i? , McLAUGHLIN AND TUDHOPE 'i,','-',,",": Light Wagons and Buggies ol L. A. L-iEHN/'lAlFRiiiiC, k Cruickshank Wagon 's Wagons and Buggies, the newest patterns at the lowest prices. Call and inspect my stock. . Sole Agent for Weston and Vicinity. Corner Main and Humber Sts. M it, (lhrtdythiii,ittitttiiit; tttttitat Main St., - WESTON. ONT. cr u ------------ he Deming " 1 The Most Reliable Farm Implements Manufactured I? Mr8, .. - . n w" PA '> w" am Va" gllWP, m Lh a gm ttiN' tPr A WW a}; gag [_/ii/YI'!) ifif) it mi a? i'iiiiicl iii, 'Sttltij, if? tble? 15)l {I}, ’ g a , , :z‘»; . r ['r'Jil',w)it' v)wit', " f) i, 5. state)' s3a-ij? b 3‘?:§§@ .__> A 'st: ' . ',GTef, __fLf * Yam ’ . , . Q . t 4651,.) "pitfy Sole Agent For f coAL _ and" WOOD i . meumwna mmnsm W$WW¢WWWW333WW$3WI iai-betsteetttab-beesbesbeeeee-ebell, Egliqtis'ilt? Are you feeling languid and all run n---is it hard 'i-i5iilia for you to pull yourself togethe nd does every- ci" 'lligi,tlia? thing seem too much trouble you? Are you feel- (illgltiiiiiiiiliP ing irritable and bad tempere No wonder if you are. titc)i"s'c'ui'-i-it, The months of winter have led you sorely and robbed _t1hiti) yoir6'r' more vitality than yo system has been able to re- " " plenish. You are in need o, good tonic whch will revive you and bring back that old-time vi d energy. PSYCHINEwilldo this. Mr. James Stoliker, of Ridgetow , says:-")) IS LIFE IN EVERY DOSE. I cannot speak too highly of PS INE, for it is the greatest medicine I ever used. 1 was just about 'All in' whe began the treatment, and in 3 months I was as well as ever. It is a great toni or weak and run-down people. There seems to be new life in every dose." Y cannot do without PSYCHINE at this time of the year. It is a necessity and wi banish that run-down feeling, languor, etc., and give you new life. Send to D . . A. SLOCUM, Limited, Spadina Ave., Toronto, for a sample to-day, or p base a bottle from your Ri" , iGPqW5iRli11r1lN . . " IoeaIDru gtsorDealer. PS IINE is sold everywhere at 50c. an _ 1.00 per bottle. Speight Wagons and Wilkinson Flows VOL. XIX ICE CREAM BRICKS, mixed flmn, 20 cents eaoh, The nicest and most useful farm wagon on the road. Is made at home, fully guaranteed, and costs no more than others. Fitted with our Standard Spring if required. All kinds of Business Wagons. Repairing and Re-rainting by Expert Mechanics. F-lcarrnkDerrssicdet Waiting Room WEST TORONTO LNERY in CONNECTION LUMBER. LATH, SHINGLES AND CEDAR POSTS. LOVE AND DETECTIVE STORIES ' iiiiifitrt' "r xi: , +1 BON BONS from 10 Cents to $1.00 Band and Gravel. WESTON, ONT. . MALLABY, . " Tfa" , - A W . . _ vim: A“, = 3 _ v‘-'-- 'rerqS'". 37:. " g _ a? gap-x. - _ ' - N _ _ . .. ", . I 'Tsrr. ' MM ...». . _ it? 'rilq" .9, _ .- TTWA. T ' Mll+ 5qWiti"ti, 'tv', =, at stB' “a .553 as! 3'... %"y x. lt- I ' I > r r, ' - TS " A. . _ - ’ ' A a; ‘e '- " :r .x A, . up: . " %' " fit In. 'sat ac " . ...» t , . " -' 'RigtREM -- tSN4 . QM , . - '" " , T I . ., ' a 53m- tWS sm A" _ ' ' 'aL'. a: . Fw k V _ 7 M It†- ' U ' " - 'ares e Fe â€in!“ 'Q , a†' "= Sli" aiggrlt 551w" Ar, EA up"? Fi Mt , igt ES a; E5iil IG fly .3: ES gal 'am " ". may: "VH4" 431-! “#93" mm» ' $3†_ - QP. m ' "I la §~__ "'. J: [8ht-""tiElih iam, MB aâ€: kit V m; B3il at . - " " tie " R5 P. .- - ... x M -% tRr-N iiM "d , + . "s, I é-I 91w . Ca Wgt * _ " B, Et' 4.52.; 3; ray: Fa 3:3;- "R, BIB ~5- , a» a? " ' p, 3 . _ 1: " e I?“ - I F " "A .. “i "" " , wp ' x sew 51r, m ‘ ' IM ... ' '.. » " my. fr. MN' " - _. ' . " - ' ar,! IA gi, BE MI I “a. ill " 'tti, a if M8ariMg 'ia ' r ... IR 9A TtW. sf S%l RIl " 8itb', M tr " an: " ' ra â€or. “n" ARE wa ""““"" - Md ' ‘1: FY w. ..A - ld? , L' 'atimmq " iRSiti gm 1 It. ME " " . - 'm " . r IE), aaitr - lil - g, Blrae iéN2 Q: _. My. _re 55.1.. SSE Eiii . a... " . " = “:12: w}: '" a: 1.,- p, . " T 7:45. .45. " .. - 't 34-329; - . - _ J: qt . . 7": ti " is. r; {mm BSR a" » ' " » " . - Bi -;;: 3 $.17 F - Mme, " ttEE 'lg , _ " .1 (1%: 'ilMM 3,. ‘ as: W"): a. - _. - sm l . N 3 . "dl% 8M* " .. . t . " bALatllt Pai , " " 3%†© ' aN . - , " Tt l © u / " . at» ... 'gh, 3:32.? 35.55.... . . ' _ 'MES W“? "it8M _.. 2 " M ‘ _ " ' - 17- " " m. g»: - . - :55 " KBails :-.2x.-.~-.. " 3 "q " _ M . tESghe " . . - i?l- . _ They will keep hard for hours. new every week THE _llr, (s)/lssisttcejrtiiil (lilr;i,trih,rrl WI A Call Solicrted WESTON, ONT. W WESTON, ONT. Prices Right WESTON. GUNNS’, Limited, Wish to advise {farmers ithat they prefer deliveries of live hogs at their packing house, West Toronto, on Wednesdays and Fridays and in any case, not earlier than Tuesday, or later than Friday each week. Highest prices paid for select hogs. Weights preferred, IM to 220 pounds. l The two large gsales of vproperty,ldilj, 13: [that have been, (r are being now, Fiiiie's or iput through will have a very material afternoor (intiuenee on the figure of 'asrrti't1l;lj'i?,irrr?jrir iThe land that has changed 1y1t'ir1'iii'iriiiui has been bought by business) The men who look got a good re- Henry of Jturn on their inviestment. It is LFi2T/,' W lassured thing that {the property willisegrggari jnot be allowed to iremaJin idle much Inpon, Ir, longer and the breaking up and de- and sets velopment of these? tracts of vacant flitions ir land will help this town consider- In future ably. Neither of these properties are thgpgcggp: [within the t: wn /timits, although necessity [their positi 2!. wouldfseem to indicate care in tl that they would naturally have been stable spf made a Portion of Weston. A move- feaitgieregér mwt in favor of 'their annexation corporate would not be resisted by the new $60,000 d owners and should be seriously con- $50 each. sidered by the members of the Council comp“? 1 case of the mart)st gardeners, the member for Centre) York had a fling at the present system of immi- gration and also mide a few more re- marks on the Neitmarket Canal, a very dry subject for a young speaker. the market, the Elma ot the 'seeond; 'class stuff edmbig from the United .‘States is low, and this material comes into competition with the Canadian product. What the market gardeners and _ fermers of this country want particularly is a speeifie duty on these products, not an ad valorem duty, because that is not ot much use at the time of the year when protection is most need-, ed." After getting :through with the i T T H d f Monday's meetinl of the "York Town- IM :0 wholelgages l kansar I; ship Council wit the other members, I on ay, Apri , fi, are a en up WI Messrs. Watson, iBarker, Nelson and the flow of eloquence from Captain Jackson, all present. While there [Tom Wallace. ‘If Hansard were a were no outstanding features, a good , popular journal, one would think that deal_ fr/ busmess was put through. D Tom was a witness in th Kinrade in- William Rennie, of Swansea headed , e . . a deputation strongly opposing the queSt- MR Wallace S contribution action ot the Toronto Suburban was during the debate on the budget Company in attempting to secure a ’and in fulfilment of his pre-election franchise (ism1 Ellis aim A1g,1 l'promise, the _member for Centre -,)fatil,1s1lti1di"ee,ur.ett Ttoft-trt" t 'r iYO'rk asked especially font-bore; 13,1704; Mr. Bennie mgr; it very eiear/,thae ,teetion tor 'nartiirattietitrir, who tie; in View ot the re d growth of Swan- 'ananded a tmeer' c duty on. gird“ â€5T" tei/ttTJ-lt,? 1xd"it,t'l', “WEE -. , canâ€: u 'aaleease produce naming nto. Canada instead which connection [would be machith pt the ad Val rem duty at pr08ant,ttrir' thrtleger-atre C 'eara', 'Whtit'SWEne Prevailing. quote from the sea wanted was hot a subtirb-an hat ',Capttsittr-"We re living in a mrtuittr 3 city linen Af,' Tretttimroigaeirt, l about so reaituttttrcs-ttvorimp, at out)» [which has not p30 early tb spring as urban It", was i t presented by†(the country to l the south of, tttr. The Messrs. Royce & 'rersdtsrsrotr, Finance Minister baa been urged to Reeve Henry gtoid the deputation consider the granting of protection that the company Pttily:late to on market garden products coming 'tcette,,".'"'"") No dMesitq a1'tirr into Canada. It is hardly to be ex~| The ORR» 91.", desirous of a. di-l peeled that Cegada “can compete at Version or at'. Ciair-aveae at all seasons. with; a country situated; 1iltittoeth-street)and also at Scarlett, like the/ttsited Ftates. By the time road, at dethzhlatter Jet',', d gomg 2 a the Canadian prrlt1tsetiruire coming on slit-Xe ",',eyi.,ta?tit.yy: a 'PCP'? mg rr""'--------)-) TOWNSHIP COUNCIL ready convinced that their enterprise will be successful; London, Paris? (and other big cities find that it is 'necessary to baffle a method oi ,traffie other than trolley cars and the self-propelling motor bus is beeom- ing the ideaLmeans of communication Within a closely' populated area. With such prospe,tts of success the Motor Bus Co., Idmited, of Toronto, are already considering whether it could not be possible to place their vehicles in direct competition with 'the suburban trimey lines. Passen- gers could be conveyed from outside points, such as Weston, right down town without the vexatious delay now caused byfchanging cars, the fare charged tseirtk equivalent to the " two car fares at present demanded. A representative) the Company who was in Weston list week, said that in their draft seheri1e of a suburban ser- vice, the Coinpany provided for: selling tickets (t three for a quarter, each of which; would entitle the holder to one trip from Weston to any point an? the ‘bus routes in; Toronto. The Ebusses would be run' just as often as the demand required.) "f, Toronto has receifed the taxi-eab with enthusiasm an is already de- manding more of th m. Motor busses will be the next Ile] traction feature in the city and itsfpromoters are al- +---t--+ M WESTON, ONT., FRIDAY, Mxa:,,s,z,,ivss"'" "iooo. NOTES and COMMENTS 66 Fiat J ustitia, Raat Coe1am."' i The Farmers; Dairy Co. is being in- corporated with a capital stock of $60,000 diVideg into 1200 shares of $50 each. It; is the purpose of the company to begin operations as soon as a suitable Eocation is secured and the general details of the business placed in shake. No definite state- ment has yet {been made as to the price which the consumer will be called upon to gpay, but the directors are confident that there will be a substantial redtrction over the rates which they have" been called upon to pay in the past. The prospectus will be in the hands of the printers in a tew digs. , Special empglasis is laid upon the necessity for gerfect sanitation, food, care in the hapdling of the products, stable space arid a number of essential features. E ' f The prospectus, as officially agreed ‘upon, is a domprchensive document and sets ontt Very clearly the con- ditions imposip upon those who will in future supily milk and cream to the company. i; (THE FARMERS' EDAIRY COMPANY I Prospectus Issued Shortly The bresident; VWarden George Henry of York Township, was in the chair, with Levi J. Annis acting as At the meeting of the Farmers' Dairy Co., held in the York Township offices on Jarvis-street, on Saturday afternoon, a good deal of Prelimi- nary work was put through and the general interests of the new company materially advanced. I The C.P.Rv are desirous of a. di- Version or at'. Clair-steam at _ Iiltittoeth-street)and also at Beatlem- ‘road, at the latter place going in a curve under the tracks and connecting Iwith Dundas-street, subways are ,1iontemp1ated at? 'ac)! of these cross- ings and Solicitor Kyles draw no legal objection to the preliminary stages, providing the C.P.R. bears all the coat. I Manager Wilson of the Metropoli- tan Railway wants Yonge-street north of the Dqtt bridge at York Mills repaired, aid J. N. McKendry entered a vigoroup complaint about the condition of Bathurst-street, north of St. Clairtaver1ue. Frank Munshaw claimed compensa- tion for loss ol a horse on Weston- road, but council; could not consider it. n Reeve Henry guard the deputation that the eompMr adreadtclaim to have a franchise; No dtyiUsitq action Was taken. , . t in View ot the ra d growth of Swan- Bea, the T1Tttttrtui, expansion ot the city, amt the" no _ gratiVe 'ease with which. connection .'_uld tre, madewith its College-atm _st' can; 'ttttit-I-stan, sea wanted was Nn a suburb-an but a city line." Af Tretitimsvaigaeirtr, about 90 retaituis-ttvurinr, a; sub» urban lino was f also presented by Messrs. Royce & t'rersrursrotr, Reeve George §Henry presided at Monday's meetin of the York Town- ship Council wit the other members, Messrs. Watson, gBarker, Nelson and Jackson, all present. While there were no outstanaing features, a good deal of business gwas put through. William Rennie of Swansea headed Mr. Newman 8‘ Council to take the condition C) needs grading. A by-Iaw W passed detaching from S. S. No. t that portion of lot 6, Con. 3, sout of Queen St., also lots 7 and 8 and parts of lots 1 and 2, and South tf"41t of lot 7, Con. 3, and attaching t-is: property to 8.8. No. 12. The application) of the Union Tele- phone Company r a franchise in the Township north f Dundas St., was granted, and thelCierk and Solicitor were instructed o draw up an agree- ment to be signe by the Reeve. The sidewalk oi) Queen Street is to be repaired atibording to the en- gineer's estimates, and Councillor Gardhouse is 'ti' have all culverts will; or repairer on road divisions 58, 61, 66 and 68f The engineer will supervise the pri" of culverts on road division 26. . _ on the Lake Sh re Road. The same two members w re also appointed a committee to pervise the work of grading Kipling Avenue,. from the Lake Shore Réad to the northerly limits of the Asyllum property. Councillors stay and Dandridge were instructed ‘0 meet the township engineer, on We nesday, at O'Brien's Hotel, to take lvels tor the culvert Reeve Warner jas unable, through illness, to be pgescnt at the Town- ship Council me ing on Monday and Deputy-reeve G bbe was voted into the chair. A tat deal of business was put throng , but nothing of striking importaflce came up for con- sideration. q . ' - ""V -""F ’“'†To carry a Catarrhozone inhaler in JS grading. i, lthe pocket means you won't have " 0.4. L -, colds, catarrh or any lung or throat E“ cl Ltmuble. It beepk these diseases away YORK TOWNSHIP COUNélL, land. is warranted to protect you i against all; the ills of winter. Com- aeve Geor e 'iHent: resided at plete oi1Afii' â€with Hard Rubber Pock- 1day's meegtin' of tie I§Iork Town-. et Inhalql'j $1303“ $1.00, medium size l Council with' the other; members, 50e, f.,ryrrr tttfee,.:. Druggists or N. frs. Watson, gBarker, Nelson and C. Pa'son & Gi'., Kingston, Ont. 1verthorne) asked the into eoiisideration Dundas St., which Lrban Editor of the Times and Guide. '--- lid) sir:-You, charming little Village , the. with its picturgsti'ne sHTt?yteias,rHrrlws, ly 'itpaatriuaitr'i'itiir the areitcij'.i'i'rrjaiiA- that' new» "district tor men or aFiit,1tticrin 73' Toronte and elsewhere, " ym J/ll people win only "trtuerrmrmstrorrsr-" with vide newcomers with modern com wan- I v‘eniences, in the way of water for tips; 'ttomeatie page“? and for tim pro- sub» tection. North Toronto is getting a br'readrto spemrrus,trrlr 82530011: this direction, while, I understand, some fig: o? the oldtimers tere stand aghast at _ The male voice quartet and choir singing shows precision and good tone and the lightjrand shade is well marked. May I add that those who miss this opporeuriity will be missing an evening ot reat enjoyment. Yours" truly, Dear Bir:---1 an glad to hear that your Town Band have (by special re- 2rlest) decided to repeat the pro- gramme of their. last concert, on Monday next. I am a stranger in Weston, but would like to say that the programme I listened, to was certainly, not only' excellent in the rendering, but the' talent was ex- ceptionally good. It is unusual to find such a variety of talent in a band and I think that "Westonians" should not only patronize, but 1e?r port them on every occasion. The‘ farce entitled "Soothing SETUP†is.; screamingly funny and the charaeterp in it are well acted. It is certainly a good tonic for any one _"siit'jii)ii'i) from low spirits. May 6th, 1909 'mgs, and work not talk. T ' The value ofJiiroperty increases in direct proportion to the increase of population. sirne ot us can remem- ber when lots near the corner ot _ Yonge and Quéen, in the city could be bought tor ts), toot, now the land brings $2500 agroot. With the advent of a thousahd more people into Weston your property will appreciate in value enormously, and that tact alone should) induce the present property owners to vote for a money by-law to provide the necessary waterworks. iThe cost spread over thirty years, together with the great- er security ageinst fire, less cost of insurance, and, attracting the right class of population form unanswer- able arguments in favor of it. Yours truly, John A. Wismer, Mill St., Weston. in“ nu. mrtrirt To the Editor of Times an outlay. ot lest than a. quarter of "hat sum. Westén's opportunity is ‘right now, tiot ttttxt year or the year after, but now.: The progressive business men should get together at once, dorm a Boird of Trade, drop all politics; and private misunderstand, ings, and work not talk. C. B. College/cot areuce Street, London, s/x/si':"-"-"?":), a continuous cold in the head fof' years, and never used anything with such quick results as T derived from the minutes' use of Catarrhozone. I am delighted to find a remedy that cures colds in a few minutes. Catarrhozone cures every time." Catarrhozotie never disappoints, it stops sneezing, coughing and running at the eyes,i§by a few inhalations. Infiarnmation,i congestion and all irri- tation disappgar "under the influence of Catarrbozdne l mi'tre quickly than can be told. l I 1 IColgin the Head! To eure a coWittjibout ten minutes time use Cattterhtjzone, It is aro- matic, delighttN tfo inhale, clean and very simple to ,éusé. Catarrhozomf a's a Vegetable anti- septic, and veiri/eetty sate and harm- less. Even children and infants can use it. The Vapor is inhaled at the mouth, and after passing through the respiratory organs is exhaled slowly through -the i)ostrils. Sensible people long ago abandoned the idea of “Workgzng off" a cold lay means of laxatives; ahd purgatives tor the simple reason: that the cure is as bad as the disease itself. What's the sense in sneezing at Sniining, dosing with purgative;, or bothering with atomizers? CATARRHOZONE. A convenient inhaler: treatment is t1 proper remedy ta cure quickly and pleasantly; CORRESPONDENCE cost spread over ether with the great- st fire, less cost of attracting the right A Lover of Music imes and Guide. glad to hear that Are (by speeial re- in sneezing and treatment is the W. J. Inch sells it in We cents a bottle, and he gun grow beautiful luxtariaril dull, lifeless hair into lustr stop falling hair to stop itc scalp. Underssami, W, J give you Your mnnev hank The 1'rlti'hol . ot they-400†are famed rfor ',ti',?iii,1i.,ilsiiii,i,,,ii,'ii,'i, because their facial .% ï¬vs artfsuperior to those or other wonler1,,,sdut because they know' how to kegyfsvoung by :urxplyiug vigor, lustre and/strength to the hair Up t) a few ye‘nrs ago Parisian Sage could hardly be obtained in America. Bnt new this delightful hair restorer can be had in every town in Amm-ino Yon never saw a" lhsaueifal yoman who didn't have 1liistijl!,t,aol 'Ill/Ci The charms of a twang: a’womzafn lie in her hair. Many w sk; (Iii, Mot realize the et atrioas tige§ipgg§ess because thgif; dagnt r,iytruho/2ii; attention. to tfe ch1srtttr7?u,raii? f' own hands the model for the skirt holder, which she believes will prevent such accidents. Mrs. Martha J. Krag, another women who is a grandmother, has invented a h,pmstitehing attach- ment which can be used on any machine. To perfect her model Mrs. Kreg went into the foundry and worked regularly; day after day. She then under the direction ot her hus- g,‘_,: g.,-,, , ""e'e'e-'"_99 Ul- MCL LAMB- band formed a (company to put the hematitcher on the market. l Mrs. Eliza Hall, of Melrose, Mass., aged 75, has just; invented a skirt holder. Some months ago Mrs. Hall tripped on her skirt and fell, break- ing her ankle. While contined to her bed she devised and made with her own hands the model for the skirt holder, which she {believes will prevent such accidents. Mrs. Martha J. Krag, another women who is a grandmother, has invented a hemstienhins, o++nn1h 57 Victoria St. TORONTO INSURE YOUR SUEDE AND CONTENTS, WITH LOWEST RATES and g COMPANIES. WALTER IMGST’EFF.’ Irititrtir-cr-r J. T. LOCK‘E'&CO. Be A Charming Woman ). Understand, W, J. Inch will you your money back it it fails, DOW? ior fit W2" WRIm TELEPHONE 53 FOR FULL PARTICULARS w this delightful hair restorer had in every town in America. neh sells it in West :11 for 50 bottle, and he guarantees it to auniful luxuriarithair,. to turn Bless hair into lustrous hair; to ling hair to stop itching of the TELEPHONE M A IN ttlp. WOMEN IN QEN TORS ESTABLISHED ttat- Imam (mm lihii)t)i' Enigma: l WITH 5 Us and MNT 1967 CALL