Wu~m-3§ It will pay you to look over Lott' f-Tbe Anniversary of the 01d Pneshy' Street, Will be lie' ing, January 19th ex-pvcth to take I Mr, (“L‘LONH F1: Maida 3501.8 Iarr, E cey E. Johnson;- Tc Miss Olive 109, Elc1 Letarraitt' MQrIr‘y, V20! CI JIreh Choir and; ms The Sumner Tirhich,rtir' fowl supper WW1 be car Hum fowl sunpsr w'll Concert at 8.15 The Women’s institute will meet on Saturday, January 16th in the Town Hall, Weiston, when Mrs. Me- Turk of Lacan he address a joint meeting of some“ f the branches, her subject will be a TW" ounced later, she is well and favcTi4,1y1krtossm as an en- thusiastic and Fr ffieient worker in local organizatio. . It is to be hoped a good attend as will greet her. Afternoon tea wil be served. "Our Regiment? a comedy in three acts was a suqtessful attraction in New York Qty. The Weston Dramatic Society will prpduce same together with "The Klep,tomanaes" a clever farce in one act igin Town Hall, Fri- day, February B'Wh. The Liberat-Co6iervative held than regular monthly {peeting on Thursday eveoing in the rritown Hall. Dr. God- frey, the membeg for west York ad- dressed the Imaging 011' the Nickel question and this: part Canada was taking in the Eugouean struggle. Remember the nniversary Services in the Old Presbyterian Church, Cross Street, o Sunday, January 17th, Rear. J,. C.1 Tol-mi-e, M.F.P. of Windsor will condguct the serv pes. Leonard Bour _ had his left leg fractured helow the knee while slid- ing on a tobogg on Thursday after- noon, Dr. Charltkn set the fracture. Our Regiment: a comedy in three hler, Mos'sr aehs, and The Kiispuearriaese a farce Intosh, Ty! in [one act by he Weston Dramatic Church, w, Society, Friday, February Fifth. Don't forget your Piano Votes at Inch’s Cut Rate Drug Store. Someone must get that beautiful piano. A Good Resoirrod--Buy your Drugs ete. at Grpgory’s. joying a': delightful visit - e Chricut1sis and New Year's ._Vs at the wtnter home of Mr. and Mrs E. 8112?, of Bolton, Miss Ivy In, Bose 1vttttroed to her home, Rose Avenue, Etobicoke. The authorities sh$u1d give instruv tions to the Chief '; orrstabrle to stop hockey playing on . e river on Sun- day afternoom. The“ anguage used by the players last Su§iday was disgur- ting to say the was; The Ladihs Aid the Methodist Church will hold 't Social Tea on Thursday, January 8th, at the par- sonage, King Street.l The Women's Ins tube will hold their sale of Home . ade Baking on Friday. January 2211' , tat 4 o'clock. in the Town Hall, W ton. The Weston Drama. Society want Five hundred Friends iFor an evening of Fun, Fast and urious, Friday, February Fifth, For tty cents. The Canadian or r of Foresters, No. 528 will hvd 3a Progressive Euchre Party on esday, January Mth/ a good time is' nticipated. Ad- mission 15 cents. j, Mrs. William Mal I and family de- sire to express their ~esp appreciation of the many kindness shown them in their recent bereave nt. There will be Fancy Dress Car- nival in the Shat g Rink on Thurs- day, January 28t . Keep this date open. a Mr. W. J. Skel n luft on Monday night for Shawville. Quebec, to attend the funeral of his.» ather-inrlaw, Mr. Noble Armstrong. f Old Presbyterian! Young People's Assoldiation held _ very enjoyable sleighing party to r. W. Wardlaw's on Monday evening st. subscription Price. Telephone No. 26 Lothls Shoe Store for Bargains in Ladies Evening and Dress Shoes. _ I ie-------)"; For Infants and Children. The Kind fa ilciisj Always Eaughi Bears the Signature of CASTOR Lik WESTON § Weston, Ont, Friday, JanuaryUgth. 1915. ii2pr it5itturs arIitAlir11lirt ADVERTISING RATES ON APPLICATION ry Concert and Stiap 3: IT by {Brian Chilton, Cross man 112111 on, Tuiss6ay ever; Sitter, l s",', The et.?Hoer/nisi'-,ti,)i5i'iilWt,'l"t a dbrt in the "picistri'ii.1t'Rb5iff, Praise“, Baritone); Mfs? "'c'3rii'iiris 1srerved at-e or’ck‘ck, 'or Ticketsf35 Cents. l, PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY ronto ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO If the Methodist C [-t:scial/rea on See Mr. J E. WHINTON, Propticfor ,ntr Mi an t t: the our treett on the The York Frmcrs’ Colonizatio Company forwaded us a cheque of $1,000 as a firt' instalment for the construction of , his water main ex- tension. This ‘eaves a balance of $47.54 to be turned to them, the total cost of the water main having cost less than thi amount advanced. Dr. Charlton as elected chairman of the Commisr‘n for the year 1915. H. Cousins wag elected chairman of the Waier Dev“. rut the year 1915. T. Cruielrshad was electrrd chi"- t278tr, of the Eled#riea1 Dept. for vear The silperinten5ent submitted a re- port of the totiil cost of the water main extension tron, Weston Road, south of St. Jolin’s Road, and along Edmund Avenue“? Total cost fom labor aand The Commissiolrg met on Wednesday the 13th, 1915. l Communications from: Toronto Free s4rIospital for Con- sumptives, re léght and Power for the Hospital. t Hydro ytect4 Commission, quot- ing the reduced gems on electric light for the year 1918 materials ei............,....:.] Commission of t per Cent for supervision 3.. ............1... Nor, Moésrs. T. WM. McLiedz't,%relTii- Intosh, Tyrwhit} T. W. Rogers, H. J. Th: f'ol’owing ladies will take part in "The Kleptomaniaer--Mrs. Church, the Misses Bell, Miss Craven, Miss Hazel Rowntree, Miss Musson, Miss Sosnowski . The following will take part in "Our ftegimer1t"-Nisses Bookless, Savage, Irvine, Mrs. Am- It is hcped that the public will en- thusiastically support the artistic ef- fort, and for this added reason that the proceeds are to be used in helping sewral distressed families in the town, whose breadwinners are out of work owing to the War. The whole entertainment is on a The Council held Uni]? inaugural more ambitious (scale than anything meeting in the i ownship Hall, on ever attempted in Weston, and from Monday, January? 11th, 1915, the the patient and persevering work and Reeve, Chas.\Silve thorn in the chair skilled instruction that has keen put all the _l,i1ol1ii1i,(,i',f,siriftrCs,sr,i1cr1,i1. into it, the public, will be justified in J'acyrion-Barreteii, " That the Reeve expecting something quite out of the and Cormcillor Wg'ight be and they ordinary line of Weston Entertain, are hereby appoi-niied as a Legislative ments. rian;4-+m\ LA h. F..- “a. 1.1._ 3_L~_VVL» A sscond playlot entitled "The 1Eleptorrrarriae" presents a number of ladies in pursuit of a woman-bhiet, and raises the laugh from beginning to end. _ In these days all our talk is of sol- diers, armour and war-even the Wes- ton Dramatic Club has been invaded by the war fever and for some months past has been preparing a military play called "Our Regiment" under the coaching of Mr. W. J. Stanislas Romain, of the Hambourg Conserva- tory. Mr. Romain himself has kindly consented to take the leading Tart, and has given" himself untiringly to the task of bringing all the caste up to his own level of dramatic ability. The play is in three acts, and is full of amusing scenes, pretty costumes and gay uniforms. A sscond nlavlpt rsrnfaHh,rq 'rrPTnr, PIANO TUNER-John T. Anderson, 200 Beresford Avenue, West Toronto, will visit Weston every week. Orders for Piano Tuning to be left with Miss M. Forsythe, Music Teacher, Weston. SOLDIER S! SOLDIERS ! SOLDIERS! celebrated actor L Yew fihrii2/iii,' Guy Warpener n “Orr Regiment†Friday, February ifth. Lung Balsam §tops that cough and Cure-a-Cold "tks up a tyold.--Ineh Weston. 'Accovntq amotfmi "dared to he T) ‘d. Cttrpcmissirm firm The Annual Mee ing of the Weston, York and Ebobico Agricultural Soc- iety will be held in the Town Hall Weston, on Tue ay, Janvary 19th, at one o’clock past. Mr. John T A demon has returned Macklin, from his winte trip up north, and Charlton will be in Westo next Week, ready to Propzrt put any piano t at is out of tune in B. J. To perfect harmony.“ All orders left with Printin; Miss Margaret 7 rsyth, Weston, will J. Bull § receive prompt _ tention. Finanu The Members of the Women's Insti- tute who are sub Pibertho the Cana- dian Ladies Jo mal, are reminded that their subscr tions are due and that the Secretat, Willrrvenew all who notify her at t meeting on Satur- day. It will pay you to look over Lott's Bargains in Shoes--f9peoiat 30 day Shoe Sale on. WATER, POW ht AND LIGHT COM {SSI'ON. Sr of '00 atrial ital. erare'tt per Annum in advance. . J. Romain. tov), labor a and y was instructed to nick’s 1, ' gii‘ingfnll wcrrtieu- cough gm ll power and light to ttcld, P i a _ A, "e for the m a“; Obi labor per Ce 5 B" rmers' ra ded us r inste f 'hiS W; " eaves turned t e water , amour T as elm s,'u' n for t" ' 47158 all: ‘Well at 15 t elected chairman of or the year 1915. was electrrd chrui-- rical Dept. for year $952.46 rmers' Colonizatio hed us a cheque of instalment for the anislas Romain, the f Yew York fame as dj ourned will continue} and fourth Tue WESTON, ONT to Trnasurer Galbraith asked leave ta address the Gouncil on the financial SOLDIERS! standing of theiiTown. He stated that 11k is of sol- last years' Cltyuncil,struck a rate on Ven we Wes- the first ot August at $61,000. The been invaded Village expenses was estimated at some months $12,000, but the expenditure was $5,000 lg a military more than that), He stated there was ment†under an OVerdraft id the Bank for 322000, J. Stanislas and we had to moet that $8000 of " Conserva- unpaid taxes £92,000 Deb. now held If has kindly by the Bank aha $10,000 to be deben- leading Tart, tures, and that 'the Council would re- ulutriring}y to quire/at least $30000 this year. 51, l? wrre $907.11 45.35 of other “mm; 011:: onfwi1ct wfh the aid. rd, Gawain _ 'rather-i-on, We 11110.10} in fhe attentio.‘ fo thettiee, Sea Our Dwimen‘, 'tirrsar. Fnhruary Fifth, Mam? Depner-Reeve andridge introduced a BrLaw to lisst1e debentures tor $r8,flflf).()f) to ma. 'fnr fhe eonstrmction of the Purnha than) Road between Dundas Street aiud tho Hanar Riva: Dandrids,re--Bar?rett-v'That, a survey be made of Ijambton Road from Government 1tolid south to a point near Fisher Lave at a' cost of not more (han Twed/tv-five dollar's.†ordered-to hp w The Council . J aeesor1-Wrigkt-"That the follaw- ing persons he tzefunded or remitted the respective 1 mounts set opposite their respective names the said amounts having been collected or charged in surrey, M. (Peacock, $10, Gen. Twp. rate; E. W. H, Goudy, $1, dog tax, he not owing a dog; Mrs. Adams, Lambton Mills, $6.00, og tax, her dogs either having died or been stolen, and that the corporate seal be attaehedihereto." Jackson-Wright-what the Trea- surer be and ht 1% hereby authorised to pay the sum of; $25.00 as a krant to the Treasurer ob? the Islington Public Library, and thht the corporate seal be attaehedwherdbo." Danpridsyr--Eariete--'m1at the Clerk WATER, be and he is hcr?e)py instructed to Dre-i pare M-laws for§ the issue of deben- tures for the sun; of $2000 for School Section No. 3, (also for the sum oil $800 for School Section No. 14." I The Bamseteanprii1ges-'m1at) the Clerk Hours be authorized ito order suifoient 'rf=T't_- stationery, blank forms, etc,, and tiyiigiiyigiE 8 copies of the; (Municipal World tor .- il the use of the mémbers of the Council a and assessors., (i, p TI- Courtilor Wright introduced a By- Law to appoini‘j a member of the Local Board of Health and Sanitary Inspector for the; current year. W. O'Connor appoint'ed on the Board and P. B. Lockwoodé Sanitary Inspector for Division 1 an 2; George Simpson for Divisions 3 33nd 4; A. H. Brooks for Divisions 5iand b'; and J. T. Brown for 7 and ï¬. The 1015 Tiiliatrica1s by Weston Dramatic 2y,",eritiisg and Bet- ter than Before,V Friday, February Fifth. S oacyrion-Barrett,i-r That the Reeve and Councillor ngght be and they are hereby appohi ed as a Legislative Committee to regu‘esent the interests of the Township En" Etobieoke at the Local Legislature?" The Counen prjpointed the first and third Mondays véach month at 8 o'clock p.I_n. as their night) of meeting. “The Council aftiorrned ti', meet on Monday, Januar/ 18th. ETOBICOKE TOWNSHIP COUNCIL Reeve Gardliouse introduced a By- Law to appoint an Auditor. R. C. Jennings was] appointed, his Tremur1- eration to be (iii. Councillor Mycklin introduced a By- Law to appdfjnt a member of the Public Library;? Board, appointing A. L. Campbell ttl the position. Councillor Hugill introduced a By- Law to appoiritt a member of the local Board of sidk,ii/ appointing Lorne McEwen to the position. . ' no - 4.11.: IllautdllUU UO‘S From A. G. Goulding, making ap- plication for the/position of Treasurer TARIFF“ of the Town. _’: Royal, Guardian, Canadian National, From A. Mgllaby, making appli- North British & Mercantile, and Atlas, cation, for the position of Assessor. NON-TARIFF. The striking comrmjttve reported the Merchants,London Mutua1,& Factories following committees which were; -AND--- adopted, EXCELSIOR LIFE _ - Strevts and ; sidewalks-Council) ' and TRAYELLERS Macklin, Reevé Gardhouse, Mayor ACCIDENT AND HEALTH Insurance Charlton. ' _ __ AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE From Royal Insurance Company ere closing renewal geceipt on Exhibition Grounds. g- The Mayor the]; o1ytru'eed tlie work to bedceomplisheg by the Council this year. _, The following Communications were read: , The striking aomxmittve reported the following committees which were adopted. Clem H. J. 'rayt'ioc administered the oath of oftioe to] the Mayor, Reeve and Councillors. .f The Council jappointed Mayor Charlton, Reeve Cardhouse and Coun- cilior Bud a striking committee and adjourned till [Sq-pm At the evening f meeting the Mayor in the crair, all he Cour1eiiUrs pres- ent, the Mayor called on Dr. Long to open the proeeedrpgs with prayer. Property Ian'd Sewers-Colm/or B. J. Totten aim M. J. Harris. _ Printing ant) Charity-Councillor J. Bull gnd Mg. J. Harris. F'ir1ar:ee--CrouiVi1lor W. J. Inch, Councillor Jai. Hugill and Reeve J. M. Gardhogim. Toe w,me'il hel , their Inaugural meeting on Monda , January 11th, at 11 o’clocx arm. J: d "'r'o"r" tx office Hours:-- to It. s-vltr, l to 3 and i' to MU p-m muone Weston No. 87. WnU;UN TOWN COUNCIL. DIR, W. E, PEARSON, Nye cian, Surgeon, etc. in amnlgnffng to $137.22 were a-fit) n talbot a, dit Mr. f AP, Prrprr _ Hons cho : 011:: mmv _ "oatheri-ol, '3‘ fo the F1ti"ar TN? FED " Mon-med , alsvam stons that $10016; breaks IIT) a jam VOTES. for either favoeks. in love wtth Erlabsr. whbqe ML hsr 43h one Qannis chair 5:1 farley's 3:18having Parlour (' $2.30 [In A rubber interlined guantlet wuh calf facing and grand fur cloth cover for iii)i)] SWEATEE WM HEATH l E. J. MUSSON VALUES _IN MENS NEWS t GUANYLETS The Hydro Electric Power belongs to the people of, Ontario. We are here to serve the t If you have any power problems; or are thinkin of wiring Four house for Electric Lights, and would like to have an idea of the cost of the Current per month, consult tls. Tungsten Lamps and Electrical Appliances at cost price to Consumers. The cleanly, Jeconomioal, fiexitle, Screens, Doors/and Hydro is helping greatly to solve Field and L manufacturing problems under pre- Max, sent day conditions. It Table. users Pedlar Steel Shing] to meet rapid changes Ill Policy, HI Portland demand, in competition. ", I POWER RATEB--servfee charge of $1 per H.P. per month,' and a Con- sumption charge of 3 cents per K.W. H. tor the first 50 hours use per month, on the installed capacity, 2 cents “per K.W.H. for the second 50 hours, and all-over these amounts at one fifth cent per K.W.H. less the following discounts. Class "A" 24 hour unrestricted use --No class discount. Class “B" 24 hour restricted use-- 10 pvr cent discount. Class "C" 10 hours unrestricted use -1() per cent discount, Class "D" 10 hour restricted 11My- 33 and or1e-third p,c. discount, In addition to the alove Class dis- counts, a discount of 10 per cent is given in all Classes for prompt pay- ment of Bills. WATER, POWER t LIGHT COMMESSIGN A. G. PEIRSON, Superintendent. No waiting. Three Also agent for reliable Nursery stock an at lowest possible rates. HYDRO THE HANDY POWER Cigars, Cigarettes and Tobaccos. Fire and Life Insuranc; Co's Agent for Butte Bank 131313.937 nrderg Are- 321fo w and Conveniedt THE BANK OF VEAI'N The first Step VERY SPECHAL Itliliill,1lfll CITIZENS OF WESTON New Offiees. Thomson Block, Main Street. Hire: 9 to 5. 'Phone 199. ' " Years 9re"irusresose. Capital Gr, WESTON BRANCH, N. J. M MT. DENNIS BRANCH, d. D. Often Emeans so much. It has meant success to thousands of young people who wrote tor our Catalogue as the first step to- ward a good salaried position. Take the step today. Address Central Business College, 395 Yonge Street, Toronto. agent for the following EAGLE BLOC WESTON Te16phone No, 30 llrilit H you' want to sentt ahy sum up to l Fifty Dollars, to aily poinf in Canada, Yukon excepte , of to any of the principal cities of thywnited States, buy a Money Order ata,,iityfy Branch of The Bank of British Ntirth America. The cost is triflingo w,i,f /'" 1), w. H. snjiy, Tn chairs operating. Iirisisident, (ELEM? Patterns 1m dï¬Ã©mï¬mrica . Capital Js'mplua $7,834,000. N. J. McEW EN, Manager. H, d. D. MILLS, Manager. BURGESS BROS (lli7liliiiii,,i'l,2' fGeo. Sainsbury FLOUR, BRAN and Gluten Meal, Oilcake, Crushed Oats) Chopped - and Straw. l w. c. BURRAGE [Builder ll Contractor 'Shelr, and Furnaces installed and all kinds of tinsmithing attended to. MOODY BROS Phone No. 16. Buy your Hockey Boots at have your Skates put Gain-3e? DANA“- “A. . ___ We_c‘arry aUull IEEBFFbeers §ty_La“of boot, Heavy Rubbers And 1:5 (i2iEf.ii 'iiiuEC'ij1irg")rLi"it"jrTr4' Main Streewa -Westoii." y " - ,, IF"""- 'e-WF"'; uwumnmuuu4 ._ . 'ra.Ft"te,t'tietissesGGarri7diG;rC2r 1wNr-i-qclFs---C.tvi= -t----=2 ;.vau_y I Paints, Oils and Vamishes. ORDERS DELIVERED Estimates given on all kinds of work Concrete MiXer for hi, capacity 40 yards a day. Pedlar Steel Shingles, Portland Cement, Carpenter and Contractor Coulter Avenue, _.. WESTON CONCRETE MIXER RR HIRE Turkeys. Geese Apples, Grape Fruit, Lemons, Cranberries, Oranges, New Figs, Malaga Grapes, Bananas. Potatoes, Cabbage, Parsnips, Carrots, Sweet Potatoes Onions, Hubbard Squash, Beets. omoe-tjppogite Bank of Nova Sectia, , Weston, Ontario. =5,55=5jrrr===z-=zzz.ert ---- , ' i DR. HAROLD L. ROWNTREE?! MAIN STREET. - WESTON Physician, Surgeon, etc. . PHONES No. 9 and 214. Pt'iee--Dundas Street, ISLINGTON. BEEF, LAMB, PORK and VEAL VEGETABLES rear ot Oldh‘am's Hardware Store 'tGbfrrroiiari'ii7i'"ii" ' it/it 't'fti"it 'ltTtTFirtilitrC'tR5rtr 13143.: MOT t Joseph St., WESTON md Heavy Hardware, Gasoline and Oil Stoves, Stoves and Furnaces a, Doors "and Windows, ' Field and Lawn Fences, Maxwell Lawn Mowers, JAS. HUGILL', PGEJLTRY HOCKEY Phone No. 106 FRUITS T I am PHONE kND RUBBER? ALEl"; N CLO tv,t17 person all pnces. 1i',ii('ipi)l " Baady Roofing , Chickens. Hesadersmis 'an‘d‘ 'ti:iiiClsLE cTirCit Eagle Block SHORTS Calf Meal, Oats, Hay, tp fit every 05594311168 mu hire, property of 1 25, Concession Have you noticed the 1tyiy1pmri,iiiirti that is going on at the North firm; of Westu? If not, make an appo‘ . meat with us and we “Will be 1724333, ta Show you over -fit, " ha,“ "We? beautifully Wejm'lwz tsirtr-dhitsiom “ :is is something the smrkiug man cannon afford to orer nr'= $125 secures a rot Very easy payzr'mts. ‘Honor Graduate (Ontario veufaa I College. xi, _ All diseases of Cattle 3, Horses _ Treated seiy,rsrtfeauy. Calls by mail or†phone promptly _"' attended. WESTON; _ 'A," Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public. 1758 Dundas St, WEST TORONTO, (above Hoar's Hardware Store), Real estate rioatsts placed at 'tmat, ra‘bes. C Telephoie, Jun‘Amu Barrister, Solicitor, Mt. _ Bank of Nova Scotia fj,t,teet, , , Phone 152, - "TolrAipt, 1ltr,lsltyAi.u,ttyyitcB,tty_ 99595113 ,ttLel'iysia' M Afternoons, 2.31 to 3.30 o'clock. t 1 Tues day and Thursday evenings, 8 to 9 o't)oek' 4 G. HOWARD GRA‘i " ‘4 Barrister, Solicitor, N?.tairTrtt,ec., ' Nova Scotia Bank Bldg., WESTON.- 1 Morn ngs and Evenings. Toronto C)ffiee--304 Lumsden Bldg., Corner Adelaide and Yonge Sts. 'Phor1e--Main 2689. ' _ J. EDGAR PARSONS, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public. Offiees, r"-" Canada Permanent Bldg., 4. 18 Toronto St,, TORONTO. MISS JESSIE E. RORKE. T Lessons in China Deeoratgng, Wood Carving and Design. China Decoration and Design for all Handicrafts. Firing carefully done: Orders solicits Studio-Joseph Street, WESTQ: Mair: Street Goplding & Hamilton Bank of Nova Scotia Bldg, Wegi or 106 Victoria St., Torottfti'/', "__-'--'-------------"-- I DR. ROY E, RICHARDSON, _" 1 Osteopath. _ _ Of Toronto Osteopathic Associatfbs/ I Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays: Cor. Main and Mill Sta, WESTON.;: 616 Bathurst Street, TORONTO. Office Hours---?, to 5 and 7 to 80.m. 'Phones-Weston 161, Tom, @990» i DR.W.J.CHAr,tL'110'N, l, Physician and Surgeon. _ Offiee--CornerrBostrmoi1at Ave. and I John Street, Weston, Ont. 'Oitiee Hours--8 to 10 a.m. 6 to 8 pm: . Sunday, 8 to 10 3.111. l 1057 Weston Road NURSE AULD, King George Road, Weston. Terms Moderate. ""-""t, Glasgow Training Home, Scotland†MA R k AR f1T R. GILLETTE“. MEAL Graduate Toronto Conservatory of Music. Piano-Teachers N ornial Course. I Pupils, prepared tor Conservatory Exams. Studio, Room T, Nova Scotia Bank Bdg. Weston--- NN edncsday, Saturday, Monday and Thursday mornings. Phone 48. Arm 415 Bloor Street,' west, . -." -. _ - mum, Consultation hours, 10 a.m., 3 PUD., and by appointment. Tel. Col. 2602. Oftiee-0ppoaite Bank Maria Stpisat, Jan. 20 Private funu‘s to' loan on first class security. (3&4 1 to 2 pm. €238.30 'Phone-Islington 21 r 'Phone, 'Jct. 3055: Hot1rs-0.3t) a.m. to 8.30 C. LORNE FRASER, Mix! G, W. COULTER, V. B. L. L. T, MORLEY, Conservatory Student Teacher of the Violin. 2. H. D. LIVlNGSToma, lilar, Nose and Throat. hfef . B. EDMUNDS . JOHN B. Ancss,7 Dentist. J. T. HACKETT, Dentist. C)ftiee Hours, _ o , Auction Sale of Tmplements, th J. Crumbie, Lo robicoke. SALES Mount Dennis ONTMIO. WESTON. Toronto, Weston, 99L.