Here's the chance of I "life time" at the Red Cross Blood Donor Clinic, Crang Plaza aud. itorium, Monday, July 13, 2 to 4 pm. and 6 to 9 pm. The moot precious gift of all In your: to give, with no down- payment, no cumin; than“. no print tag - YOUR 31000. Now don't get squeamish. you have plenty to more. Three - quarter: ot a pint from you. which is only Lamb of the IV- eage body content. can mean the difference between LIFE and DEATH to someone else . without any [train or ill effects, your body replaces its liquid content in " hours. In" A Lib . It May In Your Owrtl "OI TIMI! AbVIITISII - “lord-y, Jun 9, I†- I... " Special Children's Saturday Matinee! At 1 pm. "Sword of Conqueror" f Also "On The Right Scent" Children We SlRlOIN PORTERHOUSE WING --- . CHUCK STEAK MINCED CHUCK mo: ROAST snout ms Lb CROSS cur ‘____ CANADA PACKERS WIENERS rs, 1.00 JUBILEE BRAND SIDE BACON B Maggi: Tull-EATER 1831 Wino] R3: ODEON Around DoWnsview Cooled by Refrigeration! th 1-1821 HELD OVER Excellent Family Entertainment Call g ClOII-LEVSED B. S. TICKNOR REALTOR FOR ALL REAL ESTATE SERVICES 6 John St., Weston (At Weston Rd.) John Street, in the teart of Downtown Weston ~39 ALL DAY M, WEDNESDAY During July and August Ken Johns Men's Wear STEAKS 0 STEAKS TURNERS MEAT MARKET . Mortgages -- . Buying . Appraisals . Selling Members of the Toronto Real Esate Board 6 JOHN ST. WESTON George Baker 1782 JANE ST., WESTON with Kay Neapolo Cb, Lb TURNERS MEAT MARKET If you live with actual-trav- eling distance trom the Can: Plaza, and are between " and 65 years of Me, you are earnest- ly asked to attend the Blood Donor Clinic on Mon. July 13, Wednesday, June 24, turned out to be a hectic day in the lite of Mars Hodgson from Heath- row Drive. Hurrying down to the York Pain Ann I quickie shopping errand, she parked the car and left the keys in the ignition . . . after all, she was only going to be a minute or two' away. You’ve guessed it. When she returned, the parking place was there alright . minus the car! And Marg found hersed, slight- ly bewildered. being driven home in a police cruiser. Some of the anxiety from the day's events was eased by the helpful advice and assurance from a reputable insurance com- pany who, at their expense, rem ted the Hodgsons a late model Crang Plaza _ Blood Donor Clinic is always one of. the most successful and largest in North York, and the Red Cross is counting on having an even lar- ger one this month to help the Blood Bank to keep full and operating. Due to the holidays, illness and general apathy, the Blood Bank still remains at I dangerously low level. "in . Mancunian. rm - Baby Sitting Servic- at Clinic. in!!! . Coffee and Cookies. No Appointment. NO Waiting! The all is out to you {mm the Red Crou: . Due to holiday illness and general apathy, the Blood Bank still remain, " I dangerously low level. Think! YOU MAY BETH}: NEXT ONE TO NEED FREE snoop: Every citizen between 18 and 65 in reasonable good health has North York Red Crou.‘ BA . 1181 Two Stands of Cnrolcsmus Cost Eight Days of Worry For information can In Charles Beanland, 2416151. or I by Peg Grant . BLOOD DONORs_ URGENTLY NEEDED " " " -- CH 1-4471 Maple leaf & Amesbury News " _ ' STEAKS ROUND & RUMP iiiiriiiiii u " -llhtl.1tL.:.r)!iliy FRESH MINCED HAMBURG 3 Lbs 95, BONELESS BEEF 39 Manson Rd., Crang Plaza " MATTSON " CRANG PLAZA At this time of the year, we can't iesist getting a preview of what the black, horned, fash- ion designers advocate for the lady’s Fall wardrobe. Frank and Victoria Cresswell have a very interesting family of three, who were educated at Maple Leaf School, and the two eldest children completed their formal school at Weston Colleg- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cresswell, of Culford Road (formerly Hop- croft) celebrated their 25th Wed, ding Anniversary on Tuesday, July 7th. More than one half of this time they have resided at their present address. Our con- gralulations to you, and wishes for many more years of happi- ness with your family. When the ear has been clean- ed inside and out, examined, and had 1 cracked windshield replaced, the insurance mp my will return it to its rightful owners. - A word at caution to hasty Ihoppen from Mug lladglon: "Take your cu- keys with you, " all Limes". And she should know! "A closed mouth flies". Their inspiration for the coming season is derived from the 1930's no less! Black lace stockings, cloche hats and sling- backed shoes. You’ll find your- self bundled up to the eyebrows in furs, feathers and turtle necks. One eye-eatehing silhouette sported brilliant purple hose and shoes, worn below a pink and purple check suit - oooh! Can hardly wait! There's hope yet. Black is "in", and suits for all occastons. in any fabric from silk to tweed are "in". And bows, bows, bows a moral duty to be a blood don. or and aid the less fortunate segment of the community. Many volunteers working with Toronto General Hospita the Blood Donor crew are on Urology Department, wl hand so that no appointment is artificial kidney is in l necessary, and you will not have Brian Ps training to be to wait. You can be in and out, i nurse at Mack's School after having giver your donat- (sing in St. Catharines ion in less than 30 minutes. For 1 Hospital. He is one of th the convenience of donors, there (taking this course, and 25th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY With “an“ holidays pow gonad. may waited it home tar new: at the mining car . . eight days elapsed - . it was found in A " you old boy was picked up behind the wheel, hung added 1000 miles to the speetir meter. or and aid the less fortunate Their only daughter, Diane, is segment of the community. now a Registered .Nurse " the Many volunteers working with Toronto General Hospital, in the the Blood Donor crew are on Urology Department, where the hand so that on appointment is artificial kidney is in use. Son necessary, and you will not have Brian Is training to be a male to wait. You can be in and out, ( nurse at Mack's School of Nur. after having giver your donat- (sing in St. Catharines General ion in less than 30 minutes. For (Hospital. He is one of three mer the convenience of donors, there Waking this course, and he has is FREE tea, coffee and cookies just completed his first year of and FREE baby sitting at theitraiimg. Their younger SOB, clinic. Also, if you auiriiitii'," will be entering Grade 11 transportation, or further infor- i at Downsview secondary School Beanland It CH 1-5152, or the in the tall. mation, please call Mrs. Doris - North York Red Cross at BA b Congratulations are also in or- 1134. A... m. u. 1. u... human- to... Pudd’nhud uys: CRANG PLAZA CLINIC - JULY 13 Afternoon - 3:00 to 4:00 pm. Evenings - 6:00 to 9:00 pm. DON'T FORGET. you may be the next one to require FREE BLOOD Buttons 'n' Bows 241-1 STEAKS Lb Lb, CH 1-5978 79s " catches no Plans for the sod-turning of the new Nelson A. Boylen Col. legiate on Falstaff Avenue are now being arranged by John B. Parkin Associates, who are the architects for the new structure. This ceremony is to take place at the end of August. Original plans were for the school to be started m May. but as that would have meant that the build- ing would have not been in use from May, 1965, until September, the date was changed, and it is still planned for the school to accept pupils in September of We ditcovend tho rules for a "daytime" room tto mm. to T pm.) were about half regular rates. no we not out after break- ttot, complete with three chm} ren, bathing suits, plum: boats, tloaters, books. alumni and our new kitten. After register- ing, we changed into our swim- ming gear in our modern motel room, and went out to the pool. Would you can to llvo iiU a king (or m) for a dart but Sunday was Home?! birthday in our Mule. and t wanted to do moaning rally amount to eelahrau an mu ion. After making a In inquir- lea. we decided to with one of the local match. preferably one with a swimming pool AND a wading pool. This wasn't our kitten’l idea of a good time, so she promptly disappeared into In open room. We persuaded the tender)! to let us coax her out (he didn't know he had company). After this, the children alternated their time between playing in the water and chasing after the kitten. e, With No Travel, little Expense live like A Queen . For A Bar all over the place, big, medium or small . . . take your pick. In many instances, skirts have been . cropped 4 inches above the knees, but then you'll have a chance to show off the heavy knit stockings or colored tights. iate Congratulations are also in or- der for Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Bat. tagglia of Burr Avenue, who had a son last week. They now have four sons and one daughter. Stephen Hay is back in hospi- tal again, in a cast from his waist down. It is expected ht will be in Humber Memorial for the balance of the summer. and anyone who would like to visit him may do so. He is in room 317 of Humber. Well, there's one way of look- ing at the fashion front. With skirts going up, and tops going down, and you haven't a thing to wear - don't worry You're right in style.' Wishes for a speedy recovery are extended to Mrs. Jean Lyon who is in Northwestern General Hospital. Jean. her husband and son were for a time this spring living with her sister Mrs. Ber- nice Moir on Falstaff Avenue. DISCOUNT RN Prices 9 It 12 Flctory Demonstrators (Solne from CNEt All It LOW discount Rugs - Broadloom Ina-u him " Used a New HIGH SCHOOL (at! d: Aarsttetrgetuehiidr-ean mrimret,thare-at-es- _eitlntrtntt-uarmutdttr_ Local club members who will be taking part in the ceremonies and other activities inclue Mayor George Bull, Howard Ashbourne, Councillor Wesly Boddington, Harold Brookbanks, Councillor Carl Caskey, Weir Eckenswiller, Councillor Lindsay Cat! and Past President Lew Rodger. 1m a run, and "in. " th-tml-tth- Ne m;u» huattand "tdi-ttadm' med at the poolside. a deBghtftrtlr lux- uriougtreat. suddenly u all “and hm m. and vote unnamed to no!- ice that it was ' pm We went into our room to are“. and then into the motel dining room tor I plenum lunch. no youngsters were tired enough to settle down for 1 mp, even with two ban in the same bed. When they were all asleep. I settled down beside Cathy to enjoy my book, and my husband took the kitten home, where we felt she would be happier Home In: only five minutes away by ear, even if it seemed 500 miles in atmosphere. . After our mp8, we had an- other session in the pool. I think I stayed in it for two hours, on the flimsy excuse that it was windy out, and the water VIII warmer than the breeze. Actu. ally, I was having the time of my life, swimming and diving. I even had I boat ride. John was running round and round the pool with a boat on I long string. If I could catch the boat, he would pull me the length of the pool before announcing (Continued trom Page 1) another address by the not-so- controversial Norman Vincent Peale; and, of course, the elect. 1on of a new third viee-presid. ent. 40,000 lions i-Door Hard Top, Auto. Transmission, Power Steering, W/Washers, W “Walls. Low mung. 01151an Gleaming trag radio, signals and heater, Finish. " In gleaming white with red top. '-erllnder model with standard tram smission. black Ftiiists. - ""'"""S Guaranteed - Only $2695.00 Guaranteed - Only $1095.00 LITTLE BROS. 1961 Consul Convertible WE HAVE OVER 100 BEAUTIFUL A-l, RECONDITIONED USED CARS WHICH MUST BE CLEARED AT ONCE REGARDLESS OF COST All Makes. . .All Models No Reasonable Offer Refused! l'HESE CARS ARE NOW ON DISPLAY AT METRO TORONTO'S LARGEST OUTDOOR SHOWROOM. LOCATED AT 1960 Ford Ranchwagon 2209 WESTON ROAD Authorised Ford-Falcon Sale. 1963 Chevrolet Impala 1959 Chevrolet Sedan Only $325.00 2209 WESTON ROAD - WESTON Guaranteed A-t - Only $1295.00 CLEAR THE [OT SALE lITTlE BROS. - A: Low As 10 Percent Down. No Payment Until August lat. THE BUILDERS ARE MOVING IN AND WE ARE FORCED TO SELL EVERY USED thir ON, OUR [OT momma-lama“ pole and motel. and "It ' mn we got In Grand up (not tho kitten), and went out (or I vary donut dinner, couple“ with birthday cake (or damn. lather "a tired enough to go to bed right after the little one. but just uh here if it wasn't one ot the best birthdays the eve had! KO Fi2tT General ' Lite [mums m: WESTON ROAD Notary Public YORK TRAVEL BUREAU POI ALL mvn. ARRANGMNTS bet, I'd recommd It as m Antwan: In Case of Rain -- Public Meeting Room, 3rd Floor, Town Hall Series of Summer Concerts Tuesday Evenings at 8: JULY 14th, JULY 21st and JULY 28th AS IS SPECIALS CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO ATTEND THE 1964 Reasonable low mileage. Recondition- ed and A-1 B-Cylinder, Auto. Transmission, W/. Washers. Fully recondltioned and AU. Here is rent value. LDoor Sedan, Dual Range Auto. Tran- smission, Radio. Power Steering, Pow. er Brakes, Padded Dash, W/Washers Remus, W/Walls, Original 1-0wner Car, Like New. Slurp. THE WESTON SILVER BAND Guaranteed - Only $2195.00 Guaranteed - Only $995.00 1962 Volkswagen Deluxe 1956 F700 Damp Truck Complete - Only $696.00 WESTON - CH 1-." & Service Ford Dale" For Our " You". W 1959 Ford 4-Door IO 6-4603 1962 Galaxies 500 Only $995.00 tS,T,l'n".'iit'eSt'dd".lrd'afg'.'.'Tf2'"'"" tarnitntfgh.tiustr-tm- km.“ DANCE GROUP 8. COMBO REHEARSALS In 2 Weeks Sessions -- Classes Daily SPECIAL SUMMER COURSES Monday to Friday - 9 to 11:00 IJII. or 2 to 4:00 pan. $15.00 full price for a 2 week session Phone 241-3221 or call at 4 John St., Weston, Ontario _ Private Lessons by Appointment --nnrM.AatlBe_.ug_t_- um-nrwnmum 00 p.m. in Weston Memorial Park Featuring Piano, Trumpet, Drums, Guitar . Accordion , Theory ROSE SCHOOL OF MUSIC . GIGI . . STAGE COACH . THE SOUND OF MUSIC OVER 60? t-Door. Auto. Tutu. Radio, WEWuh- an. Power Steering, Power Brakes, Padded Dash, WuWIlls, WthcI. A New Used Car. A/C Heater. Signals. Not too much equipment on this one, but I: in very nice condition. 1959 Chevrolet 2-Door Wagon cc Keuer, signals, Two-Tm hill. Allâ€. Guaranteed . Only $1395.00 Guaranteed - Only $2195.00 Guaranteed - Only $109s.00 1962 Pontiac Purisienne 1958 Meteor Tudor 1961 Ford Tudor Offer, Only $325.00 Prick h elenr. W Widen. (WESTON)