Ontario Community Newspapers

Times & Guide (Weston, Ontario), 8 Oct 1909, p. 5

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6ENTS' FURNISHINGS MAIN ST. - WE: KEYS Be BULL HOME STUDY COURSES _ /tah Acndemicul and many Technjcal Sub- jie%arcysrided for. ‘Write torcutaiogtle. State W92}; in'eferred. A ii‘lfhe‘Shgw Correspondence School I. ' _ §95 Yonge Street, Toronto DIRT QISCOM FORT BLSEASE _ Cash, Mutual and Stock. . Full GovesrrtrrerceDepotsit fFor Bates apply to E, J. MUSFON, WESTON, of drop a. card comma Ottiee, 157 Bay Street Toronto. Building Plans and Speeifi- cations prepared. Estimates given. Contracts taken. A-s-os-r--. THE YORK FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, JUST IN SOMETHING TO SUIT EVERYBODY New line'of gents' Furnish- ings, Ties, Shirts and Socks. a -rsr-sr9srv"sdrseh9V It a man hat a tries to live up to likely to consider FALL SUITS and 0YERC0ATS HARDWARE MERCHANTS, Main St., - Weston, Ont. Orders delivered. Phone No. 14 Builder & Contractor Insure in the York Fire Some: Church and Wellington Streets. W. c. BURRAGE North Station St. WESTON of stylish patterns. white shop on EL P, IRWIN Vanna. PAID UP - $4,000,000.00 RESERVE - - 8i,500,000.00 i, 'een Doors, Screen Windows, All sizes, at lowest prices. with some class to 'tll TOUR [Ill [WWW . E. COLEMAN . R. WADSWORTH Deposits received in Savings Department of $1.00 and up- wards, and interest allowed thereon at Current Rates. He has the ehoicest Main Street Weston {re all carried by the house fly He can make, an overcoat You will find him TORONTO BRANCH KEEP "T OUT All tha latest patterns for UNION LABEL Call and see my display MANAGER. Luasmu, 1855. ”WP-”mnw I Use, BEAUTYLENE FOR BAND- Fridays and i, Ter-Ti-""-""."-".'----".'-":-"-"-'.'"-"". REEF, FALLING HAIR and restor- than Tuesday, bod reputation and ing the COLOR. The only guaranteed each week. H this neighbors awe Hair Restorer. Inch, Optician and select hogs. dm a hypocrite. Chemist, sole manufacturer. to 220 pounds. NTO in the little WESTON selection I Thanksgiving services were largely GUNNS', Limited, wish to am“: , iattended here on (Sunday, the singing farmers that they prefer deliveries n {being well conduct-led. y live hogs at their packing l:c":a i - West Toronto, 91; Wednesdays am Us? BEAUTYLENE FOR DAND- Fridays and in any mouse. not carnal RUET, FALLING HAIR and restore than Tuesday, or later than Friday ing the COLOR. The only guaranteed each week. Highesblttices paid I(' flair Restorer. Inch, Optician and select hogs. weisrhdicbreterred, l n Singer Sewing Machine (Ma 26 Dundas St. E. WEST TORONTO Mr. and Mrs. "P. Baldock of Thistle town were visitipg friends in High- field on Sunday list. It is now pretty Well known among hunters that the best Deer hunting country in Ontario is on the line of the Canadian Northern Ontario and that Hunters receive Hecial attention. Mr. C. Price Green, I1tseuger Agent of the line is a hunter himself who. goes right with the parties and looks after them, in fact he located most of them. This year the line will be opened North of Sellwood into the midst of the Moose Country, they are reported very thick, the Engineers say that thev have never seen anything like it, the Moose season up there opens October I5th, fifteen davs before the Deer. We have something special on a new place that will take three parties of Deer Hunters. Write. Northern Building, Toronto. Wonder what appened W. H Sunday night. Newly renovated and specially adapt- _ ed for the reception of Frank McDonald SEWING MACHINE Mr. Haycock i installing the water-works in hi old stables. Mr. and, Mrs. Rt) Banks and family Were visiting a ' Mr. Wm. Clarkson on Sunday. , Mr. Bundle obtéined first prize for his team in the agricultural class at Weston Fair. i - BOYS Sc h oot Three miles from To- ronto, Visitor. Lord W Bishop of Toronto. eston Large and beautiful , grounds. Boys pre- '0~TARIO' pared for the Univer- sity and Royal Military College. Special attention given to juniors and boys entering commercial lite. Reopens Sept. 13th. For prospectus apply to M. E. Matthews, Head Master. Coal and Wood H U N T E R S' 'fliii.,iiiiittf Something About iltii'ilfj) Moose and Deer I © LiL'"" 'Vvv 2'i5iitii'iisistiiha? St. Alban’s sA(l)1l.,1cjh _-iilii',ii),)'ii"iiiff OW. l YOUR COURSE , IN SHORTHAND BUSINESS l I758 Dundas St., West Toronto. A number of s udents from Weston and vicinitv are now in attendance Others are invited. Particulars free on request, W. IE. SHAW, Pres. J. F. FOSTER, Prim Undertaking and Embalming Promptly Attended To c. PRICE GREEN, BEAUTYLENE FOR THE HAIR ALBION HOTEL THISTLETOWN, ONTARIO RESIDENCE will bring you best results if taken at our I old established and thoroughly reliable school. Catalogue free. British American Business Coll, Y. M. C. A. Building, Toronto, )seVs"-s--w'Nrssw-s,-eq call in and get our prices Lessons Given Free. Embroide‘ry a Specialty. There are advantages in buying near home. Mrs. E, Mungovan, EKGHFIELD. JAS. GARDHOUSE DRIVING PARTIES Sessions now open at the DAY and NIGHT Before Buying a OI? ALL KINDS. DEALER IN Proprietor MAIN Sr., I Canadian Mr. Geo. T. Elder of Elders Mills was] a sueeessh1I prize winner at Bolton Fair this week. He got lst for roadster brood mare, lst’ for yearling roadster' colt, entire; and 2nd for 2 yrs old firly carriage. WOODBRIDGE FAIR. Mr. Frank Uarrutner's baby's Dealt!) is very much improved. October 12 and 13. i 35- Everything is now in readiness tor Miss Creig and Miss Watson ot To- the largest Fair in the history of the ronto spent the week, end with Mrs. Woodbridge Agricultural Society and and Mr. G. Carruther s. if tine weather prevails one of the . . .t, biggest crowds etrer seen in. Wood-' Miss Leila Bel? as the guest of bridge will be here; Secretary Wal- Mrs. and Mayor 01979? of Torcpto Is lace informs us that the entries are spending a few weeks in Chicago. if? in excess to those of last Ttar-i' - a e first day will be taken up with a big amateur athletic demonstrationi PITY THIS POOR GIRL. tor school children and amateur! Growing fat-yes, into weakness, athletes. About $100 will be giVen but without strength. Tired she is- for open events grid about $30 for pale and thin too. She doesn't eat school children. Lacrosse match ber enough and digests far too little. tween Brampton and Woodbridge and iThis condition $250 common, but how a football match b tween Teston and, seldom noticed "Wen by fond parents. Nobleton has been ’rranged and alto- (Give her FecroUne---ihen watch her gether this should gnake a grand pro-lappetite improve-tApes her cheeks and gramme tor this fitpt day, With con- Hips grow ruddy '5 etch her spirits cert in Oranger‘Hall in the evening rise. This gain _ic'i(1iliifil11y the result given by the WestQil Band who will Lot eating and digesitiilit enough, and play during the afternoon . \thereby nourishing blood, brain and The second day, fwill as usual, be i, nerves. To a woman Ferrozone re- the big event. (Judging will takeIstores strength she has lost-to a place in all live stfck classes, except ‘girl it brings strength perhaps she poultry, which will be judged first never knew. You’ll try Ferrozone, day, along with al the classes in the '50e. at all dealers. Main Hall. Spee ing on the trace,l, tree-tor-all, 2.50 lift farmers 1tlrogh -----t3----- Hurdle race, and "l dy driver wi e among the features? tor the afternoon W est Toronto. programme. Band 1bt, 48th Highlandw ers will be preserQ and give a con- - cert at night. épeoial trains willl BEAUTYLENE 10R THE HAIR. leave Toronto at 1930 a.m. and 12.30 1 The remains of Ibseph Paul 95 Mu, noon, call at all stations, with four:100k avenue, wha' was crushed to trains returning it” 5583 I/ll 7'2.7"death between tio freight cars at and .1030 p.m.. all“: Directors 'yr"brsrrrgev'iiie will irhe brought to West sparmg no pains it) make this years Toronto for-inter ient Fair the biggest ever. h u I If; . A special feature ',im t e prog "amme' I . . F n' _ will be a tug-Y-set for teams7 from lgagyleattaktlhlg 131133;; ii1tf1i1eed,ocihihl Vaughan, Etohlcoke, for“, 'lessee/tstrc/si' afternoon, K. Holdsworth, and Woodbridge, Hap {1mm y ' one of the players) got his leg broken ReeVe‘Of eaCh mur1itfipality. (fl/l, was r-vo/t {in his hnmP. 204 Mr. If. J. Hassard, V. S., of Delor mine, Man., formerly of this town, was in Bolton this week, buying up a carload of horses for the western trade. He reports good times in his district. At the village Council on Monday evening last. Mr. John McBride was appointed Tax collector 'tor this year. The ratepayers will have un- til Oct. 23rd to pay their taxes. The tax bills wilt be out next week. Mr. Jos. J. Waéson has his house on Wallace street {about finished out- side. Mr. Thos. Longbotton is do- ing the brickwork; Messrs. Franks 8; Watson are build- ing a large warehdyse next to their present store on tlie site 0f the office of the late T. F. Wallace, Mr. o. J. s. Little, formerly school teacher at Pine Grove, was here Pe- newing aeauaiutadpes last week. Oliver has gone to Toronto univer- sity to take a course in medicine. Messrs. Dodds Bros. have gone to Chatham for two inonths, where they have a contract Effor baling a large amount ot hay. 'l, Mr. Chas. o. ;Stuart and family have removed t Deseronto where Stuart Bros. meg cunning the Deser- onto Hotel. :2 Mr. Geo. Wallace, Jr., has returned home trom spending two weeks with relatives in Chicagp. A s eelai Ieature ll we yiogumume . . a . will bl; a tug-oi-wal for teams from‘; While stale,' P199“, lgtgmt-foog‘balg Vaughan Etobicok8, York, Weston game af, e 119% e IC 1e d W ’dbrid ce tiaptained by the 1Saturday afternoon, K. HoldsWorth, 'l2 v chOeach 'i'fi'ar1ifrap'a111"yl l one of the prayers)! got his leg broken. ee ero ii . He was removegi to his home, 204 --------or"ii--- {Dovercourt road}? in Speers' private rw " (ambulance, HolSworth is an em- H E DIED OF KIDNEY DISEASE. {ployee of the Torénto Carpet Co. How often we hear of these sadt g} cases. The back-u-pa/lips and headache l The West Tororvtio Private Hospital were noticed-but n06; treated. Dizzy ' has removed tronlits old quarters on spells, frequent callsgand languid crowieitie avenue to its new home, cor- dition 'appeared, Iht) nothing was ner of Louisa s§eet and Lakeview done till the disease 'triass far advanc- ‘> avenue. Tho new Wilding consists ot ed. Cure invariably issults from Dr. |a pair of semi-de ched brick houses, Hanriltot1's Pills. Th3, restore health’and the patients were tcansierred destroy every 537319.35; bf diseased there on Saturday in Speere' private kidneys, build up coqsmtiigions that ambulance. g; defy further outbreate.1f%"eactse mire-l, it', 1y vegetable and free iieilt',i1 injuriousi Police constabits Croome and materials, no remedy equals Dr. Ham-gFerguson of No. t division and P. C. ilton's Pills for Kidney and Liver,Haze1wood from No. 3 division went complaint. Sold in Mc. boxes by alljn duty to-day in West Toronto to dealers. l take the place of :ex-Sergt. Peters and Mr. and Mrs. John Wood, oi Tor- onto, were guests of his Aunt, Mrs, T. F. Wallace, last Sunday. FOR FINE STATIONERY AND BEST VALUE, Inch, the Optician, Weston. The next sitting of the seventh division Court will be held on Satur- day, Oct. 30th 1909. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Elliott spent last Sunday in Eait Toronto. A large number irop1 here attended Bolton Fair on Tuesday last. BEAUTYLENE FOR THE HAIR WOODBRIDGE Ed. W. Brown, Art Printing House, Correspondent. 1 At a regular meeting of the Clarke (Wallace, L. O. L. to. 961 which was ‘held in Brown's HNI, Bloor Street West on Thursday Elast Oct. 7th an address was given; by B. W. Bro. Harry Lovelock, D.W. M. Ont. West 1which was listened? to with great “interest. Songs #ere sung by W. ‘Bro. Wm. McKendry,‘ P. D. M. North- ern District and several other of the gLodge. Piano Bolos: were contributed by Bros. Reg. Correll. After amost ‘enjoyable evening:hah been spent, the ‘brethren conferred the Royal Arch Degree on a number of members of No. 961. Wor Master Geo. A. Mores and Rec. Secretary B. K. Correll (state that in future Lodge Dues can be paid to any of the following brethern, S. R. Correll 324 Bartlett lAve; T. Conboy 483 Delaware Ave; (A. Prior 139 Westmoreland Avenue; A. Jones, 407 Salem Ave. God Save ithe King. Mrs. A. Scythes:f and Mr. G. Bal- tour spent B11ndayi, in our midst. Mrs. Fred Jacksfpin is able to be up and around again-'5 te What happened $1.0 the rhubarb out of the church. We, have been request- ed to ask, _ DOVERCOURT. Miss Ethel Apind spent Sunday at her home here. Mrs. Phillips Srij; is spending a few days with her daughter fa town. We are all very glad to hear that Mr. Frank' Carruther's baby's health is very much improved. Growing fat-yes, into weakness, but without strength. Tired she is- pale and thin too. She doesn't eat enough and digests far too little. This condition it'r,so common, but how seldom noticed ewe); by fond parents. Give her Ferroi)ne---then Watch her appetite improve-tbee her cheeks and lips grow ruddy 'a,', a’eph her spirits rise. This gain Xsimgly the result of eating and digesting enough, and thereby nourishing blood, brain and nerves. To a woman Ferrozone re- stores strength she has lost-to a girl it brings strength perhaps she never knew. You’ll try Ferrozone, 50e. at all dealers. The remains of Jhseph Paul, 95 Mu- look avenue, whe was crushed to death between tto freight cars at Orangeville will be brought to West Toronto ior-interrilent, St. Edmonds Anglican Church held their annual thanksgiving Festival on Wednesday eVeningi'; Oct. 6th. Special music was rendered by the choir and the church was mill filled. Mr. Ralph Potter has returned from the Island where he has spent the summer months and is now residing with his mother on Orchard Heights. Mr. Fred Poultoh of 85 Armstion'g Avenue is reported to be ill and under the care of Dr. Conboy. Police Constablcs Croome and Jas. Ro'hertson. P _ Ferguson of No. 7; division and P. 0.1 \ PIGS Hazelwood from No. 3 division went!, . 'f"" on duty to-day in West Toronto to! BeI‘KShlges. take the place of "sex-Serge. Peters and) Boar, any age-1st'i;Thos. Teashfale P. C's Lavery and Gooderham, who 2nd Thos. Teasdale. ii' have been transferred to city stations Sow any age-lst/WS. Teasdale; "Burt" Peters, ad, he was familiarly 2nd Thos. Teasdale. i. known in West Torénto, has distingui-' Boar, under six pionthelst Th0s. shed himself on several occasions in Teasdale; 2nd Tho-st. Teasdale. capturing criminals, and his removal" Sow, under six ',months--1st C, from ward seven will be looked on Usher; 2nd Thos. Téasdale. with regret. P. ,C’s Lavery and. Boar any age-lst', Joseph Feather- Gooderham, who have gone to Ossing- son. t'; ton avenue statics, were also quite Sow any age--1se Joseph Feather- popular with the general public dur- son; 2nd M. Ramsay':,. ing their stay in West Toronto. f (Continued on page 8). a pair of semi-de ched brick houses, and the patients were tcansterred there on Saturday in Speere' private ambulance. ir.?, Mr. Wm. Burns gar Delaware Avenue who owned a very Valuable dog of the Bull Dog breed has suffered a great financial logs by the death of the dog from distemper. Mr. and Mrs. Williamson of Dela- ware Ave. have gone to live in the city for the winteri months. The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alf. House is stilt in bed and under the care of the goctor for typhoid fever. i DOWNSVIEW BEAUTYLENE FOR THE HAIR From our own Correspondent. “£3111? Cir"iiiii2'i1g V3 yrs.--lit A. Bal- dock. 's, Team in Harness-lst J . Graham; 2nd M. Ramsay. , Gen. Purpose Team-lst Geo. Farr; 2nd J. Clarkson. Durhap- Bull Calf under 1 yrv-lst J. Gard- house. " Filly or Gelding' 2 yrs.-1st Jas Bagg & Son; 2nd T. W. Osborne. - Filly or Gelding 1 yr.-lst T Stobbart; 2nd Geo. Dawson. A Agr. Tearn-lst o. Bundle; 2nd Wm A. Dale. Héifer Cali-lst John Gardhouse & Son. Filly or Gelding 2grs.--lst Jas. Bagg & Son; 2nd Lewis Walterhouse. Filly or Geldin 1 yr.-9st F. A. Pearson; 2nd T. Siobhan. Broad Mare IM, Foal-lst J. L. Reid; 2nd Jas. Tilt. Spring Colt-lst Jas. Bagg & Bon; 2nd Thos Camplim' Team in Harntiss-1st D. L. Mc- CW1re; 2nd M. W. garter. Single Horse in Harness-lst A. Hewson; 2nd D. V McClure. Dapple Grey 'Horse-lst M. W. Carter; 2nd R. G, Purchase. Filly or Gelding 3yrs.-1st A. Hew- son; 2nd Chas. Gregg. Broodeare and Foal-1st Wm Dobson. ' Herd Dairy Cattle. Grade Heifer, 2 yrgs.--1st Geo. Farr Best JEerd of 3 Cows-lst Jno Milne; 2nd Geo. Farr. CatSWold. Ram, 2 shearis and over-lst William Patterson., Team in Harness-lst Jas. Greig; 2nd Frank Rogers. Single Horse in Harness-lst C. Dolson; 2nd R. H. Boyes. _ Filly or Gelding 3 yrs.--1st Joseph Harrison; 2nd H., Sheard. Ram, l shear-1s? Wm. Patterson; 2nd P. w, Boynton)', Ram lamb-lst P2 W. Boynton; 2nd Wm. Patterson. 2 Ewe 1 'shear anti} ovdr--lst Wm. Patterson; 2nd P. W. Boynton. Ewe lamb-lst P}: W. Boynton; 2nd P. W. Boynton. i I, .m . L! . L _ Southdpwn. J? ht1c._, South/town. tr: 11;..w Ewe, 1 shear and lover-Ut T. Gra- ham. 5; DORSET HORN. Ram, 2 shears and'wsrer-1st Jas Robertson. '; Ram,; 1 shear-lst Jig. Robertson. Ram lamb-lst ‘Jasgs Robertson. Ewe, 2 shears ands? over-lst Jas Robertson. 'Y Ewe, 1 shear and over-lst Jas Robertson; 2nd Jas. Robertson. Filly or Gelding 2 yrs.---1st3. Gra- ham; 2nd C. Cameron. Stallion, 2 yrs-lst Jas. Neal. Filly or Gelding 1 yr.-1st John Gardhouse and Son. Milch Cow any ate-lst J. Gard- house; 3nd J. Gardhiiuse & Son. _ Heifer 2 yrs.---]. Gardhouse & Sons 2nd J. Gardhouse & Sons. Holsteins. Bull Calf under 1 yr.--lst G. H McKenzie; 2nd Thos. Bagg. Spring Giit-ast- T. T. Castator; 2113 Jas. Bagg & Bon. Heifer 1 yr.-1st J. Gardhouse & Son; 2nd J. Gardhouse & Sour - Milch Cow any age-lst Geo. Farr; 2nd Thos Bagg. A Heifer 2 yrs-lst Geo. Farr. Heifer 1 yr.--1st Geo. Farr. Heifer Calf-lst Geo. Farr. Ewe, 2 shears ips over-lst Wm Patterson; 2nd P. F. Boynton. - Shrspsiiire. Ram, 2 shears anti over-Ist Thos. Graham. 2; Ram, 1 shear-Ist/Those. Graham. Ram lamb-lst Thbs. Graham; 2nd Th0s. Graham. 1 Ewe, 2 shears and? over-Ist Thos. Ewe, 1 shear and ibirer---1st Thom. Graham. T g Ewe, 2 shears amL over-lst John Gardhouse & Sod; 2nd John Gard- house & Son. , Filly or Gelding 3 yrs.--1st Richard H. Boyes; 2nd W. Steen. Filly or Gelding 2 yrs.--1st M. W. Carter; 2nd J. Watt. Filly or Gelding 1 yr.--1st W. Steen; 2nd K. Betridge. Brood Mare and Poal--1st W. Stein; 2nd Jas. Bagg & Son. Ram lamb-lst John Gardhouse; 2nd John Gardhouse.i The dog race tis usual was one of the most attraetire features about a dozen entries being made. Great ex- citement was manifested both by the contestants and the spectators. The finish was a close? one, Brian Ambler’s '"Fupe" a dog qt no certain breed th1ishing just ahead of Bruce Pollards collie. Earl Lewis finished third. spring"aut-1st Wm. Dobson; 2nd Jas, Bagg & Sons, - Brood Mare and Ii'oa1---1st C Cameron. Ewe lar/b-lst Jas,,' Robertson Jas. Robertson. , "iirs/rrarnb-1st Ttéiys. Graham; 2nd Thos. Graham. i; Lincolms. Ram, 2 shears and? over lst John Gardhouse & Son. ",l Ewe, 1 shear and (iver--John Gard house; 2nd John Gardhouse & Son. Ewd, lamb-lst J, Gardhouse; 2nd J. Gardhouse & Son}. (Continued Srom 'page 1) ROAD STER HORSES . CATTLE SHEEP ; 2nd Mc- _ Fort SA LE or 10 RENT.--New brick a house, 7 rooms, on Maria Street, A. ')yeston, will be finishsd about lst ShLES1iAN--Whole or part tame; liberal terms; prompt pay. Out- fit free. Over five hundred acres in trees. Write at once, tt Canada's Oldest Nurseries," Thos, W. Bowman & Sen Co. Ltd , Ridgeville. Ont. J. K. MCEWEN, Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York, Peel and Simcoe. Deale: in Real Estate. Village and Farm Propelties for Sale or Rent. Ofiiee, Main St., Weston. Long distance Telephone connection. Schomberg Woodbridge Foul SALhl.--Wiikinson cutting box and blower w'th pipes complete, nearly new. Apply Trethewey Model Farm. tfe October Ir-Executor's sale of farm stock and implements the estate of the late John Brett, Lots 26 and 27, Concession 4, Etobicoke. TENDERS WA1>§TEp - Fy plying J. MCGLYNN. King Street, Weston, Refrigerator and Cabinet maker. Upholstering dare on best terms. tfe FARM To RENT. Lor sy-v/pw/tion , at pr October 16-Trnportant auction sale 'of hprses, cows and implements the 1it)2)ji"-vt,fi'i of Mr. Andrew Tyrwhitt at CEst iville. - Cement blockigfor house in WLde bridge. Apply *0 W. A. Snider. Woodbridge, Ont.? 2te TOROIVI‘O. COR. YONGE & ALEXANDER STS, A HIGH CLASS I‘CHOOL J%ter any time Graduates rear1i-'sy get pos'tions. Write to day for haudmme catalogue Nuvemher. Apply to John Gould'ing, Maria Street, Weston. tfe - occupied by ‘Ir. JaLes Shield Apply to y October 11-i1piirtat1t auction sale of a valuable fariti, the property of Mr. William Wigson situated near Tullamore. if ltpd October 18-drnportant auction sale of farm stock and implements the property of Mr. John J. Walker, Chinguacousy Towrrship, near Rpa- hamsVille. Advertrsoments under this head. 1 cent per word for the tirstiueertiort and , cent per word for each subsequent insertion. No", ICE is hereby given that a Court, will be held, pursuant to the On. tario Voters Lists Act by His Honor the Judge of the (juunty Court of the County of York, at the Town Hall,2§?g Weston, on Monday, the Jiighteerfih C) day of October, 1909, at we o'eloek - 1tTrn., to hear and determine '0Fm12.,~ plaiuts of errors and omissions in the Voters' List of the Murricurality of the Village of Weston, for the year 19%» October 12--Irruihrtant auction sale of cattle the roperty of Albert Elliott at Boltort),8 October :),t4o-pttita,1t, Credit Sato of Farm Stock a; d Implements, the property of Mr. W; J. Duncan, Lot f), Con. 5, York. , _ October ls-Imp/inane Credit Sale of horses, farm Implements and turni, ture the property of Mr. Jas. Robin- son, Clairville. " October 9-Lnportant auction sale of horses and cattle, the property of Mr. W. Bmllinger at Bchomberg. MCEWEN AND BAIGEON'S SALES COURT OF REVISION. Dated October 5:13,,13QQ. Condensed Advertisements W-HNIU-xm' It lo who to say a good word for yourself or your business whether your stock In {ratio bo~merch4 and!” or labor,' Want Ado. are the most direct "no of oommunloatlon " the best buyers. Say a 1ir000 Word LOCAL my: DATES NRC. Tfshs Mo: ELLAN. 51am meet, Weston @le OTT V iitrcu209.----e cevr /tf)' " f J. H, TAYLOR, Cle, k. tl 14 and 15 00 i 12 and 13. at present NW ree,

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