Eighteen _ students â€" qualitied for Ontario Scholarships at Roya York Collesiate, the Etobicok Board of Education reports in re: leasing the Grade 13 results Student cent or m Robe: cent on followe with 88 Eng followed by Douglas Beckett, with 88.7 per cent. also on nine firsts. Sally Bower with an avâ€" age of 84.8 per cent on 10 firsts was third. # The other Ontario Scholars are as follows: Wiuham Evans, 9 firsts 844 per cent; Linda Macâ€" Innes_ 9 firsts, 84 per cent; Barry Goodison, 9 firsts, one second 834 per cear; Robert Bentley, 9 firsts. 8%.4 per cent Nancy Dicker. 9 firsts. 83 per cent; Suâ€" 18 Ontario Scholarships For R.Y.C. Students | Dicker. 9 firsts. 83 per cent; Suâ€" san Abbott, 8 firsts, one third. 82.1 per cent: Nancy Chavner, 8 firsts. one second, 81.9 per cent; Tim Ruiledge, 8 firsts, one secâ€" ond. 81.6 per cent; Susan Dooley, 9 firsts, 81.4 per cent; Linda Guâ€" ghetti. 8 firsts, one second. 81 per cent; Sylvia Laurie, 8 firsts, one second, 81 per cent; Elizabeth Danyluk, 9 firsts, one second, 808 per cent; Dianne Russell, 7 firsts. 2 seconds, 80.6 per cent; Roswitha Janson, 8 firsts, 3 secâ€" onds. 79.8 per cent (81.9 per centâ€"on eight papers): Clive Elâ€" son. 6 firsts, 3 seconds, 79.2 per cent (80.9 per cent on eight papers). Abbott, Susan EC1l, EL1, Al3 Gel. Trli, Ph1, Chl, FAl, FCH Adamick Denis EC4, EL2, Hil Gel. Tr4, Ph3, Ch2, FA4, FC4 Adams, Seoras ZO4; Ahiers, Daâ€" vid EL4. Hi4. Ge2. FC4; Allcock Wayne EC4, Al2, Ge2, Tr4, Ph1; Anderson, Thomas EC4, EL4 All. GeZ. Tr2, Ph4, Ch3, FA4 FC3; Atkins, Randall EC3. Al3 Ge2, LA4, LC4, FA4, FC4; Baker William EC4, EL3, Al2, Gel, Tr2 Ph4, Ch3, FA4, FC3; Bakewell Geoffrey EL3, All, Ge2, Tr3 Ph3. Chl; Barber, Bruce Gel Beckett, Douglas ECI, EL1. All Gel. Trl. Phi, Chl, FAl. FCI Tne complete results follow i alphabetical order and not nec essarily in order of merit: Beech Gordon EC2, EL3. Al2, Ge4. Tr3. Phi. Chl, FA3,. FC4; Bell. Virginia Hi2, Bo3, Zo4: Bennett. Joâ€"Anne EC4, EL2, Ge3. Bo2. Zo3, Ch3. FA4, FC4:; Bentâ€" ley, Robert EC1 EL1, All, Gel. Tri, Phi, Chl, FAl, FCI; Bird, Lynda EC2, EL1. Hil, Bol, Zo% Gg2; Blanchard. Jean EC4, EL2 Hi3, Ge4, Tr4, LA4, LC4, FA4 FC3; Bock,. Allan Gel; Boler, Sharon EC2, EL4, Ge4. Tr3: Braiden. Dale EC3. EL2, Ge4 Tr4, Bol, Zo3, Ch4, FA4. FC4 Burneit. Christopher EC2, EL2 Al4. Ge3. Tr4, Ph3. Ch4. PA3 FC4: Butler. Kenneth Tr2. Ch3 Tr4, Bol, Zo3, Ch4, Burneit, Christoph Al4. Ge3, Tr4, Ph3. FC4: Butler, Kennei Campbell, Judith EC LA2 LC2 FAl. FC1 Carlile, _ Robert _ Mi3;_ Carson, Carol Gel, Tr2. Bol, FAZ, FCI Cavell, Janet EC4, EL2, Zo4 Chamberlain, Paul EC4, EL2 Hil, Ge4, Ph3. Ch4. FA4, FC4 Chavner, Nancy EC1, EL1, Hil LAl, LC1 FAl, FCI. GA2 GCI Chris. Dennis Ge3. Tr3, Bol Ch4; Clark William EC3, EL2 Bod, Zo4, FA3, FC4, Gg4; Cohrs. Victoria â€" GA1. GCI Cole. Lynn EL3. Hi2; Conrad Cohrs. Victoria GA1. GCI Cole, Lynn EL3, Hi2; Conrad John EL3. Hi3, Ge4; Corn George EC4, EL1, Hil, All. Gel Chl. LAJ, LC3, (igl: Craig James EC4, EL3. Hi2, Zo4; Cud: more, William EC2, EL4. Hil Ph2,. Ch4. Ggl; Cunningham Marie EC3. EL2, Hil. GeB. Bo2 Zol. LA4. LC3; D‘Angelo. Vin: cent EC4, EL4, Al2, Gel. Trl Phi. Ch3. FA1l,. FC1, HAl. HCI Danyluk, Elizabeth EC1 ELI ht Tal LAl LC) FAl FCI Hil, Zol. LAl, LCl. FA GA#, GCI; Drakiw. Walter â€" EC4 Ge3. Tr4, Ph4; Dicker EC1 EL1. Gel. Tr1. Zol Ch1, FA1l. FCI1; Doberstein, EC2, EL4, Bo4; Dooley. EC1, EL1, Hil, Gel,. Chl. FC1, GAL, GC1; Doxsee, EC2 EL2, All. Gel. Trl Ch1. FAZ, FC2; Duncan, EC3B. EL1. Hil, Ge3. Bol Ch2. FA2. FC2; Dunlop,. W EC4, EL2, 204; Elson, Cliv EL1. All. Gel. Trl. Phi FAZ, FC2, Evans, Willian EL1. All, Gel. Trl. Phi FAl. FC1: Farqubar. Lyn Tr4, Zo3. FA4. FC4 Fee Janice EC2Z. EL Tr4, Zo3. FA4. FC4 Fee Janice EC2. EL4. Hil, Ge4, Bo3, FA4. FC4, Ggl. Felâ€" lows, Brenda EC4, EL4,. Ge4, Tr3. 7o4, Ph4. Ch4. FA4. FC4; Fisher. James EC4, EL4, Hil, Al4, GeZ, Trl. Ph4. Ch2; Flemâ€" ing, John Hil, Al2 Ge2. Tr2, FA3. FC3, Ggl; Fortune. John EC2 EL2 Ged4. Tr4, FA3,. FC4; Fowler, Charles FC4, EL2. Hil, FA3, FC3. Gg2; Frise. Donald EC4, Hil, Al4. Gel. Tr4. Ph2. Ch3; Garbig. Ross Ge4. Tr3, FA4, FC3; Gilmore. Christopher EC3. EL2 Hi2. Ge3, Bo4. Zo3,. FA4. Robert Marks 9 firsts, 89.7% te Mark ne fh Zo4: Elson, C Hil, Gel. Chl. FAl. GC1; Doxsee. Harry All. Gel. Tri, Ph1, FC2; Duncan, Donna W Hi3, Ges4; Corn EL1, Hil, All. Gel LC3, Gg1; Craig EL3. Hi2, Zo4; Cudâ€" im EC2, EL4. Hil Gg1; â€" Cunningham EL2. Hil. Ge3. Bo2 c 80 paper: osition , EL1, Hil GA3, GC2 FAZ, FCI EL2, Zo4 EC4, EL2 FA4, FC4 EL1, Hil GA2 GCl 89 PhL Carol an Al Gollob, Edward Tr3, Bo3 Goodison, Barry EC1, EL1 Gel, Trl, Phl, Chl, FAZ, Ggl; Gower, Sally EC1 All, Gel, Tri. Phi, Ch1, FCI1. Arl; Greemaus, John EL1, Gel, Tr2, Bo2, Zo3, FC3, Gg1; Grigas. Raymone EL4, Bo4, Zo4; Guglietti, EC1, EL1, Hil, LAl, LC1, FCI GA2, GC1; Hackett. EC1 FAl Bo3 Al2, FC2 Zo4 FC2; Holmes, Larry Hi4. Bo4, Zo4; Hooey. Edward EC4, EL4, Hil. AlM. Tr2, Ph2. Ch2, FAl. FC2; Howell, Gordon EC2, EL3, Hil, GeB. Tr4. Zol, FAl. FCZ, Ggl; Hunt, Maureen Gel, Bo2, Ch3, FA3. FC3; HMunter, James Hi3, Ge3, Tr4. Ch4. Gg3: Janson, Roswitha ECI. EL2 Hi2. All, Gel, Tri, Ch2, FAl, FC1. GA1, GCI: Johnson,. Paul EL4. Al2, Johnston. Marg FC2; Jones, Allan EC:« Gel. Tr3. Zo2. Ph4. J ones, Judith EC4, FA3. FC4; Kay He EL1 Hil. Al2. GeS. LA%. LC€2; Kee. Sto EL4, Al3. Gel. Tr4, FAZ, FC2; Keller, C ELL Al2 Ge4. Tr3. Ge3. Tr4. Ph3 EL1 FC3 704. Ged4 EC2 PC4 Kusmenko, Lily ECL EL4 Hil. Bo#, Zol. LA3, LC2, FAl FC1; Land. John EC4. EL2, Hil Bo?, Zol, LA4. LC4. FAZ. FC3 LaPierre, Richard EC4. EL4. All Gel. Tr2, Ph3. Ch4, FC3: Laurie Sylvia EC1 EL1. Chl. LA1. LCI FAl FCL GA2 H Barry Goodison, 9 firsts one second, 83 4% NO. 1 GRADE CREAMERY BUTTER 3 QT. JUGS Of HOMO MILK CHICKEN LEGS & BREASTS lob, Edward Tr3, Bo3, Ph4; ison, Barry EC1, EL1, Hil, Tri. Phi. ChJ. FAZ, FC1, Gower, Sally ECl EL1, Gel. Tr1. Phi, Chl, FAl, Arl; Greemiaus, John EC1, Gel, Tr2, Bo?, Zo3, FA4, Gg1; Grigas. Raymond EC2, Bo4, Zo4; Guglietti, Linda EL1, Hil, LAL, LC1, FAL GA2, GC1; Hackett, Terâ€" se EL4, Ch4; Haire, Carol EL2 Hil. Bol. LAY LC2. FCl; Hardy, Ronald Ge4. Ph4:â€"Hesse, Guy ECl Gel. Tri. PhL. Ch2 Holmes, Larry Hi4. Hooey. Edward EC4, AlM. Tr. Ph2. Ch3, Howell. Gordon EC2 Ge3. Tr4. Zol. FAl EL2 Bo4, Zo4. LA4 s, Judith EC4, EL2 FC4; Kay Heather Hil. Al2. Ge3, Zol. LC2; Kee. Stephen Al3, Gel. Tr4, Ph3. FC2; Keller. Carol Al2, Ge4. Tr3, Zo4. Kerr, William EC3 Kichiy, John EC4. Pb4. Ch4; Kukurs. Br Sally Gower 10 tirsts, 84.8% THURS., FRI., SAT., AUG. 20th, 21st, 22nd WEEKâ€"END SPECIALS Marguerite n EC4, EL4 Ph4. FA4. EL2 FA4 Al2 PC4 ECB, Ch3. ECB. FA3, EL4: FL4, citte ECl FA4 Douglas Beckett ‘ 9 tirsts, 88.7% | Judith EC4, EL3, Bo2, Zo4: Legg. Bradlee Hil, Al3, Gel, Tr3, Ph4 Luddington, Dianne Bo4, LA2, LC3, FA2 Dermott. Gary EL Ge3, Tr4, Ch4, LA3, LC2; Macâ€" Innes. Linda EC1, EL1, Hil, LA1, LC1, FAl, FC1, GA1, GC1; Macâ€" Millan, William EC4, EL2, Zo3; McCallen, Stephen EC4, EI4, Hil, Bo4, Zo4, LA4, LC3, FA3, FC2; Mcliveen, Edwin EC4, EL4, Hil. Â¥p2, Gg3; McKee, J a mes EC4, EL3, Hi3. Al2, Gel, Tr4, LA3, LC4, FA3, FC3; Miller, Gary EC3. EL3. Al2. Gel, Tr2, Ph3. Ch2, FA3, FC4: Molak, Anâ€" nette EC2, EL1, Hil. Bo3. Zo2 Ch4, FA4. FC4: Moore. J ohn Gel; Morgan, Marie ECl ELL Hil. GeB, Zol, LA2, LCZ. FAl. FC2; Moroz. Marilynn EC4, EL4, FA3, FC4: Morris, Willowâ€"Anne EC3. EL4, Ge4: Morrison, Lynn EC4, EL2, Ge2, Tr4, Zo3, Ph4, Ch4. FA4. FC3: FC2 FA3 EC3 EC4 Ch4. Neame, Laura EC2, EL2, Hil Bo2. Zo2; Nettleton, Keith EC3 EL3. Ge3, Ph3, Gg2: Newland Charles EC4, EL4, Zo4; Newton William EL3. Hi2. Zo3; Nichols Christopher ECI, EL1, Hil, Gel Phi. LAZ. LCZ,. FA3 FC2 O‘Brien. David EC2. Al3. Ge4 Tr4. Ph4. Ch4. FA3: Okuhara Dick EC4,. EL4 Al2l; Pearce John Hil. All. Gel, Tr3; Perrin Robert EC3. EL4, Al2, Gel, Tr2 Ph2. Ch4. FA4. FC3: Perzel. Warren EC4. EL4, All. Ge2. Tr2, Ph4. Chl. LA4. LC4:; Potter. Jane GeB, Tr3. Ch4, FA2, FC3: Puddicombe, Winnifred ECB. EL2. Bo4, ZoZ. FA4, FC3; Puhm. Ho EC3, EL3, All, Gel, Tri. Phi. Chi, FAZ FC3; Pyâ€" cock. Rena EC4, Tri, Zol, Ph4, Ch4: Radford, John Hil, Gel: Reid. Elizabeth EC3, EL2, Al3, Gel, Ti2, Ph3. Ch4, FA4, FC4: Robertson, Jill ECZ2, EL3. Hi3, Bod. Zo4. LA4, FA4. FC4:; Rolfe. 3, Zo2, Ph2, Ch3 MacDousall, Denn FC4 EL4, EL2 FA4. . 49 49 . 39 Dennis EC3 EC EL4 LA4, Bo3. bert ind EC2 Bo2, Zo2 1a n ECl Matthews Bo4. Zo4 EL2, AlM4 EL2 Macâ€" LAl ELA FA4 EC4 EL1 PC4 Ged4 EL1 FAl FCZ El1 Gel Hi2 LC4 EC2 Eileen EC2, EL3, Bo3, Zo3, Ch4 LA4, LC4. FA3, FC3; Rous: Sharon EC4, Hi4, Al4, FA4, FC3; Ruggiero, Donato EC4, EL2, All, Gel, Trl, Ph2, Ch1, FAl, FCIl, LtAl, ItAl; Rusâ€" sell, Dianne EC1 EL1 Hil. LAlL LC1, FAl, FCI, GA2, GC2; Rut ledge, Timothy ECI, EL2, Hil LA1I, LC1, FA1, FCI, GA1, GC1 Ryan, David EL4, Hi4: Rymell COMPANY CAR SALE 3077 LAKESHORE BLVD. W. NEW TORONTO THE ABOVE CARS HAVE BEEN MAINTAINED TO FACTORY SPECIFICATIONS A ND WILL BE SOLD SIMPSON MOTORS Low Cost Financing On All Deals Lindae Macinnes 9 firsts, 84% Automatic tronsmission, whitewalls, radio, washers, wheel covers padded dash and many other extras. License 498â€"491 Automatic tramsmission, radio, whitewalls, washers, wheel covers mirror and many other extras. with black top, automatic transmission, Vâ€"8 engine, power steer ing, power brakes, radio, washers, wheel covers, tinted wind shreld, padded dash, mirror and many other extras. License 497â€"465 25 c 165 YoOUR OPPORTUNITY TO SAVE HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS ON THESE LOWâ€"MILEAGE, EXECUTIVEâ€"DRIVEN CARS ... STILL GET TOP ALâ€" LOWANCE ON YOUR PRESENT CAR AND IN ADDITION RECEIV E 1 UV BRAND NEW FORDS, FALCONS, FAIRLANES AT SIMILAR DOLLAR SAVING PRICES FORD GALAXIE 500 FORD CUSTOM 500 2â€"DOO0R HARDTOP IN RANGOON RED FULL PRICE ©2640 FULL PRICE ©2629 FULL PRICE §3077 FAIRLANE 500 4â€"D00R IN PAGODA GREEN 4â€"D00R IN RANGOON RED LA1, Rutâ€" Hil. OTHER LOW MILEAGE COMPANY CARS Authorized FALCON â€" FAIRLANE â€" FORD â€" MUSTANG â€" THUNDERBIRD Dealer | ut y 0n | w9 it ~Ce Carolyn EC3, EL2, All, Gel, Trl, Ph2, Ch3, FA3, FC2; Sato, Joy EC2, EL1, Hil, Bol, LA3, LC2, FAl, FCI, GA4, GC3; Scheibelt, Horst EC3, EL2, Hi2, LA3, LC1 FAl, FCi. GAL GC1; Sheldon EC2, EL1, Hil, Bol, LA3, LC2, FAl, FCI, GA4, GC3; Scheibelt, Horst EC3, EL2, Hi2, LA3, LC1, FAl, FCI1, GAl, GC1; Sheldon, Joseph EC2, EL2, All, Gel, Tr2, Ph1, Ch2, FA2, FCI: Shymanski, Gerald EC3, EL4 Al3, Ge2, Tr4, Ph4, Ch4, LC4: Siple, Carolyn ECI, EL2, Ge3 License 490â€"884 Williom Evans 9 firsts, 84 4% WITH THE BALANCE OF NEW CAR WARRANTY. 3,000 IS A CROWD! Nearly 3,000 children jammed Central Arena last week as the Etobiâ€" coke Recreation closed out its summer proâ€" graom with a galo parade. Children from 53 parks took part, with the flooat from John G. Tr2, Bol, Zol, Ch2, FAZ, FCl;| van Zutphen, Smith, Stuart Ge4; Smith, Wenâ€"‘ch uk, Shirley dy EC2, EL2, Hi2, Ge3, Bol, Ch3. Zo1, Ph4, Ch3, FAl, FC2; Starr, Janet EC4, EL2, shott, Carol EC Hil, Ge4, Tr4, Zol, Ch3, FA3B. T4 Bo3; Wint FC4; Stevens, Robert EL4, mz,!,.;u' Hi2, Ge4, Tr4, Zo3, Ch3; Stoss, Rainer|@C3; Wood, FI EC3, Al4, Ge2, FA3, FC3; Sulliâ€"\m;4 pog Zo3: van, Terence Hil, Zo2; Unger, i § f Steven EC2, EL4, Al2, Gel, Tr2, EC3, ELL All. Ph3. Chl. LA3, LC3: Chl, FAl, FC2 Automatic transmission, radio, washers, mirror, convenience pack age and many other extras. Vâ€"8 Engine, automatic tramsmission, power steering, power brakes radio, whitewalls, washers, wheel covers, padded dash, mirror anc many other extras. Automatic tronsmission, power steering, power brokes, radio, Vâ€"8 engine, whitewalls, washers, wheel covers, padded dash, mirâ€" ror and many other extras. FORD GALAXIE 500 4â€"D0O0R HARDTOP IN SAMOAN CORAL FORD CUSTOM 500 FULL PRICE §2319 FULL PRICE §2883 FULL PRICE §3112 THE ADVERTISER â€" Thursdoy, August 20, 1964 â€"â€" Page Van Zutphen, Paul Hi4; Wul-‘ECI chuk, Shirley EC3, EL2, Tr3, 20 Zol, Ph4, Ch3, LA3, LC3; Wapâ€" \pX) shott, Carol EC4, EL4, Al4, Ge4,| â€"â€" Tr4. Bo3; Winter, Arthur EC!_H EL4, Hi2, Ge4, Tr4, Zo4, FA4, FC3; Wood, Frances EC3, EL2, Hi4, Bo3, Zo3; Wright, Geoffrey EC3, EL1, All, Gel, Tr1, Phi, Chl, FAl, FC2; Young, Murray 4â€"DOOR IN RANGOON RED 2â€"D00R IN WHITE FALCON License 491â€"568 License 498â€"564 License 489â€"007 Althouse Park ‘‘The Beatles on the Moon‘ winning top prize. The games and booths at the arena netted $350 for the Retarded Chilâ€" dren‘s Comp fund. ECI, EL2, Hil, Gei, Trl, Bol Zol, FA2, FC3; Zekas, Rita EC2 EL1 Hil, Bo4, Zo2, LA2, LC2 FAl, FCI NEW PONTIACâ€"BUICKâ€" G.M.C. TRUCKS GOODWILL USED CARS â€" Call â€" George Kryslak 259â€"8211 Hearn Pontioc Buick Ltd 259â€"4671 Photo by Stan Windrim