Ontario Community Newspapers

Weston Times Advertiser (1962), 7 May 1964, p. 20

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CLASSIFIEDS (iii-tiii; " _W d.t.ehtad has: you. a or ' BEDROOM house w'med (an Junetst,itrr 2 year but. Weston area or near, “mm: adults. best reter- ds, 147-0171 I on , Bedroom house tor re- maible Manly. New Toronto area, Required tn June. Phone 1593163 anytme. m TOT-onto - Bnght upper apartment, 2 bearooms Adults any. 97-llth Street. - “NICO, ubper duplex. one bed. room. large balcony, parking, CL 1-0804. u - APARTMENTS TO Ln uxrmmsun r.BEDROOM apartment, irda co, CL, 9.1143 LONG Branch - 1 bedroom apt Main floor. Parking $75 a month. Phone 247-0609 after Wade": om- mn apartment Oer- um um. Int-inn PM- u. M. a. 1-81.. ma . BIDIIOOII “lament. equipped, $81.50 Auil-me‘ In II. Apply “parkland” an. I ' 15th 8.. Apt. It on when. ”M. 106 -'l2th STREET. 2 bedroom mite. Adults. $85. CL, 1-2463. m0, modern ope-bedrgnm. lMCO’S AMIDEO COURT Arts. $80 up. A planned apartment for everyone here. 8S8T Like Shore Blvd. W. _ CL. 9-3431 “(ICC - LakeshoÂ¥e area Large 1-bedroom apt. in quiet six- plex. Equipped. Parking, Adults ally, 91 Hemon Street. $.- or m humbly W In: 011M: - and ttttg; in Wu: Toron- tm ,Cndit or Cooksvllle an. blindingly. Runnable. - I! EEG-kn - Funny. I atriidre require houge or au. - 8 Minoan. Reasonable "" 8t., Long Brunch Modern one bedroom trom $75 Two bedroom from $95, Decorated, opposite park. tree parking, TV outlet. equipment optionat Children welcome. near Ichools. transportation and shopping. 255-1706 - 255-2557 259-3108 t block East of lslington Are. South of Dixon Rd. " 38 Dixlngton Cres. 2 AND ' BEDROOMS Some With 2 Bathrooms SWIMMING POOL SUNDECK Exclusive country living Close to everything A few choice suites left Martin Grove Rd., 4 Blocks South of Dixon lid. , Bedroom with finished rec- reation room . $152 3 Bedroom with tin'shed rec- nation room 3177 Prices include heating, Hydro, swimming pool etc. Close to Hmls, churches. shopping. LONG BRANCH ECONOMY CLEAN I MODERN Lon; Bunch Near Marie Curtis Park and shopping centre. 1 _ bedroom apartment $80; 2 bedroom apt. $100. Stove, fridge and TV, outlet. ROYAL TERRACE luxury Apartments Immediate occupancy 1 bedroom 'rt.." T from $105 , bedroom 'rttrr_ ., from 3115 lam party room with bar. ”ground for children Many an. Pree porkmg. " MACCAL APTS, _oi'll-:'cti,ii-,-iio-os--, r." _ t - I Aest - A ap , over S Ore. 868 Rd. E. Bloor - Royal York, $75 531- . a 274-3832 4076 “In, one i , bedroom RbNEuii:iirio& iirtriiewty" de: Luge sunny comfort a ble l corated. Stove and fridge Suit when with I beautiful vnew [ quiet couple No parkmg Ab- d the lake. Large balconies. sumers $85 CL. 1-8028 if; was um I u - arABh"rer_Yo In In THE WEST MALL BIbor W. I I , BEDROOM NEW BLDG Transportation and shopping. fully equipped Ill-8854 - 231-7275 if Gatos perking Tele- - it aired. CL l-Outh. 5-0556. LONG BRANCH l I 2 bedrooms - $80. and up Close to Lake Shore Blvd " - tsth STREET “4-7401 - CE. 9-5011 DIXINGTON APTS til-9154 - 244-4004 Bobicoke 187 DIXON ROAD LUXURY LIVING At CL. 9-7904 It - 39th St. 251-2947 --TttumdimAAoyr,r96d--Ntroth"-- WA, 5- "" iiii? Park Towers an Apartments BACHELOR $50-$97 ONE-BEDROOM $90-tt30 TWO-BEDROOM 3115-5140 'BEDROOM ”35-3155 . Plume tables and barbecues . Elevators . Broadloomed corridors . Cloth lined drapes . Fire-proof bulldmgs . Free pariung . 60% visitor parking For the vary but in hung cm Mr. mu 3 Bright. 1-bedroom, electrically -iUiiier"oo/apartmertt wtth HU 7-1591 I equipped. Possession June Ist. balcony, 237 Melrose St. WA. _ V l Adults, $90. CL. 5-1860. 1-3771 259-1587 IV“ EU. 3-2211 .,, __ ‘W __ __ __ - -- MEAL. - JLrC, ------- __ - W, -ee - ___ _ I-BEDROOM basement apt. CL. ONE bedroom apt. Equipped. ONE bedroom apt. 36-12th St. _ilr?rTrlter5 Ly ___ w. New building. $80. CL, 943763. After fi_vt,_iP?citlt?r, w NEW TORONTO -- Large two-i-Ove-isa/rm) iTdiiGr,rCG LONG Branch - l & 2 bedroom bedroom apt. Fully quuuaped.‘ nice qmet home. Adults only, apt CL 5-4046 New sixplex. Shopping, 'ITC. Parking. Call CL. 5-5929 after _.;___#.,;_1 _--.-. 61 - le St. CL. 1-4919. 4 "ren gm“ a. bath. "A2rt',', DUNDAs - 54 Acorn Ave, 1 it-is-ei/iid-A-GTS-rar/i-to; Ire. ot equipped. dults block west of Six Palms Pla- rent. 239-0173, only. CL 1-5653, Ta. Luxury 2-bedroom, $i30.l.r,r, -----_-e"_'e" ------" _-- - _- ------r Gara e Adults 233-4743 THREE rooms for rent, 32 Sup- , ROOM basement apt. Stove. - g l, "A. '1- (mar St, near Lakeshore. CL. $16 'yeel_CV179t7 after 2, IDNG BRANCH - 2-bedroam' 9.1035 after 5. ONE bedroom apartment. 13-14th Tr, Frig., 51039;, parking. mm" in}? 2-GrirrkriiraG -sirrtet=fi1c5-243ir_, _-"-" "Adults only. 25afll-3. abartment. newly decorated, DONG Branch - modern 2 bed- NEW TORONTO .- Emerald equipped, parking. 243 Melrose. room apartment, equoped.' Cres., 2-bedroom suite Stove. Mm?“ LE.6r68?1 _f?tl 255-2353 -___ gig ttl 3, $90 Garage " ‘FIVE room apt for rent in Mim. NEW TORONTO South - Two- - _ ,L -, _ __ --F- - ( ice. Equlpped, Heat and water bedroom apartment. stove and NEW TORONTO - Bachelor,) supplied Suit sample or 3 nu..- a“... and- "usase Luxurious, extra large. CL, 9- adults. Occupancy June lst Apt} - - A ONE-BEDROOM apt . over More. Bloor - Royal York. $75, 531- 4076 Electrically heated: dial your own comfort, finished recrea- tion room, spacious garden with private patio, all modern conveniences and facilities at hand. , ROOM basement apt. Stove. $16 weekly. CL 1-7987 after 2, ONE bedroom apartment. 13-14th Street. CL 5-6433, [DNG Branch - modern 2 bed- room apartment, equipped. Call 255-2955, NEW TORONTO South - Two- bedroom apartment. stove and fridge, dryer, Shade trees, etc, Parking. CL, 9-1823. ALDERWOOD. Spacious." 2-bed- room apt. Apply 19 Dover Dr., SPACIOUS 2-bedroom apar t,,-) Hove " aeMrvu. tau-o0": lllcl ment in lower duplex Rovat:f, __ - York Rd, and Queensway. ONE-BEDROOM apartment. $85, parking. Days. CL, 9-9719. New Toronto. CL. 5-5173 and Evenings. CL 9-4478 l CR 8-3281, -- 3-RO0M apartment 'fnrr rent, LONG BRANCH, 1-bedroom private bathroom Call after a. apartment, May 15th Stove 251-5859 and fudge CL. 5-4045 244-3804 247-1029 A large corner 1-bedroo- mite - 3170. A not! attractive 2-bedroom suite on the first noor is also available now - also. Heated garage accommodation is of course available with RIVERVIEW PLAZA APARTMENTS Prestige residential building situated in an ideal location overlooking the number River at Bloor has 2 extremely large suites. available now. A ' - bedroom, 2 - bathroom suite with private balcony - 8230 is of (our: these suites, RENTAL INFORMATION Mrs. Henderson 217-9601 Mr. Rocha 217~9310 Mrs. Herbert 277-1761 LUXUIY Separate wading pool Tenms court 3% um of landscaped Imam 2.300 square foot wamxng Red Carpet Treatment Extended To All Our Tenants , Laundrv ft'rildym Parking Elevator, laundry. on every floor - Free parking - Fabric 1 good framga‘m' Avuleble une ' - . dr _ --r .-- 1_'l. ---___--" ----e---ie-" annex :ropfoof and soundproof at Only 20 mm to " ROOMS and kitehen, . rat» downtown f wn<hrnom 4 Harold St. Mtrn. V Insular: from as - I ”no. from “it I Q" L.._,, ----.------ 7 I 51 LAKESHORE Drive, New Tn- , bedeqom. - 'tts " l my , rain apt ST 9-2033 mu I “I I“ of mrr. to, NONI " "W! I. lMlMICO _ latte 2 bedroom 'sth b I.” hm: Vullcy Mu. Coot-vul- i Parking SIM monthly Main noor. 40 (hv’ll Avmue 250- 277-3802 . rm. Hydro and Water East at Royal York Rd., I block south of Richview 2333 Centre lull Soul COOKSVILLI As a tenant - would modern conditioned soft water make u difference to you' If so favour ul wnh . phone can! Sideroad. Open For Inspection Daily " an, - ' Fm. Sundays 1 _ ' 8160 and $130 Includes Cost of Heating YORK MANOR GARDEN HOMES Luxury 2 and 3 Bedrooms Etobicoke (KI) MILL UN'UINIBHKD Largest Suites West of Metro LUXURY APT, BLDG JAGUAR APTS. FOOKSVIIJJ 111::NG B R A N C H - Bachelor NEW Toronto r- Semilljasgmem apartment. Electrically equip- ped. 18 - 28th Street South, M CL. 9-4382. 12 - 26th. TWO - BEDROOM apartment. no small children. CL. 5-8684. z-BEDROOM Apartment, fully equipped, 3243 Lake Shore Blvd. W. CL. 5-4837. 2-BEDROOM apt. Equipped with trig and stove. 51 Tenth St, 3 CL. 1-0235. BROWN'S LINE - Roselénd ._ 3-room apt. Parking. Close to I shopping and churches. 251- ' 7405. 1‘. ‘LONG BRANCH - Basement. 3 , l rooms and bath. Equipped. 259-4186 or PHI?? after 4. ‘IDNG BRANCH -- 2 bedroom}:- Porch, stove, trig. 2 blocks to “ Trrc. 259-4186 or 259-4752: after 4. $79 -- LONG BRANCH. Vacani, 1 large, 1-bedroom. front apt. F ( Equipped Newly decorated. CL. 1-4060. SEMI - BASEMENT. 2-bedroom apt 1n triplex. Adults or 1 child. Reasonable rent. Mlml- 'P: Call 255-4100 after 6. NEW TORONTO - I-bedroom unfurnished apt. in triplex. Equipped. Parking. CL, 1-0068. NEW TORONTO - 50 - 4th St, iTBEDROOM apt, Stove, mg, washer, dryer. Adults. Park- Pf CL 1-0444. 2791 Lake Shore Blvd. West -- 1 bedroom apt. $75. May Ist. CL 5-2017, Apply Apt, ' LONG Branch. 1 bedroom {pi Available May 30th Refrig a: stove If desired. 259-3810 after Adults onlv. 'dtr;Fik'f.3. - I------------------'-- __ 7 _ _ apartment newly dtNrorated,WrTiihTiRe% baby sitter will NEW TORONTO _ Emerald equipped, parking. 243 Melrose.) give day care, pre-school ch11- Cres., 2-bedroom suite Stove, M:mico.LE.6-6820. dren Fourth Street 251-6397 fr _ Suit 3, $90 Cara e 351 ee __ __ --" -t---T-2i." --i=?Cf_.'CC.rCL.iur-t= . CE 9-2561 g FIVE mom apt for rent 1n Wiid-)Rts:Lih-iia-: day care available. - . A“ 1 - __ W - ( ICO. EquPQd Heat and water; Near Brown's Line and Hor- NEW TORONTO - Bachelor” supplied, Surt souple or i) her 255-8250 Luxurious, extra large. CL, 9- adults. Occupancy June Ist, _'_A77 ,, '__" m,_‘ T 6713. $95 per month, CL. l-6883. [NEW T030”? T, Woman :5: - - _.-----'--- V - - -------- ---- __ a, --r, r _ NEW TORONTO - 2-bedrom. IDNG Branch -- Spotless cleani Ci? T032? oar young c I $1(rh Main floor CL, 9-6713. _ 2.bedroom apt s.E,1e,.c.tricg,rdiiikrig"-i'i,'a--a-ird-rsk 7h I -e - - - _ l V _ I-BEDROOM apt, Stove, {Hg-w te,1,1auni'r'rv'",, f";: f" 395‘; Mimico I',',",; gate magi-12:1 washer, dryer. Adults. Park-l Amgn‘rltlv; 5_2r28i'lc-,-l; home lencéd yard meals $10 mg CLI-0444. " ROOMS and kitchen Stove/ weekly CL sciiii , 2791 Lake Shore Blvd. West -- {$130 $3223; 233,3; tqEixr-TtyRotrid '1 lithAStreet: i2yNtriirrah.' lawâ€"M“mmstzgzrmm;woman“ arraVaiIat,C, AfoabIZ M21133; Jt2if, all private I complete bathroom i Martingrove isnd the Westway: if"'" If "I . - a 'T Quiet home Private entrance/Pr""-, ,__, _ -_ ,7 Thled. wood noors Large plc- RELIABLE day care for child, ONE-BEDROOM apartment, $85,: lure wmdows Garden Private two vears or over, It - Nth New Toronto. CL. 5-5173 and palm Large trues. Paved N‘ Street CL 5-2669 CR 8-3281, served parking Car wash TV l-A - - L, -e-- _ t - .. --- , - ‘DAY CARE t LONG BRANCH, 1-bedroom mm Tro adt'.ts m f,tike- Mondav - EYE; 07:0"; rife apartment, May 15th Stove shore Drive, mrner foot of 4:30p.in CL iC1isis' and tridge CL, 5-4045 515m; ch 9:51" --.---_--eee -- (417' 4" 4 L, - - ----"er" '-----'---'-t1 BEDROOM apt Bakmny, 155. IP I”: - Rathburn Ir,',?,': -- ( 0926 _ Good ay care. Hot unches, l hpft A /N,r" - e-""" __ l Fenced yard. Over 2 years To sub» at as of June, IM MTI" References, 233-4212. q hushed tecreatl0n rooms 0 Extra powder room . Built-in bar q Breakfast nooks 0 Broadloom . Drapes on all windows q Exhaust fan and hood ‘n kitchen 0 Wallpapers 0 HiFl stereo q Televxsion set 0 Double smks The Golden Elms Ix open tor your convenient: trom II to , daily and " to 6 weekends. Mme in NOR or reserve your HOME ON TRE VALLEY for later occupant). PUBLIC - SEPARATE HIGH SCHOOLS TRANSPORTATION WITHIN WALKING DISTANCE. REXDALE PLAZA 100 YDS, ONLY 20 MINUTES DOWNTOWN TORONTO. East or west on Highway 401. north on lilington Ave. to one block north of Rexdale Plan. then east one blotk on Bergamot Avenue. APAI‘I'IINTI TO [.31 UNFUINIIIID 24-Hour Rental Information - 741-4172 2-3-4 "moons Garden - Terraced - Town Houses STARTING mom Town and Country 1'THE GOLDEN ELMS" $130.50 t 3 ROOM basement flat. $50 ttl vet month. 105-13th Street. CL. - 9-2003. I' I-BEDROOM apt. Suitable cou- _ ple, 2 girls. CL. 5-6333. -3"NEY TORONTO __ 2 - 21st St., d ll-bedroom, fridge and stove . optional. Parking. Available --1 June Ist. Phone 255-3951. 'l, SOUTH K1NGSWAY-7 crown 52: Hill near Humber Lamp, Lux- ury extra large 2-bedroom, --e $107.50, free parking, 233-8883. "-ttagit,gtgoe"--ataal',t,'h11g"""l "-.-amrBo"D! te-net-tl' mum ammun- m--.------ --__--_-_- ”77 -. -, i will! _.__u-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"‘__â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"iALDIBVIOOD - Boom and‘._4_.u! U, ----r-.- __ --------._ ' ROOMS. bu. Mo. was. M Clo. to Mfume. 111/0 uasrniattedmr-fPd pn- l " Amadinn emu. CL 1-0011. 3min.- girl 91’de 250- vate bath in new building. AV q G E 13 cu ft refrigerator- freezer . G E automatic washing FOR RENT - l-bedroom apart-irANTED __ ment. Equipped. Private en- fully furnished apartment. All trance and drweway. June Ist, linen ts supplied. Call after 5, $85. 233-1430. 259-6866. l-BEDROOM apartment, electric. IDNG BRANCH -- Mature wi- ally equipped kitchen, modern down wtll share her apart- laundry room, parking and ment with same. Pensioner. lawn area, clme to stores and, 255-1944. Ips. Cla, 0-39532, CL. 1-4013, ‘YOUNG woman has furnished 2-BEDROOM basement apart-' flat in Mimics to share. wm ment. One child welcome and be away summer months. Call 1- bedroom apartment wtth, 766-7681 after s. balcony. 237 Melrose St. WA-------- 1-3771, 259-1587. 1 15 - nus TO LET machme . . GE. automatic dryer q G E, 4-burner automauc stove I Storms and screens 0 Private patlos and gardens' q Underground heated garage . Swimmmg pool . Fenced play are: shore Drive, corner foot of Sixth, CL 9-6174 1 EEDROOM apt Barony 255? 0926 _ TO Gtjhrt as of June lslvMod-I Pm 1-bedroom apt Reasonable' rem Call $59-$28 [ 3 BRIGHT rooms. unfumlshoar; Purim»: Hint: entrance. 259-* 1703 _9-1011a1ttt5-, ----) care for children, any age. 255- MAIN noor, 2 large bedroom; 2817. IDNG Branch __ 92 Ash Cres- cent off 31gt Street. Attractive l-bedroam an, Frig. and Move, Laundry {acumen Parking Good transportation, Available June 1 255-2738 , ROOMS and kitchen, Separate waehrnom 4 Harold St, Mum» apt. Frig and stove. CL. 1-0217 error St, near Lakeshore. CL. NEW Toronto - day or weekly ----' $25 WEEKLY. Nicely furnished =,c-.-l, 1-bedroom apartment, includg .emenzi ing telephone. TV, use ot wa- HiT Sher and dryer. cu 1-5933 at- ern 5, ter 6. .ExtraiRooM basement apartment, ' cup- all large rooms, bright and , and clean. Business couple only. t. T--tV CL, 9.1523. 1".TI' QUEENSWAY _ Park Lawn -- Vacant: Partly furnished 1-bedroom, ' Hay basement apt., $17 weekly. d. Private entrance. Call CL. 9- - Io'I,; 6073 after 6. ‘3 'd', MODERN well furnished base- . V ment apt. Close to shopping and ii#‘ transportation. Suitable for le cou-‘ fine business people. Phone _ 1 251-3728. LAKE Shore Blvd, Mimico - Bed-sitting room, completely furnished. Private entrance. $65 monthly. Call after 6:30, 251-3290. 3.110034 basement apartment, furnished or unfurnished. Self eontained. CL. 1-2337. A BIG bargain, large bright 2- bedroom apartment equipped, furnished or unfurnished, Tele- meter, free parking, schools, shopping and bus at door. 164 Berry Rd. 233-2053 - HU. 3- 2353. FURNISHED basement apt, 4 rooms with bath. Own em trance. 278-6718. ll - ar-Nxt' To LIT 5 8:}éh' Ave. Long' Branch LU" nLI‘I tibtiMitVarit for on office girl, 813 weekly, Queensway- '11"Jl"gli'lfd," 77 Rte] yorlr_lP. CL 5-3972. ALDERWOQD - Room and l & 2 bedroom ahts. board. Laundry, Day shift. CL. from $75 l 9-1022, Playground and puking, 'ROOM and board for one gem shoppmg and mmpomuou i lt"Ye, Igshars‘ 133m: prun- UNFURNISHED 3% rooms, Se- cond floor. On Simpson Ave. off Royal York Road. CL. 1- iiELIABLE woman mu hahym Queensway district preferred, CL s-lm, DAY CARE - 3 yum or over: Victor - Cavell area. 255-3773 (3i Lirsktif. V _ V NEW TORONTO - In private minnows alive for 3 days In Ft0i:EiqiirAGTiG riGkeihore home - 2 rooms, stove. fridge,, bag T Me extra Mirmco bi; T Ge -. sink and cupboards $15 pen __ T_-f. ___ f _ y care m rman, STOVE (hr sale, " Cgvell, 2lrl home, fenced yard, meals, SIM r3222 LE 4-6801; after 6, cu; 5981, A ”j '_s' V 39“:ij CL 57579:" "_, R " E~ __ h d- VENETIAN 31.1an NEW TORONTO -- Mth Street HO NER V _ - Large Fs Care for children in my home, room, newly decorated Pri, New and used Phope re 255-3667 . . vate ent rartce. Gentleman, sizes, Also repairing, ___ _ . =_______, -- V _) 255-4598. Used mm 2.50 and n BOARD or day care avmlahlo,1 - - __ _ W . l AT',',',',)',",? IT/ll" Martingrove and the Westway. LARGE basement room, grill/ 2 d 247-7296 Suit one or two girls. CL 9. BLINDS & DRAPErUES EFLIABLE" --e - m 1485 255.9". . day care for ch; , ' v” ' _---------- -___-. two years or over, I? _ thh $6 WEEKLY P/r/r..','.)",',".] fr on, PAINTING Street CL 5-2669 gentleman Abstamer. Park. -isiVUA-G'--, W - h d mg 251.6142 ‘ rundown,“ Mondav _ 15:5,; 1llragli"t'iiwo roisms. self contained. uh '.'y.,or.11t'rn Waters" - 12" by 4:30 pin CL 14.458 . parate entrance Islington 16 Eaton value 3450 Private -UCL, . 4" L, -- - J Ave - Queensway. BE. 1-5l91, sale $385 '"Jer,', _ J','e't"g',', Ir,'i'lcr after 4:30 BR. .9-64t8 ay c . u “as _ _ _ r A - . - Fenced yard. Over 2 years TWO furnished roams Bedroom MOFFAT stove. 36"; clock art References, 233-4212 -- kitchen wsth refrsg (no “me: Very good condition ___ 7 __"'" - _ making) Prwlm- bath. Gen- also kitchen mt 63" on m RELIABLE woman will hahym tleman preferred 315 CL 5: Ch 8-4724 u v . I e Stagnmgy district preterred 3860 the: 4 pm _ - __ . Ji, a __ ---.- . - ICC '__-__, FF e - SMALL" turmshed bedroom 3‘3“?" L 211.2" Sintte DAY CARE - 3 your: or over. T . dv 1 including n truly ouutandm T Kitchen pririleget La " on y. cabinet for onl $78 20 repo -lrttt- qt1'elltrtau?l'Y17", 106 _ 6th Street. 26S-3701, i sessed baht?“ (original' EXCELLENT day care hf chil-iOrimtmED room, 2721 Lake $309) or take up pnymenu l gm iu't"t"Jknuktc'd"v,',t, Shore Blvd. CL M441 ' sum per month. Blind hm '3': Jeu" Plarroprn A', NICELY furnished bedroom makes button holes. plus d CL 5-7t00 . _ _ ' Kitchen privileges Business cor-nu stitches. etc, all witl 'e---- -- - - -- ---- - A r,” - lady preferred CL, $-4767. on; Attachments Your old In RELIABLE day (rift hot rnet_'------ chine gamma] " down pa: fenced VIM. CR. 3-5302 l " - ROOMS TO LIT ment. Dealer Write Box E. TI ROOM and bond M cum len- tleman, Clo-u to [Aka-hora 230-1640. i2rkd-iiiGitei, - Room mi 16 - CARE FOR CHILDREN Seaview Apts. BOYS to share flat with Ita- iian boy. Fully equipped kit- chen. CH, 1-3723 Apply Sum . Apt Bukfd’amimu cu s-mn.‘ room as Foch Ave. 261-3027 " - ROOM AND BOARD [OW RENT l 94423 _ IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY l0 Tstimii.rirFruTrrriFiii7irfci??? - The. room u: Snub buds. Lunch“. anla aimed. Private bath and has. cu 1-t88E l tum. CL 105'". -iiMyidE my rm. home. Gen- uemm Roam and board. Pack- 1b-Rool" TO LET WWI!!!) MOTEL roomy with T V., phone. restaurant or eookimp Near Humber Loop. 10 minutes downtown. CL. 9-057& Emits}: abdiiie'RTnfiwin beds, Also single room. Gentlemen preferred. T.V, Below Lake- shore at 55-6th Street. CL. 5-1693. LARGE room and kitchenette. Suit one or two men. 52-22nd CL 1-7869. LOVELY, clean room - break: fast, lunch optional. 259-7133. FURNISHED room for gentle- man. 48 - 11th Street, New T3ronto. BLOOR and Jane - Furnished basement apartment. Suit business C o u p 1 e. Abstainers. Parking. RO. 7-4945. CLEAN room in quiet home, suit gentleman, parking. CL, 1-0082. 2 ROOMS for single or couple. 85 Foch Ave. near transporta- tion. Call CL. 1-3927 any time ed lunches. cu '-T176, EUEENSWAY, DOM and board for one gen Home; to share, Home prn" lege. Parking, tsl-OM'. l" ' " - *‘A BEAUTIFUL Ziz-zksirurer, 'W2d; pirmgzzzd ot,';,',"':,','; including - truly t',g2igr,enri)3pce Set 166 _ 6th St et iiJi% _ eabinet for only $78 20 repos-‘OCCASIONAL --_- _ 'ere _ gassed balance (originally TABLES . l FURNISHED room, 2721 Lake $309) or take up payments of Shore Blvd. CL 9-6449 "60 per month Blind hem" NICELY furnished bedroom makes button holes, ttrua de- Kitchen privileges Busmeu coratwe shhtches. 3n, ullldwuh-i 1. 'erred CL 5-476'l. out “the menu our 0 mn- Le2ertt',re-cec'l,"-71lu,.. chine mcrrepted as down pay. HOUSE FURNISHINGS " - ROOMS TO I." ment, Dealer Write Box E, The MM Luke Shore Blvd. W. UNFURNISIIID Etobicoke Advertiser - Gunr- " m at - I“! - Kinanwoori - Bedroom {n11 $139, Birx 1sfcrtiiryrton, CL 9-297l kitehen Stove. frm Parking TYPEWRITER sales. service a" . fuelling! Prefer l or 2 bus-L rentals. McLun Stations”, CL Open 0-0 Every Day um people CL “-4090 9-8429 or RO 3-1071. Including Saturday TWO roams. kitrhen and wash- TOY poodle puppies, T weeks/ Street Car “up mm At pi t a - ARTICLES FOB SALE MOFFAT stove, M": clock and Mme: Very good condition; also kitchen mm. 63", ammo]. CR 8472; Ill'SlCAL msruvmax‘rs \POLE LAMPS' Music & Accessories _ lose School of Musie Kitchen A John St., Weston 24l-322l ‘WOODEN " Packed with oxygen in plas- tic bags and guaranteed to IN: 5 days or money retundef. CO. LTD 3366 Lake Shore Blvd. W. LONG BRANCH 259-2300 Port Credit 15% Discount q ALSO WORMS and q FISHING TACKLE Rear 37 GLADSTONE AVE 533-1264 24 Hour Servire qrhite & “meet CR 3-452! BOUGHT AND SOLD 3366 Lake Shore Blvd. Long Branch - CL. 9-230i, Expert Wheel Balancing Full Length Mirror! Glass Table Tops Glass for Aquariums I Mirrors for any room in the house. Glass and screens replaced in aluminum sash. CONTINENTAL GLASS CASH AND CARRY! Brrng your rugs to LAKESIIOBE CARPET CLEANERS 137 Queen St. E. TIRE SERVICE LTD. 160 Lakeshore Rd. E. PORT CREDIT and 1496 Kipling Ave. N. lat Taber Rd.) Rexdale CR. 8.5284 - BE. 9-3149 New and used Phone re SIZES‘ Also repamng Used Bllnds $250 and up ACADIAN VENETIAN BLINDS & DRAFERIES 255-9l7i - [00” WANTED ELMWOOD ANTIQUES Dianna trade-ins $4. to tll. o MINNOWS USED TIRES One of Canada‘s Largest Dealers Live Bait CONROYS F A L TILE RM CHAIR M. 9' x 12' Guns“ \BROADLOOM m! RUGS _ mamas and. busi, 1 CRIB MATTRESSES, l Sf c:e,e.yy1..,treer proof _.......' __..__ CR, 8-6128 Gtur- Hardwood ‘BUNK BED 1 Ensemble l2 pce, Modern CHESTERFIELD, nylon Flee: to 031ng kitchen WOODEN STOOLS Modem RECORD CABINETS Modern GOSSIP BENCHES CHROME CHAIRS 'AI R FOAM PILLOWS STEAM and DRI IRONS REFRIGERATORS From .r..mrr._ INGLIS WRINGER WASHERS PLATFORM ROCKERS 3 pce Waterfall Desugn (BEDROOM SET The greatest Showplace d tursuture and appliances u. the Lakeshote, Remembor - Open cvery Nite 'til E Rows Ind rows of the Mad home appliances available . . . all name brand: .1. . " the lowest pouible pricel . . . priced as only Model can price 'em. This ig YOUR sale. The all that 1: planned to save you money'. SPACE SAVERS Deluxe _ _ 2 pce 4 SEATER Air Foam FANC) CUSHIONS CONTINENTAL BED and Headboard Spce CHROME DINETTE SET A DRAWER CHEST ttpr ROLL-A-WAY COT, complete SINGLE WARDROBE LLOYD STROLLERS Smooth Top MATTRESSES LIKKER CABINETS n-nmmuu 3 pce, Triple-ever ELECTRIC 4 burner RANGE ADMIRAL PORTABLE TN BEDROOM SUITE DROP SIDE CRIB, combination _ CARD TABLES Child's COMODE CHAIR Pullow Bock RECLINERS Fully Lined DRAPES Gloss doors BOoKCASE--- Lakeshore's Largest _ 'v'lrs Fr. 9.95 oTati"isp" 44995 11Uitp'" 89.95 yc4tcr 39.95 Ill TV WIS .2195.“ 29.95 l V 4.95 50m... Ills £56: 59.95 (ted Wi 5.2:: e-e 49.95 vsii,aAr- 19.95 M i) D E L 9.95 (S W5 99.95 39.95 , 39.95 49.95 " W5 iR 949.95 E 19.95 9.95 Its 9.95 3.95 10.95 39.95 9.95 9.95 34.95 14.95 19.95 16.95 10.95 19.95 (lk 99c

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