Ontario Community Newspapers

Times & Guide (Weston, Ontario), 1 Oct 1909, p. 5

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l was R. WADSWORTH l KEYS Be BULL. Cash, Mutual and Stock. Full Government Deposit For Rates apply to E. J. MUSSON, WESTON, IT drop a. card toulead owes, 157 Bay Street THE YORK FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Torordo. HOME STUDY COURSES . "Wm-es-s'"-"'-'-'" in? Academical and>many Tetshipur1 Sutr jects provided tor. Write tor eatalog%. State work preferred. The s"y,'iw Correspondence School I 395 Yonze Street. Toronto When a woman ens a man her gge she never brings ut the family Bible to prove it. Building Plans and Speeifi- cations prepared. Estimates given. Contracts taken. mm-ss-s-s-rs". Insure in the York Fire SOMETHING TO SUIT EVERYBODY Newrline‘of gents' Furnish- in,gs, Ties, Shirts and Builder & Contractor JUST IN Orders delivered. FALL SUITS and OVERCOATS D FT Garner Church iind Wellington Streets. TORONTO = white shop on ’QHARDWABE MERCHANTS, Iain St., He has the _ehoicest selection of stylish patterns. CAPITAL PAID Ue - s4,000,000.00 RESERVE. - .. $4,500,000.00 North Station St. WESTON Mleks. teen Doors, Screen Windows, all sizes, at%west prices. T He can make an overcoat: with some class to 't. . E. COLEMAN _ ,,Dep05its received in Savings Department of $1.00 and up- wards, and interest allowed thereon at; Current Rates. You W111 find him in the little . C. BURRAGE THE BANK OF TORONTO BRANCH COMFORT EASE .' P. IRWIN ain Street Weston "all carried by the house fly GENTS’ FURNISHINGS Jlllll tlll WWW KEEP IT OUT All tha latest patterns for UNION LABEL ESTABLISHED 1855. Call and see my display MANAGER. Weston, Ont. WESTON Phone No. 14 l, Cold water, a pb1espoor1iul ot am- Emonia, and soap _ ill remove machine grease where oth means would not .answer on accoungof colours running , &c. , (Coal and Wood Newly renovated and specially adapt- ed for the reception of had McDonald It is now pretby well known among hunters that the. best Deer hunting country in Ontario is on the line of the Canadian Northern Ontario and that hunters receive serial attention. Mr. C. Price Green, P.>senger Agent of the line isa hunter himself who goes right with the parties and looks after them, in fact he located most of them. This year the line will be onened North of S:llwood into the midst of the Moose Country, they are reported very thick, the Engineers say that thev have never seen anything like it, the Moose season up there opens October 15th, fifteen davs before the Deer. We have something special on a new place that will take three parties of Deer Hunters. Write. c. PRICE GREEN, Canadian apply to Master. call in and get our prices Lessons Given Free. Embroidmap Specialty. There are advantages in, buying near home. Singer Sewing Machine Omen 26 Dundas St. E. WEST TORONTO Northern Building, Toronto. BOYS Sc h ool Three miles from To- ronto, Visitor. Lord W Bishop of Toronto. eston Large and beautiful I grounds. Boys pre- ',0NTARl0. pared for the Univer- sity and Royal Military College. Special attention given to juniors and boys entering commercial life. Reopens Sept. 13th. For prospectus SEWING MACHINE tt - 7* "e""-'----'"'""':', -_PF'eri_WWNP. é H U N T E R S' Something Aboiit“ illi)l'i"i!.lrg Moose and Beer St. hhan's stdipj) arm-see-ses-r"-'-"'-"'" vtfis?iiiii"iks" tiihiw (fliii,'i?ilt; ,i'it,lll?ltil)5 A number of s udents from Weston and vicinitv are now in attendance Others are invited. Particulars free 011 request W. H. SHAW, Pres. J. F, FOSTER, Prin. I758 Dundas St., West Toronto. Undertaking and Embalming _ Promptly Attended To Apply to any Canadian Paeifie Rail.- way agent for full particulars Same eonditrons as former excursions. Speclal Trains will leave Toronto at 2 p.m. on above date running through to Vanipeg _ ALBION HOTEL THISTLETOWN, ONTARIO RESIDENCE Farm Laborers’ Excursion G. M, FRASER, Agent, WESTON. $l0 to WlNNiPEG ANOTHER Mrs. E. Mungovan, IN SHORTHAND BUSINESS will bring you best results if taken at our old established [mu tlaoroughly reliable scbool. Catalogue free. British American Business Coll, - _ir, M. C. A. Building, Toronto. Friday, Sept. 24 RETURN FOR 'lil ADDIIIONAL FROM ALL STATIONS IN ONTARIO JAS. GARDHOUSE DRIVING PARTIES Sessions now open at the DAY And NIGHT Before Buying a YOUR COURSE OF ALL KINDS. WESTON. M. E. Matthews, Head DEALER IN 'eQua-Ja-i, ', Mr. Sam -------- colts stray A CHURCH Sunday last Proprietor MAIN ST. , FOR l Mr. 0. B. Orr, of Miller and Rich- ard and Mr. Townley, of the Toronto Type Foundry," Toronto, were in town this week. t The renowned traveller, Rev. G. W. ‘Ray, will give a fascinating account of mission work among savages of ISouth America, at the Methodist Church next Sunday morning and will lecture on Molnday evening, Oct. Mrs. T. P. Pailget and Mrs. G. C. Brownridge, of West :I‘qronto, were guests oi postmaster Stong on Wed- nesday, oi last week. Up to a few yearse ago Parisian Sage could hardly be obtained in America. But now ibis delightful hair restorer cani be ad in every town in America. W. ngnch, sells it in Weston, for 50 gents a}; bottle, and he guarantees it to grow beautiful luxuriant hair; to turn dull, lifeless hair into lustrous hair; to stop tall- ing hair; to stop itching of the scalp. Understand, W. J. Inch, will give you your money back it it fails. The Woodbridge ' Fair Prize Lists are out and anyone can get same by addressing the Secretary Mr. C. L. Wallace. , Mr. H. N. Schmidt, the Mens Out- fitter, is eonduethig a 15 days sur- prise Sale, until Oct. 15th. Call and see him and get surprised. The women of the "400" are famed for their beauty, not because their facial features are superior to those pt other women, but because they know how to keep yaung by m1pply- ing vigor, lustre, adil strength to the hair. J., A petition fol-Local Option is be- ing circulated lhrough the village by the committee. in charge. We have not heard with What success they are meeting. Mr. W. J. Myles, of Kingsville has been laid up at his home; hero ton the past two weeks with blood poisoning, but is able to be around now. Mr. Jas. L. Hughes, Inspector ot Public Schools, Toronto, gave two very helpful addresses at the Rally service of the Methodist Church-here on Sunday last, Mr) ' Harvest Thanksgiving services will be held at Christ Church, Woodbridge on Sunday next, Oct. 3rd. Special sermons and special music. An offer- ing for widows and orphan's find will be taken up.. 7 l 4. Mr. Ray lived and labored amoxag the wildest of Indians in the far id- terior of Brazil, arid will show their Heathern Idols. He will speak dress- ed in the peculiar garb oi the Argen- tine Gauchos. Stgries pathetic and aruusing--eustuoms si'range and barbar- ous will be told. Miss Bessie Wifion was the guest of miss Ethel Boylen over Sunday. You never saw a beautiful woman who didn't have beautiful hair. The charms of a beautiful woman lie in her hair. Many women do not realise the attractions they possess because they do not give proper attention to the care of; the hair. Mr. Wm. Cook, barrister, of Tor- onto visits Woodbridge, e_very Satur- day instead of Thursday as formerly. Mr. O. J. S. Little, of Seaforth formerly teacher at Pine Grove is renewing acquaintances here this week. 'y Auctian Bale. of milk, cows apdiDay service Jast Sunday in the springers at Kemp’s Hotel, Wood- EDavenport Road Presbyterian Church. bridge, on Satuéfday, Oct. 2nd, at 1| ' l P.m. Sec postrs McEwen anti Bai-, Four boys-Ernest Brennan, Harry geon auctioneers; s%'th, Frank Mehfann and McKechnie Miss Laura Maynard, of Toronto, was a guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Maynard here last week. i+ . Mr. Wm. Flagging has- returned home from visiting his brother, Mr. John Fleming near Chicago. While' there he visited the MeEsrs. Nattress formerly Vaughan, bprv l . Village Council ?Will hold its Oct. meeting on Morilay evening next, Oct. 4, 1909. i, Mr. Roy stewarii" was the guest of miss Violet Rose itn Friday last. I wonder who (gas waiting at' the gate with the somél horse on Monday evening. Miss May Clarke, of Winnipeg was a guest of her iriend, Miss Olive Wallacé, East week'.," DOWNSVIEW Hurrah tor Downgview P WOODBRIDGE BE A CHARMING WOMAN Ed. W. Brown, Art Printing House, Correspondent. P1unk§tt had four light from; his farm here on Mr. James Hildteth, of Dovercourt Road, has purchased _ a Very wide cottage on Davenport Rbad trom Me- CaW and McKay, Dundas Street, City, which he will occupy 'shortly. Controller Hocken‘ gave a splendid address to the children last Sunday at the Rally Day :services. Advising all the children to stick to the Bible and the Sunday School. The Rev. Dr. Manson of Detroit City, U.S., will preach at 11 an). and 7 p.m. at Davenport road Pres- byterian Church next Sunday, Oct. 3. The .services at this church are bright Varied and iilteresting., and crowds GUNNS', Limited, wish to adwa',y farmers that they prefer deliveries of live hogs at their packing house. West Toronto, on Wednesdays and Fridays and in any case, not earlier than Tuesday, or later than Friday each week. Highest prices paid tot select hogs. Weights preterted, 15.0 to 220 pounds. , a , Last Wednesday'ievening, Rev. Mr. Lawson, a returnet,1 Missionary from India, addressed zEa. well attended meeting in Westrrioreland Methodist Church. . are night -were T arraigned before Magistrate Henéerson at Bracondale last night charged with disorderly conduct on the streets of Dovercourt. Brennan, Smith and McMann were fined $2 and edsts or ten days each, while Me- Rally Day was held last Sunday in the Dovercourt jtoad Presbyterian Church Sunday 4chool, hi. Mrs. McCollum; and her daughters have returned from their summer home “Halcyon? on the Kawartha Lakes. ( ~1- Mr. Harry Whéeler, late of Dover- court Road, has fought one of those tine houses whiéh has lately been built on Westmoreland Avenue. Douglas Stanbury, the sweet boy singer, gave two solos at the Rally, Day service Jast Sunday in, the Davenport Road Presbyterian Church. Keehnie was let 9'fi on suspended sen- tenees, For some time complaints have been received from storekeepers and residents in Dovercourt regarding the disorderly gang of roWdies that congregate in store fronts and on corners using profanity. County Cow stable McMullen has been investiga- ting, and these recent arrests are a result. Seven were fined for the same oftenee two weeks ago. At St. Michael‘gs and All Angels Church, on Sundaf , Oct. 3, there will be a special celehgation of the holy communion at 8 {ind 11 a.m. HThe special music wilLibe repeated, and in the evening Rev.)'E. A. Costigan of St. John's Church, Portland street, will preach. Mr. W. J. Wi11i)ms, Bartlett Ave- nue, left last Suniiiay tor Greenwood, Special t1arViiSt!'ar1d thanksgiving services were held 'lin St. Michael and. All Angels' Chulglch on Wednesday, Sept. 29, Michalernas Day. Thanksgiving' "sergices will be held in connection with h: he Highfield Pap- tist Church Peet, Oct. 3, 1909, at 2.30 p.m. and 7 WM. Dr. Bates, B. D., of Toronto, is,texpected to preach. At WESTON FAIR make Inch,s Drug Store your head quarters. We test your eyesuexchange glasses, and repair them guaranteeing all our work. : All welcome. DOVE RCOURT. TirgCEENirOOD Pale, weak and negvous people need a. tozrtcthat u u will build them up tstil make they well anc‘kx I strong. Celery King is . the tonic that will do Ic,, IE these things. Large 'l? package 25 cents, at dval- _ 318 are or by mail. S. C. Wells & Co.,Tovoato. From our own Correspondent. HIGHFIELD. already beginning to attend. at Are V hn *v-Thm While riding on Eis wheel down High Park avenueg Tuesday night, Teddy Townsend d Pacific avenue, collided' with a her; and rig which emerged suddenly hiit,1 the darkness, of a side street. 'sStunned by the force of the collision% Townsend was picked up in a semii'ponseious condi- tion, and it was at 't)rlt, feared that he was severely hurt”? It turned out however, that a lt,sadly sprained shoulder and a few tuts about the face were the extent 6t his injuries. This is the first step towards Ca- tarrh. A'r1eery1lflit1,r, depends on your remedy. A cough mixture slips quielr- 1y over the wears. spots, drops into the stomach and? does little but hairn digestion. 1t's'ip1yurether different with Catarrhozaiierjfit cures because it gets right at 3b,; trouble. You in- hale (3atarrhozope'if,i1breathe in the va- por of healing fsaWipns that strength- en and restore the)', weak throat tis- sues. You') not have colds,, or eoughs,---Thtoat Trouble and Cattirirh will disappear- with the use ot Ca- tarrhozone. Ab9%11 dealers, Me. and $1.00. Get it td-day. _ Tt The general ideal-of the Runnymede! . -_ ratepayers now " to let the district; condensed Adlertlselllellts remain as it is, at the same ting site, "r-------------------.--.. ting all the funds possible from the l '"gh"'ygotis under this bead, 1 cent per . F . . won art a tirstiueeruon d t township for 1o"Li.mp11ovements 1 word for each 11iht,2l7i1f/toh1cgt1,l.i"m per A reception to inaugurate the win- ter's work oi the Lomen’s Institute was held last eveni ‘g in the College of Music. An inter ting and instruc tive programme, infiding an address on Canadian Lit tature by Miss Emma Jean Graha 'gwas given. Miss Jenkins, Miss 'h1adlg, and Miss Me- Gill contributed towtrrds the pleasure of the evening. ti The new public library on Annette street was" formanrtpened -Monday night in the preseneerjof a throng of citizens that taxed foe capacity of the building, Norman B. Gash pre- sided, and there was ' big delegation of city and local 'ffiiietip present. The library proper i the gift of An- drew Carnegie, who ontributed $20,- 000 condtionally upo West Toronto, agreeing to expend 10 per cent., or $2000, annually for taintenanee. Not a little of the credit Fer the establish- ment of the new library is due to A. B. Rice and his ariioriates on the local library board of West Toronto. Addresses were given? by Ald. Baird, Controllers Geary and Hocken, George H. Locke, H. F. Kelly and Warden The bride's goirripaway gown was of brown shaded 'ioth, with hat to match. ; The funeral of Eugenia Morris, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Mor- ris, Paeifie avenue, took place Mon- day afternoon to gProspect Cemetery. The funeral of John Pickering, late general foreman o: the D. B. Martin, Limited, took plade Monday afternoon from the family :residence, 207 St. Clair avenue, to Norway Cemetery. St. Ceeilia's Catholic Church, West Toronto, was the shame of a quiet wedding at 7.30 Minday, morning, when the marriage W s solemnized oi Miss Ella Irene, e1 st daughter of Mrs. A. Goulding, M Murray avenue, to Mr. William J. T, ogan oi Fort William, Ont. (s! The ceremony was grformed by the t' pastor, the Rev. li'stthet Gallagher.‘ Thtfbiride, who was Egiven away by her brother, Mr. Geérge Goulding, was gowned in white embroidered net' over _ white silk, with touches of! white satin. She wore a long net veil caught with a, wreath, of white roses,,* and carried a White pisarl prayerrbo?k( Miss Maude Gouldimt of Elora, cousin of the bride, who fwore a’ Princessl gown of rdse-eo1ore4 taffeta silk and' large black hat, agended the bride, while the groom P" supported by Mr. Herbert Gouldillg, brother of the, bride. 51, I "rri1Jhappy couple @eft on the even- ing train for their' future home in Fort William. E The street car tgacks between West- ern avenue and Kkele street are in a very bad conditiog. Citizens of wardiseven are making complaints about) the practice 10f young men loitering in groups at the street corners and Jo1ocking the side- walks. EspeCiallyi around the post- office is this ineonv'pr1ienee noticeable, where a crowd congregates every even- ing for seemingly nir purpose whatso- ever, except to be it; the way. Gilmour h Afier' the cerembdsy the bridal party drove to the residdpee oi the bride?s mother, where Iur1ibheon was served. The groom's gift ti the bridesmaid was a handsome ptar1 ring, and to the groomsman a pretty maple leaf tie pin, set with pe,tirlt.. Your eyrs tetred accm Glasses repaired or pefitted by Honor Graduate Optician Sunday, October thd will be Harvest Home Sunday at uf Methodist Church, Atthe morning serv ee,the Rev.S.Dhmiek will preach and ig the evening, Mrs (Revd.) H. S. Step ens. On the follow- ing Tuesday evengg, a grand Harvest Home Supper and?cSoeial will be held. Tickets for this arefpow on sale and the event; is one that should not he missed. West Toronto. IS YOUR THROAT HUSKY? Mount Dennis. HOGAN--GOWaDING. 53rd will be Harvest a Methodist Church, ee,the Rev.S. Dhmiek the evening, Mrs ens. On the follow- Ig, a grand Harvest accurately Ine :TENDERS WANTED - For laying i Cement blocks for house in Wood.. (bridge. Apply to W. A. Snider, l, Woodbridge, Ont. 2te ', Miss'L. 'Frost i?iret with a_painfu1 i'aecident on Monday while out driv- ing. The horse /egan kicking and 'Miss Frost was gicked in the. tact. IShe was taken hoxge and the doctor was sent for. Wliien he arrived he had to put a few sé‘itches in her, lip. If a woman weafs anything that is comfortable she ti' usually ashamed of it, , Another sociariievent to be held in the near future) is the annual fowl "dirsrierr given td, the ladies of the church._= The dafte has already been set for October girth. No pains are being spasieil in l the ettbrt to make this a"grand succegss. Talent is being secured from Tdironto and other centres. 13 The Adult Bible ‘blass spent spent a very pleasant evening this week. The speakers secured for the evening were Miss M. Hawkins B.A. of Weston High School, and Rev. J. H. Stone- house of Weston. Music was iurtish- ed by members of the Class assisted by the Rev. J .,iogers pastor with guitar accompaniment. The teacher of the class Mr.7' Jno. Gillis made-a most efficient chairman, Refreshments were served and a social hour Spent. J. If. McEWEN, Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York, Peel and Simone. Deales in Real Estate. Village and Farm Properties for Sale or Rent. Office, Main St., Weston. Long distance Telephone connection. Rally Day was pbserved last Sun- day here. The seryice was conducted by the pastor ngo delivered a very able addrets based) on the character and life of Josias'jtaking for his text Chronicles II chap: (XXXIV) 1-3. TORONTO. - COR. YONGE & ALEXANDER STS. A HIGH CLASS SCHOOL. Enter any times (Jr'aduatAS read i gm. 1:»s"iuns. Write to day forlu. d (rrtle C, mlogne. Mr. and Mrs. end in Tottenham Mr. William Joi, an attack of typht S1LESMAN--Whole or part tlme; liberal terms; prompt pay. Oat- fit free. Over five hundred acres in Lrees. Write at once, "Canada's Oldest Nurseries," Thos. W. Bowman & Sen Co. Ltd , Ridgeville. Ont. Sunday. FOR SALE-Wilkinson cutting box and blower with pipes complete, nearly new. Apply Trethewey Model Farm. tfe J. MCGLYNN. King Street, Weston, Refrigerator and Cabinet maker. Upholotering done on besrterms. tfe Larry looks noni the Worse tor his tumble. i Miss T. Kingdom fspent the week end in Islington. c' 23 ', A number of pfsp1e attended the Rally Day' servittts of the B. S. on THIS?LETOWN , "M Tet? . / ., _ L - th‘gzg ASPBERRY (l es for Sale.---Apply to T. J. Reast n, Weston. 4tpd If you want a posrhorVyousan reach ti}; best employers. If yoli 'w.anrhsfp_yousan get/due most efficient, Money to Gih- or,, mpneyuo bor. row Want Ads. cover the entire field, ”WWII-M InAnyW‘alk (of life our Classified Want Ads, will help you. q EMERY Ei..) OTT dan is down with id fever. _ uir spent the week

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