L ï¬g V 1-4; We have just received a shipment of the most up to- date line of chairs we ever saw all in quartered oak and upholstered in leather angligme in genuine Spanish leather. To look at our show window while our great display of easy chairs/is on. ORDERS DELIVERE D DAILY . We are going to get your trade and that's the reason thwie' Jhairs aré’gBiKé at prices that will make you sit up and look. They are positively worth twice as much aszwe are golng to ask for them. Watch for the blg price tickets. ' V M D. SANDERS, Geo. Sainsbury Carpenter and Contractor Coulter Avenue, - WESTON Uadertakingcand Embalming Promptly Attended To First-Class work done, Good refer- ences. Pumps supplied. All work er mranceed . Millers au) Ir.alenv, mg: Coal and Wood PLUMBING, A Specialty WM. T. WATTS, Contractor for Well Digging, RESIDENCE :' 1ranufaeJa' Estimates given on all kinds of work 'c/ 1h/Ert'i37'"tD/V iWiLLS GEEEEMNE The Jirip,?i hyi E3276 ihrip Baum DANGEROUS EXPERT MENT Want? to: Ontario Pump 00. JAS. GARDHOUSE _ & W. NA/'aachzvsueDr-trn Castovia is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare- goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and alleys Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea. anl Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Ciii1drccu's I?anacea--T1rt, Mother’s Friend. OF ALL KINDS. EARLSCOURT. What is CASTORlA DEALER IN “/4 in Use For Over 3O Years. THE CENTAUR cor-IBANY. TT MURRAY STREET. NEW YORK CITY. (ESTABLISHED 1828. CAST'ORIA Lion tol and" Graham and T _ ' "V R _ __ _ _ W hole-wheat Flows. MAIN ST. , IT WILL BE A :‘rmm and Feeds of all Kinds GUNNS', Limited, wish to advise farmers that they prefer deliveries ot live hogs at their packing house, West Toronto, on Wednesdays and Fridays and in any case, not earlier than Tuesday, or later than Friday each week. Highest prices paid for select hogs. Weights preferred, 160 tr 22t) hounds. A distinguished Londo1rf'physician luringigthe course of a regent lecture in stomach and liver trghbles, gives he folliwing advice v-i', "Be molderate in thegtose of heavy, ,ch foodsit Do notyF? hurriedly, incl thoroughly mas§¢Cate the food. LE your habits sire siFlentary, take a moderate amount 0 exercise before retiring and immfiately upon aris- Lng. Do noru; V strong cathartic pills, many of “1%? ale advertised as sure cures, butA, reality do injury JY weakening liftlie system. If you find it necessity to use any laxative, stick to the gi'r1d-faislf1oned vegetable mixture, vrz.g- , Tens HOW to Cure Stem a and Liver Troubles. , '-‘iuid Extrggt Casbarit, . . . . . . $4 oz. Syrup Rhubarb ..i... (ft. . . . . , oz. Carriana Cgbmpound . At, . . . . 1 oz. Compoungji“ Syrup Sarsarihrilla 5 oz. Take j":iis,t teaspoonful ')gter meals 4nd at bedtime. cr, Thiséiicts in a gentle, magma} W.ay, and "lt"' free from the Weakenmg affect; of strong purgativits.1 Thai" ingredients can be 'bought sepagfately, and anyone can mitt them at hé‘me. This information will be of bCl‘géflt to our readers and is deform liegpmg. T 10 DUNDAS SFREET, EAST, WEST? TORO‘JTD a [[1353in mm, Telephone No. 1 ALWAYS I It gives us gngéat pleasure to an- nounce the rechery of the little ‘daughter of Min Thos. Kenny of gDavenport Roadjafter her serious ill- ness with Pneptu6nia. l Ethel Wright bf Delaware Avenue, [Dovercourt pleaded guilty to steal- }ing dry goods fi) the T. Eaton store !before Judge Wiiiehéster in the Gener- [aLSessions Hesrhasbarld, Mr. Wright, iput up $500 bail, tor her, and she was allowed to go 1ijitil the end of the !Sessions. Cs? _ The above is the guarantee W. J. Inch the druggist is offering for Par- isian Sage, the greatest of all hair restorers. If you have dandruff, take advant- age of this offer and kill the little dar1iiruff'germs, that will surely steal your hair from you if allowed to con- tinue to persistently burrow into the hair roots. Don't accept any substitute from any druggist. Parisian Sage is the original prescription of one of the world's greatest scientists, and is manufactured only in this country by Giroux Mfg. Co., Buffalo, N. Y. and Fort Erie, Ont; _ Parisian Sage is ad exhilarating and pleasant hair dressing; it is not sticky or greasy, and it makes the hair soft, beautiful and luxuriant. Parisian Sage is also guaranteed to stop falling hair and itching of the calp. Price is 50 cents a bottle from W. J. Inch or by express, all charges prepaid, by Giroux Mfg. Co., Fort Erie, Ont. IN We regret to bear that Mr. A. House of Delaware Avenue has had to come home from Cobalt owing to ill- ness. I Mr. Geo. Wibliy, the well-known Real-Estate mark of Dovercourt is very busy these lays putting through quite a number pf sales in this dis- trict. 2s, St. John's L.ip. L., No. 2045 held a very successful Box Social on Thursday Marchij-25th in the Anglican Church Mission Hall corner of Daven- port and Doveriiourt Road which was well attended. IA good programme 1:953; Bibgided and Everyone Enjoyed themselves thorqughly. Mrs. Potter of = estmoreland AV enue is ill this wee with la grippe. Repeat it-Shiloh':: Cure will always cure my coughs and colds. I York County farmers are concerned gas to the probable. action of the city license commissioners when the re- ‘duction is 11ndcr Way. On Thursday a committee fronf the York County Council composed? of W. D. Armies, reeve of b'earboro,/1'ownship, Deputy Reeve Grubbe, cf Etobico. e, and De- puty-Reeve svctscii, of Yolk Town- ship, waited on the board and urged Plat in any reduction contemplated ‘the hotels in the immediate vicinity oi the Ht. Lawrence Market be con- tinued, Reference Was also made to the need for the retention of hotel accommodation in East Toronto in order to cater to the farming and general public. Chairman Coats- worth asked the deputation to place in writing their views as to the numb- er and name of the hotels they favor- d as being retained. . --af DOVERCOUR'r. -2irs--, - _ Public lkOanp at 11 mm and 7 pm Sunday-Srhuol at d Ada t, who Mass at 2 45 p m Ladies Adult, Bible Class an 8 pm. On Sunday mx ‘held atll 21m. .l, School a*-3 p ', 11 a. m. Mattins hwd 3 p. m. Sunday Schlml 7 p.m Evensong and S Celebration of dot; first Sunday of Hm: 1. third Sunday iu, 8 ». m. Divine service o'eloek pm YORK FARMEng AND LICENSE HEDUQTION. On Sunday next, 1lacs will i brated at 10 30 a m J’m-st in I Rev. Father Playit0,ilt From our own Correspondent, TWO WEEKS UK Mr 'NEY BACK DANDRirt"titCURED 1 Raw!» nurch. Public Worship at 11 a m. Jud 7 m. Sunday Seagull, 3 o'eloek p m. J. L. Shah, Pastor. St. John's (hilir1iean) Church The Rev R St. John's (Catholic) é‘hur Jw Hughus 10v CHURCH SERVICE Fresh? n. New Mist Uhuwh Rev St. pump Beverly Smith and S urmon J rues. N1.A. Rectur. an Church Hamilton pts ervines wi'l be p m ; Sunday- 1'rtlOr) h Ot ter, P manor undn )mm tlil ad " 24 Hillcrest Schools was closed last Ae. Friday owing to the Teachers' Con- ge. Vention. 'i ttl Repeat it--Shuoh's Cure will always R' cure my coughs and colds. Why not start now-to-day, and for- ever rid yourself of Stomach trouble and Indigestion? A dieted stomach gets the blues and grumbles. Give it a good eat, then take Pape's Diapep- sin to start the digestive juices work- ing. There will be no dyspepsia or belching of gas or eructations oi un- digested food; no feeling like a lump of lead in the stomach or heartburn sier-headache and dizziness, and your food will not ferment and poison your breath with nauseous odors. Pape's Diapepsin costs only 50 cents for a large case at any drug store here, anrwil1 relieve the most obstinate case of Indigestion and Up- set Stomach in five minutes. I The result of the assessment de- ,partmcnt work in Wyclnvood and Era- }condale shows a tofal assessment of $1,354,116, ar,ciirst, $1.131,;55 before (annexation to the city. Exemptions .amount to $59,421-51 as against $36,- 9 ion is 2554. (ll,l't,ll,lllltlalillllti,_' shows $870,638, and improvements $1; ,9 8, against 3313213232; tsusuress? assessment shows a large increase' from $13,010 to $52,587. The assess-i ment on the Niagara Power Com- pany's property largely accounts for this item. Income assessment Jumps from $15,700 to 33,633. Real pro- perty has i-ncreased“$114,751. There is nothing else better to take Gas from Stomach and cleanse the stomach and intestines, and besides, one triangule will digest and prepare tor assimilation into the blood all your food the same as a sound, healthy stomach would do it. When Diapepsin works your stom- <reh rests-gets in order, cleanse up _,---and then you feel like eating when lyou comejto the table, and what you leat will do you good. Mrs. Mewhart is down with an at- tack of tonsilitis. Quite a numbe: suffering from Wh( The young peopléris Association held a very successful sqoial evening in the church on Monday (evetring. The Baptists WhojhaVe been holding services here on . Sunday in Mr. Codd’s house have found increased accomodation necessary. The authori- ties ot McMaster University are look- ing tor a site now for a church. Inch’s Cure-a-e" breaks up a'cold and his Emulsio _ strengthens weak Lungs. 3 Mrs. J. Radtory visiting Mrs. Lewd Absolute relief from all Stomach Misery is waiting for you as soon as you decide to begin taking Diapepsin. Tell your ‘druggist that you want Pape's Diapepsin, because you want to be thoroughly cured of Indiges- tion. The Ladies Aid of Zion Methodist Church will gire a "Srephcrds" supper in the nachoo‘rroom of the Church on thstf evening of Friday, March 30th. I, ( The Epwortli‘; League of Zion Methodist Chagall gave a musical social in the recchool-room of the Church last Motgday evening. Mrs. Brown $3? Shaw Street, who recently underwiflat an opiratir n 'n the Western Hospital, is greatly im- proved. fi'i: Glasses warranted fitted, eyes tested Drug Store, Westcn. Mr. J. somerfiefd of Humberwoodi' Avenue is reported on the road to recovery. .; R. Punnett of :Christie-street, is convalescent. 5 Last Tuesday evéiling was the date of the Ladies Aid (if the Presbyterian Church Box Socia1§ which was given in Heron's Hall. It was a most en- joyable one and wisjs a great success. Rev. Mr. Christï¬ of Reid Avenue Presbyterian cu; ‘ch preached a Peeparatory sermog in the Wychwood Presbyterian cn1itch last Friday evening. E BRACONDALE Mount Dennis. ASSESSMENTS INCREASED IN WYCHWOQD AND BRACON- DALE. WYGEWQQD MISERY IN STOMA CH From our own Correspondent of children are ping cough. of Toronto was last week. repaired and re at the Cut-rate John Campbell ot Woodville appear- ed on behalf of the Sheep Breeders' Association before the agricultural committee to urge that legislation be passed compelling municipalities to levy a tax on dogs, and that the money derived from this tax form a fund to compensate for sheep in- jured or killed by dogs. _ "He may winL‘Ehe race.†“Yes: he’s short legged, but long winded-'1 ", Wye Sell the Eat l and Fewest Snags AT THE LOWEST PRICES _ With our complete stock of TOILET ARTICLES * and PERFUMES, we challenge comparison No. 8 Dundas St., Nest TAX DOGS TO PAY FOR SHEEP. Intwnding purehusers' of Cutters Ol" Sleighs should ca" um! (‘x-nmine my SCHCK before purchasing- elsewhere My gowds' an: the heat and the prices are right, (iChsttess ism Ch)ti):1):W):frit:htlWt:B:e -~:-:-:-.-.- CW)C8:BCBC8C8C0:8mtli0rglitl0C0: - tgAi JORNPTR MUN & HL MBER STS THE LONG TND SHORT OF IT is the best remedy for Eczema, Bad Legs Ring- worm, Ulcers. Cuts, Burns, Poisoned and Festering Wounds, Ran. ning and Cold Sores, Sea p Sores, chapped Hands, Itch, and all S kin Irritations and troubles. Itisapositive cure for Blind and Bleeding Files. 250 box everywhere. "l consider a wonderful salve stick as EURO]. is a boon to the working class for “if flaw ata pricerrel! Willi? our reacfy' e -- =- -. _' _ _ _ HQWE Stoves and Ranges A. Maaiaby, iyitht"til and big I handle the Best Makes DRUGGISTS, Toronto, and r e c ei v e a sample free. F "Well, it makes us hustle for the dictionary-that is, those of us who have any curiosity at all." " "When your parents first refused me your hand, I was so wretched that I wanted to throw myself out ot the window." "And why didn't you?"2 I "It was so high!" J “Speaking of poetry, does the mod- ern school make us think?†It touches the spot] every time. gill 1hul tr Nth - SAL e ' , or lawns WHAT IT DOES LIMITED LOVE. m ' 'er, - I re 'm E " PN K ":3wa up $8% " " w WEST TORONTO WESTON, ONT,