Ontario Community Newspapers

Weston Times Advertiser (1962), 7 May 1964, p. 8

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At 2 pan. on May 20, the Ca- .dian National Exhibition, Wo- m'l Division, will have model ttouta Amateur and profes- Model Tryouts For Exhibition This Month There are obviously still more Horatio dreamed of. And yen: later, my mother and I went to Bournemouth, a sedate seaside resort in England, to try to find my father who had deserted us some time before. We had heard that he was in Bournemouth somewhere and arrived there one Sunday, almost miles, not knowing where to start looking. We were wander- ing amund the streets rather aimlessly, when we passed a Spiri- tualist church and Mother decided to go in; the service and clair- voyant demonstration was taking place and the medium "saw" various dead relatives around my mother, with details to identity them. I agree that it doesn't make sense; surely now that she's deed, Aunt Nellie has got something better to do than hang around, waiting for I chance to "talk" to one of her distant relatives? 1t wasnt even " if Mother's dead relatives were any real help and told us where to find my father: they seemed content to make eontaet and tell us that everything was going to be all right (which it wasn't), but that's all. And yet -- not even the mo<t imaginative medium could have made it all up and been right so do... Personally, I'm convinced that telepathy, clairvoyance, clair. audience, etc., are as real as Mrs. Khrushchev -- we Just don't tmderstand how these things work, Tea-cup reading is consider- ed one of the lower forms of elairvoyance, but this particular for- tune-teller was obviously talented; unfortunately. people who are fey don't know how their second sight operates either, SO they can't pass on their techniques They only know they "see" things that others dont Ot course, tea-leaves, cards or a crystal merely act is a locus for the concentration needed to penetrate the barriers, but some of us could concentrate until we grew roots and never be eiairvoarant, although it's surprising how many ordinary people hatre unexplained hunches, and "teelings" sometimes. Danger seam to sharpen our ESP (extrasensory perceptions - remem~ ber all the stories that came out of the war, about people who mived because they suddenly decided not to go to that air-raid Ibelter or take that bus home? I'm not psychic, but I can remem- ber as a child being somehow poised above my bed in my bed- room, looking down on myself asleep. It has never happened again, but I remember it clearly. uncontrolled by the medium, like standing blindfold on a br-ldgu in a gale and letting down a bucket on a long rope mm the water, hoping to catch shrimps. 0M III. in. akin; me how I be! about all this. and my reply 13 "Etsvious!'t Sunny Naples, pervhed on the beautitu' Bay of Naples, with Vesuvius looming above the city and Capri and lschin and other heavenly islands a few miles away. Naples, where people sing in the streets and even the slams are cheerful places. Hotcha, hotcha, as we linguists say This is the right time in Jade's life for her to travel and see how other people live and even if she comes back to Canada and live, in a sub-divmon in Rexchle for the rest of her life tunauoyed doomf), she'll never forget Naples in the springtime. SI. '13 out last night With her boyfriend and on their way home. they dropped into n fortune-telling tea-room, Just tor fun and quite at random. It was a strange district to thempusd they'd never there before. But among other things; the fortune-teller, told Jade that she "saw" a bride connected with her, a fair girl when name begins With CK" and that a dark man she knew wasi ping into hospital within the next two weeks. It so happens, that a 1ong-time, fair-haired friend of Jane's is gomg to bers ned this month and her name is Karen; and Jade's dark-haired father is going to hospital next week for a minor operation Nei- ther of these two events was on Jade's mind, so I think that rules an what 'we call telepathy. The seer also told Jade she was go- ing on a journey soon (from which she would returm and the place to which she would go had snow-eapped mountains. How, ever. the fortune-teller suggested it was the West Coast, not the Italian Alps. All this is wonderfully intriguing; how ls it possible for her to be so specific about some events and so vague about others? It suggests that clairvoyance is a hit and run affair quite uncontrolled by the medium, like standing blindfold on a bridge - ad it! dilate so to Dermot? Because she had "my feet and couldn’t but to May with her crabby and agemg parenu in their hon-id have] any longer. And so on. Since Christmas, when Jade finally broke her moat, she has been trying to decide than to to next tad ugly seemed the nth: place, especially at this time a! year. Ah Ibo had to do was make up her mind to leave her current beau, which she did overnight after thtnktng about it for weeks, and um um, things began to move of then- own word. “A! than. to eon-amt: what she nlrady knows. Why [bu-n! Mun. in vu “and no: a liter! white last nor to a Ameriean when. puma wen imam-Dunn: Ind I thoucm tt mid be a no: - it some memben ot the _Seager ttunily - mil-um Mteeedid she meet Dante? In Bermuda ' 'tFt-a-tsat-tarte-ide- “h.- _twoi-'stim-ourtt yuroid.ngoma tot-ttat-rea-ttonine-tinit-sid-CSi: -t.beeht-mmstarurttt--autamieoeusue,. t"tettt-tba- 'rhrttaqrimt B.esuseourtrieodamtitatun -Ne's-tstivett-otdttteytuve kindly (Ind unexpect- db) M no. mod-Hon, u lean for: while Why W B.eaun.Msrt-beeniearetine lulunnndthls wtllbe B 'ttiitiifl0iii “not smut: Talkingpoint :M,Moy7, i964... Iddenly décided not to go to that an-raxd tome? I'm not psychic, but I can remem- nehow poised above my bed in my bed- myself asleep, It has never happened Mrs. Khrushchev - we Just don't work, Tea-cup reading is consider- eiairvoyamee, but this particular for- med; unfortunately. people who are nd sight operates either. so they canl sional models will be intervxew- ed by a panel of judges Judging will take place in the Theatre in the Queen Elizabeth Building. All models chosen must be in Toronto during Aug- un. I, JOAN "AS" things in heaven and earth than d heard that he was in' I am fifteen. I like a boy who there one Sunday, almost iss eighteen. My mother does not aoking. We were wander- TP"Y.e of pm begause he has when we passed a Spiri- btey m quite I ll of trouble tin: the service and clair with the police Neither of us ' . Care serious about each other "I the medium "saw' just good friends. but my mo- er, with details to identitrther doesn't understand. I feel Me: surely now that she's‘that since his folks have joinr-d er to do than hang around, the church he is getting lots bet- Ther distant relatives? 1titer and only needs encourage- _ were any we] help and imam. My mother dotsn't even seemed content to makeiwant me to talk to him on me s [mine to be all no," telephone, What should I do" Unlimited Lighting I ”v, -tiV. -.FWPRF._ "wry: u "rw. Von! cuvmsau MALL, 1 qod " H... u. “on 'er, run, "rt can. cu. nu: I”! um. “III of I. [WM '3le I Tw- Wm Immn "ores " In" nu emeeit.-d lam, law Luna I“ ”In": in " W, “no... may“. ".4 4h. Ili5 to 50% OFF Spring Clearance This is a Problem that in go- ing to take time to work out The troy has made mistakes that has ruined his reputation. Your mother wants to protect you from making a mistake or Fom having your reputation hurt by assoriation with him. It is up to the bor' to establish a good re- putation and prove to your par- ents that he is Stable and wor- thy of your interest In the Dear Naney People complain that rm never on time - and they re right! I seem to be unable to break the habit. What do you advise, Sal- ly'. Dear Sally Scan Dear Sally Scott Dear "ruowpokr" Being tardy is ineonsiderate. People result A person's always being late, and begin to wonder whether to invite the patron again. I would advise you to set your watch ten minutes ahead, Better cheat yourself than others of their time. '- The other attendants wore yel- low lace guwm of the same style as the maid of honor's, yellow rose headpieces and carried yel- low and white nosegays. The church was decorated illlllh yellow and white chrysan- thcmums tor the afternoon cere- Jmony winch wk: performed by lt: B s Black, The wedding music was played by Mr. Dodd, the church organist. The maid of honor chose pink lace tor her ballerina length gown. A pink rose with frothy veil was her headpiece and she earned a pink and white nose- gay. maids lor hr Gnen in mama“ by her fath, er, the bride wore a full-length gown of shimmering whue satm, acct nted with lace on ttul front. Her bounant shoulder-length veil was held in place with a rhine- stone uara She carried a bou- quet of pmk and whne roses. The brudal attendants were us- ters of the bride and groom. Carol McArthur was maid ot honor Valerie McArthur and Betty McArthur acted as brudes- l Vim van - nah-u- od but“ Doeis A-lnc Mo. ‘Anhur ad (has: B. rum . in Log-n Geule Memorial {habyter'un Church on April Ps. The bride u the daughter " "dr. and In. C. E. new. ' Smith Crescent, momenta, and ("to [room u the Ian of Mr. and JIM. G. Williams, 6th Street, New Toronto. 1 Williams-McArthur Wedding In Logan Geggie Memorial People Resent Ten O'clock Scholar TimeToCheatYoursell Cory Norlander was best man Sally Scot! Says . Nancy Williams was jun desmaid. Sally Scott. Slowpoke." -, Nana .meantime you should not be seen with him alone and you should not talk to him on the 'phone if your mother does not want you to. However, this does not mean BaMy Sm." that you should snub the ttor.) . . . You ran be pleasant when you‘ (Any problems, folks? Take meet him in school or at ehurctr.them to Sally Scott. do this PI- activities. It is true he needs ell-136?. and m will help you With nonmement, but you cannot do,ahiee.y Mr. and Mrs. George B. William: are seen following their wed- ding In Logan Geggie Mem. Church. The bride is the dough- ter of Mr. and Mrs. C E, McArthur, Smith Crescent, Etobi- coke and the groom us the son of Mr. and Mrs. G. Williams, 6th Street, New Toronto, Pthoto by and. um“... and ushering guests were P'ster, To receive guests at the Forum Stephenson and Donald Mc. uesmurant the mother of the Clement. bride wore a blue lace dres's. "-"====='su'"-a==ssat with a white hat and a corsage " pink Sweetheart roses. OPENING S1tliltahu--. [ESTES POTATO CHIPS CHRISTIE'S DATE TURIOVERS m 350 CIGARETTES 3773 LAKE SHORE BLVD. W. Announcing The Opening Of SELECT MILK Alto VARIETY Mr ONE - GET ONE FREE (Foot of Brown’s Line) Long Branch SPECIALIZING lit JM MILK Plus FREE LOAF OF BREAD With Each Purchase ~01. pkg. Reg. 29e ai this alone. Why not talk It over with your minister? Probably he can suggest wars in Which your group as a whole can help him. Sally Scott. Sunny Florida was the destin- ation of the wedding trip. For travelling the bride donned a pink linen suit and a gay pink rose hat. She wore a white cor- sage. The future residence of the bride and groom is in Etobicoke. The groom's mother chase I gown of cinnamon spice silk. Her hat and accessories were beige and her corsage of white Sweet- heart roses. CTN 3-29 ')fIlllflIjiri]ijik) 'ii, Prizes t hm Make Success HOUSE DRESSES WWI . DUSTER SETS ”mini-n, Manning, urn-Mil. wear-bk. Ion-OHM Dun-on- ion. “owl um OVERSIZED 'a noun? give; DUSTERS Gift Certificate l by 'Coro Such a In"! q.tteerior, cl sumers, ml“ and "tterr" for Mom. Cool com. tosd chic nylm. Costume JEWELLERY DUSTERS 3mm9% 1.99 to in Bic Selection of brain-lion a! m which Ill held on Wednesday, April t9atth.87turtaurant,tUWest Mall and print won wound to the hunting lucky winner! - In the Mixed Group - Total Score: lat, Mr. and In. V. s.‘ Cullen; 2nd, Mr. And In. J. Melady; trd, Mr. md In. A. Jarman. Highest single game. Mr. and In Norm Penny. Holt ulna won, Mr. and In. L J, Forbes and Mr. Ind Mrs. Leo Bede". Lucky goon prize, ttital and Jack Friday: Lucky dnw‘ 'si-tr '33; -utnd-ttttertr.r'u-, hum-lugdmwnnd Bridge Winners Receive hires 'ver::,, Site! " ht " "ct In“... an“... Our Ltd: at Penn OIL. button Edda my Jud SAFELY, QUICKLY, PERMANENTLY, . GONE . . . . FOREVER! Removed by Modern Electrolysis UNWANTED HAIR AILEEN DICKINS SLIPS by Kayser cycle! by Kamor "3 5.98 "2.53. Drive C aretuiii, haunt, punk-l and ”any. war. son: UNttEttWEAtt. S I 1 c I smtril, medium, hr!- OVIISIZ! and Ex. T I A OVERSIZE. Fulton- S T A N - FIELDS BRIEFS. Sin. mull, MM" II no. 1.99 to 5.99 99c to 1.50 A windelly woskabu, .roctleett gift an. to _ lull sin an”. ninth in , of unis". an." stain. 1- quality monks: USE YOUR CREDIT KAYSER BRIEFS SLIPS 2-99 2i'iLi,ii,iii:,),_,ir O'DonnelL Lucky Dtov PM, In V. Munro and In. c. Payne. Th. numb." at the group enjoyed a In an. at bridge for the huh!“ ttf (In evening. --ut,rt-curdairs mu maumxm and lg. manila“ u. by Glenn Ind In, cm; Ion - won. In: when and Ulcer: Short-1L Lucky "ore prim, MP. _et8ms.tfe* and)“. MEDICAL Cttotte - an. "r" new. you run 1500 Royal Your Road Walk Carefully [ll%fil PORT C R EDIT 274-329. From 244-9734 Nylon "my"! In"! " "uetior, .0 Toron- n'I Hum Inn", plank, p a t o n l, mnbmlhw c n d howl". HAND BAGS TORONTO 9-4695 '2119 , '., L' I . a u. l JSC ' 'r', , ci.; ,- .99

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