GEORGE ANDIIWN DIIVI HOMI a SCHOOL The George Anderson Drive Home E School Association Hound up their year with their Annunl Medina last week See you in at the PROJECT 6 presentation at R.C.S.C.C. ll. Imtrioua, lawrence Avenue w., next to Wanna Arena. on Sutur- day, April 18th, between l mu and 8 pan. Admiuion in FREE. Mr. George Noble, from the Board of Education of the Town. thlp of North York, was the Award: for pattern publicir in; thin York Down. Area pro- Ject will be presented. and we understand that there it I M sibility that one of the girls from this Divieion in to receive an award. Other displays will include guldinl on international levels, International dbplnys and girls preparing for different tests in both Guides and Brownies. Re freshmen. will I110 b. served. the unple Lea! and Ameebury [ The new executive committee Area are in the Glenlen Divir. will eons“ of: Mr. J R. Me ion and representatives trornl Loam-principal: Mr. F, S. C. each Company Ind Puck will be l Sproule, President: Mn J, ass-min; with the different‘ Smith and Mn. G. Docken. plum of displays. vieeproisidentr, In. T, A, Pink, There is to be . fashion thaw, recording â€mm? Mrs. W E. displayin] all the Girl Guide Priee, e.ortPromiing "rrethry; and Brownie uniforms from all Mrs. E. J. King, treraaurer. around the world. This will al- The Committee Chairman are: so be a good time for the pm 1 Mrs. G. W, Sheffield. Social: cuts to see the new uniforms Mm. G. Dockers, Grade Mother; for our Canadian Girls. l Mrs. A. Rietdyk. Publications Other displays will inelude, Ind publicity; Mrs, J, W Arml- guidinl on intern-110ml levels, l tron: and Mm. D. H. Puitord, International Ill-plays and girls eoehalrman of the membership preparing tor different tests in l Committee. The Brownies and Guide. of the Maple Mat and Ameabury Area In in the Glenlea Divir. ion and representatives from each Company Ind Pick will be ass-min; with the different plum of displays. I by P0. Grant . . . . . CH 1-5978 ' 'PROJICT " In.“ s-har, with tho We 11:. York Downs Area al the being “New Horizon. in Edu- Canadian Girl Guides will be) cation in North York." "cumin; PROJECT 6, intro’ Mrs. J. P. lent. alumna at ducing the public to Guiding in i the nominating committee pu- all its phuu. This affair will be? tented the new slate of officer: along the um: linen u the. for the Iâ€! - 65 year to re- Boy Scouts Scouunma, tiring Pruident Mn. Cart E, Service . Alterations USE THIS AD-SAVE $5 This AD wilt pay $5.00 low-rd any PHONE NOW INDUSTRIAL or COMMERCIAL Getting Married? Bring this ad and we will give you I "Nrents" Album with 12 Photos Free . . . if you book your wedding before April 30. SPRING SPECIAL SAVE $5.00 I , I Amesbury News ElECTRICAl CONTRACTORS K. N. RUMBLE can out of fit. won imagine a sport knit that til 1-1991 'Ulrttertartre _ SUI will install weath, er proof outside duplex Plug $12.00 AND THIS AD (Regular 31700» Duration must tr Residential E» TERICOTA y KNITS by 't Shrink 't Stretch Iahle Repairs leaf t THE MAN'S SHOP MR. CLARENCE Imus, conch of the Austin Drugs Pu Wee Champs, presented the iro- phiu to: David Spindler, Larry Bryant, Jimmy Galliott. Tum, my Wilson, Jimmy Podolak Guy Parker, Dennis Mareheski Her- ry Inglis, Dlvid Silson, Dnmy Wilson, Mike Mayer. Andrew Pearce, Mark Kidson. Relph sur mon. and Scott Smith. AWARD NIGHT At their "Award Night" for the Hockey union of the Aunt bury Sports Club, members of the three ehattipionship team: were presented with their ind} vidugl trophies by their coaches. While the Annual Meeting of the Club wu taking place. the players were treated to a film, followed by refreshment: " ranged for by the Club and par- ems. 1702 Jane St. (Just North of Lawrence) Alexandra Studio 1724 Jane St. fat Lawrence) In. J. P. lent. chum“ at the 'urmirrating committee pu- nented the new slate of officer: for the Iâ€! . 65 you to re- tiring Pro-idem Mn. Cart E, Kuhn. Electrical Heating CH 4-2252 M at «nice call be Mrs. Harold McAfee of 6 Brome Road reports that 2 weeks ago. a beautiful black ind white Persian cat, fully grown took up residence at her lmmu If the owner of this cat would like to claim it. please call CH 1-9090, However, if it is mi claimed, the McAiei-i will be pleased to make it a member of their family, as their own cal died just a few weeks ago. [ sen The 458th Guides and Brown. ‘(lgd ies Mothers Auxiliary will he imm holding a Lingerie Displac .el‘1hw the home of Mrs. B. Slawson, 90 funn Grovedale Avenue on Thursday. ling April 16th at 8 pm. The prtrl reeds of this evening will he ue- _ ed to suppon the work of the} guides and help purchase mm» 1 ing equipment. Admission is '2lk l per person and refreshments l I will be served, ‘ MUSIC NIGHT AT DOWNSVIEW On Friday. April 17th, the Downsview Secondary School will be presenting andther mu:- ie night, this time feamring outstanding soloists, hath immu- mental and vocal chosen from the student body. Also on the programme will be vocal and instrumental ensembles. Mr. Bennland. has asked that residents of the Black Creek area be advised that Saturday. April 25th is BOY SCOUT AP. PLE DAY. Deepest sympathy is extended to Mrs. N. Milan of Cleo Road Mrs. J. Shaver of Burr Avemw and Mr. George Bugeya of Rus. tie Road on the death of then. father. Mr. George Bugeya, who passed away at his home at 79 Lattin Avenue, Saturday. April lllh. Presenting - Robin Hood's most thrilling and greatest ad. venture _ in COLOUR - "The Sword of Sherwood Forest" the cold edge of danger the bold thrust of courage as Rubin Hood hunts down the Falcon. The 175 children attending the movie at North Park Presby- terian Church last Saturday had an excellent time and are look ing forward to this coming Fiat. urday when mother top chil- dren's film will be shown. There will be two showings, the first at 10 am. and the lecond at 2 pun Running time for this film is 80 minutes. More than 100 applications were received from boys be tween the ages of 8 and 18 for the Amesbury Sports Club Base ball League last Saturday. The final day of registration is an Saturday. April mm between 10 Wm. and 12 noon at the Amen- bury Community Centre, If you in anxious to play ball this summer, don't iorgeit to regul- M. “no; cououmij M no! Stinger- lumbar, Junk: Dunno. MM trophie- ta: no“ Zuni-mun, lobar Simp- son. Forbe- Brand, Bob may. JOHN Dohaâ€, Philip Elliott, m1; Barker. Stephen Darrsah, Bob Koehn, Robert McCartney, Lex Parker, Billy Moyer, Tom Roots and Garth Mattimn. Arthur Proteher, MR. HENRY KLEPSCH, Conch of the Bi-Rite, Senior Champions. presented trophies to: Glen Ellin. Vito Casnlino, Ed Dunn. Mike Drum, Warren Demill. Bruce Leighton. Ricky McGee, Brent Gibbs. Blair sleightholrn, Ken Stokes. Barry Reynolds. Angelo Rubino and l Joh n M Piano - Theory - Trumpet .. Accordion We Are Enroll Now Expanding Me f Expert Instruction SATURDAY MOVIES Rose School of Music Lingerie Display APPLE DAY LOST CAT SYMPATHY Daub." Weston (North at Lulu-nu It Wednn mm Expert Instruction In SPANISH GUITAR selection of win: cedure , Handfeu namicrt:d arminme th:, bank an. cm university orofes One of Cimada's top uniyer-inoam tuegg,t,',' J,r'lt/t,/)t,' sity students, is a DoxvasvuewlFiiii,ei, and bv the" Tiywnéhio resident. Michael church. a Trip-rot North york" . ity Coriege andrgradrsutt will! In a press release written by pmue pss4rera1iteure.ttulitti at ft B, Comm. WP. for York- the University of British CoiumrHamber. and chairman of the bin with the aid of a 339001hmpma1 board. the simittistra. Bank of “animal sarholarship. tive body contirlahs about lack Michmi whcvh Audi-9d arts M of fund: to cam- on its work. Tororvlu has 9 own Izombrmh“ Th re _ T " . _ " A tes. Th B k aid geym.orrthy'sogy as his new!“ 0529015122? :fused I, 923:1 The sehoicrwhies were ""iiu.ted of £300,000 bv Metro Council in four year: ago 1'1fommemort'a:m 1958 and 1959, the fin! hocoital of Canaeiats mmmg “WWW“ (to rmive such 1rm'tttrtent since The h4nk ha, no mm m 1hel'iii,, formo'inn of tretro" selection of wimu‘n Thu pm-e "N i,'" Y k '., cednre , Handfvd un'lrply by al, "C nr reridertts com- local Graduate Granted $3000 For Armin tment Catl POSING PRETTILY for the camera are members of the Weston Lions. These drum majorettes, under the dir- ectmn of Suzanne An ini (totiesrroynd), performed at the (Least Recreation MRS. A. B. HANNA, an instructor. and Mm. A. Bezzo, a pupil, examine the products of leathercraft clasues con- ducted last winter by the Weston Rec- mty Drofrtysots represent all regions m Canada. 244-3221 "We don t mmd the Lazy Sum Ill long as he on: his wk don" hande‘d rerirely hy a otmitter .anmir"9d try "'e'wr -. â€W", ‘rho irr-tittrtiost tinues, I The report states. "The Board of Direotors was; refused a {Brand I of $300,000 bv Metro Council in 1958 and 1959, the fin! hocoital (to rmive such 1rmrmmt since Hm- formrsion of New)". Northwestern Banana] in ltr omed on it 15am site, framing Kw'e Shrew? and astride the boundary seoaratinss, York ornd North York Toumshios. Its total 'capital patlue '< 33.484 390 with a debt of $288.98! or 8.29 per MY of its value. Members of the W's medical staff favor the addition of 200 more beds wi1h an " eomoanying increase in other faoimies. to serve the “in pat- “If erth York Township or Moyo would mmrrblue $300000 to eliminate the 93mm! debt. 1hr Board of Gorermrs would immediately mode m "he insis- Mn“ room-ate of the medical ghaff and enlarge the 'ms'itution "North York residents com- pose 40 nor 09m of all mttients Irrr'vd :4 Norfhwevtern General but Nnrrh York has (~nr‘Vrihuth only $105000 trrsreN tho. com of The Northwestern Hospital 1312 WESTON RD. maria CH T "One visit Will Bring You Back" f bgmps d’Elys'ees Hospital Board Complains Mistreatment from Metro, NY Specialist; In Cutting - Coloring & Cold Wave mm PARKING IN REAR ERIN." edr, us ‘he m‘isjn womorgarrired out-patient de of the med-whammyâ€, Onh- 3159.000 has [P the 'rvr'i'ution hem rpreived from the hospi- sm-g Mr Cowman [Cal's share of semi-private rate Hospital b lo, income, If the hospital were to w site. rrirrtar/aerept the recently artnoumed md auride thlilloatrr. there would be no funds ating York and avaihhln 'o rmav thr, mnnie< "when; m total‘ unlesx the hospital closed down g; 484 gm with" mlmpatielv dettarrmrnt dur, Mtror 31g Wynn the length of time a! the I you. the board "M. 'ht. War: Northwestern', rmyeegerttatixes the report coo Commission Arts and Crafts Show. They fire Diane Harrie, Miriam Con- yard, udy Jones, Pat Chard and Pat Sedgewick. reation Commission. T part of the recent A show at Central Unite, addition l then asked thiiuG'iiiiiii"ii"e'ir. an ac- hers why it should not be given l other tttytttyttr let “a to build I r The feasabitity of added can 'struction will be the major :topic of consideration when the) (hrxsrpital association ltolds its an, {nuall meeting April IO, at the, ii_stitutjoet. ', Recently, the executive com-1 mittee of the Ontario Hospitel, Ser ice, Commission, Dr. J. R iNeilsorn. chairman: Dr. B. L. ‘,Bmsseau and S. J, McGimvin.1 ime‘l with the Board of (Men iruny to discuss future plans. At that time. it was pointed nut that Dr, Matthew Dylnom. Mirtistre of Heahh. has remsotly) ‘nnnounz-od a low interest loan? (ic')s'rtl of $5000. pm bed repay-l Lame bv monies received thrm1ghi isemiorivate rates I Tho bun-rd replied that, since the hocpita] owned ten recs ago. the board has willingly con- ?rihmod 8236216 in free work for in and oot-oat'mots. allow shoes for bad debts in both de DammPMs and the operation of Sent-space -eettatises display was and Crafts Ire “um-Whelwmou- , {mm through the com- Dr.t1rou-rmrtiedetetthe oumm'llim know nothing tld luchnm. versity, just norm ol the h pill! on Keck. oo- with limited ferry service " close-up time, but the most m- ious problem is the recreational tread in the urban are" - spend- lag all the money in Fort Knox on parks won't bring people to arban park: on the summer treek-ettda, particularly in Metro. politan Tomb with one d the lumen motor vehicle Haircut- lom on the North Amerlcnn con- tinent - Lct’s lace it, we are living in a "Drive Ind. Park" Me, whether it be tor shopping, for church, or for recreation. The 'tdirriteqi.t-tsatagaeadi. aluminum†one; and. "and: by up with a“ built 3. hunk. Medium. dtMuMPuk. w. Kama bu um a madman“ we! ill-don an new“ unmmkhltmlt “maintenance-41m 1andPart,ibMtrr-qett. I“. tttand M can“ Tillewtum than“ be “and - M Nam lat N 3" unabltmwtoh In" Council. me, and, particular. ttt In. ‘Togouo mm 2sy,ererill - my on Fuse try" l; mu. m the an. th_tsttrlttrrttoal'uuniiirer. -alt plan bu actually be- M... rm “and nut W" W Metropolitan 's-eta-e-i-ttttatt' memendyetuchyouvut'mumu.†luau In bung spent, both} “Human“. Yuan-l ud current funds - tr' which n m .- W†"qadr to the tune M i?er'iiiiiitcuiiii'iUii'iTaiiii7'i men mlllloa dollars, with no- of the -tatbmt d 0...". - ther burteen million doll": to} “a.- go JI it 'dy Jd, ’szn'ng We have all seen Metro's out: 8f,','dl gun“ by iiii m. me la recent years, and molt " . v. sharply m 1964, and much (1 this Money-Emu; Monster _ more y con in attributed to spending to! tl','." 11;in :mtzubegzvmiwl: _ Intentional facilities, In the. â€up $9. nd the more lllcllitlet 'ustifled, and .even if y y _pe ' M they Ire Jotified, can we Iliad 1edtir.,g,hb,ee,a,Uogetiitit"trd, would: "when. land to enjoy the park facilities, ( Tl'lt grleeattt mu“, s',',',',', ye: 1,e, has not home this), It is all well and .good " p ape on. C _ _ l politicians to mount! Wail Shy prqblom preventlng mere l about rising taxes, but the cm public eluorment of this partie- l is simple and all that is called Pr. park " r"'"'ecyt,ottter ia; for is the imam: mum. a limited .plrhn" humus ed; pot the brakes on WWI. and ttttttr. ", 1"N.t..t, peak PM“ I for one, feel that the time lm with “halted (an) semce " (some to restudy AM. rennin. glow-up time, _but the moetm- the nut metropolitan path elk nous problem IS the recreational ire to ensure in the lamest. tread in the urban hreu - spend- l 'IL' in the future, the greater ing all the fe'."? m Fort Knox l, public enjoyment, and yet adst on parks “on t bring people to ' newly protect the poor overburd- arban parks on the Isummer 1 apply" who must pick up weekend; particularly Ill Metro. the tab for the politiciatu' put politan Ttrrmtto with one at the ' . bi 'r' Ingest motor vehicle rum-t- Wm: my". Swansea Rgovo "iiiiiiii' _ Metro Island Park Scheme DEPARTMENT -- [mum 1804 WESTON RD. CH 1-5872 TAKE OUT SERVICE At Specially Reduced Prices ostrrrt'f, JEWELLERS . Restaurant SPECIAL CHINESE Eoons Shin-aux Of English Bone China Cup: and Saucers FREE HOME DELIVERY ON ALL ORDERS DP $3.00 OR OVER Special In Weston . . hr Chinese dishes 8m sum Mil-Jays Limited 1959 Weston Rd. tit 4-7691 Fashions Galore TOP QUALITY mum RADIOS We have all seen Metro's cull rise in recent years. And no“ I 11:1me Ut 1964, and much d M. _ con is attributed to spending for 'recreational (admin, m that include: yiMif1ed , and .oven it they In jotifieti, on we M when wouM Imlr to be the ‘mon Mount queuing? :rltisa0wel)andgoerdgrr l My: rm “and rat , I: m I van! - M . I MM in and“ u a - Insiul or haul â€It, ,tqlther I x which it. h." In “7.0“.- ( Tm. M um Mid l d the pupal-vial " 0mm. 7. oelevction of- FINE JEWELLERY use" pros-cu “Mb iastdParEtbelirreaam.ett. emu-u should be Mun-l tortauitrrtaeeaee-ttMtqth. 'ialrrtrm_tqtM- mammam-u- umMuIInPuk. _uat.adrfedingv"taturps oCoitrGUG oiG-Fu, 1971 Weston Road PHONE GIFTS FOR ALL OCCASIONS IO 0-1171 “no†out large YORK TRAVEL BUREAU Come in and "" WESTON ROAD ANYWHERE To ANYWHERE FOR ALL TRAVEL MGM“ WM. G. BEECH. General [manna BROWSE