, an nuns “lulu. hit the. - d Emu-[tan- b "and you“ four god- “ th- Ian on My. 1m 1.1m; Du. Buck-u. Ruben EMU In! My. Juno 2.11:. Tyh and 1m Duhoit an]: getting om. - a won by 'texaiduonn Danny wan: got four for the w in: log Wimp Halon ' Niabtirt+ with u: um: from b O. kim lament scoring nix lob Gala. Chris Galbraith ttot one M! “an" " another, with Tom- (iii: an -tat. " 'u-", you†two uld Kirk Rudd. Lions Club T, Nitrlttur- Inland: . - and w aunt. “In BA. 5 MI. Lion. I) Ron “mp Mo- Ctiff wmwr and Ros. Hynes - 'Iraueed oiiual honors In the Ban- DIV. Pidmonu led the norm; In: “a Bun-m. .ettintr three Ml. while Wnyne Young got two ind John'Campbell one. with n- aiata I. Andrew Harding nnd Doug The!†(who duo [at the and VI). Craig Porgumn picked up t c .sals and 1n assist for D. l J. along with be: Yates 1one and two Amish), Blair Campbell (one god plan two aims). Ember Valley Kinsmen 7, D, t J. Cycle & Sports 4 The Nance lune WI: 1 closer me with Kick Piedmonte, Daryl Knapp and Run Dukoff each an tine on. goal. Jay Douglas, wrth an mm from Stephen Self was the only acorn for Payne Metal. Rudd. Lions Club 3, Payne Me- tal 1 Tueldly nights lulion saw Jim Ferguson With two goals and an assist, Bill Nunn two goals and an mm with single gomg to Chris Palltdine. Roy Homck, Ttrrry CruiehaUnk and Dave Bridgman. Fibre Metal 8, Reps Cities Ser- vino A closer rare IU the Second yett.f.ty. his operation, the League With Blair Campbell and Tony Ni-lends Best Wishes and hopes to xon getting two goals each, Rob have him back again soon. Patterson and Chuck Spalding anti On Saturday, June 6 the Rex- apiece with Campbell alao picking dale Novice All Stars played Ald, up an assist. For the opposition crwood an Exhibition game at Sir Tom Haggerty got two goals andiAdam Beck Arena. Alderwood de- an assist with Pat West "and di7ii/iaG Rexdale by a score of 9 Hennebury each getting one troito 7. Ricky Britton led the scoring Hustlers 6, Dunham Bush 4 ‘Wlth four goals and one assist with Wednesday evening started the Mike Fisher picking up three League games with three games goals while Gary Frelic picked up being played in fairly close comPe- two with an assist from McDom tition with the Tyke INVISIOH lead-initi. For Rexdale Rick Predmonte ing off. Roddie Mitchell pulled the)scoted twice and assnsted on three, hat trick, while Eddie Walker gotiwith two from Bob Gale and om- the only goal for his team. apiece for Gary Carr, Danny Wal- Bob's BA. 3. Ross Wemp Motors 1 ker and Cord Campbell (who also Wednesday evening started the League games with three games being played in fairly clone comp?» tltion with the Tyke l’lnsmn lead- ing off. Roddie Mitchell pulled the hat trick, while Eddie Walker ttot the only god for his le-m. Bob's BA. 3, Ross Wemp Motors 1 by John Siviter Tuesday. J um 4 Garrett 3 -- Chromalox 0 I Garrett incensed their lead in? the Bantam action by u den cut win over Chmmllox. This has been the biggest score registered in ban- tam play this nelson. Goalkeeper Perkam had no chance with the shots that beat him, in fart. he Rexdale Soccer Rick Piedmont. led the Atom ixdale Lacro'sse I786 WESTON RD. - 247-0279 -- on“ m W. Qua“! my.“ CLIFF FLAHERTY LTD. Your SPORTS Centre aluminum, “handily. Wan-"L 2 Blocks South of lawnnco Ave. who True 4 Horsepower Up to 14 miles per hour 6 HOURS per gallon of gas Lin Price opprod. $100. an}. 'ti cue Wdow and Ross Hynea)thtrd year of rating and during that“! .qu-l honors in the Ban/that two preVious years they have a acorn-slum gum: with three goals apiecelrlt‘ed a Spun on all the local ' thmllnd Allen Sense one With an aii- COIN-cl, at Pinewood. Moaport, and :got two 51‘ from Bob Ronni; Waync‘St. Eugene. with u- Young fur Humber dong with John, who in single walk: at uni Doug John Campbell with an asmat to Shelton-Mansell Motors in Willow- the anaiiDouor Thomaon. dale, where he in the than foreman. icked upiturtiniime 7, Humber Valley His position makes it oll the mom for D. alkinamen 2 fitting that he and lain an menu- lone and Due to school exam: them were hen of the Sheltott-M.nae0 Racing bell lone no All Star gamu played this past Partnership, a taam which II a (week. “one for all" effort. If one of the 7, D. a), OPENING NIGHT curs isn't running, the team pitches Our opening night ll set for June in and helps to get it going imam, a closer " with plenty of entertainment for or else helps those others on the ,2, Daryl the entire funny" The Committee team who are still mobile. each pt-‘haa worked very hard to give you lain is mound and is a sulrs l, With Inlan enjoyable evening so lets get to reptesentatrve for Huuailh and was dielPino Point Arena on the 19th and Smith. He told Us that he enjoys :tal. support their efforts. Guarantee being With the team, that they all [To ttaot Induurbu, P.O. Boa M2, Dowmvinw, Ont Address Nam. lu- men comparablo prop-dvivan oqttroqrda. Golfers: Please send for details No Props . . No Pins . . . No Gears JETMASTER I OUTBOARD WILSON ‘ Sam Snead Set 2 Woods . 5 Irons NADCO GOLF CARTS Dani-r i.l or Dunn l I OPENING NIGHT Our opening night in set for June " with plenty of entertainment for the entire haul)" The Committee hn worked very hard to give you in enjoyable evening so lets get to Pine Point Arena on the Wth and support their efforts. Guarantee you will qt)! be disappointed. The starting tune is 7 pan. ‘ REGISTRATION FORMS ( There Ire a lot of boys playing P'" have not as yet returned their ,(orma to the League. Come on Pd. 111.1, get those forms m at your" mu: game. To have Meredith, one of our referees recupernting in hospital after his operation, the League sends Best Wishes and hopes to . ‘... =eee "-"""'." a v :saved mar. than one hue scurfnglthat day, the rpst of the (Pam will attempt. Gouls wet? scored by Jim- rally round to give their best sup- lmy Flllmlll'l, Dennis Dochex'ty, and ‘port [ ‘John (Selig. Strange to "y, the best ( __,. ---_------ _ - "A, - _-u, -------_ player on the held was wee Davelwith three goals each with Rexdale (iiiiiriin of Chromalox, who playedirtaiia, Billy Dunn with two and an: heart out in a losing cause. Ken Reardon smred for the Toolies. I Sand-y, June 7 - - While Joe Bnrtuluni, Sisiam. and Rexdlle Industrial liengue‘amlun iRalph Huffman score for Italian. law Standard Modern Tool tied) Atoms picked up In assist) ATLANTIC PAR-BAG .t s6,75 Complete Line of GOLF ACCESSORIES June 11. nu-ruo- " SPECIAL s75no $14.95 Flower Of The East' Name Hides _ Potential Of Racer Team Shares I By EVE WHITE _ John (Ironwood who live. an Crou Street, and Inn Dun. wttoae horn. u on Dixon Road, have jouw " force. to sham the mm; " . lotu- "I, a hot 1000 cc car from Brnmn. They me both burunz their thmi year of racing and durum the two prenuus years they have 'raced . Sum. on all the local counsel, " Pinewood, Import. Ind thew common mm them work togethe of the whole team won several trophle first overall prize Hence, ished i he Hm year, after graduating to a nation- al type licence, he finished In the top three m every race. This I tine consistent â€Kurd. and with his new car. John feels tlust he mil do even better, When we saw the two racers When we saw the two X'IFPV'S practxsmx at Mosposl, the Lotus was not dome we well, but the co- ovmers were nnl discouraged. "We would rather n. ncted up now and we can go: all the bugs out before the raring season mils into full "swing", Slid John Greenwood, He was still smiling even when the car decided to "die" on the start- in: lune. and the rem of the pack left without him, They hope to have the cax- 9mm- ed in the supporting race with the International Player‘s 1300, and theve is no doubt that whichever ‘is the lucky one to be at. the wheel What day, the rest of the team will rally round to give their best sup- lport. Atorn play for Ila? 1xvek saw each annual Toronto Sorxfres stronglhma wal' adclml a Sim lead in thee section by a resuund- Sre you r Ling 4-1 xrctory mer l. nous. John At PlcEwan with two and Roger “we" ‘and Tommy Egan with rune each Sun-um! \handlerl the scnrlnx for the Ser- Crib-Diaper :vices while Billy Prrce wplied fn"1.ium|s tittons. Cvibb-Diaper hem on the Plan .A (trail of Senices with a 5-0 Cwtor.v, lover the luckiess Rexdale Plarus.+ervies (as, Plus boys played hard and:Critr-Diaper held their own in midfield play as Litons Ithey have in all their games this Plaza John was r first year racer. Ne ttrt- first pitree in every race ed, except one, and last Rexdale Swim School we for Huuallh and told us that he enjoys the team, that they all 6-tl Yrs. Boys 6-630 pm. " Yrs. .Giris 6 3trr,00 pint Adolt (Mon) loo-[30 ' Yrs ' Over any; 7 oo-rat, pm Adult {ladiui 8.30-9.00 I Yrs. I Ovlv Girls , 30-300 p.m. (Flu Swimming Evenings 9-I0 (Fm. Swimming Afternoons 1-4 p.m I PRICES - ' 5.00 -- MORNING PROGRAM St0.00 - EVENING PROGRAM (Children) $1500 - EVENING PROGRAM (Adults) REGISTER NOW†JUNIOR AND INTERMEDIATE RED CROSS PROGRAM EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT FROM JULY Mt, - SEPT. 2nd Junior Clan -- 6.00-7 pm. Inhrmodiavo Class - 7.06. pm, ELEMENTARY A INTERMEDIATE lIFE SAVING CLASS Every Wodnudcy " pm. 9.00 9.30 10.00 1030 SUMMER PROGRAM (MORNINGS) SUMMER PROGRAM (EVENIN’GS) FREE SWIMMING 1:00 pm. to 4:00 pm. sex {h raring, and :51. has helped to the benefit In 1963 lam ' including one t which he " "iesstul as a racer. He lin FAMILY SWIMMING SUNDAYS Commencing I4 Juno - 1.00 p.m. - 4.00 p.m. LESSON 9.30 tWoo 10.30 11.00 TWO [ESSONS WEEKLY FROM JULY 6 - SEPT. 5 MON, & THURS. OI TUES, t FRIDAY Boys 6-630 pm. an. a zoo-7.00 pm Mun (Mon) 1 Boys 7 oo-r" P,"' Adult Radios) 1 Girls , 304,00 P"'" (Fm. Swimming Evenil SUMMER PROGRAM (AFTERNOONS) SERIES ON MON, WED., FRIDAY OR TUES., THURS, SAT AT 50 BELFIELD RD. - REXDALE PHONE 247-4644 PRESCHOOL AND KINDERGARTEN July 6 -. July 18th (2 Week Series) July 20 - Avg. In (2 Week Series) Aug. 3 -. Aug. 15th (2 Week Series) Aug. 17 - Aug. 29th (2 Week Series) The Northern Etobicoke YM- YWCA Softball league is again making its presence felt. The lea- gue houses 26 boys' learns in five divisions and 11 girls teams in three others. Every evening Mon- day through Friday, the kids are out blasting the ball around the ball diamonds at Thistletown Public School. Albion Gardens, The Elms and Beaumnnde Heights, At this point the halfway mark. the compev tition is keen and each squad is jockrying for its position in the play-offs. If you are not playing, mar-hing and umpirinz, come on each sm-wd twice and Bil added a single for the Cri Sre you next weck, Atom Standings npses chen ,res However, a few defense) ; and being a little timid they got near their opponents saw their game end up with amt- old story. In this game, t Muir and Jimmy Ellerby scored twice and Billy Usher i a single for the Crib. FOR ALL PUPILS "Y" BALL RESULTS FROM ILOO " 11.30 11.30 -12.00 Adult (Mon) 3.00-1.30 pm. Adult (ladies) 8.30-9.00 pm. (Fm. Swimming Evenings 9-10 pm) lft 16 10 JOHN GREENWOOD AND IAIN DUFF Knob Hill Gr/rd, Cleaners ‘Cluh 941 ltr""'".",'.' Variety Albion-Farm, Jar. Dial Cleaners Thistleuywn Fina (A'ii,"i'i',', BA. . ‘LGA. -vr .rr Jiethinw Trv 'r.. , Wardrope “Albion Intermediate L“mien Pharmacy IiEl Paso lTAngel Gardens -.. 'lDeltruurt _ . â€Saxon Shop r Hagleson Watson out and cheer these kids on-they deserve it. Here are the latest lea- gue standings. Beaumonde Heights Junior Beaumonde Hvights-Elms, Thistletown Motors Dairy Queen Power Sanclli . Elm ve . q) Gething T Senior D &.d Sport Hygrade Village Florist 6-8 Yrs, - Boys 6-8 Yrs, - Girls lat P! 10 c, Junior Albion 'B' Elms Albion 'A' Beaumonde Intermediate Albion Elms Heaumumie 'A Reamnomlv Senior Beauinomle Elms All, A NEW CAR AND CASH IN HAND Y0lltllltLliilt1 H 3%??? LTD. Don't run the risk of your (at break- ing down and be fort-d to stay home for your holidays. tet Yorkhigh assure you of a good holiday. THEREFORE IF YOUR PRESENT CAR. IS WORTH 570000 To SELL FOR CASH, YORK- LEIGH WILL REFUND YOU $510.00 HOLIDAY DOLLARS. Similar Sovingu to Cash any." - 50,000 Mile, ' Year Wurramy Cash For Your Vacation YORKLEIGH’S BANK DISCOUNT RATE PLAN PERMITS: AS Low AS 190.00 DOWN AND ONLY 6% WITH UP TO 36 mourns to PAY 1865 WESTON ROAD GHti..% VACATION , J! YORKLEIGH CHRYSLER, WESTON no. OFFERS YOU COLD CASH AND SAVINGS BRAMPTON For Your l0 In the Cut gum, Hotlpurn, who lehnllenging pollllon. . had puviouuly beaten Crib in‘dlndy mime, both on good style, looked nothing Illa the that they hue mimlli an. tum. Goaltender Ricky Tun-knowledge lime the l Imam kept the more to respect. "non. Ind putting it sh]. proportions, but his forward" would utdeed be har, lim wu more or lens inept andlany outstanding play (Ive little trouble to opposing‘l fine game hut ment goalie Paul Kenny-who is compil-‘mlde of band McEli ing on impressive list of Ihut-outs. 'r.kahashi on the oin Brian Willa added two more goal. ‘Steve Elliston And I to his tally, taking him to the top lor Crib, Goal Ic( of the tptalscorers table. Bob Dn-‘lene Arthura 2 l vis, in attempting to clear the ball Six) and baud McEl from his gnu line, unfortunntely LEAGtHisTAN0lN" neared in his own net. . l , _ P l Standard Auto Glass, reinforced ( rib Isuwer Sen. 3 by the return of Mulcolm Ford, and _oitice Overload 6 Dnvid Mitchell, Ind the Jii2iiJ/Hotspurs 7 .tion of Ihor KlymCiw to the de- l'Irco Chemicals .3 tense, held the tricky Erco team Stnnd.Auto Glass8 to & tie. Erco have made I habitllkoding Goal sealers of ftaterintt to decieve so in thisl B. Wills ll; R. D season. They play delightful foot- Puget 8: W. Arthur: Ghu 2 o... Omlud 8, Crib Diaper Ser- vicl 0 Al indium! int week, Oihee Overload in "tting it: sights on Chamrionahip, And by dispos- Bunk! of - pluyed d do want ending Jun. 6th: oe- overload 8, Hot-pun 0 Into Chemical: 2, swam: "Go West For The Best" To: in; of Hot-purl And the league hndjnc Crib Diaper mm. they not! look like hrtighisttr the ttrrt half of the Ichtdulo in Brat place. DOWN THE MALL S. Philip's Braves, last year's tong champs of the Humber Valley‘onl ‘Catholic Men's Softball League tect trounced Trtmstigurtstion 18-8 in Nu.pf leer at Garry Park on June '2/plat I Fred Castron, on the mound for the i was Ywinners, pitched steady ball and hits. slnmmed two home runs. For the) A ilnsers. George Lemay hid thijt,. hits in four trips to the plate.‘You Brnves' Charlie Silvio turned in tt Fri: iguod performance at first base. ing well-played contest. Les Williams nu the mound for. the winners cracked a homer. He was relieved by Noon Nelson. Paul Puma hit a three-run homer. _ At Caledonia Park on the same night, St. Benedict's Bees downed St. BenedicCs Dodgers 943 in a well-played contest. Les Williams nu the mound for the winners cracked a homer. He was relieved The combined pitehintr of Bub Raileyr and Ty Rigby lead St. Prlut's-St. Jude's to a 9-3 victory over St. Philip's Angels in a closely "umber Valley Catholics Men's Softball league - WIN A "Ill "P" (OLA COOK" -- h L. J. ANSELL pllyed during ball n um. but Ink tho m mum: 1to preubomonnmh oupun o Jot then days they in I'll: to Bundnd Auto elirk, and than watch out! Bill Bars Fneu phyed on. his better m rib Diaper Serytor Standard, and In "in“ Wlth two gosh. Scorer: for En. t week, Ohe‘wero Pm] Vm Zuphon and Ber. I it: sights l"?'", Flack. 1nd by dhpom The (um: of the week. howivu, A SPARKLING NEW 1964 VALIANT SIGNET CONVERTIBLE Equp-d with buek.t no", poddcd gush. (home who“ dun. hath-up l'qhts, you? bolts, winlsN-M walk", liq-v- en. lighter, broadloom ruvpalin', horn Ii", full uni d 'nIo'mc, hurl-r and defroet.r and . . . ONLY AT mums" with "Imam $2 797 no "Inlmvlllon lu- Vh-n ' I Iquippcd with. luv tum, wind-NIH watt-n. um um, um when. 1ressrtfin.. dir.rtiorust ti'nuk mcto val noun" sumo; $2 269 M luv Than ' . AN ECONOMY a cvuuon 1964 DODGE The au NEW SLEEKLINE Fantastic SPIRITED CHRYSLER lanky-J with Ivlomht human-nun, pulled duh, bark. no light MI than. who-I (Iv-m "In 50h, a." 1'rghtsr, mm Iu'neh, gulch" man "" uonou sumo; 3 259 00 [an "mu ' a IACYOIV COMMI‘MHOTS PIIVINT US "OM rwmum. "ACT 'IIC“ (hm Sum. of turnout) (Member Owned and mantel) THE MOVE TO OUR NEW SITE ALLOWS ACCEPTANCE or ADDITIONAL MEMBERS AND OUR NEW COURSE omn THE FOLLOWING BrtNEFrN -- IR Watered Holes (To. to GM) - Completed Iâ€) - _ For Information Contact the Mgr. 311-2452 Bu 88, Humph- In: this long awaited "turn ho. tween Crib Ind one. Overload. Cnb are (eating tho pmun of being on top, 1nd one: a: in . challenging position. This w†. dandy “me, both “do. mowing that they hug aaaunilat.d . lot ot knowledge unce the nut of the :eawn, Ind pumnx n to good u... I would Indeed be hard to pick out any outstanding player. in such g fine game but mention must b. made of David McElroy And [An Tnklhnhn on the Office team, and Steve Eliiston And Bob Damion for Crib, Goal nearer: were; Wayne Arthura 2 the now In. 5m) and baud Mth-oy. LEAGUE STANDINGS (June 6) . Champion-hip 1.010 yin. Men 5,400 yam-Ladle: 0.100 14-. Spnclom New Cluhlcuu _ , AL Caledonia, the game between St. Bernard’: Friar: and St. John'. ‘Young People was minded to the ‘Friarn at the end of the sixth inn- mg with the score 15-13. The hit. ters for St. Bemard'n were Savoie, 'poucette, and Potaml, For the ‘Young People, Des Hermes] and Brian Mulhall swung heavy buts, Profession-l - Illl Richard"- (l564 Pres. Out. PGA) B. io, 11; R. Dawson 9; T. Puget 8: W. Arthur: 6. fought game played at Gary Park on June 3. Brian Wasdell had I per- fect night for the winners, picking ‘up four hits in as many trips to tho jrlate. The big hitter for the Angela (was Leo Moldenhauer who had two BRAMPTON GOLF am WALKER WELDING lIMIYiD Spam" " Walk: thdln. Ala-tweed Softball ‘OII PHONE CL M567 "9 ISLINGYON AVE.. SOUTH 247-5481 (June 6) L 1) Pts. 3 0 12 10