3311913wa ‘ T l i. r r1't'1s')xfi?ft3,J', r a . -. 's" , V ' ' Ian E/sd" - ('l' U _ "Q as!" - . .,, . _ , Lt l , , , KP, I Vâ€, ' _ ‘ m P. tt f _ b' , " . a???" " 1tN 4 -, R) v , Mi ‘ =* I v " ; w, 4’ -- . ' , l ,. _ t q AS PART OF Nu abusive quality control .xoreind at lemon. - Hem is checked by hand before if leave: th. M. A - 'untttet petdseet, the butanemlud eandUs, do and“! out by Joanne Yorsfon. l ‘RONSON INDUSTRIAL PLANT mm PRODUCTION Mr. Michael R. Shaman, General Manager, yvharketing. Mr. Shaman is a nativo of Toronto, and joined flu, Ronson or- ganization in I945. He has had a broad range of respon- sibilities induding manufaerurin9 and purchasing, and more "rearttiy in the marketing 'eas. Mr. Arthur I. Johnson, Eoteeufive Vice President, Roman? Much of Canada Limited. Mr. Johnson who joined Niel Ramon organization in I9SI, has served in the position of General Manager of the Canadian operation, also in the5 International division of Ronson Corporation head oma/ In New Jersey, U.$.A. Mr. Johnson is a native of Toronto, and is ahoA chlriorod accOunfani. ', i‘mmm-ounmm. I. “My, Juno ll. tr64-Ne ' THE NEW packaging operation, previously performed by iobbers outside Roman Mariorlo Ghent run; the complicated-looking filling machine which automatically fills and caps, the Ronsonol Lighter Fluid cans. Rota-Shine the deluxe shoe polisher Dirk! up and ejects attachments magnetically. Applies polish. brushes and buffs, electrically. Models from 827.60. Lighters . . . hundreds to choose from. Here are 3 popular Varahame styles. Skoal Table Lighter in Rosewood. Adonis and Ladylite. All use butane. From $9.95 to $35.00. Ronson Offers the Year's Gifts. RONSON HAS MADE THE WORLDS GREAT LIGHTERS FOR YEARS. BUT WHAT HAVE THEY MADE FOR YOU LATELY? LOOK BELOW Most Gifted Gas Candles . . . rift idea of the year. No drippy wax. Doesn’t burn down. Odourk-ss butane fume is adjustable. Choose from 5 coloun, from 827.50 a pair. Electric Shavers for men and women . . . fam.. ous for their close cutting and precision engi- neering. Both attractively gift packaged. Mens' Model from $23.50. Ladies' Models from $t9.50. Electric Toothbrush with Safety Coupler. re- duces household current to" a safe 5 xolts. Fast, dentally-correct brushing action bene- fits the whole family. Deluxe (with Safety Coupler) $21.05, Standard (battery operated) $19.95. AS THE CANS come lhrough on a conveyor belt, filled with fluid, fwo girls quickly and efficiently pack up boxes of Ronsonol ready for shipping lo retailers across the counfry. CarrDo "kitehen Magician" four gifts ip one. It opens cans, sharpens knives, mixes and whips. Complete with wall mounting board and attachments from $238.50. Escort Hair Dryer . . . a gift any lady would love. Dries 3 ways: hood, comb or brush-t different temperatures. Portable as a hand- bag. Models from $27.50. International Standard of Excellemr person, every occasion. You might even give yourself one, Ronson has made the world's great lighters for years. And, now the year’s most gifted gifts. See them soon at your Roman Dealer. As you can see, there's a great new Ronson gift for every