lass tart rnd- skis. m: let: SIS m“ To]. an. an, I59 - rm- '; I CLASSIFIEDS "or . .1; “Jun mum... a-uuvl. nu- "r,U,.'fel'2,Afsma,t,tTraetsi,cC',if, die. 6 cyL Standard transmis- heater. original owner. best sion -. T VVqTrt _ .. $895 cash offer. Phone 278-4006 af- '58 FORD Fairlane. 4 door. ter 6. Automatic. 8-cyl. Radio _ .. $695 '56 Doriti-keiknt, a cylinder. '58 FORD Custom 2-duor use - S175. 359‘15ZE-_ '58 CHEVROLET 4 _ door. ORIGINAL I Automatic. 6 cylinder. - A. .emrtq T"N__o rr.,-',, A- ( Radio.,, 'rr . ,. $695 'B4 RENAULT RI _ T 'ti4 PLYMOUTH V8 _ _ '63 VALIANT automatic '62 PONTIAC sedan '61 MONARCH sedan 'B4 RENAULT RI ",4†'ti4 PLYMOUTH V8 _ $1,795 '63 VALIANT automatic 31.990 '62 PONTIAC sedan $1,095 '61 MONARCH sedan 31,150 '61 OLDSMOBILE h'top 81,835 '60 METEOR tudor 51.185 MO MORRIS Oxford $295 '59 PLYMOUTH hlop $875 '59 MONARCH h'top $1,175 '59 OLDSMOBILE h'top 81.295 '59 PONTIAC sedan 3975 '59 CHEVROLET Bel Air 8995 "vi CHRYSLER Saratoga, power brakes, steering! 2-duor. hard- 'op: white finish. red interior. Immaculate condition through- out. New tires; guaranteed une owner since new. Priced to sell to the first one to irt- spect. Located in Long Branch. CL. 1-3654. 1355 BUICK hardlqp, radio, good tires. good condition. Full price $100.00. LE. 4-9092. '55 CHEVROLET. CL. 5-1695. " " Automatic. Nice, clean) car. Cheap for quick sale, CLI T _ 1-0279. _ _ FOR Sale, 1938 Vauxhall Salem-1 just out of body shop. Newly‘ -_. painted. 21mm: St. or CL I-t 3995, i MOTORS LTD. 210 LAKESIIOIIE RD, W. PORT CREDIT CR 8-t's181 Chrysler - Plymouth . Valiant 1962 FORD Fairlane. a cylinder. standard, 2 door sedan; 32.000 miles: radio. Private. 231-0893 after 6. TOP DRIVER 57 CHEV - Blue and white, 6 automatic, tour door model - Priced to be sold fasL 43 DODGE American coupe - '55 6 cylinder 4 door Dodge - h new tires - good bargain, running condition. CL. 5-9252. Cull Jack Birtwistie I . 277-9536 I 225 New Toronto St. WOODLAND MOTORS LTD. _ 259-5284 250 out“!!! SLW. Cooksville j '59 BUICK 4 door Hardtop. __.--------- A __ ---_ [ Excellent tires, radio, Runs _ _ NO DOWN PAYMENT ( well _ _$935 '60 VOLVO Deluxe Model _ '59 MONARCH 4 door. Cnt1 - - Jack Rocket! l Radio _ T 8895 mday. l Ash for Tom Jackson for a _ demonstration drive at r,' WOODLAND MOTORS LTD. 250 Dundls St. w. Cookavine _ 277-9531 l '54 PONTIAC Eight, automatic! Good condition. Good mileage.) _ Pdio. $125, CL 1-8841. _ '50 SEDAN Delivery, motor good, body needs repairs. {15, CL s-) 0703, I Spotless, 1961 Ford Fordor se- dan, V8 automatic, prairie bronze with apple green inter- tor. Must be driven' to be ap- preciated. ‘ Call Jim Bowie: 27743531 WOODLAND MOTORS LTD. :50 Dundas St. W. Cooksvilie TRADE on TERMS '62 MERCURY Monterey Con- sertsble. Arctic white with red interior. An immaculate one-owner trade with low mileage. Will trade 1950 Monarch su- tion Wagon for a double car [Inn and paved driveway. 277-35“. NO DOWN PAYMENT ‘61 VOLKSWAGEN Deluxe model. Radio. Call - Cec. Borland SIMPSON MOTORS mo Like Shore mm W. 2594681 ECONOMICAL 1963 CHEVY II - One owner, gleaming ermme white with \polless autumn gold interior, for real value drive thls one NO DOWN PAYMENT '07 FORD Rideau 2-door VAR automatic, Call - Jim Broddy SIMPSON MOTORS 3120 Lake Shore Blvd. W. 259-4687 NO DOWN PAYMENT '60 VOLVO Deluxe Model Cull _ - Jack Rocket! SIMPSON MOTORS 3120 Lake Shore Blvd. W 259-4687 Call - Don McCoy SIMPSON MOTORS 3l20 Latte Shore Blvd. w, 259-4687 See at Branch. "-CaMroRBaga KEN SCOU CONTRACTORS 84-29th Street. Long 1957 CHRYSLER 300C 2 door hardtop, w h i t e, immaculate condition, fully powered, radio, best offer. BE. 3-0656. 59 FORD Edsel, suuon wagon, lady driver, automatic, power steering, etc. Immaculate Condi- Mon, $575. or best offer. Private. CR. 8-1293. Grant h. Edwards '59 tic. EXTRA SHIP '58 FORD Fairlane Fordor - Tutone yolhw and white. Automatic, Radio, whitewalU washers. Cull Roy Cooke 217-9531 WOODLAND MOTORS LTD. 250 Dundu St. W. kasvllle clean condition. 2774502. '56 CHEV. station wagon, 6, auto- matic, immaculate condition. Best offer. BE. 1-2051. ,iirtj6sTEirATtGrartTd, custom 4 (door sedan. like new. $1450. Private. BE. 1-9629. '5redEksisihRiEN van, excel- lent condition. Best offer, pri- vate. CR. 8-1293. {961 N.S.U, Prinz. good condi- tron, $195. George. BE. 3-9936. 'ijiceeeriifAN" s’muter. sin or best offer. BE. 3-7722. . iirifiRi Cooper. good Fruiiii8ir," less than 15.000 miles. Call af- ter 5:30. 769-3111. 30 - CAR & TRUCK RENTALS '58 METEOR 2-door. 2-lone, black with white top. Auto- matic. 8 cylinder. Radio. Sharp. '57 PLYMOUTH ‘64 GMC Pick-ups, new $1,865, $100 down. Jim Ireland, 259- 8211 '59 FORD Custom 2-door. Ra. dio. 6 cyl. Standard transmis- sion -rv T VVqtrt T _ .. $895 Catt - Arc-Mu CM SIMPSON MOTORS 8120 Lake sham Blvd. W, â€0-401 '59 FORD Fairlane 4 door. Automatic. 8-cyl. Radio. Red and white interior . $1.050 '57 DODGE 4-door Sedan. Automatic. 6 cylinder. Radio . .. _ . $195 '57 FpRD 4-door Sedan. Body man's chance. _ (r ,, .. 8195 '55 BUICK 4-door Sedan. Very clean Trv ___ _rVvrr_ Vr-V (Pe Pr-rv $225 FINANCING CAN BE ARRANGED AT 6% '59 Farr" WAGON "" Really good condition. Ideal tor campmg and family Must be sold this week regardless of price. 4 Door, economical transpor- tation, Irade or Terms $450 or make offer. 32.A CAMPING EQUIPMENT Call - Gem‘s Sutton SIMPSON MOTORS 3120 Lake Shore Blvd. W 259-0681 Weston-Rexdale VANS - PANELS - PICKUPS STAKES By The Hour. Day, Week or Momh 29 - TRUCKS & TRAILERS ALL MAKES AND MODELS A M P E R BUS - completely equipped, sleeps 4. seat: T, ex- tending root, gets 27 miles per gallon, Brand new condition. Could double as commercill van Cost 83800, asking 82500. CL 9-3310 or 255-7609. after 9.30 p m. " - CABS POI I“ No DOWN In!!!“ DODGE Sedan. Automa- , MAKES. SI MODELS ONTARIO TRAILERS LTD 1577 Queensway . 251-1013 _ Travel Trailers NO DOWN PAYMENT TRUCK RENTALS Rexdale Car RAY NEWINGTON 277-9531 - CL. 5-0023 '56 CHEV. BELAERE cs mom: no 249-8277 TRUCKS CARS And in good FREE Water Skiing & Luau O:80 mm. to 8 pan. daily) FREE Tonal: FREE Shuftiebottrd FREE Bingo FREE Water Skiing Show FREE Boat Ramp FREE Lending Library FREE Merry-go-round FREE Ironing Room FREE Meal Hour Nursery FREE Badminton FREE Adult Sized Swms FREE Basketball FREE Telnvialon FREE Children's Day on Rob Roy Farm FRIENDLY ACRES RESORT HIPPO Park. 3rd line East. Ca- ledon Township. 4 miles east of Orangeville. Picnic grounds, camping, cottages. fishing, Go- Cart track. Open May 15. For information contact A. J. Good, Orangeville, 941-1228. '8-.Btr-t8IB0BN* "-"eeM"""&t CAMPS cm _ BALSAM LAKE are: - 100 miles from Toronto. All con- veniences. Sleeps six. $50 weekly. 239-9064. evenings. WASAGA ' Olkview Beach, 2- bedroom cottage. Insi‘t facil- ities. CL. 1-0311. NinihTagl Bench, , kiwi-6315:; ah-rt) - New. kFGFiu7 Need Extra Money? 3-bedroom com“. Electric re- frigerator and Move. Good; Supply Studio Girl Cowman boating and swimming, a!“ In your neighborhood. to mopping Reasonabve. u..- on. 621-3610. After a. 151-6130.; CH. 4-9583 __â€".i l LAKE-LAND LODGES i 35 - SUMMER COTTAGES On Beautiful Lake Muskoka 1 TO HPI The perfect setting for a re- SPRINGHURST Beach-Wasaga. laxtng vacation. For their qui- l 3 bedroom co t t a ge. large et enjoyment families and , screened verandah, inside couples find a lovely sand l plumbing. $40 weekly. CR 8-l beach, spacious grounds, shut- 4946. , ne-boards, tots playground. n------------ games room, other daytime I' - EMPLOYMENT WANTED; and evenin amusements - _-_-c-c-_-_----..------,: Clean, comfortable aecommo- ‘EXPEBXENCED typist, accounts dation for 70 guests include “Gamble and payable, re- family suites, cottagettes, quires out-time WM!" Call af- cabin units. all with semi or _ttr_1_otlyA, qi1f_-7il21. -____ private facilities and twins and PLUMBING work wanted (help- double rooms. Consistent 55% 'i, er), ex change for vacation repeat clientele attest to the trailer or car. 255-5861. warm, friendly atmosphere _iioijiH,-irrirrTGiriaaTt-, and the y1ality of our meals, l, wishes summer iob. Will take W' .. $65 per adult wetkiy. anything. Phone Mike, 621- Close to golf, boat cruises. '; 2469 Santa's village. Two house- ; ,L..‘__a_‘______ keeping cottages available. _FEhrALE high school student de- Folders Reservations 1 sires summer position. Any- ,7 - Ir, ------- ---- thing considered. 2516193. Reserve now for your vaca- tion. Everything is here tor the kind of holiday 3rou've " ways wanted. First class lodge a nd cottage accommodation. heated. Superb home-cooked meals, all summer sports, cruises arranged, maid ser- vice, baby-sitters available, special rates for children. Sandy beach, safe swimming. Golf course one mile. Modern motel, housekeeping units. Fishing, swimming, boating, etc. Phone McKcller, line T, ring! or 278~9339 COTTAGES Fully modernized, boat and motor rentals are Ivailable. For Reservations . Featuring our New Main Inn, large luxury family units and suites with private balconies overlooking pool and lake. ALL SEASON FAMILY BATES SPECIAL “CHILDREN - FREE - WEEKS" JUNE 20 to JUNE 27 SEPT. 5 to SEPT. 12 for Color Folder, Information, Menues and Reservations Write PARRY SOUND AREA Baden Powell’s Room Maids inside eoitveniem/es, 5 minute walk to bench. CR. 8-7700 Phone: 635-2522 Toronto 255-335l F, KR. BRACEBRIDGE Phone 645-2921 GOOD FISHING Peninsula Lake, Huntsville, Ont. Heated Swimming Pool Direct Toll-Free Line Toronto To Resort Dtttce Just Dial 364-4069 You Wilt Enjoy CL. 9-2l90 evenings only THE VACATION OF A LIFETIME fUN in the SUN at "fMOt()tji Kim" RR. No. 5, Orillio, Ont. "THE HOME OF ROLLS AND HONEY" GRAND OPENING JUNE 20 0n humid Lu. COUCHICIHNG FERN RESORT EXPERIENCED typist, accounts receivable and payable, re- quires part-time work. Call af- ter 1 o'clock, CL 9-7221. PLUMBING work wanted (help- er), exchange for vacation trailer or car. 255-5861. YOUTH, 19, jr. matriculant, wishes summer job. Will take anything. Phone Mike, 621- 2469. YOUNG woman would like eve- ning employment, 6:30 - 9:30. Experienced as receptionist, typing and' accounting. 741- 5243. LAWN. cutting and trimming. Queensway, Royal York, Bloor or Islington area. Call James Ryan. 259-412i. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work. 9:30 to 4. $7 and carfare. CL. 1-6437. BROWN'S LINE and Long Branch area. Woman wants housework for one half day a week. CL. 1-9452. FREE Private madman Gal! Course FREE Dane. Band FREE Childnn's Supervised Playground FREE New Bowling Alley: FREE Fishing FREE Water SM. FREE Docking Place FREE Wading Pool FREE Tm House FREE Formula Room FREE Baby Sitting Service FREE Horse Shoes FREE Ping Pong FREE Trampoline FREE Volleyball PART-TIME work wanted. Han- dy man, odd jobs, painting, etc. Reasonable. 259-7546. " - FEMALE HELP WANTED PERMANENT part-time clerical positions. We require immedi- Mely housewives who are in- terested in working two or three days each week in our data processing department. Training will be provided. Ex- cellent working conditions. Apply personnel oftiee, new] Drug Co. Lid,, 2501 Stanfield Rd., Cooksvilln, 277-9403. Canadian Industries Ltd PLASTICS DIVISION Experienced stenographer re- quired for modern laboratory. Shorthand essential. Duties will include considerable per- sonnel work. Excellent work- ing conditions and salary, Con- tact THE HOLIDAY INN Hwy. 21 " Burtthamthorpe Apply In person to MRS. WARMINGTON \VANTED IMMEDIATELY Full time or Part Time Stenographer 207 New Toronto Street Formula Room Baby Sitting Service Horse Shoes Ping Pong Trampoline Volleyball CONFIDENTIAL NEW TORONTO CL. 5-012l MR KEMP at ‘23"? Rexdale Plaza, 24191414240 Bloor IN., 239-8155 1 tg-r-a-ar-tm-eat-Wa-Di-Mia-Foo- Bookkeepers and Accounting Clerks $300 Bookkeeper to trial balance, small payroll, some typsng- Malton. . $280 Accounts payable clerk, will train for payroll on Burroughs Sensimatic. $260 Senior elerk, inventory extensions and general office, aptitude for figure work. Queensway. PRACTICAL mm. or nut-’0': aid, relief duty 3 to 5 darn a week. P e r m a n . nt position. West End Nursing Home, ' Pointy Plan. BE 1-5611. and capable dicta-twist Mr one girl office, Rexdale. open Girl Friday for variety including typing, payroll. end bookkeeping. Queensway. $260 Girl Friday for general office duties end little dicta. In five girl office. Weston. . $225 Girl Friday with shorthand preferred. Variety including switchboard relief. Rexdale. open Permanent part-time Dicta-Steno. Two days per week. Shorthand helpful. Weston. open Permanent pert-time Steno with shorthand for variety including inventory control, three days per week and could work into full time. Rexdale. open Steno with dicta and shorthand, competent girl with initiative. Cooksville. I $300 Secretary for sales manager. Mature girl preferably your: sales experience. Rexdale. “ 5880 Secretary for TN. producer, shorthand and dicta-phone. Interesting duties for responsible person. Kleinburg. 5320 Secretary for foreign trade division of large well estab- lished company, St. Clair and Keele. Stenog rophers & Secretaries 8320 Girl Friday with good knowledge of bookkeeping helpful. Rexdale. . $300 Dicta-Typist for variety of duties, must have good tele- phone manner. Rexdlle. $260 Receptionists for doctors office, some teeounting back- ground preferred and good typing. Rexdale. clerical. Queensway. 5265 Fast accurate typist for routine duties in purchning de- partment. Rexdale. $260 to 32†Purchasing agent needs capable girl to carry out variety of work. Some inventory and expediting. Oppor- tunity for advancement. Queensway. $240 to 8260 Senior clerk typist, fast, accurate typist with ex- perience on orders, aptitude for figures. Rexdale. 3240 Junior clerk typist with aptitude for figure work. Good futuré for bright young lady, Rexdale. Dicta-Typist and Typist $265 Dicta-Secretary for sales, no snorthand, sales experience BOOKKEE‘ING MACHINE OPERATOR We have an opening for In operator who is fully experi- enced on N.C.R. series 3200 and 3400 machines. This ‘posiiion offers excellent working conditions and bene- fits including air-conditioned officel. cafeteria, group insur- ance: and fully pttid pension plan. $260 Fast typist for pun-mm; orders and vanety. Some Machine Operators $MOLB.M. Key Punch Operator, sales orders. mxmmum one year experience, Rexdale. $200 to “80 Senior Comptometer Operator for billing depart- ment. Rexdale. $260 to 3280 Se! . r NC R. Operator. Accounts Receivable and some 'i'Ur'rSrtct. Queensway. Homemakers capable of nurs- ing m the borne: alao home- makers by the day or to live in and take charge of family while mother la away. Lenora's Family Services CI. 14272 Clerk Typist FRUEHAIJF TRAILER co, OF CANADA LTD. 2450 '3tanneid Road Cooksvnlc 217-9511 Register With Us T y For Permanent And Temporary Positions - lntervl I Arranged At Your Convenience. mo urge To Applicant. Dorothy Tyers Staff Services WOMEN WANTED What Is Drake Personnel? nun II “I LAM“? DNA" mm? sum: m CANADA-or-l I! m on. ACIOSS THE (20va - AND Mao m LONDON. ENGLAND. Dim “IV“ THOUIANDI o. CANADIAN AND 33mm COIPANIIS. WING u. N I.†Till]! PBMANINT omen "arr. on "I! All ALWAII PAID 1% If I'll mn- - m " THE APPLICANT, TME" ll NIYII A mum-non FEE, OI "I o. ANY mu PAID " 100. III EHLOYII. AT Dull. YOU WILL FIND A IN AND W! WWII non IVIIYONI. on. ’0. II to m YOU A POSITION TAILOIID YO TOUR QUALIFICATIONS. “IMO! m PIMONAL IMO". IF WE CAN ACCOMPLISH W18 THIN WI SHALL " "UL! SAW. WE AT DRAKE KNOW Till MARKET. WI USUALLY HAVE DOZINS " OPENINGS IN EACH CAM! OF WORK. THE DRAKE COUNSELLOIS WILL DO "" LEG-WORK POI YOU. [VIN Mum NO SPECIFIC POSITIONS EXIST. WE CAN AT TIMES WT ONE or out “GUI.“ cm m A mums APPLICANT. A REFERRAL BY DRAKE " A GOOD INTI/ODUCTION. OUR CLIENTI RAVI COME To KNOW THAT WI DO A THOROUGH AND THOUGITFUL SCIIINING or APPLICANTS. ALSO WE WOIK my CLOSE! WITH SPECIFIC FIRMS AND KNOW Tull! “QUEEMENTS. CONSEQUENTLY. A “PM " Dull IS MORE THAN JUST THAT - rr BECOMES A VALUABLE RECOMMENDATION. _ Dewmwl. A large manufacturing firm m the Ruth]: are; requires ' clerk ink: with scent-h typing ability. Several years experience in general office routine essen- tial. Excellent working condition. with wide ruin of complny benefits, including group in- surance. pension plan and me- dieal plan What Drake Can Do For hd nu TIME Experienced for Indies' LITTON SYSTEMS CAN. LTD. " City View Dr. nxmu 140-1!" Clerk Typist WALKER STORES CLOVIIDALI MALI. Fo) Interview all ialeiliyly Call for appointment THE M713“ - CleaningWoman CLERK mm junk): Ind sen- ior poiitiona avail-lulu: Apply Miss T. 14ka National Em- ployment Office. phone 355- 8571. Experienced, required by man- utaeturer; Queensway - Kip- ling district. CL 9-3796 Office, one High! . week or Saturday morning. Ramble. for retail sales. Some office and cashier experience In as- set. Apply: Personnel Standard Coil Products (Canada) Limited 37 Drummond St. Mimic. CL 9-765] Accuracy with figures ury. Experience on roughes Sensim-tic In Em S†to 830 Work 2 or more evenings per week. No canvassing. dclivtt- mg or collecting. Good peru sonnlxty. Car an met. CALL mummy TOWERS. BE 9-6880 Experienced, to keep full set of books for new modern ner- vice station. Perm-hem em- ployment. SECRETARIES - surmount" - goons: CL!“ mun - mom om rmmmmhmwmnmm To. nu- for w --. We need . Apply - 'rrch"erlonait1 GIRL FRIDAY tGriadiar, Tire Store 309 Lakeshore M. E., Clerk-Typist Typist- Bookkeeper Housewives CALL MB. MILL“ 241-2381 Call 247-2301 We just need exrterierteed We pummel . . . TOP SALARIES - INTERESTING POSITIONS Also Short and Lou; Term Tammy Animat- NO CHARGE IO APPLICANTS Two Offices To Serve You. 151 Bloor St. W. 924-1193 upreme ffice ervices BOOKKEEPER EXPERIENCED AGENCY & WTANTS 2489 Bloor at Jam RO 3-2241 No cum " ag-rt'. - "In Port Credit 278-6168 Mutual‘Placement . . . I24 " 401h St. LONG BRANCH 251-3331 Jobs waiting !! DOWNTOWN OFFICES mange. DECO!- We have put-time vnuncies tor young ladies to work in our cake department. Appli- cnnu will be required to work two or three day: per week commencing " 3.30 in the af- ternoon until early evening. If interested please apply in penon to Employment om 1m; " NO mm!- MENT FOR axrnmxczn OFFICE wouns wao WANT TEMPORARY was IN THE mustang - QUEENSWAY - REXDA" - WESTON m. Anus. TOP mus nus sows PLAN 922-1 165 - 925-4549 Register in Rexdnie, ttueeru. vny. Lawrence - Keck. Experienced sales clerk, 40-hr. work week. Full company benefits. Experienced ttttice girl. 24- hr. work week. - com- menlunte with mien“. Full company ttertefits. Division of N‘hboo ue 2150 Lake Shore Blvd. W. HUMBER BAY CHRiSTIE'S BREAD , Bloor St. I. Suite “A Apply In m It: ,I F. W. Woolworth Co., 1415 LAWRENCE W. " Keel: - 241-44" 304A ISLLVGTON S. PART-TIME MI TIME Accounts Receivable 157 Bay St. 364-7475 BE. 3-1163 PART CL9-2JH