“IMO - A (Ilium. bargain Attractive 6 room solid buck I storey home wnh attached gauge and 2 paved drives. All large bright rooms. tastefully decorured, spacious living and dining rooms with fireplace, Completely finished basement, extra bathroom, Many other extras too numerous to men- 'ton. Immediate possession. (all Al Havrot. CLASSIFIEDS 3 319.“. - t room solid brick l bedroom home on large lot with paved drive and double sauna Hot water beating. storms and screens, open tire- plam and on. open mortgage mu. remnable down puy~ men! To inspect cutl: George SSOO down, 6 room modern rug brlck m choice suburban loca- Lon, backing onto wooded for- est. No salary qualification here. Reduced to $14,900. Must be seen. Call: Mr. McKay, WHY PAY RENT.' $2.000 down. $90 a month in Queensway area. Lovely brick bungalow with double garage and private driveway, Beauti- ml landsclped lot with trees. All large rooms, 2 bathrooms. Mean iii a pin. Close to shop- pmg. schools and I" conven- v-mw Call Joe Fabian. MIMICO INCOME “5,500. Modern 6 room 2 ,ttrtr, l brsck home. Private drive um garage. Two modern kit- [ wens.2 baths, enclosed sun irprch. Just steps to shopping .md street cars. Shown by ap- wmtmean only. Call: Mr. I‘thh. APPLEWOOD HEIGHTS "o NBA £900 down. See this beautiful Mme to-day. Large living and 4mm; rooms. 4 bedrooms, pro- :cssmnully finished recreation wum‘ paved drive, fenced lot. “any mums. For more infor- i' Minn call, Joe Flaiferty. ALBERWOOD SACRIFICE “3.500 ""ee Six room farm] K4500 down. Attractive clean A room brick bungalow with mwale paved drive and gar- age on lovely landscaped lot. l‘lu'ee large bedrooms. finish- ml basement. tastefully decor- alod. Exceptional value. Call: Alt Dykstra $1.000. down, spotless 5 room bungalow with attached gar- lge full basement, new foxt- ed air furnace, Imely land- scaped lot, easy repayment. See {hm to-day. Ask for Joe Kay 2.31414], $990. down. huge 4 bedroom Inhd brick home. wuie driver and Carare. g bathrooms. one block lo ,-opnrate and public vw001< ann m to-morrow. Call Ne son Palmer 25l-1MI. ".000 down," 7 large rooms, 2 bathrooms, garage. near Lakeshore, immediate pone:- sion, an fast, Sm to-day with Hal Brothers. 251-1141. 811.900, lolld brick bungalow nth carport and patio, bun- Htu landscaped lot, mnny rum, terrific {canon car- run was than rent. low down pawnent to responsible por- qm To ln-poe! can Jack - den 151-1141. 1.355 Properties for $23,290,450 in April 3Gr? INCREASE Over April 1963 â€.900. do tor ll I“. IIUIPlE "tti" suns! VUNSL’LT A MEMBER OF 3289 LAKE SHORE BLVD. W. 2594 I47 uncanny a Dl'NDAB wasr Sly-ens - rat, fall SUIT" LONG " tNCH Egg 3.500 __ Six room family we. private paved drive and rage. large living room with en fireplace, separate dining om., treed lot, only SL500 Mn. For details ask for: Jack REID t HOWELL ... REALTORS MOUTH N F. W THE TORONTO REAL PRIVATE --. , bedroom. garage, l - I!†“TAT. Loll DIXIE PLAZA AREA NRA. SPLIT LEVEL ALIH'TRWUUID SOUTH WAY DOWN DIXIE 6% NBA Resale KI. down 8 moms on 2 T. 2 knchens. 2 baths. oil [ ball hasvmem. solid look- mudinz. first time offered ole Best buy coming up. appt, call Joe Otter. S ESTATE BOARD BROWN'S LINE NEtt TORONTO Nelson Palmer Iliiltor 106 Brown's Line - 251-ll4l 8 roan TORONTO WEST SUIUIBS - 4 BDIMS an... A very spacious 7 room brick I your old. In ox- uellenl condition Hollywood kitchen with large breakfast nook, Hung dining combina- tion and 4 good bedrooms, 2 baths. private drive. $1,220 MKEVIIW $500 down for quick sale and immediate possession, Two bedroom bungalow, priced at 89,500. One mortgage tor the balance. Carrying has than rent. Call John Mann-ll. BLOOI W. CLOVEBDALE MALL $3.0M down--Priee drastically reduced for immediate sale. Beautiful 6 room solid brick bungalow with attached gu- age. Only 3 years old, in im- maculate condition through. out. N.H.A. 6% mortgage. Ideal location, close to plaza, schools and T.T.C. Ask for: Mr. A. Howell. baths. private drive. $1.220 down to one 25 year N.H A. rummage Carries ' than rent. Hurry for mu lpeclal value. Ask for Ned Rogers, $1.000 down. Solid brick 3 bedroom home. Spotless con- dition. Finished recreation r00 plus many extras. To ar- ran? for inspection call and ask or: F. Brown. MENsWAY - 4 mums. Spotless solid brick 2 storey home. Attached garage. 23' recreation room, 2 bathrooms. Richly landscaped 50' lot. Hot water, oil heating Steps to T,T.C.. schools. Call: Bill Owen to-day. "trrcREtuttrE MINEOLA GARDENS Located in the midst of beau- titul Mmeola Gardens, in Port Credit ViHaee Only $2,000 down with balance carrying for less than rent. Modem macmus 6 rooms. Attractively tiocore Beautiful 3 e tt i n g, many shrubs and trees, attach- ed garage. 2 bathrooms and many more interesting fea- mrcs. Call and ask Mr: Franco Sbrocchi. $2.500 down. Lovely 6 room square plan 2 storey home. Beautiful large kitchen with breakfast area and stained cupboards. Fully decorated with stained trim. Top quality throughout. Be sure and see this wonderful value. Call P. D'Atri. Recreation Room SL000 down, Solid brick six rooms Modern prirfessionally hnished basement, patio, low mamhly puyments, Bargain, Call: Tum Foy, thro. 1% stony. , large bed- ronma, 50 ft. lot, heating (on $91.00 yearly, terrifle who. will have a sold sign on this “oak-end. Call John MacDon- aid 151-1161. $15.50.. 6 room solid brick ranch bungalow with 3 room basement apartment, beauti- ful trondition, h an! lot with patio and barbecue. Call Nel- son Palmer 2514111. $1,500. down, spotless mum bungalow, ultra SUMMER COTTAGE i Available for l SL000 down, Kewlck, nearly t IMMEDIATE POSSSESSION now 3 bedroom summer home, I or Possisitm to Suit rmhplt‘toh' turrtislmd, large 1 4 agngoomg -- , BATH! bu, (tom to the Beach, one KHA - 80L") BRICK rm mortaage (all Jack , For Only Mnrsden 251-11“, , et A ‘7: SOUTH NEW TORONTO $800, down payment, 51x room. semi detached. 2 storey, ex- ronem for ineome, the rm mill curry this dwelling, them never was I better buy. Call John MacDondd 26i-ti41. mum bungalow, ultra modern kitchen, drive and garage, fenced yard, owner moving to I‘SA. Price is flexible, See Hus to-day. Ask for Joe Kay 251-114], rnnmt m basement, large lot, prvnte drive, [My Buv of the your Call now and uh for le MqqOmtqM â€but ALDEIWOOI) SIM) 4 room bungalow. 2 ALDERWOOD BRAND NEW south 8th Street, 274-3954, ALDERWOOD SPECIAL NEW TORONTO SOUTH I - CIA]. - BRUCE CON KLIN BROKER CL. 5-9690 PORT CREDIT AREA REAL SACRIFICE ALDERWOOD down: moo sq. ft, rancher, aolid brick; 3 you: old; bunn- low; kitchen has built-In oven and stove; buntiIully finished we mom " x " with open tirttplamr. 2 attached garages and 100 x l20 lot; Mr Clint. 259-84455. REPOSSESSED IDES! Ovulookhu [an Ontario $26.90.. asking "O,90th; $2,000 MIMK‘O - s BEDROOMS 82.50.. Down - 806. Monthly 8 room 2 storey solid brick de- tached harms; plenty of cup- boards; ' washrooms; new tur- mace; 100 mp. service; In†lot; private drive, double gar- age; steps to Ttc., shopping and schools; Mr. Andalom. APPLEWOOD HEIGHTS 6% NJIA. Mtge - $80. Mthly 81.00.. down; 8 room solid buck home; large modern kit- chen; comb. living dining room; wall to wall broadloom; 3 large bedrooms; manv ex- tras; storms. screens, doors; fenced lot; Mr. Sprout. 2MV 8445, POPULAR ERINGATE Ranch Bungalow, Att. Garage Orsilers excellent 3 bedroom ranch bungalow on well land- seaped lot, 18 ft. living and dining room; large kitchen with ample cupboards; paved drive, complete aluminums; steps to T.T.C. and shops; own- er moving west; sacrifice at $17,900; tor appointment call Mrs. Cronmlller, 259-8445. ALDERWOOD BUNGALOW Private Paved Drive _ Garage $16,500. asking; solid brick home; modern kitchen, good eating area: living dining room comb.: family sized bed- rooms; new furnace, oil heat; close to KC. and public schools, T.T.C., plaza; Mr. Sprnat, 259-8445. ' [TOBICOKE CHARMER ' Bedrooms Plus Den 83.500. down this lovely home is spamous; living-dining room combination; master bedroom has 2 pc. washroom ensuite: Third bedroom has adjoining den or 4th bedroom: attached garage; big patio: lovely treed lot: one block to bus; Mr. Johns, 259-8445. 259-8445, MIMICO $14,500 full price for this 2- storey solid brick home fea- turine 2 kitchens, heavy wir- ing. Private paved drive. Pin- ished rec. room. Only 8 years old. Don't miss this one For information call Gino Piottu CL. 5-2367. PRINCE EDWARD, DUNDAS $5000 down, 6 room Ili, stomy mummy home on a large tread Int Private drive. garage. Targe living room with open fireplace Gumwood panelled dinmg room. Hot water heat- Ing, Call Mr, Palmer 255-2367. JANE-WESTON RD. ESTATE SALE JUST WEST OF DIXIE i' I'mvmsrn' com!" 15 minutes from Metro. Hugh- way 27 - Nobleton (on main suie rd.) SL000 down, brick 2-storey home. on quiet street, home newly decorated. nice garden. immediate PoMesstort. Mr. Rotirtson, CL, 5-2367 or CL. 1-8351, In Humtterview, $16330 up. Only $1,704 down to 1 NMA. mortgage. Go north on Kipling Ave pm Albion Rd. turn Inf! It the Collegiate Ind follow the up“. $14,475 Down Payment AI Low u $795 Curios Less Than Rent um I ernnted By PICTURESQUE LOTS " ACRES 2 ONLY - A Lolaurely " Minutn to City Hall TDaBUTLT LTD. "Bur Direct And "eett" Cull Build" 278-7235 WHY HOMES LTD. 'ueriftee, GEO/mtg: 1teft'r'1tff.", -.,_1.i:_'...l..e.e..8fPt, Fri 1-.:.dt..t.te.ef.f,..tC, 1_-'c:.uee.ue.eP-uPff. mam. 'Mo “Itâ€: [mum 241-3131 """"; V6141“ 86.500. "l LTD. til-9333 MANN and MARTEL largest Photo M15. Realtor 2973 LAKE SHORE BLVD. W. 2 5 9 - 8 4 4 5 p "I? DIANI an " F manho- - Opo- I’tn'luo Str , _ Excellent , bodroom clay ern ' f brick bungalow: offered for bus . ' discriminating buyer; to tt. dm I , living room with adjoining sto 1 dining "L", walkout to patio. 259 I l oversize kitchen with built- , 1 Lu; good sin bathroom with ' ( vanity wUl; aluminum storms. a :creem: paved drive; attuned P) , IIIIEI; sacrificed at 319,900. Let - , full; Mm. Crunmiller 250-8445. 1 l?" LONG BRANCH $1M. Month-" Mom-(I Only $100. down, cosy 5 room hun- xulow; living room, full dining room; 2 bathrooms; large glaued in Iunroom; lot 25 x I215; close' to school; only 2 blocks to Streetcar and shops; Mr. Johns, 259-8645. ETOBICOKE-INCOME ttPEC. Duplex - With Haul-out Apt. 810,000. down: balance one open mortgage; l3 lovely moms; family sized kitchens; 3 bedrooms on each floor: hot water heating with oil; large lot, private drive. double gar- age' steps to shopping, schools and traurportation; Mr. Andal- urn, 259-8445. QI'EENSWAY -- ISLINGTON 4 bedrooms: finished rec. mum; pnvate drive, garage; dorms and screens; 2 wash- muxm; immediate possession; close to Ttc.. schools, church and shopping; Mr. Giannini, 259-8445. NORSEMAN’ HEIGHTS 2 Open Fir.trtaees-s%% Mtge. $18,900. asking; spacious L- shaped living dining room with open fireplace; twinsiae bedrooms; panelled recreation room With stone fireplace newly decorated thru-out; ex- tras Included aluminum awn- ings: broadloom in halls: at- tached garage. paved drive; immaculate home; Mrs. Noak- es, 259-8445. ETOBICOK! JEWEL Pan. Ree. Rum-Open Fireplace M,500. down, charming 6 room brick bungalow: attached gar- age; broadloomed living room and dining room; spotless kit- chen, 3 good sized bedrooms, nicely landscaped; near all ser- vices; prestige location. Con- sult Stan Mtrrawski, 259-8445. 3 bedroom brick bungalow. 52,500 down to t open mort- gage. Close to schools and transportation. Very nice fenced in hack yard. Private drive. attached garage Kit- chen is extra large. Decorated very nicely. Owner transfer- red. Call Mr. Piotti, CL. 5-2367. NEW TORONTO LAKE SHORE BLVD. 51,000 down: well kept 5-room bungalow. L-shaped living- dining room, modern kitchen, 2 bedrooms. oversized garage. Immediate possession. South of Lakeshore. Mr. Robertson. CL. 542367. Lakeshore West - Lakeview 6% Mortgage 6-mom solid brick bungalow 4 years old. Spotless condi- tton. On large treed lot. Oxl heating, aluminum s t o r m s and screens, Private drive. Carries $93 monthly includ- mg taxes, Owner movmg north. Asking $16,500 full price. Call Mr. Palmer, 255- 2367. North Kingsway, Old English, stone. T-room, centre hall. Asking $27.900. BE. 1-0619, REBECCA GARDENS 3 & 4 Bdrm, Detach-d harm-I w 2 var ur- age, fin. rse. room. 60 ft. Ion. Directions-go West on Queen Elizabeth to Kerr M. cutoff (m Oakvllle), Go south on Kerr to Rebecca, turn won on Re. bocca. put Hopodale Shopping Centre to Mbeccl Gal-dons. or call: “5-7565 or "T-MM. J. M. Hop-on RI. Ne “all III-re! I"... to 810,750 fully de. tached brick. Come dine! on Q1. to South East corner of Sth Lino & Scum Servico mt or cull Lon Marlin-ll RU. T. Most desirable location oppo- Executive h o m e a; $16,700 to 523.000, 2. 3, 4 & 5 bedrooms. ut- York Uruverstty in Keel. "" Mun-u Wan I. K ROOM brick bungalow, oil heated. broadloom, finished basement. . Available immedi- ately. Munden Park. For up- pointment, 277-4261. Fhneh area. Call 636-9641 NEW HOME GUIDE ... ALDERW0oo REGAL PA " PRIVATE I Nl%f SALE REALTOR 3399 Lake Shore Blvd, W 2519639 Ovrriookln; lake Ontario “.000. down; good brick house with three bedrooms; private paved drive with attached gar- age; 35 ft. x 30 ft. rec. room with bar; well kept home; lov- any kitchen: extra large living room; decoratively landscaped with trees and roux. Mr. Aaslepp, 259-8445. 3', ACIII (TIA-DIN LAND Stream on property ph- mod. em 3 bedroom men brick bungalow; 3 yearn old. SL500. down. $16,900., ll u In i n n m storms, screen; Mr. Glivu, 259-8445 Choice Location 52500. down; smart 6 room a bedroom brick bungalow; zu- age; 20 ft. hollywood kitchen; spacious living room, panelled rec. room with bar; huge den; deep treed lot; near school, bus: shopping; Stan Monwski, 259-8445. LONG BBANCII sum ETOBICOKI SPECIALS All 6 room solid brick bungl- lows; with or without gauges: at last you can choose trom 3 deluxe homes in an area where 1 block separates you from schools; plaza, buses and churches; prices range from $17,500. to 521,900. call now Mr, P. Sewell, 259-8445. 5':% Mung-gs 52,500. down; modern 3 bed. room. bungalow: all double closets: large living room; basement partly finished; at- tached garage; paved drive- way: mce backyard. Mrs. Mueha, 259-8445. WEST MALL - HWY 21 5' J70 Mtge - Pay um. Mthly “6.500. - 3 bedroom brick house. hung room: dining room: bright kitchen: 2-4 pc. wasnmoms; very nice land- scaped garden: private paved drive: Mrs. Mucha, 259-8445. NEW TORONTO $800. Down - $90. Per Month 2 storey house, 4 bedrooms, large "vine room, dining room, good sized kitchen, pantry and ample cupboards. close to schools, transportation and recreation famlities. Mrs. L. M. Shepherd. 259-8445. BLOOR-DUNDAS 6 room brick bungalow. Choice location, finished basement with bar. Many extras. Private drive. $2,500 dowrt.-259-9639. WEST ALDIBWOOD $17,900 - 6 room bungalow, finished rec. room. Electric heat With air-conditioning __ Beautiful ravine lot, lf mun» Idéal wr large family. Wa.kot hammem, 011 neat. annu» drwe. Asiktng $16,900. I 259-9639 1 l ii. PORRII I _ 31,500 down. I marque for NH iline and TIC. Lovely ' " ahon um. Irma. am. Modern; room and: Wow. who†solid brick bung-low. Attached} um at! dining room. Ratm 't.tttr0 DOWN gauge. Immaculate through- lug. than! pin. kitde cup- t. Fenced and landscaped. boards with nook. mm: For these new homes Open on l tor hm,†"m week-end. " mmenunem to Yee/ not. mom. hunky m an M. Priming. he)“. " Pam Puma drlvt = 12 PRINCESS ST. “Jain. - -e_-__-----_-_-_-_ - atom and serum. " BURLINGTON ST. l-e ROOM brick humour. queen 2 moe Mr“ CL 11Tf 28 HARROW ST, Elizabeth Garcia“. CR '"9oerrrwt St . itTitGiG. m or all hunter In twin-tum 1_f Pftlltec_, _ - A- â€I.†“If batman. t% r0tb-MNT'iet,Srtorerttoue, tathAmmitrrq-sqrtthttr- 285-1424 ‘omuam lmqmm-m MIMICO $3.000. down. 3 bedroom bun- galow. Private drive. Oil heat. Close in everything. 259-9639. SOUTH LONG BRANCH 3300. down. Handy mans op- portunity. 5 room bungalow overtookmg lake. Choice loca- uon. 259-96Mk Low down payment. NRA mortgage, Lovely ranch style bungalow, storms and screen- included carport. Very close to schnols and transportation. Extra Urge kitchen ma lots of cupboards. Full ban-mom Mail for no. room. Now vacant. No qualifications nuedod. 81m. front, exhaust fan kitchen. Will ampt var as part down payment or boat or what have you? Call Mr. Cameron, 677- , room buck split home. Alum- inum storms, steps to T/r.C. and schools. Owner wants quick sale. 2162, 6'io N.H.A. Mortgage Carries $72 month JANE-SHEPPARD ALDEIWOOD ALDERWOOD NORM BLACK REALTY LTD. ALDERWUOD RO, 9-1153 $13,500 M. Drillick & Co., Realtor $1.700 DOWN - IF YOU QUALIFY 6i% NHA Mortgages FEATURES: . ALL homes custom butit . Electrically hand . Fully detached . Attached garages 0 2 wuhnoom- . Treed lots OPlus numtrous extras ! Trade Your Present Home , Investigate before you invest'. Inspect on ull electrically heated homes. Live modern and buy with the future In mind Speculators Opportunity' Umemntble one" Considered.' $t'e,M0-Mimiers. Must be sold immediately to complete other purchase. 6 rooms detached 2 storey home. Private drive. Needs titrcorating. BRUCE CONKLIN BROKER CL. 5-9690 DIRECTIONS . . . WEST ON QUEEN ELIZABETH WAY TO 5TH LINE; SOUTH ON STH LINE TO OUR MODEL HOMES DISPLAY. ARCADIAN CIRCLE LONG BLANCH 518.500. Solid brick home on 2 levels. Open fireplace in liv- ing room and rec. room. Living and dining rooms broadloom- ed. Beautiful treed lot 45 x 175. Attached garage. For fur- ther information call Fred Walsh, 239-8438. A. J. Feta, $600 down - No gimmicks. Soud 6 room home. Good ta. cilities for 4 bedrooms. New furnace. Perfect home for large family. Carries $70 month including taxes. $10,800. with one open mort- gage at $85. per month, 5 room bungalow with 2 mum in basement. Private drive and garage. Excellent value After Hours 62l -1088 " JELLICOI $1.000 Down to one mortgage at $85. per month. Completely renovated inside and out, with huge living room. kitchen and nice bedrooms. Immaculate. 52000. down on this large 6 room two storey home, attach- ed garage. extra large lot, close to everything, balance at $9156 monthly. Lakeshom Rd. in Mimico. large nix room mum plan with attached garage. Bare- ment with private entrance let up for Doctor’s suite. TWO FAMILY HOME 31800. down, two full kitchens. two full bathrooms, panelled recreation room, one block to streetcars at Royal York & Lakeshore Rd, Full price $12.- ".0... down. solid brick ' mm hunxalow. Full base- ment. on haunt. Lune lot private drive. Clo. to all Ber- vices. Excellent firurteintt. Call Mrs. Can 889-843& A. J. Fem, Call 769-6622 or Visit Arthur lamarino VILLAGE ( "El.etrieally Heated" _ columnar (i W. R. Clarence Corner a! QI‘EENSWAY I ROYAL YORK RD. ONE OPEN MORTGAGE DOCTOR'S OFFICE & RESIDENCE WHITE OAKS PAT McGRATH BALANCE 1 OPEN MORTGAGE 57 WARREN CK Ml)hl(1) REAL ESTATE MR. Dll‘Klli 35137179 FULL PIICI $17,990 Niih Realtor CL 9-9262 CL 9-9262 REALTOR MIMICO _ A real pleasant 3 room home 1 _ block from Brown's Line feat- ( urmg 4 bedroom: and den or l five bedrooms, 2 tiled wash- _ room. 2 finished rte-moms Tn ( the basement with a bu. Large l larviseaped lot mm fruit and i shade trees. double paved drive and garage, Close to "rparate and public schools. bow down payment and l . troy-(gage . ' EN. T. Williamson ' rooms. ftguihqd roe. mom, (any! pub fL guns --- Yum Torortttr-Private; 8 menu, 2 bathroom house, nun. CL PRXVATI um My M gain. Clo-e to schools. shop- ping and TIC. Lovely I bed. mm ranch Wow, bah-p um ml dining room. hm hm mu pin. kitehfrt cup- REAL ESTATE CL. 9-9681 3140 Lake Shore Blvd W. Inna" - Mann'- otaEkswAfuiitkon/ Private Yommhmm hon-blonhhlwm roundir-.mquimshootttttr waym‘ch‘m- mu our. Get "etitrulags trom Mr. Ford. W14 DUNN DOUBT IILING'I'ON VILLAGE 4 bedroom nu splits. 2-star- eyc, 2-cu “up, fireplace; $21,400 . 23.900. Go 1 block west on Burtttuunthorpe from Kipling Ave, to Kath signs, or call Mr. Gittm, 239-3581. CLOVIRDALZ MALL 313,900. - Solid brick 6-room bungalow, attached garage, plm breeuway. Luge hung- dining room and kitchen, tin- lshod recreation room. Slept from separate, public and high schools. Call Mrs. Seminal - 239-3581. 82.5.0. down. Carries like rant 4 bedrooms. lots of closets. Fenced backyard. Paved drive, close to schools, transporta. tion, Kay Terry "9-858t. DFINHAMTHORPE CGTE. $21.50.. Two car garage, Col, ony ranch bungalow, 5 bed. room, muster bedroom emuxtm complete chow: of humor decorating. Close to every- thing. Mr. Nanchoff 239-358t. . BEDRooMtr--8t.8" DOWN Rathbum-Hwy. 27 __ Brick NWA. resale - back-split semi-detached _. featuring large modern kitchen, family living and dining room, 2 col.. oured tile washrooms with vanities - large mute:- bed- room with walk-m clone! - lots of closets throughout, steps to " arate and publxc schools, ii! Jane & Bloor transporutitsn. Mrs. Jouph 239-358]. "" DOWN. WEST SUIL'IBAN SHAW. asking. immaculate, a bedroom spacious solid bnck bungalow. with cxtn large Hollywood kitchen. N HA mortgage carries in: than rent. Close to schools and plaza, To inspect call Mr. Ford: 239-3581. FAMILY BUSINESS For $1.00. Down Progressive tnmily business in Malton on busy corner loca- tion. Freezer. counters, cash registers, chopping blocks, etc. This is a once in I lifetime op- portunity. Mr, Jerry, 239-3581. “TRULY 8 " HWY. 8900. down, solid brick ' ram bungalow with classed in Sun Room. Hot water oil heat. Pull basement. Home has been completely decorated. Steps from Lake Shore Blvd. Excel- lent financing. Call Fred Walsh. A. J. Fern, R. E. 6 Month old solid rug brick bungalow on large treed lot 1:lose to schools, shopping, m. commuter. Very well up- pointed home with 3 bright bedrooms Illness (one: sale. Low dowaparmene um DOWN SPECIAL Completely renovated 6 room home on quiet street. Close to schools. shopping ete Beami- fully done in new plaster, dec- orating. hardwood and tile floors, Very Inga kitchen. Fireplace. 60 ft. lot, This is a honey and carries for only $90 per month. Move in this Vieek, Trade your old home for new 3.bedroam bungalow, attached garage, N.H.A. mortgage, Hol- lywood kitchen. modern 5 piece bath, close to every- thing. Curries like rent. Imme- dine pone-non. Call Mr. P.. nich: 239-3681. New Toronto South PORT CREDIT BEAUTY '--MALat.ra" I DUTCH CLEAN: 8 ROOMS W,'SiEett'ji5fJC'EFiai'. Pd .. f 3?“. lingo. htiiiftkt i an. HOMS-umlbyhggmty thw new“ load-II. I storeys, Nude-A l m I 'as bedrooms plied tron um, North on the West run but Rubburn ML. or all “an: 299 Lakeshore Rood Eel! Port Credit Behuuful lot 75' x 411' . Lake St, John east of Crimi- " 500. Vers punts. executive mun, Can Don Black: Ito. 2-6400 C‘.% SKA. Morrow 535,100. Rama type bungalow, centre wait plan, reception area Witn bum-m planter, " exzrn large roomg broudlomn throughout, master bedroom bath ensLute, full size dining and {wing rooms, two ops fireplaces, large professional- iy fmished recreation M many extru. hush! Hm breakfast urn. complomly in conditioned, two car an“. patio. Immaculate, One mort- gage back. Easy terms. E. Wil- son 239-3581. BURNIIAMTIOIPI b IDLING bunubw, attached m fiaisitrd would»: than. ' bathroom. broadloon in I»: mg-room, dtning-room d ' hull, attractive and†Mt only 8160. to heat, Prim: Margaret and Msrtingromii area. Bruce Richardmm tur, 3Nil - nuuzxnoui 30* 818.900... humid C - mung room, mm; modern kit. chen, stainless steel doubk smks, exhaust fan with hood - mme ngm In Without adding any extra money -- only $19.- 800 Cali Mrs, Sheldon 239- 3581 NESTLE!) IN TEEE m ROYAL YORK ROAD 523.900 -- 7-mom solid brie! split Jen) bungalow, 2-ear garage, 4 bedrooms. , but!» rooms, family room with cut- stone tiropleee, Ilumimln I†ing doon to patio ares, Neiib ties tor recreation room. 1&- ily size kitchen, with“! living and dining room, doo- orated to your choice of do“ Mr. Giffin. 23945581. ROYAL you In. K. Beautiful, completely finish" 3 bedroom Bungalow. Lam $21.90.. On a quiet crescent, O room-Jet! Iplit. artistically designed, 2 baths parquet flooring, hollywood style. Kit- chen with walnut cupbou'dg panelled ree room with built in bur and sink, storms, land- scaped, garage, complet- buo- ment, only $3,900. down. Mt. Rico 239-3581 or RO. 1m $795. down. Luge hula. decorated, loads of extra. all! Mr. Jepsen CR. 84371 ttr m. 0-1362. 820. now, and $395. when m move m. almost new 4 bed- room 2 bathroom split 1“ home, loads of extras, In}: I) In conveniences, call Mr. Fu- ter CR 8-3371 or RO. 6-IML APPLKWOOD mum $3000. down, vendor trend.» red: exceptionally nice bl.- ulow. walk m living m finished rec. room. Inna. lovely lot. will trade, all Mt Funnoll CR. 8-3371. an†HILL mo: - POI! cunn- Solid bnck 6 room Wow, excellent condition. any 0 years old, Inge lot with hi trees. low downpe.vment, call Mr Jollv CR. 8437!. "OBICOKI not“! my MaDED H. Ketth Limited human oe- tice, an “munch. an up heard of [you h tmM-ttut sales. and may not. homo are needed Mr waiting bum For I fast. plenum III. a trade, all 339-1881. , - flotsam Wm Realty Services (I961) Ltd. REAL ESTATE Homes wiurer.i-a-tr.cta" Mr Roberta. G. I. loll-l Real “mam. (mm W md â€mania- gulgpMI.luu. wasnur l nonlcon lllllilli()0ll H. KEITH LIMITED LAKE F30 NTAGI tist Today 4 BEDROOMS. , BATHROOMS