Celebrating seniors week, the York Interagency Council will hold a Senior Citizens' Health and Information Fair. Features will include a tea room, en-. __', it/rrtsisi,iy/,ttrtitgt,vy,iit,i,f, ttyi ' testing; _ â€mdm§%p@:é§$nity%%o tttitas: T , Everyone at the meeting expressed concerns and an optimism to make the association work towards a At the present time, the association will concern itself with several problems in the area including parking, garbage and the general up-keep of the area. Under the guidance of the Borough of York's Planning Department, the association haslaunched itself into an amazing start. Six businessmen in the Keele-Eglinton area met for the first meeting and the second meeting saw the grow to twenty-seven. seniors week Another new business association has been formed in the Borough of'York, started by a group of businessmen in the Keele-Eglinton area and called the Keele-Eglinton Business Association. "keep York Beautiful" week will be held May 31st to June 7th. The effort will involve all the council members, various groups and businessesand the residents them- selves. Mayor Gayle Christie IS suggesting we "Give York A Clean Sweep." As- part of the York Lions Fun-Fest 80, a parade is scheduled along Eglinton Avenue from Dufferin Street to the West Side Mall. The parade will feature various bands, floats, local groups starts at 9:30 a.m., on Saturday, June 2lst. Plan to take the kid- dies. clean sweep In 1981, Weston will celebrate the Centennial of its incorporation as a Village. Ac- tive participation by every group and citizen of Weston will make 1981" a year to remember. new friends. It 1Tiriii'i'ds place at the Centennial Building on Wednesday, June 18, " 10am. to 4:30 p.m. big parade getting old ADVERTISING DEADLINE June 17 July Issue ON THE STREET June 26 Zol. 2 No. 5 June, 1980 10c New Business Association formed in York N EWS I Weston to celebrate BRIEFS Centennial in 1981 York-Eglin ton Review Pat Mount Dennis M onth/y Pap. Wes ton Times Sports Church By January, 1981, we sincerely hope that Fever†is spreading like wild lire in Weston. Unless you know the secret to the fountain ot' youth, you will get one chance, one crack at the Centennial cclchratlons ot' our Town. Now is when you should be thinking of how you ure going to participate. Talk to your group members and talk to your friends- plan your project or group project before it's, too late. Participation is the key factor in the success of any programme. Everyone should take part in either u project of their own or as part of a group or in being entertained by an event. Whether the centennial celebrations are a week long or a year long, much can be ac complished by careful planning. The activities should be organized in a variety of ways, remembering to in- clude all age groups from school children to senior citizens. 'c'"+ u: vgyatké}! lkl- _tii'i'tiiAaattiiipiititigr1if,' centennial events. ln 1981, Weston. Ontario will be celebrating the Centennial of its in- corporation us a Village. Although Weston is now part of Metropolitan Toronto, its citizens should be proud of the interesting history of their community. During 1981 the Weston Centennial Committee would like all residents and former residents of, the Jite-,ce, 9! Wtewmlimigm L4ij, Marj Mossman Weston Historical Society better community tor the Borough's residents to shop. Giving support to the merchants at the meeting were Mayor Gayle Christie, Controller Alan Tonks, Alderman Chris Tonks and John Crawford and Guy D'Onoi'rio from York's Planning Department. The following executive were elected: President, Mrs. Van Pelt of Gerry Lee's Yarn Mart; Vice- President, Mr. D'Amico: Secretary. Miss Gusi; Treasurer, Mr. Salvino; and three Trustees, Mr. Simone. Mr. Evagelista and Mr. Ferrari. Mrs. Van Pelt welcomes any businessman in the area who wishes to become a part of the association. Ive representatives were appointed to speak to Pages 14 16 Page 8 Page 4 Page 17 Page 19 Leaders, The York Eglinton Soccer Team. One of the highlights of this year's Fun-Fesh will be a parade featur, ing various Bands, Floats, Majorette Groups, Air Cadets, Girl Guides, Boy Scouts, the Blizzard Football Cheer The Lions have invited local organizations to set up displays depicting their particular activities within the Borough. There will be continuous entertainment provided each evening on the main stage including the York a Fashion Show and many other talented en- tertainers. Festivities will run each evening from 6.00 pm. until 11.00 pm. Monday to Friday and all day Saturday from 10.00 a.m. to 11.00 p.m. during the week of June 16-21. Fiiri-fest ’80 - June It? m-di? l The West Side Mall Merchants also plan to hold a Sidewalk Sale in conjunction with Fun- Fest 80. The annual York Festival will again be sponsored by the York Lions as Fun-Fest '80. This community orien- ted project, made possible by the cooperat- ion ofthe West Side Mall Merchants Association who are providing space free of charge in their parking lot for the Car- nival Rides and Games. Summer fun has finally come. The Weston Town C celebration was a big success, with a brunch, displ: flowers, balloons, music and entertainment. The twr Phillips, 3, and his big brother Drew, 6, were at I posed with Lorne the Clown. Lots of people came r day, May 10. Story and more photos in the Weston ' ions Steel Band, A 3 $4», T t _ __.. C _." . _ a, ' __ sr H H, ,ï¬ _ 'tWxgi"itEi',yLaitEiiaad kfii', 5" "ue 'sid . '= w" 'Wd, , â€w “ ;-zd " 's%'sietsais,9i w'r ' - iv 's J iEF?i', = IR 1â€â€; , r u'd i, I RN . " . ., M% 7* FWNll-Mba _ K s: '-'-M‘ Wpr.r," is»; >-‘ a - ' cv, " *. T" _ . " ' s -' :’ - 11-3“: ' "r""' 'J“ " Lions are holding their annual Car Draw for a Dalt's 1980 Honda Civic. The winning ticket will be drawn on Saturday, June 21 at 11.00 p.m. during the Fun-Fest. During the past 45 years the York Lions have taken an active in- The parade will commence at 9.30 a.m. on Saturday, June let. and proceed west on Eglinton Avenue from Dufferin Street to the West Side Mall. As their major fund raising activity, the York The York News congratulates and welcomes the Keele-Eglinton Business Association. As the first president in a newly formed association Mrs. Van Pelt will be kept busy, but she is a hard working, capable and likeable person and will have the assistance of the entire business strip we trust that you will keep it handy for future reference. The handy puli-Out section will provide-3km with easy removal of The York Reporter and In this issue of The York News you will find a pull-out section in the centre of the paper. It is The York Reporter produced by the Borough of York to provide residents with up- to-date happenings for the summer months. the husmesses in the area and to explain the associations', aims. It shouldn't be too long before the association grows into a large, united group. York's Planning Department are to be commended for the support they give to the various business associations in the Borough. Without their help, it would be difficult for these businessmen and women to know where to start. This is atrial project by the Borough of York , and the first fall issue of the York Reporter will ' also appear in The York News. After the two issues, the Borough will assess the V merits ol producing the Yosk Reporter on its own compared to this new method of publication. i, with a brunch, displays, and entertainment. The two young Special pull-out section THE YORK REPORTER In a brunch, displays, and complimentary rtainment. The two young lads above, Lee Drew, 6, were at the Weston Odean, and s of people came to the celebration Satur.. tos in the Weston Time section inside. "We have planned this project as a family affair as a fun week for every- body in the community and at the same time raise the necessary funds for future Lions Charitable and Cdm munity Service Projects" said Fun-Fest 80, Chairman Lion Michael Bunker. Community and this group of dedicated Lions are committed to making York a better community in which to work and live. terest in the Civic, Social and Moral Welfare of the entre's big Mother Day