Ontario Community Newspapers

Times & Guide (Weston, Ontario), 8 Oct 1909, p. 4

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.x Subscription Price, $1.00 per year Telephone No. 26 -----_ Mrs. E. Farr h d a reception on Friday which was rgely attended. 7 Miss Lottie ohiityrnan left here on Tuesday last to vi it her sister Mrs. C. D. Holley ot S 5 Louis, Mr. E. Glirthornj of Toronto was the guest of Mr. harles Eagle over Sunday. “Maple Hill." Color. It s cures dandruff. A New line of 'shirts, ties, socks and gents furnishings in general is now on show at W. E. Coleman’s tailor store. The Rev. R. . Hamilton Will deliver farewell ad resses to the con- gregation of the ' esbyterian Church at the morniog d evening services on Sunday. u Miss Deldee Nis at of Niagara-on- The-Lake is visitit _ Miss Annie Eagle Heavy winter andershirts regular 1.00 and L25---7M. at Gabel’s. A Court of Rarision to hear ap- peals against the _ oters List will be held by his Hono , Judge Morgan on Monday October , at 10.30 a.m. Odd Vests is} -fsc/ys large assort- pggtpt-35e. each at Gabel’s. ,Mr.‘AndreW Ty ,Whitt of Clairville intends taking his residence in Weston. He W 1 reside in Mr. Russell's house " John Street. Mrs. W. E. Elle by gave a most enjoyable tea 0 Wednesday. She was assited in ceiving her numer- ous guests by M .- E. Farr and Miss Mabel Farr. ‘rs. N. J. McEwen sang during t afternoon and a guessing eompetttion caused great amusement, the inner being Miss Laura Duncan. ' Bargains in all mens wear at Gabel's. Mr. J. Taylor has purchased from Dr, 1 E. F. Irwin, the building formerly) occupied by the Weston Tool and Novelty Company t 2d the property on which it stands. sis property has a considerable fronta on Main Street and We understand Mr. uaylor intends erect;- ing houses on it,:tiijeld on the street which runs through 'he propenty to the railway track. 'i, Tor Infants and Children, The Kind Ta Have Always Boughi The A. Y. P. A.ihad a very SUC- cessful meeting on §Wednesday evening. There were 16 r'it2'i,iiii', pcesent. The Executive commi ee was appointed as f timows:-Patr -Rev. J. Hughes- Jones, Pres-Mr. l; H. Mackintosh, 1 Vice-Prem-Miss erral, 2 Viee-Pres. Mr. A. Greaves, ', eeretary Miss W. Dalton, Tre)asurtMiss Craven, L. Mousley, Miss , Munshaw. The meetings are to be field on Wednesday evenings at eight ti'cioek sharp. Read the offer wd are making. We will send the Time & Guide and the Montreal Family rald and Star to any subscriber for: he balance of the year for 25 cents. .This is a special offer In order to2introduce to our readers, the best me paper in Can- ada and the be"t country wrekly paper in the eountr' y. The two until Jan. 1 1909 for tw nty-fisre cents. BEAUTYLENE FOR THE HAIR. Bears the Bigpatrre of Then the frrst #symptons appears, r-ub with Nervi1irieR, rub it in deeply. It penetrates to. he muscles and chords that are] ore-tales away stiffness-removes "ir strain and in- tlammation. It 'the condition is chronic, pat a Ner, ine Porous Plas- ter on the affected' 0%. This draws out any virus or negiartus, irritation, restores the tissue" “7"}: heir wonted healthiness, permanen '. cures any weakness or tendency to tfain. Nervi- line masters absorb ails the deleteri- ous secretions through the relaxed pores and when used along with Ner- viliue itself, everrmuscular pain or ache must go. Heavy Fall wintir Suits at Gabel's. CASTOR LI :AUTgLENE itm THE HAIR.-- EY? It restores it to its orginal lor. It stops falling Hair and THE TIME3 AND GUIDE WESTON 5 DOES YOUR SIDE ACHE? Weston, Ont., Friday, October @th, 1909 ADVERTISING RATES ON APPLICATION IS PUBLlSHED EVERY FRIDAY A. E. WHINTON, Proprietor ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO are making. We & Guide and the :rald and Star to he balance of the Hamilton will Litebuoy Soap is delightfully re- freshing for Bath or Toilet. For washing underclothing it is unequall- ed. Cleanses and purifies. The Womens Ins itute will meet in the Town Hall, T esday October 12th at 3 p.m.. The dies who won the Institute prizes a the Pair will give recipes. Mrs. J. . Hughes of Tor- onto is expected to be present and give an address, I btrumental solo by Miss Fay Cruick nk, Mrs. Nelson J, McEwen will ve a solo. Light refreshments Wink be served at the close of the meetiiig, provided, by the officers of the socittr The famous Peabody Overalls, smocks and pants are on sale at W. E. Coleman's. A guarantee with every pair. A button off or a ripped stitch will be replacedf Mr. and Mrs. Til Nattress rammed home this week froth their trip to Seattle and other western péints. Mr. J. M. Garahouse shipped this week two valuable v'ishorthorns to Miss K. L. Wilkes of Gilt and Mr. Duncan Brown of Iona. 'li, Miss Mae Reastoti and her step sister: Mrs. Thos. Mathesén of Parkdale were among the many b'rett, young ladies who visited Westongi‘air on Saturday. The Toronto Junctgn Lumber Company haspurchased, two [undred and eighty "feet on Main Street; The property is situated on the ease,5,ide of Main Street opposite Sykes Averfis. It was sold by the Eagle estate, jibe deal being put through by Mr. J. 3.. Wismer, manager of the Weston Mariel) office of Messrs Goulding & Hamiltiin. The purchasers intend to establish aiumber yard on the property. d- The following letter which displays a sample of honesty regreshing to meet has has been received by our postmaster:-- " About a month ainéI bought a load of hay from a farmer pe in your district and in unloading he host his watch. Now we found this watch yesterday in the hay, If you can [agate this man send him on. We forget; his name but thought perhaps you had heard of it." The person this concerns should com- municate With Mr, A. J. Barker, Post Ofiiee, Weston. C SHAIN- AEITCHIsON l On Thursday aftgrnoon a very pretty house wedding tooképlace at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. iv: Aitchison, Main Street, Weston, givllen their eldest daughter Isabella Milne was married to Mr. Leander Gavel]; Sham of Sheridan, Halton County. the bride who “as dressed in white Sain and the customary bridal veil with ngreach of orange blossoms, carried ii bouquet of cream Chrysanthemums aitd was attended by her sister Miss Beliisie Aitchisop. .The lgroom was support§d by WMr. Burtlund lCouover. Rev. R)) M. Hamilton per- formed the ceremo 'y. There were very many guests preset; including the, Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Caéhpbell of Islington, "fr. and Mrs. Fuskéu of Toronto and a lnumber of other citations and friends. The wedding brsakrtrse was served in the ‘dining room after ihe ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Sham willlreside at Sheridan. Call at Gabel's and see his stock of Heavy underwear, just to hand. We carry a large and complete stock of Carpets, Oilcloths, Linoletups, Upholstered Goods, Dishes and Kitchen, Bedroom and Dining Room Furniture etc., etc. our'Exhibitton Stock" of beds, springs and matt- resses, cots, roll-ups and pillows &c., is unusually large. When your visi- tors arrive let us know your needs in the bedding line. Our prices are ex- ceptionally low being the lowest in the city. This is a strong statement but we have proved it to others and we can prove it to you. Then we give a discount for cash of from 10 per cent; to 20 per cent. It you are in a position to pay cash you will readily see the advantage of this. Bring us your pictures to be framed and let us give you an estimate on your repairs or upholstering. Our Repair Department is up-to-date so let us have your work. D. Sanders, Dundas Street, West Toronto. Tlit it paid in Watt STON, ONT W. E. Coleman has now received all the new lines of fall patterns for suits and overcoats. A can at his store will be sure to show you some- thing to suit. "The Soul's Aratening" is a picture by Jame" Sant R. A. which tells its own stgry. A young girl stands with a book close clasped against her boscfm from which has obviously just corgie the magic thought that has awakemid her soul. Im her eyes is that "light that never was on land or sea." Itfis an inspiration to look at it. It kills the mint) T‘away from all frivolit", from the Meaner ambitions of fig, from ythefi' petty questions of dress and plbé'sqre; and opens to the soul’s visiitiil diviner joy which lifts one on Wings of light far beyond theidust of every day striving. _" l ed; and it" isGlAitiii"iiiHTirr'a iGrrir', ple picture on our walls which lifts our imaginings to this refreshing height. So few of us remember" that we have a soul. 80 pany ot us are largely material in iptt otstKok and regard even ouriregna. ‘t minds as nothing more than :c'it'iii'i,'ft, dry-horses to drag our cart) of ' spoil" up the hill of success. , This picture turns our thought inward and bills us know that there is something better there ot which the body)is only the keeper and the brain the servant. Here is where our highest happiness ieenthon A copy of the beautiful picture des- cribed above will be sent absolutely free to all who subscribe to "The Family Herald and'Weekly Star" and "The Times & Guide" for 1910, price one dollar and sevitnty-five 'cents tor the two papers per year. "The Soul’s Awakening" is in rich sepia tones on a sheet 19 x 24 inches ready for tram- ing. _ ' The late Timothy Eaton before his death expressed Chis wish that that portion tit, Dundas Street westerly from La 'titon Village to the Eaton farm, a rtstance of three miles, be properly' constructed as a model stretch oi is"good" under the supervision of Mr?' A, W. Campbell, Deputy Minister it Public Works, Ontario. _ The executors ot the estate of the late Timothy Eaton have now made a formal offer to the. Etobicoke Town- ship Council to expend an amount up to $10,000, to make Dundas street for the distance mentliéned a modal maca the distance mentioped a modal mace: supetrintendenee of Mr. Campbell. It's really a simple matter to re- move warts and callousgs if you apply Putnam's Corn 1sn1'i'Fiitf, Extractor. Cure is eertain--tai1uaciiphpossible--it you use "Putnarn's." '-'v, fig WESTON PUBLIC SCHOOL REPORT Form Form Form Form Form Form Totals 256 427% The following, bagged upon regular attendance and general proficiency, is the standing of the first six pupils in their respective eiassei for the month of Sept. Names are arrlnnged in order: of merit. V “THE SOUL'S I AWAKENING.” Sr. IV.-jlith Madgett, John Char- boneau, Hilda Cravep, Gladys Fisher, Marjorie Wardlaw, leglla Adamson. Jr. IV. EG I'sdrrietrr, Bhbel Mc- km:zie, Muriel Wardlnw, Leslie Gard, house, Ethel Mall:ay,'Marjorie Guulding. Sr. HI. - Marioh Haddow, Lila Heslop, Gladys Armstrong, Annabel Lacehy, Marian Finegan, Willie Arnold. Junior IIr.--Cliftord Noble, Maude Daines, Rosia McI’lluil, Russell Dielrin and Wilfred Peatren,1(equal), Ir,rt L,,ng- staff, Myrtle Umnphgll. Sr. IL- Rolph iHexlop. Madeline Tattle, Nova Morniritstar, Lionel Irwin, Harold Good, Hum-f; Wesxphul. Jr. IL-Viola gable, Alma Laner, Harold Camden, trie Hugil), Teddy Wilby, Thelma Gott. Sr. L-aarrssa::iverr,at Alma Chap- man, Victoria quiiv. Dorothy Lyons, Helm: B, her. Her? Chrtine;iu. Jr. I.‘Beatrice lArm pun, Kathleen Buium: and Clam Taylor, (: Ill Girrdrislrrro,r.r,sersif. jj] Muion Alexande fume? (er)- Dorothy Coe, F Gzzrdlmuso, w Ward l a w. Irwin, Helen Hill Primer (A)-tVa!rtw'm McRae, Leward ruper, Edith Mittison, Lily Morell, Primer HOW TO REMOVE WARTS. For the Month if September. A GIFT OF 310,000 FOR . ETOBI_ OKE. dune Tsi BO 46 88 36 38 38 (C) )-- G‘gidnn 'cucKitrericls, FredZSbrangwa; s, Myrtle v/und Latuyr, Luella lo p 90ty 758 630, 575 Fl 66:; 'W,', Leonard Allan e, Mudfst, Francis Olive Master. Vera. HM‘ Celia West- " Irene McGiunis ml), Alum Best, 6n 238 55 43 35 32 36 37 WEEQN BRANCH, Fire and life Insurance Co's Royal, Anliseplic kk Shop Also Agent for reliable Nursery stock all at lowest possible rates. D. ROWNTRE E, J R, Spring Lamb Phe best brands of Cigars, Tobaccos and Cigarettes. Orders called for and delivered promptly. BUTTONWOOD AVENUE _ have opened out with a full line of Geo. Sainsbury Carpenter and Contractor CoulterAvenue, - WESTON Btilish North Marisa Fire rangers coining back. from the north tell interesting stories about the number of nioose seen every day on the Vermillion River, some of them' even disputing the trail with peospectors. The section of the Canadian North§rn Ontario north of Sellwood Junctgon is completed for about 15 miles(iand skirts the Ver- million most ofgthe way and it will enable hunters go reach this ground in little more)ithan a days journey from Toronto.? It looks as if the north end of the line would become as famous as a noose hunting ground as the Parry Found section is for deer. ‘4 A simple was! to find out if eggs are fresh is to am” y the tip of the ton- gue to the en of the egg. If the egg-shell feels old against the ton- gue it is fresh iarrd good, but it it feels warm it is :stale. Fresh eggs if held to the lightg are transparent in the centre, stale Ewes at the end. E. Jig MUSSON Choice Groceries Ill Instruments Sterilised Heslop’s Grocery PLUMBING, A Specialty lee Cream Parlor in connection. MOOSE IN WQNDERFUL NUM- BERS ON THE VERMIL LION jRIVER. Orders called for and delivered. THE PRACTICAL BUTCHER. Vegetables of all kinds. 1836’ THE BANK OF Estimates given on all kinds of work 73- 'eiiri7Birias.- - ciiiiaiank "ius7ie""dC7V,rd,lj'lr), i, Theiunoney is safer in BSHave you a 2 the Bank than in your l 311k Account. housriii) or pocket. ij, ( A t'chtscking Ac= count provides a safe and _,ii'_f:il'i_r,ii'si',1,1iii1),', way of paying your bills, as each q 'ieelriisisued returns to 55791138 g. receipt. y 'ii,,,) Fruits and Confectionery. Tobacco Pouches and Pipes N0N-TARIFP. York, Merchants, Traders. Agenti' for the following Wen, and North British and Mercantile. 'i' A Savings Abcount keeps gibwing all the timie, with interest eompoundaLtith1ghest our- ren) rates. EXCELSIOR LIFE An inspection invited, FARLEY’S WESTON PHONE NO. 20. TARIFF. -AND - Choice Veal Special qualities for Exhibition trade !':,,rs,!ll.lr,tlll,l,l,,,lr,; MEATS Beef, Lamb, Veal and Pork Cooked Meats and Canned Goods. Thimble Berries, Bl Ile- berries, Peaches, P l ll m s, Pears, Oranges and Lemons, Water and Musk Melons, Bananas. Onions, Cabbage, Beets, Carrots, Celery,' Tomatoes, Corn, Pickling Onions and Calidowers. Biggest Inc RIVERSIDE “HIM ROOM Threshing Orders promptly attended CiiWeeeeeeeeeeeeteeeiE Corner Church and Main Sts., WESTON Warm ilihdirili -. m 9m I):')"","").,)",). it Wwvwwmmwww TEPPETTE He don't sell them. He only keeps good Shoes at a reasonable price. 'jly7ow is the time f1iyierir,iijj,,j, Eumeas Call-and leave your order with Phone 16 Atrpcerruy,tjis', f f received up duties to C, Irc,il upplk quhed Zbc TORONTO COLLEGE OF MUSIC, Pembroke St , Toronto. N. I. McEwen, Manager. Teacher of Vocal Culture NOW OPEN WEDNESDAY & SAI URDAY, Joseph St., WESTON MONDAY’S & q HUREDAY’S ICE CREAM PARLOR MRS. J. FINNIGAN, Repairs a Specialty. VEGETABLES. Best and Brightest JAS. HUGHLL, F0 R CHEAP SHOES TO HAVE YOUR ALLAN G. PEIRQKQIM Sec. Twas RSL‘é'BQRid FRUITS Public Jcchyl will to and including Oct l ’ninwme Nov. Ist. 19( minim, 3 min: sala,ry l DON’T N.0f1CE. tydware Merchant, EAGLE BLOCK GO TO JI' Caret 1909 Ct, ker ror will 1e oftiee-Cor. North Stat' Streets, Weston, C) Office Hours-g to 10 amu; 6 t Sunday, 8 to 10 a.m. Barrister, Solicitor, t Notary Public. 4 Money to loan in large and small.,li'j; amounts. _ _ Offices-M Toronto St., Toronto, 3 _ Woodbridge, Wednesday. lg A. J . Anderson Residence, 401 Huron St., Phone TORONTO, ONT. North 1291 12 Keele St. N., WEST TORONTO Barrister, Solicitor. etc. Money to Loan. Specialty Companies Incorporated and Municipal Law Office, 160 Bay St., Phone Main 1032 W. P. Bull, K.C. Organist Weston Methodist Church, St. Philip's Church, Etobicoke. 31 Macdonell Ave., HAROLD J. PARTRIDGE a. W. COULTER, V. S. Honor Graduate Ontario Veterinary College AU diseases oi Cattle and Horses Treated Beientifiealry. Calls by mail or phone promptly attended. , Suite 514, Temple Bldg., Mrs. Marie B. McGill, Write for calendar Musical Directresg 'Phone Jet. 79. West Toronto. Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York, Peel and Simcoe, and West Toronto. Real Estate tor sale and houses to rent. T One of the t.iae,s,f local organizations ever founded in t village is the Sal- vation Army Br s Band, which was estahlished abo‘ a year agq at, numbers 17 fine _ usicians, all of gX ceptional merit. _ A Village banwes tablished about " same time has apparently made ttle progress. The Salvation Army' t this point num- bers about 100 act ve members. While the band have _ een unsparing of themselves in fur ishing good music for the district ' ey axe at present in need of fina _irral assistance and friends of the org ization desiring to assist in the work}! can give any con- tribution to ttil bandmaster, S." White, or the oftiryr in charge, Capt. Auld. The Wribwood Salvation Brass Band merittt some substantial recognition. A H. HOWARD SHAVER, TORONTO JUNCTION COLLEGE OF MUSIC AND SCHOOL OF ELOCUTION H . F . S E F T o N ' Surgeon Dentist 314 Confederation Lite Building, TORONTO, ONT. ANDERSON & -GRAY, CHAS. H. PORTER, T. H. Wilson, M.A. BULL, IIOLLISS & WILSON, Barristers, Solicitors, etc. WYCHWOOD 8.37 a.rn.i * 7.55 a.: 10.04 a.m. * 11,13 a. 5.18 p.m. i * 2.47 p.1 6.32 p.m. t * 6.12 p.) 10.37 p.m. * 7.41 p.r t Stops at Weston. * Do not stop on Sundays. 7.29 a.m. * 9.00 a.m. t 4.10 pm. * 7.32 p.111. t 11.30 p.m. ‘1 1.30 p.m. * Teacher of Piano and Organ. Barristers, Solicitors. etc. Going West North Bound Over D. Rowntree & Sons JOHN J. DALTON, D.T.S. Physician, sd WESTON, Ontario Land Surveyor, LOCAL TIME TABLES . J. K. McEWEN. WESTON, ONT. '. HACKETT, Dentist WESTON, ONT. 7.14 a.m. 9.48 aim. 12.08 p.m. 7.18 p.m. 9.33 p.m. J. Fred Hollis: 11.25 a.m. 7.55 a.m. 11,13 a.m 2.47 p.m. 6.12 p.111. 7.41 p.m. Going East. South Bound. G. H. Gray h, TORONTO. ONT. Toronto. -i

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