When women approach that cri- tical period in their lives known as ; the t1yrn,cd lite, they do so with a feeling'of apprehension and uneeri. Hitainty for in the manner in which _ii,,'i3lt'yy pass that crisis determines "__;::_;,_,9 health of their after life. Dur- '“* ing this most important time in the life of a woman, her whole aim hould be to build up and strength- e her system to meet the unusual "t?,'A1ht1,,dt: upon it. Devotion to tam- Jy @0114an lead to njeglectpf . plif at the Remmkahle Gum] E Billiard Mt P1118 Wrought ; in Her oagir--Mi1 Urum- . gem) Four Operations LI _ 7 Whoat Hem. self. The Work and worries of usehold cares should be avoid- ii)ai,t far as possible. But whether in :2, is able to do this or not, no woman should fail to take the tonic treatment offered by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, which will build up her blood and fortify her whole sys- tem, enabling her to pass this eri- tical period with safety. We give the following strong proof of what Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are con- atantly doing for suffering women. Mrs. Maragaret Wood, South- $eld, N.B., says :--"Some years ago I became a victim to the trou- bles that afflict so many of my sex, in the very worst form. The doctor in charge neither through medicine .nor local treatment gave me any help, and he decided that I must undergo an operation if I was to have any relief. During the next , vears I underwent four suc- 'e operations. During this ime I had the attention of some of the best physicians. From each soperation I received some benefit, but only of short duration, and -then I drifted back into the same wretched condition as before. Dur- ing all this time I was taking medi- cine to build up my system, but) with no avail. I was reduced to a anere skeleton; my nerves were ut- -terly broken down. My blood was of .8. light yellowish color, and I was <ro far gone that I took spells in which my lips, fingers and tongue would seem paralyzed. I cannot begin to express what I suffered and went through in those two gear-s. I was completely diseourag- «ed and thought I could not live long. Then on the urgent advice -of friends I began to take Dr. Wil- Iiams' Pink Pills, and after some weeks perceived as change for the better. I continued to take the Pills for several months gradually growing stronger and suffering less, and in the end found myself once more a well woman and en- joying the blessing of such good Iealth as I had not known for _i;ears. I now always keep these ills in the house and after a hard -day's work take them for a few days and they always seem to put new life and energy in my body. I sincerely hope my experience may be of profit to some other suffering women." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sol-5 by all dealers in medicines or will ‘be sent by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by addresr cing The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co, Brockville, Ont. VVVillie returined in five minutes, wearing the look that spoke of de- Seat sustained. Mrs. Smith suddenly imbued with .a spirit of neighborly interest in a - dy who was just recovering from Enema, said to her little sen: t Willie, dear, just run across the ttveet, and ask how old Mrs. Brown is this morning." "Yes, indeed," said Miss Uppisch, "my great-grandmother on my mother’s side was noted for her proud and imperious bearing." ~\,“How strange!†exclaimed Miss in "our servant girl's the same 'Wes; and she said I was to tell you it's none of your business how old she is." _ "Well, have you seen Mrs Brown l" the mother asked. fhNtVtfttNtshfVeNtAPhANhNhA t USE BABY’S OWN E "'NbbNvb+kNNbNt+Nberteww Mrs. Wm. Bell, Falkland, Bt., says:-'d have five lit- tle ones ranging from one to eleven years of age, and when any of thiem are ailing I al- ways give- them Baby's Own Tablets, which always brings prompt relief. I do not think there is anything you can keep in the home as good as "Baby's Own Tablets." Thou- sands of other mothers speak just as warmly of this medicine, which never fails to cure all stomach, bowel and teething troubles. Guaran- teed by a government ana- lyst to be perfectly safe. Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. GRATEFUL MOTHER TWO OF THEM. TOO LIBERAL TABLE rs ONLY Dr. There are but two ways to go ebout the Chinese city-on foot or in a sedan chair, writes 9, Canton correspondent. The streets are from_four to eight feet wide, the average being probably about six feet, and wheeled vehicles are out of the question. Even the jinrikisha, cannot be used here. If you try to make your way on foot the den- sity of the moving masses renders progress almost impossible and rowdies and piekpoplrets are 11um- erous, so that the best plan is to take a responsible native guide and chairs, Useful Sedan Chair in the Crowded Streets of the Cities. â€we "r""'""-'"', -_- ___ carts in use the entire merchandise of the city is transported in the same manner, not in chairs of course, but slung on poles carried across the shoulders. The noise resulting from the sim- ultaneous shouting of every one in sight, both in front and in tho rear, for the stream is flowing in both directions, is encugh to make one wonder if the long expected riot has not begun. PLOVER AS FARMER’S ALLY. Birds Destroys Various Insects That Damage crops. Of all our birds the plover is absolutely the most useful on the land, and we have the authority of the Board of Agriculture for say- ing that "the multiplication of in- sects injurious to crops" is the direct consequence of the fashion for plovers' eggs, says the London Daily Mail. "What l" said the ast lawyer. “Do you mean to ', sent them l" "Ah!" was the reply; thinking on what you said, 'em in Perry's name!" The bird destroys snails, wire- worms, beetles and all sorts of noxi- ous insects that damage, crops. As it feeds largely at night; it destroys many insects that other birds do not touch, and it has also a pecul- iar virtue in killing a water snail which indirectly is the cause of liver rot, a. deadly disease in sheep. "You say it is quite impossible for you to agree with Farmer Perry on these points?†said Hodge's solicitor to him. "Ay!" answered Hodge. f‘Then, I'm afraid there's no help for it; the matter will have to go before the judge." "I believe I won because I sent those ducks, after all," he said to his lawyer atiseapyards. Plover have been more than USU- ally numerous this year, and no doubt if their eggs were protected, as in Scotland, they would multiply yet more and save many thousands of pounds that are now spent on the fattening of the vireworm. It is becoming also a more popular prao- tice to keep plovers as a garden pet. They do inoalculahle good and are very interesting to watch, especi- ally at this season. "Not unless you wish to lose your case,†said the lawyer decisively. And Hodge left, apparently con- vineed. In due course thu case was tried and Hodge gained a verdict. “Very well," said Hodge, And then, after a pause, he added: "Do you think it would do any good to send the judge a couple of fine fat ducks l" In order to succeed you must have push. You can't even run a lawn mower without it. Some people tell the truth merely for the sake of stirring up trouble. Repeat it.- “Shiloh's Cure will alw cure my coughs and colds." aye: "Perfectly Trustworthy†is the character of Biclrle's Anti-Con- sumptive Syrup. It can be used with the utmost oonficlence that it will do what is claimed for it. It is sure in its effects, as the use of it will clearly demonstrate, and can be relied upon to drive a cold out of the system more effectively than any other medicine. Try it and be convinced that it is what it is claimed to be. The snow man quickly melts, but it's different with the heart of the ice man. Does Your Back Ache 7 Don't expm'fm on: mm imitations but get the genuine, the "D6: L" Menthol Plaster. It cures. Davis & Lawrence, Co., makers. GOING ABOUT IN CHINA. HODGE'S LITTLE L JDGE I†said the astonished "Do you mean to say you do, "but, _ sent Mrs. J. Oliver Tells How She Lost' Her Pains and Weakness WhenI She Used the 01d Reliable Kidneyj Remedy-. Elgin, Ont., May 3 (Special).- Women who suffer, and there are, thousands of them in Canada, will' hear with interest the experience of, Mrs. J. Oliver of this paw. "i'.hei, has suffered and found a cure and' she has no hesitation in saying thati cure is Dodd's Kidney Pills. _ I "I suffered for over a. year from Backache and fainting Spells,†Mrs. Oliver states. "I was tired and nervous all the time and the least exertion would make me per- spire freely. My feet and ankles would swell and I had a. dragging sensation across the loins. 1 saw Dodd's Kidney Pills advertised and bought some, Twelve boxes cured EVERY WOMAN . WHO SUFFEBS CAN FIND SURE RELIEF'IN DODD’S KIDNEY PILLS. All women who suffer should use Dodd's Kidney Pills. They make healthy Kidneys and healthy Eur. neys are the first rule of health for woman. The female organs de- pend almost entirely on the Kid- neys for their health. No woman can hope. to be healthy and happy unless her Kidneys are right. The Kidneys need ocoasional help 'or they must become tired or sick. And almost any woman can tell you out of her own experience that Dodd's Kidney Pills are the help" they need. A union station representing an expenditure of $31,000,000 is near- ing completion at Leipsic, Ger- many. It will be one of the largest stations in the world, and it will be used by 13 railway lines. There are now five railroad stations in Leipsic, and these are to be aban- doned with the opening of the new station. Patient: "Are you sure, doctor, that this health food that you have recommended --- is nourishing?" Doctor: “Sure? Why, I know it. The man who introduced that health food not only lives, but supports a large famuy on it." A Pill for Brain Workers. ---- The man who works with his brains is more liable to derangement of the digestive system than the man who works with his hands, because the one calls upon his nervous energy while the other applies only his muscular strength. Brain fag be- gets irregularities of the stomach and liver, and the best remedy that can be used is Parmelee's Vege- table Pills. They are specially compounded for such cases and all those who use them can certify to their superior power. To every man is given his oppor- tunity to do something worth while. By dose is clogged, by eyes are red, By throat is sore and raw, By joints all ache, so does my head. By breath is hard to draw. But spring is here, with all its cheer, Bo let us cease to fret, Ad sig ad sbile ad clig a while To Wi'ter fiaddles yet. Fish, as a rule, increase in weight and length every year up to their death. Allen's t ung Balmmdn which there is no opium, cur/as. sore throat and sore Jaugs, as it allaya the iuiiammatiun and rids you L? the mucous that; stups up the air passages. 250, 50e, $1.09 bottles. The French Government makes tobacco in which the nicotine is re- duced from 2% to only 1 per cent. The tobacco is dearer, but good for nervous and weak-hearted smokers. In Quito, Eucador, it is the cus- tom to uncover when there is a dash of lightning. tttin-i:---"?"',"' Cure will alwnyu cure my coughs and Colds." Mother Graves' Worm Extermin- ator is pleasant to take; sure and effectual in destroying worms. Many have tried it with best re- sults STATION TO GUST $31,000,000. SPRIG SOG ii; E A' D . rS--00. “Are you blind, prisoner?' in- quired the magistrate. "Yes, your worsuqo." "You are charged with vagrancy. Bow did, rou lose your sight I" "By a Pit pf appleplexy; sir." "But there is a picture on your breast representing an explosion in a miherthrough Which, it is stated, you became blind. How is this I." - T "Please, your worship, I oouldn't afford to pay .a. artist as icould paint appleplexy.†Are you discouraged? Is your doctor's bill a heavy tinapclal load? Is your pain a heavy physical burden? I know what these mean to delicate wometi---f have been tt1l?gty."ut11,: too; but learned how to cure myself. want to relieve gour- bur- dens. Why not end tho paln an stop the doctor‘s bill? I can do this tor you and wlunlf you_wlll qssilst Ina. " ' t 'F'V .. 4..., ..__. _r._rer__e ....-V All ’you heed do is to write tor a. free box 0 the remedy which has been placed In my hands to be. given away. Perhaps this one box will cure you-At has done so tor others. If so, I shall be happy and you will be cured for M (tho cost of a . . AA_\ Tr.,.... ‘_LI>A-u< “A1A Anna He was a foreign nobleman on a visit to England, and he took the keenest interest in all that pertain- ed to the history of the neighbor- hood in which he found himself. s'y):j'sttai'riih/tri.'riiF. "Yiftir jdtt'eFs' tfeld" ddnttl. denuauy. Write to-dav tor mv free treat- ment. MRS. F. E CURRAH. Windsor. Ont. Strolling one day, he met a burly laborer returning from his daily toil. "Well-er-yes, me lord!" stam- mered the laborer recognizing his interrogator. "I did have a few rounds with Joe, of Milligan’s farm, a little while back; but I'd no idea your lordship had heard of it." "I say, my goat frient," he said, "was there not a, big battle fought somewhere here?" Mothers will find the following statement of more than passing in wrest, showing, as it does, how Zam-Buk ends the skin-disease of children, even when ordinary re- medies have completely failed. Mrs. C. W. Bowerbank, of nu Denison Avenue, Toronto, myse- "Not long ago my baby's face broke out in an eruption. The spots would crack and be very irritating and sore. At other times they itched fmz'fully. and caused the child to scratch and rub, thus mak- ing the sores very inflamed and painful. I tried all sorts of club ments and salves, but they Borne- how did not seem able to remove the trouble. Zam-Buk proved very different, and a few applications gave the child relief. The sores are now healed completely. - Rock is the guest and easiest material to cut a tunnel through. "Since that time my little daugh- ter has had occasion to use Zam- Buk for skin trouble. She broke out in blotches on her hands and arms, and in her case also Zim- Buk effected a, cure. The cost of keeping up the public drinking-fountains and cattle- troughs in London is nearly $10,000 per annum. Rape-m. 1tv--"Sh11ot1'ts Cure will alwayu cure my coughs and colds." "A woman that does all her own work for a family of eight, includin' the washin', when she kin just as well afford help, ain’t no martyr. She’s a Chump.†It is a, sure cure for pimples and eruptions, eczema, ring-worm, ul- cers, outs, burns, bruises, poisoned sores, chronic wounds, bad leg, piles, festering sores, and all skih injuries and diseases. Druggists and stores everywhere sell at 500. a box, or post fre for price from Zam-Buk Co., Toronto ;, 3 boxes Repeat 1t;-'Whi1oh'ss Cure will always cure my coughs and colds. " $1.25. You are warned against cheap and harmful imitations some- timos represented to be “just as good." A Woman's Sympathy Sheep in parks sleep on the road- ways on clear, cold nights, because then the grass is colder than earth or stone. Iron ships soon go to the bottom when abandoned. Wooden ships float for weeks, months, and some- times for years. The Beauty of a Clear Skin.--- The condition of the liver regulates the condition of the blood. A dis- ordered liver causes impurities in the blood and these show them- selves in blemishes on the skin. Parmelee’s Vegetable Pills in atyt- ing upon the liver act upon the blood and a clear, healthy skin will follow intelligent use of this standard medicine. Ladies, who will fully appreciate this prime quality of these pills, can usethem with the certainty that the effect will be most gratifying. Servia is the most densely-popu- lated country in the palkan States. Repeat iti-"5ntiloh 's Cure will away»: cure my coughs and colds." Ferry Davls’ Painkiller. It's eiftytsts are 911110317 instantaneous. Cures cuts, barns and bruises. Taken internally cures (Tampa, diarrhea and dysenbsrfi. Avoid substitutes. There is bat one "L'aiaki tetr"-Perr.a Davis--25t and We. ZAM-BUK CURED HER BABY. SAID UNCLE SUCH IS FAME HIGH ART. SILAS Over 200,000 head of horned cattle are on these estates at present, and this number will be much increased. We are therefore in a better position than ever to guarantee the purity and high character of BOVRiL. BOVRIL is pure corcentrated Beef and to ensure supplies of prime Beef for our needs we havejust recently acquired 438,082 acres of the finest grazing land in che world, in the Argentine Republic, and 9,000,000 acres in North West Australia. BWE5HE . a, F. 'tWEP, tGy 8Fi/Mm - I?“ " 8 ' I '%rrt5, 333 "e%' s'M4th' 32% AE' [lt it ,4 . Ara Mhdi .3 g, a W; 'l ‘ 43333334 arrl ' T Eiibssa atthtigel 331g - 73+ _ 3M3... aet54 E235ilm » - Mi' 37525; s4B9W"'ss"" -_ 3 .3 Eam- 332333 oassaatrs-"s' -- .333. Bjiht$5? 3 ears""'" »" 'tr, " _ A)": .. AF' W33 USED IN ijiiiiiiiiiidiJ) ()nttil PM No language can describe the feeling of a deaf mute when he steps on a tack in the dark. h LL cereals should be thoroughly cooked to get the best results for food purposes. In our Canadian Agricultural Colleges they have tested the effect of cooking on the solubility of foods: Read this table: . ROLLED OATS P. O. Solids WHEAT FLOUR P. C. Solids m , I T - Rnlubla "I asked the young woman in front of me to remove her big hat, so that I could see the stage." "Did she do it I" "No; she said if she held her hat in her lap, she couldn't see the stage nerself." For Ghllblalns, Frost Bites, Bruises, Spmins, nothing equals the hmvus old remedy, Perry Davis' Painkiller. Keep a bottle always on hand. Equally gond to cheek Chills aud break up Guida. At auihugr,gi.sts. When a mother says her boy-is full of mischief the neighbors real- ize that it means trouble to them. Repeat itr-"Shiloh's Cure will alwayn cure my coughs and colds.†ya" it, b Ea 'heiaet tak W: RE kw w». KN)- 's 4 w: glitliiiEt% atgWRitt 3: iv: gammy: H: rt;- as; is? an 3:212; FE ggi ’ M Its, if c, r “* " r " rC AN r - y, c., '3 lti& F W 34:: ttg wk: BE " gs. EN Mi8 {at “3:731 V al s, at - tttll tgtgggMV ' V r MX ttm W& " Mlil EEt 2* k Mi : EN V: “ " " RS 4:: . P. !grd beak-a a a": Eirc). b% WKi'$8gCW%t gay' _tt-NtME.7.r* _ 43 tr MM . 3" If": 333"“: - ' tSEiSSt2i- Mgag4 'Ea if»: EN 35% 1i5iBg%aig We are no N spesiairiag in is so to-day. Medmme will prolong life, but be sure of tho qualities of the medicine. Life is prolonged by keeping the body free from dis- ease. Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil used internally Will cure coughs and colds, eradicate asthma, over- come croup and give strength to tho respiratory organs. Give it a trial. "By Medicine Life May be Pro- lontyrd."---So wrote Shakespeate nearly three kgqndred years ago. It 330 3.0171 War-.11.; Money 7 Have' rm 3. iitMe ku-twievlga of Farm SI: N: Then write us if 036E. 8) to in) weakiy, B my or c >mm..~5uun. No 9xperie'ma. Di part the w m1 on y-xu 8T0%f8 tu40 BONN) The robbery of graves is the one crime in China for which the thief may be killed on the spot by any- one finding him in the act. Why go limping and whining about your COI‘RS when a, 25 cent bottle of Holloway’s Corn Cure will remove them? Give it a trial and you will not regret it. WARREN GZOWSKI dk CO. Members Toronto Stock Exetrsnge. Traders Bank Building, 25 Broad Street, TORONTO. NEW YORK 109.000 COPIES of popular, standard and classical sheet music must be tstwrif1msd at onus with-.ut oonsidssratioa as to mine at cost. 1hls ntuck wells at the retail price of 15 to Mo. 1; copy. Our prlcoa, as long as the "ot3lt lusts are placed on a. basis which will in we them quickly. All ttie are in perfect condition. ’1eaclier or denial-never ind an opportunity at this kind. offered store. See the priees--thaa NWMR MEET MUSE act qaiolc, 6Wh.rV Human. 50 Copies Assorted Sheet: Musto........................ .....r.........". $2.50 100 Cogios Assorted Sheet Music __............... ",ciiciiiscirinesQ .. Will send. a. unch of sample! for 25 cents pastpaid. SpeclaJ Ytlces quoted in Ions o 1,000 or more. Do not delay-order handily. Bumps acuapbad for smal amounts. 's CANADA gdit 30.. "ll Queen Street West, 10mm. um. Uneooked - 8.43 ' 30 minutes 14.95 2 hours 18.79 5 hours 29.93 8 hours 34.30 You will notice the gradual rise in 'ttia9tt.L k ARM Leading Conservatories, Conega, Schools, "N""" â€7 Theatres, and in thousands of homes where a piano of distinctive merit is appreciated. The Bell is the Mil only piano with the Inimitable Repeating Action, LESS THAN COST OF PRODUCTIUN. GGEALT Bend for (tre-ef Cirtafogue -ttis. 75. _ p1ANO Q Organ Go.. Limil'ed GU ttum-lA/Terr.!..!?..., a... BOVRIL LTD,, 27 St. Peter st, Montreal. IS LIQUID LIFE. Stocks. Write us for information. age It 3.1 MLIIE8 l . VI W- v - - - . giving sabigfaction, stick to the!“ goods. We supply, pure teas, cof umes. toilet requisites. etc.. att The In me Specialties Co., Dept. Fina Insurance Agenn Wanted Richmon'l & Drummnnd Fire pany. Head iJtria.tuchTpm1' t 1879. Capitals-150,000. For " muted points, Province of Outa AGENTS WANTED E 1’ m Por' sale ' '..H ". _ prohtwpaym ar Farms in l4States. Strout' ata-tENN' New Monthly Bulletin o Real Bargains, profuseiy illustraeirl, mailed free, Wepay your R.R. free. E. A, 8TRO‘JT 60., Eon! c I. World's Larges}; Farm Dealers, University; u a FFVPhNV6V “M...“ Bldg., Syracum, N.V. I Simon AIajajian, Prop. r Tel. M sin 880, 198 King at, View, forcnto 18 TORGRTO STREET, YGROHTO. CANAD’ E2 This ta the aggégs , M Time to tg T Organize Instruments, Drums, Band Music, Eta. EVERY TOWN CAN HAVE A BAND Lowest prices eve: quoted. , me catalogue. over 500 illustrations, mailed free. “Then. for anything in Music or Mvsicei Instrumsn s. VJHALEY, ROYCE 61 CO.. Limited Toronto, Ont" and Winnipeg, Man. 59933 mm S'riNllfil ALEXAN DER WARDEN, Cotrtlt stocks bought and sold on commission. Lon: Distamm Phones-Main 2370, Maia 2371. ANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL H_OUSB Work Smallfamlly. Write. Mrs. T. I. sebum, 124 Spadina Road, Toronto rd ti 1rltiENTAt. RUG CO., (Late treasurer Presbyterian Church in Canada) EWART, Chief Agent, No. 18 Wellington b't., East, Toronto. Drummond Fire Insurance Com- fics Bichmond‘ Que, Established $330,000. For agencies at unrepre- Province of Ontario, address Cleaned, Washed and by Oriental Process. ths only specialistsi Steele Bari; sided Co.. Raise T RUGS For Sale 35$â€? the best results If the firms from thom you order you: supplies are rk to them. It not. try on! 9 teas, anthem spices, per- I, etc.. at the lnwest prices. Go., Dept. A, Toronto, Ont Them Without Milk. Bc,e'slerrrte. . ... Ld., Tor0ou _ We are I' Canada. aopai red