3iitltua/yf,iti,pt,Ilillr,,8,,i exiau,, - a..." m. mm - mu "" WANTED “n“ WESTON DOWNTOWN lSLl NGTON - QU EENSWAY TOP CAUBRE BUUNGUAL SECRETARY excellent up- m. 0 weeks mm m U.& t MA "CRBTARY “penned on 13.51, Executive J: "CRBTARY tor pmniem. huon (c public rel-mm; dunes t" - GIRL FRIDAX Mst ty put, :okkeepm‘ experience J. to trial balance. 1 In] othcm 2e, Ii. STINO tor sales t1siuu9er, upon expcnemc an - advantage. . ai. STING xartel), mm! “an: good shorthand "8FgN0 STENO tor 1 url otftce, shorthand quolauons & Neptune. "" T’XPIST lor engmem mg ueparuuem, be expert on Eiectl AC machine. "0..8S00 DICTA STEAK) experurirceu gran! 12 gunman m CLERK TYPIST progenmg punhnmg mum: .nueaxmv Fm coil Lhtlng on night shift ___ . Must be willing to go on a New Toronto. Ontario steady day shift when requir- Day School - Night School ed. Starting rate 31.35 maxx- OPEN ALL SUMMER. mum 'l.60. Enroll any time! STANDARD COIL 335 Pull dlyl PRODUCTS (Carl) LIMITED 825 Half day: STANDARD COIL PRODUCTS (Con) LIMITED 31 DRUMMOND ST.. NCO CL. 9-765l & customs experience 822. JR. CLERK Typist engmcenug dept sarit .2“ In LAB TECHNICIA.\ experienced tMs-ts" JR. STENO to work With order dept a: sales man “er. Opportunity tor advancement. required for drapery industry Phi-c CL. 1-0541 mm. INTERNAL ORDER CLERK Must excel at ttgure work. an ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CLERK McBee system, mini- mum 2 your: experience Igttngttsrat-qrreettsrra, Area We have an immediate open- ing in our order dept for a young lady. Some typing re- quired. Apply DOMINION PAPER BOX CO. LTD. Required for smnll. congemal office. Typing required, some shorthand preferred. General ttdtitm duties. 233-l236 Experienced In wiring and soldering as used In radio, TN., etc. Day shift: 7.30 am. to 4.00 p.m Rate: $1.27 to $1.52. - " Matt Posttson - WI “hum. typing. cherkut. personnel work m or grade It career pomion. I.“ St. stenogrnpher for 2 execumm, Queenmuy "I. Secretary, Coouville, work for 2 men, “1. Samantha for Lakeshore, some shorthand and C. Wilt, push button phone, electric typewriter. mm: ELITE PERSONNEL . . . ("caption - 1tttertnqdiate 'tertographer, 1nteretmg and varied position with .oeeqlMnt chance for advancement. Queeniwly. m Aeeta. Clerk to do payroll. wme costing. varied dunes ORDER ClERK ; DALE GIRL FRIDAY - Wm Ara-IN female Help Anwmsn - may, May 22. I964 - 'tree " 'r- 60mm Tyers_ Staff Services Hand Sewer 250 ISLINGTON S We in" my 91mm" mar-ran ml mmmn pal-rem! New “all". C 0MPITA NT Standard Coil Products l iii) (Co‘veaiently "tcated " Royal York Road C.- h and mm" with u (an 736 THE QUEENSWAY FEMALE HELP (Canada) Limited MALE LAKESHORE BUSINESS COLLEGE us TIME 31:21:! WAITRESS. experienced. full time CL, 9-0364. Metropolitan Restaurant, 3706 Lake Shore Bud. West. EXPERIENCED clerk typat for 2 months. CL, 9-3M1. A. C WICKMAN LTD. uAsk about Teen-Age Typsng Class __ Reduced Price $25 Entire Summer -- June 22- August 21. Time off for Holi- days) Experienced To be responsible for factory payroll of 100 m Etobicoke ac- counting office. Other respon- sibilities include general office duties. Some typing desirable. - no Clan: I. Anne-nu I New Toronto, Ontario #Oppoeue Goodyear Tire & Rubber) CL. 9-21.] CL. 1-7106 LAKESHOIB BUSINESS COLLEGE us Tenth Street Phone for free catalogue ?a1roll, Clerk CL 9-2311 Sr I Young Women CARLTON 8300 $300 Let us do the leg want: a "aira; trom Duke " an excellent recvnuuendatton. Call us 'mEarding the following: 38. SECRETARY, capable of workmg on her own. Ramble. $125 SECRETARY tor a 'ery buay ulna. shorthand, lypml "£8. S300 $260 Wanted for snack bar and dur mg room, No Sundays. Apply Eastwood Park Hotel MOI Lake Shore Blvd W., LONG BRANCH $240 8254 $280 $260 $35. BILLING CLERK l uwolt‘mg, lypmg. Bramulea. 828. BILLING MACHINE OPERATOR. Smnh Corona “601.3 also account: xerexxable. filing & man. Rexdale 8280 BOOKKEEPER. small ounce. flexible hours. Dundas Huo $280 BoOKKEEPER, Permanent p o s i t in n s to r packaging and Inmshmg de- partment. MIDDLE - AGED w MTDDLE-AGEI) woman mme furnished room. m exchange for babysnttmg weekends CL. 5-4954 RECEPTIONIST, pan-hmc for real estate office, Islmgmn Must have pleasant telephone voice Some typirW. Apply Box I. The Etohicoke Advertiser- Guardian. Box 156, Islington PO. Accts. Payable Clerk Required for large automobile dealership. Preference will be given to those with machine posted accounts receivable ex- perience. We offer an antrac- tive starting salary with merit Increases. We also offer usual employee fringe benefits, paid holidays, vacations, etc. For interview, please phone Mr. Poops " 9-3541 ISLlNGTON CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH LTD. Apply A Wilson Lightmg Ltd 2200 Lake Shore Blvd. W. CL. 1-3311 MISS TYERS Call MRS. HUNTER 124 - 40th St, - LONG BRANCH -- 251-333I SEAWAY RESTAI'R\\‘I' l02 Lakuhoro Rd, East PORT ('REDIT For cod testmg on nughr shuft Must be wullmg to go on a steady 'doy shrft when reqwred. Starting rate $135, moxamum Sl 60 t CLERK TYPIST sale; sununanea, appucanl. xuual o1 Juliand Ave. SECRETARY shunhand a DICla, In dale. SECRETARY runnnennal duties. Co SECRETARY required tor office sun and Brampton. Must have own tram STENOGRAPHER Enqrneerang ex Queertsway, _ J STENOGRAPHERS "sth chla ey cotuesponderwe In A ama‘l gongenm ol ti Pomts Holman arranged STENOGRAPHER, not much ,tsortl 110m & varled dutres Experience an asset also ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE CLERK l at ms SECRETAR Y f DiCTA. titatcsucul ty pm:- and statements Uundas a; Dune. TYPIST tot â€mowing. 'i'raosportation arranged. titasitteid Rd. TYPIST to lake ctrarge of maxim: mum. operute Gertet- ner & Ditto machlne. Must be alert & accurate South of 6 Fauna Holidays arranged. TYPiST for customer service dept self starter, nmumum grade 12. Rexdéle. TYPIST for correspondence. immcmg. other" dunes In. eluding answering phone & flung. 6 Pmms. 5-DAY WEEK Mun be accurate wnh figures Apply and typme LTON CARDS LTD, Standard Cod Products I460 The Quecnsuay (Canoda) Luzvted 37 DRUMMOND ST.. Mnuco ADP!“ IMTC CL 9765! (mu, Dorchester Ax e, WAITRESS Waitress When looking for a new posmon never trust to luck. No Charge to Applicant -- AP P.A C, Member Sundays off Dwmms‘l Standard Coil Products trom l,obla "$22“ l 9-7651 capable of working on her own. Ramble. tor a \ery busy othce. shorthand lypml "M, applu-am ume be ir.tellUent, capable WAN'I'IDSI - r,,,/)11Cr/i1lrrr; MR J. r.. nu KEY 255-131 I (Canada) Lumned l dutiqs. Cooksvme. r oifice situated belueen Milton ' own transportation werm‘ experience I) e l p f u I. d >lalelnehls Dundas & Dime Toronto Public Relations firm requires good accurate typist for Brampton chem Interest- mg work. high salary for ex- perienced girl. Call collect: Canadian Industries Ltd “I"ABRIKOID†DIVISION to'; New Ton-ante Street NEW TORONTO F 255-012] Luck required for mosmnger duties. Junior matriculatlon preterred. Typing qualtfica- tions an asset. Salary range 5212 to $237 per month. G DRUMMOND, 255-13ll We have a vacancy in our sales office for an exper" enced t y p i s t, applicant should have a minimum of 2 years business experience with grade ll educational background. Excellent work- ing conditions and benefits. Call MR J. BENNETT 277-0334. SfN)(illlPhfll Able to look after vomplPto taciory payroll and past labour distrihution, Fringe benefits. i Large manufacturing firm m The Queensway district re- quires Stenographer tor pur- chasm: department. Exper- Ienée preferred but not note.»- ~ar§ Full employer bemeti's Pleasant working conditions. For mleruew call or write Box No. " The Advertiser. 2989 Lake Shore Blvd. W Tor. " FLWIHJ'ANTID ta-r-rr-mi-r-ata'""""'""":-, Senior Payroll lyar.rmp Clerk I,',',:')"",,'), 'i/C:':,,:)'; Jr') Clerk Typist WAlnut 7-1585 Messenger experience to do sales mal sales amt: South Manufacturer Opening In Queensway District Requires CLERK TYPIST hand, sales qualmu uni“ office m Rex TY‘PIST . ,tttt10i" post- wanted. CHRISTINE'S HAIR STYLIST 251-7844 Young woman for Small con genial office. Off the Queens , ACCOUNTS PAYABLE ., . wr . _ _. ‘. F.F ' 350-30. 2 SENAOII STENOS rr....." r-.Fr_ wN._..._r' __. .r....__ _v.__._ wr “5-." SHORTHAND TYPlST ,.tr...FVFP"P_ ..t...' "P"'""'"'"' 'rrr..F _ .m-m WUTIVE SECRETARY F..F' .. a, _rr.. 'VV , .-r_ -. ., __._.._P__ 315-3“ INVOICE CLERK errrt-r? ... t.r___"." _Prrp__ V _.. r-rr.._w...-__._ , , I“ BILINGUAL STENO (.r.'r"" tr_____r_ _._r.. _.. TFV .. -FFrFF_r_e a. 3 s'rEnoGRAPHERS . vN__ , "trt-tr . ___..F___r_ . (r-__t___ “5-810 CLERK TYPIST F _ _rrrwrF_FF-r. . ,r» "rqF r-t_-_-lr'.. U _ '" BOOKKEEPER N CR. cxpenence wrt..qF._.___"'.'r . __. _r_rrtrr 515 CREDIT CLERK W. -__. ,. . ..r. 355-3“ 2 SWI'ICHBOARD TYPISTS VT _ $55-86. BOOKKEEPING MACHINE OPERATOR for Port Hope $55-81. way A large Muskoka Lodge requires Dming Room Hostess, House keeper & ? Recepuonm wnh salary & board We urgently require ail 11.wa of experienced Office Personnel for temporary min-manta Excellent opportunity for ex- perienced girl proficient in typmg and shorthand, This 15 an interesting position int oh- ing a varietr of wcrk includ- ing a number of confidential duties. Benefits include group insur- ance. cafeteria, air-condition- ed offices and company paid pension plan. Apply for lppointmeM to: CLERK TYPIST MANAGER Fruehauf Trailer Co. of Canada Ltd 2450 Stanfield Rd., Cooksville (APPLEWOOD ACRES) Rammed ' light manufac» Lumen. must be fast and de- pendabie. Starting rate 51.15 per hour, ' Wanted for general factory work over 18 and able to work shifts. Modern plant on Lake- shore Rd. Supplement your family m- come In a pleasant dignified way by holding Sarah Con- vertw Jewellery parties, For mformatlon phone. [Sbfsmui' RELATIONS Capable mature dlcla - :ypm requlred for one girl office Ques-nsway area Press Operator CR. 8-5527 ATTENTION LADIES Prue-nu} banking preferred BANK OF MONTREAL [230 The Queenswny or phone t59-9691 REXDALE PLAZA 3240 BLOOR ST. w, 1125 lslmgton Ave N. 2499141 239 8155 O 'rrENOGRAPHEHS many tstth IBM, executive) q DICTA TYPISTS o TYPISTS 0 COMPTOMETER OPERATORS q BOURKEEPERS Alva Needed I Weeks IBM BILLING MACHINE OPERATOR Captmle of uaIml In. trom prvrp hank Secretary- Stenographer 204A ISLINGTON S. BE 3-1163 1415 LAWRENCE W. (at Keele) 241-4479 YOUNG LADY Also Needed I Month NCR HM) HOOKKEEPING MACHINE OPERATOR June to Sept KEY PI'NCH OPERATOR. Alpha or HAIRDRESSER MR. LANGLEY JOIN IAJI EyH'KrtlFi.NCEl) HAIit1yftF',5iSFm Mr, he awn 3I yeah CH 8. "lt “realm! In! gamma 4795 ng [“1le Kxperrerwe FULLY '"(pmwnrpd lepikm'h‘ ttcd App) on and waitress Good wag†NK OF MONTREAL “mph lr1 p‘rmn lit Mmmumhv The Qurrnswny or phone Grill 2489 Lake Shore Blvd C69-9691 I Wen Dorothy Tyers Staff Services 255-8588 WOMEN Experienced Experienced CR. 8-8302 TH 277-951 I Experienced ‘MI’URARY UFFK'II PERSONNEL REQl'lll‘ll! Ct,. 9-788f; 1393300 Evening Interviews try Appointment NO FEE I0 APPLICANT Two Otncer, to Serve You upreme ffice ervices tke- l, Excellent opportunity tor an 1 experienced stenographer for l, general sales dept. Shorthand ___' necessary. Modern air condi- .ES [ tinned office Cafeteria, em- - [ ployee benefits. rl'li Phone 1e Con. 259-4641 For DITTO OF CANADA LTD. ‘ ?iiflhhfNf “E23 PLACEMENTS 'iii i, GIBSON'S CLEANERS 0 SR. BOOKKEEPER (male or female) Lakeshore firm, ex- penence necessary up to trial balance. Starting salary de- pends on experience. . BOOKKEEPER - TYPiST {or 1 girl office in Rexdale, shorthand an asset but not necessary. good salary ad- vancemem. o DICTAPHONE TYPIST for congenial office on Queens- way, starting salary $55-$60 0 TYPIST - RECEPTIONIST for Queensway office $55-$60 . TYPIST. position in Rex- dale for capable girl who wants responsibility & variety, excellent salary. Experienced in wiring and sol- dering as used in radio and T.V etc. Day shift 7.30 am. to 4.00 pm. rate $1.27 to $1.52 Standard Coil Products (Canada) Limited M DRUMMOND ST., MIMICO CL. 9-7651 Slly()(iRhMR Drycleaning p l a n t requxres woman for marking and in- voncmg. Monday and Friday evening. After 4:30 p.m. Hours: 11 to , a 5 p.m. to I am. Transportatton supplied from Lakeshore Rd and Mississau- ga Road 27 Bloor E. General office l WhllREN5 NEW 186': RESTAURANT 27037“ Female Help Notice to Applicants Evening interviews by appointment, EVENING WORK Apply Mrs, ArrhibaId 4241 Dundas West 922-l 165 925-4549 mMnmcombn CLEANING woman for 1 day , Shore Blvd per week Must be reliable Burnhamthorpe - Krpling W _ am BE 1-6164 NEED new furniture, T.V. set or new car? A real opportunity for willing workers with Avon fine cosmetics. Two open ter- ritories in Mimico. Phone WA. 5-4255 for appointment. ROYAL YORK - Queensway, good opportunity for I wom- an with a thorough knowledge of general office routine, for part time work in own home, send complete details of ex- perience. age, if possible, a re- cent photograph to Box H, Etobicoke, Advertiser - Guar- dian, PO. Box 156, Islington. CLERK required for invoicing, inventories. junior costing, etc, Cooksville area. 217-9547. Laboratory Technician mun- od to perform ' um physical tun on truupzrcm. fiexibie. plum: packaging when“ must have computed Grade " Chemistry, Physics and Math- with. Inuruting variety of work and opportunity to lurn. Experience not annual. 1.3M. Key Pn. o.. both alpha and numerw. Mmimum of two years actual workmg experr lance required. We are a medmm sued manu- ttueturer of plastic packaging for food. Our plant IS located on the Dixie Rd. near Apple- wood Acres. Bus service avail- able trom Long Branch but own transportation ls desir- able. Excellent benefits and salaries commensurate with aballlues. Time off for 1064 vacuum may be arranged Applv in‘penon or phone: DAY WORKERS. Required for general housework and clean- ing in private homes in IsIing- ton area. Vacancies available for any day of the week, Hours 9 to 4. 38 day and our fare. Contact Miss Batty, NI- tional Employment Office, RO. 3-3611. Urgent. WOMAN who can drive . , . If you would enjoy working a or 4 hours I day calling regularly each month on a group of Stu- dio Girl cosmetic clients on a route to be established in and around New Toronto and are willing to make light dehv, cries. etc. write Studio Girl Cosmetics. Dept. CW-45. 840 La Fleur Ave. Montreal 32. Route will pay up to $5.00 per hour, A large manufacturing firm in the Rexdale are: requires 2 Clerk-typists with accurate typing ability. Several years experience m general office routine essential. Excellent working conditions with a wide range of company bene- fits including group insurance. pension plan ,and medical plan. DATA PROCESSING EXPERIENCED waitroscm u ant. ed for restaurant and “worn fun or pnri lime. LEI-2340, 39--mtMENTTC HELP W A NTED BABYSITTER “anlod fol Sal- urday nights, Long Branch. CL. Iai742, DAY CARE It home only tor ll: year old boy. on Hay Ave, Mimico Please all after 6 pm only, 255-2132. BABY-SITTER, pmvontr. re- quired by September for work- mg mother 2 school-aged trhrl- dren, one pre-srhooler Hours 8:30 to 5'30 in my home 239- ttttttt W R, GRACE AND CO OF CANADA LTD. 9 T " - nm In: wanna 379%"? wygm ". TEENAGERS LEARN TO TYPEWRITE This summer. morning or afternoon classes, weekly rat. Phone for further information 2365 anue Rd, North 277-2751 Litton Systems (Canada) Ltd. Young wumau “puma! ngmw work loud of rhildrrn, m pry 2nd week-end ott “Mask ttt comm? We have I cleaning lady I dar weekly. onlv unme- nnr who ‘s a wilirng workm and 1\ arm a mrmanvnl pus: am For Interview Please Call PERSONNEL MANAGER FEMALE CLERK - TYPISTS 25 City View Dr REXDALE 249-1231 ETOBICOKE BUSINESS COLLEGE 027 Dun-in St. W. " blocks east of Prince Edward) BE. 3-547t (Rf(hllt IIINIII ROVAI. \‘ibKK Division " I ci, CANADIAN TIRE CORP. u - MALE HELP WANTED Age [9-8. Grade IO, must be neat and couneous Islmgtun area Ap- ply In person, PERSONNEL OFFICE wanted immediately Two full time floor clemerl for fast expanding west end Cleaning contractor Must be reliable and have at least on. year experience. Good com- pany benefits, includes On- “no Hospital and Group In- Burance, Office Cleaners Gasoline Pump Man Applicant must be accurate with figures, be a good typist and have at least junior matri- culation education. Excellent starting l a I a r y, working conditions Ind em- ployee benefits. , LOCKER ROOM Attendant - To live in I large golf club. Assist club members in locker room. Must speak English. Salary $135 per month plus room and board, Contact: Mr. Croft, National Employment Office, RO. 3-3611. §ECEIVER wnnted, 5-day week, all employee benefits. 259- 4273, extension " For plastic imection mouldmg shop. Should have supervisory experience. Shift work, Elohi- coke area. Write to For Etobicoke plumbing Ind heating firm. TRUCK NMR We are seeking the services of a young man 20 to 24 with experience in machine shop practice. This is I real oppor- tunity to animate yourself with an established compsny located in the Etobicoke area. Good fringe benefits with parking facilities Ind uh- teria on premises. For appointment, call: STEADY 10h, floor and/or wih- don dean" Urgently needed. Fm vnmmermal and maiden- Im l mumâ€: Good was: paid.'. ANACONDA AMERICAN BRASS LIMITED 8th Street NEW TORONTO Apply - BOX 59 THE ADVERTISER 2980 Lake Shore Blvd. W WE WANT T u n vapable experienced :awsnwn ready In do I days u ork Real estate expor- wme mu ahsolulely necessary. Shipper-Receive! Rn SET-UP MAN BOX 57 THE ADVERTISER 2980 Lakeshore Blvd. w Rmml um? 1rtouffeut's I. 1-7109 nwrvssaw Opporhmn' Mr responsthle person Apply st \Inrllonnld Phone 239-7336 CR tr,t99'.? Clerk-Typist. We offer you: 3.5T commlsdol. " production Bonus. We arrebt trade in! to make Four deal 100%. lnrentivr routed prints worth manv Hundreds '" Group mum-II insunnre‘ lilo inwranre. ail-kn?†It arrident t,isterit,, hiding leads provided. Capable experienced mam age-mom. REAL ESTATE MEN Machinst Apprentice Cal) Norm Bl ck no. 9.1153 "t NORM BLACK REALTY LTD, 337 Yonge St. int Davenport) CANADIAN “Rt Photo MLS Realtor .109 Lake-mun Rmd Port l rrdit J. SPRINGER BE. 3-1135 LOOK ! .l (MALE) l4 and