His parents, Mr. and Mn O'Dnscoll, Ind Mr. and Mn. Wil, Ham Cunningham, friends of the family, flew from England fat the ordination which took place on Saturday, May 23, at St. Mi- M. lurks’ pariah um honored on 8unday, May M, when Fume Kevin O'Drilcoll In: his (in! solemn High Mus at ttra', an. Immediately that Man a dinner was catered for his parents Ind friends. Bum. GGai'Gi .1an recently, and will announce wad- ding plum " I later date. Congratulation: are hem; ol- teud to It" Barbara Marilyn Bmlon, younger dang!!!†cl Mr. and Mrs. Ken. 3mm Wesley St., on her engagement to Mr. Puul Elrehesyst, Himico. ALONG THE QUEEISWAY LIFETIME DIAMOND HARD SHREDDING ELEMENTS CONSOLIDATION OF DEBTS. VACATION. OAR. OAR REPAIRS. HOME IM- PROVEMENTS. EOIIOATIOII. NEW FURNITURE. APPLIANOES, OR Mt USEFUL PURPOSE NEED A NEW HOME? Palenl Aniomaiic Reversing Action Delergenl Shield _ Announces A mom, tl0ltFMiliTnil. PERSONAL LOAN sumo: ran THE nesmms or nus AREA []!EiEfriEElTT) 5 YEAR PARTS WARRANTY PARTS & SERVICED IN TORONTO DON'T " SORRY . . . a: SAFE BUY THE BEST 35.1-3111 (lslington) 35.1.1909 NEAR SIX POINTS PLAZA See us for immediate LOW COST morfgage service (No bonus or hidden fees) Terms Arranged - Sold llllA"lllllBAltinit In. T. Tuna, Cl. 1-7224 PLUMBING a. HEATING 5249 DUNDAS " WEST LOANS ARRANGED IMMEDIATELY IN YOUR HOME Call 23 9-8121 KINGSWAY STONEGATE SHOPPING PLAZA Food Waste Disposers now APPROVED IN METROPOLITAN TORONTO BUY ll-SIIK-ERATOR (ORIGINATORS) (PERFECTORS) With ISE [chub Cathedral, Toronto. On Monday Father O’Driacol] returned with his parent.- to England, by air, when he will enjoy a well earned holiday. can: Gunman], Tomato. Hay Iona; eighty-six pound." Following his an 101m Ivoirdupoia over a period at ban-diction " T pan. Smithy fifteen months, Ind six mem- “min; . reception wu given hen of the group graduated a in his honor by the India of the KOP81keep ott pounds unu- C.W.L,, convonad by put pro-INVL They are Mrs. Ruth Cow- sidem In. Norman Thomas, u- an. Mm. Mary Canon, Mm. 11'st by number an. league. Irene 1aud, Mm. Freda Forbes, ‘Guau wem â€iv“ by Fan)†Mia: Phyllis Alanko, and In. O'Driaeou, his parents, Mr. and Helen Patterson. Mrs. W. Cunningham, and In, Over 900 attended the con. and Mn Pear Dev-1k. tgamri,veestion, and law Mrs. Audrey 150 guest: received lather Pry of Toronto crowned Prom- o'Driseon's personal blellln‘, all Queen of TOPS. Her record and wished him happiness in bi: - l weight " ot Mt pounds, In new vocation. one year. Congratulations to Mm. Helen Manager Mr. John Binnie and Serviced By Phone 239-8121 Prize winners at the MaytimelweNimr anniversary on May Ito, Tea held in St, Elizabeth's An- and am!'!'.' those present were ngican Church last Wednesday, the wedding attendants. sponsored by the Royal York Mrs. Adam was presented ‘Branch of the WA. of Queens- with an orchid, and a gift of way General Hospital were/Royal Doulton china to add to Mrs. Hazel Moffatt, 6 Ladybanklan original wedding gift. , A euchre party with good (prizes. and refreshments, is be- ?ing sponsored by Rebekah Lodge iLrrraine, on Friday, May 29. at 18 pm, in the Beach House, Mi- ‘mjco. A cordial invitation is ex- (tended to all euchre fans. ', Another July bride, Miss Inez Verdone. Kirkbraden Rd,, was showered with gifts from friends ‘at a party hosted by Mrs. Gino Silva and but daughter Carol, in their home on Bernice Ave, on Monday evening, The groom- to-be is Mr. George Badane, Long Branch. _ _ The Girls' Auxiliary of St. Elizabeth', Anglican Church en- ‘tenained their mothers and tu.. 1ture members with their mo- thers and Brownies. at their final meeting on Monday eve- ning, May 25. There were gym- nastic and tumbling displays, dancing, and a fashion show by some of the girls, making u a most enjoyable evening. Min Joyce lwnnick. Warniea Ave, we: guest of honor at n pre-bridat shower held recently in the Queensway Community Centre, and received my love- lly gifts from some eighty-five well-Wuhan who attended. She will wed Leo Boissanneault on (July ti. l Hostess Mrs. Kay Roschuk was muted by Joyce's brides- maid, Karen Jenkin, Sharon Murphy, Janette Boissannuault. Ind junior bridesmaids Patricia Roschuk and Kathie Kewian, Over 900 attended the cou- vention, and new Mrs. Audrey Pry of Toronto crowned Prom- cinl Queen of TOPS. Her ncord - I weight loan ot " pounds. m one year. _Pattarsrs_ No- rm. who Ill cow/nod Quota at the Tiny snug-- TOPS (“he at! pounds and») Na: Toronto unit. " tbs Winch] Emanuel: Dav Tm. thAvo.; In. W. K. lathe, - d ' m.., -_,,,,l I. n - _ was“, The occasion was celebra- tion of the iloi2'i'.?,"'tut,e/i'ert'l; wedding anniversary on May 20, and among those present were the wedding attendants. Mr. and Mrs. James Adam, Trueman Ave, were surprised guests of some torty of their neighbors and friends at an an- niversary party in the Sky View Golf Club, Bronte, on Saturday evening, May " Mrs. .s. Tolhurst, president ot the Women's Association of Do- gan Geggie Memorial Presby- terian Church is hoping for n good attendance at the finals business meeting, on m June. prior to recessing for the sum- men Newly-weds, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Simpkins, have re- turned from a honeymoon in Miami Beach, Florida, and are busy setting up housekeeping on Ducon Rd., Etobicoke. A large congregation was pre- sent tor the confirmation of six- teen applicants by the Lord Bi- shop of Toronto, Rev. F. H. Wil- kinson, on Sunday, May It. _ Still more We: tor June ' bride-elect, Cum Sum- Ethwaime, Van Duel: Blv¢ In. Tom Murray cum-ruined mu. 5bon and friend. " her home lon Small Rd., " a linen than. ‘21- in honor od the bride; and Pos. Joe Demon, Scuba"), was hasten to “Knives of Car. linen " . miscellaneous shower, 'when she received my beauti- ful and useful ttiftc l Mrs. W. Tnnbalme. Georg.- "own, was a meant (next of her mm: and brother-in-hw, Mr. and Mn. William Butler, Delmy Ave, md during her visit the attended the alumina of her mece Valerie Martin in St. Jamel Anglican Church. Park Lawn Rd. For that final meet; tare rec-nun; for the . them-tuber: witlPiesue neervi1utte,oetJune IT, â€I‘ll-1.: In. A. m w... la, a; in M Good, m We An. Mimieo; and Ian M. B. 'rrtsiaetr, tttt 11-va of expend l of th. new will .1159»- â€daun- lot the tumor. '. " Pia MEAT MARKETS . " ' Alumni C.' 2rr!MI! - [NIrflr, - low-mid WHERE ELSE CAN YOU BUY?... ‘ “TASTY an! TENDER†" /. ti , ' " ROLLED BEEF . (f. . ' te 'N ’31 _ va-f qr _ Pl " l a 1. s.'y's:-- =3... wr-" POI ROAS I S -' ' l I A ' ' I, FOR .5 I. A _ . i F f 3 ONLY tt . a" w‘ ' 't Fd, , V. w»? t an; _ ..s A ( 'Nas (mum 6 _ u ' ") “4% , _ " " t /d irs"'.s,f)"cir,' T "iit a '. C x R . .. ' =" ' 'iriiie,ir.'y,rtr" a, 't 8"â€; ' r , i . / br, ‘1 (ir: rrr _ " B] 7 a . _ F _ f fr 3 ‘ , 's, , 3 .. v, 1-.“ . , A-. , _ f, M " (?? w. "a 'o, Vc; $f- ' v, ’7', I"! “I? a†"1, . A ' 't Mt: _ WW3 oi. “kg _,,".,,.,.,,,,.... 34;: _:iitr' Wire T Wi . P a F “33Ԡany t . ". ,/\ 'ir); ' Xi - 3 ’ 'Mill " aim I , th" Wr', l J A _ t T', tt?s'i,,t:', _)),?.?:?,,,:,,';?',")"" f sii)5:iieSt LI. ~ s,,,,,,,,;:,,,,,,,",,,,!!,,',,,' e,stiiira" Thrifty shoppers will s, vise if my stock may iirgii . .x:» _",e,.s: , ,9, 'yor' w . «*4 and freezers with this May month end Roost Fun-n of . A~xmï¬x~§§§¥w “on r IC'. 3. - .. - ' A a ' For Home Freezer Orders - Cut, Wrapped and Labelled - at No Extra Charge! SIDE OF BEEF BEEF FRONT QUARTER OF MIND QUARTERS or PORK LAST 3 DAYS "on: Hakim: TO All. OWNERS CALL CL. 5-4571 May he to May iifrid - - 4 lbs. of CANADA PACKERS FIRST GRADE ALDERWOOD _ BRAMPTON _ cud/ILL: TNEWMAKIT E1 - ""d/a',",1'asJ,tu',s",',"" " BROWN" “NI OPEN $333,:ng Ta, "- L “AWE“?! -Afam who place on order for a hind quay!" or a side of beef . . . MONTH or MAY SPECIAL May 23th . 29th - 3thif. Creamery Butter ABSOLUTELY FREE! [33133 [fifiiriiii h RIDE! all '9ttaltifElieatEtttt All. YOUR MEAT SHOPPING REQUIREMENTS AT... THIS IS m 390 lb. th lb. Mk lb. Your Chain 1 9 per lb. C q Moph Lu! “not“. . Me... Ltd lad q RH. Colo-M Mugab- Special LB. . . HOT DOG Buns t »... 41c SPECIAL Chuck Sinks [HERE] SPECIAL LEGS & BREASTS FRESH and TENDER LEAN IONELBS STEWIIG BEEF HAMBURGER I'. " Q " and .45: tb"ov"r-ith--tt-o-. THE M1158 with this FARMERS STYLE COUNTRY SAUSAGE Gaul SMALL, DELICIOUS CHAIN LINK SAUSAGE 3am WEINERS BACON 2 ut. " FRESH KINDLESS SIDE HAMBURG 4 us. " TASTY FRESH SKINLESS FRESHLY GROUND 24-01. L0AVES-SLiCED WHITE or BROWN BREAD loaves for . . You Sun Fan 6 h 101 tht buy Lu. You Icy! LBS.