Ontario Community Newspapers

Weston Times Advertiser (1962), 18 Jun 1964, p. 12

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, - Wt NICH- Ind Lind. Pawn (IV. . personal shower " lau- - on Lrrrnine Garden. In. C. E. (mm, Sedgebmok can. Mud it . ”new - m. Mitmea Meredith noun- I. all “a lather (in a Minimum nhover " 8nndris , I. " Wilma, and In. Chrlou 3mm entertained n . - " - but a Mnrtta-m In“. , w _ T F. yWu-wmmmmmnnmn .h Mary Stockdlla has been honored by mnny nonal owe-nu dur. In an phat In dish. ths Saturdly, June 20, at St. Jumps Islington I UM Chum uh. will become the bride " Mr. J, Allan Shana. -m bride M [mom gm [nan-tel of the University of Toronto, h if“. h the d.rrgltter of Mr. and Mrs. T. N. Stockrlnle, Fast Glen Crag and the [room in lo! of Mr. R. P. Shunt: of Toronto. " new!” Stockade and In. Atan Cochran I"! . miscel- '- Ihmr n In. Cod-ranch ham In Willowdnlm Mrs. Robert I“, the Kim-y, "" . linen mm with In. Frank Lawton ago-haul. m Uri, G. E. Dwyer; telephone, Mrs. C B. Cooper; marathon m In. IL J. MtteDonald and Mrs. Frank Coles; program, Mrs. P. J. lanrlund and In. J. D. Splckm-n; 'social, Mrs. J. N. Scott In. Tuh Humid thank; to the retiring president, Mrs. With And her executive, with special npprecinion to Mes, Us. “(an comm". and In, G. W. Long. Int, In. F. It Angus; secretaries, Mrs. W. M. Collect and Mrs. J. S. Smith; conveners: welfare, Mrs. J. G. Ure and Mrs. E. M. Wil- t“; mbenhip, Mrs. J. M. Henderson; "wing, Mrs. Neil Petersen; In. Roy Tush Wu elected president of th. Kinknuy Women’- Wollnn million at their recent annual meeting, following lunch- .)- " the Boulevard Club. The new executive, installed by Mrs. F. M. Emily, 3 u follows: honorary president, Mrs. H. C. Schwegler; Mmidenu, Mrs. H. J. MacDonald and Mrs. J. S. Smith; tren- Richard Furness, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Furness, Brentwood 14, M 8. graduated this spring from University of Western Ontario. 's-d n. plum to do put graduate work It the University of Toronto'- myou. j In. John Palmer, Palace Arch Drive, entertained It luncheon last Thursday in honor of her house guest, Mia: Frieda N ichterlain, dean of women at Teachers' College, Adelaide, Australia. Some years ago Kin Niehterlein was In exchange tencher in Toronto. She is renew- ing friendships she made at that time as she spends I ubntical year h North America. This summer she will atudy in Maryland. 3hn Turner, Perry Cm. in spending his university "ration in Malifnx, with the Defence Reward) Board. Terry Forth, Totteridge Road, has been appointed Program Seen it! for tho hkuhore TM.C.A. in Montreal. It. and In. Wm. G. Horn, Ellatree Road, attended McGill Uni, - Convocation in Montreal to see their daughter, Anne, receive her Bachelor of Arts degree. George Elliott of Islittgton was another of the 1750 whom they saw graduate that day. The ceremony took plant " the stadium and it was a cool dart ‘ Ember Valley I.O.D.E. are holding . Garden Luncheon and ftush. ion thou on Wednesday, June 23, at El Capistrano, the home of Mrs. w. IL Hodgson, Lorraine Gardens. Their financial objective is funds for tho ehildren's wing of the new North York General Hospital, Working with the regent, Mrs. George Wutts, In convene"'. Mrs, Donald Mann, Mrs. John Grant, Mrs. Peter Millard, Mrs. Hpry Btu-y. Mrs. Gordon Bremner Ind Mrs. J. B. Hardy. a Diana Mchth, dnughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. L. McCreath, Brom- ter' Grit, ha returned home from the Juilliard School of Music in New York. At the end of July she goes to Quebec to participate in “Jenna-es Musicales"V a national music copetition. She will have a M week: " home after that before returning to New York. Among the graduates from Waterloo Lutheran University are Brian Both touched their BA. degree. Robert is returning to Waterloo for BM. non of Mr. and Mrs C. N. Baker, Kingsway Cram; and Rm but Woodburn, son or Mrs. Christopher Woodburn, Princeton Road. his W0! of Physient Education. Brian goes back to be Issisunt b the director of development " Waterloo Lutheran University. In. Percy Lee, Hilldowntree Road, wu beam: for her unit of Windennoro United Church Women, when they held their closing pound: luncheon. Receiving her diploma in oeeupationat and Phrriother8pr at the University of Toronto Convocation last week wu Rubin-a Clark Cooke, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Clark, YaNcrest Dr., now In. E. A, Cooke of The West Mali. Robin Thompson, formerly of Vulcan Dr., graduated in the lune count. HIV. and Mrs. Roland Hill entertained the choir of St. George's Chumh.ort-the-Hill " a barbeque supper party " the new rectory hit Thursday evening. A recap-hon for the grnduntes. their funnies And friends, was held " Bnnksom Hall following the graduation on Wednesday Uter- on Card, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Card, Holloway Road; Brenda Kinnear, dnughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Kinnear, Dixingwn Cm: Wendy Waters, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Waters, Lou-nine Gardens; Ind Judy Wingfield, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. C Winghld, Glenellen Drive E. Amonz the Wellesley Hospital school of nursing (“dunes last Manny were several Etobicoke girls. Carol Ann Cooper, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Cooper, Glenaden Ave. E., won the gold modal for proiieiency in the operating room, und also n prize in ob- stetric-l nursing. Carol Leg Wright, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Wright; North Drive wu Valedictorian . Other graduates were Shar- Mock, In. V. A. Irwin, Mn. E. K. Wslker, Mrs. S. W. Fraser, In. W. J. Graham, Mm. J. B. Brown, Mrs. D. L. McKinnon, Mrs. M. R. Ruth, Mrs. Austin Hutchison, Mrs. N. A. L McLean, Mrs. K. P. Willon And Mr. D. W. Drew, superintendent of Kipling Acres, who it in chug: of the entertainment. Games md contests will be m by the gtaff. Do come and help make the Strawberry Festival I "new! On The Social Scene In. P. W. Reilly u general convener for the Strawberry Festival b be held " Kipling Arm Home for the Aged on Sunni-y, June to from 2-8 Fm. Mrs. Robert W. Williams, president of the Women’s Auxiliary, and Mn. J. B. Eckel will receive the guests. In charge of variant booth: and activities in the gall event will be Mrs. H. R. Smith, “a D. S. Dick, Mrs. E. B. Lehman, In. R. L. Crane, Mrs. J. B. Mutton-Id. Mn. H. M. Munro, Mrs. W. A. Bentley, Mrs. Gerry A mother and daughter to. at the Nuruc Ila-idem. on sunny w of! graduation marina. There will"; thumb Berviee Sunday "in. and n father and daughter luncheon " Tho Old Hill on Way. The graduation in Convocation Hall, Monday evening, tol- hwod by I reception " the hospital. I" tho " nun- (Mu-ting In. the row-to Nauru Rod. 'ds",', " nursing In! loudly night. " Convocation Mali, mm tmm Etobicoke: Juanita: Campbell, daughter of In. Ewan Ml. Vthrreu an, who Nana to tab the Public Hunk - at University " Water- Ott9rut next year; Ru sum lain- Mrt, fully at the Kin‘umy, when pure-u - live in Morstmalt Cali MaeKinnors, daughter of In. M. C. Maxim. Lynmv.‘ As, Joann. McClintock, daughter of Dr. and In. M. T. new»? tuck. Strath Ave,, wu “an" of n [and prxttkierser phi.- j Jun Hoodlum. daughter of Mr. and In. Harold Needham, Gnu- viv' Blvd. N., .50 won n ma! ttroNiencr prize. Other. graduat- ing 'PON Katha Fund). dawns: of Mr. and In. J. A. hunt), Wail-y An; Carol Sump-on, daughter of Mr. and In. W. R. Simpson. Bumun Drive, who plus to uh . Public Health 1:on nut yuan Dime Sylvester, daughter of Mr. sud In. Thomas 8rl- vuuer, [mala- Court; and Barbara Turner. daughter of Mr. and In. Edward G. Turner, Perry Crescent. on Saturday, June 20th at Pioneer iVillage. People are asked to meet at the Church at 1:30 pam Mrs. J. H. Jackson, Sun Row Drive, entertained at I Trousseau Tea on Sunday afternoon, June 14, in honour of her daughter The Parish Picnic of St. Rich- urd’s Anglictn Church will be held Convener of St. Richard's Straw- berry Festival, Mrs. Lucille Whit, tam, and her Committee wish to thank everygme for supporting this most successful endeavour on June 8th. Thanks also goes out to Mrs. ‘Glldyl Forrester and Mrs. Marg Hammond. whose pupils erttartain- ed during the evening. Mrs. A. Renaud, Finance Con- vener, announced that them would be a Parish Spaghetti Supper in the Hall on October Mth. Mrs. M. B. Berth, Education Convener, an- nounced that School Graduation Exercises for grids pupils of Transfiguration and All Saints Schools would be held in the Parish Hall on June 23. She also mention- ed that a. leadership course was planned for the Fall, commencing 1'i'2',i'2' 15. i Father F. Saliva addressed the ladies also, and mentioned the, nany problems which arise with Leena” children. He said these were very crucial year: in that parents should answer any quest- ions put to them on sex honestly " that what they learn is from a good source rather than from the streets. Ten was served by Mrs. J. Priel and Mrs. J . Lawson. {an "Liturgy in the Home of What/with the groom's mother, Mrs. ll. To Do With the Children During‘ht Andrews, and Mrs. Jackson. ‘zhc Summer Months" under the di-=Pouring tea were aunts of t he ration of Mrs. C. Williams. Somefbride and close friends and neigh- of the ideas presented from the‘bours including Mrs. George Sher- .discussion groups were " follows: ing, Mrs. Russell Jackson, Mrs. ‘nlving the children say Grace at Rupert Jackson, Mrs. G. Owen, ‘mealtime; reading stories to them Mrs. C. Agnew. Mrs. A. Hill, Mrs. P" the lives of the saints; prepara- D. Mitchell, Mrs. E. Hedley and Lion for Sunday Mass the eveningiMrs. J. Chambers. before; reading stories from the} The wedding attendants, Miss Bible; saying the Rosary; _'.",'.'.,',':"?.'),',",'.'.':"" Hamilton, Miss Janice non visual religious pictures to Owen, Miss Gloria Sharing, Miss them and explaining them. Mrs. C. Maureen Jackson and Miss Maryi Williams said that we should avail Bailey served vefreshmtnts to the! ourselves of every opportunity to‘guests, and displayed the many! teach our children liturgy in theheautiful wedding gins. l home. l . . . The ladies of 'rmutsturarationlGaye. Dressed in pink chiffon, the/HV-L. Convened by Mrs. M. L. C.W.L. participated in I wtel'o?jtiftt.o-be greeted guests trlongisutman, the Tea's guest was Miss ._ ur:._..._ 2, AL " - m. V 'rp ‘. _ _ - WEIGHING THE MERITS of some I98 paintings on display by the James Boo, and Mrs. Batten, Humbor Valley Art Club rocen'ly are Mrs. Henry Bolton, Mrs. ( tla/alle/ll/ur,,!,?' 1(f.:li.'nt?.! y i The ladies of 'rransturarationlGaye. Dressed Joseph's HAIR STY’LIS'I‘S IOYAI. YOIK MAIL At lAWIINC! AW. CH. 9-2231 SPECIAL OFFER AT BOTH LOCATIONS 15% OFF MON. - Tues. - WED. (HOLIDAYS EXCEPTED) Introducing . [1 ON All COIOUIINO AND "IMAM!“ WAVE! Simone, _ Tony and Mr. Morison At out NEWEST SALON 90 THE WEST MAU Mr. "Joe" Venere MANAGE! ”WHERE ART IS OIIGINALITY" (Etobicoke University Women fiTo Double Extension Courses These are University of Toronto extension courses. Each includes 10 lectures for a fee of 315; last Iyenr's lectures could be attended ‘individually on payment of I per l lecture fee. The University Women's Club ran a baby-sitting service in com junction with last year's lectures __ this service will be cancelled this fall. I The wedding attendants, Miss Sharon Hamilton, Miss Janice Owen, Miss Gloria Sharing, Miss Maureen Jackson and Miss Mary Bailey served vefreshrntrnts to the Two courses will be presented in the fall Women and The Law, by lawyer Mrs. Reginald Howden. on Monday afternoons, at 2, starting October 5, at the new Eatonville ‘branch library on Burnhamthorpe Road, and George Bernard Shaw, Thinker and Playwright, on Tues- days, starting October 6, at St. George's on the Hill. Prof, M. A. lKirkwood will lecture. _ The university extension courses sponsored by the club for the first ‘time in the township last year, will 1ikeir be doubled during the 1964- |65 session. The incoming executive of the University Women's Club of Et- obicoke met at the home of the president, Mrs. John L. Knox, Thursday, to plan club activities whichwill resume again in Septem- lber with a reception to which wo- lmen university graduates, living in (Etobicoke, will be invited. _ On Sunday, June 14, a Member- ship Tea and Wig Demonstration wu held in the Parish Hall by F'r7c'iiL'a"tiovn' of Our Lord 90 me WEST MALL CENTRE AT "oolt WEST (AT “col " W.) 239-9976 been contacted by an Edmonton} Never transfer drugs f". poison- . . . . ous susbstances from original con- organization which " about to{miners to unlabelled bottles or move into the field of adult alum-liars unles you mark the new con- tion and is, apparently determined'tainer clearly. Use a band of " to benefit by others' experience. _hr-.-=ive tape with the name marked in ink. If it is a prescription med- icine, add the name of the patient n__ . n * . A l _ This venture into adult education) ‘which, considering that the lee- tures are held in the afternoon, ia) primarily provision of continuing‘ education for women-was success- ful beyond the elubU most optim- istic expectations last year. And,) particularly satisfying, was the 1act that close to two-thirds of the ‘enrollment came from outside the club. _ Already there has been an in- quiry from a resident of Cambe0, ville at to what courses would be offered this Fall, and the club has It is expected that course (or courses) wil in the new year. And a very happy June 21st to all you Westway Dads? ces P,?, the ladies enjoyed very muehl, Introduced by Mrs. E. O' iNeill, the guest was thanked by Mrs. N. N. Balls. Hostesses were (Mrs. E. O'Neill and Mrs. G. Ellis. A presentation was also made to ‘Mrs. E. O'Neill, former president iof the C.W.L. who will be in a new parish, New President..Mra. iG. Ellis, praised Mrs. O’Neill for her tine work during her term of mice and expressed the loss the Transfiguratiort CW.L. felt at her leaving. Refreshments were served) by Mrs. J. Priel, Mrs. J. Lawson: tttd their Committee. Lucy Rogers of Wig Creations of Canada who displayed several dif- ferentAtyyes of wigs and head pie- Patronize Our 9 SOME!!! PLACE Madhmald-Marflmeer SUNNYDAlE FURNITURE LOCAL ll LONG DISTANCE MOVING PACKING, CRATING, SHIPPING and STORAGE WAREHOUSE DRAPERIES q RUGS PHONE 255-7787 125-- 18th STREET, TORONTO I4 SPECIALISTS IN WALL-TO-WALL CARPETING JACK M, BARKER pected that a further courses) will be offered COMPLETE HOME FURNISHINGS M o VING? If Advertisers land date. "n” """r"'n The angler should always take a most optun- first aid kit along on his trips, in- year. AMmcluding needlenosed pliers with a re. was the wire cutter. If the flesh is pierced birds.“ the by a. fish hook, the hook should be outside the pressed on through until the barb is clear of the flesh. It should then, a further be snipped off and the hook with- " be offered drawn. The wound should be clean- (sad with antiseptic. If possible, get been an in- to a doctor. If any redness develops of Camhel]. the wound should be soaked in hot Telephono 244-7372 CALL V all of McClinchy Ave. water and epsom salts, Mrs. Marie Parker. to the young set. For the weight-id: I'd dozen very large cook- Strawberries for the affair are watchers, whether they be tubbr'iea or 3 dozen medium cookies. being donated by Mr. and Mrs. pre-teens or ttlamourconseiousi ORANGE LEMON GLOW Tankiw. Everyone welcome. teenagers, she plans lots of fresh 1 quart cold milk ‘Lriwxmi.Mam.Hm:Im'umnlcwuixmammalmmxxéwmlr raw vegetables and tintter fruits, 1 cup cold 0mu1tre juices l and of course chilled skim milk.‘1/3 cup lugar DID YOU KNOW For the baseball players, the skip} 1 pint lemon sherbet I _ pers and nll those who grow an Grated orange rind ir1“W‘1""lr'iruciminrmt‘iilwwr'nu'nmmmw‘“mmWm inch right in front at your eyes/mend milk and orange iuire. Add Car keys should never be left in cookies are essential to till that‘sugnr. Stir until dissolved. Pour the ignition, or doors or windows hollow leg. iinto tall glasses. Top with lemon left unlocked if the driver will ul Our cookie today combines wholeisherbett. Garnish with trrated out of sight of the car for mom‘grain cereal and milk, both reeonv.lomuwe rind if desired. than a few minutes. Children may mended in Canada's Food Gydeiy"yyAriErt HINT start the car and, if it in on 51013. with everyone's favourites, choco-‘Smlll fry would Inve to have fuel jng ground, may cause a serious ae- late: and nuts. Their crispy,}on the sherbet in the Orange Lem- lcident. crunchy texture makes them espec-l‘on Glow. At your leisure, just __ ially suitable for tsfter-sehool scoop out 6 rounds on . tray or l, The angler should always take . snacks, the lunch box or midnishtl,.pysd Ind decorate using chocoloto first aid kit along on his trips, in- treats. bits for eyes, a thin cherry sliee eluding needlenosed pliers with 3 Once in . while it's fun to have for the month end whole elove le wire cutter. If the flesh is pierced a surprise waiting for the after- the nose. Kmsp m the freezer until by a fish hook, the hook should be school crowd, like our Orange ready to use. lrm:‘1""rr'1ruummr'mwu:‘mvvumwmmn'm'uwn inch right in LG irro1'i? a; _ Car keys should never be left in cookies are essential "to till that the ignition, or doors or windows hollow leg. left unlocked if the driver will be! Our cookie today combines whole out of sight of the car for morislirrain cereal and milk, both recom- A variety of interesting articla It, be on sale under the direction ‘of Mrs. Mary Tymosko. Mrs. Ly- dia Lewicky, Mrs. Kay Lundy and ers. Marie Parker. _ Mrs. Katherine Boyko is com vening the event assisted by Mrs. Unyce Lesyk. Serving tea will be Mrs. Nellie Minn, Mrs. Hope Ev- anshen, Mrs. Stephanie Sosinsky and Mrs Helen Gala. i All those who like berries and Hun should keep Friday, June i9, free for I visit to St. Demetrius Hall, 135 La Rose Ave., where the Women's Church League is plun- ning to hold a. Strawberry Festival. St. Demetrius Church Holding Berry Social Tomorrow "MI REXDAlE, ONT. 4005 new l 1 cup raisons l 1 cup chopped nuts (Melt 2/3 cup chocolate pieces. (Re- tain rest.) Fream shortening, sugar, egg and vanilla, Blend in melted chocolate, ‘flour, and. and salt, Stir in milk, oats, raisins. Chill. Form into balls IN inches in din- meter. Roll in chopped nuts. Place' on greased baking sheet a inches/ Once in I while it's fun to have) a surprise waiting for the after- school crowd, like our Orange} Lemon Glow. It is a refreshing combination of milk and orange juice topped with lemon sherbet. l 'CRlSPY COOKIES _ I (6 oz.) pkg. semi-sweet 1 chocolate pieces qi cup shortening 1% cups brown sugar I 1% Lorraine Johnaton'l patch of tion was l Peggy's Cove were mother source by Mrs. C of joy and I was not the least bit Farmer, l surprised to find them both sold. A Hugh Mel sold sign trliso hung on Jane Mrs. R. C. Magill's Spring Swamp, I mar- well, Mrs. veloualy green and lush study DOW. Mn, which hung close to her fascinnting MeNaught composition of decaying tree pher, Mrs. stumps. E. Grimm, Edith Gore’a Pair of SilkiMrs. M. C. Another by Inger Hansen gave minute detail of an apple blossom bough. Pink, perfect and lovely, in masttsrful technique did not come overnight. When speaking with Mrs. Hanan, I learned that the had spent many years studying the art of drawing in Denmark. What's to eat Mom? From car- apart. Flatten with a fork or the liest times, hungry children iiii'.iliitie of a glass. Press few to- burst into the house with this ery'/"_ntinintr chocolate pieces on top. The wise mother keeps u special‘ Bake in moderately hot oven, 375', stock of snacks easily aecessitrle'for 10 minutes. one I particularly remember wu I ltill life by Christine Long; I (In. nu Med with lustrous pink monies tsnd mauve iris let upon a labia beside m open window softly idnped with sheer cumming. (It would have blended beautifully with the blue Ind lilac coloring of \my living room). While , the winning entries by Led! Bennuu'n. Doris Janet, Ann Grimm and Ellie Schweru, were worthy of their "Jude, there were numerous other exhibit: which par- Aieuiarly Ippeeled to this viewer. FOOD-Fact and Fancy Icahn! were permitted four en- tri- each to display their vern- tility And tho wide variety of mm " continuous interest to the Slaw-in; winner. Tho do“ to zoo exhibit eertain- ly and to live up to this abut“- Pe. undo by [them bullock. I yd! known and widely unveiled [mung in the iUld of art. 1 teaspoon vanilla % cups sifted all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon alt % tenspoon baking sod- li cup milk % cup quirk cooking oat: by JOY leALLISTE'B landing a on at the Jud”, the Hull»: anlq Art Club'u annual whim Md lat Wonk " Hum. - VIII” United Church. wu one 10! tho that of ita kind on the New: American Continent. lirt Club’s 12th Exhibition Wins High Praise of Judges 4972 DUNDAS " WES? Open: 70-day - Thu Maurie. In" bean t"rocrat.d with the loading hood: in Jo- muiec and loading bunny Idem io Toma") H. in a unwind uni" in nah Styling and Colouring, "Hawk." would bu plum! to duly" " "ru Gov you or dis. (on any problem requiring the Civic: of an clpnrhncod pro- fun-Ion! Minivan". Announcement Mingmn Beauty Salon (formerly of Jamaica) "MR. MAURICE” wishes to announce to their stuff ISllNGTON BEAUTY SALON Hair Stylists For on appointing»! - Phone 23t of :st -- 231-26" Thursday and Friday Inning- Judging the exhibition buidu Mr. bullock were Mm. Roma Schneider and Mm. Haul Bunions. The show wt" ofBeially open-d by Mia Vidn H. Poem, Thursday, 1Juno ll, Ind continued thmuxh til 19 p.m. on the Friday. Afternoon tea {win served by the Indie. group of (the church And Mrs. Rosa Riley provided a pleasant background of lpimo selections. l This Walt the 12th exhibition put gon by the club whose membership ‘hu been growing " studily u its 'reputation. All those who mined ‘the event should determine to In the one next yen especially if they in" on the market to buy. " Convener of this year”: exhibi- tion was Mrs. W, Marnie, Illilted by Mrs. G. E. Cutler, Mrs. J. M. Farmer, Mrs. E. S. Brough, Mrs. Hugh McDonald, Mrs. S. J. Ella, Mrs. R. C. Church, Mrs. S. M. Fan well, Mrs. C. Wilson, Mrs. F. L. Doty, Mrs. E. 0. Jones, Mrs. J. P. McNaughton, Mrs. Jun Christo- pher, Mrs. J. L. Johnston, Mn. G. E. Grimm, Mrs. J. I. Johnston Ind Mrs. M. C. H. Hall. DORIS CURRIE PEISONNEI. SERVICE "D. 372 BAY ST. (At lkhmond) 366-7345 2446 MOO! W. (At Jan.) 766dt9t NO CHAIGE To AP83CANTs-. MAC HEM“! Of course, nit thin merely I’M my own mu but 1 mun [dd that the bruhwork Ind detail ot may of the exhibit, seemed rimming of the high pain of th. jade... 101% Christopher, Vera Bernie ton, Marilyn Sturm .nd Jun Magi“ were many those who to ceived Honorable Mention and Jen Fumll Wu especially commended for her brushwork. DORIS CURRIE Damask Shun hold I] auntie. for . while sad I spent an. tin. admiring Von. Proctor’l Study of I yam boy. Von Brough who I‘- mind an Hanan“. lawn to: her work, duphyed I delight“! Fou.p of pug-on: that l liked very much and Genevieve Bony impun- ud In. With three wondtrlul har. hour Acumen. doo-trt-hot,. Suntan], Qwemwuy "tr-s-tor, Sous-Weston 260-S-.tarr, Durtdas-huvrry Mth-h",'"" Sterunrrorsher, EtobieoU "s-a-tor, Marketing, Smuvill- 300-kokk-r. Clarktoo Ms-Bookkeeping Muthim, Randal. Po-tu"'"-.-," ltd. "tb-IBM K'ypundi, Manhunt ISO-Dictaphone, North Kipling 2M-lnvsee Trpist, Ronda]- '; "MR. MAURICE" Att0 MANY POSITION! OPEN DOWNTOWN 46”

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