourggrowing’ boys and young men would all be workingjfor their , country's good ar1sidgVoulirihe, come so i?,,terpstedriat1d tifk% feel (per were taking an t,etifir1, share in thejde- fence of Canada. 1;; Give a boy some- thing definite ‘to drij.some goal to. win and you will not (often fired him fail you. More than that, they would, be becoming banded Aid welded together into a splendid whole, under a tplus- nificent code of ethigs and if any man has his country's '_'li: good at heart; it must prove to Him that all mtive- ment of this king are a big step in the right’ direction. If we train our boys in a hea1thy'?stnoral atmosphere we shall reap an allundant harvest of excellent citizens UTILIZING OUR. FORE ST S dreds upon hundreds of young "uiiiiiil) . V TARIFF. ployed men who P-tlay prefer to walk Royal, Guardian, Cam the streets in "pitades," (who can- North British & Mercan nst possibly have any dependents on mm mm" = N.“ ---. o .1- I wonder how Fire it, will be before Canada as a natidh wakes up to the responsible part ithe should, and cur- deed will have to tlay In the sstuper1- dous fight for evbryrrhing that a Britisher holds deaf, Life, Hm and Liberty. The statittics macently given shewing the lack ioi nespomse to the call for recmits for the Third Con- out-:WLUg me Jafylr 301 nesponse to the agent for the following can for recruits rtir the Third Con-, , tingent are appawnégv There are hm f Fire and Life Insurance Co s BOY SEOUTS. ef To the Editor of Times & Guide, Dear B_itr--?orndj' little time bash T read a Letter iroTjone of your corres- pondents 1wpeailt to the men of Weston to form a 3803' Scout Brigade, but as far as I 'prnow, nothing has been done in the matter. Purity Flo " Weston. ffiee-- to 10 cOrtststseusiN DENCe DR. W. E. PEARSON, _hys,cian, Surgeon, etc. Weston Road, Mount Dennis Ottlee Hours:-.. a.m., 1 to 3 and 7 to 8.30 p.m. Phone tr-r?oJp. breaks up a fanp Votes for etthe? weeks. Balsam stops ttuk for sale, Moody Bros. 3%th tprsuiafijour inspection. ' 30f His Honérr} V 'ttl Mr. R. H. Our stock of Cottonade irector of For-f V 3121’: there was galPants, Overalls and bmocks thieh would pro-J: . " imam whichls larger and better than Weston No rtrthir than answer Foy Scout Brigade, ngOW, nothing has flutter. itr,,rg its will be before (/9trtA 87, George Our specially selected new stock ofCrums and Standard Prints, Anderson Ginghams, Cretonnes and Art Muslims, are now open. We invite Furnaces installed and tinsmdthing attended to. ‘BURGESS BROS i TINSMITHS Main Street, Weston. Agent for Butterick’s Patterns. The Hydro Electric Power belongs to the people of, Ontario. We are here to serve the “QCITIZENS OF WESTON ff you have. any power Problems, or are thinkin of Wiring your house for Electric Lights, and would like to have an idea of the cost of the Current per month, consult us. Tungsten Lamps and Electrical/ Appliances at Cost price to consumers. WATER, POWER , LIGHT COMMISSION MAEN counts, a discouiig given in all Classes ment of Bills. _ The cleanly, )economical, flexible Hydro is helping greatly to solve manufacturing problems under pre- sent day conditions. It enables users to meet rapid changes in policy, in demand, in competition. . POWER AATES--servite charge of $1 per HYP. per month, and a Con- sumption â€charge of 3 cents per K.W. H. for the first 50 hours use per month on the installed capacity; 2 cents per K.W.H. for the second 50 hours. and all over these amounts at one fifth cent per K.W.H. less the following discounts. l Class "A" 21 hour unrestricted use, --No class discount. l Class "B" 24, hour restricted 11se- . , 10 per cent discount. Class "C" 10 hours unrestricted use -1() per cent discount. Class "D" 10 hour restricted use-, 33 and one-thire p.c, discount. In addition to the above Class dis- Thomson mod, Hours: 9 to 5. tear ot Oi1ii1iam's Hardware Store HYDRO THE HANDY POWER No waiting. Three Cigars, Cigarettes and ---- Tobaccos. Mao agent for reliable Nursery am at lowest postQble rates F arfey's Shaving Parlour ___ 7-..... \1uuut\‘|du nauuual, NoirtiBriiU' & Mercantile, and Atlas, NON-TARIFF. Merchants, London Mutua1,& Factories --AND--- EXCELSIOR LIFE, and IRAVELLERS ACCIDENT AND HEALTH Insurance AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE I TTil, "'U' I" 'T'T""P' Ai"",)] . I, 'ty 'lltititltj)liii_'tl,tj__,,(h"iiria Bank By Mail And siir'"i"i"- A Trip To Town _ Talephone No. so. Te Ymara, ',tptr" c , EST; rs' BRA H, N. yrr. DENNIS BRANCH, . J. MUSSON EAGLE BLOCK WESTON ST,, WESTON A†21 hour unrestricted use class discount. B" 24, hour restricted 1lse-- r cent discount. D" 10 hours unrestricted use per cent discount. N 8w Oftieete. my, )eeonorrrieal, flexible helping greatly to solve 1g problems under pre- r.trqmi.-. 1" - - G. PEIRS ON, Superintendent OR the benefit of ctfi'ose who live F out of town, we e arranged a plan by which 7 _ can do your banking by mail quite is satisfactorily as if you stood here at o counters. Come in and let us explai the plaa--or write for the informatio _ _sffs, , Main Street: 'Phone 199. ., "roamyhiatl National 1 pa discount. above Class dis- of 10 PY? cent is for prompt pay- chairs operating Lyons all kinds of the sreconii% e amounts at W.H. less the stock Cor. Main St. and Conron Phone 281, WE: W. F. OLDHAM FLOUR, FEED and CARTAGE. Gluten Meal, Crushed Oats,l Ill kinds of Poultry Feods and Specifics. TIMOTHY AND CLOVER SEED.?) MOODY BROS THe SHUE STORE FOR THE Eagle House Black “In ialty WINTER BOOTS Felt and Specml lines for Me: Children. Repairing: done while yo Every job to your entire sn Han RUDD: We carry a full hue of style of boot, Heavv Rub d - .._ "N'__HbrbPb.p yuu uu 1ree. Famous L.ightning Hitch and moderate prices. 1 ' SLIPPERS a G-..,, Ms-m --e-- Buy your Hock'ey boots 2 have your Skates put on tree EMMA“- 1â€,,“ _ -- Estimates given on all kinds of work Concrete Mixer for hire, capacity 40 yards a day. ROLLING and CHOPPHNG {CONCRETE MIXER M HIRE Carpenter arid C Coulter Avenue, - FLOUR, BRAN Phone No, " Slippers for .Lucauy‘ I Paints, Oils and Varnishes. ORDERS DELIVERED W. C. Bv"rr,cruacur' Builder & Coniiiji,ttor, Pedlar Steel Shelf, and Screens, Doors 'a Field and Carma! an>9urplus $7,884,000. V. J. McEWEN, N'aneger. J. D. MILLS, Manager, Turkeys, Geese ireo. \Sainsbury Furniture carefully handled Apples, Lemons, _ Oranges, Malaga Grapes Potatoes, Cat Parsnips, C Sweet Potatoes Hubbard. Squash HENDEiiiirii, IirfNTCgTriEtT, "rrh7ESTON PHONES No. 9 and 214. BEEF, LAMB, PORK and VEAL VEGETABLES (iliittflt, M051; t of sit, we , e rh 'gre', teirl'is sati Joseph St., WESTON /:fd,07eEiryr n: a l ORE FOR THE PEOPLE House Block WESTON. JAS. HUGILL, POULTRY Phone No, every person all priees hum“.-- tull hue of Rubbers‘to fit Heavy Rubbers and Sex g "g uune While you waite Your entire satisfaction. r, Oilcnke, Calf si Chopped Oats and Straw. DEALERS IN PHONE 36 FRUITS "rfuBriiiiis' and SHORTS Ready Rooting 'amishes. at Hendersons and Men, Wom an and )nron Pl, l NHH 's' a POWER WESTON/ OAT‘ ROLLING MI) GROWING, I -_ - ‘ , w. F. STINSQN. 'm 106 fl - . ' DB, ROY E. RICHARDSON ()_rarrberries,' f Osteopath, T . I f Tor nt Usce _ ti Associat ew Fi s C) o 0 eopag IC . E g f i Mondays, Wednesdays and Friday , Bananas. SY._Main and Mill Hts “WW Grape Fruit, ', Cranberries,' I Cabbage, Carrots, Onions, ash, Beets. , Chickens. 'onttactor WESTO N other makes: at Eagle Fciek Meal, 1’ Hay, t every a spec- .} 'rfirr1Tim)vlr MILL v,’ ""/"K or 106 Victoria Sh, Tortuga. ".L Have you noticed the development y, t is going on at themprth End of Weston? It not, make an appoint- ment with us and we will be pleased ta show you over St. Albams, that beautifully wooded Bub-division. This is something the working man cannot afford to overlook. $25 secures a tot, “A“ A Very _ easy' pasizSis WESTON l, G. W. COULTER, V. Honor Graduate [Ontario College. All diseases of Cattle and _ -- Treated Beientitiean Bank of N3Â¥a_8cptia Bldg, Weston Gouldigg dl tiamirtiG' l (asa7ioafiii'r Real “estate Io'ans Mt. Dennis Branch-Bang oi Britisl Afternoons, 2.6t to 3.30 o'eloek, Tuesday and Thursday evening 1758 Dundas St '/Phorre--vain 2689. ) J. EDGAR PARSC Barrister, Solicitor, N Omees, Canada Permanent Bldg, 18 Toronto St., I G. HOWARD GRAY, l. "-' ’ Barrister, Solicitor, Notary,._etc; Nova Scotia Bank Bldg., C .VWESTgi Mornings and Evening“ 2 Toronto (rdiee---43 Imperiai' Life Buildings, Toronto. "-. Calls by Barristers, , L. L. T. oroRtpcir, _ com'yerticitorrrsrt. -- Teacher of the Violin. Main, Street, _ "Asi, Firing Caret'; Studio-Jos China Ddc" Barri ster. MISS JES§ Lessons in "ehins 'Phones-WG, ton Puplls prepared Studio, Room' T Westim-=xcurvt Private fun ela 616 1_urt1ursrF,t7e'it' Omeiy Hours--? to 5 MARC, NURSE AULD King; George Road, M . Terms Moderate, Glasgow Training Home, 1057 Weston Road, ' 'Phone, Jet l DR. HAROLD L. ROWNTREE,‘ Physician, Surgeon, ete. _ Office-Dundas Street, ISLINGTOly _ Office Hours, _ 1 to 2 p.111. 7 to 8.30 p.m. 'Phone-Islington 21 r 2 = v0iNus---oppossite Bank _ and , _ 418 Bloor Street, West, Toronto. Consultation hours, v10 aum, 3 p.m-.. and by appointment. Tel. 001. 2602. Maria siriset, DR. W. J. CHARLTON, Physician ‘and surrgetstii' Office-corner Rosemount Ave; aryl John Street, Westosuuhtrrr""" Ottiety Hours-e to 10 mm. ,6 to 8 pun, Sunday, 8 to 10 a.m. ANDERSC DR.J.A.MELDtt0M, . Physician and Surgeon. " Offioe and Resideilee-East Corner ", King street and Rosemount Ave. "t 'elephone No. 15, Weston, Ont. v, Hirurs-0.30 “crux-em tur Conser‘vaforj E: , Romu Ct, Nova Scotia Bank 1th ahlqclay, Saturday, MC “and Thursday mornings. 'r,htir.g K. GIL]; u-dlt Toronto Couse LUm'l eaclfers N: in "ehir1a, T; Carving and s, tojcjtors, Nata-tie 1099 Dundas Street; TORONTO. g _ fana's to Ioanridn: eiasyii security: . R. E D M Tr N D S, ', Solicitor, Notary Public, ated seiesituilairT"" mail or phone promptly attended. 1. H. D: LIVINGSTONE. Ear, Nose mm *Ehroat. 1e)ratjoii' and I Handicrafts Wally 1150136? Th yard I ,. JOHN B. AIKEN, '+ J. T. HACKETT, Dentist. Main Street," V - Weston, Ontario. Pb, strgitt,- Bank ot British North Am. Bldg, onto u'o11servptofir of Mu, acliers 2i ormal, Corus ursaay mornings. (Phone 48. ' PARSONS, a; 1 WEST TORONTO..:F.W{ Hardware Store), -r _'. j s placed at current. i SI'EE Dentist Mill as to 5 and 7 to priGi, Jel, Tor., Coi. 4190. & MeMASTum, a.m. to 8.30 evenings, 8 to f) o’clock 'v-zuu.ui"ruts/A.i.C E E. RORKE, , Pttyesting, Wood ,nd pesigrrts and resign, for all Notary Public. and Horses Thri1eciit:'griieiteit I; WESTON N Otaries, etc. i Proprietor of. Nova Scam , Weston C Association. I and Fridays., i, h, . WEDTON!‘, (; TORONTO. 7 J oNTAmtrr, ‘ Mount Benn}; 3035. V TORONTO. Veterinary WESTON. Student , Monday S eotlprrtr, first Westm e ixams. ' Bdg,