Ontario Community Newspapers

Weston Times Advertiser (1962), 13 Feb 1964, p. 18

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", CLASSIFIEDS "-aBI8ENatbPOBt5a" M lid-1 3'" C} lr'"' so hows PAYMENT 'NW,ea/ Ptoteetrrr $50 " Chet 1'0le Ranch Wazrm after ' [IFHMInl black. 6 rvl;ndm "r'raN6rikaTCiiuehe twang“ mnotnum “hm Ink '6iaii6mVe-auk - 1.4.1 on; Polaroid exposure meter, - No. on; Poi-mid Wirth. cams hr II. or will buy a! “I“. WhTiiiihRiftdr silt-M cond an app}. 5-1255 Mmlhwly bed: one TV. 21 ind, I [IT 011qu A. an Inn an m-um. up: ADVERTISER - Thursday, Feb. 13, 1964 - Page an " -t"I'o" Mu air. t7ohAjrtuure. BE 9-4166. CUSTOM - made floral douole bedspread with satin valance, matching upholstered ti' val- ance box and draperies. 535. BE 3-8300. MAN'S MAHOGANY busmess desk 42 x 32: lady's walnut knee-nole desk, 19x48. $25 each. BE 3-1039. '58 RENAULT. excellent condi- tion, I mna‘nle. Enamelled book c;a.neL BE 9-9329, WASHING machine with timer, excellent condition, $35. BE 3- 1963, FRIDGE. 'apartment size. A-l, fully automatic, New 5385 -- self 100 dollars. clock radio, G.E.. A-L New '3Sr-sell S15. CL 9-2760. DINING room suite, large table. walnut finish. good condition, $35. CR 8-4946. WALNUT bedroom suite, unique styling, triple dresser with framed tilt-back mirror. large chest of drawers, bookcase bed, box spring and mattress. Call weekdays after 6, or anytime weekends - CL 5-1954. THOR wringer washer a. drver (both electric), $50 each. Phone 274-3710. ONE round oak table, pedestal base; tttw' all-glass front chmu cabinet: one Large mlrror, 32 x 48: one chrome kitchen lathe, with two chairs: one walnut tea wagon: three neediepmnt chairs: six needlepomt pictures BE 1-8310. CONTENTS of home; 21" TV., limos! new. 255-5265,. TYPEWRITER $29: desks. $25 and up: poature chmrs. $1095. Everything m office supplies. We rent typewmers -- special studenf rates Rile Ir, 3369 me Short Blvd, iv. Long Branch. Phone 251-0043. HAWAIIAN guitar with amph- tier, band new, CL 0-2871 WHITE leatherette dwan, KW, 2-piece bed-chesterfield a nd chair. green background. $125; buffet, $15, BE 3-5537, 30m car with engine and transmission. wrecked for STS. 259-3012. BOY'S sports bicycle and wash.. iprypaehine. 80-8th Street. CL ORIENTAL rug l-PIECE Chesterfield suite. wine. C'": W", _" ',Cr,., '....vVd """" green. [an condition. BE, 3- Standard, 191.304" _ 8838. DINING ROOM suite, 5(1de wal- GriEraairtrdi%Ttlress and 1b,'lr.,Ltcs" $175 or best offer. springs: large table with two ”53;" _ drawers; large green chat .-BLRNER space healer, S60; good condition: small side 290 gal. tank mm mungs, table; handmade white table; 530 CL 1-t777. "__ white bookcase. BE 1-4655. CHORD ORGAN. New Cost ‘59 PONTIAC Station Wagon, automatic, excellent condition, $1.000. Private. Call CH 4-5402 after 5. WMHOUSE automatic dry- er. $75. First class condmon. EEAUTIFUL ongmal oil patnt- mgs. Special prices. Owner movlM. 5-9 9:375?“ £8999. iEFRlGERATOR, Frigidaire - I; 1821 S'E“‘;,§*5f5313 0"ELECTRIC stove In good curtdition. Reasonable pr rc e. Apply at 1604 Kenmuw Are, Port Credit 911R. Beaver Perfect con4:t:on. Size l8. Reasonable CL x. Special anion: rental tales, Good'tyndmon. to. 2liS-82M. Ask about our spend! Benui- GIRLS clothes. m ll veal-s: Purchase plan. dresses coats. etc. $15, Phone “CONDITIONED 255- I 786. TYPIWmIS $30 'THISTLE c‘rnage, very good Prompt Dehsery condition. 325, CL. 5-3569 Adding Maetrme Remus I‘WILL accept payments on Sm- BUSINESS MACHINES Lt GS. MR. WILSON 271-91“ one kitchen lune CL 5-0680. IT, desk and chad, SD. 5 , drafting board. $10, baby car rinse. 310, CL 9-3186. roan background. Private CL )-5892. BE 3-8300 an WWII In. ODIN 12.30 till 9 pm Mon. to Fri. Luv. Whatohsh Bent and Tropncol Fish Specmls Typewriters an.» an lunch " , WV BE, 3-1706 (ll 4-2352 :Youth‘s, an " 'll 57 DODGE, 6 cylinder. tutor"!- cond:, ',t (rl good condition. fully V T)yped. $350. 279.6273 7,.21":"52 BUICK Sedan Good wont. 3680. ' mg condition Bent rash on" ' new £5933.“ m '61 ANGLIA Perfect second cur. f]: Excellent condition. 8795 259. ' _s214 “who” PLYMOUTH. Ldoon radio, '64 plate! $175 or best offer. =rarrl CL, FM. car- TAPE RECORDER. Call after five. CL. 5-8986. GLENDALE Memorial Gardens - one :mgle grave. 274-2543. WATER HEATER. 40 gallon ca- pacm Double heatrng ele- men: 365, 8-year guarantee 274-21476 HEAVY DUTY apt. sl'ee wow. 255-3355 UNDERWOOD ponable type- write. S,39. Al'so Unduwood Standard. 51-3547. DINING ROOM suite, solid wal- nut, T pea, $175 or best offer. _255ril9" Z-BURNER space heater. $60; 200 gal. tank With fittings, 530 CL, 1-0777. PIANO wanted, Any SIZE. make COLLIE pups. registered. rea- sonable to good homes, CL, 9- 3431. PUPPIES. Spaniel. 6 weeks, Very reasonable. Call anal 7, 239-6024, . No: U” -rstrr's mun; town's 11-inch glider Lipton bicycle. CR. +2021 an) MAPLE bed, box 5mm. and mattress High-boy and whim; deslr 3185 CH, l- DINLiG ROOM drop leaf tabla, 2 extension leaves, whd oak, ' chairs, Width M", opens to 74" dmmecer fully extended. Good condition. $45. 255-8386. THISTLE manage. very good condition. $25. CL, 5-3569 WILL accepl payments on Sm- gel Swine needle Automatic WE BUY anything m used office furniture - Desks. typewriters. adding machines. file cabinets, tables. etc. Free estimates. Days 251 f 0043. mgth 255 - 6425 Riley's Office Supplies, 3369 Lake Shore Blvd. W., [bag Branch, DEVINE USED FURNITURE '58 FORD Custom 300. 2-door. 1405 m. Slot. Blvd. W _ Guaranteed 29.000 d ct u a1 Long Branch 251-85” l, miles. Has to be "een to be We buy everythg m used '1 appreciated, $895 259-5284 household tarmture Free 1'55 CHEVROLET. automatic, esumazes Call us. we work l body good condition, phone day or mgnl Phone or drop CL. 9-7183. " Mt 'ee us No obl:gatton' '52' METEOR, automatur, good - - 1P_rCyer_s, ' to l, ------F-cie Utes. good runnmg condition IF YOU have any uncles to sell, . 1lPf_tlyts1trftr. l 94982 q jet Ward & Co., Auctioneers. '55 DODGE. New tires, battery. dispose of them m then next Excellent shape. Best cash ot- aucncn sale CL 5-0013. fer, CL. 5-2020 after 5 ' ' - '55 CHEiiidLET v-3. Automa- PETERS FURNITURE 3 tic, New transmissmn. 5:50 New and Used Phone CL. 1-5677 after 5. MOVL‘QCT To: Sale. Picnic ta- bu. heavy duty Beaver Table SI- and a»; large lawn roller; 54nd planer mm ta- MOS Lake Shore Blvd, W Lang Bram-n 351-8548 We buy everymmg ;n used household furniture Free esumates Call us. we work day or mgm Phone or drop in to see us No obl:gatttrtis 3623 LAKE SHORE BLVD. W. '56 MERCURY Custom 4-d00r, Long Branch 255-6651 ( Automatic. Immaculate conds ( tion. Private. $390. Call CL. 1- Furnlture ll Appliances _ 7288 after & or What Have You'. '54 PONTIAC. Radio. Good mo- _Fa_:~t‘Se_n'_ic-¢_ki ,,,,,C‘Sh tor Snow tires. $60, Phone IE BUY anythissa m used office 255-8784. $175. sell tor reasonable price 255-3795 after 6. or condmon. Pay all cash. LE, 4-9419. ug-mg sewing machine. sews on buttons. buttonholes. etc. Like new: only " per month or $57 cash. You: old machine aucepleo as down payment. Dealer Write Box 22, The Ad. vex-user 57 Ford station wagon. a good family car 58 Ford 2-door automatic. 57 Chrysler In good condition 56 Chev 2 - door, standard 1ransmission. 57 Pontiac. standard trans- mmlon. radio a.: -- A1110!“ '0. “LI 23 - ARTICLES WANTED Gen. Sum"! SIM'SON MOTORS am Lalo Show Bred, I " - PET STOCK CL. GET the best deal on brand new G.M.C Trucks, Call George Kryslak. 259-8211. lF vou want to bur a tractor 1957 DODGE, rua standald 3150 dump on cab and chassis. “W or nearest offer 255-2278 make or model. call Pete Bud E1 CHEN Bel Air, best otter, d). Used Truck Manager, or 255-3063, Joe McMullan. Mack Truck _.. _ Manufacturrng Co of Canada 6U,'f'Rd' 1914:" stityUp't: Ltd, 1350 The Queensway. To, " , I ag t _ . ronto 18. CL 5-2301. evgs.. 255 2097, , r _ ---- i ___ _ - _ 3044 NO DOWN PAYMENT '64 GMC Pick-ups, new tl/MM, ti2 ANGLIA, Like new. 10000 miles. One owner. Reasonable. 239-9882. 5.." . '. nanny & brakes. 31,000 mu. m. ugh ta"' d. h New license. Radio. mo. BE _ "V _, 3-7761; 1963 DODGE. semi-automatic. '56 CHEVROLET 2 door, model good ttres plus MOVE Reliable 210. Radio. A-i condition. One transportation. Needs My owner CL 5.3591 work, "Ir, P?'""'. y58 CHEVROLET Biscayne. y cyl- 1053 PONTIAC Mechanscalir mm mder, very 300d condition , (Pan! body. Automatic. 6 Um” door sedan. Asking 8825. Phone der, Best offer. CL 54582 _ 2stt-l642 Alter fave, 'li7 CHEY 2-door hardtop. burst 1i3 COMET. 4 door. large 6 ML I?!! Ray after five, CL. 1'. inder automatic. white walls, V 0748 _ i back-up lights, seat belts, pad" NO DOWN PAYMENT i ded dash and V|SOI‘S. custom 62 VAUXHALL Beautiful Mm wheel discs. block heat- polo white With maroon er, ttf, ”.000 miles, Full price leather interior Immaculate tl.?" TA 2-8423 after 7 pm. condition This uill make an "56 BUICK hardtop. radio, power ideal 3nd var Will accept brakes, steering, excellent con- iraor and arrange financing dition Best offer. 255-5358 '57 FORD 2 door. Standard shift, LTD, 8 cvhndex. ower stecnn , ra- dio: Needsp minor regains 6.5 RACINE RD. 3:22:34er a hardtop. S395. so TO 8125 _ . _ RENT a cm on a {ninth to '55 FORD sedan, standard, radio month basis Anglia. Chevro- many extras. Excellent condl- lcts Pontiacs tron, $8250. CH, 4-7904. Tilden West Tommu office 15ti MONARCH. Motor and trans- Somerviiie Car & Truck mission. Also other parts, A-l Rental Ltd. shape. Johnny, 677-1444 alter I968 BLOOR ST. w.. 763-5591 's, CHEN Bel Air, best o 255-8063. '63 FORD I-ton pick-up u Low mtleage $2,000. BE automatic, radio. berge .x: colour, spotlesc m condmun Jim Broddy SIMPSON MOTORS 3130 Lake Shore Blvd. W. CL.9-4687 1961 1959 l 962 1959 1958 NO DOWN PAYMENT 62 VAUXHALL Beautiful polo white With maroon leather interior Immaculate condition This utll make an ideal 3nd at Will accept tl"atTe and arrange tmancmg - i. iron cumu P, {OED spam: Wagon. run- vmng blue, padded duh and ,m tedit/yas go.__m~7nq radio. Very than 11.61 AUSTIN, A-de pod condi- . I). - uonrPri"te mo. 341-0111 .- SIMPSON “WIS ‘57 ml! 500 Hardtop. Power “g. m, 5.." Blvd. u. steering I: brakes. SIM mves, _. t ,7 _ (2.4:- DAM BI? 60 CHEVROLET 995on M I am. DIXIELAND MOTORS 279-6 I 30 Commer 1: ton panel, m excellent condition, Volkswagen bus ll pus- senger, m beaullful shape. Volkswagen De Luxe, Meteor 2 door. automatic A-t condition Cher. 2 door aulunmm. Call Fred Bradley '." -9535 two door-- H-wWOMAN unnu- homr Iyplna. l on typewriter. Call Hunts , my WORKERS available Mr Archie Clark SIMPSON MOTORS 3120 Lake Shore Blvd. W. CL. 9-4687 WANTED -___ Trailer L" 4 to 6 berths Must be good. Not over IT feet, Cash read. BE. 3-5597. " - CAR & TRUCK RENTALS Rexdale Car and Truck Rentals ACCOUNTANT. experienced -- wants steady part-Mme work. CH. 1-3822. ALDERWOOD - Too busy to do your ironing? Let me do it for PIT CL. 1-9452 YOUR ironing done m my home. Men's shirts a specialty. BE. 1- 3745. Available EUROPEAN DOMESTIC . AGENCY Ito. 2-299t Lmensed by the 01:13qu Government CLEANING woman required. experienced I d a y w e e k ly. Kxngsway - Kipling area. BE I-4648. QUEENSWAY -- Switchboard-' Receptionist - Typrst with ac- counts receivable experience Young woman Mrs- Nancy Thompson after 5. 233-3383 WOMAN will mmd children, Evenings only 255-4966. BOOKKEEPER - accountant de- sires pan-lune position, 10 to 4 pm fivr days per week or hours to be alranged. Fully quallfied In thr, trottstruc110n f: o l d 20' wars Bookkeeping rxperlenre ou n vranspona- 37 - EMPLOYMENT WANTED SECRETARY. 9 years expen- once, stsleq oHire. desires per- manem position Queensuav area 259-7433 after 5:30 general cleaning m private homes. offices or «hops In West Toronto and Islington a ran. Call Miss Benny National Em. pioyment Office, RO, 3-36llv CLEANING women alternate Saturdays. 9 am - 2 pm We." DI mm '6l Volkswagen Von Rebuilt motor, A-l condition. only 28,000 miles 5995 GEO. EBY AUTO SALES h 8 ply lures, rear duals 4 speed transmission. 9 foot body. 48" racks, steel floor. Vans - Panels -- Pmk-ups Stains "_-e Hour. Das or Year 19o9 CHEVROLET Stake, Fer- m: 38, G.V.W 10.000 700 x 18 " - TRICKS & TRAILERS 8211 $100 down. Jun Ireland, 259 hon Radius Kipling area. 244-0439 GEO, EBY AUTO SALES Lakeshore at Meadowood ('LARKSON - CR. 8-0761 wank urdev pm. fivr days per r hours to be arranged ualeied In the cons“ x01 d 20' years Bookk xperlence o w n vran. " - CAIS POI. SALE All makes and Models Weston - Rexdole 249-3277 Cleaning Woman DOWNTOWN J" TRUCKS nnd (A: trip for , or Sunda 271 Front E, 3644456 CARS MAPLE AX. 5-5501 TRUCKS In: tranc- CH. 1-8149 " imam mum. pm. time l work - 8rd elm engineer's ‘ tisrketucE has“. "___ m--- _ _ DAILY homework wanted. Midland Woods Ind Well I”), get Miab-M‘ WOMAN with Singer '00 Zig. 2re would like home sew/mg, nylons. etc. CL. 5-6541 " - FEMALE HELP WANTED WOMAN who can drive - It you would enjoy working 3 ur 4 hours a day calling regular- Ey each month on a group of Studio Girl Cosmetic clients on a route to be established in and around Etobicoke and are willing to make light deliv- eries. em. write Studio Girl Cosmetics, Dept, CW-42, 840 LaFleur Ave., Montreal 32. Route will pay up to $5.00 per hour. H - "ePLorMWN WANTED Part-timeCashiers WOMAN EXPERIENCED Pd Apply to R preteiably with experience In accounts receivable, Hours 9 to 4:30, Monday - Friday. Required by financial com- pany in Port Credit for a per- manent and interesting posi- tlon S a l a r y commensurate with ability and experience. also medical. hospital and pen- snon benefits. Small modern office convenient to public transportation. This could lead to a lespon- sible position. Please phone for appointment. For Service Department. Pre- fer shorthand: dictaphone es- sential. Usual fringe benefits Applv :n person: 1350 The Queensway required fur genera; office du- ttes. Mm: have shorthand ex- perience. Good starting rate tor right person. Apply Personnel Office Challenging Position Experience given priority. Re- ceptionist also employed Brown's Line. We have several openings for mpture married women. pre- ferrably with supermarket cashier experience. Up to 24 hours per week may be worked in pleasant sur- roundings in order to supple- ment the family income. ‘Clerk Typist COMPTOMETEB OPERATORS Are In Demand Tram at day or mam whom INDEPENDENT FINANCE CORP. LTD. INTER - CI'TY TRUCK LINES LIMITED For th 89K wages, Apply directly to store manager MR, F. ECKHARDT AT SUPERMARKET 300 lslmgton Ave WAITRESS 277-941 I DENTAL ASSISTANT for modern Etothcoke othre Appfy Personnel Department Power "ttermarhetn t39a3tt Steinberg's Ltd. Experienced. Partime for Atrr Toronto store. Phone 924-115? preferably after 7 pan. Experienced Executive 430 No Take a refresher course Phone or write for further information Biommm: Bl'slNESs COLLEGE “‘37 Dundas St. w. Young Lady 1500 Dundas Highway (eart of Dane Rd.) COMPTOMETER OPERATOR 103 Lakeshore Rd. E Port Credit accounlmg' department BOOKKEEPER 380 R SECRETARY Secretary CL. 9-768l L. G. Crosier Princv Ed“ and TYPIST CL. 9-9254 CL 10561 Female 7 blocks can CL. 9-60” REQUIRE 274-2358 BE. I-MTI 01.5 l, m enmgx, good mum‘s“ will] "york leaur York Rd cr, n- rlonmnl 6 m Call CL l. hemeen 2 und OUR GIRLS wanted for general work,, " I Apply lo Mr Bullock. Seeley' Svstems of Canada Ltd, 32 NEEDED now Mendota Rd, Toronto H. ambition to NEED extra money? Supply Stu, dm Girl Cosmenn In yum nmzhborhood Phone CH 4 9583. Rec, _ $65 up Payroll Personnel 7 $60-$70 Girl Friday _ ", $75 Dicta, some shorthand $60 Comptometer Op. _ $60-$65 Clerk Typists .. Fr- _ $55-$60 Cost Clerk . _ $50-$55 Man Boys (male) (3) _ $40 Ex Secretary Fr _ Tr T Secretaries T 'F_P_..r. Steno (Queensway) Sumo. (Cooksvilley Bookkeeper, Accts. VI UM; I CI )UIIIICI LIU. . . Peel Memorial Hospital Specialists in 0Hice Personnel l REQUIRES Psmemenh m .. SUPERVISOR FOR WESTON -- CLARKS0N - EI‘OBICOKE _ mum; - OPERATING ROOM COOKSVILLE - REXDALE GENERAL DUTY _ __ Call Mrs. Hun'"r 251-3331 STAFF NURSES Preferably with shorthand For transport company, near Constellation Hotel. Rexdale. Immediate opening. PHONE J. A. BROWN Women. 3 hours per night. Brown's Line - Homer Ave. district. " per hour, Phone HO. 3-0573 or apply Box 21. The Advertiser. 2980 Lake Shore Blvd, W. East End Office - 1884A Eglinton E. (Golden Mile) Evening Interviews Arranged No Charge to Applicants Experienced in general office routine, Dictaphone and short- hand North Queen St, and Hwy. 27. Permanent position. Modern office Employee bene. fits required to operate small ma» chine in tape printing plant. Good waxes and working con» ditions. Must be neat and alert. No objection to married woman. For further details phone CL. 5-092L We have an Immediate opening for an experienced bonkkeep mg nuchme operator. preferably with experience on a Bur Inugh’t Sensimatic Machine Excrlloni workme condition, muth full employee honthx Please submxl written Application to 124 - 40th St. Long Branch No Charge to Applicant - Evening interviews Arranged Elite Personnel Positions Close to Home Apply R A, WHITE Cincinnati _ Churrhill Ltd, 122 North Queen St. OFFICE CLEANERS Positions tor _ sliCRE’l‘ABIES. sTENOGRAPHERs, BOOKKEEPERS. \"HINE OPERATORS, CLERKS a CLERK TYPISTS etc 736 The Queensway Conveniently located at Royal York Stenographer YOUNG WOMAN Clerk Typist Dorothy Tyer; Staff Sefvices CanadianAdmwaI GILL. TRANSPORT 677-4221 mu In! UAW” - "MALI In) Imp: 2489 Bloor at Jane . STINOGIAPHIBS . TYPISTS [ C BOOKIEEPING MACHINE OPERATORS . COMHOMETEB OPERATORS REXDALE PLAZA ‘TwOIAIY omen “up noun": REXDALE - WESTON - ISLINGTON FINCH - SHEPPARD - CALEDONIA g n? (”armada Ltd 32 NEEDED My,“ Wumm “am A Rd Trnrur,. " ammnm. lrT Pam mum“, (Mad ha THHTH'W" SHOP“ S: r" HHHT‘IH part In “I” 1m"! Our 1' l‘mrrr‘m Ill Ytr[i1 HK'PR Cr', Aidrnwnwd 1Tr'n (lr/th' nmmd P'wm LH ' PEer WA 2-6255 frn appnml- mom E . d Bookkeep'ng Machine Operator 255-8528 Drake Personnel Ltd. .. 233-3216 PERSONNEL DEPT Board of Education for the Township of Etoblcoke 54p Burnhomthorpe Rd, Etobvcoka NO CHARGE TO APPLICANTS Permanent & Part-time OFFICE HELP WANTED MUTUAL PLACEMENT Agency & Consultants No Charge To Applicants Members A.P.P.A.C West End $75-$80 ,. $65 T _ S65 $65 249-9141 Jr, Office Clerk open 5503 Min 1siietgtorl s. BE. 3-1163 week NORTH-WEST [ Rus Switchboard 0p. "'C" _ $65 V Asssst, Bookkeeper _.NF. 'rr $70 Accts. Receivable Clerk _ $65 Shorthand Steno. -rFN $60-$65 Girl Fridays (2) .. ., __.. open Jr. Clerk Typist $225 plus Cost Clerk v» .rv . T $55 Sr. Clerk Typist, Manon, with shorthand _ F open Secretary with shorthand (Melton) T 7 open Jr Clerk with knowledge of typing, Rexdale $45-$50 1415 Laurence W. tat Keele) MI-M" We Urgently Require Experienced Office Personnel For Temporary Assignments. Evening Interviews at Both Offices by Appointment, Secretary Sr. Stenographer Supreme Ollie: Services WEST We have a permanent vacan- cy in out Engineering Dept. for a Senior Stenographer who " fully competent in shorthand and typing. The work is varied and interest. mg. The company has a full range ot benefits and cafe- teria, STARTING SALARY 865.15 With Incremes to $78AO vequir- ed by Metropolitan Toronto for office in Rexdale area, minimum of 2 years clerical experience & typing of 55 words per minute & shorthand of 100 words per minute. pre- lerrahly between 25-35 years of are Permanent position 35 hours per week. excellent fringe benefits, Apply Person- nel Office 387 Bloor E. I-T-E CIRCUIT BREAKER (CANADA) LTD. 2401 IMXTE no. PORT CREDIT 277-0333 924-744] RO 3-2241 3.0.5 Steno A F.P.A.C. Member Male competent in typing. The and interest. ny has a full its and cafe- $65 plus requires female dirk with proven clerical cxpeutnce to undertake clerical typing and general office dunes. Good working conditions and benefit; Apply rum-cl ome. 501 hie-hon " . Port Credit - ill-5“] New wage rates in effect April lst 1964, Basic $335 to maxi. mum $402 mthly, tor register- ed nurses. Previous nursing experience considered when settmg salary, Fringe benefits m accordance with regional area. EXPERIENPED to prepare typewritten sales invoice from hand wrrtten work order, Modern otticc. Good benefits. 5 day, 35 hour Humberview Motors Ltd 3200 Bloor St. Wert . BE. 1.2235 Fully Experienced Only COOKSVILLE Experienced Bookkeeping Machine Operator Part time help lccemed. Bright. pleasant working con- ditions, F'ull employee benc- fits. Top rates of, pay. Count: Mr. Gray APPLY CLOVERLEAF HOTEL Female Division Sr Clerk Typist. Dixie Ms chla 'Iyptst, Lakeshon W, m Typist Receptionist 27 Hwy. V m; V F_rr» Clerk Typist, Mimico (Fr) Male Division Bank Accountants, c1ty areas l Bank Managers. City areas I Intermediate Bookkeeper. Rexdale V General Office Clerk, Queensway 870 Jr Bookkeeper, Rexdale 865 Clprk Typist. Malton $55 NO FEE TO APPLICANT Billing Machine Operator Russel-Hipwell Engines Ltd. 150 North Queen M. at Hwy. ST BE. 9-8181 LOCAL ASSOCIATION vscumty Rural York - Queens- wa‘ wishrs to build, up list of ladies familiar with office work wrshing to work several hours per day from time to ume Typing essential. 922-1165 ' 925-4751 27 moon E., Room zoo tor one girl office Good typ- mu and some M1ru'Ntrtd for nvw food plant Phone - "MALI I!" WANTED Dominion Bridge Co. Ltd 1546 Dundas Hwy. East Cooksville ‘(PERIENPED \almlach wani- ed for (smith ,noHung More, Long Branch am. CL, 1-740]. 619 Evans Ave., Tor. M. Apply Director of Nursing Peel Memorial Hospital Brampton Top wages and benefits Transportation allowance provided Stenographer Invoice Typist The Advertiser 29M lake More Blvd. W. Toronto " Mr. Carter or Mr. West Phone 279-5140 Waitresses Perma-Time Placements Waitresses Burroughs Machine Corp. ltd. Evening Interview: by Appointment Gid Friday Intermediate 277-3419 255-0167 BOX 25 855 '"

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