H ' CLASSIFIED CASH RATES M12 Minimum - or " ....-........ Each additional ttttora.......... se. We Boston plum submit chum-d ads in wining. Wa cannot tte respond» for qrror' in "banana tranxcrlptions. _ Coming Events. Notices, Births, Engaoam ts, woddinga. Danna. Cards of gay; in Mamovlams. no, up tif 20 words $2.00 minimum charge. Sc. aacn additional word. PLEASE NOTE: Bott "alias forwarded to out-ol-town address“ only. Box chant 50c. CASH RATES apply if ad paid with order. " cash rah not applicable add 25c. to above gun s-ummy wanking column inch. Ctassifhd copy deadline 12:30 noon Wednesday. To hove a professional Ad Sale person help you with your Ad... 241-5211 NORTH ’PARK Nursing Home, Ltd., licensed, spamming in nursing care service, Both private and semi-private .quarters. The warm friendliness of this spacious early Canadian home stimulates a reassuring and comforting outlook for newcomers. hence a happy, contentment for both present and new resi’tlents. Registered nursing. continuous competent attendance and doctoring mice: on call, our prime consideration and qualifications. 450 Rustic Rd., Toronto 15, otttttrituRf7z9s82. Rivorsido Cemetery and Cromnioriun 4a. Cemetery Lots Modern Nursing Homo has vacancy. ‘nspectlon lnvltod. 2443171. Second or third mom†loans avallable. Confidential arrangements made In your 19. Mortgages 15a. Nursing Homes 29 your: curving Toronto and district as Real Est-to Broken me: In mono-gs loans 20. Money to Loan and Wanted um & DIM 742-1232 MAG! [OMS AT LAWRENCE- WESTON RD. _ SAMEDAY OnYowOwnW" tgotgangtatmSeea"ttv I'Vouc-nMnIn-Momhw 9"meme Lawrence Ave- Royal York Rd. DON FINANCE $50 - $5000 Arranged By Phone CALL w. a. PETERS, Mr. CH 1-0861 CH 7-5438 Don Finance Co. Ltd. MONEY for " words AT $1.00 $2.52 Large custom built brick bungalow, attached garage, on quiet crescent, loaded with extras. Expensively t1nished rec. room with stone fireplace, 2 bathrooms. Can be bought at the right price If you have a good down payment. Call Mr. Scott 851-1143 HERB SILLS LTD. REALTORS -rii"iiiljffii)"lr)'.lj)).lft Living room with natural I room, 2 bedrooms. Come possession. 26. Apartments for Rent 4 WEEKS FREE REIT Across from Little Bros. Prestige Luxury 1 & 2 bedrooms. “AWFUL“ uuoscntn ruvcuouuo FOR canon-u mummy“: POOL unoencnowo PARKING in- 'une. Immediate Occupancy 63 142-8833 Featuring - SWIMMING POOL SAUNA BATH SUN DECK GYMNASIUM thitittiiliig Oakdale Golf Course Lam lxccmlvo Townhousu 3 MO 4 BEDROOMS RE!" FROM $210 ASTORIA TOWERS Hydro & Drapes included. Extra large balconies. Colored stoves & frig's. Mail delivered to door. Rut entrance to Humber Park. Visitor parking. Move right in Owner has bought WESTWAY {Emma AVENUE w. 2240 Weston Rd. 249 - 2941 243-2443 $4,000 Down, 1'ay.mytrP1llilt?, OR all Mrs. M. Ross 487-3333 briék fireplaée, {operate dining , see --Then buy. Immediate ATTRACTIVE furnished 2nd floor suite living room, kitchenette, bedroom and Bathroom. Suitable for teachers, nurses or business couple. Parking and TN. outlet lacllltles, reasonable. Call 241-7786. SCARLETT RD. - Bachelor apartment over store. 244-8995 or 247-8869. 26. Apartments for Rent " block out of lair-man) BOLTON - modern 3 bedroom brick bungalow. garage, dryer, drapes near plaza |and schools. Avallablo Immediately. 749-3675. large Suites 'W' I VII. ' u .- "ft-K" .‘a, or on 0min. W D" Phone 249-1774 rtfN Finch - Islington 50 Pearldale Ave WESTON. --_Fur1t1ttrd. '89†27. Houses to rent NOW REN'I'ING 28. Rooms to Rent 35. Articles for 1-2-3 Bedrooms and Shopping Reasonable Rent Close to T.T.C. 749-0522 241-9175 am “in! . TO BURN Minn! a Call GUARANTEED In! at new You: and CiCC@E AGUSTIS 9 roof! home . Spanish Bedroom suite. 4 seater French Provincial Chesterfield and chair, matchlng coffee table and tablets. Twin pair marble tables, palr of velvet chairs, one drum, receptabie marble top table, Queen Anne marble table; pair crystal lamps, one imported crystal lamp, odd lamps, odd chairs, toyer chandelier hail and dining room, carved antique gold mirror, one 4 ft. marble pedestal. 9 piece dining room suite, one living conversation desk, several oil paintings, one 6 ft. long Spanish stereo, 9 piece Spanish style black leather for den or family room, 2 T.V.s. one colored: drapes, continental beds, two 9 x 12 rugs, snow blower. Other innumerable household articles. Most items less than 15 months old. A BETTER DEAL , Don't sell at less. Exchange yoyr unwanted appliances for furniture at Macey's 1111 Weston Road _.- 811 Brown's Line, 9-9 RO.6-6137. ' Ma. Articles Wanted, Adorable puppies, large and small, various breeds, innoculatod. 889-7934. 41 . Pet Stock 45. Help Wtd. Male & Female ELECTRONIC ENGINEER - To work with soUd stun circuitry. Madical and industrial equipment Instrumentation. A.P.E.O. prafarrad. Must have axporience in solid state, but Canadian oxperlanca not manual. $9,000 to $12,000 pervear. SALESMAN - Salesman for ll r go porrrocerutictst manufacluror to toll prescription Items to doctors, phlrmoclm and hawk-II. Salary and commlulon, with all oxponm bald. Should have proven "In chkground. T h roe your: u nlvorultv preferred. 487-8198 PHONE 247-8281 - Mt FEE EMPLOYMENT ttMNtttttNPff FIRST " ATTENDANT -mlilE KEEPER Required by industrial plant m Etobicoke for permanent afternoon shift. Must have valid St. John Ambulance certificate and own transportation. Good position for older man with partial pension. J . mm Illltilirlllltt mm WELDER - To do helium and stick cleared. welding. Must be Li, cxporloncod and have C.W.8. card. PORTERS - Several opening exist for janitorial work In the Rexdale, Wmon and Downsvlaw areas. Floor cleaning, dustlng, cleanlng washroomt, etc. Mun be bendable. SECURITY GUARDS - Bondublo, mnuro adults roqulrod to perform amoral dude. of murky guard. Mun have good work rocord. Department of Manpower and Immigration Monday to Friday 9 mm. to 5 p.m. 1736 Weston Rd. For Interview Appointment Phone 677-2700, ext. 105 . --stttgtirY GUARDS PRIVATE INVESTIGATORS S.I.S. PROTECTION COMPANY 737 CHURCH ST. TORONTO 5 T __ AT YOUR LOCAL WESTON Experienced or Inexperienced Full or Part Time For Metro Toronto Area Apply in Person Only TO APPLICANT on EMPLOYER 45. Help Wtd. Male & Female REQUIRED COPYWRITER - Exponent opportunity for fully experienced copy writer. Required for fashion advertising by large retail dry goods retell outut. Retell experience preferred.' $7,000 to $9,000 per veer. COUNTER GIRL " No experience necessary for girl to work m lerge cafeurle; settlng up counter but no preparethn of food. GENERAL OFFICE CLERK - Processing bill: of lcdlng, punch orders, checking records and other generel dun“. Should heve corn. oonerel office experlcnce. 247