Ontario Community Newspapers

Weston Times Advertiser (1962), 11 Jun 1964, p. 20

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-t5jLC/rggttirtlitlbs JUNE was UNDEEWOOD noiseless type- w r i t e r, reconditioned. $15 cash, 233-0697. APARTMENT size stove and 2t WASHING machine and range, both in good condition, prr- vate. CL. 5-9702. FABRICS, denims, sp0rtweaves and odd dye lots of Mary Max- im mohair, greatly reduced. remnants. Gieler Fabrics, 658 The Queensway, CL. 94449. We also have the Post Office. CONTENTS of luxury apart- ment. Good condition. Very reasonable. HU. 5-2038. BOY'S suit, 2 pair pants, dark olive green. Size, approx. 16. . Inside leg measurement 30h", jacket back seam 28". Very good cndition, Newly cleaned and pressed. Cost $35. sell for $15. Apply CL. 1-4453. DRAPES. floral, lined, 10 widths. $75; trig. 30" wide $50: Mot- fat stove, 3 burner. $40: Fan- gette, go; ladde' $3. CL, 1- itidLrs automatic Washer. Very good condition. Has suds sav- er. Only $75, 251-8365, _ $PIECE "sectional Chesterfield suite, green, foam rubber, 277- 0184. 4 TARPAULINS. 12x12, 55 each. 1 - 15th Street. CL. 1-7271. PULL size baby crib and mat- tress. vary good condition, $12. Child's six drawer chitfrobe with wardrobe compartment, blonde wood. excellent condi- tion. $20. Phone CL, 1-2735, GUITARS - In new condition, One Stella with case, $16. One electric Harmony with case, $60. CL. 9-7726, “I! with oxygen in. with» F able, ctniro ISS,.",,', "rum", 'dt "" (REFRrGERAT0R, General Klee. / l" ' 'NUS' Ga" I tric, single door, In years old q m “on: 1 $70 c1r.?f"m. -- - athaAqh0'" AVE. ‘MOVING - Fug. Move. rwnh- A responsible party BOUGHT AND SOLD to take over payments - 3366 Lake Shore Blvd. , Complete Rooms at new, Lon; Bunch . CL. 9.2m “thinned turnimn. "’ _-lr-r-C" . - Tommie; Tropical Fish il Pet Shop IIC" week. -- LADIES' winter coats, 3 SIZPS HOUSE or '1'“ansz l 12 and M. As new, $5 278- a Bedroom suites 1 dining i_/t443r_after 6 pm, _ 7 7 min suite. 1 stove, double iFRrGrDArRE electric range, Ad- 'ven; l " cubic foot refrigerr- I miral 21" TV console. Singer Ital. l kitehert suite (table portable sewmg machine. hos- llld 4 chairs); 2 fireplace toss armchair, Life Atlas. All - Ind irons; 2 half so- mm condition, 278-3445. after f8: ' rockers; l 3-rnece dies. 6 pm t.rfiebd Bet. 3 (ir. TV for sale, pxcpllpm rnn- BE 3-3702 - RO 6-8331 EVGS. BE. 3-7296 BALANCE NOW $368. For only $3 per week. includes bedroom complete with lamps and bedding, 7 we. modern parlor with tables and lamps dmene set with dishes and silverware includ- 'tE-CAST' CURBS SIDEWALK SLABS PATIO'SLABS FLAT STONE ROCKER" STONE CONCRETE WORK Free Delivery and Estimate N. DE SANTE CONST "Ithaca: '0. an n - mom to: nu SAND, CEMENT STONE a GRAVEL television. reasonable, private. CL 5-4804. MODEL HOUSE 1544. Typewriters - Admng Machines Calculators 3451 Lake Shore Blvd. W. LONG BRANCH Open every nite 'til , on 18th St. at Lakeshore 255-0052 Daily t2 noon to 9 pm. Bat. ' mm. to 6 pm. BIRDS BOARDED Reg. . . $595 Muss: - W, June n, ma - P09. " 5351 Dundas W. Open all day Saturday For appointment call MR. CROCKEB CL. 9-2171 ACME BUSINESS MACHINES CR. 4-2352 - Evgs Mr. Wilson 277-9146 FURNISHINGS 0-. d Cull-‘1 [and Dealers 0 MINNOWS In and reconditnued Also rentals on .11 type of machines and service. . M'NNUWD [ swimming pool tr'x4' Hinton- - o-,--,-, --_--r--.- I with oxygen in was. i We, CL 94,73 F Riley s Used Furniture ‘ ' NO DOWN PAYMENT I ll -nteed to tive ‘ilFFRIGERATOR General Klee "" Lake Shore Blvd. W. , " FORD Fniflane soo. q Mor, 'a"ml,1'l"'S' 1 trio Iingle ai; ii; ymnlnld- WE PAY CASH V-8. nutnmnhc, Power necr- m I III [ ifi' CL 1-6480 ' . V _ ”ISIS, ADDING M ACM, In: and brakes, etc I.“ m 1 ---_- -_ - nuts. "rival-rm. nu Cee Bub-I. . m- un. "f,'l",fls, Pd:,',',':,. an}; f,t'W,','Wl"glg'lt'" 1 81mm" Moro" - no C a: no . YTI'ING Um I!” M I I. lam-o ‘ chain 155-11): mm a... sum l "t. ta,"'" I Wanted .l Live Bait day or week " 1-0517 $5 each. TYPEWRITER sales, service & 3271. rentals. McLean Stationers, CL -1 ___.' 9-8429 or RO 3-1071. STOVE, electnc; Wringer ww- sher; Chesterfield, sectional; Electric window fan, ne,w. Rug 13' x 10 Reasonable. 251-1534. ROYAL office typewriter, excel- lent condition. CR. 8-6035. PARKLANE latex interior paint, 2 Everglades green, 2 Nassau blue, $2 per gallon, 28 ft. new wooden ladder, $12. 52 - 5th St. 20 FOOT inboard runabout - new motor, fully equipped; good sk; boat. excellent Condi- tion, $1,500. 241 Delta St. CRIB, complete, Special $39 95: 2-pxece Chesterfield, regular $239.95. Sale price $159.95. Up- town Appliances & Furniture, 8 Mimieo Ave., CL. 1-6761. WEDDING dress. brand new, 536 12. 1tllfr?5-1594 WRECKIXVG house All maternal for sale. Corner Evans and Bellman, CL. 5-0035. DRESSES. SIZE 18, some new Phone after 7 pm, CL 5-4954. LARGE office desk tind swnvel chair. $25; a burner electric new. " CL. 5-6184. eifit7ftEeii manna slide and nimming pool 6'x4'. renum- CONTENTS of good home. Ches- 917614 terfield suite. walnut dinette. * broadloom rugs, also oriental "f2" ctpours, lamps, tables, as new _ 7‘ ,3, INGLIS glass-steel heater, smal! size, 1.000 watt elemenu suit- able for cottage. Good condi- tion, $30. CL, 9-0886, . 2 COFFEE tables: 2 extra large Chesterfield chairs; I smoke stand: 1 cherrywood table (2’ square), 2 Chinese ornaments; 2 brand new 9x12 rugs, CL. 21 '61 MORRIS 850. Good condition, only 25,000 miles, full price, $350 cash. Private, CL. 1-0708. Genuine antique, expertly re- stored or as found. Call 249- 4662. Hi. 7-0219 CO. LTD. 3366 Lake Shore Blvd. W. LONG BRANCH 359-2300 LAKESHORE TYPEWRITER SERVICE ROger 7-7934 .. TV. for sale, excellent mn- dition, $3& 82 - 5th Street , YVEVVK' I CK CteNVlut: mower, Phone after six, CL. 1 3369 Lake Shore Blvd. West _8f()7 Long Branch i'l'ENT tranler. sleeps 2 children 25l.0043 and two adults $175; 12 gaug MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Mfrs. Highway 122, CLARKSON TA. 2-1501 Full Length errors Glass Table Tops Glass tor Aquariums hhrrors for any room In the house. Glass and screens replaced m aluminum sash CONTINENTAL GLASS 4 John St., Weston SHRIMP coloured d ress and 241-3221 matching hat. worn only once. ---_-e--__ _--------- snze 16, CL 1-0374, ' WALNUT bedroom swte-high at'o tones ; boy, dresser. double bed, Good condition, Sacrifice. RO 7-3849. SIDEWALK SLABS CAMERA, Sawyer"s Mark 4 --.. Free Pirk-up & Delivery & ADDING MACHINES Open 8 am. to 8 pm 6 days a week. Music & Accessories Rose School of Music 4 John St., Weston 241-3221 SPINNING WHEELS Typewriters MAR-VEL TILE ANTIQUES WE REPAIR BUY - SELL TRADE - RENT CURBING PRAM pedigree, good condition, $18. BE 3-0239. PIANO, very good condition, $135. CL. 5-6184. BEIGE Chesterfield and chair. Two end step-tables and two lamps. 255-9273. McCLARY automatic gas stove, 1 year old, 3125; Inglis gas dryer, last year's model, car- ry on payments with gas com- pany. Phone 621-1614, WALNUT desk, new, reproduc- tion. 1340 Applewood Rd, Port Credit. EMPIRE Loyalist dining suite consisting of seven chairs (cor- ner covered). buffet & table; _ plant} (£50). BE 3-3925. GIRL'S bicycle, in good condi- tion. $20. CL 5-2809. - - TWO single beds with mattres- ses; also mkery stone, large and small. fT_ei36. PEDIGREE pram, like new, white with navy hood: also high chair, play pen, car bed & walker. 259-2062. SLIGHTLY used furniture. 255- 1241. WASHER. Frigidaire automatic; Viking M" electric stove. CL 1-4420 between 5-7 pan. BENCH saw. 8" rip and cross cut blades, 1/u hp, split phase mo- tor. 231-3097. CONTENTS of apartment, also accordion, amplifier, type- writer, movmg to the USA. 251-5742 GIRL'S bike, good condition. 37 Gan Ave., CL 1-9671. PIANO for sale. CL 1-0185 CAMERA. Sawyer‘s Mark 4 - complete outfit. 2 yrs. old, fully automatic; best offer. 251-6262. . MANS or boy's blue and white Raleigh bicycle, large frame, Sturmey Archer 3 speed. de- luxe model. Used only a few limes. $40. CL. l-4468. GE. electric stove, heavy duty. $30. 255-9800, t RALEIGH bike. 26" wheels, hand brakes, 3 speed racer, maroon and white; Monarch monaural, 3 speed record play- er for cottage: double frame bed. BE 1-6450, YOUTH’S bed. spring & mat- GARDEN tractor with attach IF you have any articles to sell let Ward & Co, Auctioneers, dispose of them m their next auction ale 255-9164 ments, Good runmng order, CL. 1:86:79, PROJECTOR. Sky Lark; power TENT trmler, sleeps 2 children, In top condition inside & out. and two adults $175; 12 gauge George Sutton, Yrmryfon shot gun» ”in" af?; SIMPSON morons tion, $70: 2 snow tires '150x14,) like new. $22; CL, 5-0371. 3m "'h"t'd J'" W. TiiBgoiuiycdirRidiirrriae-s ----_-------, P, .. 5 _ --- Paul, TIV, model, CL. 5-8735. '62 COMET Custom Sedan, Ra- CONTENTS of homes or estate: and businesws purchased or consign to our sales, R. Ash- worth, FV.I and Sons, Aur- lionoers and Appraisers (since 1946) New and used furniture salesrooms open daily. Antiques 3 speeialty M-hr. service. Brampton 459-0580. Auctions professiontmy commend. Best results Portables 3m. PHILCO 2t" TV. Console. - very smart modern design. Only J 8”. RCA. 21" TV Console"... like new condition, new set guarantee. Only _ 8”. FRIGIDAIRE ' cubic toot re- fngerator w it h zero-mm freezer, automatic defrost. Only SI“. FRIGXDAIRE 15 cubic foot chest type FREEZER With one year guarantee, Only 8149. GAS water heater, 40 gallon tank Only $88. "iiiriiiiird irirzeriGoL [ puppies» one brown male one freezer, autumn": ( black female. Well reared. Re- defrost. Only SI“. _ gutered. Reasonable. CL. 5- FRtGiDAIRE 15 cubic foot ce?' --- ---eer_ __"e__"" A _ chest type FREEZER With 1KI'I'I'EN. ”male, 8 week] old. one year guarantee. 1 Free to good home. 255-6790. Only "o. THREE kittens, 2 months old, GAS 'water heater, 40 gallon Free. CR. 3,2211 after 6:30, tauth Only m FREE I‘m trome in. black and white collie pup 3 _ months old, Loves children. Cl... 1-9212 after 5, RADIO ELECTRIC LTD. CHIHUAHUA puppies init" older NEW TORONTO ', females from Champion stock. 9mm I aunt“... nlul In 251-1534, NEW ADMIRAL 19" tVc's, "--amamaBPo+t gt..-aatNNaB.aNi, .-etaMr0.SMa 3405 Late Show - I long In". 151-3548 We buy ovpmhing m and houuhold furniture Free '.gttrttateg Call m, we work day or night, Phone or drop in to In In No nbhnum Stan houn ' " ' tress: 21" G.E. television, CL DEVINE USED FURNITURE " - ARTICLES WANTED 3823 Lakeshore Blvd. w, topposite Loblnwsl . " 3rd St. FAULKNER' S l ME '64 FORD Custom, 2 door, V-8. hile automatic. Was OPP me, car 7 V $1995. de- '60 ANGLIA - very sound few small car, radio T $535. 159 FORD Wagon 6 cylinder my standard shift, with radio, l Good condition 5995. gelsvl '59 CHEVROLET Belair two Cer. door, automatic 6 cylinder. "ch very clean car ..81050. lay- '59 FORD two door, radio, ame clean and repainted . 5850. '58 CHEVROLET four door. nat- automatic and radio, good con- CL dition all round _ _ $795. '58 PONTIAC four door 6 cyl- 255- inder automatic, good body, runs fair l 8495. U.". 58 LINCOLN re-built trans- mc, T CL missmn and rear end. Clean throughout V $1095. - --, '57 MERCURY. 2 door, hard- cut top. Showroom mo- condition . S795. --r '55 FORD, runs good, needs also) little body work i C 8119. pe-l, ‘54 CHEVROLET, automatic SuLi, and radio, 1 owner car, needs --- little work .‘ 3125. h- Ari -- A A“, -___ - “Shiatsu VOLVO model PV544, ex- cellent condition, private, CR. ff: 3-0466. Furniture ' Appliances " In. In. In? I'm Soul” Gui RANGWTTE - fuor model or PtettEC1fs4t. PIANO wanted. Atty use. unto or condition. [Ply all cub. " FOR SALE - 2 beautiful poodle (eiiiwaa:ii- '51-'51 e " gt, mom} ‘ Ind tires good, requires lame ' body work. CL. 1-1073, 702 Equipped. $200. CL. 9-0593. FOR SALE - Sea-Flea (Hydro- plane) or will trade for out- board motor, Phone CR. 8- 7789. IO-FOOT rowboat, complete, good condition. $25. CL. 1-0110: 14 FT. Runabout. Aluminum windshield, upholstered seats; 35 h.p. and trailer. Phone after 6.30 p,m.. 274-2949. '56 CHEVROLET, one-ton pick- up truck in good condition. 277-1502. 14 16-FO0T CRISP-CRAFT. 25 Johnson, $650 or best offer. 255-5635 up to 4:30; after 4:30, cu 9-6998. 14 FT. Runabout. Aluminum '60 THAMES small van, new engine, once Hydro Vin. good condition. 8185. CR. 84293. CRESTLINER flberglas & " uminum boats for skiing or cruxsmg, Boat, motor and trader / As Low As $1,295 FISHING BOAT SPECIAL BOAT & MOTOR As Low As S395 Mercury Outboard Motors 3.9 to 100 “I. STREETSVILLE FUEL & MARINE . 845 Queen Street South Streetsville, Ontario. Open Till 9:00 pm. Phone 886-1891 Grant h. Edwards; Nov-ills. “wanna”... 4~M19 PETER'S FURNITURE 157 FORD, 2 tone, radio, 2door. In top condition inside & out, George Sutton. SIMPSON MOTORS '59 FORD Fairlane 500. 1r-8 automatic, Radio. Whitewttlls, wheel dvscs, White and red. Beautiful condition. Trade or terms. The Queensw-y 225 New Toronto St 259-5284 dio, Beige with lawn interior 16,000 miles, BE. 1-2051. NO DOWN PAYMENT ’58 Vnuxhlll Sedan Good transportation. $88 Only " down. m - BOATS, MOTORS I EQUIPMENT PT. PLYWOOD runabout COMPOUND 335.9 Lulu Shore Blvd. w, 255-334] " - CARS FOR SALE NO DOWN PAYMENT Catt Ray Newinxton 277-95“ or CL, 5-0023 BOATING SPECIAL BAILIFF'S SEIZITBES " - PIT STOCK I Lem“ “mm?” h “9;” s _,tt1l'f,?,t BAILIFF'S saunas re s an ex aus sys em, , . " " . $650 or best offer. Call 826- _ 6t Morris 850 3587. Low mileage. Gas saver, $490, 1.__ -_-__. _ - --___ S10. down - $22. monthly. j '60 135312: 21,'Tl'f, _ C0ltrPOUND uper oor. ( I Radio. Very clean. An deal, 1 3359 ""'1i'titm" W. I economical family car. ‘7, ---- sf - l, Marry Smith, 1959 PONTIAC Catalina 9-pa: l SIMPSON ‘MOTORS l senger station wagon, Iarg l n20 Lake Shore Blvd. W. wide track with large engm 1 CL 9-4687 ( power steering, ppwe: brake 1961 PONTIAC Safari, automa- tie station wagon. Excellent condition. private. CR. 8-0466 '60 PONTIAC Parisienne, 2-door Hardtop, V-S, automatic trams- mission, radio, whitewalls. Many other extras. Privme. Full price $1750 or best offer. Call CL 9-1803, ask for Len, '59 RENAULT Dauphin, light blue. sun roof, radio, wind- shield washers, heater, signals. low mileage.. 40 m.p.g. Ideal second car $350 or offer. CL. 5-4889. '63 FALCON Futura 6 cylinder H'hY 9‘31"" "um" "“"m’" automatic, take over payments, '55 CHEVROLET four door auto- private. Ask for Dan. 2't8-8554. matic, 30,000 miles, $375. BE. WRECKING '56 Plymouth-- All parts for sale. 251-6659. '54 CHEV. Deluxe, latest car, fully equipped, new tires, $185. CR. 8-1293. AVAILABLE immediately. 1959 Rambler American station wa- gon. Moving to the [1.8 Excel- lent condition, new tsres, brakes a nd exhaust system, WILL sell what is left of 1954 Ford. too or best offer, Call 240-2871 after 6 pm. if“? i1"7in"l',,' pore" ttf,: '57 FORD Fairlane " radio, or urther m ormatxon call: window washers. Very good shape, private, 741-3425, arry Wood '58 CADILLAC Coupe De Ville, fully powered, excellent con- " dition, Private, 241-4374 1938 RAMBLER m good eondi- WOODLAND MTRS Ltd. tion, New tires and radio, Ask- 277-953I or 251-3402 mg $545 or best offer. 259-3939, EMVPONTIAC $200 or best of- “In"? '3ETEURES fer Recondstinned motor, 4 '58 Meteor good tires. perfect running, Automatic, 6 cyl, Must be wen body good, " - llth St, Lit-' $592 __ $20 down, $26, 2125 monthly '04 AUSTIN" not) 8,000 mills - automate - radio '62 PONTIAC Sedan $1096 Former prsote lane . Runs 0.x. '62 MGA Mark II _ . SM” Clmy little car '63 VOLKSWAGEN ___. $1350 New' car warranty-radio 'M CHEVROLET Bel nr 32675 Just like brand new! Lovely deluxe model, Beautiful :11 Power car I viery goo'd save l; S gmal finish 239-8272. 1964 DEMONSTRATORHe METEOR SALE - 3 only “offer, CL. I, GALAXIE 500 XL BAIL!" Hordtops ( Tio Jh2: MOTORS LTD _ m LAKESHORE RD. w. PORT CREDIT CR 8-618! __ Chrysler - Plymouth . Valiant i _ *VN0730WN PAYMENT _ A ',, 1-3442, -_-__ _ W, - '60 VOLKSWAGEN, deluxe '5s.oLDsMomLE 88. Automa- model. Showroom condition. ttc, power séeefing, Excellent M I running _ con man, Good car SlngggN 'ifl'Us for family use. Make offer. F l- 3120 Lake Shore Blvd. W. 23 4368. ,"n ,,,7,,,, ,A __ CL 9-4687 I BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY '61 VOLKSWAGEN 59 MONARCH Hardtop $1.95 All of these top of the line luxury models are offered to the public at a saving of hund- reds of dollars. All ca are completely equipped i,'1T,d'l'i'i bucket seats, full power, etc, For further information call: '60 VOLVO, 4 door, wdan Radio. good tires, Very sharp One of Europe's but lack ttoekett, SIMPSON MOTORS "2. Lake Shore Blvd. W. . CL 9408‘! AS LOW AS 10% DOWN BAILIFF’S SEIZCBES ‘59 Morris Oxford 4 cylinder. Good condition $367. - $5. down. COMPOUND 3359 Lake Shore Blvd. W. 255~8341 BRAND NEW - 1 ONLY 'Mt Mercury Montclair . Automatic, radio. $10 down. 5365. COMPOI'ND 3359 Lake Shore Blvd. W. 255-8341 Good tr-nsportatinn. $80 " down, COMPOUND I!" lake Show Blvd. W, KEN SCOTT BAILIFF’S SEIZURES NO DOWN PAYMENT BAIL"?! SEIZIWES ‘55 Chevrolet SPECIAL 1964 AUSTIN Asa STATION WAGON SW. 81595 "" (1964) 2324 Lake Shore Blvd. W At Burlington St., Mimico l condition, needs pines 360. CL, 1-0545, (si, CUSTOM Suburban Station Wagon, V-g, automatic. CL tr. '56 PONTIAC Laurentian, Auto- manc. Radio. Immaculate con- dition, BE. 1-2051. '58 CHEVROLET, good eondi- lion. standard 6, $575 or near- est offer. Phone CR, 4-2696. 1961 ZEPHYR, radio, best offer, owner leaving city. BE. 3-4416. 1959 PONTIAC Catalina 9-pas- senger station wagon, large wide track with large engine, power steering, power brakes. upholstery g o o d. Condition very good mechanically. un- ginal finish not perfect, $1250, 239-8272. '55 FORD station wagon. Auto- mauc. Good condition. Bar- gam. BE. 1.2051. '61 SUNBEAM Alpine, 3 tops, radio, 34,000 miles. 621-186i. '54 CHEV., excellem condition. radio. ant-dud t-niAion," 151-027). '54 G.M.C. h-ton panel truck; '53 Chev, 4 door; CL. 9-7431. 7131. WRECKING '55 BUICK Cen- tury. All parts for nle. Phone 251-4044 '62 IMPALA Convertible, excel- lent condition, $2,250 full price Terms. CL 1-7084 utter automastie radio, rum well T-F, qr.r.Vrqv .. well .. qr.r.vrq .. um. " VAUXHALL Victor, low mileage, ttood transpor- tation .. _ _ 5585 '62 was - Automatic, ' cylinder, radio _ _ 11“. '59 PONTIAC - 4 Door, V-O '61 BAMBI” -- G Dooe auto- matse; {dig whitovnll '62 RAMBLER '62 RAMBLER American, T V tttag. '60 RAMBLER Wagon 81395. '59 RAMBLER Wagon 31.”. THE IDEAL SUMMER VACATION CAR NO DOWN PAYMENT '61 FORD, 2 door, automatic, radio, etc, Loads of trouble- free miles. 65 PLYMOUTH we m running BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY “BAILIFF'S SEIZURE" '57 Pontiac Sedan Delivery Rebuilt motor, front end and steering, A1 throughout, $10, down and $5 50 weekly. COMPOUND Your New Neighbor's NO DOWN PAYMENT '59 METEOR. 4 door, wagon. V-8. automatic, radio. Gleam- mg black finish. A real honey. Garry Sutton. ' BAILIFF‘S SEIZURES " Vauxhall Envoy Tip top shape. $488. $10, down and $22. monthly. COMPOUND 3359 Lake Shore Blvd. W. 255-3341 7 METEOR convertible, best offer. CL. 1-9926 after 5 pm. Jim Broddy. SIMPSON MOTORS 3120 Lake Shore Blvd. w, CL 9-4681 AeH6t?y, SPEC IALS SIMPSON MOTORS 3120 Lake Shore Blvd. W CL 9-4687 3359 Lake Shore Blvd. W 255-8341 "-..CNMr0.Bq" "I-Ca-tNM-i-ea-NMI-Ta" COMPOUND 335.9 Lake Shore Blvd. w, 2554.14] All Late Model Cars Carry a One Year Warronty, USED CAR LAKESHORE RAMBLER 259-4617 Classic 311.5. '56 PONTIAC 2-door, 6 cylinder, automatic; radio, good condi- tion, $200. 259-8862. anytime. '57 PONTIAC - driver's licence sutptryietl Call 2S?-479& PRIVATE - '63 Dodge. 4 door Sedan. 6, automatic. Excellent condition. CR. 4-3153. '56 CHEVROLET li-ton pick-up $225 or best offer. CR. 8-6ti96. -------e - """-_"" r- .9 Lake_shore cottage, boat and GARAGE for rent. 123 . 9th St.' motor, $40 weekly, 288-2051. "ettertr-ttnu.erermuaataq... Coll HOWARD SCOTT '64 GMC Pick-ups. new $1.865 $100 down. Jim Ireland, 259- 8211. Cover your man Automotive km with on. low may wment. Our executive and busine- leasing plan cove. way ortemtnoiai.at.t wept Gan. ALL MAKES AND MODELS ' 1hleittmRerilale CARS VANS - mums - PICKUPS 15 STAKES 33 - SUMMER RESORTS & 33 - SUMMER RESORTS dt CAMPS CAMPS FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE " - TRUCKS & TRAILERS , MAKES, 54 MODELS $850, up ONTARIO TRAILERS no By The Hour. Day, Week or Month On Bountiful Lake Muskoh The perfect setting for a re- laxlng vacation. For their qui- et enjoyment flmllles and (ouples find a lovely sand beach, spacious grounds. shuf- fle-boards. tots playground. games room, other daytime and evening amusements -, Clean, comfortable accommo- dnhon for 70 guests include flmlly suites. comment's, cubin junta. all with sum or private {militia md twins and double rooms. Consistent 55% repeat clientele attest to the warm, friendly atmosphere and the quality of our meals, $48 - $63 per adult weekly, Clo-e to golf, boat cruises. Sunla'n Village, Two house- keeping colt-gen “nibble. Folder! - Merv-“om kl. “nonhuman M ill-”II LAKE-LAND LODGES Featuring our New Main Inn. large luxury family anita and suites with private balconies overlooking pool Ind IIKO. ALL SEASON FAMILY - SPECIAL “CHILDREN . FREE - WEEKS” JUNE 20 to JUNE 27 SEPT. 5 to SEPT. I2 Direct Tou-Free Line Toronto To Resort omee ', Just Dial 364-4069 " - GARAGES TO LET & WANTED For Color Folder. Information, Menuea and Reservations WrtW. Tavel Trailers 28 - CARS FOB SALE TRUCK RENTALS Rexdale Car S22-8"t LTD. 65 RACINE RD, Heated Swimming Ppol Water Skiing & Lessons (9:30 a.m. to 6 pm. daily) Tennis Shuftleboard Bingo , Water Skiing Show Boat Ramp Lending Library Merry-go-round Ironing Room Meal Hour Nursery Badminton Adult Sized Swings Basketball Television Children's Day on Rob Roy Farm 1577 Queensway 251-4013 TRUCKS 249-8277 at “FABULOUS FERN" FUN in the SUN All This And More Included In Our Rates And MOORE-HAWLEY MOTORS GRAND OPENING JUNE 20 On Beautiful LAKE CoUCmcmNG RR. No. 5, Orillia, Ont. THE HOME or ROLLS AND HONEY" FERN RESORT lEASlNG A CAR? \iziTz-iiga Beach, a bedioom, inside conveniences, 5 minute walk to beach. CR. 8-7700. LARGE, 7-month com“. ' bed- room. Print. beach. Lake Sim, near Ken/ink ",000. EUGENIA LAKE - “albumin - Beautiful S-roon: couge. Must be men to be believed, $7,900. CR, 8-0365. IF you have your own outboard motor I have I lovely cottage for rent. Owner's new 3-bed- room cottage, completely fur- nished, hydro, 140-ft. safe sand Aeanch on Go-Home-Lake, s minutes by boat from parking lot. Must be seen to be appre- ciated. $550 for season or monthly, rental preferred. CL. 9-0602, LE. 2-6956. MUSKOKA, laketront house- keeping cottages. All conveni- ences. Safe, sandy beach. Spe- cial rates July In to 11th; Aug. 15th-30th. CL. 9-5361. LAKE of Bays area. Secluded " HIPPO Park, 3rd lint East, Cale- don Township, 4 mile- an of Orangeville. Picnic grounds. umping, comma. fishirt 00- Cart track. Open May 15. For information contact A. J. Good, 278-4100 evenings. SEVERN RIVER - 3-bedroom: furnished, all facilities; good fishing Mrs, Scott. LI 6- 5008. COTTAGES Fully modernized, boat and motor rentals are avgilablc. For Reservations FREE Privak Lakeshore Golf Course FREE Dance Band FREE Children's Supervised Playground FREE New Bowling Alleys FREE Fishing FREE Water Slide full price. 159-1351 M - BUM!“ C(Yl'l‘AGII POI BALI FREE Wading Pool FREE Tree House FREE Formula Room FREE Baby Sitting Service FREE Horse Shoe: FREE Ping Pong FREE Trampoline FREE Volleyball MILES from Midland, deep seven Private beach. Anil- able July 25 to Aug. 15. $35 a week. Call CL. 5-H”. ALSAM LAKE urea - 100 miles trom Toronto. All con- veniences. Sleeps xix. $50 weekly. 239-9664. evenings. GOOD VEISHING Baden Powell's CAMP THL'NDEIBIRD Girls 12 to 16 year. Pouhah Lake, Haliburton. Full activi- ties. " - SUMMER. COTTAGES Boys and girls. ' - 12 you". Qualified supervision. Cam- plete activities Kawartha dil- tncl. " - SUMMER CorrAo" TO LET CAMP ROLLIN' ACRE! For ' Quiet, Pouch]! Docking Place Wading Pool Tree House CL. 9-2190 evenings only. HOLIDAY m. 7-7513 m, 7-75" and

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