"siur There will be I Miss Play. ground Contest. folluwed hr , “In: M each playground Aw. artis will be gum [or 8mm Rn»; nerby, Bike Rodeo, Track and Field and thsical Fitness (poss- ihle Gold Awards), There will also be three "wards per play- (round "fort the Iwst all round playground" The woman, Adriana Salvad- or. died about 9:45 am. Tues- day, before the horrified eyes of her young children and sev- eral onlookers. She was the “in ot Rim) Salvador. 188 William Street. __'.. ' "m" Witnesses told police the vnman had been walking east on Denison Road accompanied by a one-year-old daughter in a ttscart and a three-yetr-old son riding I tricycle. “p tako place I P"'.'.'""'""' I tn use M rain, the swam par Mr, Douglas Shah-s. â€mam-113m only of the program will uupervimr for Weston Rerrer be cancelled. Parade Closes Playground Awards to Weston Swimmers A 25ryear-old Weston mother of um was killed instantly when struck by a CNR freight- train about 100 yards south. of the Denison Street RR crossing. on Denisan Road accompanied} After depositing the children by a omryear-oid daughter in a; on the sidewalk in front of the gocart and a three-year-old son 5 Adelaide Electric company, 24 riding I tricycle. ‘ Lipineott, she turned and surl- Upon reaching the crossing, ed back. She never returned. Ihe turned right and proceed- The woman, according to in- 0d south on a dirt pathway formation exclusive to the Weston Mother Killed h Train! llyies Near Denison St. Crossing The I'Ensw THE VICTIM’S LAST STEPS were taken when she walked through the fence-gap shown above and onto the CNR tracks to retrieve her son's tri- cycle and a suitcase. She was struck by a freight- train and hurled 20 feet, dying instantly. A Lipin- Cult. street house-wife saw the tragedy from her front porch. _ ROSS WHITE is seen imprisoned in the cab of his truck. Had he stepped out, he would probably have been electrocuted instantly! CUWAN MAY BACK “DARK HORSE†slum mil mmmonco with de form lite playgrounds le Mame Memorial Park, the rest pf the scheduled will take puma ft 1AfllllliMjrllll"fltlll)illl __"llllrlllllMllmibuulnflllSllRt"r'lllSlllllelRlt al rvrrmnnies of the HIT m Commission ngrammc" will trrow, Friday, Play. 1 parents bv a! -- tinn Commission', Water Safety Instruction Program, has :11- nnuncod that there will be an All Junior, Intermediate and Senior swimmers who have tak en cusses in these categories are muted to altvnd,‘wnh their From 830 . 9745 pm. more will lw a frée swim for children and ttwir part-ms. Prom 930 _ 1000 pm. there will be movies and presentation of awards to swimmers Refruhménu will be nervod at 10:00 pm. According to an eye-witness, the woman attempted to man- euver the go-cart over the tracks toward Lipincott but was unable. She then carried it 1mm, lollowed by ha m. Hi: tricycle and a suitcase were left behind. "Awards Night" ll the Weslor Area Swimming Pool on Wed nesday. Aug, 19, at 8 30 pm, which lies between three CPR tracks and a Fiipst's'l,hne. trio reached a gap In wir ten- cing which parallels the tracks, at the dead-end of Lipincott Street. gm? Trailer Strikes Trolley-line a} Weston " Traffic Endangered a large trailer collide WESTON TIMES _ ADVERTTS- l crews of both trains, soon gath- ER, hung her coal on the fence, s ered, The body was taken to walked the few steps toward the chief cy.rontr's.m0rye on her stroller and _suitease and Limb“: St"? radarâ€? was shattered by the train. It w e? l was [hauli‘d y e was travelling between 30 and dea womans us an . 35 miles per hour according to Police said there'have been the investigating officer. many serious accidents invol- near Listowel. collided with the lines when he attempted to pull a 17-toot gravel crusher under the low-clearance. The lines carry about 500 volts which wPre grounded to the truck " ter the accident. If White had tried to step out of the cab. or a brstander had touched any part of the vehicle. the consequences could have been very serious. Trolley-bus traffic was held up nut A near disaster was narrowly averted recently when a large tractor trailer collided with trol- Iey-bus lines on Weston Road, causing grave danger to the dri- ver, automobile traffic and ped- estrians. The truck. operated by Ross White, 31, of Brussels. Onl., near Listowel. collided with the lines when he attempted to pull a 17-toot gravel crusher under the low-clearance. The lines head wires near have been sitting on the bell, but the woman didn't hear it. Perhaps she got confused be- cause there was a CPR train on the other tracks shunting back and forth", said the obviously- shaken bystander. The witness said a warning) bell was clearly audible. “Th-t poor engineer maul "You could get a bad jolt, or A crowd, which included the I hung lite was lost. MRS. SALVADOR met her death at the place in- dicated by this newspaper's reporter. The scene is about 100 yards south of the Denison Road rail- way crossing, near the end of Lipineott Street. ided with TTT" me 1450 Weston Ron WESTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, â€6081’ ". "" I The trailer, which had been Jused to crush gravel near List. Lowel. was being returned to lBlackwood-Hodge, 10 Suntract. (Dowmrview but the driver had )intended to go down Weston iRoad, and up Jane street be icause the 401 _ Jane exit was closed. _ An inquest into Mrs. Salva- Idtr? death will definitely be ‘held but a location and date L have not yet been set. l Meanwhile. the trains con- l tinue to move and children still (play about the scene where a The collision occurred and Page jumped ciear just " possibly be electrocuted", aid one of the TTC emergency crew which hastened to the scene. near 1450 Weston Road and op- posite the Facelle Company warehouse. White's companion. 1&year- old Paul Page of Listowel, had stepped onto the truck's run- ning board to watch its passage under the wires. Police said there"have been many serious accidents invol- ving trains in the Denison Road area during the past few years. This is not the first fatality, ne- coiaing to one comubh _ tr one hour till the dangerous situation was rectified. Police kept many specul- tnrs any from the truck which carri- ed A 500-volt churn. Speaking "Mt the record', several influential members of the Onurio Grits' machine said Ralph Cowan, MP for York. Humber; "mes Walker, MP far York-Centre and Leonard "Red" Kelly, MP for York-West; have agreed to throw their weight be. hind M-yeapold Greene's efforts to wrest the party nomination from trottt-running candidate Charles Templeton. At a late-morning meeting held in the Royal York Hotel, Mr. Greene, a native of Toronto and father of five, declared him, self a candidate for the position left "can! by the retirement of John Wintermeyer. A federal member who re- sides in Arnprior, Ont. Mr. Greene is the first politician to try the jump from ' back-bench in Ottawa to leadership of the Ontario Liberals since Mitchell Hepburn ended Tory rule at queea's Park more than 30 years Mo. Greene expressed admiration for the controversial depression- en Premier from Elgin-South and considers himself I "hust, ings orator" like Hepburn. He plans to travel throughout the province Ind speak to as many electors as possible, if success- ful in winning the nomination. The TH? employees were quick to advise a" brstamiers to heep clear of the truck, " a single touch. could have tr?en fatal. __ An hydraulic work-platform was raised and the "live wires" cut away to be replaced by new cable. The entire operation was over in about one hour and traf- fie resumed its normal flow al, on: the busy artery. Weston area Members at Par tiamerst, According to reliable \ources, may bark J. J, Greene, " for Reatrew South and a rec eetttly-announeed earuiidate far leadership ttf the Ontario Ubeni Party. tul in winning the nomination. Federal members who have C ' pledged to support Greene in. T elude Lloyd Francis of Carlton, / l 2»:qu _ Robert Temple of Hastings- V " 'r,,rrrr,s1jsr'siri'rr'r, South, and Walter Foy of Lamb, i _r'r'.'y, 35-. r -.r mnWest. ' T NVeston's MP May Back Joe Greene As Ont. Liberals' Leader, Premier Greene, who considers Temp- leton his main opponent for sparks, and hot metal fell about the cab. Pungent green smoke filled the air. The accident delayed UC trolleys heading north and south on Weston Road far sev- eral minutes. Police were on the scene immediately and were soon Joined by an emergency truck from the transit commis- sion. Fry, A resident at Sarah, lug called Greene 1 "winner" and describes him as “an able speaker in the House of Com- mons . . . I proven, well-ttsub- lished. loyal Liberal having worked hard and faithfully for some 15 years". Greene went on to charge the conservative government with perpetuating its regune through "patronage" and "high-paid pub- lie relations men". "Try to get a job in a liquor [store or with the Department at tParty leadership, challenged the former TV-personality and even ‘gelist to I television debate, pat, terued after the Kennedy-Nixon [dEbates in 1960. [ He called this challenge . 1"eaicuiated risk" because of iTempleon's experience and "pol, ished performance". Greene nn 1 hand through his shock of grey hair and referred to him- self as a "backwoods lawyer", _ To look before one leaps has always been accepted as sound _ polciy. Due to research and deli, 2iesrJ,,t,io't', have preceded my de. cision to enter this contest and my entry does not bespeak ' psychopathic impulse to be a Kamikaze politician. In 59 years of Tory rule there has been but a brief respite of (t years of Liberal pdministrl- ition, A body politic like the hu- (man species commences to die ‘nn the day it is born, It is thus 'obvious that rigor mortis is well advanced m the Tory corpus de- licti. Drew to Frost to Robarts has passed the political ball with all the easy agility of Tinkers. (to Evers, tn Chance. Surely it is ‘not in the interest of good gov- :ernment to perpetuate one-party ‘rule in this Province. A PROPHECY? The sign predicts that Joe Greene, MP for Renfrew South, will be Ontario's next premier. If successful, Greene will be the first Liberal to lead the provincial govern- ment since H. C. Nixon who was de- feated by George Drew 21 years ago. GRADE 13 RESULTS AT WCVS " INSIDE To-day the people of Ontario are seeking change. reform and leadership. It is the duty of this party to provide that leadership our people so Justly deserve, The only question hr Liberals is _ Is there 1 leadership ran- didate who can topple the Tor- ies? It will be no Pasy task ttt restore Liberahsm Ind reform f6 Ontario The Conservative patr- onageoiled mlchine is Just as rich. just " powerful and just as effective as ever was the Du- plessis machine in Quebec. They "But a darn good orte!"/iater, jaded . voice from the back ot the packed assembly-room. Andrew Thompson MPP for Dovereourt; Rober Nixon, MPP for Brant; Joseph Gould. MPP for Bracondaie; and Eddie Sar- gent, MPP for Grey-North. Following is the text of his “I herewith announce my can didacy for leadership of the Lib eral Party of Ontario. Following is speech: Sensationalism. name calling and headline hunting will not achieve office. We must show a well-informed. capable and res» ponsible alternative to the pre- sent government. We must have dynamism coupled with respon- sibility. My mpporters lean to the view that, of all the declared 1 candidates. Mr. Templetgn‘s pub- lie image most closely approach- es the dynamic requirement. I suggest that it would he of in- lteres: to the people of Ontario to determine whether Mr. Tem. pleton or myself unset†to I higher degree those l portant qualifications of dynamism and responsibility. I can think of no more effective method of facing this challenge than a televisinn press debate on the Kennedy, Nixon format. I hereby challen- l " Mr. Templeton to such I con- 1 frotttgtiott, I believe that I tired Tory " ministratimt his failed to meet Lands Ind Forests. if you're I Grit, you’ll be at the end ot the hue." In response to questions from the press, Greene said he look- ed for a “new road" in labor- management relations with greater co-operation from both factions. "I don’t think labor unions should be denied international affiliations", be said, ". . . cap- ital is international in scope . . . labor unions should be just as strong. . . they would go for- ward harntritrghwe." When questioned about his source of campaign funds, Greene quickly replied he would use any source that would not impair his functioning as Pre- have governed badly but they are good at politics. Their public relations men are good - their image makers the best - their coffers are laden with the fruits of 21 years of office. The strug- gle will be hard. Our new leader must have in abundance those qualities of ex- perience, ability, daring and imagination. There would have been no victory m 1934 without the Onion Farmer of Western Ontario. His counterpart in 1964 must possess not only his dyna- mism but also such a back- ground of party loyalty as to en- list the enthusiastic support of all Liherals across Ontario. The Liberal Party must not wither another decade in opposrtiom Duncan MacDonald, well-known Wes- ton lawyer and co-chairman of Green's Toronto campaign effort. is seen at left. Greene, who may win the support of local MP Ralph Cowan, has been refer- red to as a "dark horse" candidate. for party-leadership. The tall, athletic-looking MP sud he bad no quarrel with for. mer party-leader Wm‘zrmeyer or with his predeeessor, Farg- huar Oliver. mxer, He Idded there are not many such sources. the challenge of these dynamic times. The time has come for reform, That reform will come only if the Liberal delegates choose well in September. The criterion must be not "Who -c'an win the Convention" but "Who can win the Election - Who can topple the Tories?" If we choose by any other yardstick then we will manifest to the people of Ontario that we are not yet ready for office. "They have left the mm: M the Liberal Party as clean and unsuilied as could be wished", he eoutinued and said the well- informed, sophisticated elector- ate of Ontario was deserving d responsible government. If by this, the only standard, the Liberals of Ontario deem me worthy of support, then I shall he proud indeed to lead a Lib. en Government of Reform back to Queens Park. a Mr. Greene's eampaigtrettair. man is John Clary and his fin. "seiarehairrnan is Charles Mae. Millaa oi Rosedale. This meeting otr1eially placed "doe" Greene's hat in the ring along with Charles Templeton, Four shooters “on plum on tho Canadian 01vmpic team, when they qualified at Bump ton. Ont. In rpprosent Canada in free nistol and small born rifle shooting Gary McMahon, a 32-yearmld research scientist from Dart. mouth. Nova Scotia. and Bi" Hare, :1 29-year-old theo,'oguw student ttont Ottawa, Ont. WY any Canada's colors in In pistol shooting, Gil Boa. a MI year-old consultin! civil engir cor from St. Catharines, Ont and George Marsh, a 25-year“) metatlurgist from the Tororv, suburb of Rexdale. qualified , mull bore rifle rhodium Rexdale Man Will Compete At Olympics MI CON“ I. -