CLASSIFIEDS TRUCK DRIVERS to exchange water softeners. Must be phy- sically fit and have good re- ferences. Permanent position. Phone Culligan Soft Water, CR. 8-3886. ' AGRICULTURE and cannery workers required for 1964 sea- son, applications will be ac- cepted at the National Em- ployment Service. 3253 Lake Shore Blvd. West, Long Branch. DELIVERY driver with small compact car wnnted. Full or part time. Call Friday and Saturday from 3 pm. to 7 pm. Pizza Bar. 3371 Bloor W. SAUSAGE MAKER - Fully ex- perienced in making European sausage. Contact: Mr. Dunlop, National Employment Office, RO. 3-3611. SERVICE Station, experienced. Marshall's Essa. Brown's Line and Evans Avenue. m WEST METRO-permanent future for sales type indlviduttl muttomed to contact with public. Starting income 3800 " $500 per month. plus incentive‘ compensation and pension Fi? for a permanent resident 23l to 49 No 111ch Two "GI, training program For "eonri-l Mal interview phone Bl... 41-SKrLLED HELP WANTED r, YOUNG man with chaureur's' FOUND -- Purse on Lake Shore licence to dnve panel truck; Blvd. Owner may have same for 5 weeks commencing July} by provmg ownership and 13th. Langley's Ltd.. 2nd Street paying for this " 259-3860. at Lakeshore Blvd, West. â€"_ tt-atatartutt,rtruieiiir- to work nanny H Saturday: Aprly - Mr. Kin Halt Men'u Wear Dept. L. E. CAMPBELL Humberview Motors Ltd mo moor w. To train for 0.S.N.D. and trac- ing procedure. Experience pre- ferred but not essential, Typ- ing required. FOR WAREHOUSE Minimum age 19; must be strong. Permanent position. Good opportunity for an active person mutated in taking charge ot the shipping depart.. ment in I mull expanding company. Must be I self start- er: full employee benefits. Age not important. Apply: Class "A", for general repair and tune-up for service Mation work in city, Must have own tools. CL 9-8322 available in modern Etohirokr office Excellent opportunities and benefits Apply Personnel Mung" Box 60, The Advertiser "" LAKE “on: nun. w. Required for evening work. 1 nights weekly. Good remun erauon & fringe benefits. t YOUNG MEN " - " with car to train for office manugemem with publisher's Igency. no experience neces- sary. liberal starting salary plus bonus. This is not door to door sales. [-1106, . Im. to 6 pm Apply Personnel Office " - MALE AND FEMALE HELP WANTED INTERCITY TRUCK LINES LTD. Junior Office ?osititms Auto Painter MUST BE EFFICIENT Young Man Young Man SAYVETTE LTD mu. um 1500 Dundas Hwy. (East of Dixie Rd.) Mechanic 255-7166 , to 7 Shipper 277-941 I 233-817] 239-231 I "tterierreed MCENCED Tailor Baker LMII " 255-6232 *MR and Mrs. Norman Reid, RR], Belleville, Innounce the engagement of their daughter, Tamsin Margaret. to Wallace Williamson. son of Mr. and _ Mrs. C. Williamson. Toronto. Marriage to take place in the Memorial Chapel, Albert Col- ( lege, on Saturday, June '6. " ' _ o'clock. A c c o U N T iVdrtG%FGF.. DRESSMAKING and maxim“ furmture repairs. 51 Woodbury Rd, Apt. 2. 259-5323. WANTED - Pan-time superin- tendent Ind wife for 80 unit building In Mimico. Call 250- 5870. ALTERATIONS and dressmak- ing for men and ladies. 259- 0795. - LADY will do your mending in her home - very reasonably; Phone BE. 9-6523. QUALIFIED hairdressing done in your home. For appoint- ment call 255-7915. D R I S S MAKING, alter-non- 8116A Lat. Show Blvd. W " 17th St. 25S-0453. DRESSMAKING. duigm‘ngin] alterations. 71 Allansius Dr. Etobicoke. 62t-0t84. SURGICAL belts and trunn- Modern mun; room. Expert. enced man and women than Run-211'. Drug Store, New Tor. onto. LOST - Beagle, black, white and tan - pink markings on nose. Reward. Vicinity of Evans Ave. and 27 'Highway, Alderwood. CL. 1-3730. " - MUSICAL INSTRUCTION GLASSES, lady's, black case. vicinity 6 Points, last Tuesday or Wednesday. BE. 3-8418. PIANO Teacher aeemntrouat, vocal couch, Royal Constru- tory Honour Gradunc. BE. lb. 8885 ACCOUNTING. bookk cep- ing. Full service. 239-8235, eve- nings. MR. AND MRS. John H. Juk- son announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Georgia-Gaye to Mr. Drake Morgan Andrews, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Andrews. The marriage will take place at 2:30 pm. on June 20th " Humber Valley United Church. MR. and Mrs. Norman Corbett announce the marriage of their daughter, Margaret Jean to Flying Officer Anthony John Nichols. son of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Nichols, 26 Warbeck Plum, Weston, The marriage will take place on June 20, " Roan! United Church, Roster, Mani- toba. _ 4 MR. AND MRS, Norman Me- Cuteheon of Alderwood In- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Karen Ann, to Mr. John Lynl Mason, Ion of Mr. and Mrs. H, Mason, of Alderwnod. Wedding will like plum m Alderwood United Churrh, June 28, 1964, It ' o'eltteE MR. AND MRS. E. G. Thomas, 63 Cumberland Drive, Port Credit. will be at home to re- ceive their friends on Sunday. June 7th, 1964. from 2 to 5 and T to 9 pm. on the occasion of their 65th Wedding Anniver- sary. Offers private class tutoring m mathematics, languages and sciences, etc, Qualified tutors for all public and high school subjects. Call l IAN t 1 wow ron cAr+ won The man will be required to work on a steady night bull (n to T 1an and the woman will be required to chain than regularly. Experience preferred but not essential. Apply in person to _ hum-nu: om“ CHRlSTIE'S BREAD By professional - Toronto'l largest selection of earrings, over 500 styles. AWIN Jeweller. Goldsmith 6 Trinity Sq. For appointment EM. 6-591. ing services. Fully qualified 621-3644, after 7. Division of Nnbbco Ltd. 2150 [an Mutre Blvd. W. (limbo: Bu) KINGSWAY TUTORIAL SCHOOL MA - ACCOUNTANTS " - ENGAGEMENTS - um Alum iaia" um was?!» M - DRESSMAKING " - EDUCATIONAL INSTRUCTION 231-62" or 231-7019 EAR PIERCING 59 - MARRIAGBS 55 - PERSONAL Wanted 57 - FOUND 56 - LOSE â€ARON - Grorge and Mary (I... Hymn m mpg: m- nouncc the hint: at I It.- phcn. " Queen-way Gnu-I 59.91%. SW Wr " GEORGE, Beatrice May - Sud- denly at her home, 11 Victor Ave, M i m ie o, Wednesday, May 27, 1964, Beatrice May Holborn, beloved wife of the late Henry G. George; dear liner of Mrs. William Gush (Annie) Islington, in her 74th year. Mrs. George is resting " the funeral home of G. H. Hogle, 63 Mimico Ave, Mimi- co. Service Friday at 1:30 p m. -Intermem Park Lawn Ceme- tery. NICHOLSON, John Robert-At FRASER, Pearl Edith - At Oshawa General Hospital, on Monday, May 25, 1964, Pearl Edith Herutings, late ot 160 Lakeshore Dr., New Toronto, dearly beloved wife of James Fraser and loving mother of Barbara (Mrs. D. Ewles) Oshawa; and Helen (Mrs. L. Wideman). Alderwood; dear sister of Edna (Mrs. A. Hunt), New Toronto; Lorraine (Mrs. D. McGee), Mimico; Fern, (Mrs. K. Barman), West Hill; Ernest nad Ted of Alderwood; Bert and George ot Long Branch. Rested at the Ridley Funeral Home Ltd., 3080 Lake Shore Blvd. W., (at 14th St.), New Toronto. Service in the chapel on Thursday 1 p.111. In- terment Glendale Memorial Gardens. Jouph'l Helpital. on Tun-day. May M, 10M, Natalie Dobea.. Mein, late of ll - and Street. New Toronto, belovod wilt of the lat. Michal Kenton. and dear mother of John ind Sun- lcy of Aldcrwood; Jennie am. V. Slut-ski). Now Tar- onto; Helen (Mu. W. Nov-k). but York; also survived by It gmndehiidren and ' nut- trranehildren. Rating at the Ridley Funeral Home Ltd., 3080 Lake Shore Blvd. W. (at 14th St.), New Toronto. Fun. eral Friday " 8:30 am. to St. Theresa's Roman Catholic Church, Tenth Street, for re- quiem high man It 9 mm. In- terment Mt. Peace Cemetery, Dixie. Prayers Thursday eve- ning at 8 pm. . the Toronto Hospital. Weston, on Sunday, May 24, 1964, John Robert Nicholson, late of Oril- li. and formerly of New Tor- onto (former employee of Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co., Ltd.), dearly beloved husband of the late Charlotte Hedley and loving brother of Mrs. E. G. Phillipson of Eng- land. Rested " the Ridley Funeral Home Ltd., 3080 lake Shore Blvd. W. (It 14th St,), New Toronto. Service was in the chapel on Wednesday at 1 pan. Interment Park Lawn Cemetery. . 1f'NT OUR SHOWROOM HODGSON. George. On Thurs- day, May list. 1904. at the Brannon Hospital. George Hodgaon, late of Mimico; be- loved hmbend of May Paula: of 141 Dynevor Rd., beloved brother of Mrs. 8. S. MeBrins, (Alice) and Mrs. W. R. Wil- hama (Agnes). Private aer- vice was held on Saturday at Brown Bros. Chapel. Inter- ment Prospect Cemetery. GIBSON, William Arthur-Sud- denly, at New Toronto, on Tuesday, May M, 1966, WU- lmm Arthur Gibson, late of 57 - 4th St., New Toronto, hus- band of Jessie, and loving fa- ther of Peggy Hughes, and grandfather of Jo-Ann and Heather. Resting at the Rid. Iey Funeral Home Ltd,, 3080 Lake Shore Blvd. W.. (at 14th SC), New Toronto, Service m the chapel on Thursday at 10 am. Interment Prospect Ce- metery. (Please omit flowers). m loving memory of my dear mother, Mary Stewart, who passed away February 2, 1955 and my dear father Alex Stewart who passed away May 27, 1963. "A silent thought; A secret tear; Keeps their memory ever dear Time takes away the edge ot GRIX, Thomas William - In loving memory of a dear fa- ther and grandfather, who passed away May 30, 1962. We little knew when we woke RIVERSIDE CEMETERY Lawrence Ave.atoral York Id. Hwy. 27 & Albion Rd BB. 8-4310; I"; BR. 8-5374 Glenna]. Moll"!!! Gardens grief But memory turns back every leaf." - Lovingly remembered by daughter Janet, son-in- law Ted and grandchildren Jean, Jane and Judy. that morn The sorrow the day would bring; For the call was sudden, the shock severe, To part with one we loved so dear. - Lovingly remembered by son John and family. " - CEMETERY LOTS " - IN MEMOBlAM m. CH. I-0861 ms: (Boamsmamorse0haa, COULTIR - The funny ttf the late r. John Conduct full to thank their many "have. friends and neighbors tar (be expressions or sympathy and beautiful new tributes; an the Firemen, Dr.‘ Flirchild. The National Silicate: Ltd., Rev. Fox tor his comma word: Ind the nidloy Maul Home, Mr. Frank Nil] Ind staff. Jenn Coulter, May, Art and grandchildren Glenn. Lin. da and Colleen. CLARK - The family of the Ute Mrs. Rosin: Clark. Mimi- co, extend their deep appreci- ation for the kindness and sympathy of neighbors and friends. We are particularly grateful to the Rev. H. G, Blake and Dr. Gordon J. Fer. rier. McDERMOTrr - The family and Mrs. McDermott would like to express their thanks to all ot the neighbors and Church Year tor their kindness dur- mg their recent bereavement. Specnal thanks to Mrs. Gray for her kindness to Marty - Thelma Venning. MORAN, Gilbert - Words can- not express our heartfelt thanks to the J. Lyons (Ten) Co., and all us employees, friends and neighbours and the Rev. M. E. Burch for the many expressions of sympathy" and acts of kindness, and beautiful floral tributes in our recent bereavement. - Mrs. Ann Moran, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Riley. McNEIL - We wish to express our appreciation for the many acts of kindness and expres~ sions of sympathy extended by our relatives and friends dur- ing our recent bereavement. Special thanks to Rev. D. Fox and the Ridley Funeral Home. Mrs. Myra McNeil and the Tait Family. MIMICO Presbyterian Church, Calvin Circle, Home Baking. Afternoon Tea and Sale of Work; Thurs, June 4, 2 pm. RUMMAGE Sale, Saturday, May 30, 9:30 to 12 noon, West Point Hall, 134 Sixth Street, Queen Victoria Lodge. HOOEY - The family of the late Mrs. Mary Hooey wish to ex- press their heartfelt thanks and appreciation to relatives, friends and neighbours for their acts of kindness, messages of sympathy and beautiful floral tributes received during the illness and loss of I be- loved wife, mother and grand- mother. Special thanks to the Rev. G. Corscadden and the Ridley Funeral Home, any lay II. 1601. me V This vol-u In, that tn- Hutton-r. ' Andtrurtdstromdartodar, Butmnlhlumoouva - y " $atvirtgt tgtiaaqd by 'I . BWthT--hthetttqti- qunriwwhmc. u -- CAâ€! OP TRAN†65 - COMING EVENTS " TORONTO STIIIT. TOIOITO . - I am a an ot (auto-n and attend high school. My problem " money. My want: only give mo I very small alla In“. Io that I cannot have 'all' other girls have or do tho than they do. I would hke no can man by baby-sitting, but my mt! think I am too yew to do this. and have Ind I mutt wait until I am sixteen betore I an go and earn money thu way. What an I do about this? Dtar Sally Scot: Cub Leaders hmored By Associates On this occasion Mr. and Mrs. W. A Jolly and Mrs. Norma Thinel were the recipients of a presentation, made in recogni- tion of their long service records in the Scouting community. They have served successfully for a period of 28 years. Dear Penny Ma ‘phy a good (In. of tennis? " An awlul lot ot people have Bo, you will seldom lick [of money problem, my dear, " Matthieu. What about. mun- can mun you that you hvelmilll? Kag your school a the Iota ot company'. cluh. or the church e junior " your parents feet that they-choir that you an Join, and cannot let you have no" money, what thou! hiking, picnics and you must aeeetrt that, since auytutitmtst Mu? All of these your attempts to demonstrateitivitiea 'trovid. social contacts that your needs are Mum-M a lot cl fun " I minimum have failed. lf your parents feet cost. that you In too yam to â€um: Try to accept the present n- Mrs. Donald Shields and Mn.‘ Donald Fleet presented the gifts) on behalf of the present pack‘ and the parents. Letters of ap-) predation were also received {I from the boys who have trradu-) ated from the earlier groups. 1 Presiding at the tea table and assisting were: Mrs. J. F. S. Walmsley, Mrs. William Stock- weil, Mrs. E. Yeo, Mrs. Rae Tay- lor and Mrs. Donald Hughes. Friends and associate workers of the 163rdt Cub Pack, The Kingsway, gathered at the home of Mr, William Comme, chair- man of the group committee, to honor the retiring leaders. PRIMROSE Chapter O.E.S. hold- ing euchre and bridge, Mimics Beach House, 8 pm, Monday. June Ist. Refreshments and lovely prizes. KNIGHTS of Columbus Bingo will be held in St. Leo's Par- ish Centre this Saturday night, 8 pan. sharp. (Regular early bird and special games) May 30th - Jackpot $375. Face Up To Challenge Have Friends and Fun At Minimum Cost Sally Scot! Says ' 65 - COMING EVENTS Penny M 'r'"."" "' "y w '."'rfe.e Fire drill in the ban. W their ttrohiems, “a I m smisave me life of some member 01 they will] be more ready to help the family. Even in . W- W“ with WMu'B. 1n case of heavy smoke and dut- Silly Scott. fness, a child or an adult rat! bo. _ . . come panic-stricken and be un- Dear Sally Scott: able to escape to safety. A - I have I problem that is wor- routine, with everyonc btowhtg rying me a lot. Some months exactly how to get out d “I l'!P' an acquamtance asked melhouse and if there is time, W- 1for the loan of some money trrturrrung his partieuUr - "er, (help her meet an emergency. Ivvin help to prevent the tragic FG worry for her, and lent thejhappemng where mean. in money, although it caused melfouud close to I door or window, some personal inconvenience. I)but found too late. The will 'understood that the loan wouldlshould be regular predict pc- be repaid in I very short ummnormed in darknes is well u in [but since then the lady hasllight. THE ADVERTISER - M, May a. a“: ther dittietgtt situation more " I challenge than as something to complain thou! or to build up resentment against your par. cnls. Show them that you are willing to try to understand their problems, Ind I In sure they wlll be more ready to help you with yours. may by baby-duh; that. no, your-cu. but ot my will eertaintr in you (to. mill Activiti- Inch us Visit; to the ud: hunk. an, Me., a you will In" to concenlnu on than. activluu that can In: all] utter than my. I. not“. (or insane] do you play a good (In. of tennis? rri so, you will "Mom luck [or 5-6 ROOM HOMES, FULTY SELF-CONTAINED MINER o! KARI.“ [DIAND IICIVIIW IDI I“. 121%. n mar-w. In" All Dry-r Ira-uncov- - (onion " W Inna Plumb! Inn- unnu- 3." _ All Oren ylth Alum-I: (Incl “I Rents from $134 CHILDREN WELCOME mac-whim“.- talc! you huh“ m-gwoahml exculkbru" any-ddh“ weanling..."- you pun-out. _ It would - N I. - Darn-uh; for both d - . younntlhhdyawlh- minder " hisâ€. In - Ir pub: to In: on you - ate her dink-m“, but U u have your on m b meet, and that you - - the loan up“ at tho - poulhlc moment. I W. M luck in collecting tu, le. Fire Alarm Rollin Good Practice For Family Sam! (Any problems, (only? fat. them to Sully Ecol do a: paper. and line will help in with advice.) includes parking _ run. an,- In". nun. "tt Adlai" In]... Sally M ',rh,