'hereto" . man Geo. W. Bull B. Comm, award G. Mboume. BA " KING an!" John the Evangelist School on l Street. Weston, the students p here will enter high school in th Front row - left to right: Tony c, Randy Kimlin. Larry Zeagman, Misetic. David Quinlan. Lawrene tzniak. Chris Lyon. Bruce Bot 'seeond row - left to right: Diane Edna. Biriny, Michael Kawnuuuh ard Mucci. Marilyn O'Rourke. MATTE FROM GRADE 8 at St. 1 Magerman a Page Barrister, V Sollrilnn [630A Wilsan Ave 24:21:†Cram; Plan - Fund: Available For “leave it to leavens" for Mm- IAI- Ind-n " And-mm " ' Ashton. Chrtcrod Accent-um- ACCOUNTANTS Marsh, Goulding Chartered Accountant BARRISTERS I“. WWII and c. W. LEASK 1730 Weston Road a Co. 3200 Ihtfferin St. Professional " Business 4 Door Luxury Hardtop My powered includmg windows and seal: . green. Used by our ompany presdent License Number 429366 Fu.i.iy power equipped, Palomar red, a low mileage car who†hic, bun caretully wed by compan} exam trve, A var emote undd be proud to Mn!†License No, 418718 -r_.._e'tN " :1: BEST BOYS Cl] l-ll29 CH i-606t lEAVENS (HEV-OlDS 'UST SOUTH OF YOBKDALE SHOPPING CENTRE low Mileage Two Real Bargains on Executive tars Starfire Sports Coupe 1964 01051403“! 98 I964 iOlDSMOBIlE " ttMott Wulon , mt Damn, Solir:utr, Notary Public 1696 'hplme Ave. N, Ksphrre Plu- Mortgage loam arranged. Evunma by appointuunl 306-0491 Ian, Mar: ence Nab Bothman. ne Doyle, E Alfred H Hem-n. BA Barrister a. Sumner 1936 Weston Road DIR EC T O R Y BARRISTERS ALLAN L. NANAN. Fraser & Simms BurMe'I's . Sow-Mon y 19'33 w eston Road Burma-n Solicitor- ooo all; Heukes and MacDonald 19tt Weston Road mpumie Jotin S‘IeOl "t. "In. CH 140" ll an $4575 789-3481 Burroughs, Lydia Bombs, Cathy Rosati, .ouise MaeLean, Mrs. E. Patterson (Teacher). Third row: Sheila O'Brien. Patricia Godber, Theo Bagnatn. Caro. Lvn Kaschuk, Stephen Ogilvie. Daria Room, Gerry Lawrence, Ann Marie Muirhead. Fourth row: Linda Seaman. Kathy Hyland, Susan McCall. Marguer- itta Bastinu, Quentin Dockerty, Rosetta Searpone, Alex Masur. Rita Yin-em, Karen DeYoung. CH t.53it Guest preacher on Sunday mm at St. John's was; the Rev. “Victor A. Carpenter. Rector of _,i,'e,etiyta,,rystiit; England. He [laid of the work of the church land its awakening to responsib- mums through the whole world. [He ls taking charge of St. Sav- iours Anglican parish while the Reach the Rev. Peasgood. is taking the Nottinghamshire par- , ish. H thartge of srtvices m the mnrmng and the closing of the churt strhool,iilled tho church 31 1.1510 am, morning service and the evening service was well attended, Mr. and Mrs, Donaid Brum warm! for the church. are on their holiday Lrip In the contin- ent. While he is away Mr. Paul Walker. «an of The Rev. Arch. deacon “hiker. former rector nf Church of the Good Shepherd is taking over as organist. _ St. John's Ang. Church News mend had tax-o , pitched a steady little suppoN Th some heip m the St, Bernard', Fr free-hating affa'. trguratdon. Hank first base. and F in right fise'vd, ea, St. Benedict's Win 6th Straight LeAl was a Snell also had On June 30 at Gary Benedict's Been won I straight defeatmg a staffed St. Pmlxp’s An, Les WL'liams on the _ Inked the Angels just the game work of F un Wdter's Garage FULL GUARANTEE Motor & Automatic Repair Wheel Alignment $9.50 FREE Courtesy Car Pirk-IID "" hm St. CH 7-6590 Mt Dennis The same J. It. Currie, 0.0. 1891 Weston Rd., Weston For Appointment Cull CH 1-070! Plano Tuning And Repairing “m A Ray 1330 June sum OPTOMETRY IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN YOUR LOCAL NEWSPAPER hunk R0 9-2841 Wnrk Guam mead GARAGES "tttmrtetrtst MUSIC ts an the Angels jug oomph!“ The fine deft-. t'ochrane at Sty Fruits 5:19 r'.d Brum, h. are on he contin- Mr. Paul Helfermar 14-6 m a or Trans- !!iams at P; defeated 'ark s ll l have m w '"N't to at†_ Canada‘s J an: 't"ethdBe t! I 'fyttqttt I my a tto Vuhv Viv-Hy. [our manhunt-amour: d Nani York W's "tew an mm for "y4ttstg "i-tguts on and" W!- n at“ W1 and my oife and children joined me in mi. in pm in was. Wm. At 9:30 am, we wer 81 Hooking Park where the bandc and f1osts and man-hers and an were lining up for the his parade, ml was good to renew mud-mm- ces with sO many old friends ‘from Council and the Township Staff and the Junior Board of Trade all of whom u're gem- ing the parade underway. I then joined Reeve Norman Good) head and Fred Young, WP P.I on the reviewing stand in from of the Municipal Building. We Irtvitationa are accepted even, if the p'eather is hot or thet weather bad because we lake mi meet people and to move about Ever stop and think of invita- tions that are ucs.tted every Sundny to come and Mudy the important features of life? Re.. member peace, consnlation and; spiritual stimulation are to hel had when you attond church service in hot weather or a) weather, ralchy tum G ues< why clam _ 1 and Fedem M parade Tele IN sign the register after t Riverside United Church. MR. AND MRS. MICHAEL RICHARD ZAJAC It’s Your..M.-3.-.Pni"i°" taiSE WESTON MglmillM Clllliltll T V WOM Il(lilTltlll.Tllfllit SOCIETY SUMMER fl/Wil SHOW ST. ANDREW'S CHURCH HALL $72K fag/War, "Ntaol)H Fast Results with TIMES CLASSIFIEDS h he FISHERfS ilplitrlitriun Violets One h s at Dixon T Wed., July 15th from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. salute as various legion tary units wept past. liska of "On the Scene" n fame was there with film camt‘ras and the s all recorded for pos- Tttt of the bands halted of the reviewing stand 1 stood 'he three palm- 3turtieipal, Provincial eral _ and played a very une for our "diratation. ha: It wat'. "How come ne like you no DO DO! the parade was over we he antique car exhibit the Municipal Offices, gest son had never seen m a rumble strat so one xhibitors was good eno- Westminster Inna-d & (fenlnl l'nltcd Churehes t ms: Street at Church Street Muuster teV Rev. ll. J. Boggs BA. Manse CH I-9533 Study CH 1-15" our 32 DOWNSVIEW AVENUE SUNDAY, JULY 12, I964 North of ttdr. m if his» V Visitors Always Welcome 501E; Earlier Hour of Serving SEE OUR DISPLAY John th Service at ":00 ADt JMII Null. ".P. Cnion Service- 1928 at the their recent marriage in with Divorced drivers are more dangerous'. The Ontario Safety League quotes a World Health Organization report thet l div. erred driver has a mortality record three times higher than the man who is happily married. We manila-i cud “mm cum " m Wilwgt Branch of the Canadian Legion and then joined my eomrar'cs m their old quarters for I touch ot ttoqtitality. Brush P‘aidem Charlie Tum: proddud our the inn-proud" "rtmtm6 n the and turning and In agtd my“ mm and women "soeittted with I had the Measure of enter- taining the genial editor of the Enterprise and his charming wife in Ottawa on Tuesday me the interest he showed in the Parlivneruary library look. ing over old books and manu- scripts m the sub-basement I wouldn't be surprised if he stay- ed here all summer. On the average, drivers make 80 steering movements every minute, says the Ontario Safety League. You have less than one second‘s "rest" bctuccn each necessary steering adjustment This cmphasnzos the importance of constant alm‘lnoss while " the wheel, him in the Legion but“ tre mentions credit for bringing the Wilton Brand! to the lone awaited day when they will move itttat I brand new build, mg, it had been a thoroughly enjoy able day. 'twitty-red-quash-tr, WMWMu-bw that. â€man" an I. In: ttmir-bt-tot-ttttpt'- frNloe in» than in m long no time. Surely I'm not that old. We then Med Goultting, Ending tad NortAview Colleg- iate, Parks to with the ball games and sports connects umil the rain cut off further amid- ties, When I tirtathy drove my family home for a bite of supper before l caught the 8:45 plane back to Ottawa, we all agreed ' M. DAY CARE FOR , CHILDREN WESTON . 3 bedroom house wanted to rent Retired au' force officer. Children. August Isl. or later. CH 1-9301. WIDOW, mm-smoker. non-drink. IT,, aguld like small apartment 6r room with stove and fridgc in Weston area. 2415894. 3 ROOM APT., self contained T.V. Gentleman only, 2M-4964 13. HOUSES WANTED WESTON - LAWRENCE ..Â¥mm for 1 or 2 gcntlemen boarders m very quiet home. Abstain, ers only. CH 9-6823 21. DON FINANCE $50 - $5000 ARRANGED BY PHONE CNLL w. G PETERS. Mgr. CH. 7-5438 Don Finance Co. Ltd. 1125 [SLLNG'I‘ON AVE N. Rexdale Plaza l4. 15. APARTMENTS WANTED SAME DAY On Your Own Signazuu No Bankable Security If You Can Make Mommy Payments You Can Get a Loan 22. ROOMS TO LET FURNISHED ONE FL'RNISHED ROOM for rent, Call CH 4-1458. SMALL R0031 2. PROPERTY WANTED WESTON - Furnished room for gentleman. CH 9-1714. BUYER tur Rexdlle Lawrence Scarlett Rd. area. House Bum guloui. Tom Scott, 662 Scarlet! Rd CH I-tm" Stewart Mercer Realtor. GARAGE shop wanted for ttor. Me purposes. Call CH 4-4188. tr. MONEY TO LOAN MIDDLE-AGE LADY mil give excellent care to l or 2 child- ren. CH 9-6829, 29.ARTICLES W ANTED OLD COLOURED mum» glass Private. CH FUN. ONE HANKS CRAFT automatic sit. ARTICLES FOR SALE ST JUSEPHS UNIFORM. one TRAILER. plywood box, alum mum colour. WI" x 3'7" x Hr', all M"! frame $139 or nut PM Alsn Remington qulet tumor, portable 570 RO Weston bus, woman profs “Inter and one summer, In: lit CH "IN. ploctnc Hum "pom". Ex, (“client condluon. Cheap. CH Hm. o Musical Instruments "Wit and Atressorln ftra6P schonl of Mush 4 John Street. Wrston 241-322] ROOMS WITH BOARD L REAL ESTATE APARTMENT FURNISHED MONEY Classified AT nno mmule from Mistutt business red, CH r8137. um um» - ce 1yua 1m tin gm. PAINTING a" i DECORATING 1961 FORD 1 ton scone-hue van, Under 3.000 miles, new truek guarantee. Very low down pay- ment. Private. CH F6006. FOR fruck parts it's Levy's - all makes -- new, used, re built. 1400 Weston Road. R0 9-1115. (PAINTING and decorating, in I side or outside work "per I hanging. free esUmnles CH , 1-1401 35. 3rii6h4irAitisuNni AND ACCESSORIES EVERYTHING for the car, new, used and rebuilt, machine shop service. Keys cut by code, Weston Auto Supply, 1839 Wes. ton Rd. CH 1-3538. Open daily till 9 pun. except Saturdays 6 VANS - PANEL - PICKUPS STAKES HOUR, DAY OR YEAR M. MOTOR CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS 1956 DODGE eight, automatic, one o w n e r. mechanically sound. many extras. CH +4727. 42. GARDENING 43. SERVICES OFFERED 3319 PAINTING - exterior and Inter nor, reliable, experienced paint. Cry, reference, if necessary. Free esumnlrs. reasonable. Jack (lander. 9220514 between a and 8 pm ALL MAKES AND MODELS TRUCKS Merion Nuxsery and field sod grown on market garden land 5 miles from Metro Tor- onto. Rototiller work. Free estimates. Small orders can be picked up m the field. Kleinburg CY 6-1544 or CY 6-1251. FIRST CLASS PA"NTING Parrer hanging 25 yearl prrwncr, CH [7548 repairs. all makes Guarasr teed. Relaxants tor sale. “its? END RADIO All to pes of renovations and alterations. archways. ceiling designs. cornices. all work guaranteed in writing. Special attention given to Paper Hanging and Commercial Work. H, c. anooxamxs VACUUM CLEANER WESTON - REXDALE CARS REXDALE CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS MD M HAHN}; 11D 249-8277 1972 Weston Rd.. Wanna CH 1-7831 Nashville Sod Supply & ELECTRIC ' Dundas w. no 2-3030 WESTON TRAVEL SERVICE MOTOR CARS BOOK NOW AND AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT 285-6752 GOING OVERSEAS? 2063 Lauren" Are. W at “Minn Rd ‘1‘ Weston I g " ' o f i81 ut , \"~'l‘}\'(. am " s I 25 war! u h , â€as - H v. - --------- " “mama; In ' «wk Farm! slf',rid'i, I“ t Phone 244-5324 RO HOME SEWERS mm electric machines, - experienced um duli's clothes. 25t Saraulen Are, 2nd floor, M. 46. HELP WANTED" FEMALE W. G. KELLY, plum tuning. Forum with autumnal: Ma. Ian. m, wounding my m to factory Manda“. In. cannula; unmet“. panacea. Skilled "trvice a may, any“: its costly LE. WOMAN who can (true _ . . It you would enjoy srorking 3 or 4 hours a day calling regular. ly each month an a group of Studio Girl cusmetie clients all a mule to be established m and around Weston and are willing to make liuhl delivers ies. etc., write" Studio Girl Cosmetics, Dept. CWM7, 840 LaFleur Ara. Montreal :12. Route will pay up to $5.00 per hour. REGISTERED and graduate nurses required for tubercul- ous and chronic Illness umls. Full or parklimr, Apply Dus HANDYMAN and truck, clean ing cellars, yards or odd jobs Anytime anynnurr Knit Weston Rd or phone CH 177t. II to 3 pm. 48. EMPLOYMENT WANTED For large furniture and m. LOST AND FOUND [DST BUDCHE on July 6th, Bluish colour _ Perky. Rowaard WILL EXCHANGE $90 tur hours per week. Apply: Box "M", Weston Times Advertiser 235 Dixon Rd., Weston, Dnt. sury, as thou Rest Taxi flooring dutnuuwr mediately. 249-227 tenswe Do You Find \uu Haven! The Time To \urml (in Collection lollun " ps".' Remember cum: “in [i. only sales mm: (l H- [rt Cut down NOcll had null AA pe} fit Full or parklimr, Apply Dus ector of Nursing, Toronto Hos- pital. Weston, Ontario. Plum. 769-1161 local LYr, n 'revir'us experience CH Required Immediately Purchasing Dept. Weston. Typing a n SALES SECRETARY A' I HELP WANTED MALE TAAt Dawns an asset tram Call 244-5555 PERSONALS l Mrs 3|†Clerk n West Able to '. 247 Ed " a nls I743 Ite Rd al- .366 714 l).