' tit ADVERTISER - Thorsua, BOOKKEEPLNG EXACH'IXE OPERATORS COMPTUMETER OPERATORS BOOKKEEPERS SECRETARIES REXDALE Experienced Saleslody FOR BOUSEWEAB DEPT. Requlred full tune Thus position offers excellent opportunity for advancement. Must have uutiative and be willing to assume responsxbu- ity. Age to 40. Good salary and company benefits. * 33' Secret-n m 'uce preudrnl . nunatogy but not aural“! nu Bookkeeper Typist "tart L pally located ut dounloun 2 months. Woman for office cleaning. 3 ', hrs. nightly. $1.25 per hour. Cooksvllle area, 'tto need to do a lot at lee mark u: the heat nae“ 1m Lrnd ot Job you could poasnbh be Amerested "t1 u nvmlable right he". Apply Personnel Manager Henry Morgan Co, Ltd 821. Jr. positron grade 12, general bookkeeping experience Help ful but could tram gsrl Just out of school 8210 Bright jr. for tslmg, good at figures, grade l', or 12 mus‘ be promotablc. 321. Jr. position to sun girl nah grade ll on le, u tll ham or IBM bookkeeping machine. "" Clerk with some lypmg, tenet srsstchboard, Ji, posmun " - "MALI HELP WANTtostt TV P913051." HELP WAN TED 324. Jr 321. Jr. "" titettogrupher _ gond ,ttot"1ttatyt1 _ New Tommu. 8270 Typist with knoutedgu ot shortttitrla irlteteyted m th Downsnew. "" Export omen up»! um. L'LAtLuHm expeneme Lsse an Dictaphone Ty put tor Rexdale, "" Experuenced Compxumete: Upwalw Queellsua} ‘26. Accounts receivable, statistical typrst checking Int age open. tM9Swltcht,oard relief mve appeamnce, Dtcta - Tun I Queensway. t86e Clerk - Typlst. some dental emu-mute - Rexdale 886eQueenaway Typist, switchboard relief, Girl Friday of job. 824. Jr. cost clerk lune typing famxlnar ytotft adding ma $315 $34. $28. CLASSIFIEDS 'd JOB HUNT Evening Interviews Arranged - No Charge to Atrptieants Top Rates for Top Curls Register with' us to-ttay - no than: to Dorothy Tyers Staff Services OFFICE CLEANING “we “' LONG BRANCH IDeAiomu,t, 25113331 Secretary Stenoeraptttrr for cal shorthand and dlcla 2 to 3 yrs. Recepuonsst, push-button phone from handuu‘men correspouten appearance necessary Ar Drake Mm mu frnri a u tailored to your Quantum We hue dozens of npenmg Personal Secretary for public, do Interesting t D1ctasphone Tvpm. mm Bookkeeper Typcst, tul ot duties. Age open, p, Secretary tot Su ve ISLIN GTON Cloverdale Mail Let the Drake Counseliorr do ntroducuon and I valuable m In .UI-(Souluum Lennon u our Cara-nanny Located IMnce Calling All Business Girls! Where the Temporary Jobs ore REXDALE PLAZA - 249-9141 3240 BLOOR W. - 239-8155 Regtster wnh us now so that you can start a after your holidays CALL FOR APPOINTMENT 621-1050 QUEENSWA Y W'ESTOK ELITE PERSON‘NEI 2558528 STENOURAPHERS DICTA TYPISTS TYPISTS & CLERK HPlSl'S E HAVE THE JOBS -. YOU HAVE THE SKiL LET'S GET TOGETHER AND DISCUSS THEM 736 THE QUEENSWAY AND MANY MORE " Royal York - FIACH - no (huge to applicants r do the It: work e recommendatron MATURE woman to mind 2 chtf- Irtn. Roseland Drive area. erscai, ven' good Image bent!" 13 Edw rmpan t of books. smal We lune part _ tune Vacancies for young ladies to work in our cake department, Appli- vanls wsll be required to work no or three days per week commencing at 3:30 In the af- ternoon until early evening. If mterested please apply m person to Employment Office. Mel. movmg lo Fun-h & 100 C all 259 -0992, 1 OPERATORS Company Limited ' - _ ' KEY PUNCH Ul‘PIIIAl'URS Jan LAKE SHORE BIA D, " Division of Nabisco Ltd. 2 I 50 Lake Shore Blvd. W, HUMBER BAY CHRISTIE'S BREAD 'WN, shorthand necessan anlahlo ‘OOKS V ILLE July 30, 1964 PART-TIME [ ~ome thcta and Tvpmg Ice, good personalitt and t'S Gem of large tir. experience, Lakeshore am _ Dundas xpe ‘nd expel mun: us-oi. “1m adding machine ,nzm ested m figures hmuneenug let- of bob; Ance, ' arm! we: Typust per punt Pose " " _ ltMALL IBLP “$5!!le " - FEMALE an! WANTED " - FEMALE HELP WANTED†- FINAL! BIL? WANTED " - FEMALE HELP WANTED 'b--BOMEtiTM' HELP WANTED 924 H93 start a new peg-hon Bhor "tit al pe lmWVTnWN or"! is“ lor St W 157 Bo, Sr I I93 364 7475 A PPAt MEMBER ‘st I21 . 40m St WAITRESS Experienced and efficient. Norsemans Rex'aur» ant and Tavern. 1125 Dundas Hwy at Dune 277-8711 EXiEnIENCED -wartre,z, for To work m large. mc west end plant. Applicants should have p ous expenence m ofture and be good al futures Apply In person {h Employment Olin-e required -_---_-e ---- W :1; ,1___ Experienced in all phases, WOMEN for shirt pressmg and mouem oft1ce and pleasant {Uldmgvs “my“? dndIDundals .4 area lea y emp oymen. staff. Otnce lawman at Jane Phone BE 3-3225 and Bloor W__ h T _ "e"'"""'- . - Call Mr. Smith. Solicitor WAITRESSES WANTED 766-3197 C.] I" -- â€"f __- -""e_- Full Mme fur new Vettaurant ostmg Machine Operator on Lakeshore Usual benefits. Required by Bank m Mmuco. Apply: LES lrfyry5Rs RES- Other trlerical duties also. TAURANT, 30.% Lake Shore 2557368, Mr. Bassett Blvd W. New Toronto. night lime. good wage 7295, lSLlNGTON AREA Smtchboard and general 1w mg duties. QI'EENSWAY Accounts receivable clerk 555 Receptionist Typist Jt. S50 REXDALE Dicta Typist r, _ S65 Clerk Typist T 555 Girl Friday 560 No Fee To Applicants Evening Interviews by Appointment Assistant to oritce Manager Intermediate Steno LAKESHORE 922-1 165 925-4549 CHRISTIE BROWN Comptometer, Key Punch. Bookkeeping Machines, Operators Stenogrébhers Secretaries female Conveyancer 3 Bloor St. 2.. Suite ti3A Clerk-Tybist Perma - Time Placements Switchboard Receptionis1 D upreme ffice ervices BE. 3HIM n Large, model n ‘d tt d rew. FUR APPUIS‘I MENT 44 $62 204A Mmgton S a:_~1g [awning luleniuu by Appointment AU FEE ro APPLICANT Typists 1415 Lawrence W fat Keele) 24l-4479 TENOt ANI('I'RIST .rpprrr'nred mun In unburhnn area cum rm wuanupnrulmn Good tr, 'all Mr. Kltln Vin-0h»! H p‘mnvenu R0. 136â€. M H nmenls available m The West Must be last accurate" hpnst Good at figures. Permanent posnlon 1n elm-um. dnmned "Uwe. Vicmuv Fun-h tMEN for shirt folding. Klphng area. S t e a d y We have a permanent (1an- mg for an Intelligent woman to be trained as an inspectur m our Bag Department. Pre- vious experience ls not essen- lial, but should have the fol- lowmg qualifictat1ons: --.'Y.?.-40 years of age Acme high school eduranou -Able to work both day and afternoon shifts. Excellent beneins and Ideal workmg conditions m a mod- ern. an conditioned plant. Fisperuenced. “anted for Cioverdale Mall candy store ConsfaHohon Hotel 900 Dixon Rd. REanLr. pnnem-ed ‘cphone 1'r9t Clerk Typist UGRAPHI-IRS C'lerk Tsqr full: oxpormnn‘d Apph T Lowwku, Nalmnal km mont (ifflro. phone 255 W R GRACE AND CO OF CANADA LTD. Receptionist MAMRDS J?.lflilf,ll), Girl Friday (all HRS. ALLAN L 2365 Dixie Rd North 277-2751 Wan.) Ltd. Phone 233-001 5 Girl Friday Apralr Br.. 35!"! Miss Poole Sale Clerks INSPECTOR CRYOVAC E LePoge Ltd Dicta Typists BE 3-2lll Division 255-9365 Weston Rd 749-0210 Monda APPLY DI ft Loud lo pleas prom" vfflce ents BE 3-1163 5m: dd '" HOME "tPttorr.MF.N'r.rt ALTERATIUNS addmnm wood 259-M'ilt 01 Cl, l-46Fwt R‘X‘KERY stone frre for he“ CHOICE BRAYS - 92 29m Street Sand arm-ea. cement, loam and (III Phone CL I 22itt nntnod 231-1544: 239-90†"DICE Hawk loam, redar 1 nor after 5 pm torr CHILDS' GARDEN SUPPLIES LOWING, dlSK‘an. grading wnh Fond rrmmr Svedrng ‘odd " Lawn 1.â€an malnlvnance _ C' Rovwn. 60 _ 32nd Street Garden Supplies ce KITCHEN cupbonrdn Dtoae to order Arbotite counter top! Repurs tun-anon- to m- homt W Tyrnll CL 1-6.7! maintrsnanee. All work gust ed West Moore Sod " MARION and Kentucky Nurcerv sod. mtnhlhng. lawn Denver: anywhere 1922 Dundas Highway. Dixir Dick Mitchell Heating Fireplace Wood, Carmel Coat and Kindling. In! puck-up or dome-r): S.riewalks. floors. porches (lower boxes, etc, 31:0 wa- terproofing and dram “ark asphalt driveways. TOP SOIL BY THE LOAD n he ROMANELLI CONtiT'RUCTt0N co [TD Estabiisitd 40 View: RO. 6-M21 - Arty Time Recreation rooms. kitchens Alterations and Add" w. Rom "ll n2 Brar GARDEN SUPPLIES & SERVICE BE. 34250 - CR , Concrete a Ork. drwewa Loam, Top Dressmg Mushroom Compost Cow Manure Atlas Asphalt Paving Co. Mumlngs and Evening: --DRU/EWAYS .-ALTERATIONS -FENCINGS --PNNTING FUEL ou, SERVICE Bl'lLDING TRADES All Work Gum ameed QUEENSWAY CONCRETE WORK ASPHALI PAVING BE. 9-3501 parking areas, en: BE. H884 'or esumal es. call " l-2lll CL. 9-l I93 CARPENTERS "Inn 'd o SECRETARIES O STENOGRAPHERS 255-8071 all In): end or BE 3-4830 'all 'tarFrepr. cus Mags.» [Pnera I Pom Fan-Ht ' Cl,. 1-8455}. Isa ma yes onl, 27r4920 radar po, od by We have many excellent posmons available at Ezrvices Offered . . . If YOU WANT TO WORK de lo to haul MUTUAL PLACEMENT . . . the following Directory have been carefully selected gnve you the best In West Metro area. Clip & Save. he AGENCY & CONSULTANTS 2489 Bloor at Jane No Charge To Applicants ON A TEMPORARY BASIS rust“. coismtrcmos m was 762-021. vmllr-d and pusu-bution gar- age door openers. Sold and tttstalled, Garages remodeled. Repairs to all makes of over- head doors. Ali work Ruaran- Steel and wood Radio con- Overhead Doors WINDOW Cleaning For com- CLEANING - plete building maintenance,' fields cleaned call WAR-L12 Januor Service, up 9x l2 rug: anytime, CR 3-6056. guaranteed K Signet Industries general contracting . Asphalt driveway coating Preserves your driveway tor 10 years. ALL Types of Brmkwork and Repair, stone work. porches and chimney repairs, Phone Frank. RU 2-9336. eed BUILDING REPAIRS AND ALTERATIIINS PI) wood and Arbunle Cut to sue HICKS LUMBER llORNER AVE. In 30": " CL Irl94) Alterations - Fencings Pomtmg L Driveways. . Plumbing *T'ile noors and rulings . Terran nours . Paintinz and Decorating . Electrical . Carpentry Ill" guaranteed m wrmng Pe mummm Easy Payments REMODELLING‘ RENOVATING TOP RATES Ay Bonded Wommamhrp Written Guarantee Day or Night 3664728 Al Patio and stone work onomy Contracting r for prompt"etrscient service Home Improvements HOME ESTABLISHED 1946 Painting & Decorullng Carpentry Factory Repairs Recreation Rooms Kitchens Remodetied Kitchen Counter Tops Bathrooms Remodetted Floor Tiling Plastering lepairs Asbestos Siding One company wtll do all your work, prawn“ & Repairs CL 9-l 193 REC. Rfothi for NHmates rill FRED BROWN BE, l-l37l NICK DUTKn K) 3-22-11 278N788 CL I-2732 Bern nae Evening IMPROVEAPSNTS u ork guarart- PIANOS tuned and repaired H . l n tg m a n recommended ‘-..- Ralph Blinkhorn. CL 1-8420. o BOOKKEEPERS O CLERK TYPISTS etc The Situuiou " Critical. provemems Members A.P.P,A.C PLUMBING. rep-Ira and “(on Chesterfselds _ Choirs non: And new work cu [0453‘ Recovered, reswlrd Beautiful ----H-, _ W _-‘-; Ieatherettes and Ubriea of DBAY PLUMBING _ your rhotrme, Call now for an & HEATING P _ estimate Day or evening. Full Repairs. Alterations, guarantee Convermons I (immanent! mrrtr1rrrso,ehi., KAYE S UPHOLSTERY PLASTERING, s m a ll repairs, ceilings, outside stucco, chim- ney repatrs Call Ben Con- form. 534-7425 alter I PIANO tuning - all rep-1n J a c k Thresher. formerly of Hemizman. CL 1-0342. Low rates. free estimates. 'rules _ Seri JCt? - Supplies Phone Rolls. 255-7565 or 255- 16t RIVALDA R0. 6-110! 3553. _ SWIMMING pool maintenance PAINTING _-_ clean, expert work, and supply, summerizing, win- Reasonable Call after 6. CL terizmg. weekly or monthly 'r-8.317. (Bruins Mn. Tux-7n PAINTING. experienced, also handyman Reliable. CL, 141317 PAINTING, interior and utter mt Free estimates. Call Sid Murphy. CL 1-9524. ALL kinds of plastering, repairs Hun-0. arches floor me 769. FRED Brown M Eetablished 1948. ""irt' Painting and decorating. BE. 1- CH 1-137) - ROOMERS, baggage, artatrles, etc t small Huck available any- nme. Call Jack. 255-2045, CARTAGE --t insured. expeneuc- ed Lakeshore firm. excellent rates. Jerry Coyles. 251-0316. FIRST CLASS pamtmg and pa- per hanging, 25 years expen- ence. CH 1-7548. Men on duty 24 hours. Phone TELEVISION SERVICE PETER DENMAN "gtemtrrr Elm-mum Guild) Radio - m Fidotlty Servico 'sl, Mermaid Ave, MOVING. cartage, fully insured Ruasonable rates: Ensicn Mor. ers, 2555319 or 279-1016. W MOVING. CARTAGE. STORAGE WE clean factories, offices. etc For fast wervlce. quality and experwnce call 251-7447. MOVING and Storage. Relmble Expenenced men will do a faster - try us' Omar-o Ware, housing 255-3081 Even 133 259. TA 4506 H 81380 PAINTING & DECORATING Satisfaction guaranteed on all work, competitive rates for superior workmanship for tree estimates call t ILANING - 2-pre, chester, tum t k med un Eocanou. $9 cal'! 9 A l2 we»: Str' it) All _ gu..‘auim\d Kttv,ley Cleanu; LE “54038 LANEWAY Plumbmg 8. Heating RADIO & " RFPAIRS DRAY I'Ll'MIIING & HEATING P Rr-pmrg. Alterations, Convermons Guaranteed workmanship her omimmn 24073870 All Masonry repalrs menu Waterpmofed Rem-mung. etc. _ l Pamung, interior. exterior. Phone CL. 9-0786 ALL- WASHING, your and mud-m Meaning, etc Expert and reasonable maintenance service. Free estimates, CL. 1- 9487 PIANO TUNING AND INSTRUMENT REPAIRS HOME IMPROVEMENTS MA STER DECORA TOR HOME & BUILDING MAINTENANCE Call eosrratrauN 259-3416 after a 241-6188 PLUMBERS 251-0186 Base Buck SWIMMING pool Itrx32' hltered Installed, $2.500 278-9788. Woldmg and fabrics-1mg, Min mg equnpmom and "an.Rtrttt' Hun rmwhmm‘~ Portbtrle ll" CERAMIC wall. vinyl floor tlle, " NEW CHESTERFIELOS MADE TO ORDER ALSO Your old one rebuilt, recovered I'M Brown's Line, Aldcrwood 25l 8021 All new Kitchen Sun. " I pattern and colour of your choice, We will inspect your roof tree of charge with no obhgam-n to you. We are factory ao- proved master roofer: wah 25 years experience. and supply. summarizing, win- terizmg, weekly or monthly service calls. 231-5757. WOMAN as companion and per- form light dunes In exchange tor room and board and small remuneration CL 1-3848 DEPENDABLE housekeeper tor quired tor motheriess home, 2 girls 19 and 6 and boy, b Weekends off-live out. Cherry 7-7333, RECOVERED - BEBUILT AT A SMALL COST Ottnod Upholstering lst class work. Also repairs, CH. 4-7343 Chrome Chairs BABYSWTER and ham house work: one mud live m or out Port Credn CR 3-6764 DOMESTIC lo! small unan- or on! ti35 per mouth 3 xhuol age UUIQIUL I PIQ' scttooier mum Sept l, 265- 5334 WANTED V bulsy mm lo owe HOUSIKEEPER needed. [we m Serrieing & Antenna Repairs TT RENTHA‘ REASONABLE w Tvmc-r nun; il utr hot antenna Compzew. Roof Damaged By Windstorm? $49 in $7 from 9 a T CL. 1-98“ - cu 0-1581 le mm: of dependabsr.ty and service . TV _ HI-Fl CAR RADIOS O Transistor & Home Radios O Antenna Installatlun and Repair & Towers For ‘he best m servzze hum 819.95 _ m TN SERVICE CALLS CL. H702 .525 Evans in - Call Day or Night - PIG FURNITUII PIODUCTS Pools of Distinction Ca" 363-8419 9-6. aheu 255 0769 Sales _ Sen we - Supplies Apex Alloys OMESTIC tur small apart. menl. needed one day a week mu) my dren, $1 C ere 25 Sanelli Pools G. A. PENHALE & co CL V.94il RADIO A " REPAIRS TILE CONTRACTORS UL, t-320s - CL L375! Itb' Brown's tune '39th Rt FACTORY PRICES SWIMMING POOLS AND SERVICE ROOFING A \ D HAVESTROLIGHIAG EMPIRE TELEVISION [‘PHOLSTERY 255-1040 WELDING PETE'S TA/ CL. 5-2045 duty h: Tut LTO, 34 94 Phone 0 3 pm mslulled Lotte Bram h tLtys 3 Mm- 1y Arcadian 40 or38 hut "