“if†Red Emma of t "Ma i “he“; urn-dun and u an Again, game effective mum. mam of colour should be and .0 mark no entry "on. with arrows aimilnr tn that used to divide the roadway to thaw the direction the trnffie is tn take Your. sirrrrely. l. At the hunom plum: ml at the "Jamm Gardens" in Eto- bieoke the cnemicnl put on the parking lot was trackeu to the puhhe rmuwny and caused two Icridents because of the grow- ing of the road and the 31am angle in that urea. 2. On the rump lending t Gndiner Exprulwly PM! Randi Kinnwny. on Sam the min eaused this paw here to - and l ‘m wan able to men In an: Should there have btren an at foliowrrur " than T 1"- been durum I oel there would no! haw Mm um. opportunity to no mm been there would urn. oppor nmashmp. Surely in with vital Hm! non-time type of matorml to he Ind. and Ihould be used. Dear Sir It u not always mo fault f tne motunsL- when an MCC:- mu: haopens'. Within me last Wu ween. two “widens haw mm: to my ILL'htlon and am The arch]: “hm Fm: Bark' t your from me July l6 an Etobicoke and York Township have agreed with Metro parks department to provide lighting in the Home Smith Area of Etienne Brule Park. Etobi- coke will take care of the west side of the Humber River and York Town- ship the east side. Cost of the work $17.048 will be met by Metro. The largest low vental apartment proiect in Canada for elderly citizens will be located in Etobicoke, Valued in excess of $3,500,000 construction will begin on the four buildings in August. It will provide 520 units of accommodation. It will be located off Kinling Ave, in the Thistletown area. Traffic control signals will be In- stalled by Metro at Hatfield Rd. and Martin Grove Rd. in Etobicoke. Metro has bought 58 winter overcoat, for When Metro built hm mawr tnsuis In the Don Valley it an off a 3,644,000 cubic yard supply of shale and 136.- 000 yard supply of clay to a brick company. This was six years ago. An arbitrator has awarded the company $550,000, Somewhere along the Hm Mem- mav have blunders»! in turning: “var a $6,000.000 municipaily built hos- pital to a separate board of gaunt "on. Odds are that efforts will be made within three to six months to return the hospital to direct Metro government operation unless all beds are filled with patients. More people in Mam are break)!!! the liquor laws. Metro legal depart- ment reports that last year more than 6,000 convictions were registered under the Liquor Control Act com- pared to only 2,214 in 1959. Metro has approved an $81,700 expenditure far the addition of a general purpose room and tutorial room at West Hum- ber School in Etobicoke. The new Metro air pollution brlau is still in the drafting stage and not ready for use. Metro Chairman " illiam Allen mg. seated that Mimico may have some power: of its own that it could use in the meantime to meet the problem. Metro has let a $277.149 contract for the widening of Nington Avenue in Etobicoke from Princess Margaret Blvd. to south of Dixon Road. Metro Mimico , in the G The new is still ir ready fo physica fitness, greater of our tant h. directio Her nu Olympic ; point I The ingloriouts cartoon of I muscle bound moron occupying a not merely Mame of his physical contribution to the school team is almost 1 thing of the past. Sports events In recent years have prmed well beyond a doubt that brains very often go hand-in-hand with physical prowess - Bruce Kidd for one example. Sir: There wre is ginning awat‘mless um utterly incredible that I board v ital fitness contributes to mental can make such snap decision, :3“ yet, drspite the need for lu'nadlwm for libraries should ivr physical mum on the part sll nuih time to decide whetht my )uuth. Canada warns reluc. not it “ill insist an Olympic lu~f|x§1d xii) muchcash in this Madam. tir, lt seems to us that the leach hr mlwr-h Alltl'illl‘ tisrartis trl?' ttctr/ion could have done so I lplc pattsc'liivt'_vr) _ a tit) ill mum thuncurprting to stimulau I ,ugiigsh l" Lexi for learning. A inside Look At Metro DOROTHY HOBBS (Mrr S. Jn Letters To The grouting new comr t, despite spiral acth Rh. (Amid " uhwu phase m may " Tardy Tactics offered an air pc Ave. an pxwm 'ered little I ir pollution ' y. area of th, air pollution fting stage a Editorial the ride whrthrr their Canadian nimttool. on (an-dun my TP- quir-d to ho dirtmertishe4 In lanadinn by using the (‘nnndian Erwin a vault] they cnntmuu to us. the Union “In. Mr, Kr'ly nuke- fun of them q And)!" mm " honor and name" h thet (M M- nough- hnr- Kan-lull} I rsoMrnt 1r the umm-nhy mm (M "ttee . Mr. Kelly up he honors Ind duped; our dinindly fun. Idiln fue, the Fagin, and then at I time uhon the Ernhimke Emmi of Edurnhnn had to de, borrowed from the Lanndi-n t' thv 1'Wrh9, " t Inch 'hnm the future and m pant tho " new that to mental need for the part w mammal flag of Canr the L'mnn fue and it is "v an hf parliament. We w of {:9 turners of the who remix ed and tempted nu no not our wish for I husto: (th to f alvatiun 'P tr; other mum alar to I whole r.a but England. It flys at of arms plus :ree minty: um d the new life. My undertaken Aiq tn rrwtinuo Topple Teacher al cr namu AM u ight for free " all prooir 2 AD died a Strangely enough, after a tour of the Us. hinterland. there is always a sense of being glad to return to good old Metro Toronto which despite the occasional grumble. has the best public transit system in North America and some of the largest individual shopping centres found in any suburb. Local civic polititians ‘are spend- ing lots of time at the summer» cot- tage and private business office these days catching up on rest and other matters pending a busy fall season of working industriousiy tn get them- <elves re-elected. As for problems. they are just the same in US. as here in Metro. We are away ahead in public housing for the aged and efficient law enforce- ment. They afe ahead in redevelop- ment. ln Mal-o civic circles the impor- tant.) of an item on the agenda of a meeting cannot aways be measured by the number of speeches and amount of talk provided by the elect- ed representatives. Metal helmets on construction pro- jects are becoming a status symbol. Different colors appear to denote rank. Of course when civic elected representatives decide to visit a con- struction site they are always given a pure white metal helmet to wear at a rakish angle. There is virtually little difference from cities and towns in the cs. as compared to Canada. One has to search for the difference. aside from party politics. Two of the more ob- vious are: Toronto and ~uburhs arc far cleaner than most US. communi- ties; civic legislators in cs. towns like to have neatly engraved signs installed on their front garden indi- cating that they are a city or town alderman. )varo penditure gnmery l Applwat mth pay V Buard of utterly inc can make Phat this attitude is infectious in reflected right here in our own town- ship where the decision to “an: Gary Vipond, an Etobicoke high school teacher. to participate i nthe Olympic menus this year, came too late for him to make the necessary arrange- mung. with summer lightweight uniforms. Mum has approved 3 348.800 ex- wnditure by bhobicoke to buy Mont- T'mory Inn and make improvements m the property. Metro has also ap- mawd township expenditures for win: Six Point Rd. from Kipling he. to Islington Ave. and installing torm sewers. I {make adioom lard: at :ime that g that t ummer h' Inn and l property. township Six Point cation for lea y “as made to of Education incredible that Is to us that 1 could have d 1 carpeting to "no?! yur of Jroedlmn with t .opporulmtv to mine tithn ft peorne of the community In pr- Mica! mane“. Mr. Kelly takes the woman of representing "We the Liberal party." That"s a mum: and ctmtra0ictor: Ftattetertt for lug. man after mi civrhnn x: ho riamwd he “an“ to tret to know and rowan and hrmor the people he â€meant: . The Prince of Whips visit- ed us in 1960 and presented three leaves for put, present and fu, ture Ind we're mppoud to re- ceive this beautiful little mes- sage he sent rut out our pres- en? union-l mg. "rap our po- silnn in the world with regard nah romm-m tbrrr 00mmum of thr natton ll lhnw me're [roar up. Thaw whne I start to draw a parade to I group of men in German} in the '30s. They only named tr be grown up. them. direipli free stnndnrd Dir? " ,trtpl and Peo! agnnts or he star rpterrim to u~ml the Red Ensign distinrtly ('anadmn la; the "Maple Leaf Furever Krllr that Editor h snap l libraries to decide sist an 0 m Jail tl Metro m guards ttweight R the Red Ensign in a elected represents t "oppimr 1 at the teacher in e done so much rto stimulate our learning. Inn: rwlr'h TM .2 mm; in "grown? nHw~ in the Mtair, m and mu on to r new hermit?" I 1 a hosttory 1nd the tn Ipproultf Hum e of absence the Etobicoke md it seems I board which decisions on 5 should take e whether or Olympic con- at about the truncillor was s be provided t uniforms. I $48,800 ex- to buy Mont- mprovements has also ap- nditures for takin for Liberal par non in Germany "only wanted tn tking what um: n: by ths/tr own I want to be a " try g - rihed rte type of M The M'ida‘t shoulder 19' ml veil of tulie Illunnn. fell from I that" of white “tin flowers and she tmrried I churminz rand» of white l'hnlnnnpsip orrhidr, staphnnous and tenth. ered rarnmionc. One of the loveliut of July weddings, took place at Plumber Valley United Church recently “hen lithe Malparr, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Harris Maipass of Lambeth Road, be, came the bride of Donan Alfred Griffiths. non of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hugh Griffiths of Gil. ford. Ontario. One of the loveliut of July ', bridesmaids were “owned in full weddings, took place at Humber) length seashell pink rayon peat: Valley United Church recently) noie sheaths with matching “hen Ellie Malparr, daughter' outskirts. Matching head bands of Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Harris adorned their hair and they ctr- Maipass of Lambeth Road, be, ried cascade: of white pom-pom came the bride of humid Alfred ‘ chrysanthemums Ind pink Griffiths. non of Mr. and Mrs. ( feathered amnion. The flower Thomas Hugh Griffiths of Gil. girl was chnmingly attired in ford. Ontario. full length white silk orglnza Standards ot thnk In! white aeeented with I PM!" “Uh and ttladioli decorated the church head band. She married I basket for the ocrulon ind the 1tt', white T"."?"'? rhryunthe- Verend Arthur Steed offieiated mum and pink feathered car- at the double rink ceremony. nattonr. Raymond Gould, organist, di- Following the ceremony I re- rerrted the program of nuptial ception was held int the Grena- musir with the [room's brotimr- dier Inn. High Park, where the irt-lnw, Lo-klan Jack. " soiist. bride's mother received truerts Given in marinate, by lwrfwelring I lowly gown of mist father. tho bride um». “iiixc‘xreen iilk with matching tulle peau 4" faiile (m her io'crly 'hat detailed mith the“ piiili full lvnmh gown and rathndtal ttr/nv and cor-are ot pink oft St. Luke's Cnited Church has been the sc ne of many pretty weddings,this pa: month. On Friday, June 26, I I vely young school teacher, M " Lynne Cnrol Tait, daughter f Mr. and Mrs. John Howard Tail of' Hol- gate St. became the bride of Mr. John Peter Ardiii. 'ANt of Mr. and Mrs. John Ardill of Aurora. Ont. The Rev. R. D. Thompson officiated and We organist was Mrs. George Small. W33 Stephen t mam, M /o/w 4 4rtiill-Lyluc TaitiMtwricd, A, St. Lutlcc y da/tcr/ C blur/1 Dona Margaret Work, daugh- ter of Mr. Ind Mrs. Donald M. Work of Indian Grove. become the bride of David Holden Pratt recently during I lovely candle- lit ceremony at Emmanuel l'nited Church. The groom is the sch of Mr, Howard and the late Mr. Pratt of High Park Avenue. Toronto. Standards of yellow ehrysan- themums decorated the church for the occasion and the core- muny was officiated by the Reverends M. Sanderson and s. Ward. Miss F. Craig directed the program of wedding music with Walter Schenki u soloist. Given in mining: by her father. the bride wax beautifully Given in rather. the pun de f: full Imam h "an. don“ Given. in marriage by he father, the bride was moat at D. Pratt.. D. W brf Hwcpioat A, Cupc C bd Aftcr Wctltliug Donn/d Griffiths-Ellie Alla/101155 , By EARLYENE WHEELER U Izl'ml I // D011/1/613/11g Ccrcmouy tttri, 1tirs Mann", “Mr-a mm of tho and» and n f mu rl. Kelly BIN-n Aim . 1m , " thr trrrrir The mn'mn of how: " CANADIAN ARMY TO STREf5 BlLlNG-UALISM - News lure, , Mrs. lirnlllvy Nu m hridetmauk. M \ernvny nnd M Th Gee We Thought It Was Trilingual [rum was rdged b Jen» were long ed and the Mrirt rrhlky i The maid of honor, Lois Shep- .pard and bridesmaids Jane Hertell. June Sheppard and Helen Rae, wore pale green lace iover taffeta with matching pill ibox hats and carried bouquets P' yellow daisies. ( The groom was “Landed by 1his best man. Ken Mason, and ‘ushers Ronald Work and Jack Work, brothers of the bride. Ind (John Hertell. daml MM and mntrh Among the ttuesta were Mr. Thomas MIIDISI and hie wife of Belle Var-nun. Pa., who gave the toast to the bride; Mr. Ind Mrs, Erwin. Stunhing, kit. rherter; Mr. Ind Mrs, Jnrk Stu'" lmm. larva. Pa, Mr. and Mrs Arthur JatO, lit-Mum}; Mr,. TYPtt r ttrrtha h rah Misseu Beverley Leeds, Jean- ette Wilkin and Barium Allen attended the bride. Their gowns were of pale blue organza uver taffeta featuring beli-shaped rkirts with waist train in back, They carried cascade bouquets [naive in her gown of It-lot mauve daisies. lustred faille, with its boil-1 Dr, William Cryadde was best shaped skirt and fitted bodiee.rman Ind the usher- were Mr. The chapel train was edited Wallace Newman, Mr. Norman in white velvet. Her headdresszolton, Mr. John Ardill, Mr. was a pearl corona with bouf- _ Robert Morris. {ant veil, and she carried white), Receiving in the Provineiat cymbidium orchids and scepha- _ Room of the Skyline Hotel, the The chapel train was edited in white velvet. Her headdress was a pearl coroner. with bout- fant. veil, and she carried white eymbidium orchids and staph:- notis. zoomed in white organza ovpr taffeta. A matching wedding band headpiece held her waist length veil of tulle illusion and she carried I cascading bou, quet of red mses with white heather sent especially from Scotland for the occasion. die, a matchan t'ittrd int-K91. Her -rorie. wore boil! Ind Ibo were I yellow cornm- of "woman roses. I}? il' 5“ Oaw" MP , _ifCi(iii,',i,1j; “â€75 ,, MAM r honoyrr an} a ' "P'"' [ad HM lhrrnozem orcur' in "veral region! of the world, the Finer- clopedin Arnerieana dachru, and where it in found, there are the [non trra'trrtrrowimt Iron. In North America, the ther- nnzom. or Mark earth. belt “with" from southern Alberta no Knnus. bride's mother chose I becoming ensemble of turquoiu chiffon with matching hat and neces- series. Travelling to Montreal. Que- her Campbell Bay Quebec, Peterhorouch, Ontario. and Ken- tacky. Following the ceremony . rev cepcion was held at the Grena, dier Inn. High Park, where the bride's mother received guests in I charming town of pink lace with matching tulle hat and pink corsage of rosel. She was waisted by the [mum's any". Mrs. Charles Henderson of To- mnm who wars a pale yellow two-piece ensemble with white accessories and corsage of roses. hat. Her Annemarie! were white and she wore I corugc of white ioses and feathered Carnations. The couple nnw reside in Gil- ford, Ontario. For their honeymoon trip to Cape Cod, the bride changed into a pink in", dress with matchintt demieont which she wore with white necessariu. The couple now reside on High Park Avenue. 1"! BOARD or EDUCATION fond": of mere In"! :uhmntrm '0!th in than Tatum" Pan.» for In! TOWNSHIP or [TOBHOKK TWISTLIITOWN COLLEGIATE 'NtbTrruTF.--oN wo. I SEALED TENDERS, on I stlpu- .t.e.tr' mnn‘balls, plamly rpnrked GOOD FOR CROP,R â€from-v" -T an“ \‘O in: In [and 'éonssition mum] und der- ver will tte, do- Bid Deva-Hon. union Antony pm "3rrttrht on an ' puns drid m Arivrnterimtt - ovum“. 15M; July so. am - not ; An -tigttatod 200,000 problem ‘drinkon “ch you give Clnldl _"wttat could be erlUd I $t00,- Urges Industry To Help In $100 Million 'llhmgmmr' the Health 14. Dr. Rogers an an have 2% ti and three tim, can: of their n addition to " dam: off and o, inn involves " per cent of Id and Quebec. " would lilo in I sick: excess“. pendcnco beyond u dinner." to Dr. Benton T. Bonn, FRCP (C), of tho Northern than: Company, who all: upon indus- try to monk. that alcoholism uolutely do†tron that this ta no 'ban ‘down with demon r talk." Ilyl Dr,Rog have nothing to any social ml of aleolr with ind drinking absenc- It can, 1 early in "You might just as easily think of I person either delib- erately catching himself dia- betes (an I person develops " eoholism) or willing himself to cure " di-betu (u n person it supposed to stop drinking). You can no thin in impossible.†Dr. Rogers urges industry to avoid economic Inning. of man- power by giving thu problem drinker I than“ to h". the 000,000 'harttrover', " according ia I health problem that ghould in. that ind, be â€and In Any other 111nm. you but it Ju In th. mutant Uaue of _ - pro! "Hulth," official publiention of indulry; th the Health 143m of Canada, this old who Dr. Boson an problem drink- ot humanity an bus 2% than the Abunce i mummy." CLAYTON It. PETERSON BARRISTIR, SOLICITOR '" Kiplin’ AVG. PL. Wuâ€- tn Westw" Pllu BNWERMAN 6 LONGO mun. Sonata“ & Noun†4m Build†It. I“ " Inn“ Edward Drive Tomato 1.. Ont. Plot-I 23.4154 David Solomon, R.O. MIRRORS RESILVERED Tabu Top. and Glen Weston Hm lmprovomont "" "an. Rd. (‘1! 4-2549 lulu I-mr-troot Mellul can" I'lllhzrwwn Plus _ 2.34â€. .0ny York In. " Dual.“ All Dress Making Me Doscgmng 215 Dlxon It. Venom PIA“ Winn: a soucnons 4889 DUNDAS ST. W. Ahovu Int-mm you ortteo Leonard A. Branhwcilo Call Your Local Printrr 111E ISIJNGTOV PRESS RB 1-06il " Adv-Inn In“ TOIONTO ll Ho LUCK & HARRIS HARRIET“; SOLICITORS, NOTABIIS PUBLIC 4135 DUNDAI If. W. (It Prue. Edward Dr.) " June: B. hwson. QC. C, John Cmnon. tt Evenings and Saturdays by Appointment What we I sicknes- “ED "tNTIN6 ? DEWAR & GRAHAM Telephm BE 1-2211 [vermin " Amharic!!! Barrister. Solicitor, Not-r1 Pubtic lulu It, loyal York Plu- lm Roy-l York but Telephone: CH 9-2288 Futrr can†Tolephmm 244-7631 Ivenmn by Appointment TELEPHONE 247-5469 Barrister, & Soliclwn DIESSMAKING uid he t industry h I. the therefore, Be the industrial might just a OPTOMITIIIT Business Dircctory "name sunomzmc I person either del catching himself d I I penon develop. ) or willing himself Professional Directory LEGAL shown use of Iklfsthl CANNON fl FEDIUW an problem drink- i tin. the Abunce than tl" than" it fellow work." in " times the acci- d on duty. Alcohol- I 'spproxirmitelr 2.3 adults in Ontario Alcohol usual d Draore" are t that to m from 'ban leohoi. a hiking about at involves the alcohol or a de- Dhol that in fur PICTURE FRAMING tl that drink make arson, QC. C, John Cunnan. qc, Sink! W. Yedlo'. BASc. agninst In I)?†the fi aleohol' lm' kind "TOMETIISTS MU before it _ lb» first the of tet {new wound with a chum to uccepl trauma“. ', The groom's _ rearing I cm lot shell pink It 1 hat and pink to [ Among an I mun friends from Ottawa grandmother, Godfather Earl ( sent were Mr "Ut's have In old school try " getting him to my: the probbm u km problem baton ttnal duciplitsnr, action In akin." he said. "Not only In: just firing tho problem drink" loan that industry I (and pr- mbucicjuu â€when. wuugo problem on to the nut ADVERTISER CLASSIFIEDS WILL BRINCTTHE DESIRED RESULTS I Couple Married mother received questa . [on of Nu. he. wit inc blue nee-5min, I comp Ind a blue " rind“ tuna chlpuu. Harriet, l by, om Joseph F4 Joseph Folk, Saakatoon. Tho bridal coup}. spent I brief nation at Wigwam: Lodge but will honeymoon later in Spain when the bride joins her husband who left A week ulter the wedding for th. Armed Force- in Europe. They will live in Germlny for a your and a half when the groom mu be stationed with hit unit. Huck], Maree, mum G. MARSHALL LIMITED I" Bloor Bt. VF. - BE [JIM] THE DOUGLAS ART CENTRE DONALD F, WITHROW OPTOMETRIST Gordon M. Pyne (‘hnrkmrw Slondrr'mmt 51m [MIA Bloor Wu! .1 has "" Kipling Ave. N, Rental- lvcmngs & Saturdays tty Appointment Mortgage Lou" Arranged to an) Duncan “(on In! "LNRR u, IN.'" RAS!’ 290tt Blow M. W. "IN THF, KINGSWAY' "r38tt 3329 Bloor Strut Well Barrister. Sohmtor. VNotary Public _ Millor Also Steam Bums, Fart-l- ALLAN L. NAIMAN, fontinnod from “her Earl Milloy. Also my were Mr. and Mrs. Ben I, Windsor; Miss lore, e. Winnipeg; Mr. and Mrs. lilloy, Wellnnd; Mr. and M. Deaehamp Ind duughter in, Hull; Miss Deanna Der- Ottawa; Mr. and Mrs. " I “H Ronda"- " IDLING PLAZA MM & Boltcttor hint Duncan " W (:unranlnn Results Itlephonlz luau: INSURANCE ter Earl Millor, are Mr. and Windsor; Mi Winnipeg; Mr, Ttlrpholn 366-6497 ; therefore, Inc's My. whoa) try for the uk- mity and tho county} Maxine Mound BARRISTER BE 1-3389 n's mother two-pica I L lug with I ' COHIKI of m guest; m ds of the OPEN 2515‘":an- f the groom including " n. Cox Ind ed; wearing with match- pl.- . uni-tad emmbh nun-hing ma UV. 8)