Of the 205 who offered biood at the recent Queenswav Gert- eral Hosplta! Blood Donor Clinic, 190 were acceptable and 53 were new donors The next blood donor runn- a: the hos- Ddwey and Mrs. A R. 0an- herty. Mrs. F G, Cole wil.'. act as chalrman of the board pltal will be on September 21 It was also decided that thus auxiliary w1ll award a gold pin. suitably engraved. and $25 cash for high standing in the rem- fled nun-sung assistants course The obJective for all branches of the auxiliaries the vear 15 $15,000 for the 45-bed unn of the pediatric wmg. Plans will soon be held al '19 onns Club Arena some time m Mrs, K. West Wu named the new Guidance Counselor for '.he Candy Strnpers Volunteer Ser- vice. Last vear. the Canadian Red Cross sent ard to muster “cum: m Yugoslavia, Pakistan. Moror, 'o. Korea. Yemen. Ruanda, Indo- nesu, Trinidad and Tobago Those named to tins board were members of long standing who have prxaved themteives to be invaluable workers :11 the Auxiliary and are as follows: Mrs.G. Buekley. Mrs. A, E. Noble, Mrs. P. Carson. Mrs, G. J Jarretl. Mrs S. Nunn, Mrs. G. C, Nichols. Mrs F. R. Halhed, Mrs. E. Mellish. Mrs. I F, Whit- ney. Mrs. S. Burke, Mrs. D, H, You help others wnen :ou nelp mix m Me Red Cross. flour Il November At the recent Central Eauu- May i. rue :ueenng of me Queensway he V Hoapnal Womens Auxiliary, n tray fa was decided to set up an Adv:- ___ v 'AN? Board My look after such nems as keepmg tolunteers em- . played, 1ncreMe of membcrship, annual meenng handUng, mmor f volunteer servmes and other _ necessary items Advisory Board Formed By Hospital Auxiliary They can recognlxe A bunard and tell from first-hand ex‘perl- ence no" woodpeckers attack the blurit nests, The†work has opened up a new life for them. Now. there umpl) u no com- panaon Ln the [and that Mr, Rees sought and mat whwh he has sum.- bequeathed to tuture gen- erauons. Every Friday afternoon pupilt make them way to the pictures- Que site, which IS bounded on all sides by rumg torest.ciad moun- Iama. They put on boots. pxck up spades, hoes and pick-axes, and an mu: therr own patch of the foreas1 to dig, weed, and plant new trees. ChAldren who once went look- lng tor birds' nests now spend them woodwork clams: making and aestgmng nest boxes. Instead of deetructive games. they con- struct, cultivate. and tend A. his request. the ttrrestry conunimxon gave his school a ne- serve ot three Beres ot land. But it could hardly have been con- sidered a prize. The [and was barren. The ot an oid brickyard and ash It was an ugly reminder of Welsh industrial revolution.. “Came out. let an": be your meter.†1: Mr, Rees' mono and he believed that practical our doors work would do more for his pupils than comm! class- room study. A New Look... ...At Education A In". over a “I I... . C. H. Reea, recently retued hadmuler ot Co'mmer Afan Secondan School, Mt the South Wales Argoed Valley, started a unique experiment ut teaching. M 11tlrP7lsf!tr- mushy, Ann: 16, um -- we“. " "ttt "1.7!“! INFOIMA‘I’ION. IBIRVATIONS, tMt A 0001’! "" AN All PACKAOI. â€Ml OI CALI. IN AT trot O'HCI. tNCLUDtb--RETUttM FARE " BUS -.-HOTEL IOOM, , NIGHTS --a.A0Au9toNs TO FAIR '--.-1 GRAND TOUR 0F FAIR --Crfotce OF ONE OF: WE SUGGEST YOU TAKE A PACKAGE TOUR " BUS, AND HAVE MORE TO SPEND FOR FUN! 'Hosprtal Day' w In addmon. their clazswork by Joy McAllister " Let him Be Your Teacher $58.75 to $76.45 PLANNING A VISIT"! THE NEW YORK WORLD’S FAIR? (Q) "euFur COM" thaided Tour, (Dotson-Hon loom, Empiu Sign lldg., ie) Guild Tom, U.N. Ildg. Mn. " you than" 0' howl) N-Y‘ The entire school is assumed Butyuth the “ML Almost every :on-fsub3ect on the curmulum trom (geography to needlework (the site/tiris make sack-cloth hides for up, (iiiaaiiii,ii,i,ii' birds) shows more the hie and promise, and there IS a greater unity between the head- -master, the teachers, and the andlpurrihi, Thu dim K ohrsotrsN one of French Canadian origin and as mexpenalve to prepare. ft u a tasty dish and would be appre- ciated bv ali those who appren- ate Rood tood lt w a dzsn which I Had bung: me n. a n v comphments f r o m drners whenever n it served I Wei vou wtll like it ton RAGOUT DE ROULETTE-ZS A LA CANADIENNE " portions) 2 (tyr mmced lean pork 1 small omon chopped sery Salt and pepper Mxx above verv well together and make small balls ito v0ur rhmce) then brown Inert: in a frying pan wuh a small omon. 4 wnole cloves and 4 bav ieaxes one "nail pun-e of mnnamon stick or U teaspoon of cmnamon. Let Crus snmme: until It reduces to he†a quart then take out the omon and masonmg and Mace meat balls m and let Inis boil for 5 mlnutes. Remove meat bail, and add I (up of Parkdale Port Wine, then Despite all the talk about 59' wrth mid water Bull 1f'ty paratism and the differences be- 'sy for 5 more m1nutes. pour tween the Canadiens and the meat balls and sPrve. rest of the country. there's noth- Suggestion-Pleasant .0 ing hke the lure of good food to auth boiled potatoes home Aron out the troubles. ""4er 5.... . A. Ar-, mix m 12 oz. of tran-browned flour a'hrch has been muted [ has improved immenursbly. Pu- pils. tor Lust-1x2. who wen pre- viously unable to read or wrtte, found that their love of nature pun-noted them to search tar ‘mon Intonation for their n:- lure diiries. May c.. will be recugnmcd the Women's Auxiliary v tray favours to: the mnems Tue project has actually sur- passed Mr. Rees' original nsxon: What was started as an expen- ment, is now bemg med as a pat- tern by many British schools, A pond. made by the children. flows over the base ot the brick kiln: the hillside is populated with trees, roses. and nowering cherry blossoms near an efficient homemade road. thought From I log can, wiueh the children made themselves, they set out to check nesting habits and ring birds to prowde special- ued ornithological information. As a result of the" continued enthusiasm. trees are now grow- ing where the original ones died in the face of the" old encroach mg industries. and many vane- tte, of birds have returned. Mr. Rees. now retired, feel that my mission Is te," He 15 deserving They have learned how to stop Mrtst fares, and forestry authori- nes praise Cymmer Alan School for his work. Pui" one quart of water lo boil w retired, says "I Delegates from each of the 57 t1tsston 15 compie- branches .n Ontario amended a5 1rservung of tlaat did mrpreserltatwes, from the Na- nunal Oftrce Ln Ottawa Tho,e ----- _- from the South Pee! Brancn present at the conference were: Mrs. Mame! Ketchen, Board "me President. Mrs, H E Jennings. Recording Secretary, Miss Irene . R:msteacL nurse, and Mrs Daud Ian, King. Publicity Chairman. P In his PresMencs Report Mr be tecogW..ard bs T A King charmed how we Auxmar) “in: Victorian 0:der M runmwalm Any inquiries court-min: this recipe. or ranking in general, should be sent lo the Coma-lla- tion Hotel. where I serve as exe- oMive I-het. Suggestion-pleasant *0 «ewe with boiled potatoes home made pickle beets or home made greon ketriup - being strengthened throng! The Tenth Annual Meeting of the chxoman Order of Nurses {Omariot was held at the Kmg Edward Hotel, Toronto, on April to, 1964. Following the meetmg. luncheon was served m the Fountam Court where Mrs. Blanche Duncanson, Director of the Nightingale School of Nurs- Ing. was the guest speaker. A panel discussion, “Profile of a VON Nurse", was held m the at ternuon and win rbn,s imale of this all-day conference. Medical Services To Cover Home Nursing Care Speaker Suggests At Ontario VON Conference The one pictured heré " made froni one yard peasant type punt; finished and trimmed with double fold bias banding. " you would like to CLOTHES PIN APION - A fancy, practical f??"'" " a wonderful wft and so easy to make. ACADIAN ACADIAN DRAPERY SALE CAD'AN VENETIAN MINDS k tstertriished I937 SPECIALISTS IN UPHOLSTEIING AND SLIPCOVEIS 936 THE QUEENSWAY IITWIIN ROYAL YORK no & mmmou AVE " YEARS ON DUNDAS ST. LIMITED OFFER - WHILE OUR STDGKS LAST ESTABLISHED 1937 95" LONG 95" LONG 95" LONG 95" LONG 2 PANELS 4 PANELS 6 PANELS tr PANELS Cover GI" Wide Cover 96" Wide Covcv14“'W-dc Covevl91"wnd¢ FOR PERSONAL SHOPPING ONLY $16,955 I $33.95 I $50.95 I $67.95 SHOP AT HOME JUST PHONE ORDER BEFORE APRIL 25th, 1964 DELIVERY AT ONCE OR AT YOUR CONVENIENCE. low- over PATTERNS AND PLAINS IN VARIOUS SHADES A GOOD SELECTION TO CHOOSE FROM FULLY LINED - READY TO HANG cally and émotionally, when in familiar surroundings. If the medical services could be ex- :ended to cover the cost of nurs- m; care m the home, more peo- Pte would be able to take advan- Yagc of tt and thus make beds swan-able tor those patients who detivrtely requxre specnalized no~pxtal care The Senior Regional Drrector. “In: k, Cl Miuidatord. EaVv her Annual Report. we explamed mm .‘ne put-M! the Ontario reorganizmg and consolidating of us branches. Mr. King explained the stand taken by the VON with respect to me Medical Servmes Act be- me developed by the Ontario government. The VON feels that the benefits derived from this Am should cover medical care given to patients in their homes as well as care given to patients while m hospital. The same treatinem given in the home is less expensive than when given m hospital. It has been shown that, wherever possible. patiems should be at home as they recu- perale much faster. both physi- 32t Lakeshore Rd. W., Port Credit CR. 8-3365 Canada's Largest Suburban CHEV.-0LDS. Dealer CONVERTIBLE - Include: I Year Wan-my I AND FOR OUR ’59 Sunbeam Rapier ' EXCHANGE 0 OPEN EVENINGS O PORT CREDIT MOTORS Your T5 GHEV. or PONTIAC have directions for making the CLOTHES PIN APRON, just send a stamped, self-oddrcssec envelope to the Needlecraft Department of this paper, requesting Leaflet No. S-E-2608. 25 5-9174 VON is to develop nursing 'erv- Ices in Ontario Ind to w-ordi. name the efforts of the 57 branch- es "cross the province. She no ted that, at the present time. 72% ot the population in On- tario has access to the services provided by the VON, Their aim is to extend and expand these serv1ces so that they are able to teach the whole of the province Miss Maddaford suggested that the work of the VON over the past decade would best be de- scribed by one word: CHANGE. T keep up with Improved medi, canon and advanced techniques, the VON program 15 continually changmg so that the nurses can bring the most modern methods of treatment to their patients. Miss Maddaford stressed the fact, however. that although the nursing techniques of the VON have changed greatly over the years. there is at least one asp' ct of the Order that has not and will not change: their win - to give professional nursing care of the highest quality to anyone and everyone who nee% and wants READY MADE "tar the recent Anglican Congress held in Toronto, he “not. a his- tory of that Diocese. He is a member of the Champlain Soci- ety. was that at East Mono near Omnnville nnd tor his than " university he wrote the history ot that with. He has been rec- tor of his present church for the past eighteen years and always has had I continuing interest in things historical. For the past Iwo years, he has been Archivist The Bee. Rev/m Button, BD., new: at St. Autumn a! WWI-'7 Andie". Chum in was, will be (“at m " the Which Hm Sod. ety's April " will; a 0-00 Mll- in the "mum Inn, Dundu St. W. Tome of tua aim-em will be "Etobiashe and the Clergy Re- nerves." tor the Diocese vaÂ¥6gnw Society To Hear Rector Archivist In conjunction with his talk, w. Bracken will display many dam-zeal documents pertaining n the Clergy Reserves. Historical LD.A. Brand MEN'S DEODORANT DENTAL CREAM Stainless Steel Blades TRIG SATIN SET SCHICK AIR FRESHENER LOTION DEODORANT MOTH KILLER VITALIS HAIR TONIC VICK'S BROMO SELTZER PEPSODENT COLD CAPSULES ALBERTO VAPO-RUB General Electric Best Buy REVLON V05 SHAMPOO CREME RINSE FLORIENT BAN ii"i"ii"i'i"i'"iiii) LBS Mc ea. 4 for 99 ORNAL Rev. Brrtert'rnrst man BRECK Specials Good 'til April 18 BAYELE 5391mm 59c WALTER’S DRUG STORE WORDSWORTH'S Dung Store COULSTON'S PHARMACY HOLLAND PHARMACY KNAGGS PHARMACY LTD. WHITLOCK'S DRUG STORE DON RUSSELL PHARMACY Sugg. List 1.09 Amway-numb:- 1'eTt u and“ a In. vhetuweias-aodth.irluui-ntss-ur. No Grease Sugg. List 1.49 LONG IIANCM, "" "" SM" mm MIMOCO, ttt Iovll Yuri " OUIIMSWAV. In The Conant" ALDIIWOOD, " Irnwn" LIN. nuance, "" Lin "our. Brmt, W [Gun IIA'CN_ NS. lnlc "ere Blvd “w renown an un “on mm w CL. 1-220t We havea certified Hearing Aid Audiologist --let him scientifically test your hearing on an audiometer. Arrange a consultation, with- out obligation, in our office or in your own home. We have available a complete line of hearing aids, batteries and accessories -- you areassuredofsatisfactionthrough EATON'S guarantee: "Goods Satisfactory or Morley Refunded". EArtoNetyomtoALE HEARING AID CENTRE it is known that most hearing problems can be solved Plume 789-0245, a hree but te Earn Hum; Aid Cum: -lir, Ulla. 1.69 Value 2.50 Value may help you Sugg. List 1.39 Sugg. List 1.19 Sugg. List 89: Sugg. List 64: Sugg. List Me I.09 Value 1.25 Value I Pound Container-Mc ltr, 1.44 1.23 1.33 1.49 " CL. 1-7751 CL. I-6261 259-1551 CL. 1-337] 259-4603 CL. I-roll 1.17 5T 9T 99c 8T 7T 7T 89c 49c 77c