24 Rivalda " Brand New Fully Equipped Chevrolet Imp-Ins _ Benin _ Chevy H and Corvalrs from 35,00 up "Daily . “an---“ t ....__,, - . Marcia &c Shoppe RIVAlDA 1945 LAWRENCE AVE. We {Marcia "lac LOW HOURLY, DAILY, WEEKLY or MONTHLY RATES . . . OR Lotid TERM LEASE The All New Rivalda Tavern An added feature to our moderrt dini which features broiled steaks and cho NOW OPEN . We appreciate your continued patronage 3... The Rivaldu Banquet Room Has Facilities For. Up To 150 BELMONT DAILY (AR 8. TRUCK RENTALS IMPALAS . . . BLLAIRS CHEVY 2'S . . . EPICS . Insurance & “Help Extra (ll l,', (f Parking ls Ample & Free AND {I}: um. Weston (H 4-7119 *r'm,‘ ttC-C.",..]"","-:,:)""-";)'-), MN“ "_------------- gENLlQURNTRANSPORTATION 1951 WESTON ROAD WESTON TAVERN Of Our Advantage Take ANNIVERSARY SPECIALS On Our Entire Stock RESTAURANT Savings Up To 30% India. a t, pt, ms. washer) CONVENIENT TO WESTON lt AREA CONGRATULATIONS to Allr and Louise Hopkins " Hearst; Circle on the safe arrival of} their first Grandchild. Ted and Join Hopkins became the proud) 1 Ton Picking (Side Lander) h Ton Panels It Ton Pick-Ups A complet? .rlertlon of light and heavy duty truth te mil my job “ways in stock. dining room chops. A rKUUU MOMENT FOR ANY BOY! Mrs. Helen Calm presents a merit badge to her son, Phillip, during his investiture. The ceremony took place during the recent encampment at HockleyValley. Scout Master Victor Rideout and Assistant Donald Grant are looking on at right. A PROUD MOMENT FOR ANY BOY! Mrs Ton around their leaders fairâ€: -haiisrii'iG Giiiii starting the annual Church Parade. Cybmuter Robertl Patterson is “on fourth from left in luck- groun . .it'firlt.; q - r;i'ci'itiiii'iiNardington Stakes Stakes Picking SHEPPARD by Mrs. J. Rhodes . . . 241-9830 & District News' , Ton "In: 1 Ton Vans l 1 Mr. William 'Wilkes. and Mr.i {Frank Loveless, wish to express ‘lhe'ir sincere apprecf "on of the ,many kind acts, and thoughtful!- ;ness shown by the neighbours.1 (in their recent bereavement. ' Mrs. Mary Everett f1rrntrlr, :of Chiswick Street and Nordale! /res, passed away last iGril may in Humber Memorial Hos-! (pital. The sympathy of 1"Y §nei2hbours is extended to the) '; family. PHONE 249-8231-32 Mrs. Percy Miller. Harding Ave.. " vacationing with her cidesl daughter. Audrey, in Timmins. Miss Caroline Day. of Hearst Circle. has been Guest of Hon- our at stweral showers. Caroline will betrome thr, bride of Fred Cock. of Kleinhurx. m Trethe Mr. and Mrs, Walter Stevens. Chiswick Street. recently re- turned from a visit to Milwau- kee. Wis. where they visited their daughter. Jackie. son-in law Peter. and young grandson. Several boys from this dis. trict are spending 6 "reseks at the Dennison Armoury. as Army Cadets. parents of David Edward, (6 lbs. 12 02) at Grace Hospital, Hali- fax, N.S., on July Ist. David is also the first grandchild of Mr and Mrs Balser, of Laodsdowne, Hohburl United Church and Miss on Welcome back to the diwtrid to Murdoch and Rae mes Wil. son) Gill and family. The Gills h ve recently moved mm their home on Noranda Drive. ‘Jean Rhodes, Md. Agnes Tom- Giiiid and. Carrie Wilson and ‘Low score Eileen Dolman. The Auxiliary wishes to express their appreciation to the follow- ing merchants whose generosity helped make the evening a sue- cess: Weston Road Plan Hard- ware, Weston Road Plaza Var- lety Store, Tony's Variety, Al's Variety, and Saonuto'g Hair Stvling. On Thursday, July 2, some members and friends ot Ladies’ Auxiliary Branch 213. Royal Cumin Lesion, gathered at the home of Marjorie Kirkham, on Conmn Place. for what was Planned I: I Strawberry Social. The weatherman did Bot co- operate, but those present had o Fehnan. Mrs: aseeniiin,ii; Janet Brown and Olive Matti Io". liquye winners were; Ist, a very pleasant Evém7w1I ners_ of draw mites were: Mr Jottstctmie,otr.ddeeitteeet. itveryittinrrumtserteeiaiii W. No vioitors,PUa.e, treIkerwtutttarkiilrr' mmmwtlnlspeedyrg tttrntohmttts. “If! Robin-In, m with: I CHM“, Gtt. I746 WESTON ROAD Phone 244-6435 BUY NOW! DON’T MISS THIS OUTSTANDING “lIMITED TIME All TIRES MOUNTED FREE Fast Service by Tire Experts ht the hill TIRE BUY THE FIRST TIRE AT OUR "No.TRADEUN" PRICE I STORES A Division of FIRESTONE TIRE & RUBBER Company of Camel. Ltd. _ Open To 9 p.m. Thursday and Friday BECK V SHOES 6.70513 6.00.13 b.7045 7d0H4 7.50.14 6.7045 SIZE Open 8 mm. to 6 pm. "mutiny l-Hidoy till , p.m. Tubelessr Mack‘s/0' Jubeless Whitewall Iubed-Trpe Blackwell Tubéless Whitewall Irsl1eless Blackwell Tubed-Ilge Blackwell I915 Weston " TYPE Complete Stock Spring and Summer Shoes (at Lawrence) '8sy $12.88 A MW Custom mum our tow my arm 'M.tttt $19.50 $14.90 g 9.50 FIRST Tire $16.50 $24.00 I SECOND Tire 241m OFFER! ts.06 35.00 $5.00 ts.oo $5.00